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In order to classify the presynaptic elements contacting the principle class of globus pallidus neurons, electron microscopic examination of serial sections made from a medially located large globus pallidus neuron, labeled with intracellular horseradish peroxidase, was undertaken. In addition, the use of labeled and light microscopically reconstructed material allowed us to quantitatively determine the distribution of each bouton type along the soma and dendrites. Six types of presynaptic terminals contacting the labeled cell have been recognized. Type 1 endings, the most numerous (84%), make symmetrical contacts on all portions of the cell, except spines, contain large pleomorphic, and a few large dense-core vesicles. Type 2 endings are filled with small spherical-to-ellipsoidal synaptic vesicles. They make asymmetrical contacts only with higher-order dendrites and account for 12% of synaptic contacts onto the labeled neuron. Type 3 endings are large, contain sparsely distributed large pleomorphic vesicles, and make two symmetrical synapses per bouton, one onto a spine head and the other onto the underlying dendritic shaft. They are infrequent (0.2%), being found only in association with dendritic spines. Type 4 endings contain large pleomorphic synaptic vesicles and no dense-core vesicles. They make symmetrical contacts with the short primary dendrites. Type 5 endings contain a mixture of small clear pleomorphic vesicles and numerous large dense-core vesicles. They contact only the cell body and the short primary dendrites, making up 20% of somatic synaptic contacts but less than 1% of contacts onto dendrites. Type 6 boutons contain oval and flattened synaptic vesicles and establish symmetrical contacts with higher-order dendritic branches and the cell body.  相似文献   

Evidence in the preceding paper suggests that fibers and terminals immunopositive for substance P (SP) in somatosensory thalamic nuclei are part of the spinothalamic tract (STT). In this paper, more direct evidence on this point is provided by immunocytochemistry for SP on the cervical spinal cord, alone or combined with the retrograde transport of colloidal gold-labeled wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to enzymatically inactive horseradish peroxidase (WGAapoHRP-Au). In cats and rats pretreated with colchicine and/or anterolateral chordotomy (to increase SP content in cell bodies), many small to large cell bodies are SP-immunopositive especially in laminae I and V, but also in more ventral laminae of the upper cervical cord. SP neurons are also present in the dorsolateral funiculus (in the lateral spinal nucleus, LSN, in rats) but not in the lateral cervical nucleus or in the internal basilar nucleus. In both species there is a considerable degree of overlap in the distribution of SP-positive neurons and that of STT neurons. SP immunocytochemistry in rats after WGAapoHRP-Au injection in the somatosensory thalamus reveals SP-positive STT neurons in LSN, in lamina I and in lamina V, and, to a lesser extent, in more ventral laminae. These results demonstrate that SP is a marker and/or neuromediator for some STT neurons. Together with the evidence discussed in the preceding paper, the results also suggest that SP-positive neurons may be involved in the transmission of nociceptive input.  相似文献   

