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Mormyromast electroreceptor organs are the most numerous type of electroreceptor organs in mormyrid electric fish and provide the sensory information necessary for active electrolocation. Mormyromast organs and their primary afferent fibers have not been studied very extensively. Both morphological and physiological questions remain to be answered before the neural basis of active electrolocation in mormyrids can be understood. This paper examines four different aspects of the morphology of mormyromast organs and afferent fibers: 1) Mormyromast organs in the skin. The innervation patterns for the two types of separately innervated sensory cells in the mormyromast organ are described on the basis of silver-stained whole mounts of skin. The number of sensory cells per mormyromast organ increases linearly with fish growth for both types of sensory cells. 2) Relation between peripheral sensory cell innervated and central zone of termination for mormyromast afferent fibers. The afferent fibers arising from the two types of sensory cell in the mormyromast organ project to separate zones of the electrosensory lateral line lobe, as shown by using retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase. 3) Central trajectories and terminal arbors of mormyromast afferent fibers. These aspects of mormyromast fibers are described by using intracellular staining of individual fibers as well as whole nerve staining of an electrosensory nerve. 4) Fine structure of mormyromast afferent terminals in the electrosensory lateral line lobe. Afferent fibers make various synaptic contacts, including contacts of a mixed type, gap junction-chemical, onto a restricted class of granule cells. The fine structure is described based on electron microscopy of horseradish-peroxidase-labeled fibers. The results provide an anatomical base for current physiological studies on mormyromast afferent fibers.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish produce electric organ discharges (EODs) used for electrolocation and communication. In the brown ghost knifefish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus, several neuron types in brain regions that control the EOD or process electrosensory information express nitric oxide synthase (NOS). The present study used immunoreactivity for L-citrulline, a byproduct of the production of nitric oxide (NO) by NOS, to assess NO production in NOS-expressing neurons. A polyclonal antibody against L-citrulline produced specific labeling in most neuronal populations previously identified to express NOS. Specifically, several cell types that precisely encode temporal information and/or fire at high frequencies, including spherical cells in the electrosensory lateral line lobe, giant cells in layer VI of the dorsal torus semicircularis, and pacemaker and relay cells in the pacemaker nucleus, were strongly immunoreactive for L-citrulline. This suggests that these neurons produced high levels of NO. Notably, electromotor neurons, which also strongly express NOS, were not immunoreactive for L-citrulline, suggesting that NOS did not produce high levels of NO in these neurons. No apparent differences in L-citrulline distribution or intensity were observed between socially isolated fish and fish exposed to playback stimuli simulating the presence of a conspecific. This suggests that social stimulation by electrocommunication signals is not necessary for high levels of NO production in many NOS-positive neurons. Future studies focusing on regulation of NO production in these systems, and the effects of NO on electrosensory processing and electromotor pattern generation will help elucidate the function of NO signaling pathways in this system.  相似文献   

In weakly electric gymnotiform teleosts, monoclonal antibody anti-zebrin II recognizes developing pyramidal cells in the ampullary organ-receptive medial segment of the medullary electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) and in the mechanoreceptive nucleus medialis. Developing pyramidal cells in the remaining three tuberous organ-receptive lateral ELL segments are unreactive. These results suggest that certain biochemical features of the ELL ampullary organ-receptive medial segment are more similar to the nucleus medialis than to the tuberous organ-receptive ELL segments, and support the hypothesis that the ampullary system evolved from mechanosensory precursors.  相似文献   

