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Childhood adversity is associated with increased risk for onset of depressive episodes. This review will present evidence that allostatic overload of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA) partially mediates this association. The HPAA is the physiological system that regulates levels of the stress hormone cortisol. First, data from animals and humans has shown that early environmental adversity is associated with long-term dysregulation of the HPAA. This may occur due to permanent epigenetic modification of the glucocorticoid receptor. Second, data from humans has demonstrated that HPAA dysregulation is associated with increased risk of future depression onset in healthy individuals, and pharmacological correction of HPAA dysregulation reduces depressive symptoms. HPAA dysregulation may result in corticoid-mediated abnormalities in neurogenesis in early life and/or neurotoxicity on neural systems that subserve emotion and cognition.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Childhood adversity places individuals with major depression at risk for anxiety and dysthymia co-morbidity. The goal of the present paper is to broaden this area of research by examining specificity between the type of adversity (e.g. abuse versus neglect/indifference) and the resulting co-morbid disorder (e.g. anxiety versus dysthymia co-morbidity). METHOD: The volunteer sample consisted of 76 women meeting Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) criteria for major depression. Of these, 28 were diagnosed with a co-morbid anxiety disorder and 21 were diagnosed with co-morbid dysthymia. Childhood physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, antipathy and indifference were assessed using a contextual interview and rating system. RESULTS: Severe sexual abuse and psychological abuse were significantly and preferentially associated with co-morbid anxiety, while severe physical abuse was significantly and preferentially associated with co-morbid dysthymia. Indifference and antipathy were significantly associated with both co-morbid anxiety and dysthymia. Multivariate analyses revealed that severe sexual abuse was the adverse childhood experience most strongly associated with co-morbid anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that particular adverse experiences in childhood do set up specific vulnerabilities to the expression of anxiety versus dysthymia co-morbidity in adulthood major depression. Cognitive mediators of these associations are discussed as avenues of future research.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study examined the relationship of childhood abuse, both physical and sexual, with subsequent lifetime depressive and anxiety disorders--depression or dysthymia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and panic or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)--among American Indians (AIs). METHOD: Three thousand and eighty-four AIs from two tribes--Southwest and Northern Plains--participated in a large-scale, community-based study. Participants were asked about traumatic events and family history, and were administered standard diagnostic measures of depressive/anxiety disorders. RESULTS: Prevalence of childhood physical abuse was approximately 7% for both tribes. The Southwest tribe had higher prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders, with rates of PTSD being the highest. Childhood physical abuse was significant in bivariate models of depressive/anxiety disorders, and remained so in the multivariate models. CONCLUSIONS: Childhood physical abuse was a significant predictor of all disorder groups for males in both tribes except for panic/GAD for the Northern Plains tribe in multivariate models; females showed a more varied pattern. Childhood sexual abuse did not significantly differ for males and females, and was an independent predictor of PTSD for both tribes, controlling for childhood physical abuse and other factors, and was significant for the other disorder groups only in the Southwest. Additional covariates that increased the odds of depressive/anxiety disorder, were adult physical or sexual victimization, chronic illness, lifetime alcohol or drug disorder, and parental problems with depression, alcohol, or violence. Results provided empirical evidence of childhood and later life risk factors and expanded the population at risk to include males.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the nature of automatic cognitive processing in anxiety disorders and Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Rather than viewing automaticity as a unitary construct, we follow a social cognition perspective (Bargh, 1994) that argues for four theoretically independent features of automaticity: unconscious (processing of emotional stimuli occurs outside awareness), efficient (processing emotional meaning uses minimal attentional resources), unintentional (no goal is needed to engage in processing emotional meaning), and uncontrollable (limited ability to avoid, alter or terminate processing emotional stimuli). Our review of the literature suggests that most anxiety disorders are characterized by uncontrollable, and likely also unconscious and unintentional, biased processing of threat-relevant information. In contrast, MDD is most clearly typified by uncontrollable, but not unconscious or unintentional, processing of negative information. For the anxiety disorders and for MDD, there is no sufficient evidence to draw firm conclusions about efficiency of processing, though early indications are that neither anxiety disorders nor MDD are characterized by this feature. Clinical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed and directions for future research are offered. In particular, it is clear that paradigms that more directly delineate the different features of automaticity are required to gain a more comprehensive and systematic understanding of the importance of automatic processing in emotion dysregulation.  相似文献   

