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This paper examines the role of affective landscapes in the formation of attendees’ experiences at a re‐provisioned, integrated sexual and reproductive healthcare facility. The ‘One‐Stop Shop’ (OSS) is an example of the organisational shift towards integrated services occurring across the UK, bringing together in one clinic the historically discreet services of genitourinary medicine, HIV medicine and Family Planning. An ethnographically‐informed study of new spaces of care and changed organisation, this paper focuses on the experiences of 29 attendees as they made their way along the clinic's care pathways. Drawing on concepts of affect and atmosphere to augment the analytic lens of ‘therapeutic landscapes’, this paper demonstrates how various spaces of the clinic influenced attendees’ experiences. A cramped, featureless ‘holding pen’, the foyer served to exacerbate pre‐existing anxieties while creating new fears. The main waiting room, an organisational sorting space, both soothed and aggravated attendees’ concerns. Serving as an architectural feature to connect the old Victorian hospital with the new clinical extension, the atrium was experienced as a space to breathe, with an affective atmosphere that challenged the assumed unpleasantness of sexual health clinics. This paper demonstrates how affective landscapes of the clinic shape attendee experiences in a novel setting.  相似文献   

Assessment of ‘Cold Sterilog Glutaraldehyde Monitor’   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A new monitor, used in conjunction with an ultraviolet spectrophotometric difference method to determine glutaraldehyde concentration was tested with 2% alkaline solutions of varying concentrations and pH. Glutaraldehyde solutions with a concentration below 1.6% were rejected by the monitor, which reflected deterioration of glutaraldehyde quite closely, but failed to yield satisfactory results with fresh 2% alkaline solutions.  相似文献   

In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the sustainable development goals (SDGs) to address among others poverty and inequality within and among countries of the world. In particular, the SDGs aim at ameliorating the position of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in societies. One of the over-arching goals of the SDGs is to ensure that no one is left behind in the realisation of their access to health care. African governments are obligated under international and regional human rights law to ensure access to healthcare services for everyone, including indigenous populations, on a non-discriminatory basis. This requires the governments to adopt appropriate measures that will remove barriers to healthcare services for disadvantaged and marginalised groups such as indigenous peoples.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the increasing international salience of homelessness can be partially explained by reference to the revanchist thesis (involving processes of coerced exclusion and abjection), but the situation on the ground is more complex. It reports on interviews with 18 representatives of 11 homelessness service providers in one city in England. As Cloke et al. found, these providers tended to be either larger, more ‘professional’, ‘insider’ services or smaller, more ‘amateur’, ‘outsider’ services. However, this does not mean that the former were necessarily more revanchist and the latter less so. Rather, the actions of both types of organisation could, in some cases, be construed as both advancing and counteracting a revanchist project.  相似文献   

Social care funding is reducing in spite of a growing older population. Within this context, domiciliary services are increasingly failing to deliver care that respects the individuality and heterogeneity of older people. To date, there has been limited research in the U.K. that explores, from the older person's perspective, how care practices interact with self. Using biographical‐narrative methodology, this study takes a constructionist approach to understand the individual's lived experience of care and how it interacts with sense of self. A three‐stage model of data collection was used, beginning with a narrative biographic enquiry, exploring with participants (65 yrs +, n = 17) their journeys into care and any possible relationship to personal identity. Stage 2 involved a two‐week period of diary completion, with participants recording daily reflections on their care experiences. In stage 3, a semi‐structured interview explored the diary entries, linking back to the narrative biographic enquiry to reveal ways in which specific care practices interacted with the sense of self. The findings reveal that a strong relationship between older person and formal carer, forged through familiarity, regularity and consistency, plays a significant role in promoting feelings of autonomy. Furthermore, such relationship mediates against the loss of executional autonomy that often accompanies increasing disability. Maintaining autonomy and control was a recurring theme, including in relation to home, privacy and dignity. Feelings of autonomy are also promoted when formal carers understand the unique ways in which individuals experience ageing and being in the cared‐for relationship. This paper suggests that a care approach should be based on two tenets. First, a knowledge and insight into the importance of understanding and respecting the older person's continuing development of self, and second applying this knowledge to care through a positive, stable and consistent relationship between the older person and the carer.  相似文献   

It is now commonly realized that the globalization of the world economy is shaping the patterns of global health, and that associated morbidity and mortality is affecting countries' ability to achieve economic growth. The globalization of public health has important implications for access to essential healthcare. The rise of inequalities among and within countries negatively affects access to healthcare. Poor people use healthcare services less frequently when sick than do the rich. The negative impact of globalization on access to healthcare is particularly well demonstrated in countries of transitional economies. No longer protected by a centralized health sector that provided free universal access to services for everyone, large segments of the populations in the transition period found themselves denied even the most basic medical services. Only countries where regulatory institutions are strong, domestic markets are competitive and social safety nets are in place, have a good chance to enjoy the health benefits of globalization.  相似文献   

