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An interlaminar, ascending, and GABAergic projection is demonstrated in the striate cortex of the cat. We have examined a basket cell, with soma and smooth dendrites in layers V and VI, that was injected intracellularly with HRP in the kitten. Three-dimensional reconstruction of its axon revealed a horizontal plexus in layer V and upper VI, extending about 1.8 mm anteroposteriorly and 0.8 mm mediolaterally; a dense termination in the vicinity of the soma in layers V and VI; and an ascending tuft terminating in layers II and III in register above the soma and about 250 microns in diameter. Many boutons of this cell contacted neuronal somata and apical dendrites of pyramidal cells and subsequent electron microscopy showed that these boutons formed type II synaptic contacts with these structures. A random sample of postsynaptic targets (n = 199) in layers III, V, and VI showed that somata (20.1%), dendritic shafts (38.2%), and dendritic spines (41.2%) were contacted. The fine structural characteristics of postsynaptic elements indicated that the majority originated from pyramidal cells. Direct identification of postsynaptic neurons was achieved by Golgi impregnation of four large pyramidal cells in layer V, which were contacted on their somata and apical dendrites by between three and 34 boutons of the HRP-filled basket cell. Layer IV neurons were not contacted. Golgi-impregnated neurons similar to the HRP-filled basket cell were also found in the deep layers. The axonal boutons of one of them were studied; it also formed type II synapses with somata and apical dendrites of pyramidal cells. Boutons of the HRP-filled neuron were shown to be GABA-immunoreactive by the immunogold method. This is direct evidence in favour of the GABAergic nature of deep layer basket cells with ascending projections. The existence of an ascending GABAergic pathway was also demonstrated by injecting [3H]GABA into layers II and III. The labelled amino acid was transported retrogradely by a subpopulation of GABA-immunoreactive cells in layers V and VI, in addition to cells around the injection site. The axonal pattern and mode of termination of deep basket cells make them a candidate for producing or enhancing directional selectivity, a characteristic of layer V cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study presents an ultrastructural analysis of layers 8 and 9 in the optic tectum of Xenopus laevis. Retinotectal axons were labelled with horseradish peroxidase and tectal cells were labelled with antibody to GABA. Four distinct axonal and dendritic structures were identified. GABA-negative axon terminals formed asymmetric synapses and were categorized as type a-1 (which included retinotectal axons), characterized by medium size synaptic vesicles and pale mitochondria, and type a-2 (non-retinotectal) with large vesicles and dense mitochondria. GABA-negative dendrites (type d) contained dense mitochondria, microtubules in the dendritic shafts, and dendritic spines devoid of microtubules. GABA-positive structures contained small synaptic vesicles and dense mitochondria. Some dendrites (type D) were not only postsynaptic but were also presynaptic elements, as defined by the presence of vesicles and distinct synaptic clefts with symmetric specializations. GABA-positive presynaptic structures were mostly located in vesicle-filled, bulbous extensions of dendritic shafts and usually terminated onto dendritic spines. Some type D dendrites were the middle element in serial synapses, with input from either GABA-positive or GABA-negative structures and output to GABA-negative structures. Retinotectal terminals were identified as one of the synaptic inputs to GABA-positive processes. Glia were characterized by granular cytoplasm and large mitochondria, often displaying a crystalline matrix structure. These results indicate that GABA-positive neurons are a prominent component of circuitry in the superficial layers of the tectum of Xenopus and that, as in mammals, they participate in serial synaptic arrangements in which retinotectal axons are the first element. These arrangements are consistent with complex processing of visual input to the tectum and a central role for inhibitory processes in the shaping of tectal responses.  相似文献   

An antibody raised in rabbits against a GABA-BSA conjugate was used together with the PAP technique to label elements in the neostriatum of three Old World monkeys. Light microscopy revealed numerous immunoreactive medium-size neurons of various staining intensities, some of which had indented nuclei, as well as an occasional large cell. The neuropil showed a plexus of fine processes with frequent puncta. Ultrastructurally, the medium-size GABA-positive neurons were of two types: one with smooth nuclei and scanty cytoplasm, similar to spiny I cells, the other with invaginated nuclear envelopes and more abundant perikaryon, resembling the aspiny type. Correspondingly, labeled dendrites were either spiny or varicose. Some stained axons were myelinated, and the boutons had either large and ovoid, or small and pleomorphic vesicles. All