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It has been reported that the acoustic thalamus of the rat sends projection fibers to both the temporal cortical areas and the lateral amygdaloid nucleus to mediate conditioned emotional responses to an acoustic stimulus. In the present study, fluorescent retrograde double labeling with Fast Blue and Diamidino Yellow has been used in the rat to examine whether single neurons in the posterior thalamic region send axon collaterals to both the temporal cortical areas and lateral amygdaloid nucleus. One of the tracers was injected into the lateral amygdaloid nucleus and the other into the temporal cortical areas close to the rhinal sulcus. Neurons double-labeled with both tracers were found mainly in the posterior intralaminar nucleus and suprageniculate nucleus, and to a lesser extent in the subparafascicular nucleus and medial division of the medial geniculate nucleus. No double-labeled neurons were seen in either the dorsal or ventral division of the medial geniculate nucleus. When one of the tracers was injected into the lateral amygdaloid nucleus and the other into either the dorsal portion of the temporal cortex, the dorsal portion of the entorhinal cortex, or the posterior agranular insular cortex, no double-labeled neurons were found in the posterior thalamic region. The present results indicate that a substantial number of single neurons in the acoustic thalamus project to both the limbic cortical areas and lateral amygdaloid nucleus by way of axon collaterals. These neurons may be implicated in affective and autonomic components of responses to multi-sensory stimuli, including acoustic ones. J. Comp. Neurol. 384:59-70, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To provide information about the possible regions involved in auditory recognition memory, this study employed an imaging technique that has proved valuable in the study of visual recognition memory. The technique was used to image populations of neurons that are differentially activated by novel and familiar auditory stimuli, thereby paralleling previous studies of visual familiarity discrimination. Differences evoked by novel and familiar sounds in the activation of neurons were measured in different parts of the rat auditory pathway by immunohistochemistry for the protein product (Fos) of the immediate early gene c-fos. Significantly higher counts of stained neuronal nuclei (266 +/- 21/mm2) were evoked by novel than by familiar sounds (192 +/- 17/mm2) in the auditory association cortex (area Te3; AudA). No such significant differences were found for the inferior colliculus, primary auditory cortex, postrhinal cortex, perirhinal cortex (PRH), entorhinal cortex, amygdala or hippocampus. These findings are discussed in relation to the results of lesion studies and what is known of areas involved in familiarity discrimination for visual stimuli. Differential activation is produced by novel and familiar individual stimuli in sensory association cortex for both auditory and visual stimuli, whereas the PRH is differentially activated by visual but not auditory stimuli. It is suggested that this latter difference is related to the nature of the particular auditory and visual stimuli used.  相似文献   

The temporal cortex of grey squirrels contains three architectonically distinct regions. One of these regions, the temporal anterior (Ta) region has been identified in previous physiological and anatomical studies as containing several areas that are largely auditory in function. Consistent with this evidence, Ta has architectonic features that are internally somewhat variable, but overall sensory in nature. In contrast, the caudally adjoining temporal intermediate region (Ti) has architectonic features that suggest higher order and possibly multisensory processing. Finally, the most caudal region, composed of previously defined temporal medial (Tm) and temporal posterior (Tp) fields, again has more of the appearance of sensory cortex. To understand their functional roles better, we injected anatomical tracers into these regions to reveal their thalamic connections. As expected, the dorsal portion of Ta, containing two primary or primary-like auditory areas, received inputs from the ventral and magnocellular divisions of the auditory medial geniculate complex (MGv and MGm). The most caudal region, Tm plus Tp, received inputs from the large visual pulvinar of squirrels, possibly accounting for the sensory architectonic characteristics of this region. However, Tp additionally receives inputs from the magnocellular (MGm) and dorsal (MGd) divisions of the medial geniculate complex, implicating Tp in multisensory processing. Finally, the middle region, Ti, had auditory inputs from MGd and MGm, but not from the visual pulvinar, providing evidence that Ti has higher order auditory functions. The results indicate that the architectonically distinct regions of temporal cortex of squirrels are also functionally distinct. Understanding how temporal cortex is functionally organized in squirrels can guide interpretations of temporal cortex organization in other rodents in which architectonic subdivisions are not as obvious.  相似文献   

