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理视健眼操与眼保健操预防近视效果对比观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 比较理视健眼操和现行眼保健操预防近视的效果。方法 采用单盲法,追踪1年,观察理视健眼操和现行眼保健操对儿童青少年视力和屈光度的影响。结果 理视健康操与现行眼保健操相比,能明显防止学习期儿童青少年视力下降(P<0.01),防止屈光度负向增加(P<0.01),提高或保持学习期儿童青少年的远视力(P<0.010,可防止正视眼和近视眼视力下降(P<0.05)。结论 理视健康操预防近视效果显优于眼保健操,对视力保健和防止近视的发生发展均有一定作用。  相似文献   

采用随机对照方法对 16 0 0名小学三年级正视眼学生分为实验组和对照组 ,观察低度凸透镜预防近视效果 ,现报告如下。对象与方法将远视力≥ 5 0的小学三年级学生 ,点 0 5 %托吡卡胺眼水 (散瞳时间维持 5~ 8小时 ,不影响次日学习 ) 4次 ,待瞳孔散大至 8mm大小后 ,用日产AR - 80 0型和SRK -90 0 0型电脑验光机验光。将± 0 2 5D之间列为正视眼的16 0 0名学生 ,随机挑选男女各半 80 0名学生 16 0 0眼为实验组 ,另男女各半的 80 0名学生 16 0 0眼为对照组。实验组学生在近距离视物时 (如读书、写字、使用电脑时 )均戴上+1 0 0D透镜 …  相似文献   

学生近视已成为全社会关注的热点问题。近年来尽管采取各种各样的预防措施和治疗方法 ,但青少年近视眼的患病率仍居高不下。为了进一步了解近视眼的发生发展规律 ,我们对郑州市城乡患近视眼的学生进行了裸眼视力、屈光度和眼底的对照检查。1 对象与方法采用全国学生体质调研标准 ,从郑州市城乡 7~ 18岁中小学生 480 6人中 ,剔除正视、远视、弱视和其他眼病学生 ,筛选出2 0 86名 (3 5 60只眼 )近视患者。其中 ,男生 10 0 8人 (1714只眼 ) ,女生 10 78人 (1846只眼 )。小学生 687人 (10 74只眼 ) ,初中生 70 8人 (12 17只眼 ) ,高中生 691人…  相似文献   

长期看近必然引起近反射,其中过度调节可以引起假性近视。过度集合时,眼外肌对眼球的压迫又有可能导致真性近视。为解决在近环境中防治近视,作者根据视觉生理学的理论,设计了用近目标模拟远目标作用的双眼合像法,并进行了防治近视的实验观察。双眼合像法即用一张纸卡丽上a<——>,b<>两个合像视标便成为合像卡片(两视标间距应为两眼看远时的视线距)。将此卡放在眼前,令受试者忽而合像即模拟看远(将a、b两视标融  相似文献   

笔者在矫治中、轻度近视的探索中,采用凹透镜与凸透镜卜150D)两副眼镜交替使用(看近物如阅读时戴凸透镜;看远影或活动时戴充分矫正视力的近视眼镜),防止近视的进一步发展。由于重度近视眼(<4.5)看近时用眼的远点,不需要眼的调节,故不作矫治对象。l对象与方法随机选择中、轻度(标准对数视力表4.5以上、ic以下)近视眼学生自愿者100人,年龄10一17岁,参加防治近视实验观察,分实验组50人(100只眼)和对照组50人(100只眼)。从1999年9月20日始至1999年12月ZO日共3个月时间,实验组在自习课、夜修、自由阅读时戴凸透镜(+1…  相似文献   

初中生近视状况定群研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了全面了解学生近视的发展、变化趋势和影响因素 ,进行本次定群研究。1 对象和方法1.1 对象 选取我市一所省级重点中学和一所学生来源与该校相近、教材相同的普通中学 1991年 9月入学的初中一年级学生共 40 9名作为观察对象 (重点中学学生 187名 ,普通中学学生2 2 1名 ) ,由于转学失访一名学生 ,失访率为 0 .2 4%。1.2 方法 用“标准对数视力表灯箱”和“标准近视力表”按常规检查方法每年由专人进行一次视力检查。规定远视力低于5 .0、近视力大于 1.0为近视 ;上学年检查视力正常、下学年近视的为新发近视。近视率 =近视眼数 /检查眼…  相似文献   

