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The thalamocortical relations of the somatic fields in and around the lateral sulcus of the macaque were studied following cortical injections of tritated amino acids and horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Special attention was paid to the second somatosensory area (S2), the connections of which were also studied by means of thalamic isotope injections and retrograde degeneration. S2 was shown to receive its major thalamic input from the ventroposterior inferior thalamic nucleus (VPI) and not, as previously reported, from the caudal division of the ventroposterior lateral nucleus (VPLc). Following small injections of isotope or HRP into the hand representation of S2, only VPI was labeled. Larger injections, which included the representations of more body parts, led to heavy label in VPI, with scattered label in VPLc, the central lateral nucleus (CL), and the posterior nucleus (Po). In addition, small isotope injections into VPLc did not result in label in S2 unless VPI was also involved in the injection site, and ablations of S2 led to cell loss in VPI. Comparison of injections involving different body parts in S2 suggested a somatotopic arrangement within VPI such that the trunk and lower limb representations are located posterolaterally and the hand and arm representations anteromedially. The location of the thalamic representations of the head, face, and intraoral structures that project to S2 may be in the ventroposterior medial nucleus (VPM). The granular (Ig) and dysgranular (Id) fields of the insula and the retroinsular field (Ri) each receive inputs from a variety of nuclei located at the posteroventral border of the thalamus. Ig receives its heaviest input from the suprageniculate-limitans complex (SG-Li), with additional inputs from Po, the magnocellular division of the medial geniculate n. (MGmc), VPI, and the medial pulvinar (Pulm). Id receives its heaviest input from the basal ventromedial n. (VMb), with additional inputs from VPI, Po, SG-Li, MGmc, and Pulm. Ri receives its heaviest input from Po, with additional input from SG-Li, MGmc, Pulm, and perhaps VPI. Area 7b receives its input from Pulm, the oral division of the pulvinar, the lateral posterior n., the medial dorsal n., and the caudal division of the ventrolateral n. These results indicate that the somatic cortical fields, except for those comprising the first somatosensory area, each receive inputs from an array of thalamic nuclei, rather than just one, and that individual thalamic somatosensory relay nuclei each project to more than one cortical field.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine whether somatosensory thalamic nuclei other than the ventroposterior nucleus proper (VP) have connections with area 3b of the postcentral cortex in squirrel monkeys. Small injections of the anatomical tracers wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) or 3H-proline were placed in electrophysiologically identified representations of body parts. The results indicate that, besides the well-established somatotopically organized connections with VP, area 3b has connections with three other nuclei of the somatosensory thalamus: the ventroposterior superior nucleus (VPS ["shell" of VP]), the ventroposterior inferior nucleus (VPI), and the anterior pulvinar nucleus (Pa). Injections confined to area 3b or involving adjacent parts of area 3a or area 1 indicate that connections between VPS, VPI, and Pa and the postcentral cortex are somatotopically organized. In VPS, connections related to the hand were found medially, and connections related to the foot were lateral. In VPI, connections with the cortical representations of the mouth, hand, and foot were successively more lateral. In Pa, connections related to the mouth, hand, and foot were successively more ventral, lateral, and caudal, and the trunk region was caudomedial. The findings suggest that VPI contains a representation of all parts of the body, including the face. The connections of Pa with the primary somatosensory cortex, area 3b, the location of Pa relative to the ventroposterior nucleus, and the high degree of topographic order in the connections of Pa with the postcentral cortex suggest that Pa is an integral part of the somatosensory thalamus in monkeys and is homologous to the medial nucleus of the posterior group (Pom) in other mammals. Overall, the results contribute to the growing evidence that individual somatosensory cortical areas in monkeys receive inputs from multiple thalamic sources, and that a single thalamic nucleus has several cortical targets.  相似文献   