The thalamo-cortical and cortico-cortical afferents of the cat's insular cortex were investigated with the retrograde horseradish peroxidase technique. The most prominent loci of thalamic labeling were the suprageniculate nucleus and parts of the posterolateral nucleus. Injections into the anterior part of the insular cortex also resulted in labeled cells in the ventromedial posterior nucleus and in the intralaminar nuclei, while injections into posterior parts revealed projections from the medial and dorsal parts of the medial geniculate nucleus. Only the anterior and most ventral parts of the insular cortex overlying the anterior rhinal sulcus were connected with the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus. All injections into the gyrus sylvius anterior showed a specific pattern of cortical afferents: With the exception of the labeling in the prefrontal cortex and the inferotemporal region, the labeled cells were very narrowly restricted to the presylvian, the suprasylvian, and the splenial sulcus. The thalamic neurons projecting to the cortex were generally organized in a bandlike pattern which crossed nuclear borders. The majority of the cortico-cortical connections originated from sulcal areas next to the prefrontal, parietal, and cingulate cortex, that is, next to so-called association cortices. In the light of the present results the role of the insular cortex as a multifunctional association area is discussed, as well as its relation to other cortical centers.  相似文献   

Auditory cortex of macaque monkeys is located on the lower bank of the lateral sulcus and the adjoining superior temporal gyrus. This region of cortex contains a core of primary-like areas surrounded by a narrow belt of associated fields. Adjacent to the lateral belt on the superior temporal gyrus is a parabelt region which contains at least two subdivisions (rostral and caudal). In previous studies we defined the parabelt region as cortex with topographic cortical connections with the belt areas surrounding the core, and connections with the dorsal and magnocellular divisions of the medial geniculate complex, but minimal connections with the core region and ventral division of the medial geniculate complex. The callosal connections of the parabelt auditory cortex were determined by placing injections, of up to six distinguishable tracers, into different locations of the parabelt region in each of four macaque monkeys. The results indicated that the strongest callosal projections arise from homotopic areas in parabelt cortex, and they roughly matched the rostrocaudal levels of the medial and lateral belt cortex. Weaker callosal inputs to the parabelt originate from the corresponding levels of the superior temporal gyrus and superior temporal sulcus. The core region does not contribute significant callosal projections to the parabelt region. The results provide further support for the conclusion that the parabelt region represents a third level of auditory cortical processing beyond direct activation by primary subcortical and cortical auditory structures.  相似文献   