of these boutons formed symmetric synapses, the former type with GABA-positive dendritic shafts but also with unlabeled dendrites; the latter type usually with GABA-negative elements, either dendrites, dendritic spines, or somata. Synapses were also observed between unreactive boutons and immunostained dendrites. Terminals with densely packed, small round vesicles that established asymmetric synapses with spines were always GABA-negative. Glial elements were consistently unlabeled, save for some astroglial endfeet. These findings provide positive evidence for the existence of two classes of GABAergic striatal neurons corresponding to a long-axoned spiny I type and an aspiny interneuron. Furthermore, the simultaneous labeling of GABA-immunoreactive presynaptic and postsynaptic profiles offers possible morphologic bases for the various kinds of intrastriatal inhibitory processes, including the feedforward, feedback, and "autaptic" types.  相似文献   

The synaptic organization of the projection from the cat striate visual cortex to the posteromedial lateral suprasylvian cortical area (PMLS) was examined. The anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) was iontophorectically delivered into area 17, and anterogradely labeled fibers were revealed in PMLS by means of an immunocytochemical detection method. Most axons and presumptive terminal swellings were found in layers III and IV. The neuronal elements (n = 190) that were postsynaptic to anterogradely labeled boutons were quantitatively analyzed. All anterogradely labeled cortico-cortical boutons (n = 182) established type 1 synapses. The results show that 83% of the postsynaptic targets were dendritic spines, probably belonging to pyramidal cells. Dendritic shafts constituted 17% of the targets. The dendritic shafts postsynaptic to cortico-cortical boutons were studied for the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) with a postembedding immunogold method. Most dendritic shafts (85%) that were tested were found to be GABA-positive, demonstrating that they originate from local inhibitory neurons. Taking into account that most postsynaptic targets were spines and extending the results of the immunocytochemical testing to the total population of postsynaptic dendrites, it was calculated that at least 14% of targets originated from GABA-positive cells. Thus cortico-cortical axons establish direct monosynpatic connections mainly with pyramidal and to a lesser extent with GABAergic nonpyramidal neurons in area PMLS, providing both feedforward excitation and feedforward inhibition to a visual associational area known to be involved in the processing of motion information. The results are consistent with previously demonstrated deficits in physiological properties of neurons in PMLS following removal of cortico-cortical afferents.  相似文献   

The morphology and postsynaptic targets of GABA-containing boutons were determined in the striate cortex of cat, using a postembedding immunocytochemical technique at the electron microscopic level. Two types of terminals, both making symmetrical synaptic contacts, were GABA-positive. The first type (95% of all GABA-positive boutons) contained small pleomorphic vesicles, the second type (5%) contained larger ovoid vesicles. Furthermore, 99% of all cortical boutons containing pleomorphic vesicles were GABA positive, and all boutons with pleomorphic vesicles made symmetrical synaptic contacts. These results together with previously published stereological data (Beaulieu and Colonnier, 1985, 1987) were used to estimate the density of GABA-containing synapses, which is about 48 million/mm3 in the striate cortex. The postsynaptic targets of GABA positive boutons were also identified and the distribution was calculated to be as follows: 58% dendritic shafts, 26.4% dendritic spines, 13.1% somata and 2.5% axon initial segments. A total of 11% of the postsynaptic targets were GABA immunoreactive and therefore originated from GABAergic neurons. The results demonstrate that the majority of GABAergic synapses exert their action on the membrane of dendrites and spines rather than on the somata and axons of neurons.  相似文献   

The synaptic circuits underlying cholinergic activation of the cortex were studied by establishing the quantitative distribution of cholinergic terminals on GABAergic inhibitory interneurons and on non-GABAergic neurons in the striate cortex of the cat. Antibodies to choline acetyltransferase and GABA were used in combined electron microscopic immunocytochemical experiments. Most of the cholinergic boutons formed synapses with dendritic shafts (87.3%), much fewer with dendritic spines (11.5%), and only occasional synapses were made on neuronal somata (1.2%). Overall, 27.5% of the postsynaptic elements, all of them dendritic shafts, were immunoreactive for GABA, thus demonstrating that they originate from inhibitory neurons. This is the highest value for the proportion of GABAergic postsynaptic targets obtained so far for any intra- or subcortical afferents in cortex. There were marked variations in the laminar distribution of targets. Spines received synapses most frequently