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OBJECTIVE: Little is known of the long-term effects of GH replacement therapy on muscle strength in elderly adults with adult onset GH deficiency (GHD). In this study, the effects of 5 years of GH replacement therapy on muscle function were determined in adults over 60 years of age with adult onset GHD. DESIGN: A prospective, open-label, single-centre study. Patients Twenty-six (12 male and 14 female) consecutive hypopituitary adults with adult onset GHD, mean age 65.0 (range 61-74) years. MEASUREMENTS: Upper leg muscle strength was measured using a Kin-Com dynamometer. Right and left handgrip strength were measured using an electronic grip force instrument. RESULTS: The mean insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) SD score increased from -1.10 at baseline to 1.21 at end of the study. Body weight was unchanged during the 5-year study. A sustained increase in lean body mass and a sustained reduction of body fat was observed as measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). The GH replacement therapy induced a sustained increase in isometric (60 degrees ) knee flexor strength. After statistical correction for age and sex variables using observed/predicted value ratios, a sustained increase was also observed in concentric knee flexor strength at an angular velocity of 60 degrees /s, concentric knee extensor strength at 60 degrees /s and 180 degrees /s, and peak right handgrip strength. At baseline, knee flexor strength was 90-96% of predicted, knee extensor strength was 85-87% of predicted, and hand-grip strength was 74-80% of predicted values. At study end, knee flexor strength was 98-106% of predicted, knee extensor strength was 90-100% of predicted, and hand-grip strength was 80-87% of predicted values. CONCLUSION: Elderly patients with adult onset GH deficiency had decreased baseline muscle strength also after correction for age and sex. The 5-year GH replacement therapy normalized knee flexor strength and improved, but did not fully normalize, knee extensor strength and handgrip strength.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11 beta HSD1) converts inactive cortisone to active cortisol. 11 beta HSD1 activity is increased in GH deficiency and inhibited by GH and IGF-I in acromegaly. However it is not known whether these changes in cortisol metabolism exert significant effects during hydrocortisone therapy, and the effect has not been studied in patients taking cortisone acetate. We have studied the effect of GH induced 11 beta HSD1 inhibition in hypopituitary adults with severe GH deficiency to determine whether this inhibition has a different magnitude of effect when patients are taking different forms of glucocorticoid replacement therapy. DESIGN, PATIENTS AND MEASUREMENTS: We have taken the ratio of 11-hydroxy/11-oxo cortisol metabolites (Fm/Em), an established measure of net 11 beta HSD activity to reflect the likely balance of cortisol to cortisone exposure in tissues expressing 11 beta HSD1, principally the liver and adipose tissue. We recruited 10 hypopituitary adults all on established glucocorticoid replacement therapy, but who were not receiving GH. Patients were treated with their standard hydrocortisone therapy for one week and an equivalent dose of cortisone acetate in its place for one week in random order. Serial serum cortisol assessments and urine steroid profiles were performed on each treatment. All patients were then established on GH therapy for at least three months before the two-week cycle was repeated. Fm/Em was also measured in a control population (20F, 20M). RESULTS: Prior to GH, the ratio Fm/Em was greater with hydrocortisone compared with cortisone acetate replacement (1.17 +/- 0.28 and 0.52 +/- 0.09 respectively, P < 0.001) or with normal subjects (normal males: 0.81 +/- 0.24, females 0.66 +/- 0.14). Following GH replacement Fm/Em fell in patients on hydrocortisone and cortisone acetate (Pre-GH: 0.84 +/- 0.40, Post-GH: 0.70 +/- 0.34, P < 0.05) confirming the inhibition of 11 beta HSD1 by GH/IGF-I. Conversely, the ratio of urinary free cortisol/cortisone did not change indicating unchanged 11 beta HSD2 activity. Mean circulating cortisol also fell in all subjects after GH. This effect was greater during cortisone acetate treatment (-18.7%, P < 0.0001), than during hydrocortisone replacement (-10.9%, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that tissue exposure to glucocorticoid is supra-physiological in hypopituitary patients with untreated GH deficiency taking hydrocortisone replacement therapy. This situation is ameliorated by GH replacement therapy. However, local and circulating cortisol concentrations are more vulnerable to the inhibitory effect of GH on 11 beta HSD1 in patients taking cortisone acetate, such that serum cortisol assessments should be made in patients taking cortisone acetate after GH therapy to ensure that glucocorticoid replacement remains adequate.  相似文献   