Serotonin-containing neurons in the brain of the weak-electric fish Gnathonemus petersii (mormyridae, teleostei) were studied with the aid of immunohistochemical labeling. Study of the central serotoninergic innervation was focused on the structures subserving the command of the electric organ and the first central relay of the electrosensory system. In the midline raphe nuclei, serotoninergic neurons formed a column that stretched from the ventral caudal medulla to the dorsal midbrain, ending caudal to the cerebellar peduncle. In the dorsal tegmentum, serotoninergic neurons were found bilaterally at the anterior margin of the decussation of the lateral lemniscus. Labeled neurons were also present bilaterally immediately anterior to the cerebellar peduncle and also in the pretectal region. In the hypothalamus, many serotoninergic neurons were in contact with the ventricular wall, and a few were present in the preoptic area. This distribution of serotoninergic cell bodies showed many similarities to that in other fish and higher vertebrates but lacked the lateral spread of the serotoninergic raphe system found in the midbrain tegmentum in mammals. Labeled fibers were found in both the preelectromotor medullary relay nucleus and the electromotor command nucleus. These serotoninergic projections were traced to the posterior raphe. Serotoninergic fibers also formed a dense network in the cortex and in the nucleus of the electrosensory lobe, both of which receive primary input from electroreceptors. These results suggest that serotonin may have a role in the modulation of the intrinsic, rhythmic electromotor command and in the gating of electrosensory input.  相似文献   

Calbindin is a 28 kD calcium-binding protein found in neural tissue. Although its functional role in neurons is unknown, it has been proposed that calbindin is involved in intracellular buffering and could therefore influence temporal precision of neuronal firing. In the barn owl, calbindin-like immunoreactivity was found to be selectively present in brain stem auditory pathways used to process interaural time differences, but was absent from the interaural intensity pathway. The present study demonstrates calbindin immunoreactivity in the auditory brain stem of the chinchilla, a rodent with exceptionally good low-frequency hearing. In the superior olivary complex and periolivary areas, immunoreactivity was divided between neuropil labeling in the lateral and medial superior olives and dorsomedial periolivary nucleus, and labeling of the somata of the medial and ventral nuclei of the trapezoid body and anterolateral periolivary nucleus. Strong immunoreactivity was observed in the ventral and dorsal divisions of the ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus somata and the ventral division's columnarly organized fiber plexus. The dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus was void of immunoreactivity. Virtually all principal neurons of the sagulum showed darkly labeled somata surrounded by a densely labeled fiber plexus. Immunoreactivity in the inferior colliculus was primarily limited to the paracentral nuclei, with only an occasional labeled cell in the central nucleus. In conclusion, although selective labeling of calbindin in the mammalian auditory brain stem is impressive, no distinctive labeling of a functionally defined timing pathway was apparent as reported previously in the barn owl or electric fish.  相似文献   

Bush babies possess three distinct parallel pathways to striate cortex (V1 or area 17). The calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin (CB) typically show complementary regional distributions in the brain, often associated with specific aspects of functionally related groups of cells. We asked whether PV+ and CB+ immunoreactivity differentiate central visual parallel pathways in this species. Results show that PV and CB cell and neuropil staining is strongly complementary in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and is associated with separate parallel pathways. CB+ immunoreactivity is dense, but cytochrome oxidase (CO) staining is light in the paired koniocellular layers. PV+ and CO+ immunoreactivity is most dense in the parvocellular and magnocellular layers. Combined analyses of cell size, retrograde labeling, and double labeling have confirmed that all PV+ and CB+ LGN cells are geniculocortical relay cells; none was found to be σ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic. In V1, dense PV+ neuropil closely matches the expression of CO in layer 4 and in the blobs of layer 3. CB+ staining is most dense in layers 2 and 3A and is not strongly expressed within the CO interblobs. Finally, PV and CB are not found in related parallel pathway components in the LGN and V1 (e. g., in V1, CO blobs exhibit dense PV+ neuropil, yet they are targets of the small K geniculocortical relay cells that are CB+ in the LGN). Our findings support the view that three functionally distinct visual pathways project to V1 from the LGN. However, the differences in the patterns of localization of PV and CB in the LGN and in V1 suggest that these proteins may be utilized in different ways in these two visual areas. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The dorsal octavolateral nucleus is the primary electrosensory nucleus in the elasmobranch medulla. We have studied the topographic organization of electrosensory afferent projections within the dorsal nucleus of the little skate, Raja erinacea, by anatomical (HRP) and physiological experiments. The electrosensory organs (ampullae of Lorenzini) in skates are located in four groups on each side of the body, and each group is innervated by a separate ramus of the anterior lateral line nerve (ALLN). Transganglionic transport of HRP in individual rami demonstrated that electroreceptor afferents in each ramus project to a separate, nonoverlapping division of the central zone of the ipsilateral dorsal nucleus. These divisions, which are distinct areas separated by compact cell plates, are somatopically arranged. The volume of each division of the dorsal nucleus that is related to a single ramus is proportional to the number of ampullae innervated by the ramus, but not to the body surface area on which the receptors are distributed. Nearly one-half of the nucleus is devoted to electrosensory inputs from the buccal and superficial ophthalmic ampullae concentrated in a small area on the ventral surface of the head rostral to the mouth. Multiple and single unit recordings demonstrated that adjacent cells in the nucleus have similar receptive fields on the body surface and revealed a detailed point-to-point somatotopy within the nucleus. With threshold stimuli most single units have ipsilateral receptive fields made up by excitatory inputs from 2-5 ampullary organs. The somatotopy within the mechanosensory medial nucleus, also revealed by the HRP fills of individual ALLN rami, appears less rigid than that in the dorsal nucleus, as extensive overlap is present in the terminal fields of separate ALLN rami.  相似文献   