in layer IV (23%) and least frequently in layers V-VI (3%); most of these spines also received an additional synapse from a choline acetyltransferase-negative bouton. The proportion of GABA-positive postsynaptic elements was highest in layer IV (49%, two-thirds of all postsynaptic dendritic shafts), and lowest in layers V-VI (14%). The supragranular layers showed a distribution similar to that of the average of all layers. The quantitative distribution of targets postsynaptic to choline acetyltransferase-positive terminals is very different from the postsynaptic targets of GABAergic boutons, or from the targets of all boutons in layer IV reported previously. In both cases the proportion of GABA-positive dendrites was only 8-9% of the postsynaptic elements. At least 8% of the total population of choline acetyltransferase-positive boutons, presumably originating from the basal forebrain, were also immunoreactive for GABA. This raises the possibility of cotransmission at a significant proportion of cholinergic synapses in the cortex. The present results demonstrate that cortical GABAergic neurons receive a richer cholinergic synaptic input than non-GABAergic cells. The activation of GABAergic neurons by cholinergic afferents may increase the response specificity of cortical cells during cortical arousal thought to be mediated by the basal forebrain. The laminar differences indicate that in layer IV, at the first stage of the processing of thalamic input, the cholinergic afferents exert substantial inhibitory influence in order to raise the threshold and specificity of cortical neuronal responses. Once the correct level of activity has been set at the level of layer IV, the influence can be mainly facilitatory in the other layers.  相似文献   

The sources of GABAergic innervation to granule cells were studied to establish how the basic cortical circuit is implemented in the dentate gyrus. Five types of neuron having extensive local axons were recorded electrophysiologically in vitro and filled intracellularly with biocytin (Han et al., 1993). They were processed for electron microscopy in order to reveal their synaptic organization and postsynaptic targets, and to test whether their terminals contained GABA. (1) The hilar cell, with axon terminals in the commissural and association pathway termination field (HICAP cell), formed Gray's type 2 (symmetrical) synapses with large proximal dendritic shafts (n= 18), two-thirds of which could be shown to emit spines, and with small dendritic branches (n= 6). Other boutons of the HICAP neuron were found to make either Gray's type 1 (asymmetrical) synapses (n= 4) or type 2 synapses (n= 6) with dendritic spines. Using a highly sensitive silver-intensified immunogold method for the postembedding visualization of GABA immunoreactivity, both the terminals and the dendrites of the HICAP cell were found to be immunopositive, whereas its postsynaptic targets were GABA-immunonegative. The dendritic shafts of the HICAP cell received synapses from both GABA-negative and GABA-positive boutons; the dendritic spines which densely covered the main apical dendrite in the medial one-third of the molecular layer received synapses from GABA-negative boutons. (2) The hilar cell, with axon terminals distributed in conjunction with the perforant path termination field (HIPP cell), established type 2 synapses with distal dendritic shafts (n= 17), most of which could be shown to emit spines, small-calibre dendritic profiles (n= 2) and dendritic spines (n= 6), all showing characteristics of granule cell dendrites. The sparsely spiny dendrites of the HIPP cell were covered with many synaptic boutons on both their shafts and their spines. (3) The cell with soma in the molecular layer had an axon associated with the perforant path termination field (MOPP cell). This GABA-immunoreactive cell made type 2 synapses exclusively on dendritic shafts (n= 20), 60% of which could be shown to emit spines. The smooth dendrites of the MOPP cell were also restricted to the outer two-thirds of the molecular layer, where they received both GABA-negative and GABA-positive synaptic inputs. (4) The extensive axonal arborization of the dentate basket cell terminated mainly on somata (n= 26) and proximal dendrites (n= 9) in the granule cell layer, and some boutons made synapses on somatic spines (n= 6); all boutons established type 2 synapses. (5) The dentate axo-axonic cell established type 2 synapses (n= 14) exclusively on axon initial segments of granule cells in the granule cell layer, and on initial segments of presumed mossy cells in the hilus. The results demonstrate that granule cells receive inputs from the local circuit axons of at least five distinct types of dentate neuron terminating in mutually exclusive domains of the cell's surface in four out of five cases. Four of the cell types (HICAP cell, MOPP cell, basket cell, axo-axonic cell) contain GABA, and the HIPP cell may also be inhibitory. The specific local inhibitory neurons terminating in conjunction with particular excitatory amino acid inputs to the granule cells (types 1 – 3) are in a position to interact selectively with the specific inputs on the same dendritic segment. This arrangement provides a possibility for the independent regulation of the gain and long-term potentiation of separate excitatory inputs, through different sets of GABAergic local circuit neurons. The pairing of excitatory and inhibitory inputs may also provide a mechanism for the downward reseating of excitatory postsynaptic potentials, thereby extending their dynamic range.