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Community ophthalmology requires a comprehensive approach for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of all eye diseases like vitamin A deficiency, trachoma, measles, diabetic retinopathy, refractive errors, etc. Community ophthalmology is based on the principles of primary health care approach. Equitable distribution, community involvement, focus on prevention, appropriate technology and multisectorial approach are to name a few in primary health care approach. In India, National Programme for Trachoma Control was launched in 1963 and National Programme for Control of Blindness was launched in 1976. Prevention of blindness was included in 20-point plan in early 1980s. Increase in blindness was reassessed in 1986-89 and the strategy was changed. World Bank came to help in planning 11 million cataract operations in 7 years in 7 States where there was the highest prevalence of cataract. Departments of community ophthalmology have recently been developed in several institutions. If the problem of blindness is to be solved, extension of community-based approach including all strata of society is the need of the hour.  相似文献   

Community ophthalmology is as important as practice of clinical ophthalmology. Community ophthalmology deals the part of ophthalmology which is meant for identifying common causes of ocular morbidity in different regions, assessing the needs of the population, selecting appropriate intervention strategies, planning education programmes and analysing the utilisation patterns. Community ophthalmology denotes the use of appropriate strategies to reduce the burden of eye diseases in the community and the consequences of ocular ill health, while striving to ensure the best possible ocular health status for a major proportion of the community. Community-based services do not mean that institutional care is being downgraded. Institutions will always be central to the success of community-directed programme. The rational for practising community ophthalmology has been pointed in the text portion.  相似文献   

The implementation of modernizing medical careers (MMC) has resulted in some specialties being allocated very inexperienced trainees such as ophthalmology. We aim to describe the process of implementation of MMC and how it may affect the service provision in smaller specialities such as ophthalmology. A methodical approach in a district hospital setting was used to provide early core training to such trainees involving managerial support. The quality of service provided by newer trainees can be enhanced by providing early structured training during induction to create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and continued learning. This example can be used in other units and specialties.  相似文献   

分别从应用多媒体技术开发眼科临床教学课件和信息化技术构建网络化眼科临床教学互动平台两个方面,探讨眼科教学改革新方法,并逐步形成眼科教学的新模式,论述多媒体信息化技术在眼科教学中的作用。  相似文献   

Community volunteers (CVs) along with NGOs and private sector can play an important role in successful directly observed treatment (DOT), an important element of RNTCP. The involvement of CVs can be useful in areas with poor health structure. CVs can be recruited from housewives to chowkiders in all walks of life. Many studies have shown non-health workers have performed better supervision than health workers. Successful involvement of CVs in the RNTCP depends on supervision and the standard of quality of services set by the district programme.  相似文献   

2005-2007年我国7种眼科学期刊引文分析与比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2005—2007年《中华眼科杂志》、《中华眼底病杂志》、《中国实用眼科杂志》、《眼科研究》、《眼科新进展》、《眼视光学杂志》和《眼外伤职业眼病杂志》7种眼科学期刊论文的参考文献进行文献计量学分析和综合评价,探讨其编辑质量和论文的学术水平,为进一步提高我国眼科学的期刊质量和促进眼科学的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:探讨优化组合式教学法在五官科教学中的作用。方法:将2008级临床医学4个教学班随机分成2组。1组采用优化组合式教学法教学,另1组采用传统式教学法教学,期末以问卷调查方式和考试成绩评估教学效果,并对数据进行X^2检验。结果:问卷调查7项指标1组都明显好于2组(P均〈0.01);期末考试75分以上成绩,1组显著多于2组(尸〈0.01),总及格率,1组也明显较2组高(P〈0.05)。结论:优化组合式教学法不仅能活跃课堂教学气氛,增强师生教学互动,而且还有利于培养学生自学能力,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

从就业情况谈眼视光学本科教育及行业发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的通过对眼视光学本科学生毕业半年后的问卷调查,分析其目前就业状况,并对我国眼视光学本科教育与行业发展提出建议。方法采用自编的问卷调查表,对我院2007届35名五年制本科(医学学位)毕业生进行问卷调查,内容包括目前从事工作种类、读书期间与工作后对视光教育及行业的看法及对国内视光前景的预期。结果35名毕业生中有34人仍对视光感兴趣,29人认为视光在中国越来越受重视;选择眼科临床工作的10人中,有9人是因为不愿放弃医师资格和亲友对从事视光的反对。结论目前四年制(理学学位)眼视光学本科教育模式更有利于解决我国高学历眼视光专业人才缺乏的现状;同时,完善国内视光师注册法规、规范国内视光行业秩序、加强视光市场的监督管理工作,为高学历视光执业人才提供良好的工作环境也是一项重要的工作。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析45例老年人伴眼部症状的缺血性卒中患者OCSP临床分型(英国牛津郡社区脑卒中项目,Oxford Community Stroke Project,OCSP)、视力、视野、眼底改变,以找出其发病特点.方法:45例病人均来源于广州医学院第二附属医院神经内科经住院最后确诊者,全部行视力、视野、眼底检查并作详细记录.结果:本组患者中OCSP分型以后循环卒中居多,占64.4%,视力减退为69.7%,视野缺损为双眼视野改变,眼底病变中高血压视网膜病变、萎缩型老年性黄斑变性,糖尿病视网膜病变分别为63.6%、40.9%和27.2%.结论:高血压视网膜病变、萎缩型老年性黄斑变性,糖尿病视网膜病变为老年人主要眼病,对本组缺血性卒中患者早期发现这些眼部病变,采取相应干预措施是十分重要的.  相似文献   