Short-term studies of GH replacement in adult hypopituitarism have usually demonstrated beneficial effects on body composition and circulating lipids, with neutral or occasionally adverse effects on glucose tolerance. Fasting hyperinsulinemia has been reported. GH effects on cardiac function have been variable. The effects of long-term GH therapy, taking into account the consequences of increasing age, are not fully known. Thirty-three hypopituitary, initially middle-aged adults were studied over a 7-yr period; 12 patients took GH therapy (mean, 0.7 mg daily) continuously (group A); 11 took GH for only 6-18 months, a minimum of 5 yr previously (group B); and 10 patients never received GH therapy (group C). Other pituitary replacement was maintained. Effects on anthropometry, body composition (by bioimpedance analysis, total body potassium, and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry), circulating lipids, glucose and insulin concentrations, cardiac 2-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography, and exercise tolerance were assessed before and after the treatment period. Continuous GH therapy had no significant effect on body weight, but it prevented the increase in waist circumference and waist to hip ratio that occurred in the patients without GH substitution (waist to hip ratio, group A, 0.87+/-0.08 at baseline, 0.85+/-0.09 at 7 yr; group B, 0.89+/-0.11 at baseline, 0.94+/-0.11 at 7 yr; P < 0.005 for GH effect; group C, 0.87+/-0.10 at baseline, 0.92+/-0.10 at 7 yr; P < 0.005 for GH effect). A GH-induced decrease in subscapular skinfold thickness was also observed. By bioimpedance analysis, GH therapy caused an increase in total body water and fat-free mass, and a decrease in the percent body fat. Although changes occurred with time in all groups, no significant additional GH therapy effects were observed on glucose tolerance, insulin concentrations, lipid levels, cardiac dimensions, echocardiographic diastolic function, or exercise tolerance. In conclusion, prolonged GH substitution in middle-aged hypopituitary adults causes a sustained improvement in body composition. Other benefits, e.g. on lipid levels and exercise tolerance, were not apparent at 7 yr when comparisons were made with GH-untreated hypopituitary controls. Potentially adverse effects on glucose tolerance and insulinemia did not develop with prolonged GH therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE The importance of growth hormone (GH) for normal skeletal growth in childhood and adolescence is well established but much less is known about its action on the adult skeleton. We therefore wished to investigate the effects of replacement treatment with blosynthetic human GH in hypopituitary adults on aspects of calcium homeostatis, bone metabolism and bone mineral mass. PATIENTS Forty hypopituitary adults (21 females and 19 males; aged 19–67 years). DESIGN A prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial lasting for 6 months. PROTOCOL Following baseline assessments, GH was given in a daily dose of 0·02–0·05 IU/kg body weight subcutaneously (or a placebo (P)) at bedtime. Patients were reviewed at 1, 3 and 6 months. MEASUREMENTS Plasma calcium, phosphate and total plasma alkaline phosphatase were measured at 0, 1, 3 and 6 months. Serum insulin like growth factor I (IGF-I), osteocalcin, procollagen 1 carboxyterminal peptide (P1CP) and intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) level, 24-hour urinary calcium and creatinine excretion were all measured at 0 and 6 months. Bone mineral density of total body and lumbar spine was also measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry at 0 and 6 months in 12 patients on GH and 14 on placebo. RESULTS Thirty-eight patients completed the study (18 on GH, 20 on placebo). Serum IGF-I Increased significantly on GH treatment (mean ± SD) (GH: 276 ± 197 vs P: 88 ± 50 μg/l, P < 0 0001 at 6 months). Plasma calcium increased slightly but significantly in the GH-treated group (2·23 ± 0·11–2·29 ± 0·11 mmol/l, P<0·05). At the end of the study, plasma calcium was however similar on GH and placebo (GH, 2·29 ± 0·11; P, 2·26 ± 0·09 mmol/l). Plasma phosphate increased on GH (GH: 1·02±0·23–1·32±0·19; P: 