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic quantitative analysis was carried out on a type of neuron intracellularly filled with horseradish peroxidase. Two cells were studied in area 17, one of which was injected intra-axonally, and its soma was not recovered. One cell was studied in area 18. The two somata were on the border of layers IVa/b; they were radially elongated and received synapses from numerous large boutons with round synaptic vesicles. The dendrites were smooth and remained largely in layer IV. The cells can be recognised on the basis of their axonal arbor, which was restricted to layer IV (90-95% of boutons) with minor projections to layers III, V, and VI. Many of the large, bulbous boutons contacted neuronal somata, short collaterals often forming "claw"-like configurations around cells. The name "clutch cell" is suggested to delineate this type of neuron from other aspiny multipolar cells. Computer-assisted reconstruction of the axon showed that in layer IV the axons occupied a rectangular area about 300 X 500 microns, elongated anteroposteriorly in area 17 and mediolaterally in area 18. The distributions of synaptic boutons and postsynaptic cells were patchy within this area. A total of 321 boutons were serially sectioned in area 17. The boutons formed type II synaptic contacts. The postsynaptic targets were somata (20-30%), dendritic shafts (35-50%), spines (30%), and rarely axon initial segments. Most of the postsynaptic somata tested were not immunoreactive for GABA and their fine structural features suggest that they are spiny stellate, star pyramidal, and pyramidal neurons. The characteristics of most of the postsynaptic dendrites and spines also suggest that they belong to these spiny neurons. A few of the postsynaptic dendrites and somata exhibited characteristics of cells with smooth dendrites and these somata were immunoreactive for GABA. It is suggested that clutch cells are inhibitory interneurons exerting their effect mainly on layer IV spiny neurons in an area localised perhaps to a single ocular dominance column. The specific laminar location of the axons of clutch cell also suggests that they may be associated with the afferent terminals of lateral geniculate nucleus cells, and could thus be responsible for generating some of the selective properties of neurons of the first stage of cortical processing.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry with a monoclonal antibody against parvalbumin (PV) were combined to analyze the distribution and morphology of PV-immunoreactive (PV-IR) neurons and the synaptology of PV-IR processes in the principal sulcus of the macaque prefrontal cortex. Parvalbumin-IR neurons are present in layers II-VI of the macaque principal sulcus (Walker's area 46) and are concentrated in a band centered around layer IV. PV-IR cells are exclusively non-pyramidal in shape and are morphologically heterogeneous with soma sizes ranging from less than 10 microns to greater than 20 microns. Well-labeled neurons that could be classified on the basis of soma size and dendritic configuration resembled large basket and chandelier cells. A novel finding is that supragranular PV-IR neurons exhibit dendritic patterns with predominantly vertical orientations, whereas infragranular cells exhibit mostly horizontal or oblique dendritic orientations. PV-IR cells within layer IV exhibit a mixture of dendritic arrangements. Vertical rows of PV-IR puncta, 15-30 microns in length, resembling the "cartridges" of chandelier cell axons were most dense in layers II, superficial III, and the granular layer IV but were not observed in the infragranular layers. Cartridges were often present beneath unlabeled, presumed pyramidal cells. PV-IR puncta also formed pericellular nests around pyramidal cell somata and proximal dendrites, suggestive of basket cell innervation. PV-IR axons were occasionally observed in the white matter underlying the principal sulcus. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that PV-IR somata and dendrites are densely innervated by nonimmunoreactive terminals forming asymmetric (Gray type I) synapses as well as by fewer terminals forming symmetric (Gray type II) synapses. The majority of terminals forming symmetric synapses with PV-IR post-synaptic structures were not immunolabeled; however, some of these boutons did contain PV-immunoreactivity. PV-IR boutons exclusively form symmetric synapses and heavily innervate layer II/III pyramidal cells. PV-IR axon cartridges formed numerous axo-axonic synapses with the axon initial segments of pyramidal cells 15-20 microns beneath the axon hillock and also terminated on large axonal spines of the initial segment. Furthermore, we failed to observe a mixture of PV-immunoreactive and non-immunoreactive boutons composing a single axon cartridge. Pyramidal cell somata and proximal dendrites were also heavily innervated by PV-IR boutons forming symmetric synapses, again, consistent with basket cell innervation. In addition, PV-IR axon terminals frequently formed symmetric synapses with dendritic shafts and spines of unidentified neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Electrophysiologically identified and intracellularly biocytin-labeled mossy cells in the dentate hilus of the rat were studied using electron microscopy and postembedding immunogold techniques. Ultrathin sections containing a labeled mossy cell or its axon collaterals were reacted with antisera against the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate and against the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). From single- and double-immunolabeled preparations, we found that 1) mossy cell axon terminals made asymmetric contacts onto postsynaptic targets in the hilus and stratum moleculare of the dentate gyrus and showed immunoreactivity primarily for glutamate, but never for GABA; 2) in the hilus, glutamate-positive mossy cell axon terminals targeted GABA-positive dendritic shafts of hilar interneurons and GABA-negative dendritic spines; and 3) in the inner molecular layer, the mossy cell axon formed asymmetric synapses with dendritic spines associated with GABA-negative (presumably granule cell) dendrites. The results of this study support the view that excitatory (glutamatergic) mossy cell terminals contact GABAergic interneurons and non-GABAergic neurons in the hilar region and GABA-negative granule cells in the stratum moleculare. This pattern of connectivity is consistent with the hypothesis that mossy cells provide excitatory feedback to granule cells in a dentate gyrus associational network and also activate local hilar inhibitory elements. Hippocampus 1997;7:559–570. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The basolateral amygdala contains several subpopulations of inhibitory interneurons that can be distinguished on the basis of their content of calcium-binding proteins or peptides. Although previous studies have shown that interneuronal subpopulations containing parvalbumin (PV) or vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) innervate distinct postsynaptic domains of pyramidal cells as well as other interneurons, very little is known about the synaptic outputs of the interneuronal subpopulation that expresses somatostatin (SOM). The present study utilized dual-labeling immunocytochemical techniques at the light and electron microscopic levels to analyze the innervation of pyramidal cells, PV+ interneurons, and VIP+ interneurons in the anterior basolateral amygdalar nucleus (BLa) by SOM+ axon terminals. Pyramidal cell somata and dendrites were selectively labeled with antibodies to calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMK); previous studies have shown that the vast majority of dendritic spines, whether CAMK+ or not, arise from pyramidal cells. Almost all SOM+ axon terminals formed symmetrical synapses. The main postsynaptic targets of SOM+ terminals were small-caliber CaMK+ dendrites and dendritic spines, some of which were CaMK+. These SOM+ synapses with dendrites were often in close proximity to asymmetrical (excitatory) synapses to these same structures formed by unlabeled terminals. Few SOM+ terminals formed synapses with CaMK+ pyramidal cell somata or large-caliber (proximal) dendrites. Likewise, only 15% of SOM+ terminals formed synapses with PV+, VIP+, or SOM+ interneurons. These findings suggest that inhibitory inputs from SOM+ interneurons may interact with excitatory inputs to pyramidal cell distal dendrites in the BLa. These interactions might affect synaptic plasticity related to emotional learning.  相似文献   

The hypoglossal nucleus of the macaque monkey Macaca fuscata was investigated with light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry with an antibody directed against gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). At the light microscopic level, GABA immunoreactivity was present in small neurons, punctate structures, and thin, fiberlike structures. These GABA-positive elements were distributed throughout the hypoglossal nucleus at rostrocaudal levels. There was no immunoreactivity in the hypoglossal motoneurons. The GABA-positive small neurons were fusiform or ovoid (15 X 9 micron) and extended a few proximal dendrites from both poles. At the ultrastructural level, these small neurons were characterized by a markedly invaginated nucleus and a scanty cytoplasm in which cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum were not organized into extensive lamellar arrays as seen in the motorneurons. The GABA-positive punctate structures at the light microscopic level were identified as vesicle-containing axon boutons at the electron microscopic level. These GABA-positive axon terminals made synaptic contacts mainly with the dendrites of the motoneurons and infrequently with the somata. The majority of them made symmetric synapses and they contained pleomorphic synaptic vesicles. However, a small number of GABA-positive terminals (7%) formed asymmetric synapses with the dendrites of motoneurons, and these contacts exhibited postsynaptic dense bars or Taxi bodies lying beneath the postsynaptic membranes. There were no GABA-positive boutons that contacted the cell bodies of the small neurons. Although GABA-positive myelinated and unmyelinated axons were seen as thin, fiberlike structures, these myelinated and unmyelinated axons rarely gave rise to boutons on the motoneurons. The present study suggests that GABAergic inhibition in the monkey hypoglossal nucleus occurs mainly on the dendrites of the motoneurons and to some extent on the somata.  相似文献   