This paper describes the morphological, immunohistochemical, and synaptic properties of projection neurons in the highly laminated medial and dorsolateral zones of the mormyrid electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL). These structures are involved in active electrolocation, i.e., the detection and localization of objects in the nearby environment of the fish on the basis of changes in the reafferent electrosensory signal generated by the animal's own electric organ discharge. Electrosensory, corollary electromotor command-associated signals (corollary discharges), and a variety of other inputs are integrated within the ELL microcircuit. The organization of ELL projection neurons is analyzed at the light and electron microscopic levels based on Golgi impregnations, intracellular labeling, neuroanatomical tracer techniques, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), γ-aminobutyric acid decarboxylase (GAD), and glutamate immunohistochemistry. Two main types of ELL projection neurons have been distinguished in mormyrids: large ganglionic (LG) and large fusiform (LF) cells. LG cells have a multipolar cell body (average diameter 13 μm) in the ganglionic layer, whereas LF cells have a fusiform cell body (on average, about 10 + 20 μm) in the granular layer. Apart from the location and shape of their soma, the morphological properties of these cell types are largely similar. They are glutamatergic and project to the midbrain torus semicircularis, where their axon terminals make axodendritic synaptic contacts in the lateral nucleus. They have 6–12 apical dendrites in the molecular layer, with about 10,000 spines contacted by GABA-negative terminals and about 3,000 GABA-positive contacts on the smooth dendritic surface between the spines. Their somata and short, smooth basal dendrites, which arborize in the plexiform layer (LG cells) or in the granular layer (LF cells), are densely covered with GABA-positive, inhibitory terminals. Correlation with physiological data suggests that LG cells are I units, which are inhibited by stimulation of the center of their receptive fields, and LF cells are E units, excited by electric stimulation of the receptive field center. Comparison with the projection neurons of the ELL of gymnotiform fish, which constitute another group of active electrolocating teleosts, shows some striking differences, emphasizing the independent development of the ELL in both groups of teleosts. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The organization of the peripheral electrosensory system of the cheek was studied in an age-graded series of Sternopygus dariensis in Nissl-stained sections and silver-stained whole mounts of skin. As in other gymnotoids, both ampullary and tuberous electroreceptors are present. Small fish have only one ampullary organ or tuberous organ per axon, and the number of receptor organs per axon increases with age in both ampullary and tuberous systems. Large fish may have up to ten tuberous organs per axon, although the distribution of tuberous organs per axon is bimodal with one peak occurring at a single receptor organ per axon and the other peak shifting upward in relation to the age of the fish. The ampullary system adds receptor organs at a faster rate and a large fish may have 20 ampullary organs per axon. With increasing size, the number of sensory receptor cells in each organ remains constant for both types of electroreceptors. Evidence is presented for addition of new electroreceptor units by de novo production in small fish and increases in the number of organs in existing electroreceptor units by division of previously formed organs in medium-sized and large fish. As the surface area of the skin increases with growth, the density of electroreceptor units decreases and, although new receptor organs are still being added to existing receptor units, no generation of new receptor units occurs in medium-sized to large fish.  相似文献   