0·99±0·16–0·96±0·12 mmol/l over the 6 months of treatment, P<0·001). There was no significant change in the urinary calcium excretion on GH therapy. Plasma total alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin and P1CP were significantly higher on GH than P at 6 months (alkaline phosphatase: GH: 104±32 vs P: 69±32 U/I, P<0·01, osteocalcin: GH: 17·2±8·0 vs P: 5·3±3·2 μg/l, P<0·001 and P1CP: GH: 207 ± 152 vs P: 93±31 μg/l, P<0·01). There was no difference in the intact parathyroid hormone level (GH: 31 ± 14 vs P:31 ± 15 ng/l, NS). No significant change was observed in bone mass after 6 months of GH treatment, either in total body bone mineral content or in the lumbar spine. CONCLUSION In this large study, GH replacement in hypopituitary adults for 6 months increased bone turnover but did not affect bone mineral content. Longer-term studies are required to assess further any effect on bone mass.  相似文献   

The metabolic consequences of thyroxine replacement in patients with central hypothyroidism (CH) need to be evaluated. The aim was to examine the outcome of thyroxine replacement in CH. Adult hypopituitary patients (n?=?1595) with and without CH from KIMS (Pfizer International Metabolic Database) were studied before and after 2?years of GH replacement. CH patients (CH, n?=?1080) were compared with TSH sufficient patients (TSHsuff n?=?515) as one group and divided by thyroxine dose/kg/day into tertiles (CHlow-mid-high). Anthropometry, fasting glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c), blood pressure, lipids, IGF-I SDS, quality of life and morbidity were studied. Analyses were standardized for gender, age, number and types of pituitary insufficiencies, stimulated GH peak, age at GH deficiency onset, aetiologies and, when appropriate, for weight and GH dose. At baseline, TSHsuff patients did not differ from CH or CHmid in any outcome. CHlow (≤1.18?μg thyroxine/kg/day) had increased weight, BMI and larger waist circumference (WC), CHhigh (≥1.58?μg thyroxine/kg/day) had lower weight, BMI, WC and IGF-I than TSHsuff and compared to their predicted weights, BMIs and WCs. For every 0.1?μg/kg/day increase of thyroxine dose, body weight decreased 1.0?kg, BMI 0.3?kg/m(2), and WC 0.65?cm. The GH sensitivity of the CH group was higher (0.76?±?0.56 SDS/mg GH) than that of TSHsuff patients (0.58?±?0.64 SDS/mg GH), P?相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effect of GH replacement on thyroid function in hypopituitary patients has hitherto been studied in small groups of children and adults with conflicting results. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to define the effect and clinical significance of adult GH replacement on thyroid status in a large cohort of GH-deficient patients. PATIENTS AND METHOD: We studied 243 patients with severe GH deficiency due to various hypothalamo-pituitary disorders. Before GH treatment, 159 patients had treated central hypothyroidism (treated group) while 84 patients were considered euthyroid (untreated group). GH dose was titrated over 3 months to achieve serum IGF-1 concentration in the upper half of the age-adjusted normal range. Serial measurements of serum T4, T3, TSH and quality of life were made at baseline and at 3 and 6 months after commencing GH replacement. RESULTS: In the untreated group, we observed a significant reduction in serum T4 concentration without a significant increase in serum T3 or TSH concentration; 30/84 patients (36%) became hypothyroid and needed initiation of T4 therapy. Similar but lesser changes were seen in the treated group, 25 of whom (16%) required an increase in T4 dose. Patients who became hypothyroid after GH replacement had lower baseline serum T4 concentration, were more likely to have multiple pituitary hormone deficiencies and showed less improvement in quality of life compared with patients who remained euthyroid. CONCLUSION: GH deficiency masks central hypothyroidism in a significant proportion of hypopituitary patients and this is exposed after GH replacement. We recommend that hypopituitary patients with GH deficiency and low normal serum T4 concentration should be considered for T4 replacement prior to commencement of GH in order to provide a robust baseline from which to judge the clinical effects of GH replacement.