Acousticolateral systems were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase tracing method in a teleost (Sebastiscus marmoratus). The torus semicircularis projected bilaterally to the optic tectum, nucleus ventromedialis thalami of Schnitzlein ('62), and reticular formation; contralaterally to the torus semicircularis; and ipsilaterally to the nucleus preglomerulosus of Schnitzlein ('62) and the inferior olive. No topographic organization was detected between the torus semicircularis and the nucleus preglomerulosus. Ipsilateral inputs to the torus were from dorsal telencephalic areas (pars centralis, Dc; pars dorsalis, Dd; and the dorsal part of pars medialis, dDm) and the optic tectum. Contralateral inputs to the torus were from the torus semicircularis, a caudal part of the cerebellum, and a portion of the trigeminal complex. The torus also received bilateral input from the nucleus ventromedialis thalami, nucleus of lemniscus lateralis, nucleus medialis, anterior octaval nucleus, descending octaval nucleus, and the reticular formation. Retrogradely labeled cells in the octaval nuclei were seen predominantly subsequent to HRP injections in the medial torus, while cells in the nucleus medialis were retrogradely labeled following injections into the lateral torus. HRP injections into the nucleus preglomerulosus labeled cells in the superficial region of the torus, while injections into the nucleus ventromedialis thalami labeled cells in the deep region. The nucleus preglomerulosus received inputs bilaterally from the nucleus of the lemniscus lateralis and reticular formation and ipsilaterally from the dorsal telencephalic areas (Dc, Dd, and dDm) and the torus semicircularis. In turn the nucleus preglomerulosus projected to Dd and Dm. Fibers arising in the nucleus ventromedialis thalami ended in Dc, Dd, Dm, and area ventralis pars supracommissuralis (Vs). Homology between the nucleus preglomerulosus and the central thalamic nucleus in amphibians, the nucleus reuniens in reptiles, the nucleus ovoidalis in birds, and the medial geniculate body in mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for an anuran homologue of the mammalian spinocervicothalamic system. In vitro tract-tracing experiments with biotinylated dextran amine in Xenopus laevis show that ascending spinal fibres from all levels of the spinal cord, passing via the dorsolateral funiculus, terminate in a cell area ventrolateral to the dorsal column nucleus. This cell area can be considered a possible homologue of the mammalian lateral cervical nucleus. After tracer applications to the ventral thalamus or to the torus semicircularis (both targets for somatosensory projections), the anuran lateral cervical nucleus was retrogradely labelled contralateral to the application sites. Tracer applications to the dorsolateral funiculus at the obex level and rostral spinal cord resulted in labelling of the cells of origin of the spinocervical tract. These were found, mainly ipsilaterally, in the ventral part of the dorsal horn, and were rather evenly distributed throughout the spinal cord. These data suggest the presence of an anuran homologue of the mammalian spinocervicothalamic system. A brief survey of the literature shows that such a system is much more common in vertebrates than previously thought.  相似文献   

In this study and the accompanying article (Folgueira et al., 2004a), the fluorescent carbocyanine dye 1,1'-dioctadecyl 3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) was used in fixed tissue to comprehensively analyze the connections of the different regions of the telencephalic lobes and the preoptic region of the rainbow trout. Here, we analyze the connections of the dorsal area (D; pallium) of the telencephalon, and the preoptic region, as well as the telencephalic connections of several structures in the diencephalon and brainstem of juvenile trout. The dorsal plus dorsolateral pallial zone of D (Dd+Dl-d) receives afferents from contralateral Dd+Dl-d, the ventral area of the telencephalon, preoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, medial thalamus, preglomerular complex, anterior and lateral tuberal nuclei, posterior tuberal nucleus, posterior hypothalamic lobe, superior raphe nucleus, and the rhombencephalic central gray and reticular formation, and projects to the central zone of D (Dc), medial thalamus, and some caudomedial hypothalamic regions. The medial zone of D (Dm) maintains reciprocal connections with the preglomerular complex and also receives afferents from the preoptic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, anterior tuberal nucleus, preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus, posterior tubercle, superior raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus, and the rhombencephalic central gray, and reticular formation. Dc receives fibers mainly from Dd+Dl-d, preoptic nucleus, preglomerular complex, and torus semicircularis and projects to several extratelencephalic centers, including the paracommissural nucleus, optic tectum, torus semicircularis, thalamus, preglomerular complex, posterior tubercle nuclei, and inferior hypothalamic lobes. The posterior zone of D (Dp) is mainly connected with the olfactory bulbs, the ventral and supracommissural nuclei of the ventral area (subpallium), the preoptic nucleus, and the preglomerular complex and projects to wide hypothalamic and posterior tubercular regions. The preoptic nucleus projects to the olfactory bulb, to most regions of the telencephalic lobes, and to several diencephalic and brainstem structures. These results reveal complex and specialized connectional patterns in the rainbow trout dorsal telencephalon and preoptic region. Most of these connections have not been described previously in salmonids. These connections indicate that the salmonid telencephalon is involved in multisensorial processing and modulation of brain activity.  相似文献   

