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Positron emission tomography in Alzheimer's disease   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Twenty-one patients with a clinical diagnosis of dementia of the Alzheimer's type (DAT) and 29 healthy, age-matched controls were studied using positron emission tomography (PET) and [18F]2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose to measure regional cerebral glucose consumption in the resting state. Reductions in ratio measures of relative metabolism in some parietal, temporal, and frontal regions were found in mild, moderate, and severe DAT groups. A significant increase in right/left metabolic asymmetry, particularly in parietal regions, also was seen in mild and moderate groups. Only in the severely demented patients was the absolute cerebral metabolic rate reduced significantly from control values. Fourteen patients had repeated PET studies, but only those patients with moderate to severe dementia showed a decline in IQ over 6 to 15 months. There were no significant changes in metabolic measures over time. PET is useful in quantifying regional cerebral dysfunction in DAT, even in the early stages of the disease.  相似文献   

Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of [18F]-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG) is accurate in the early detection of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and in the differentiation of AD from the other causes of dementia. FDG-PET imaging is available widely and performed easily. Different patterns of abnormality with the various causes of dementia are well described. Semiquantitative methods of image interpretation are available. Medicare covers FDG-PET imaging for the narrow indication of differentiation of possible AD from frontotemporal dementia.  相似文献   



The reduced risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD) in high‐educated individuals has been proposed to reflect brain cognitive reserve, which would provide more efficient compensatory mechanisms against the underlying pathology, and thus delayed clinical expression. Our aim was to find possible differences in brain amyloid ligand 11C‐labeled Pittsburgh Compound B ([11C]PIB) uptake and glucose metabolism in high‐ and low‐educated patients with mild AD.


Twelve high‐educated and 13 low‐educated patients with the same degree of cognitive deterioration were studied with PET using [11C]PIB and 18F‐fluorodeoxyglucose as ligands. The between‐group differences were analyzed with voxel‐based statistical method, and quantitative data were obtained with automated region‐of‐interest analysis.


High‐educated patients showed increased [11C]PIB uptake in the lateral frontal cortex compared with low‐educated patients. Moreover, high‐educated patients had significantly lower glucose metabolic rate in the temporoparietal cortical regions compared with low‐educated patients.


Our results suggesting more advanced pathological and functional brain changes in high‐educated patients with mild AD are in accordance with the brain cognitive reserve hypothesis and point out the importance of development of reliable markers of underlying AD pathology for early AD diagnostics. Ann Neurol 2007  相似文献   

Local rates of cortical glucose metabolism were estimated by positron emission tomography in 13 right-handed patients with Alzheimer's disease. Individuals with disproportionate failure of language function had markedly diminished metabolism in the left frontal, temporal, and parietal regions. Patients with predominant visuo-constructive dysfunction evidenced a hypometabolic focus in the right parietal cortex. Patients with memory failure as the most apparent feature had no significant metabolic asymmetry in cortical regions. In all subjects, verbal competency generally correlated with metabolic activity in the left frontal and temporal areas, while visuo-constructive test performance was linked to glucose utilization in the right parietal lobe.  相似文献   

The steep rise in the incidence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has further added to the considerable public health burden caused by aging of the United States population. Among the most characteristic pathologic hallmarks of AD are neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. The capability to use positron emission tomography and selective markers for amyloid protein deposition promises to substantially alter the way we diagnosis and manage patients who have AD.  相似文献   

Positron emission tomography in Alzheimer's disease (AD) demonstrates a metabolic decrease, predominantly in associative posterior cortices (comprising the posterior cingulate cortex), and also involving medial temporal structures and frontal regions at a lesser degree. The level of activity in this wide network is roughly correlated with dementia severity, but several confounds (such as age, education or subcortical ischemic lesions) may influence the brain-behaviour relationship. Univariate analyses allow one to segregate brain regions that are particularly closely related to specific neuropsychological performances. For example, a relationship was established between the activity in lateral associative cortices and semantic performance in AD. The role of semantic capacities (subserved by temporal or parietal regions) in episodic memory tasks was also emphasized. The residual activity in medial temporal structures was related to episodic memory abilities, as measured by free recall performance, cued recall ability and recognition accuracy. More generally, AD patients' performance on episodic memory tasks was correlated with the metabolism in several structures of Papez's circuit (including the medial temporal and posterior cingulate regions). Multivariate analyses should provide complementary information on impaired metabolic covariance in functional networks of brain regions and the consequences for AD patients' cognitive performance. More longitudinal studies are being conducted that should tell us more about the prognostic value of initial metabolic impairment and the neural correlates of progressive deterioration of cognitive performance in AD.  相似文献   