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if human growth hormone (hGH) replacement therapy alters pharmacokinetics of hydrocortisone (CS) substitution in hypopituitary adults. DESIGN: To this aim, we analysed serum and salivary CS profiles 270 min after oral CS administration at baseline and 6 and 12 months after initiation of hGH replacement therapy. METHODS: Serum IGF-I, cortisol-binding globulin (CBG), thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) and sex hormone-binding hormone (SHBG) were measured using commercially available radioimmunoassays. In-house immunofluorometric assays were employed for measurements of CS and hGH. RESULTS: hGH replacement did not change total serum CS bioavailability (area under the serum cortisol profile curve). Interference of orally administered CS with salivary measurement of free CS (fCS) caused significant bias. Therefore, fCS levels were calculated from their total CS and cortisol-binding globulin (CBG) levels. CBG decreased by approximately 30% after both 6 and 12 months of hGH replacement therapy (n=20, P<0.01). A significant negative correlation between deltaCBG (CBG6months-CBGbaseline) and deltaIGF-I (IGF-I6months-IGF-Ibaseline) was observed (P=0.04). The calculated values of free CS tended to increase with physiological hGH replacement, but this effect was marginal and did not reach statistical significance. In contrast to the CBG concentrations, plasma levels of sex hormone-binding globulin and thyroxine-binding globulin were essentially stable. CONCLUSION: Given that no clinically relevant alterations in pharmacokinetics of CS were evoked by initiation of hGH replacement in hypopituitary adults, we conclude that CS substitution does not require dose adjustment after initiation of hGH replacement.  相似文献   

11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) functions as a net reductase converting cortisone to cortisol. GH inhibits 11beta-HSD1, resulting in a shift in cortisol metabolism favoring cortisone, an observation that may have significance in patients with ACTH deficiency who are unable to compensate for such changes. We have studied the effect of three doses of GH replacement (0.17, 0.33, and 0.5 mg each given for 12 weeks in ascending order) on cortisol metabolism in nine patients, aged 62-70 yr, with hypopituitarism who were receiving fixed doses of oral hydrocortisone. Serum insulin-like growth factor I levels rose in a dose-dependent manner over the course of the study. Fat mass decreased significantly at 24 weeks (P = 0.02), a change that was maintained at 36 weeks. Fasting serum insulin levels did not change significantly over the course of the study. The ratio of urine cortisol to cortisone metabolites (Fm/Em) fell significantly at 12 weeks (GH dose, 0.17 mg/day) from 1.32 (0.91-2.20) at baseline to 1.08 (0.89-2.11) (P < 0.05). Although it did not fall further as the dose of GH was increased, the reduction in the Fm/Em ratio persisted at 24 weeks (GH dose, 0.33 mg/day), 1.09 (0.8-2.11) (P < 0.05 vs. baseline), and 36 weeks (GH dose, 0.5 mg/day), 1.19 (0.82-2.31) (P < 0.05 vs. baseline). The Fm/Em ratio did not correlate with serum insulin-like growth factor I, fat mass, or fasting insulin levels at any time during the study. This study confirms the inhibitory effect of GH on 11beta-HSD1 but has shown that the effect occurs maximally at very low GH doses and is not mediated indirectly by change in circulating insulin. Patients with partial or total ACTH deficiency, in whom cortisol replacement is suboptimal, may be at risk of the clinical manifestations of cortisol deficiency when they are commenced on GH therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE Short-term GH replacement in hypopituitary adults increases bone turnover; data on the consequences of longer-term GH treatment are limited. We report on the effects of 12–18 months of GH replacement treatment with biosynthetic human GH on bone metabolism and bone mass in hypopituitary adults. DESIGN Patients were studied before and after GH treatment for 12 months (n= 11) and 18 months (n= 27) respectively in an open trial. GH dose was 0·04±0·01 IU/kg daily. MEASUREMENTS Plasma calcium, phosphate and intact PTH concentrations, 24-hour urinary calcium excretion, 3 markers of bone formation (total alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin and procollagen 1 carboxy terminal peptide (P1CP)) and serum concentration of carboxyterminal cross-linked telopeptide of type 1 collagen (ICTP), as a marker of bone resorption, were measured at 6-month intervals. Lumbar splne and total body bone mineral mass was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. RESULTS Small increases were observed in plasma calcium and phosphate concentrations at 12 months of GH therapy but the differences at 18 months were not statistically significant. Serum intact PTH concentration did not change. Plasma