Fish in the family Mormyridae produce weak electric organ discharges that are used in orientation and communication. The peripheral and central anatomy of the electrosensory system has been well studied in the species Gnathonemus petersii, but comparative studies in other species are scarce. Here we report on one genus of mormyrid that displays a remarkable change in the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL), the hypertrophied rhombencephalic structure that receives primary electroreceptor input. Although all other mormyrids studied have three distinct zones on each side of the ELL, fish of the genus Stomatorhinus exhibit only two. Therefore, the two-zone ELL is a unique derived characteristic shared by Stomatorhinus. We examined the cutaneous electroreceptors that project to the ELL in Stomatorhinus. All three types of electroreceptors previously described for G. petersii were present, but there was a significant change in one type, the mormyromast. Both mormyromast sensory cell types (A- and B-cells) are present, but the B-cell is not innervated in Stomatorhinus. We conclude that, although all cutaneous sensory cells are present, the missing B-cell afferents account for the loss of the dorsolateral zone of the ELL, and therefore the loss of an entire sensory map. Because mormyromasts are involved in electrolocation behavior, this anatomical difference is probably related to differences in electrolocation abilities. Stomatorhinus could prove to be an excellent system for linking evolutionary changes in behavior with modifications in their neural substrates.  相似文献   

The functional role of the midbrain precommand nucleus (PCN) of the electromotor system was explored in the weakly electric mormyrid fish Gnathonemus petersii, using extracellular recording of field potentials, single unit activity, and microstimulation in vivo. Electromotor-related field potentials in PCN are linked in a one-to-one manner and with a fixed time relationship to the electric organ discharge (EOD) command cycle, but occur later than EOD command activity in the medulla. It is suggested that PCN electromotor-related field potentials arise from two sources: (1) antidromically, by backpropagation across electrotonic synapses between PCN axons and command nucleus neurons, and (2) as corollary discharge-driven feedback arriving from the command nucleus indirectly, via multisynaptic pathways. PCN neurons can be activated by electrosensory input, but this does not necessarily activate the whole motor command chain. Microstimulation of PCN modulates the endogenous pattern of electromotor command in a way that can mimic the structure of certain stereotyped behavioral patterns. PCN activity is regulated, and to a certain extent synchronized, by corollary discharge feedback inhibition. However, PCN does not generally function as a synchronized pacemaker driving the electromotor command chain. We propose that PCN neurons integrate information of various origins and individually relay this to the command nucleus in the medulla. Some may also have intrinsic, although normally nonsynchronized, pacemaker properties. This descending activity, integrated in the electromotor command nucleus, will play an important modulatory role in the central pattern generator decision process.  相似文献   

The weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii uses its electric sense to actively probe the environment. Its highly mobile chin appendage, the Schnauzenorgan, is rich in electroreceptors. Physical measurements have demonstrated the importance of the position of the Schnauzenorgan in funneling the fish's self-generated electric field. The present study focuses on the trigeminal motor pathway that controls Schnauzenorgan movement and on its trigeminal sensory innervation and central representation. The nerves entering the Schnauzenorgan are very large and contain both motor and sensory trigeminal components as well as an electrosensory pathway. With the use of neurotracer techniques, labeled Schnauzenorgan motoneurons were found throughout the ventral main body of the trigeminal motor nucleus but not among the population of larger motoneurons in its rostrodorsal region. The Schnauzenorgan receives no motor or sensory innervation from the facial nerve. There are many anastomoses between the peripheral electrosensory and trigeminal nerves, but these senses remain separate in the sensory ganglia and in their first central relays. Schnauzenorgan trigeminal primary afferent projections extend throughout the descending trigeminal sensory nuclei, and a few fibers enter the facial lobe. Although no labeled neurons could be identified in the brain as the trigeminal mesencephalic root, some Schnauzenorgan trigeminal afferents terminated in the trigeminal motor nucleus, suggesting a monosynaptic, possibly proprioceptive, pathway. In this first step toward understanding multimodal central representation of the Schnauzenorgan, no direct interconnections were found between the trigeminal sensory and electromotor command system, or the electrosensory and trigeminal motor command. The pathways linking perception to action remain to be studied. J. Comp. Neurol. 523:769–789, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The somatotopically and functionally organized electrosensory system of gymnotiform teleosts provides a model for the study of the formation of ordered nerve connections. This paper describes the development of the major electrosensory nuclei within the hind- and midbrain. All three main electrosensory nuclei--the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL), dorsal torus semicircularis (torus), and tectum--grow by adding cells at their caudolateral borders. Toral and tectal germinal zones arise from lateral ventricular outpocketings that either completely or partially close by maturity. In the ELL before day 5 postspawning, germinal cells form from an initial periventricular germinal zone, then migrate to the caudolateral border of the hindbrain and begin dividing. The ELL grows from two main germinal zones, one for the medial segment, and one for the three lateral tuberous segments. Within each ELL germinal zone, newly formed cells arise from two areas: granular cells arise from a ventral subzone, pyramidal cells are generated more dorsally. Granular cells remain in situ, whereas pyramidal cells may migrate rostromedially. Cells begin differentiating as soon as they are formed. Spherical and pyramidal cells send ascending axons into the internal plexiform layer by day 14-18 and the ELL gradually begins to assume its mature laminar appearance. The ELL grows caudally, preceding the caudal lobe of the cerebellum, which will eventually lie over and fuse with it. Primary electrosensory afferents enter the ELL by day 6; incoming afferents form four fascicles within the ELL, suggesting the formation of separate ELL segments. Unlabelled projections between labelled fields from a single nerve branch filled with HRP on day 7 suggest that somatotopic order is already present at this early age. In the periphery, receptor addition is unordered, occurring along nerve branch pathways. Meanwhile the ELL adds cells in an orderly fashion at its caudolateral border. This suggests that primary afferents shift position caudally with growth to maintain their somatotopic relationships. Because all three central nuclei are in topographic register and grow by adding cells caudally, during growth ELL efferents to the torus and toral efferents to the tectum may utilize passive mechanisms, such as fiber-fiber interactions, to guide axons.  相似文献   