When combined with cognitive investigations, functional neuroimaging methods such as positron emission tomography allow to depict the neural substrates that underlie the neuropsychological alterations in Alzheimer's disease. Capitalising on the variance in both cognitive performances and resting cerebral metabolic rate of glucose (CMRGlc) in Alzheimer's disease, it is possible to correlate these two quantitative variables on a pixel-by-pixel basis and to generate maps showing the significant correlations in stereotaxic space. Some examples using this approach in the domain of memory disorders are presented in this brief review. We notably show that the localisation of the significant correlations differs from one memory system to another, as evaluated by clinical memory tasks. This approach also unravels the compensatory mechanisms that take place with evolution of the disease. Over and above its interest in clinical neuropsychology, this method constitutes a new source of inferences complementary to the classic activation paradigm in normal subjects, as the latter identifies the cerebral structures that are involved with, but not necessarily indispensable for, the normal execution of the task. This approach highlights the interest of combining functional neuroimaging and neuropsychology to better understand the neural substrates of cognitive deficits in both patients with memory disorders and elderly normal subjects.  相似文献   

The ability to mimic skilled movements or to pantomime them in response to spoken command was compared with psychometric performance and with regional glucose utilization as estimated by [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in 17 right-handed patients with Alzheimer's disease and 6 age-matched normal subjects. Apraxia scores, both on tests to command and to imitation, were significantly lower in the Alzheimer patients. Imitation scores correlated best with performance on tests of visual--spatial ability and with cortical metabolism in the right parietal lobe; command scores related most closely with the results of tests reflecting verbal proficiency and with cortical metabolism in the left inferior hemisphere, especially frontally. Apraxia to command and imitation may thus reflect neuronal dysfunction in distinct cerebral regions in patients with Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Positron emission tomography was used to examine the mechanisms of the psychotic phenomenon in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Data from 2 patients with delusions and 2 with hallucinations were compared with those of 5 AD patients without psychosis. The patients with paranoid delusions had diminished relative regional cerebral blood flow (rel-CBF) in the left dorsolateral prefrontal and left medial temporal cortices. The patients with visual hallucinations showed diminished rel-CBF in the right parietal, left medial temporal, and left dorsolateral prefrontal cortices. These findings support the hypothesis that a frontal-temporal abnormality is associated with paranoid delusions in AD. By contrast, visual hallucinations are associated with parietal as well as frontal and temporal lobe dysfunction. In these patients, a left prefrontal-temporal cortex dysfunction appears to be a common denominator for the development of the psychotic phenomenon in AD.  相似文献   

The local cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (LCMRgl), as determined by positron emission tomography (PET), declines in the cerebral cortex in Alzheimer's disease; the severity of the decline parallels the severity of the dementia and correlates with regional cortical neuronal loss and glial proliferation. The cholinergic cells of the medial basal forebrain show a pathological dropout in Alzheimer's disease which accounts for the decline in choline acetyltransferase in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. It is proposed that these cholinergic cells serve both as an acquisition and readout device for memory; reconstruction of real time events can thus be created in the areas of neocortex where consciousness resides. Alzheimer's disease may have a toxic, genetic or infectious origin; electron microscopic evidence is presented for the possible presence of viral particles of the double stranded DNA type in Alzheimer's brain tissue.  相似文献   