Although the human temporal polar cortex (TPC), anterior to the limen insulae, is heavily involved in high‐order brain functions and many neurological diseases, few studies on the parcellation and extent of the human TPC are available that have used modern neuroanatomical techniques. The present study investigated the TPC with combined analysis of several different cellular, neurochemical, and pathological markers and found that this area is not homogenous, as at least six different areas extend into the TPC, with another area being unique to the polar region. Specifically, perirhinal area 35 extends into the posterior TPC, whereas areas 36 and TE extend more anteriorly. Dorsolaterally, an area located anterior to the typical area TA or parabelt auditory cortex is distinguishable from area TA and is defined as area TAr (rostral). The polysensory cortical area located primarily in the dorsal bank of the superior temporal sulcus, separate from area TA, extends for some distance into the TPC and is defined as the TAp (polysensory). Anterior to the limen insulae and the temporal pyriform cortex, a cortical area, characterized by its olfactory fibers in layer Ia and lack of layer IV, was defined as the temporal insular cortex and named as area TI after Beck (J. Psychol. Neurol. 1934;41:129–264). Finally, a dysgranular TPC region that capped the tip with some extension into the dorsal aspect of the TPC is defined as temporopolar area TG. Therefore, the human TPC actually includes areas TAr and TI, anterior parts of areas 35, 36, TE, and TAp, and the unique temporopolar area TG. J. Comp. Neurol. 514:595–623, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to define auditory cortical areas in the dog on the basis of thalamocortical connectivity patterns. Connections between the posterior thalamic region and auditory ectosylvian cortex were studied using axonally transported tracers: fluorochromes and biotinylated dextran amine. Cyto- and chemoarchitecture provided grounds for the division of the posterior thalamic region into three complexes, medial geniculate body (MGB), posterior nuclei (Po), and lateromedial and suprageniculate nuclei (LM-Sg). Distinctive cytoarchitectonic features and the distribution of dominant thalamocortical connections (determined quantitatively) allowed us to define four ectosylvian areas: middle (EM), anterior (EA), posterior (EP), and composite (CE). We found that each area was a place of convergence for projections from five to eleven nuclei of the three thalamic complexes, with dominant projections derived from one or two nuclei. Dominant topographical projections from the ventral nucleus to area EM confirmed physiological reports that it may be considered a primary auditory area (AI). We found the anterior part of the EM to be distinct in having unique strong connections with the deep dorsal MGB nucleus. Area EA, which receives dominant projections from the lateral Po (Pol) and medial MGB nuclei, as well as area EP, which receives dominant connections from the dorsal caudal MGB nucleus, compose two parasensory areas. Area CE receives dominant projections from the extrageniculate nuclei, anterior region of the LM-Sg, and Pol, supplemented with an input from the somatosensory VP complex, and may be considered a polymodal association area.  相似文献   

Thalamic projections to fields A, AI, P, and VP in the cat auditory cortex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thalamocortical projections to four tonotopic fields (A, AI, P, and VP) of the cat auditory cortex were studied by using combined microelectrode mapping and retrograde axonal transport techniques. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or HRP combined with either tritiated bovine serum albumin or nuclear yellow was injected into identified best-frequency sites of one or two different fields in the same brain. Arrays of labeled neurons were related to thalamic nuclei defined on the basis of their cytoarchitecture and physiology. In some cases, patterns of labeling were directly compared with thalamic best-frequency maps obtained in the same brain. We compared only patterns of labeling resulting from injections into similar parts of the frequency representation in different fields to insure that observed differences in patterns of labeling did not simply reflect differences in the frequency representation at the injection sites. The thalamic projection to the four fields is divided among seven nuclei, three tonotopic nuclei (ventral nucleus, V; lateral part of the posterior group of thalamic nuclei, Po; and dorsal cap nucleus, d) and four nontonotopic nuclei (caudodorsal nucleus, cd; ventrolateral nucleus, vl; and small, Ms; and medium-large, Mg, cell regions of the medial division). Projections to each field differ, and each field receives inputs from tonotopic and nontonotopic nuclei. Field A receives its major inputs from Po and Mg, and a minor input from V. Field AI receives its major inputs from V, Po, and Mg, although Po and Mg have heavier projections to field A. Field P receives its major inputs from V, d, and vl; and minor inputs from cd, Ms, Mg, and Po. Field VP receives major inputs from V, vl, and cd; and minor inputs from d, Ms, and Mg. There are segregated territories in V and Po in which most neurons projects to one cortical field (major projection), and a smaller proportion projects to one or more other fields (minor projections). Field VP receives a major projection from the caudal pole of V. Field P receives a major projection from the caudal half of V, and from a thin band along the dorsal border of rostral V. Field AI receives a major projection from most of the rostral one-half of V, and smaller areas in Po and the caudal half of V exclusive of its caudal pole. Field A receives a major projection from most of Po.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Thalamic and cortical afferents to the insular and perirhinal cortex of the rat were investigated. Unilateral injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were made iontophoretically along the rhinal sulcus. HRP injections covered or invaded areas along the rhinal fissure from about the level of the middle cerebral artery to the posterior end of the fissure. The most anterior injection labeled a few cells in the mediodorsal nucleus. More posterior injections labeled neurons in the basal portion of the nucleus ventralis medialis, thus suggesting that this cortical region constitutes the rat's gustatory (insular) cortex. We consider the cortex situated posterior to the gustatory cortex in and above the rhinal sulcus as the core region of the rat's (associative) insular cortex, as this cortex receives afferents from the regions of and between the nuclei suprageniculatus and geniculatus medialis, pars magnocellularis. It includes parts of the cortex termed perirhinal in other studies. The cortex dorsal and posterior to the insular cortex we consider auditory cortex, as it receives afferents from the principal part of the medial geniculate nucleus, and the cortex ventral to the insular cortex (below the fundus of the rhinal sulcus) we consider to constitute the prepiriform cortex, which is athalamic. The posterior part of the perirhinal cortex (area 35) receives afferents from nonspecific thalamic nuclei (midline nuclei). Cortical afferents to the injection loci arise from a number of regions, above all from regions of the medial and sulcal prefrontal cortex. Those injections confined to the projection cortex of the suprageniculate-magnocellular medial geniculate nuclear complex also led to labeling in contralateral prefrontal regions, particularly in area 25 (infralimbic region). A comparison of our results with those on the insular cortex of cats and monkeys suggests that on the basis of thalamocortical connections, topographical relations, and involvements of neurons in information processing and overt behavior, the insular cortex has to be regarded as a heterogeneous region which may be separated into prefrontal insular, gustatory (somatosensory) insular, and associative insular portions.  相似文献   