Two operating teams (25 persons) were followed for two months with fingerprint samples taken preoperatively; before and after ‘in-use’ surgical handwashing; and immediately postoperatively, with and without surgical gloves. The mean time for handwashing for the cardiothoracic team (CT) was 2 min and for the orthopaedic team (OT) was 3·5 min. A closer observation of 10 persons revealed a great individual variation in washing techniques, in spite of standard guidelines. The CT team performed eight, and the OT team nine sterile operations with an average duration of 3 h and 20 min and 2 h and 40 min, respectively. Surgical handwashing resulted in fingertip sterility in 111/118 (94·1%) cases; in 61/66 (92·4%) samples from the surgeons and in 50/52 (96·2%) samples from the assistants. Postoperative fingerprinting with gloves on showed sterile conditions in 85/91 (93·4%) samples; 57/59 (96·6%) from the surgeons and 28/32 (87·5%) from the assistants. Immediately after removal of the gloves, 43/67 (64·2%) of fingerprint samples from the surgeons and 13/48 (27·1%) from the assistants were still sterile. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) and Bacillus species predominated in fingerprint samples. Of the 105 CNS strains tested, 11·4% were methicillin resistant. Only five strains of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated; in 4/5 cases from the OT. This study illustrates that in spite of standard guidelines, there is great individual variation in surgical handwashing. However, in most instances, the bacteria are eradicated from the fingertips. Even after surgery for 2–3 h, there may still be a residual effect of the hand disinfecting agent in half of the cases.  相似文献   

Sexually transmitted infection testing rates among young men remain low, and their disengagement from sexual health services has been linked to enactments of masculinity that prohibit or truncate discussions of sexual health. Understanding how men align with multiple masculinities is therefore important for tailoring interventions that appropriately respond to their needs. We draw on 32 in‐depth interviews with 15–24‐year‐old men to explore the discourses that facilitate or shut down sexual health communication with peers and sex partners. We employ a critical discourse analysis to explore how men’s conversations about sexual health are constituted by masculine hierarchies (such as the ways in which masculinities influence men’s ability to construct or challenge and contest dominant discourses about sexual health). Men’s conversations about sexual health focused primarily around their sexual encounters – something frequently referred to as ‘guy talk’. Also described were situations whereby participants employed a discourse of ‘manning up’ to (i) exert power over others with disregard for potential repercussions and (ii) deploy power to affirm and reify their own hyper‐masculine identities, while using their personal (masculine) power to help others (who are subordinate in the social ordering of men). By better understanding how masculine discourses are employed by men, their sexual health needs can be advanced.  相似文献   

As part of a mixed methods study on women's access to the healthcare system in Ontario, Canada, we undertook a qualitative meta‐synthesis to better understand the contextual conditions under which women access healthcare. An earlier phase of the synthesis demonstrated a series of factors that complicate women's access to healthcare in Ontario. Here, we consider women's agency in responding to these factors. We used meta‐study methods to synthesise findings from qualitative studies published between January 2002 and December 2010. Studies were identified by searches of numerous databases, including CINAHL, MEDLINE, Scopus, Gender Studies Database and LGBT Life. Inclusion criteria included use of a qualitative research design; published in a peer‐reviewed journal during the specified time period; included a sample at least partially recruited in Ontario; included distinct findings for women participants; and in English language. Studies were included in the final sample after appraisals using a qualitative research appraisal tool. We found that women utilised a spectrum of responses to forces limiting access to healthcare: mobilising financial, social and interpersonal resources; living out shortfalls by making do, doing without, and emotional self‐management; and avoiding illness and maintaining health. Across the studies, women described their efforts to overcome challenges to accessing healthcare. However, there were evident limits to women's agency and many of their strategies represented temporary measures rather than viable long‐term solutions. While women can be resourceful and resilient in overcoming access disparities, systemic problems still need to be addressed. Women need to be involved in designing and implementing interventions to improve access to healthcare, and to address the root problems of these issues.  相似文献   

An understanding of perceived barriers to health-care is critical to improving healthcare access for all Americans. To determine perceived barriers to health-care in an urban poor population in Dayton, Ohio, a face-to-face door-to-door survey of individuals identified through targeted, stratified, area probability sampling was done. A sample of 413 non-elderly poor adults, including 19% without telephones, reported personal relevance of various barriers to healthcare access. Most frequently endorsed barriers were lack of information about free or reduced-cost health-care, anticipated cost, and difficulty accessing child-care. Seventy-four per cent of respondents reported more than one barrier. Individuals without telephones and those without health insurance reported more barriers to health-care. Reported barriers were similar for working and non-working poor, except for transportation problems, more frequently reported by non-working respondents. This study provides important data on what poor people in a medically underserved community perceive to be barriers to accessing health-care and underscores the importance of including people without telephones in the study design. Respondents who did not have telephones were more likely to report multiple barriers, particularly problems with lack of information about free or discounted medical care, child-care, and transportation. These findings suggest the importance of door-to-door surveys rather than telephone surveys for getting accurate data on the poor.  相似文献   