The anatomical tracer, wheat germ agglutinin, was used to determine the connections of electrophysiologically identified locations in three architectonically distinct representations of the body surface in the somatosensory cortex of gray squirrels. Injections in the first somatosensory area, S-I, revealed reciprocal connections with the ventroposterior nucleus (VP), a portion of the thalamus just dorsomedial to VP, the posterior medial nucleus, Pom, and sometimes the ventroposterior inferior nucleus (VPI). As expected, injections in the representation of the face in S-I resulted in label in ventroposterior medial (VPM), the medial subnucleus of VP, whereas injections in the representation of the body labeled ventroposterior lateral (VPL), the lateral subnucleus of VP. Furthermore, there was evidence from connections that the caudal face and head are represented dorsolaterally in VPM, and the forelimb is represented centrally and medially in VPL. The results also support the conclusion that a representation paralleling that in VP exists in Pom, so that the ventrolateral part of Pom represents the face and the dorsomedial part of Pom is devoted to the body. Because connections with VPI were not consistently revealed, the possibility exists that only some parts or functional modules of S-I are interconnected with VPI. Two separate small representations of the body surface adjoin the caudoventral border of S-I. Both resemble the second somatosensory area, S-II, enough to be identified as S-II in the absence of evidence for the other. We term the more dorsal of the two fields S-II because it was previously defined as S-II in squirrels (Nelson et al., '79), and because it more closely resembles the S-II identified in most other mammals. We refer to the other field as the parietal ventral area, PV (Krubitzer et al, '86). Injections in S-II revealed reciprocal connections with VP, Pom, and a thalamic region lateral and caudal to Pom and dorsal to VP, the posterior lateral nucleus, Pol. Whereas major interconnections between S-II and VPI have been reported for cats, raccoons, and monkeys, no such interconnections were found for S-II in squirrels. The parietal ventral area, PV, was found to have prominent reciprocal interconnections with VP, VPI, and the internal (magnocellular) division of the medial geniculate complex (MGi). The pattern of connections conforms to the established somatotopic organization of VP and suggests a crude parallel somatotopic organization in VPI. Less prominent interconnections were with Pol.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Projection neurons of the basolateral (BL) amygdaloid complex are regulated by an intrinsic inhibitory network. To improve our understanding of this inhibitory circuit, we studied the synaptology of parvalbumin-immunopositive (PV+) elements as this calcium-binding protein is localized in a subpopulation of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic interneurons. Two populations of PV+ cells were identified on the basis of soma shape (ovoid, type A vs. polygonal, type B). In the lateral and BL nuclei, the majority of boutons in contact with PV+ cells formed asymmetric synapses (types 1–3; 94%), whereas a minority (type 4, 6%) established symmetric synaptic contacts and resembled GABAergic terminals. In both nuclei, type B PV+ perikarya were more densely innervated than were type A neurons. However, the pattern of synaptic innervation of type B PV+ neurons differed in the two nuclei: in the lateral nucleus, they were almost exclusively innervated by a population of small, presumed excitatory terminals (type 1), whereas the four categories of terminals contributed more equally to their innervation in the BL nucleus. PV+ boutons belonged to a single category of terminals that was enriched with GABA and formed symmetric synapses mostly with the proximal part of PV neurons. The proportion of axosomatic synapses was significantly higher in the lateral nucleus than in the BL nucleus (33% vs. 18%). The reverse was true for the contacts with proximal dendrites (33% in the lateral nucleus vs. 46% in the BL nucleus). The remaining terminals formed synapses with distal dendrites (23–28%) and spines (8–12%). These results indicate that PV+ interneurons receive massive excitatory inputs and that PV+ terminals are strategically located to exert a powerful inhibitory control of amygdala neurons. J. Comp. Neurol. 391: 164–179, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The inferior colliculus (IC) is partitioned into three subdivisions: the dorsal and lateral cortices (DC and LC) and the central nucleus (ICC), and serves as an integration center of auditory information. Recent studies indicate that a certain population of IC neurons may represent the non‐GABAergic phenotype, while they express well‐established cortical/hippocampal GABAergic neuron markers. In this study we used the optical disector to investigate the phenotype of IC neurons expressing parvalbumin (PV) and/or nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in C57BL/6J mice during the late postnatal period. Four major types of IC neurons were defined by the presence (+) or absence (–) of PV, NOS, and glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67): PV+/NOS?/GAD67+, PV+/NOS+/GAD67+, PV+/NOS?/GAD67?, and PV?