O'Kane G  Insler RZ  Wagner AD 《Hippocampus》2005,15(3):326-332
Medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures often respond to stimulus repetition with a reduction in neural activity. Such novelty/familiarity responses reflect the mnemonic consequences of initial stimulus encounter, although the aspects of initial processing that lead to novelty/familiarity responses remain unspecified. The current functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment examined the sensitivity of MTL to changes in the semantic representations/processes engaged across stimulus repetitions. During initial study blocks, words were visually presented, and participants made size, shape, or composition judgments about the named referents. During repeated study blocks, the initial words were visually re-presented along with novel words, and participants made size judgments for all items. Behaviorally, responses were faster to repeated words in which the same task was performed at initial and repeated exposure (i.e., size-->size) relative to repeated words in which the tasks differed (i.e., composition-->size and shape-->size). fMRI measures revealed activation reductions in left parahippocampal cortex following same-task and different-task repetition; numerically, the effect was larger in the same-task condition. Accordingly, left parahippocampal cortex demonstrates sensitivity to perceptual novelty/familiarity, and it remains unclear whether this region also is sensitive to novelty/familiarity in the conceptual domain. In left perirhinal cortex, a novelty/familiarity effect was observed in the same-task condition but not in the different-task condition, thus revealing sensitivity to the degree of semantic overlap across exposures but insensitivity to perceptual repetition of the visual word form. Perirhinal sensitivity to semantic repetition and insensitivity to perceptual repetition suggests that human perirhinal cortex receives conceptual inputs, with perirhinal contributions to declarative memory perhaps partially stemming from its role in processing semantic aspects of experiences.  相似文献   

HRP injected into layer I of the primary auditory cortex (AI) in the cat labeled neuronal cell bodies ipsilaterally in the medial, dorsal and ventrolateral divisions of the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN), suprageniculate nucleus, and nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus. MGN neurons labeled after HRP injected into layer I were statistically smaller than those labeled after HRP injected into layer IV.  相似文献   