Community involvement implies conscientious citizen engagement, not as passive recipients but active contributors. Insufficient understanding of concepts of health outcome in a socioeconomic deprived context with unemployment'as a major feature was identified as a hindrance to intervention. This communication gives a report of a "visual starter" used as a cognitive instrument for qualitative research on concepts of joblessness and health. Health education and behavioral change efforts are often insufficient in reaching empowerment on individual or community levels. It is suggested that understanding different categories of thinking using a phenomenographic method could contribute to strategies for community involvement. The "visual starter" uses pictures to introduce the theme as well as for associative purposes in the interview.  相似文献   

目的:汲取外语“集体教学法”的有益成份,增强大学英语课堂凝聚力,提高教学质量。方法:利用任教的两个班进行两年的实验。一个班为实验班,另一个班为对照班。结果:实验班在课堂气氛,学生课堂参与积极性和四级统考成绩方面均优于对照班。结论:运用国外教学理论,结合中国学生具体实际的路子是可行的,值得进一步探索和实践。  相似文献   

Ophthalmology in China has developed in three successive phases. From the arrival of Dr. Peter Parker in Canton one hundred years ago v.ntil the last two dccades, cmphasis was laid on the curative phase of ophthalmology. Within the last two decades, earlier efforts in oph- thalmic research have been coorclinated and some notable research work on ophthalmic probIems has been done. Although various pro- bIems in ophthalmology have been considered from the public health viewpoint, it is only recently that the preventive phase of oph- thahnology has attracted the attention that it merits. '' The pro- gressive development of ophthalmology in China depends on a pro- gram in which the curative, the research and the public health phases of ophthalmology are maintained in proper oalance. It is therefore an opportune time to draw attention to their interdependence and to point out the need for their coordinated development.  相似文献   

温州医学院眼视光教学实验平台的特色之一在于有机融合眼科学和视光学知识,充分利用学科优势积聚各类社会资源建设教学实验平台,实现实验教学理念和方法的创新。借助特色学科的教学实验平台优势,带动临床医学专业眼科学实验教学的进步,对医学实验教学改革和创新做出了积极的示范。以面向临床医学专业学生开设眼科学实验教学情况为例,提出如何借助优势学科的特色和特点,推进临床实验教学理念转变和教学水平的提高。  相似文献   

冯萧萧 《医学综述》2014,20(20):3665-3667
羊膜因其独特的组织结构及免疫特点,在眼科领域中发挥了重要作用,是治疗眼科疾病较为常用的材料。随着羊膜在细胞培养及组织工程中应用的进一步研究及对羊膜各种活性成分发挥生物学效应和调控途径的研究,羊膜手术在眼科的临床使用、技术方法等方面得到了极大的丰富和拓展,羊膜的生物学改良技术也逐渐得到进一步的完善。该文就羊膜在眼科领域的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

五轮学说渊源于《黄帝内经》,经过历代医家的总结和积累而不断完善。它运用中医脏象、阴阳五行等学说,结合古代解剖学形成了眼科五轮的独特脏轮配属关系,再通过辨证来指导眼科临床,值得后世学者深入研究和继续发展。本文探讨了眼科五轮学说的起源、发展、临床应用及其局限性,为中医眼科学的五轮学说未来发展提出自己的见解。  相似文献   

目的将动物眼球引入眼科住院医师的近视眼手术培训中。方法通过在动物眼球上反复练习,熟练掌握仪器设备的使用方法,以及近视眼手术的操作步骤。结果缩短了眼科住院医师的近视眼手术学习曲线,培养和提高了住院医师的动手能力,获得了良好的教学效果和教学质量。结论动物眼球在眼科住院医师的近视眼手术培训中是一种非常有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

基于HIS的眼科诊疗质量信息系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的传统的眼科诊疗质量管理与控制体系已不能很好满足眼科医院业务不断发展的需要.为了充分发挥新管理模式的优势,提高眼科诊疗质量管理的效率,利用计算机技术模拟眼科诊疗质量的控制流程,从而提高眼科的诊疗质量.方法本文设计了一种基于医院信息系统(hospital information system,HIS)的眼科网络办公自动化信息系统,系统建立在Browser/Server/Database三层构架之上,采用ASP.NET技术开发、模块化设计.结果实现眼科诊疗信息资源共享、查询等功能和眼科科室管理功能,并且支持大型数据库,实现眼科诊疗质量控制管理功能.结论通过投入试用发现,本系统能有效地改进眼科质量管理模式,提高眼科的诊疗服务质量.  相似文献   

医学教育就是精英教育,随着社会进步与卫生需求的提高,对眼科专业人才所需专业知识、能力、素质的要求也越来越高。眼科学是临床医学的重要组成部分,由于本学科学时少概念多,内容抽象,专业性强,学生学起来比较困难,因此有必要对眼科学课程教学进行教学方法改革探索和实践,提高本课程的教学质量。为了保障针对相关专业学生的培养能达到预期,本文将首先针对现阶段眼科学教学中存在的问题进行分析,进而在此基础上确定眼科学课程的教学方法、教学内容、考核及实践方法等,为提高高等学校的优质医学人才培养质量起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

立体化眼科临床教学体系包括临床基本技能的培训、临床小科研的开展及对自己感兴趣的眼科前沿知识进行综述三个方面。其目的是增强学生的实践能力与创新能力、增强知识结构的完整性、提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

提高临床综合分析能力和掌握科学临床思维方法是眼科学专业学位研究生临床能力 培养的关键.首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院眼科学教研室根据眼科学专业学位研究生的特点,制定了切实可行的临床能力培养方案,即开展"入科培训",细化学习目标,坚持采用实际病例教学,强化鉴别诊断,定期组织病例讨论,重视眼科手术基本功训练,建立完善考核制度等,使眼科学专业学位研究生在较短的临床轮转中达到高年住院医师规范化培训后的水平.  相似文献   

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