The fluorescent carbocyanine dye 1,1'-dioctadecyl 3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) was used in fixed tissue to comprehensively analyze the connections of the olfactory bulbs and the different regions of the ventral (V) area of the telencephalic lobes (subpallium) of the rainbow trout. With this goal, DiI was applied to the different telencephalic nuclei and zones, as well as to the olfactory nerve, the olfactory bulb, the retina, and to several structures in the diencephalon and brainstem of juvenile trout. The olfactory bulbs maintain reciprocal connections with several regions of the telencephalon [ventral nucleus of V (Vv), supracommissural nucleus (Vs), posterior zone of D (Dp), preoptic nucleus], and also project to the diencephalon (posterior tuberal nucleus, posterior hypothalamic lobe). Vv receives afferents from Vs, the dorsal nucleus of V (Vd), the preoptic nucleus, and from several nuclei in the diencephalon and brainstem (suprachiasmatic nucleus, anterior and lateral tuberal nuclei, preglomerular complex, tertiary gustatory nucleus, posterior tubercle, inferior hypothalamic lobes, thalamus, torus semicircularis, secondary gustatory nucleus, locus coeruleus, superior raphe nucleus, central gray, and reticular formation), and projects to dorsal (pallial) regions and most of the nuclei afferent to Vv. The dorsal nucleus of V (Vd) and Vs mainly project to the dorsal area. In an accompanying article (Folgueira et al., 2004), we present the results of application of DiI to dorsal (pallial) telencephalic regions, as well as of several experiments of tracer application to extratelencephalic regions. The results presented here, together with those of the accompanying article, reveal a complex connectional pattern of the rainbow trout ventral telencephalon, most of these connections having not been described previously in salmonids.  相似文献   

The effects of unilateral sensory stimuli on dopamine (DA) release from nerve terminals and dendrites of the two nigrostriatal dopaminergic pathways were estimated in halothane-anaesthetized cats without or with sagittal transections. In control animals, the electrical stimulation of the right forelimb enhanced DA release in the right caudate nucleus (CN) and decreased DA release in the right substantia nigra (SN). Opposite effects were observed in the contralateral structures. Sagittal transections of the corpus callosum and commissura anterior, or of the mesencephalic decussations or of the thalamic massa intermedia were made to investigate mechanisms involved in the reciprocal regulation of the two dopaminergic pathways. These sections were without effect on the spontaneous release of DA from nerve terminals and dendrites. The transection of the thalamic massa intermedia was the only one which interrupted the asymmetric changes in DA release induced by unilateral sensory stimuli; an increased dendritic release of DA was only seen in the left SN but it was significantly less pronounced than that observed in control cats. The other transections did not prevent the asymmetric changes in DA release evoked by the sensory stimulation. However, the mesencephalic sagittal transection significantly reduced the stimulatory effect on DA release induced in the left SN. These results suggest that the thalamus is involved in the transfer of information implicated in the reciprocal regulation of the two dopaminergic pathways. In the light of electrophysiological data, the role of nigrothalamic neurones in this phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the anterior preglomerular nucleus (PGa) were studied in carp and goldfish by tracer injection experiments to the nucleus and telencephalon. The PGa received fibers from the central nucleus of semicircular torus, perilemniscular nucleus, anterior tuberal nucleus, and medial pretoral nucleus, all of which are presumed auditory structures. The PGa projected to the dorsal (dDm) and ventral (vDm) regions of medial part of dorsal telencephalic area. The caudomedial region of lateral preglomerular nucleus (PGl) and medial zone of medial preglomerular nucleus (PGm), which also receive auditory toral fibers, projected to the same telencephalic regions as did PGa. These preglomerular structures and the PGa also received in common descending fibers from a rostromedial portion of dDm. The PGa also received fibers from the parvocellular and magnocellular preoptic nuclei, and suprachiasmatic nucleus and projected to the anterior tuberal nucleus and medial inferior lobe, suggesting neurohormonal and circadian control on the PGa and auditory influences on hypothalamic functions. Of other diencephalic nuclei that receive auditory toral fibers, only small numbers of neurons were labeled in the central posterior thalamic nucleus and anterior tuberal nucleus even after large injections to the dorsal telencephalic area. Thus, the PGa and closely related preglomerular regions, not the dorsal thalamus, appear to constitute the major auditory relay station to the dorsal telencephalic area. The rostrolateral region of PGl, rostral and lateral zones of PGm, commissural preglomerular nucleus, and preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus, which do not receive auditory toral fibers, also projected to the dorsal telencephalic area.  相似文献   