We examined 57 patients with mild Alzheimer's disease by using three kinds of verbal semantic memory tests (category fluency, confrontation naming and generation of verbal definition) and correlated each score with regional cerebral glucose metabolism determined by (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose and positron emission tomography. The scores of all three verbal semantic memory tests correlated significantly with regional cerebral glucose metabolism in the left inferior temporal gyrus, even after controlling for the effects of age, sex and educational attainment. In contrast, the scores of the word recall test did not correlate significantly with regional cerebral glucose metaboliosm in the left inferior temporal gyrus, neither before nor after controlling for these confounders. Our results suggested that the left inferior temporal lobe contributes to verbal semantic memory.  相似文献   

Much of the research on delaying the onset of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD) has focused on pharmacotherapy, but environmental factors have also been acknowledged to play a significant role. Bilingualism may be one factor contributing to 'cognitive reserve' (CR) and therefore to a delay in symptom onset. If bilingualism is protective, then the brains of bilinguals should show greater atrophy in relevant areas, since their enhanced CR enables them to function at a higher level than would be predicted from their level of disease. We analyzed a number of linear measurements of brain atrophy from the computed tomography (CT) scans of monolingual and bilingual patients diagnosed with probable AD who were matched on level of cognitive performance and years of education. Bilingual patients with AD exhibited substantially greater amounts of brain atrophy than monolingual patients in areas traditionally used to distinguish AD patients from healthy controls, specifically, the radial width of the temporal horn and the temporal horn ratio. Other measures of brain atrophy were comparable for the two groups. Bilingualism appears to contribute to increased CR, thereby delaying the onset of AD and requiring the presence of greater amounts of neuropathology before the disease is manifest.  相似文献   

Background Amyloid imaging provides in vivo detection of the fibrillar amyloid-β (Aβ) plaques of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The positron emission tomography (PET) ligand, Pittsburgh Compound-B (PiB-C11), is the most well studied amyloid imaging agent, but the short half-life of carbon-11 limits its clinical viability. Florbetapir-F18 recently demonstrated in vivo correlation with postmortem Aβ histopathology, but has not been directly compared with PiB-C11. Methods Fourteen cognitively normal adults and 12 AD patients underwent PiB-C11 and florbetapir-F18 PET scans within a 28-day period. Results Both ligands displayed highly significant group discrimination and correlation of regional uptake. Conclusion These data support the hypothesis that florbetapir-F18 provides comparable information with PiB-C11.  相似文献   

The relationship of dopamine receptor binding in the caudate nucleus and the putamen to neurological and neuropsychological functioning was examined in 21 patients with Huntington's disease (HD) and eight individuals at risk of developing Huntington's disease. A significant reduction in relative binding of [11C]3-N-methylspiperone to the dopamine receptor was found in both the caudate and putamen of HD patients. Binding in the caudate was correlated only with tests of rapid coding and set alternation, while binding in the putamen was correlated only with duration of illness. The findings indicate that the well-described atrophic changes in the striatum of Huntington's disease patients are accompanied by receptor alterations. They also support previous animal and human studies indicating that the caudate nucleus plays a larger role in cognition than in motor functions.  相似文献   



Alzheimer''s disease (AD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are the commonest causes of presenile dementia. In the absence of a biological marker, diagnosis is reliant on clinical evaluation. Confirmation is often sought from neuroimaging, including single‐photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Most previous SPECT studies lack pathological validation.


To examine the accuracy of SPECT in differentiating FTD from AD in patients with subsequent pathological confirmation.


Technetium‐99‐labelled hexamethyl propylene amine oxime SPECT images obtained at initial evaluation in 25 pathologically confirmed cases of FTD were examined. These images were visually rated by an experienced blinded nuclear medicine consultant and compared with those of 31 patients with AD, also with pathological validation.


A reduction in frontal cerebral blood flow (CBF) was more common in FTD and was of diagnostic value (sensitivity 0.8, specificity 0.65 and likelihood ratio (LR) 2.25; 95% CI 1.35 to 3.77). A pattern of bilateral frontal CBF reduction without the presence of associated bilateral parietal CBF change is diagnostically more accurate (sensitivity 0.80, specificity 0.81 and +LR 4.13, 95% CI 1.96 to 8.71). Diagnostic categorisation (FTD or AD) on the basis of SPECT alone was less accurate than clinical diagnosis (based on neurology and detailed neuropsychological evaluation). One patient with FTD was initially clinically misdiagnosed as AD, owing to the lack of availability of full neuropsychological assessment. However, SPECT correctly diagnosed this patient, providing a diagnostic gain of 4%.