The distribution of thalamocortical neurons projecting to layer I of the cat auditory cortical fields was examined by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method. After HRP injection into layer I of the primary auditory cortex (AI), HRP-labeled neuronal cell bodies were distributed mainly in the medial, dorsal, and ventrolateral divisions of the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) and suprageniculate nucleus (Sg), and additionally in the lateral and medial divisions of the posterior group of the thalamus (Pol and Pom), lateroposterior thalamic nucleus (Lp), and nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus (BIN). After HRP injection into layer I of the second auditory cortex (AII), labeled neurons were seen mainly in the medial, dorsal, and ventrolateral divisions of the MGN and Sg and additionally in the Pom, Lp, and BIN. After HRP injection into layer I of the anterior auditory field (AAF), labeled neurons were located mainly in the medial and dorsal divisions of the MGN, Sg, Pol, and BIN, and additionally in the ventrolateral divisions of the MGN, Pom, and Lp. After HRP injection into layer I of the dorsal part of the posterior ectosylvian gyrus (Epd), labeled neurons were observed chiefly in the medial and dorsal divisions of the MGN, Sg, and Lp and additionally in the ventrolateral division of the MGN, Pom, and BIN. After HRP injection into layer I of the ventral part of the posterior ectosylvian gyrus (Epv), labeled neurons were distributed chiefly in the medial and dorsal divisions of the MGN and Pol and additionally in the ventrolateral division of the MGN, Sg, and BIN. Thus no labeled neurons were found in the ventral division of the MGN after HRP injection into layer I of all auditory cortical fields examined in the present study. The average soma diameters of neurons that were labeled after HRP injection into layer I were statistically smaller than those of neurons that were labeled after HRP injection into layer IV.  相似文献   

Patterns of connections underlying cross-modality integration were studied by injecting distinguishable, retrograde tracers (Fluoro-Gold and diamidino yellow) in pairwise manner into different sensory representations (visual, somatosensory, and auditory) in the cerebral cortex of the rat. In agreement with previous single tracer studies, our results indicate that the central core of sensory areas receives projections mainly from a set of association areas located in a ringlike fashion along the margin of the cortical mantle. The visual cortex received projections from areas 48/49, area 29d, posterior agranular medial cortex (AGm), area 11, area 13, and area 35. All these areas were also connected to the auditory cortex with the exception of areas 29d and AGm. However, lateral to area 29d and posterior AGm, a band of neurons projecting to the auditory cortex was present. Somatosensory cortex was connected mainly with the more anterior aspect of the hemisphere, which included primary motor area, area 11, and area 13. The patterns of intermodality relationships revealed in the present study were of two main categories. In the anterior and lateral areas, an intermingling of cells projecting to different sensory modalities was observed. In contrast, in areas located along the medial aspect of the hemisphere, cells connected to different sensory modality representations tended to be segregated from each other. Postsubicular cortex (areas 48/49) contained both intermingled and segregated groups of cells. The incidence of clearly identified double-labeled cells concurrently projecting to two different sensory representations was extremely rare. These patterns may form a substrate for different levels of cross-modal sensory integration in the rat cortex.  相似文献   

We describe documented simultaneous intracerebral auditory evoked potentials from the auditory cortex and medial geniculate body (MGB) of a human patient. The MGB response lasted > 300 ms, with an initial negativity at 13.5 ms (N13), two positive peaks P21 and P29, and two broader negativities N50 and N200. P21 and N50 amplitudes were strongest for lowest tone frequencies, suggesting possible MGB tonotopic organization. Thalamic peaks were strongly interlaced with cortical activities recorded in Heschl's gyri before 30 ms: N13 preceded the first cortical component by 3.5 ms, then P21 and P29 preceded and lagged, respectively, the following two cortical polarity reversals by 1.5-2 ms. This study provides new functional data on the human MGB, and supports a more complex than simply relay-like role of the thalamus in sound perception.  相似文献   

The extent of convergence of mediodorsal thalamic and amygdalar afferents on the rat's frontal cortex was studied by tracing retrogradely labeled cells following injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP was applied iontophoretically in extremely small injections throughout all areas of the frontal cortex. The following organization was revealed: Converging inputs from the mediodorsal nucleus and the amygdala are observed in the posterior parts of the pre-and infralimbic areas, in the posterior half of the dorsal and ventral agranular insular areas and in the lateral and dorsal precentral areas. Both mediodorsal and amygdaloid afferents reach the dorsal tip of the frontal cortex. Only the mediodorsal afferents were found to terminate in the anterior parts of the pre- and infralimbic areas and in the anterior part of the dorsal division of the anterior cingulate area and in the medial precentral area. On the lateral side of the hemisphere the anterior halves of the dorsal and ventral agranular insular areas receive mediodorsal afferents. Amygdaloid, but not mediodorsal afferents, were found following injections into the more posterior parts of the lateral precentral area. These results are discussed with respect to the extent of the prefrontal cortex in the rat and its definability as a target area of subcortical nuclei. Functional aspects of the anatomical convergence of connections within the so-called basolateral limbic circuit are outlined.  相似文献   