/NOS+/GAD67?. Fluorescent in situ hybridization for vesicular glutamate transporter 2 mRNA indicated that almost all GAD67? IC neurons represented the glutamatergic phenotype. The numerical densities (NDs) of total GAD67+ IC neurons remained unchanged in all subdivisions. The NDs of PV+/NOS?/GAD67+ neurons and PV?/NOS+/GAD67? neurons were reduced with age in the ICC, while they remained unchanged in the DC and LC. By contrast, the NDs of PV+/NOS+/GAD67+ neurons and PV+/NOS?/GAD67? neurons were increased with age in the ICC, although there were no changes in the DC and LC. The cell body size of GAD67+ IC neurons did not vary according to the expression of PV with or without NOS. The present findings indicate that the expression of PV and NOS may shift with age within the GABAergic and glutamatergic phenotypes of IC neurons during the late postnatal period. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:868–884, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Immuno-cytochemical methods were used to determine the distributions of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), cholecystokinin (CCK), and somatostatin (SOM) in the primary somatosensory cortex and somatosensory thalamus of adult raccoons. The cortex showed extensive immunoreactivity for GAD, revealing a large population of GABAergic neurons. GAD-labeled cells were numerous in all cortical layers, but were most concentrated in laminae II–IV. The cells were nonpyramidal and of varying morphology, typically with somata of small or medium size. GAD-immunoreactive puncta, presumably synaptic terminals, were widespread and often appeared to end on both GAD-negative and GAD-positive neurons. Immunoreactivity for the peptides was much less extensive than that for GAD, with the number of labeled neurons for VIP > CCK > SOM. Peptidergic cells were preferentially located in the upper and middle cortical layers, especially laminae II and III. The cells were nonpyramidal, often bitufted or bipolar in morphology, and small to medium in size. Their processes formed diffuse plexuses of fibers with terminal-like varicosities that occasionally surrounded nonpeptidergic neurons. The thalamus showed a clearly differentiated pattern of immunoreactivity for GAD, but little or no labeling for the three peptides. Nuclei adjoining the ventral posterior lateral (VPL)/ventral posterior medial (VPM) complex—including the reticular nucleus—contained many GAD-positive neurons and fibers. In contrast, the VPL and VPM nuclei displayed considerably less GAD immunoreactivity, somewhat surprising given the raccoon's highly developed somatosensory system. However, the ventral posterior inferior (VPI) nucleus revealed rather dense GAD labeling, perhaps related to a specialized role in sensory information processing. Thus, the primary somatosensory cortex of the raccoon showed patterns of immunoreactivity for GAD and peptides that were similar to those of other species; the somatosensory thalamus revealed a distinctive profile of GAD immunoreactivity, with labeling that was light to moderate in the VPL/VPM complex and relatively extensive in VPI.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the perineuronal net (PNN), a specialised extracellular matrix structure, and parvalbumin (PV), an EF‐hand calcium‐binding protein, are involved in the regulation of plasticity of neural circuits. Here, we aimed to quantitatively estimate the relationship between the two plasticity regulators, PV and PNNs, in the hippocampus of young adult mice. Dual fluorescence staining for PV and Wisteria floribunda agglutinin (a broad PNN marker) showed that a substantial population of PV‐expressing (PV+) GABAergic neurons lacked PNNs. Optical disector analysis demonstrated that there were fewer PNN+ neurons than PV+ neurons. The ratio of PNN expression in PV+ neurons was generally lower in the dendritic layers than in the principal cell layers, whereas the ratio of PV expression in PNN+ neurons was effectively 100%. The mean PV fluorescence was significantly higher in PNN+/PV+ neurons than in PNN?/PV+ neurons. Cumulative frequencies for single‐cell PV fluorescence indicated that intensely stained PV+ neurons tend to be enwrapped by PNNs, whereas weakly stained PV+ neurons are likely to lack PNNs. We digested the PNNs by a unilateral injection of chondroitinase ABC (chABC) into the dorsal CA1 region. Although the densities of PV+ neurons remained unchanged, the PV fluorescence declined 7 days after chABC injection. Quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction analysis demonstrated a reduction in PV mRNA expression following chABC injection. These findings indicate that the presence or absence of PNNs affects the relative PV expression in GABAergic neurons in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Representations of the parts of the oral cavity and face in somatosensory area 3b of macaque monkeys were identified with microelectrode recordings and injected with different neuroanatomical tracers to reveal patterns of thalamic projections to tongue, teeth, and other representations