This study examined the validity of PTSD by comparing the dysfunctional cognitions found in a PTSD group, a clinical group (anxiety or depression), and a nonclinical group. Subjects completed the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-11, the Impact of Event Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Cognitive Error Questionnaire, and the Survey of Personal Beliefs. Results revealed that PTSD and. clinical groups were significantly more depressed and anxious than nonclinical subjects. Unlike the PTSD group, only the clinical group endorsed more dysfunctional cognitions than the nonclinical group, which supports the uniqueness of the PTSD group as differing cognitively from clinical groups.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous research has reported co-morbidity between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety disorders. Interpretation of these findings is complicated by symptom overlap in the clinical presentation of the disorders. We estimate the prevalence of ADHD in both the current and childhood histories of adults with anxiety disorders, while taking symptom overlap into account. We also evaluate the utility of the Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS) for retrospective reporting of ADHD. METHODS: Consecutive admissions (N = 149) to an anxiety disorders clinic were given a diagnostic and psychometric assessment. The WURS was administered to obtain a retrospective diagnosis of childhood ADHD. Twenty-nine of the 35 people surpassing the cut-off score on the WURS were given a structured interview of adult ADHD symptoms. RESULTS: The WURS contains many 'internalizing' items that may inflate retrospective accounts of ADHD. After taking this into account, there is still a significantly higher prevalence of ADHD in the retrospective reports of adults with anxiety disorders (15%) than would be expected by chance (4%). Furthermore, of those who meet retrospective criteria for ADHD, 45% (13 of 29) continue to meet diagnostic criteria for ADHD as adults. CONCLUSIONS: The WURS may require considerable revision for use with clinical populations. In spite of these difficulties with retrospective assessment, available evidence indicates that ADHD is more prevalent in the histories of anxiety disordered patients than would be expected from base rates.  相似文献   

Childhood adversity,gender and depression over the life-course   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
BACKGROUND: Full investigation of hypotheses concerning early risk factors and episodes of depression in adult life requires consideration of the separate risks of first onset and of recurrent episodes. This paper is based upon such an investigation. METHODS: A sample of participants in a large-scale population study (n=3491) provided information through retrospective assessment of lifetime history of (putative) major depressive disorder and of their adverse experiences in childhood. A statistical model based on Poisson regression, that combined both the (survival) distribution of first onset times with the subsequent rate of episode recurrence was specified to permit investigation of the gender difference in lifetime depression and the influence of childhood adversities on adult depression. RESULTS: A gender difference (with women at increased risk) was revealed for first onsets of depression only and was found to decrease with increasing age, being no longer apparent in those aged over 50. Experience either of a frightening event or of physical abuse in childhood was associated with an increased risk of first onset in younger adults (those aged < or =30). LIMITATIONS: The method of data collection used in this study warrants some caution in the interpretation of substantive findings. CONCLUSIONS: The relationships revealed concerning the risk for early and for late first onset and the risk of recurrence suggest different causal pathways underlying the associations between risk factors experienced early in life and depression in adulthood. Analyses that take full account of episode history can aid understanding of the origins of depression in adulthood.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe aim of this study was to perform a comparative and economic analysis of the degree of development of anxiety-depressive disorder in patients with different types of extrasystolic arrhythmia using different assessment scales.Material and methodsThe study was conducted in 2018–2019 at the premises of clinic No. 4, involving 450 patients (Moscow, Russia). Patients were divided into three groups: with coronary heart disease (CHD) (147 patients), with myocardiodystrophy (MCD) (113) and with cardiopsychoneurosis (CPN) (190). Everyone underwent round-the-clock electrocardiography (ECG) and echocardiography. If symptoms of depressive disorder are detected in a timely manner, the risk of adverse cardiovascular diseases may be reduced.ResultsDepression and anxiety indicators on all three scales differed significantly (p ≤ 0.05) in patients with supraventricular extrasystole (more than 40 points on the Zung scale, 14 points on the Montgomery-Asberg depression scale, more than 38 points on Zung and 3 points on Covi anxiety scales). For patients with ventricular extrasystole, a significant difference was established between groups 1 and 2 only in terms of the level of depression on the Zung scale. Factors of psychogenic origin determine the development of cardiac rhythm disturbances.ConclusionsThe study showed that for supraventricular extrasystoles, these factors determine the overall health of the patient. The differences between the three groups are significant on all scales of depression and anxiety (p ≤ 0.05). The most susceptible to depression and anxiety are patients with extrasystolic arrhythmias diagnosed with CHD, as well as MCD.  相似文献   