Technetium‐99‐labelled hexamethyl propylene amine oxime SPECT CBF patterns provide valuable information in the diagnosis of FTD and AD. These data can be better used as an adjunct to clinical diagnosis if pathology is to be correctly predicted in life.Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a cortical dementia distinct from other dementing illnesses. It typically presents with personality/behavioural change and decline in social conduct with early loss of insight.1,2 In the absence of biological markers, the pathological detection of characteristic histological changes remains the gold standard of diagnosis. In life, diagnosis is primarily based on patterns of neurological and neuropsychological findings. However, differentiation from other dementias can be difficult and demands an astute qualitative analysis of various behaviours and neuropsychological test performances.3 With a paucity of experienced neuropsychologists, additional and independent diagnostic information is often sought through imaging, be it structural (CT and MRI) and/or functional (single‐photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography).SPECT is used to evaluate patients with dementia and can show purported characteristic changes in FTD and in Alzheimer''s disease (AD).4,5,6,7,8,9 The technique provides a method of evaluating blood flow in various regions of the brain, which reflects areas of poor function by showing reductions in regional cerebral blood flow (CBF). It has been shown that posterior changes in regional CBF are common in AD,4,5,6,7 whereas in FTD anterior changes are prevalent7,8,9 and posterior changes rare.7However, CBF changes are neither wholly specific nor invariable in various dementing illnesses. Masterman et al10 looked at the value of bitemporal hypoperfusion in diagnosing AD, and found that, although a sensitive measure for detecting dementia (0.75), it was poorly specific for AD (0.55). Consequently, bitemporal hypoperfusion on SPECT can be a non‐specific finding in various forms of dementia and is not exclusive to AD. Starkstein et al11 reported deficits in CBF in the frontal (especially orbitofrontal) and anterior temporal cortices in FTD. However, they provided neither the measure of the diagnostic accuracy of SPECT in FTD nor of the diagnostic gain it may provide. Most of these studies are also limited by the fact that the dementia groups are defined clinically. The clinical diagnostic accuracy of FTD in life varies hugely between 14–85%.12,13,14A few studies have looked at the accuracy of clinical and SPECT findings in relation to the final pathological diagnoses.15,16,17,18,19 Although these studies found that SPECT findings do correlate with dementia type, they failed to enquire whether SPECT provides any additional diagnostic gain over clinical judgement. These studies are also severely limited by the small numbers of patients in the FTD groups.The aims of this study include evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of SPECT in differentiating FTD from AD at initial assessment in a group of patients with final pathological confirmation of diagnosis. We also examined the diagnostic gain SPECT may provide over clinical diagnosis of FTD from among this group of patients with FTD and AD.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare EEG power spectra and LORETA-computed intracortical activity between Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and healthy controls, and to correlate the results with cognitive performance in the AD group. METHODS: Nineteen channel resting EEG was recorded in 21 mild to moderate AD patients and in 23 controls. Power spectra and intracortical LORETA tomography were computed in seven frequency bands and compared between groups. In the AD patients, the EEG results were correlated with cognitive performance (Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE). RESULTS: AD patients showed increased power in EEG delta and theta frequency bands, and decreased power in alpha2, beta1, beta2 and beta3. LORETA specified that increases and decreases of power affected different cortical areas while largely sparing prefrontal cortex. Delta power correlated negatively and alpha1 power positively with the AD patients' MMSE scores; LORETA tomography localized these correlations in left temporo-parietal cortex. CONCLUSIONS: The non-invasive EEG method of LORETA localized pathological cortical activity in our mild to moderate AD patients in agreement with the literature, and yielded striking correlations between EEG delta and alpha1 activity and MMSE scores in left temporo-parietal cortex. SIGNIFICANCE: The present data support the hypothesis of an asymmetrical progression of the Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

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