total alkaline phosphatase increased significantly on GH from 75 ± 26 to 92 ± 30 (P<0·01) and 85±31 U/I (NS) at 12 and 18 months respectively. Serum osteocalcin increased from 6·5 ± 3·7 to 15·7 ± 6·2 (P<0·0001) and 16·6±5·7 μg/l (P<0·001) at 12 and 18 months respectively and P1CP increased significantly from 106·0 ± 47·3 μ/l to 165·5 ± 95·3 (P< 0·0001) and 177·2 ± 72·2 μg/l (P<0·01) at 12 and 18 months respectively. Plasma ICTP concentration increased also from 3·4 ± 1·8 to 7·3 ± 3·4 (P < 0·0001) and 7·0 ± 2·7 μg/l (P<0·003) at 12 and 18 months of GH therapy respectively. No significant change was observed in total body or lumbar splne bone mass, over the 18 months of GH treatment CONCLUSIONS Replacement therapy with GH in hypopituitary adults for 6–18 months produced a sustained increase in bone turnover (both formation and resorption). Bone mass was maintained but did not increase over the study period.  相似文献   

ObjectiveNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are frequently observed in patients with adult growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) and short-term GH replacement therapy (GHRT) has reportedly been efficacious in NAFLD and NASH. The aim of this study was to investigate whether long-term GHRT is an effective treatment for the hepatic comorbidities in AGHD.DesignThis is a retrospective observational study. We recruited 54 consecutive hypopituitary patients with AGHD. Among them, 31 patients who had received GHRT for more than 24 months were compared with 19 age- and sex-matched patients without GHRT. We also analyzed the long term effect of GHRT on 14 patients diagnosed with NASH by liver biopsy. In addition, we subdivided the GHRT group into GH-responder and GH-non-responder groups and analyzed the factors associated with the efficacy of the treatment.ResultsFor a period of 24 months, the significant reduction of serum liver enzyme levels and a fibrotic marker was observed in patients receiving GHRT compared with the control group. Furthermore, GHRT also improved liver enzyme levels in AGHD patients with NASH. The GH-non-responder group showed a higher proportion of patients who gained weight during the study period.ConclusionsThese results indicate that GHRT is efficacious for improving serum liver enzyme levels for at least 24 months in patients with AGHD. To optimize this effect, it is important to avoid body weight gain during the treatment.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Patients with panhypopituitarism have impaired quality of life (QoL) despite GH replacement. They are profoundly androgen deficient, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) has been shown to have a beneficial effect on well-being and mood in patients with adrenal failure and possibly in hypopituitarism. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to determine the effect of DHEA administration on mood in hypopituitary adults on established GH replacement with a constant serum IGF-I. DESIGN: A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted over an initial 6 months followed by an open phase of 6 months of DHEA. SETTING: The study was conducted at a tertiary referral endocrinology unit. PATIENTS: Thirty female and 21 male hypopituitary patients enrolled. Data from 26 females and 18 males were analyzed after patient withdrawal. INTERVENTIONS: DHEA (50 mg) was added to maintenance replacement including GH. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome objective was the effect on QoL and libido assessed by QoL assessment in GH deficiency in adults, Short Form 36, General Health Questionnaire, EuroQol, and sexual self-efficacy scale. RESULTS: Patients had impaired QoL at baseline compared with the age-matched British population. Females showed improvement in QoL assessment in GH deficiency in adults score (-2.9 +/- 2.8 DHEA vs.-0.53 +/- 3 placebo; P < 0.05), in Short Form 36 social functioning (14.6 +/- 23.1 DHEA vs.-4.7 +/- 25 placebo; P = 0.047), and general health perception (9.6 +/- 14.2 DHEA vs.-1.2 +/- 11.6 placebo; P = 0.036) after 6 months of DHEA. Men showed improvement in self-esteem (-1.3 +/- 1.7 DHEA vs. 0.5 +/- 1.5 placebo; P = 0.03) and depression (-1.6 +/- 2.2 DHEA vs. 1.2 +/- 2.4 placebo, P = 0.02) domains of the General Health Questionnaire after 6 months of DHEA. CONCLUSIONS: DHEA replacement leads to modest improvement in psychological well-being in female and minor psychological improvement in male hypopituitary patients on GH replacement.  相似文献   