We report findings on patients with stroke and carers experiences of the healthcare system in Scotland after stroke. These findings emerged from data collected in a primary qualitative study exploring patients with stroke and carers perception of a Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Clinic. Rich data emerged in relation to healthcare after stroke as experienced by both patients and carers, highlighting important clinically relevant messages and constituting an important area for dissemination. Thirteen patients with stroke and nine carers consented to participate. Data were collected using face‐to‐face semi‐structured interviews, undertaken in April and May 2007, and analysed using the framework of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). IPA aims to explore in depth the participants lived experiences of a specific phenomenon. An overarching theme of ‘After the stroke’ was identified. Within this, six sub‐themes emerged entitled, (1) ‘What is wrong?’; (2) ‘Help came quickly’; (3) ‘Something is still wrong’; (4) ‘In the hospital’; (5) ‘I’m taking them home’ and (6) ‘Back at home’. Interestingly, patients with stroke and carers recalled similar parts of the pathway through the healthcare system after stroke, resulting in the six chronological sub‐themes. The data highlighted issues surrounding recognition of stroke symptoms by both participants and professionals; expeditious admission to hospital and stroke unit; consultation during the discharge planning process and access to support and community follow up. Despite the availability of clinical guidelines to direct the management of stroke, this study suggests that the experiences of patients with stroke and carers do not always concur with guideline recommendations. These results highlight that such recommendations do not always transfer into clinical practice. Both clinicians and service managers should consider these issues when delivering care to patients after stroke.  相似文献   

Professional specialisation is broadly considered to result from increased complexity in professional knowledge and to be linked to specialist education, formalised credentials and registration. However, the degree of formal organisation may vary across professions. In healthcare, although medical specialisation is linked to rigorous selection criteria, formal training programmes and specialist registration, some forms of specialisation in the allied health professions are much less formal. Drawing on Weber’s concept of charismatic authority, the establishment of a specialist role in podiatry, the ‘diabetes specialist podiatrist’, in the absence of codified or credentialed authority, is explored. ‘Charismatic’ leaders in podiatry, having attracted a following of practitioners, were able to constitute a speciality area of practice in the absence of established career pathways and acquire a degree of legitimacy in the medical field of diabetology.  相似文献   

This paper presents Bayesian multivariate disease mapping and ecological regression models that take into account errors in covariates. Bayesian hierarchical formulations of multivariate disease models and covariate measurement models, with related methods of estimation and inference, are developed as an integral part of a Bayesian disability adjusted life years (DALYs) methodology for the analysis of multivariate disease or injury data and associated ecological risk factors and for small area DALYs estimation, inference, and mapping. The methodology facilitates the estimation of multivariate small area disease and injury rates and associated risk effects, evaluation of DALYs and ‘preventable’ DALYs, and identification of regions to which disease or injury prevention resources may be directed to reduce DALYs. The methodology interfaces and intersects the Bayesian disease mapping methodology and the global burden of disease framework such that the impact of disease, injury, and risk factors on population health may be evaluated to inform community health, health needs, and priority considerations for disease and injury prevention. A burden of injury study on road traffic accidents in local health areas in British Columbia, Canada, is presented as an illustrative example. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this paper is to examine how 'race' and racialization operate in health care. To do so, we draw upon data from an ethnographic study that examines the complex issues surrounding health care access for Aboriginal people in an urban center in Canada. In our analysis, we strategically locate our critical examination of racialization in the 'tension of difference' between two emerging themes, namely the health care rhetoric of 'treating everyone the same,' and the perception among many Aboriginal patients that they were 'being treated differently' by health care providers because of their identity as Aboriginal people, and because of their low socio-economic status. Contrary to the prevailing discourse of egalitarianism that paints health care and other major institutions as discrimination-free, we argue that 'race' matters in health care as it intersects with other social categories including class, substance use, and history to organize inequitable access to health and health care for marginalized populations. Specifically, we illustrate how the ideological process of racialization can shape the ways that health care providers 'read' and interact with Aboriginal patients, and how some Aboriginal patients avoid seeking health care based on their expectation of being treated differently. We conclude by urging those of us in positions of influence in health care, including doctors and nurses, to critically reflect upon our own positionality and how we might be complicit in perpetuating social inequities by avoiding a critical discussion of racialization.  相似文献   

This analysis challenges a tendency in public health and the social sciences to associate India's medical pluralism with a distinction between biomedicine, as a homogeneous entity, and its non‐biomedical ‘others’. We argue that this overdrawn dichotomy obscures the important part played by ‘informal’ biomedical practice, an issue with salience well beyond India. Based on a qualitative study in rural Andhra Pradesh, South India, we focus on a figure little discussed in the academic literature – the Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP) – who occupies a niche in the medical market‐place as an informal exponent of biomedical treatment. We explore the significance of these practitioners by tracking diagnosis and treatment of one increasingly prominent medical ‘condition’, namely diabetes. The RMP, who despite the title is rarely registered, sheds light on the supposed formal‐informal sector divide in India's healthcare system, and its permeability in practice. We develop our analysis by contrasting two distinctive conceptualisations of ‘informality’ in relation to the state in India – one Sarah Pinto's, the other Ananya Roy's.  相似文献   

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