Electrotonic transmission via gap junctions appears to be essential for both the relay and integration of information in nuclear groups involved in the electrolocation and electrocommunication systems of weakly electric fish. An affinity-purified antibody against the 27 kD gap-junctional polypeptide (GJP) from rat liver was used to determine immunohistochemically the distribution of GJP-immunoreactivity (GJP-IR) in electrosensory structures and some other brain regions of the gymnotiform fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus. At the ultrastructural level, immunolabelling with this antibody was localized, in part, to neuronal and glial gap junctions where it was assumed to recognize a junctional polypeptide. By light microscopy, the vast majority of immunoreactive elements appeared either as fine puncta or as varicosities along fibers that exhibited immunostained intervaricose segments. Diffuse immunoreactivity within cell bodies was rare, being most evident in giant relay neurons and presumptive glial cells within the pacemaker nucleus and in neurons within the posterior raphe nucleus. The distribution of punctate and fibrous GJP-IR was remarkably heterogeneous with respect to density; large areas of the forebrain and most major fiber tracts were nearly devoid of immunoreactivity, whereas concentrations of puncta delineating patches within the inferior lobe of the hypothalamus and the vagal sensory nucleus were so dense as to appear as uniform deposition of immunoperoxidase reaction product at low magnification. Some structures known to be associated with the electrosensory system, including the nucleus electrosensorius and nucleus praeeminentialis, were among the brain regions containing the highest concentrations of immunoreactivity. At the cellular level, expected patterns of GJP-IR were observed in the pacemaker nucleus, torus semicircularis, and electrosensory lateral line lobe. In each of these structures punctate immunoreactivity was seen in apposition to cell bodies or dendrites of neurons known to receive gap junction contacts. In addition, the dendrites of neurons within the prepacemaker nucleus were laden with a striking array of puncta, suggesting that interactions via gap junctions may be a significant feature of these neurons. These immunohistochemical results are consistent with previous electrophysiological and ultrastructural observations pointing to the importance of electrotonic communication in the electrosensory system of weakly electric fish, and suggest that gap junctions may also contribute to neural transmission in central nervous system related to other functions in these teleosts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The forebrain auditory, electrosensory, and mechanosensory lateral line pathways in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, were examined by applying the fluorescent tracer DiI to 1) the auditory part of the torus semicircularis, 2) the electrosensory part of the torus semicircularis, 3) the lateral preglomerular nucleus, and 4) the anterior tuberal nucleus. Three distinct pathways ascend from the torus semicircularis to the telencephalon; they course through either 1) the lateral preglomerular nucleus of the posterior tuberculum, 2) the anterior tuberal nucleus of the hypothalamus, or 3) the central posterior nucleus of the dorsal thalamus. The anatomical data suggest that each of these ascending pathways carries information from more than one sensory modality. The lateral preglomerular nucleus receives an electrosensory input from nucleus electrosensorius in the diencephalon, but it also receives auditory and mechanosensory inputs directly from the torus semicircularis. The anterior tuberal and central posterior nuclei receive primarily auditory and mechanosensory, but also minor electrosensory, inputs. The efferent projections of the central posterior nucleus are presently unknown, but the lateral preglomerular and anterior tuberal nuclei project to nonoverlapping portions of the telencephalon. A cladistic analysis of these indirect torotelencephalic pathways reveals that 1) the pathway through the dorsal thalamus is probably a primitive character for gnathostomes, 2) a well-developed pathway through the posterior tuberculum is probably a derived character for actinopterygian fishes, 3) the pathway through nucleus electrosensorius is probably a derived character for catfishes and gymnotoid teleosts, and 4) auditory pathways through the hypothalamus probably evolved independently in catfishes and frogs.  相似文献   

In many vertebrates parallel processing in topographically ordered maps is essential for efficient sensory processing. In the active electrosensory pathway of mormyrids afferent input is processed in two parallel somatotopically ordered hindbrain maps of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL), the dorsolateral zone (DLZ), and the medial zone (MZ). Here phase and amplitude modulations of the self‐generated electric field were processed separately. Behavioral data indicates that this information must be merged for the sensory system to categorically distinguish capacitive and resistive properties of objects. While projections between both zones of the ELL have been found, the available physiological data suggests that this merging takes place in the midbrain torus semicircularis (TS). Previous anatomical data indicate that the detailed somatotopic representation present in the ELL is lost in the nucleus lateralis (NL) of the TS, while a rough rostrocaudal mapping is maintained. In our study we investigated the projections from the hindbrain to the midbrain in more detail, using tracer injections. Our data reveals that afferents from both maps of the ELL terminate in a detailed somatotopic manner within the midbrain NL. Furthermore, we provide data indicating that phase and amplitude information may indeed be processed jointly in the NL. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:2479–2491, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELLL) of weakly electric fish, the primary electrosensory processing station, receives a large descending input from the midbrain in addition to the input from the electroreceptor afferents. The role of a major component of this descending input in determining the properties of ELLL output neurons was investigated. The descending input was reduced or eliminated by microinjections of the local anesthetic lidocaine or by small lesions. This treatment increased the responses of the ELLL output neurons to suprathreshold stimuli by about 300% and also increased the size of the neurons' receptive fields for moving electrolocation targets and the resolution with which they encode target distance. The neurons' threshold sensitivity and tuning to amplitude modulation frequency were unchanged by removal of the descending input. The results of this study show that this portion of the descending input to the ELLL normally mediates an inhibition that controls the responsiveness of ELLL output neurons. This descending input could function as a gain control mechanism, allowing the animal to modulate the sensitivity of the electrosensory system in response to changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