Introduction: Rheumatism has been treated using whole-body cryotherapy (WBCT) since the 1970s. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of WBCT as an experimental, adjunctive method of treating depressive and anxiety disorders. Materials and Methods: A control (n=34) and a study group (n=26), both consisting of outpatients 18–65 years old with depressive and anxiety disorders (ICD-10), received standard psychopharmacotherapy. The study group was additionally treated with a series of 15 daily visits to a cryogenic chamber (2–3 min, from –160°C to –110°C). The Hamilton’s depression rating scale (HDRS) and Hamilton’s anxiety rating scale (HARS) were used as the outcome measures. Results: After three weeks, a decrease of at least 50% from the baseline HDRS-17 scores in 34.6% of the study group and 2.9% of the control group and a decrease of at least 50% from the baseline HARS score in 46.2% of the study group and in none of the control group were noted. Conclusions: These findings, despite such limitations as a small sample size, suggest a possible role for WBCT as a short-term adjuvant treatment for mood and anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have documented high rates of co-morbidity between major depressive disorder (MDD) and the anxiety disorders (ANX). However, the reason for this is unclear. Family studies provide one potentially useful approach for addressing this issue. METHOD: We explored six explanations of the co-morbidity between MDD and ANX using a family study of a large community sample of young adults and their first-degree relatives. Participants included 112 probands with a lifetime history of both MDD and one or more ANX, 290 probands with a history of MDD but no ANX, 43 probands with a history of one or more ANX but no MDD. 352 probands with no lifetime history of either MDD or ANX, and the probands' 2608 first-degree relatives. Probands were assessed using semi-structured diagnostic interviews on two occasions in adolescence and a third time at age 24. Diagnostic data on relatives were collected using both direct and family history interviews. RESULTS: Compared with controls, MDD aggregated in the families of probands with MDD, whether or not they had co-morbid ANX; ANX aggregated in the families of probands with ANX, regardless of whether they had co-morbid MDD; and co-morbid MDD/ANX aggregated only in the families of probands with both MDD and ANX. The relatives of probands with ANX alone had a significantly higher rate of ANX than the relatives of probands with MDD alone, although none of the other comparisons between the depressed and anxious groups were significant. CONCLUSIONS: This pattern of findings is largely, although not completely, consistent with the view that MDD and ANX are transmitted independently within families, and suggests that the comorbidity between MDD and ANX is caused by non-familial aetiological factors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objectives of the study were to examine linkages between asthma and depressive and anxiety disorders in a birth cohort of over 1000 young persons studied to the age of 21 years. Specifically, the study aimed to ascertain the extent to which associations between asthma and depressive and anxiety disorders could be explained by non-observed fixed confounding factors. METHOD: Asthma and depressive and anxiety disorders were measured prospectively over the course of a 21-year longitudinal study. Fixed effects logistic regression models were used to determine the relationship between asthma and depressive and anxiety disorders, adjusting for potentially confounding factors. RESULTS: Asthma in adolescence and young adulthood was associated with increased likelihood of major depression (OR 1.7, 95 % CI 1.3-2.3), panic attacks (OR 1.9, 95 % CI 1.3-2.8), and any anxiety disorder (OR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2-2.2). Associations between asthma and depressive and anxiety disorders were adjusted for confounding factors using a fixed effects regression model which showed that, after control for fixed confounding factors, asthma was no longer significantly related to major depression (OR 1.1), panic attacks (OR 1.1), or any anxiety disorder (OR 1.2). Additional post hoc analyses suggested that exposure to childhood adversity or unexamined familial factors may account for some of the co-morbidity of asthma and depressive and anxiety disorders. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm and extend previous findings by documenting elevated rates of depressive and anxiety disorders among young adults with asthma, compared with their counterparts without asthma, in the community. The weight of the evidence from this study suggests that associations between asthma and depressive and anxiety symptoms may reflect effects of common factors associated with both asthma and depressive and anxiety disorders, rather than a direct causal link. Future research is needed to identify the specific factors underlying these associations.  相似文献   

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