in primary somatosensory cortex. The locations of injection sites and resulting labeled neurons were further determined by relating sections processed to reveal tracers to those processed for myeloarchitecture in the cortex and multiple architectural stains in the thalamus. The ventroposterior medial subnucleus (VPM) for touch was identified as separate from the ventroposterior medial parvicellular nucleus (VPMpc) for taste by differential expression of several types of proteins. Our results revealed somatotopically matched projections from VPM to the part of 3b representing intra‐oral structures and the face. Retrogradely labeled cells resulting from injections in area 3b were also found in other thalamic nuclei including: anterior pulvinar (Pa), ventroposterior inferior (VPI), ventroposterior superior (VPS), ventroposterior lateral (VPL), ventral lateral (VL), center median (CM), central lateral (CL), and medial dorsal (MD). None of our injections, including those into the representation of the tongue, labeled neurons in VPMpc, the thalamic taste nucleus. Thus, area 3b does not appear to be involved in processing taste information from the thalamus. This result stands in contrast to those reported for New World monkeys. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:3954–3971, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Corticothalamic connections were shown between the second somatosensory area in primates and the ventroposterior nuclei of the thalamus. These projections were topographically arranged with those from the hindlimb portions of SII traced to the most lateral and posterior parts of the ventroposterior lateral nucleus (VPLc) and those from the forelimb located medially within VPLc. The densest labeling was found ventrally in VPLc and dorsally within ventroposterior inferior n. (VPI) only after injections of the forelimb. A more scattered, dorsal distribution of labeling was seen in the rest of VPLc from injections involving more proximal parts of the body representation in SII.  相似文献   

Levels of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) and its synthesizing enzyme in cerebral cortex are regulated by sensory experience. Previously we found that associative pairing of vibrissae stimulation and tail shock results in upregulation of GABAergic markers in the mouse barrel cortex. In order to ascertain whether GABAergic upregulation also accompanies associative pairing in other sensory modalities, we examined the mouse visual cortex after analogous training with visual stimulus. During pairing, visual stimulus (CS) was coupled with a tail shock (UCS). We examined the density of cells expressing glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and parvalbumin (PV) in monocular and binocular segments of the primary visual cortex (V1). The auditory cortex was used as a control. After monocular training, the density of cells expressing GAD rose significantly in the monocular segment of V1 contralateral to the stimulated eye, compared with the opposite hemisphere. This effect was due to the association of CS and UCS, as no changes were found after visual stimulation alone or in the auditory cortex. No changes were noted in the density of PV+ neurons, so the effect was attributed to GAD+/PV? neurons. Mobilization of a specific subclass of GABAergic cells, observed after associative pairing in the somatosensory and visual cortices, may reflect the necessity to restrict the activity of circuits involved in sensory association. J. Comp. Neurol. 516:482–492, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine the precise projection pattern from the primary (S1) and secondary (S2) somatosensory cortices to the posterior nuclear proper (POm) and ventroposterior thalamic nuclei (VP). The POm was previously shown to receive large boutons arising exclusively from layer V of the S1 barrel region. This descending input was proposed to play a key role, namely, as a driver, in shaping the receptive property of POm neurons. To determine whether other body parts and the S2 also contribute such unique inputs to the dorsal thalamus, anterograde neuroanatomical tracers were focally deposited in the S1 and S2 forepaw and whisker regions of rats and C57BL6‐Tg (GFPm)/Thy1 transgenic mice. Our major findings were that, 1) irrespective of body representations, both the S1 and the S2 provided corticothalamic large terminals to the POm with comparable morphological characteristics and 2) descending large terminals were also noted in particular subzones within the VP, including boundary and caudal areas. We concluded, based on these findings, that the rodent VP has three partitions: the rostral VP innervated by small corticothalamic terminals, the caudal VP with both corticothalamic small and large terminals, and a surrounding shell region, which also contained large terminals. Furthermore, assuming that the large terminal has a driver's role, we propose that particular subzones in the VP may play a role as a multiple‐order thalamic relay so that they can simultaneously coordinate with first‐ and higher‐order relays in the thalamocortical circuitry for processing somatosensory information. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:2592–2611, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuronal responses in the first and second somatosensory cortex (SI and SII) to stimulation of the ventroposterior nucleus of the thalamus (VP) were studied in experiments on cats immobilized with d-tubocurarine. 12.0% responding neurons in SI and 9.5% in SII were activated antidromically by VP stimulation. In the majority of antidromic responses the latencies did not exceed 1.0 ms. The minimal latency of orthodromic spikes was 1.5 ms in SI and 1.7 ms in SII. In SI the number of neurons whose orthodromic spike latencies did not exceed 3.0 ms was larger than neurons activated with latencies of 3.1-4.5 ms. In SII an inverse quantitative relationship between those two neuronal groups was observed. In SII a significantly larger number of neurons was excited with latencies of EPSPs ranged between 1.1-9.0 ms in SI and between 1.4-6.6 ms in SII and the latencies of IPSPs between 1.5-6.8 ms in SI and 2.2-9.4 ms in SII. The importance of different pathways for excitatory and inhibitory VP influences to neurons of SI and SII is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to test the hypothesis that thalamic efferents of trigeminal nucleus caudalis (NC) are the cranial analogue of the spinothalamic system, lesion and autoradiographic studies were carried out in the squirrel monkey, and the terminal projection fields in thalamus were noted. Results showed that NC, including lateral reticular formation (LRF), projects to contralateral VPM, the VPM-VPL border and medial VPL, and a region dorsal to ventroposterior nucleus (VP) proper which contains cells larger than those in VPM yet which stain as darkly as VPL neurons; this latter zone of termination may be homologous with VPLo (Vim) in other species, which is that area receiving lemniscal and cerebellar afferents (Mehler, '71; Walsh and Ebner, '73; Boivie, '74). In addition, a small projection is noted in an area intercalated between dorsomedial MG, limitans nucleus and posterior VP which closely agrees with the medial division of Posterior nucleus (Po) described in rhesus and squirrel monkey (Burton and Jones, '76). No terminations were observed in the gustatory nucleus medial to VPM. Bilateral, terminal projection fields were observed in posterior mediodorsal nucleus (MD), and a paralaminar area (PL) which lies in the ventrolateral strip of MD and is particularly prominent in primates; other bilateral fields were noted in CL, particularly the more medial segment of the nucleus. A sparse projection was noted in contralateral CM. Ipsilateral, intratrigeminal connections between NC and main sensory nucleus (MSV) also were observed. We conclude that, in the squirrel monkey, NC efferents, probably including LRF, may be considered analagous to the spinothalamic system by virtue of terminations in older medial and newer ventroposterior thalamus. Terminations in posterior MD may be specific to Primates. Moreover, projections to an area just dorsal to VP proper in squirrel monkey may be included within the broader definition of a neo-spinothalamic area as reflected in spinothalamic tract projections to the ventrolateral complex in cat (Boivie, '71b; Jones and Burton, '74). The small NC projection to a part of Po is consistent with spinothalamic terminations to a “posterior” thalamic area in other primates (Mehler, '69), and with the suggestion that medial Po transmits pain information (Burton and Jones, '76).  相似文献   

Thalamic connections of three subdivisions of somatosensory cortex in marmosets were determined by placing wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase and fluorescent dyes as tracers into electrophysiologically identified sites in S-I (area 3b), S-II, and the parietal ventral area, PV. The relation of the resulting patterns of transported label to the cytoarchitecture and cytochrome oxidase architecture of the thalamus lead to three major conclusions. 1) The region traditionally described as the ventroposterior nucleus (VP) is a composite of VP proper and parts of the ventroposterior inferior nucleus (VPi). Much of the VP region consists of groups of densely stained, closely packed neurons that project to S-I. VPi includes a ventral oval of pale, less densely packed neurons and finger-like protrusions that extend into VP proper and separate clusters of VP neurons related to different body parts. Neurons in both parts of VPi project to S-II rather than S-I. Connection patterns indicate that the proper and the embedded parts of VPi combine to form a body representation paralleling that in VP. 2) VPi also provides the major thalamic input into PV. 3) In architecture, location, and cortical connections, the region traditionally described as the anterior pulvinar (AP) of monkeys resembles the medial posterior nucleus, Pom, of other mammals and we propose that all or most of AP is homologous to Pom. AP caps VP dorsomedially, has neurons that are moderately dense in Nissl staining, and reacts moderately in CO preparations. AP neurons project to S-I, S-II, and PV in somatotopic patterns.