To understand the organization of inhibitory circuitries in the rat amygdala, the distribution of parvalbumin, calretinin, and calbindin immunoreactivity was investigated in the rat amygdaloid complex. Colocalization of various calcium-binding proteins with the inhibitory transmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) was studied by using the mirror technique. Parvalbumin-immunoreactive (-ir) elements were located mostly in the deep amygdaloid nuclei, whereas the calretinin-ir and calbindin-ir staining were most intense in the cortical nuclei as well as in the central nucleus and the amygdalohippocampal area. Second, the distribution of immunopositive neurons largely parallelled the distribution of terminal and neuropil labeling. Third, immunostained neurons could be divided into four major morphologic types (types 1-4) based on the characteristics of the somata and the dendritic trees. The fourth lightly stained neuronal type that had a pyramidal GABA-negative soma was observed only in calretinin and calbindin preparations. Fourth, parvalbumin-ir terminals formed basket-like plexus and cartridges, which suggests that parvalbumin labels GABAergic inhibitory basket cells and axo-axonic chandelier cells, respectively. Colocalization studies indicated that 521 of 553 (94%) of parvalbumin-ir, 419 of 557 (75%) of calbindin-ir, and 158 of 657 (24%) of calretinin-ir neurons were GABA-positive in the deep amygdaloid nuclei. A high density of large GABA-negative calbindin-ir neurons was observed caudally in the medial division of the lateral nucleus and GABA-negative calretinin-ir neurons were observed in the magnocellular division of the accessory basal nucleus as well as in the intermediate and parvicellular divisions of the basal nucleus. These data suggest that in various amygdaloid areas, neuronal excitability is controlled by GABAergic neurons that contain different calcium-binding proteins. The appearance of basket-like plexus and cartridges in the parvalbumin preparations, but not in calretinin preparations, suggests that like in the hippocampus, the distribution of inhibitory terminals in the dendritic and perisomatic regions of postsynaptic neurons in the rat amygdala is organized in a topographic manner.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that hippocampal GABAergic neurons in both the dentate gyrus and Ammon's horn contain immunoreactivity for the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (PARV). Although the distribution of PARV-positive neurons has been previously described, detailed quantitative electron microscopic studies of the PARV-positive axon terminals in the hippocampal formation are lacking. In the present study, immunocytochemical methods were used to localize PARV-positive neurons and axon terminals to determine their similarity to GABAergic neurons. The PARV-positive cells and axon terminals are associated closely with the pyramidal and granule cell layers. In agreement with previous studies, the morphology of PARV-positive neurons is similar to that of GABAergic cells, including the basket cells of both the dentate gyrus and Ammon's horn. The PARV-positive axon terminals form exclusively symmetric synapses with somata, dendrites, dendritic spines, and axon initial segments. However, these terminals represent only a portion of the total number of terminals that form symmetric synapses. Quantitative results indicate that only 32-38% of the total number of terminals forming symmetric axosomatic synapses with principal cells of the dentate gyrus and Ammon's horn are PARV positive. Together with previous findings from light microscopic double-labeling studies, these data indicate that the PARV-positive terminals arise from a subpopulation of GABAergic hippocampal neurons. Finally, it is important to note that the terminal plexus of PARV-positive hippocampal axons overlaps at all postsynaptic sites with a plexus of PARV-negative axons.  相似文献   