In the subcortical auditory system of Rhinolophus rouxi, antibodies directed against the calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin, calbindin D-28k, and calretinin yield partly overlapping and partly complementary labeling patterns which are described in detail for each nucleus. The most general features of the labeling patterns are that: (1) Parvalbumin is a potent marker for large and heterogenous populations of cells and puncta (presumed axon terminals) throughout the auditory pathway. (2) Immunostaining with the monoclonal calbindin-antiserum was typically absent or sparse in most auditory brainstem centers, but prominent in auditory nerve fibers and in cells of the medial geniculate body (MGB). (3) Calretinin label is abundant but more restricted to subsets of auditory nuclei or subpopulations of cells than parvalbumin. (4) Calcium-binding proteins are useful markers to define particular subregions or cell types in auditory nuclei: for example, (i) different labeling patterns are obtained within the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus and adjacent tegmental zones; (ii) in the inferior colliculus both calbindin- and calretinin-antisera yield similar regional specific staining patterns, but label different cell types; (iii) subregions of the medial geniculate body have characteristic profiles of calcium-binding proteins; and (iv) analyses of different nuclei showed that there is no simple common denominator for cells characterized by the expression of particular calcium-binding proteins, nor does labeling correspond in a straightforward way with specific functional systems. (5) there are profound differences between the calbindin labeling patterns seen in Rhinolophus and those in other mammals.  相似文献   

The electrosensory lobes (ELLs) of mormyrid and gymnotid fish are useful sites for studying plasticity and descending control of sensory processing. This study used immunocytochemistry to examine the functional circuitry of the mormyrid ELL. We used antibodies against the following proteins and amino acids: the neurotransmitters glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA); the GABA-synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD); GABA transporter 1; the anchoring protein for GABA and glycine receptors, gephyrin; the calcium binding proteins calbindin and calretinin; the NR1 subunit of the N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptor; the metabotropic glutamate receptors mGluR1alpha, mGluR2/3, and mGluR5; and the intracellular signaling molecules calcineurin, calcium calmodulin kinase IIalpha (CAMKIIalpha) and the receptor for inositol triphosphate (IP3R1alpha). Selective staining allowed for identification of new cell types including a deep granular layer cell that relays sensory information from primary afferent fibers to higher order cells of ELLS. Selective staining also allowed for estimates of relative numbers of different cell types. Dendritic staining of Purkinje-like medium ganglion cells with antibodies against metabotropic glutamate receptors and calcineurin suggests hypotheses concerning mechanisms of the previously demonstrated synaptic plasticity in these cells. Finally, several cell types including the above-mentioned granular cells, thick-smooth dendrite cells, and large multipolar cells of the intermediate layer were present in the two zones of ELL that receive input from mormyromast electroreceptors but were absent in the zone of ELL that receives input from ampullary electroreceptors, indicating markedly different processing for these two types of input. J. Comp. Neurol. 483:124-142, 2005. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

By use of a double-labeling immunofluorescence method with a confocal laser scanning microscope, we have examined whether a calcium-binding protein, calretinin, is localized in magnocellular oxytocin and vasopressin neurons of the rat hypothalamus. In the supraoptic nucleus, all oxytocin-labeled cells were stained for calretinin. However, in the magnocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus, almost all oxytocin-stained cells were devoid of calretinin immunoreactivity. All vasopressin-positive cells of both the supraoptic nucleus and the magnocellular part of the paraventricular nucleus lacked calretinin immunoreactivity. No calretinin immunoreactivity was found in oxytocin-labeled cells of the the anterior commissural nucleus or in vasopressin-labeled cells of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. We previously showed that another calcium-binding protein, calbindin-D28k, was localized in magnocellular oxytocin neurons of the supraoptic nucleus but not in those of the paraventricular nucleus. These findings suggest that, in general, magnocellular oxytocin neurons of the supraoptic nucleus and those of the paraventricular nucleus can be chemically distinguished, that is, the former contain both calretinin and calbindin-D28k but the latter lack the two calcium-binding proteins.  相似文献   

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