The double fluorescent retrograde labeling method was used to examine the distribution of spinothalamic tract (STT) cells that project to the medial and lateral thalamus in the cat. Injections of one fluorescent tracer (Fast Blue or Diamidino Yellow) were made throughout the lateral thalamus and injections of the other tracer were made in the medial thalamus at sites extrapolated from recording track coordinates. Survival times were successively extended (up to 5 weeks) in order to maximize labeling in both the cervical and lumbosacral spinal cord. On average, over 2,000 labeled contralateral STT cells were counted in serial sections from segments C5-7 and L5-S2. Numerical variability of the order of a factor of two was attributable to inherent differences between individual animals. The total number of cells labeled with fluorescent tracers was comparable to the number labeled with horseradish peroxidase in control cases, although there were significant differences between the laminar distributions of labeling produced by the two methods. Injections made anterior to the thalamus to control for labeling due to leakage or passing fibers did not produce substantial spinal labeling. The laminar distribution of fluorescent dye-labeled STT cells was consistent; about half (47%) were located in lamina I, 8% were in lamina V, 5% in lamina VI, 20% in lamina VII, and 20% in lamina VIII. The proportions of STT cells in laminae I and V were higher in cervical segments (57% and 12%, respectively) than in lumbosacral segments (38% and 6%). The dominant contribution of lamina I cells to the STT thus revealed by the fluorescent tracers is striking. The proportions of STT cells labeled from the medial and the lateral thalamus varied with segmental and laminar location and with injection placement. The majority (62%) of STT cells in most cases projected only to the medial thalamus, 25% projected only to the lateral thalamus, and 13% projected to both. The STT cell populations in laminae I, VII, and VIII each displayed this common projection pattern. In contrast, cells in laminae V and VI projected predominantly to the lateral thalamus. Twice as many STT cells in lamina I (19%) projected to both the medial and the lateral thalamus as from other laminae. A greater proportion of laminae V-VIII STT cells in segments L5-6 projected to the lateral thalamus, and in S1-2, more projected to the medial thalamus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present study is the first of a series on descending supraspinal pathways in amphibians in which hodologic and developmental aspects are studied. Representative species of anurans (the green frog, Rana perezi, and the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis), urodeles (the Iberian ribbed newt, Pleurodeles waltl), and gymnophionans (the Mexican caecilian, Dermophis mexicanus) have been used. By means of retrograde tracing with dextran amines, previous data in anurans were largely confirmed and extended, but the studies in P. waltl and D. mexicanus present the first detailed data on descending pathways to the spinal cord in urodeles and gymnophionans. In all three orders, extensive brainstem-spinal pathways were present with only minor representation of spinal projections originating in forebrain regions. In the rhombencephalon, spinal projections arise from the reticular formation, several parts of the octavolateral area, the locus coeruleus, the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, the raphe nucleus, sensory nuclei (trigeminal sensory nuclei and the dorsal column nucleus), and the nucleus of the solitary tract. In all species studied, the cerebellar nucleus and scattered cerebellar cells innervate the spinal cord, predominantly contralaterally. Mesencephalic projections include modest tectospinal projections, torospinal projections, and extensive tegmentospinal projections. The tegmentospinal projections include projections from the nucleus of Edinger-Westphal, the red nucleus, and from anterodorsal, anteroventral, and posteroventral tegmental nuclei. In the forebrain, diencephalospinal projections originate in the ventral thalamus, posterior tubercle, the pretectal region, and the interstitial nucleus of the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis. The most rostrally located cells of origin of descending spinal pathways were found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the preoptic area and a subpallial region in the caudal telencephalic hemisphere, probably belonging to the amygdaloid complex. Our data are discussed in an evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