Surprisingly little is known about the synaptic architecture of the cholinergic innervation in the primate cerebral cortex in spite of its acknowledged relevance to cognitive processing and Alzheimer's disease. To address this knowledge gap, we examined serially sectioned cholinergic axons in supra- and infragranular layers of the macaque prefrontal cortex by using an antibody against the acetylcholine synthesizing enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). The tissue bound antibody was visualized with both immunoperoxidase and silver-enhanced diaminobenzidine sulfide (SEDS) techniques. Both methods revealed that cholinergic axons make synapses in all cortical layers and that these synapses are exclusively symmetric. Cholinergic axons formed synapses primarily on dendritic shafts (70.5%), dendritic spines (25%), and, to a lesser extent, cell bodies (4.5%). Both pyramidal neurons and cells exhibiting the morphological features of GABAergic cells were targets of the cholinergic innervation. Some spiny dendritic shafts received multiple, closely spaced synapses, suggesting that a subset of pyramidal neurons may be subject to a particularly strong cholinergic influence. Analysis of synaptic incidence of cholinergic profiles in the supragranular layers of the prefrontal cortex by the SEDS technique revealed that definitive synaptic junctions were formed by 44% of the cholinergic boutons. An unexpected finding was that chohnergic boutons were frequently apposed to spines and small dendrites without making any visible synaptic specializations. These same spines and dendrites often received asymmetric synapses, presumably of thalamocortical or corticocortical origin. Present ultrastructural findings suggest that acetylcholine may have a dual modulatory effect in the neocortex: one through classical synaptic junctions on dendritic shafts and spines, and the other through nonsynaptic appositions in close vicinity to asymmetric synapses. Further physiological studies are necessary to test the hypothesis of the nonsynaptic release of acetylcholine in the Cortex. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Axons of pyramidal cells in piriform cortex stained by intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have been analyzed by light and electron microscopy. Myelinated primary axons give rise to extensive, very fine caliber (0.2 micron) unmyelinated collaterals with stereotyped radiating branching patterns. Serial section electron microscopic analysis of the stained portions of the collateral systems (initial 1-2 mm) revealed that they give rise to synaptic contacts on dendritic spines and shafts. These synapses typically contain compact clusters of large, predominantly spherical synaptic vesicles subjacent to asymmetrical contacts with heavy postsynaptic densities. On the basis of comparisons with Golgi material and intracellularly stained dendrites, it was concluded that dendritic spines receiving synapses from the proximal portions of pyramidal cell axon collaterals originate primarily from pyramidal cell basal dendrites. Postsynaptic dendritic shafts contacted closely resemble dendrites of probable GABAergic neurons identified in antibody and [3H]-GABA uptake studies. Electron microscopic examination of pyramidal cell axon initial segments revealed a high density of symmetrical synaptic contacts on their surfaces. Synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic boutons were small and flattened. It is concluded that pyramidal cells synaptically interact over short distances with other pyramidal cells via basal dendrites and with deep nonpyramidal cells that probably include GABAergic cells mediating a feedback inhibition. This contrasts with long associational projections of pyramidal cells that terminate predominantly on apical dendrites of other pyramidal cells.  相似文献   

The callosal projections of the cerebral cortex play an important role in the functional integration of the two hemispheres, and the anatomy of these connections has been extensively studied in primary sensory and motor regions. In the present investigation, we examined the synaptic targets of callosal terminals in a limbic association area, the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in the rat. In addition, we examined the relationship of callosal afferents to GABA local circuit neurons within the PFC. Callosal terminals were labeled by either anterograde transport of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin from superficial or deep layers or by anterograde degeneration following electrolytic lesion of the contralateral PFC. Callosal terminals in either the superficial or deep layers labeled by either method formed primarily asymmetric axo-spinous synapses (approximately 95%), while the remainder formed axo-dendritic synapses. Some of the dendrites postsynaptic to callosal terminals exhibited a morphology characteristic of local circuit neurons. This observation was confirmed in tissue immunolabeled for GABA, in which degenerating callosal terminals sometimes formed asymmetric synapses on GABA-labeled dendrites. In addition, GABA-labeled terminals and callosal afferents were sometimes observed to converge onto common postsynaptic dendritic shafts or spines within the PFC. These results indicate that callosal terminals in limbic association cortex, consistent with sensory and motor cortices, primarily target the spines of pyramidal neurons. In addition, the results suggest that callosal afferents to the PFC interact with GABA local circuit neurons at multiple levels. Specifically, a proportion of callosal terminals appear