Several studies suggest a direct effect of sex steroids on insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) production. Oestrogen has been hypothesized directly to inhibit hepatic IGF-I production, but the role of androgens is not clarified. We aimed to investigate whether testosterone exerts a pituitary-independent effect on IGF-I and related parameters. Eight adult hypopituitary men (39.9 +/- 5.7 years) receiving growth hormone (GH) and testosterone replacement therapy (250 mg testosterone enantate every fourth week) participated in this prospective study. Frequent blood samples were drawn over a 5 week period in relation to two testosterone injections. Mean baseline IGF-I levels were 352 +/- 135 microg/L, and they remained unaltered during the study period (analysis of variance (ANOVA), P = 0.88). Free IGF-I levels did not change either (ANOVA, P = 0.35). Serum IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) and acid-labile subunit decreased (ANOVA, P = 0.04 and P = 0.02 respectively) but post hoc analysis did not reveal a particular difference between days. IGFBP-1 increased following testosterone administration (ANOVA, P = 0.05), whereas GH binding protein levels tended to decrease following testosterone administration (ANOVA, P = 0.08). Prostate-specific antigen tended slightly to increase after each testosterone injection (ANOVA, P = 0.08, post hoc, NS). We conclude that major changes in total IGF-I are not induced during conventional intramuscular testosterone replacement in GH-treated hypopituitary males, suggesting that testosterone effects on IGF-I are likely to be secondary to a stimulation of endogenous GH release.  相似文献   

A retrospective comparison was performed between 1411 hypopituitary adults without GH replacement [mean age, 56.9 (sd 18.6) yr] and the normal population in terms of fatal and nonfatal morbidity. A similar prospective comparison was then made in 289 hypopituitary patients on long-term GH replacement [mean age, 47.6 (sd 14.8) yr; mean duration of GH treatment, 60 months].In the 1411 hypopituitary patients without GH replacement, overall mortality (P < 0.001), and the rates of myocardial infarctions (P < 0.01), cerebrovascular events (P < 0.001), and malignancies (P < 0.001) were increased compared with the normal population. Colorectal cancer was the most common malignancy in this cohort (P < 0.001 vs. the background population). In the 289 hypopituitary patients on GH replacement, overall mortality and the rate of malignancies were similar to the normal population. In the hypopituitary adults on GH therapy, the rate of myocardial infarctions was lower than that in the background population (P < 0.05), and there was a tendency toward an increased rate of cerebrovascular events.In conclusion, overall mortality and the rate of myocardial infarctions were increased in hypopituitary patients without GH replacement. An increased rate of malignancies was observed in the hypopituitary adults without GH therapy, with a predominance of colorectal cancer. GH replacement appeared to provide protection from myocardial infarctions. The rate of cerebrovascular events tended to be increased also in hypopituitary adults on GH therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE Growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy in hypopituitary adults is associated with sodium and water retention. The underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood and a possible contribution of altered cortisol metabolism or action has not been evaluated. We have investigated the effect of GH replacement therapy on cortisol metabolism, cortisol binding globulin and In-vitro glucocorticold sensitivity in a group of adult hypopituitary patients. DESIGN AND PATIENTS We studied 19 adult hypopituitary patients (18 adult onset, Y:F, 6:13), who were receiving conventional hydrocortisone (16 patients), thyroxine (14 patients), triiodothyronine (1 patient), sex steroid (9 patients), human chorionic gonadotrophin (1 patient) or desmopressin (6 patients) replacement during a 6-month, double blind controlled trial of GH therapy (active: placebo, 8:11) followed by a 6-month open phase of GH (mean dose: 0·2 IU/kg/week, range 0·051-0·27) and after a 6-week washout phase following discontinuation of GH therapy. MEASUREMENTS Twenty-four-hour urine free cortisol, cortisol metabolites (CoM), ratio 11-hydroxy/ll-oxo CoM (F/E) and ratio 5α/β tetrahydrocortisol were measured at 6 months, 12 months and after the 6 week washout phase. Serum cortisol binding globulin was measured basally, at 6 months, 12 months and after washout. Glucocorticold sensitivity was determined in lymphocyte preparations from 8 