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether or not thalamic reticular nucleus (Rt) neurons form synaptic connections with the thalamocortical (TC) neurons from which they receive synaptic contacts. Therefore, we examined, in adult rats, the relationships between single TC and Rt neurons, which had been marked simultaneously with an anterograde/retrograde tracer (biocytin or Neurobiotin), using the extracellular or juxtacellular technique. (i) From 30 successful extracellular microapplications of marker into the Rt, 22 gave retrogradely marked TC somatodendritic arbors at the fringe of or clear outside the anterogradely darkly stained Rt axon terminal fields. Following biocytin application into the thalamus, few cells were retrogradely stained in the Rt at the periphery of the anterogradely labelled axon terminal field. (ii) The juxtacellular filling of a single Rt cell was accompanied by the back-filling of a single TC neuron (n = 4 pairs), which presumably formed synaptic contacts with the former cell. The somatodendritic complex of the back-filled TC neuron was located outside the Rt cell's axonal arbor. These anatomical data provide clear evidence that Rt and thalamic neurons predominantly form between themselves open rather than closed loop connections. Because TC neurons make glutamatergic synapses onto Rt cells, which are GABAergic, and are the first elements synaptically activated by prethalamic afferents into the TC-Rt network, the present results strongly support the hypothesis that Rt neurons principally generate a mechanism of lateral inhibition in the thalamus.  相似文献   

For a long time, myelin was thought to be restricted to excitatory neurons, and studies on dysmyelination focused primarily on excitatory cells. Recent evidence showed that axons of inhibitory neurons in the neocortex are also myelinated, but the role of myelin on inhibitory circuits remains unknown. Here we studied the impact of mild hypomyelination on both excitatory and inhibitory connectivity in the primary auditory cortex (A1) with well-characterized mouse models of hypomyelination due to loss of oligodendrocyte ErbB receptor signaling. Using laser-scanning photostimulation, we found that mice with mild hypomyelination have reduced functional inhibitory connections to A1 L2/3 neurons without changes in excitatory connections, resulting in altered excitatory/inhibitory balance. These effects are not associated with altered expression of GABAergic and glutamatergic synaptic components, but with reduced density of parvalbumin-positive (PV+) neurons, axons, and synaptic terminals, which reflect reduced PV expression by interneurons rather than PV+ neuronal loss. While immunostaining shows that hypomyelination occurs in both PV+ and PV axons, there is a strong correlation between MBP and PV expression, suggesting that myelination influences PV expression. Together, the results indicate that mild hypomyelination impacts A1 neuronal networks, reducing inhibitory activity, and shifting networks towards excitation.  相似文献   

The subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a critical excitatory signaling center within the basal ganglia circuitry. The activity of subthalamic neurons is tightly controlled by upstream inhibitory signaling centers in the basal ganglia. In this study, we used immunohistochemical techniques to firstly, visualize and quantify the STN neurochemical organization based on neuronal markers including parvalbumin (PV), calretinin (CR), SMI‐32, and GAD65/67. Secondly, we characterized the detailed regional, cellular and subcellular expression of GABAA1, α2, α3, β2/3, and γ2) and GABAB (R1 and R2) receptor subunits within the normal human STN. Overall, we found seven neurochemically distinct populations of principal neurons in the human STN. The three main populations detected were: (a) triple‐labeled PV+/CR+/SMI32+; (b) double‐labeled PV+/CR+; and (c) single‐labeled CR+ neurons. Subthalamic principal neurons were found to express GABAA receptor subunits α1, α3, β2/3, γ2, and GABAB receptor subunits R1 and R2. However, no expression of GABAA receptor α2 subunit was detected. We also found a trend of increasing regional staining intensity for all positive GABAA receptor subunits from the dorsolateral pole to ventromedial extremities. The GAD+ interneurons showed relatively low expression of GABAA receptor subunits. These results provide the morphological basis of GABAergic transmission within the normal human subthalamic nucleus and evidence of GABA innervation through both GABAA and GABAB receptors on subthalamic principal neurons.  相似文献   