to provide excitatory drive to GABA cells, while GABA terminals may modulate the excitation from callosal inputs to the distal dendrites and spines of PFC pyramidal neurons. Synapse 29:193–205, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have performed a morphofunctional analysis of CA1 pyramidal neurons at birth to examine the sequence of formation of GABAergic and glutamatergic postsynaptic currents (PSCs) and to determine their relation to the dendritic arborization of pyramidal neurons. We report that at birth pyramidal neurons are heterogeneous. Three stages of development can be identified: (1) the majority of the neurons (80%) have small somata, an anlage of apical dendrite, and neither spontaneous nor evoked PSCs; (2) 10% of the neurons have a small apical dendrite restricted to the stratum radiatum and PSCs mediated only by GABA(A) receptors; and (3) 10% of the neurons have an apical dendrite that reaches the stratum lacunosum moleculare and PSCs mediated both by GABA(A) and glutamate receptors. These three groups of pyramidal neurons can be differentiated by their capacitance (C(m) = 17.9 +/- 0.8; 30.2 +/- 1.6; 43.2 +/- 3.0 pF, respectively). At birth, the synaptic markers synapsin-1 and synaptophysin labeling are present in dendritic layers but not in the stratum pyramidale, suggesting that GABAergic peridendritic synapses are established before perisomatic ones. The present observations demonstrate that GABAergic and glutamatergic synapses are established sequentially with GABAergic synapses being established first most likely on the apical dendrites of the principal neurons. We propose that different sets of conditions are required for the establishment of functional GABA and glutamate synapses, the latter necessitating more developed neurons that have apical dendrites that reach the lacunosum moleculare region.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the thalamus. We used postembedding immunocytochemistry to examine the synaptic organization of GABA-positive profiles in the dorsal superficial subdivision of the cat medial geniculate nucleus (MGN). Three groups of GABA-positive profiles participate in synapses: axon terminals, dendrites, and presynaptic dendrites. The presynaptic GABA-positive terminals target mainly GABA-negative dendrites. The GABA-positive postsynaptic profiles receive input primarily from GABA-negative axons. The results indicate that the synaptic organization of GABA-positive profiles in the dorsal superficial subdivision of the MGN nucleus is very similar to that in other thalamic nuclei.  相似文献   

Previous studies described the postnatal development of CA3 pyramidal neurons and their afferents in the rat. However, the postnatal development of the primate hippocampus was not previously studied. Thus, pyramidal neurons of the CA3 area of the monkey hippocampus were analyzed postnatally in the present study. At birth, a few thorny excrescences, the complex spines postsynaptic to mossy fibers, were found on the proximal segments of both apical and basal dendrites, whereas distal dendrites displayed pedunculate spines. Thorny excrescences increased in number until the third month. A continuous increase in the number of spines per unit length along the distal dendrites was observed during the first 12 months. The ultrastructural features of somata and dendrites of pyramidal cells in newborn monkeys were similar to those of adults. The analysis of the afferents to the CA3 pyramidal neurons was limited to the development of mossy fibers, the axons of granule cells, and myelinated axons in the alveus, stratum oriens, and stratum lacunosum-moleculare. At birth, most mossy fiber terminals were densely packed with synaptic vesicles and formed mainly axospinous synapses with CA3 pyramidal cells. By 1 month of age, the number of mitochondria and embedded spines increased to mature amounts. In the first postnatal month, degenerating axons and axon terminals were frequently observed in the mossy fiber bundles in stratum lucidum. The proportion of myelinated axons increased simultaneously in all three examined layers. At birth most axons were unmyelinated, whereas at 7 months of age the proportion of myelinated axons was similar to that found in adults. The present study indicates that most pyramidal neurons of the CA3 region in monkeys are in an advanced stage of development at the time of birth. Thus, mossy fibers from granule cells in the dentate gyrus have established mature-looking synapses, and the thorny excrescences of pyramidal cells that are postsynaptic to mossy fibers are also adult-like. Nevertheless, several of the adult features, such as the spine density of distal dendrites of pyramidal neurons and the myelination of afferent axons, develop during an extended period of time in the first year. The significance of this early anatomical maturation in a brain region involved in memory function is consistent with recent behavioral data that show a rapid postnatal maturation of limbic-dependent recognition memory in rhesus monkeys. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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