patients, during GH therapy and after washout, using an In-vitro technique dependent on dexamethasone suppression of phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated thymidine Incorporation into DNA. Plasma renin activity and aidosterone were measured after 6-12 months GH therapy and after washout. RESULTS After 6 months of GH, In patients on hydrocortisone (n= 9), there were significant decreases in CoM (mean decrement 21%, P < 0·01), F/E (mean decreased from 1·27to 1·0, P= 0·04; reference range0·33-1·29) and 5α/5β tetrahydrocortisol (mean decreased from 0·67 to 0·48, P= 0·01) and a subsequent increase after washout. Patients not on hydrocortisone (n= 2) demonstrated a normal basal F/E falling by 25% on GH therapy but no change in CoM. During 12 months of OH therapy, patients on hydrocortisone (n= 7) demonstrated a further trend to decrement in CoM (P= 0·09) which reversed after washout (P= 0·04). Urine free cortisol tended to fall during OH therapy and Increased significantly following washout after 12 months treatment (P < 0·02). Serum cortisol binding globulin decreased by 20% (P < 0·05) during 12 months GH treatment but remained within the reference range. In-vitro studies demonstrated a trend to reduced giucocorticoid sensitivity on GH therapy; the maximum inhibition of phytohaemaggiutinin by dexamethasone tended to be less on OH therapy (P= 0·052) and was also lower than in 29 normal volunteers (P < 0·05). There were no significant changes in plasma renin but there was a small increment in aidosterone in recumbent patients (P= 0·04) during the open phase of GH therapy in the placebo arm. CONCLUSIONS GH therapy in hypopltuitary adults is associated with an apparent reduction in availability of administered hydrocortisone as measured by urine cortisol metabolites and urine free cortisol. This effect is unlikely to be clinically significant except possibly in ACTH deficient subjects on suboptimal hydrocortisone replacement. The changes in F/E suggest that GH may directly or indirectly modulate the activity of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. The apparent decrease in giucocorticoid sensitivity during GH therapy, demonstrated in vitro, merits further investigation.  相似文献   

Human growth hormone (hGH) replacement therapy has been widely available for clinical purposes for more than fifty years. Starting in 1958, hGH was obtained from cadaveric pituitaries, but in 1985 the association between hGH therapy and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease was reported. In the same year, the use of recombinant hGH (rhGH) was approved. Side effects of rhGH replacement therapy in children and adolescents include rash and pain at injection site, transient fever, prepubertal gynecomastia, arthralgia, edema, benign intracranial hypertension, insulin resistance, progression of scoliosis, and slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Since GH stimulates cell multiplication, development of neoplasms is a concern. We will review the side effects reported in all rhGH indications.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We evaluated metabolic and cardiac parameter changes with GH-therapy. DESIGN: Sixteen adults with childhood-onset hypopituitarism receiving pituitary hormone replacement, except GH-replacement, were assessed at baseline and after 6 and 12 months of GH-replacement. Sixteen healthy adults matched for sex, age, weight, height, body mass index, and body surface area served as the control group to compare cardiac function in both groups. RESULTS: All patients had GH-deficiency. After 12 months, serum insulin-like growth factor-1 levels normalized. Basal glucose or insulin levels had no alterations. The low/high density lipoprotein-cholesterol ratio decreased (3.18+/-1.32 x 2.17+/-0.8, p<0.001). Percent lean body mass increased (69.9+/-5.5 x 78.4+/-8.1%), and percent fat body mass decreased (30.1+/-5.5 x 21.6+/-8.1%) (both, p<0.001). Before treatment, patients had decreased left ventricular (LV) echocardiographic morphologic indexes, which were corrected (initial versus 12 months): interventricular septal thickness (0.68+/-0.06 x 0.78+/-0.06 cm), LV posterior wall thickness (0.69+/-0.07 x 0.78+/-0.05 cm), and LV mass index (58.9+/-11.0 x 71.1+/-9.4 g/m(2)) (all, p<0.001). Exercise capacity improved, as assessed by oxygen consumption (7.84+/-1.44 x 9.67+/-1.74 METS, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: GH-replacement seems to reduce cardiovascular risks in adults with childhood-onset GH-deficiency.  相似文献   

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