The locations of spinothalamic neurons and the funicular trajectories of their axons were studied in cats by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Five animals were used as controls to determine the cervical and lumbar laminar distributions of neurons contributing to the spinothalamic tract. An additional eight animals were used to determine the funicular trajectories of the spinothalamic axons of lumbar neurons by utilizing a series of thoracic spinal cord lesions in conjunction with retrograde transport of HRP from the sensory thalamus. Three of these animals underwent midthoracic ventral quadrant lesions, four animals underwent midthoracic dorsolateral funiculus lesions, and one animal underwent total spinal cord transection sparing the dorsal columns. The locations of the cells containing the HRP reaction product were then determined after a 3- to 5-day survival time, and the patterns of labeled cell locations of the lesion groups were compared to the control group patterns. In the lesioned animals, the cervical spinothalamic cell locations were used as a control to confirm the uniformity of the injection sites, transport and tissue processing. The major finding of this study is that there exist two distinct components of the spinothalamic tract. The dorsolateral spinothalamic tract (DSTT) is made up of axons originating in contralateral spinal cord lamina I and has negligible contribution from the deeper spinal cord laminae. The axons of lamina I cells cross segmentally and ascend exclusively in the dorsolateral funiculus (DLF). The DSTT comprises approximately 25% of the total spinothalamic input from the lumbar enlargement. The ventral spinothalamic tract (VSTT) is made up of axons originating in spinal cord laminae IV-V and VII-X. Very few lamina I cells contribute axons to the VSTT. This crossed pathway ascends in the ventrolateral and ventromedial portions of the spinal cord. No cells contributing to the spinothalamic tract were identified in spinal cord segments caudal to a dorsal column sparing lesion, indicating that there are no spinothalamic tract axons traveling in the dorsal columns. These results expand the classical concept of information processing by the spinothalamic tract. The DSTT is made up of lamina I cell axons. All lamina I spinothalamic cells respond exclusively to noxious peripheral stimuli. Hence the DSTT is a major nociceptive-specific ascending spinal pathway, yet lies outside the confines normally assigned to the spinothalamic tract.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In many vertebrates parallel processing in topographically ordered maps is essential for efficient sensory processing. In the active electrosensory pathway of mormyrids afferent input is processed in two parallel somatotopically ordered hindbrain maps of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL), the dorsolateral zone (DLZ), and the medial zone (MZ). Here phase and amplitude modulations of the self‐generated electric field were processed separately. Behavioral data indicates that this information must be merged for the sensory system to categorically distinguish capacitive and resistive properties of objects. While projections between both zones of the ELL have been found, the available physiological data suggests that this merging takes place in the midbrain torus semicircularis (TS). Previous anatomical data indicate that the detailed somatotopic representation present in the ELL is lost in the nucleus lateralis (NL) of the TS, while a rough rostrocaudal mapping is maintained. In our study we investigated the projections from the hindbrain to the midbrain in more detail, using tracer injections. Our data reveals that afferents from both maps of the ELL terminate in a detailed somatotopic manner within the midbrain NL. Furthermore, we provide data indicating that phase and amplitude information may indeed be processed jointly in the NL. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:2479–2491, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Subcortical afferent projections to the medial limbic cortex were examined in the rat by the use of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase. Small iontophoretic injections of horseradish peroxidase were placed at various locations within the dorsal and ventral cingulate areas, the dorsal agranular and ventral granular divisions of the retrosplenial cortex and the presubiculum. Somata of afferent neurons in the thalamus and basal forebrain were identified by retrograde labeling. Each of the anterior thalamic nuclei was found to project to several limbic cortical areas, although not with equal density. The anterior dorsal nucleus projects primarily to the presubiculum and ventral retrosplenial cortex; the anterior ventral nucleus projects to the retrosplenial cortex and the presubiculum with apparently similar densities; and the anterior medial nucleus projects primarily to the cingulate areas. The projections from the lateral dorsal nucleus to these limbic cortical areas are organized in a loose topographic fashion. The projection to the presubiculum originates in the most dorsal portion of the lateral dorsal nucleus. The projection to the ventral retrosplenial cortex originates in rostral and medial portions of the nucleus, whereas afferents to the dorsal retrosplenial cortex originate in caudal portions of the lateral dorsal nucleus. The projection to the cingulate originates in the ventral portion of the lateral dorsal nucleus. Other projections from the thalamus originate in the intralaminar and midline nuclei, including the central lateral, central dorsal, central medial, paracentral, reuniens, and paraventricular nuclei, and the ventral medial and ventral anterior nuclei. In addition, projections to the medial limbic cortex from the basal forebrain originate in cells of the nucleus of the diagonal band. Projections to the presubiculum also originate in the medial septum. These results are discussed in regard to convergence of sensory and nonsensory information projecting to the limbic cortex and the types of visual and other sensory information that may be relayed to the limbic cortex by these projections.  相似文献   

