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summer 《健康世界》2007,(1):50-52
他们,飞机,酒会,重要谈判和计划书她们,家庭,工作,照顾老人和接送孩子他们和她们,经营着辉煌和成功,也忍受着可怕的生理疲劳……[编者按]  相似文献   

你是不是处处想轻视和诋毁他人?是不是热衷于找别人的毛病,发现别人的弱点并津津乐道于指出这些弱点?还常常会粉碎别人的快乐,使别人感到失望和扫兴?看到别人过得比你好,你会开心祝福,内心欢喜,还是内心愤恨?  相似文献   

女性性功能障碍的流行病学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
女性性功能障碍 ( Female sex dysfunction,FSD)是指个体不能参与她所期望的性行为〔1〕。它常常与社会心理因素密切相关 ,但不是其他精神障碍的—部分 〔2〕。性功能障碍可表现为性欲减退或缺失、性厌恶及性乐缺乏、生殖器反应丧失、性高潮功能障碍、非器质性阴道痉挛、非器质性性交疼痛和性欲亢进等〔3〕。综合国内外的文献 ,对女性性功能障碍的研究较少 ,但同时女性的性功能障碍又严重影响着女性的个人生活和生殖健康。故本文将从 FSD的发生率、分类及定义、影响因素及结果 4个方面进行论述。1  FSD的发生率女性性功能障碍与年龄有…  相似文献   

夜生活越来越丰富的今天,我们多数人都是床头闹钟的奴隶,依赖它把我们从被窝里拖出来。最近,美国人将床头闹钟评为他们最讨厌的人类发明之一(排位仅次于手机)。理解这一结果并不难,但我们似乎更有理由害怕床头闹钟而不仅仅是厌恶它,因为床头闹钟并不只是简单地将我们从美梦中拽醒,事实上它可能损害我们的健康。  相似文献   

近几年来.随着工业化、城市化进程的发展。当住房、就业以及离婚率增加等问题不断出现时,这些均给我国人口中最为脆弱的这部分人口——儿童青少年的心理和身体发育带来不良的因素。  相似文献   

“我那么爱你,放弃了一切和你在一起,可你为什么这样无情无义?”不时听到恋人、夫妻之间这样抱怨。  相似文献   

生儿育女是造物主赋予每一个人的天赋能力,在有着几千年农耕文明的中国,人们对这种能力没产生过任何怀疑。我们母亲那一代人,生活跟现在相比算得上清贫,但生三两个孩子却是再自然不过的事情。那个时候没有那么多女人患妇科病,“不孕不育”、“外孕”、“胚停育”这样的词更是很少听到,现在却成为30岁以上想要孩子却怀不上的姐妹圈里经常被提到的话题。究竟是什么原因,让生孩子这件事在几十年的时间里发生了如此大的变化,又是什么阻碍在我们面前,让我们成为好孕好难的一代?  相似文献   

杜琳 《婚育与健康》2009,(16):43-43
<正>现在,一切误会烟消云散。丈夫亲昵地对她说:"亲爱的,快点治好你的病,帮我把以前那个‘红颜美人’找回来吧!"上周,郭敏参加了一次大学同学的聚会。好久不见的朋友们聚在一起,总有说不完的话题。不止一个朋友或婉转或直接地对郭敏说:"你变了好多,我都有点认不出来了……"这话让郭敏很是沮丧。  相似文献   

精神伤害的成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
精神伤害的发生与负性生活事件、天灾人祸、躯体伤害和直接心理伤害有密切关系,现对精神伤害的成因作简要综述。  相似文献   

睡眠是机体复原、整合和巩固记忆的重要环节,是健康不可缺少的组成部分。现代社会生活节奏快、压力大以及夜生活、饮酒等不良生活习惯,都会引发睡眠障碍。患者平时会表现出紧张焦虑,甚至偏执的倾向。  相似文献   

Inhibited sexual desire in women   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A multifaceted study was conducted to identify differences in biopsychosocial characteristics between a clinical group of 59 married women who complained of inhibited sexual desire (ISD) and 31 married women who expressed normal sexual desire (non-ISD). Areas of examination included personality, endocrine, relationship, and sexual dimensions. Instruments of data collection included the MMPI, Dyadic Adjustment Scale, radioimmunoassay of testosterone and prolactin levels, and a questionnaire which focused on demographic, relationship, and sexual information. Statistical analyses indicated nonsignificant between-group differences on demographic characteristics, personality variables, and hormonal evaluation. Statistically significant differences were found between the two groups with regard to sexual history and several marital and sexual dimensions. The ISD group reported significantly greater dissatisfaction with these areas than the non-ISD group. Implications for clinical practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores how sexual desire operates in ordinary life in both sexes. Fifteen considerations divided into six categories are provided: basic aspects; easily overlooked aspects; energy concepts; politically sensitive aspects; maintaining desire; and toward a definition. Sexual desire is the sum of the forces that incline us toward and away from sexual behavior. Clinicians need to conceptualize desire richly to understand its disorders. Scientists need to simplify the concept in order to conduct pharmacological research. Ideally, the limitations of both approaches must be accepted; in anyone's hands, sexual desire can be a slippery concept.  相似文献   

Low sexual desire is a prevalent symptom, but not one frequently volunteered by women. When accompanied by distress, loss of libido is known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder, which can have a significant impact on a woman's wellbeing. The etiology of hypoactive sexual desire disorder is multifactorial and its management requires a combination of psychosocial and pharmacological interventions. This article outlines the assessment of patients presenting with the symptom of low sexual desire and discusses the evidence for pharmacological management.  相似文献   

A definition of sexual desire is offered that stresses the psychobiologic nature of its energy, its antecedent and accompaniment roles in relation to sexual arousal, and its tendency to generate sexual behavior. Two inherent properties are recognized: fluctuation of frequency and intensity and capacity to appear baffling. These properties are products of the changeable contributions of biologic drive, cognitive wish, and emotional willingness. These three elements of desire vary somewhat predictably with the stage in the life cycle, quality of current relationship, and the couple's rules that govern their sexual behavior. The transferential and sexual identity contributions are less predictable.  相似文献   

佳文和吕良是经人介绍认识的.吕良是出版社的编辑.31岁,由于年龄已大.没有太多的浪漫,两人就结婚了.而且很快有了儿子刚刚,经过夫妻努力.于2005年在北京拥有了自己的一套房子.一家三口的小日子过得还算红火。  相似文献   

An extensive set of prospective data was examined for evidence of covariation between the timing of sexual desire and a number of menstrual cycle characteristics. In any given menstrual cycle, sexual desire was usually first experienced a few days before the basal body temperature (BBT) shift, around the expected ovulation date. Furthermore, positive correlations were found between the day of the BBT shift and the day of sexual desire onset, and between the length of the menstrual cycle and the temporal lag between the onset of sexual desire and the BBT shift. These results are consistent with a model in which sexual desire is affected by the same process that regulates the menstrual cycle. This process is presumably hormonal in nature, suggesting that hormonal factors contribute to sexual desire.  相似文献   

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