The laterodorsal and pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei (LDT-PPT) are involved in the generation of active sleep (AS; also called REM or rapid eye movement sleep). Although the LDT-PPT are composed principally of cholinergic neurons that participate in the control of sleep and waking states, the function of the large number of GABAergic neurons that are also located in the LDT-PPT is unknown. Consequently, we sought to determine if these neurons are activated (as indicated by their c-fos expression) during active sleep induced by the microinjection of carbachol into the rostro-dorsal pons (AS-carbachol). Accordingly, immunocytochemical double-labeling techniques were used to identify GABA and Fos protein, as well as choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), in histological sections of the LDT-PPT. Compared to control awake cats, there was a larger number of GABAergic neurons that expressed c-fos during AS-carbachol (31.5±6.1 vs. 112±15.2, P<0.005). This increase in the number of GABA+Fos+ neurons occurred on the ipsilateral side relative to the injection site; there was a small decrease in GABA+Fos+ cells in the contralateral LDT-PPT. However, the LDT-PPT neurons that exhibited the largest increase in c-fos expression during AS-carbachol were neither GABA+ nor ChAT+ (47±22.5 vs. 228.7±14.0, P<0.0005). The number of cholinergic neurons that expressed c-fos during AS-carbachol was not significantly different compared to wakefulness. These data demonstrate that, during AS-carbachol, GABAergic as well as an unidentified population of neurons are activated in the LDT-PPT. We propose that these non-cholinergic LDT-PPT neurons may participate in the regulation of active sleep.  相似文献   

Single- and double-label electron microscopic immunocytochemistry was used to examine the ultrastructure of striatal neurons containing nitric oxide synthase (NOS+) and evaluate the synaptic relationship of NOS+ striatal neurons with those containing parvalbumin (PV+). In both the single-label and double-label studies, NOS+ perikarya were observed to possess polylobulated nuclei. In the single-label studies, NOS+ terminals were seen forming synaptic contacts with dendritic shafts and dendritic spines that did not contain NOS, but not with NOS+ perikarya or dendrites. In the double-label studies (using diaminobenzidine and silver intensified immunogold as markers), nitric oxide synthase and parvalbumin immunoreactions were found in two different populations of medium-sized aspiny striatal neurons. The PV+ axon terminals were seen forming symmetric synapses on the dendritic spines of neurons devoid of PV or NOS labeling, on PV+ dendrites, and on NOS+ soma and dendrites. In contrast, NOS+ terminals were not observed to form synaptic contacts with the dendrites or soma of either PV+ or NOS+ neurons. These findings suggest that NOS+ striatal interneurons form synaptic contact with the spines and presumably the dendrites of striatal projection neurons, but not with the dendrites or soma of PV+ or NOS+ striatal interneurons. NOS+ neurons do, however, receive synaptic input from PV+ neurons.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDMajor depressive disorder (MDD) is a highly disabling psychiatric syndrome associated with deficits of specific subpopulations of cortical GABAergic interneurons; however, the underlying molecular mechanism remains unknown. Type 3 adenylyl cyclase (ADCY3, AC3), which is important for neuronal excitability, has been implicated in MDD in a genome-wide association study in humans. Moreover, a study reported that ablation of AC3 in mice caused similar symptoms as MDD patients.AIMTo determine if disruption of the AC3 gene in different subtypes of GABAergic interneurons of mice causes depression-like behaviors.METHODSUsing immunohistochemistry, we investigated the expression of AC3 in two major subtypes GABAergic interneurons: Somatostatin-positive (SST+) and parvalbumin-positive (PV+) neurons. Genetic manipulations were used to selectively disrupt AC3 expression in SST+ or PV+ interneurons. A series of behavior tests including rotarod test, open field test (OFT), elevated plus maze test (EPM), forced swimming test (FST), and tail suspension test (TST) were used to evaluate the motor ability, anxiety- and depression- like behaviors, respectively.RESULTSOur results indicate that approximately 90.41% of SST+ and 91.22% of PV+ interneurons express AC3. After ablation of AC3 in SST+ interneurons, the mice spent comparable time in the center area in OFT, but significantly less time in the open arms and low frequency of entries to the open arms in EPM. Furthermore, these mice showed prolonged immobility in FST and more freezing in TST. However, there were no significant changes in these behaviors after specific disruption of AC3 in PV+ interneurons.CONCLUSIONThis study indicates that ablation of AC3 in SST+ interneurons of mice increases anxiety- and depression-like behaviors in mice, supporting the general hypothesis that decreased AC3 activity may play a role in human depression.  相似文献   

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