A complex cortical network is believed to encode the multidimensionality of the human pain experience. In the present study, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine whether the brain's processing of noxious stimuli differs with different psychophysical properties. Painful mechanical impact and heat stimulations of equal stimulus intensity were applied to the forearm of 14 subjects in a randomized order. Concomitantly, subjects had to evaluate the corresponding sensory-discriminative and affective-motivational pain dimensions. fMRI revealed an increased activation of bilateral secondary somatosensory cortices (S2) during mechanical impact pain compared with heat pain. Activations in S2 were significantly correlated with scores for the sensory-discriminative component during mechanical impact pain. By contrast, corresponding scores for the affective-motivational pain dimension did not differ between both conditions. In summary, we conclude that S2 plays an important role in the sensory-discriminative dimension of pain.  相似文献   

The effect of stimulation of the central noradrenergic system on the release of LH and ovulation was studied in the female rat. Electrochemical stimulation (ECS) (anodic DC) was applied through monopolar stainless-steel electrodes chronically implanted in animals bearing a plastic cannula inserted into the jugular vein for blood sampling.In ovariectomized, estrogen-primed rats, ECS applied in the nucleus locus coeruleus (LC) blocked the release of LH triggered by electrical stimulation of the medial preoptic area. A similar result was observed when the stimulus was applied in the A5 cell grouping but not when it was applied outside the nuclei but near them or when a cathodic current was passed through the electrode implanted into the LC. The degree of inhibition of LH release was proportional to the amount of current applied.Electrochemical stimulation of the LC, the A5 or the A1 cell grouping in non-anesthetized freely-behaving rats on the day of proestrus also blocked ovulation and the spontaneous surge of LH.Unilateral transection of the dorsal noradrenergic bundle at the level of the mesencephalon completely suppressed the inhibitory effect on LH release resulting from ECS applied to the ipsilateral LC nucleus of A5 cell grouping. On the contrary unilateral transection of the ventral noradrenergic bundle did not interfere with the inhibition elicited from the LC and only partially affected that elicited from the A5 neuronal group.These results provide evidence that endogenous release of norepinephrine elicited by activation of the central noradrenergic system can inhibit LH secretion, suggesting that the noradrenergic system may be envolved inhibitory mechanisms controlling LH release.  相似文献   

Lateral line areas in the midbrain of Xenopus laevis were identified by recording evoked potentials and neural activity elicited by stimulating anterior and posterior lateral line nerves. Spike activity was found in the lateral half of the optic tectum, ventrolateral tectum, and torus semicircularis. Contra- and ipsilateral lateral line pathways to these regions were identified. Spike discharge was associated with an evoked potential (EP) consisting of a large negative-positive wave sometimes preceded by a small positive-negative deflection. EP depth profiles varied according to electrode position within the lateral line midbrain projection field. In the middle of the field a dramatic increase in EP growth occurred as the electrode passed through the torus semicircularis, with peak amplitudes being achieved 900-1,100 micron from the surface within nucleus principalis and magnocellularis. Tracks at the lateral edge of the field showed a steady growth of EP, with peak amplitudes around 600 micron as the electrode passed through ventrolateral tectum. Auditory responses to tone pips were found in the nucleus laminaris and principalis in caudomedial regions of the torus semicircularis, in areas lying medial to the main centers of lateral line evoked activity; this is a similar organisation to that found in teleost fish. The results indicate the torus semicircularis and deep layers of the lateral tectum to be involved in lateral line processing Some topographic separation of the representation of anterior and posterior lateral line systems is indicated. The possible involvement of these areas in lateral line stimulus localisation is discussed.  相似文献   