Long-term memory underlying Pavlovian fear conditioning is believed to involve plasticity at sensory input synapses in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). A useful physiological model for studying synaptic plasticity is long-term potentiation (LTP). LTP in the LA has been studied only in vitro or in anaesthetized rats. Here, we tested whether LTP can be induced in auditory input pathways to the LA in awake rats, and if so, whether it persists over days. In chronically implanted rats, extracellular field potentials evoked in the LA by stimulation of the auditory thalamus and the auditory association cortex, using test simulations and input/output (I/O) curves, were compared in the same animals after tetanization of either pathway alone or after combined tetanization. For both pathways, LTP was input-specific and long lasting. LTP at cortical inputs exhibited the largest change at early time points (24 h) but faded within 3 days. In contrast, LTP at thalamic inputs, though smaller initially than cortical LTP, remained stable until at least 6 days. Comparisons of I/O curves indicated that the two pathways may rely on different mechanisms for the maintenance of LTP and may benefit differently from their coactivation. This is the first report of LTP at sensory inputs to the LA in awake animals. The results reveal important characteristics of synaptic plasticity in neuronal circuits of fear memory that could not have been revealed with in vitro preparations, and suggest a differential role of thalamic and cortical auditory afferents in long-term memory of fear conditioning.  相似文献   

The current study provides strong morphological and physiological evidence for identifying reticular neurons which project to the ipsilateral abducens nucleus. In conjunction with recent work in the alert cat, these neurons are believed to be excitatory and are implicated to play a role in the generation of saccadic and/or vestibular fast phase eye movements.  相似文献   

Several anatomical and physiological studies have thus far failed to confirm the existence of striatocortical projections proposed in 1895 by Cajal. Evidence for such striatocortical projections was obtained in the present study using the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing method. When 0.1–0.8 μ1 of 30–50% HRP in saline was injected into different cortical regions in cats, HRP was transported to cells in different thalamic nuclei, striatum and the globus pallidus. Only large striatal cells, 30–60 μm in their long axes, contained HRP reaction product. After injection in area AI, the striatocortical cells were located in the dorsal parts of the middle third of putamen, where auditory cortical afferents are known to project, thereby suggesting reciprocal connections between the cerebral cortex and the striatum.  相似文献   

Because the posterior limb of the rostral suprasylvian sulcus (RSp) of the cat resides in close proximity to representations of the somatosensory, auditory, and visual modalities, the surrounding cortices would be expected to be a region where a high degree of multisensory convergence and integration is found. The present experiments tested this notion by using anatomical and electrophysiological methods. Tracer injections into somatosensory, auditory, and visual cortical areas almost all produced terminal labeling within the RSp, albeit at different locations and in different proportions. Inputs from somatosensory cortices primarily targeted the inner portion of the anterior RSp; inputs from auditory cortices generally filled the outer portion of the middle and posterior RSp; inputs from visual cortices terminated in the inner portion of the posterior RSp. These projections did not have sharp borders but often overlapped one another, thereby providing a substrate for multisensory convergence. Electrophysiological recordings confirmed this anatomical organization as well as identifying the presence of multisensory (bimodal) neurons in the areas of overlap between representations. Curiously, however, the proportion of bimodal neurons was only 24% of the neurons sampled in this region, and the majority of these did not show multisensory interactions when combined-modality stimuli were presented. In summary, these experiments indicate that the RSp is primarily auditory in nature, but this representation could be further subdivided into an outer sulcal anterior auditory field (sAAF) and an inner field of the rostral suprasylvian sulcus (FRS).  相似文献   

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