Neuronal connections of the intercollicular region were studied in the cat by the anterograde and retrograde WGA-HRP and HRP methods. The results indicate that some neurons in the intercollicular region, which comprises the intercollicular nucleus, external and pericentral nuclei of the inferior colliculus, and nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus, receive afferent fibers from the dorsal column nuclei, bilaterally with a contralateral dominance, and send their axons to the lateral division of the posterior complex of the thalamus, bilaterally with an ipsilateral predominance.  相似文献   

The Wulst of birds, which is generally considered homologous with the isocortex of mammals, is an elevation on the dorsum of the telencephalon that is particularly prominent in predatory species, especially those with large, frontally placed eyes, such as owls. The Wulst, therefore, is largely visual, but a relatively small rostral portion is somatosensory in nature. In barn owls, this rostral somatosensory part of the Wulst forms a unique physical protuberance dedicated to the representation of the contralateral claw. Here we investigate whether the input to this "claw area" arises from dorsal thalamic neurons that, in turn, receive their somatosensory input from the gracile nucleus. After injections of biotinylated dextran amine into the gracile nucleus and cholera toxin B chain into the claw area, terminations from the former and retrogradely labeled neurons from the latter overlapped substantially in the thalamic nucleus dorsalis intermedius ventralis anterior. These results indicate the existence in this species of a "classical" trisynaptic somatosensory pathway from the body periphery to the telencephalic Wulst, via the dorsal thalamus, one that is likely involved in the barn owl's predatory behavior. The results are discussed in the context of somatosensory projections, primarily in this and other avian species.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is often used to enhance visualization and provide target localization during the planning phase of neurosurgical procedures. Although parametric maps have been used to identify areas of eloquent cortex such as the primary (S1) and secondary (S2) somatosensory areas for tumor surgery, to date, few fMRI methods exist to localize subcortical targets for surgical interventions used to treat movement disorders. The scanning time required to obtain statistically significant functional signals must be balanced against the possibility of movement artifacts and patient discomfort. We propose a vibrotactile stimulation technique to activate the somatosensory pathway for neurosurgical planning and perform a sensitivity analysis to determine the amount of time required to achieve significant activations of S1, S2, and sensory thalamus in individual subjects. Bilateral stimulation experiments were carried out on two MRI scanners (n = 13 at 1.5 T; n = 5 at 3.0 T). The analysis demonstrates that statistically significant functional activations can be achieved in clinically acceptable times: 16 min at 1.5 T (26/26 experiments) and 6 min at 3.0 T (10/10) for S1 activations; 24 min at 1.5 T (22/26) and 18 min at 3.0 T for S2 activations (9/10); and 32 min at 1.5 T (15/26) and 18 min at 3.0 T (10/10) for activation of thalamic nuclei. These results demonstrate that S1 and S2 activations are robust at 1.5 and 3.0 T, and that robust thalamic activations in individual subjects are possible at 3.0 T. These techniques demonstrate that this technique can be used for preoperative planning for surgical candidates.  相似文献   

Computation of rate in auditory signals is essential to call recognition in anurans. This task is ascribed to a group of central nervous system nuclei in the dorsal midbrain or torus semicircularis, homologous to the inferior colliculus of mammals. We have mapped the connections of the subnuclei of the torus semicircularis in Xenopus laevis to determine which receive auditory and which receive lateral line information. Relative to terrestrial anurans, the torus of X. laevis is hypertrophied and occupies the entire caudal, dorsal midbrain. Auditory input to the torus, that arising directly from the dorsal medullary nucleus, is present only in the laminar nucleus. The principal and magnocellular nuclei receive their input from the lateral line nucleus of the medulla. All three nuclei of the torus also have reciprocal connections with the superior olive and the nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. Ascending efferents from all three nuclei of the torus innervate central and lateral thalamic nuclei, and all have a weak reciprocal connection with the posterior thalamus. The laminar and magnocellular nuclei have reciprocal connections with the ventral thalamus, and all three nuclei of the torus receive descending input from the anterior entopeduncular nucleus. The laminar and magnocellular nuclei also receive descending input from the preoptic area. Based on our identification of toral nuclei and these results we assign a major function for the detection of water-borne sounds to the laminar nucleus and a major function for the detection of near field disturbances in water pressure to the principal and magnocellular nuclei.  相似文献   

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