目的 分析总结影响近视的因素,提出预防近视的方法和建议,为学校和卫生部门制订预防近视政策提供参考和依据。方法 对2017年入学的大学生检查视力及屈光度,发放问卷调查,运用列联分析的方法,使用SPSS Version 21软件,分析近视眼患病率、男女生差异;调查睡眠时间、看书姿势、照明灯光的强弱对屈光参差性近视的影响;分析不同学科近视眼患病率的差异。结果 2017级学生近视眼检出率为86.84%。男女生轻、中、高度近视检出率的差异无统计学意义(χ2=2.426,P>0.05);看书姿势与屈光参差性近视有相关性;理科生近视高于艺术生。理科生高度近视眼检出率较高。结论 学生从小养成良好学习习惯,不躺着看书,不歪头看书,管理好每天近距离学习的时间,看近看远交替用眼。  相似文献   

眼肌结构与学生防近眼操解析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
现代人的行为方式发生了明显改变.与近视发生关联密切的有:(1)学生通常以视近为主,视远的机会减少[1-2];(2)接触自然阳光的机会减少,接触来自荧光灯、计算机与电视的异常光谱过多[3].而在进化起源上,人眼被设计得"以视远为主,以视近为次"[1-2].视远时,各种相关肌肉的功能处于正常使用状态.而视近时发生了近反射的三联运动--调节、眼球内转(集合)、瞳孔缩小[1,4],故各种肌肉的功能状态发生明显变化:(1)睫状肌负担加重(持续调节);(2)内直肌过度使用(眼球内转);(3)瞳孔括约肌的使用相对增多(瞳孔缩小);(4)瞬目(眨眼)减少,各眼睑肌的功能异常.  相似文献   

目的 针对未近视小学生,基于可穿戴行为监测工具,前瞻性地评估实施线上线下近视防控健康教育干预的效果,为公共卫生实践提供循证医学依据。方法 于2021年5—6月在江苏省同区县内选择2所小学各6个班级的非近视二年级学生,学校1为在线上线下父母健康知识教育(干预组,111人),学校2为仅开展线下健康教育活动(传统干预组,122人)。2所学校学生均接受可穿戴行为监测工具的监测(眼距离、用眼时长、环境光照和户外暴露时间),反馈结果报告,并开展传统健康教育干预,组织发放宣传用品和展板;干预组添加微信群,开展线上健康父母行动(解答与反馈父母提出的近视防控相关健康知识并进行近视防控科普宣传等)。评估指标包括近视率、散瞳后的屈光度和眼轴长度,追踪时间为2年(2021—2023年)。同时收集2所学校12个班级中未参加可穿戴工具监测非近视学生(自然观察组,56人)的屈光参数。结果 基线结果显示,干预组屈光度、父亲近视率、母亲近视率、平均每天用眼(视近)时长、平均用眼(视近)距离、预测每天户外活动时间、平均用眼(视近)光照强度(夜)与传统组相比差异均无统计学意义(t/Z/χ2值分别为1....  相似文献   

目的观察眼功能锻炼对眼循环的影响及其该效应在近视眼预防和控制中的应用价值。方法用彩色多普勒血流显像仪检测青少年学生做眼功能锻炼前后眼动脉和视网膜中央动脉的峰值血流速度和阻力指数。结果正视眼组学生在进行眼功能锻炼5 min后,视网膜中央动脉的峰值血流速度比锻炼前加快38.5%(s=11.70%,P<0.01),阻力指数下降10.6%(s=7.4%,P<0.01),眼动脉的峰值血流速度比锻炼前加快35.2%(s=11.6%,P<0.01),阻力指数下降11.6%(s=7.6%,P<0.01)。近视眼组学生在进行眼功能锻炼5 min后,视网膜中央动脉的峰值血流速度比锻炼前加快29.9%(s=9.0%,P<0.01),阻力指数下降13.4%(s=6.9%,P<0.01),眼动脉的峰值血流速度比眼功能锻炼前加快21.6%(s=8.0%,P<0.01),阻力指数下降12.00%(s=6.3%,P<0.01)。结论长时间视近引起的眼酸胀和疼痛与眼循环障碍有关,将眼功能锻炼后血流速度加快和阻力指数下降的效应引入青少年近视眼的预防和控制系统,让长期视近的青少年进行常规性眼功能锻炼,对预防和控制青少年近视眼的发生和近视程度加深应该是有积极意义的。  相似文献   

目的:了解宝山区现下住宿行业的监管现状,实践分析住宿行业协作组对监管的推动作用。方法:通过采样分析法和比较分析法,对与会的第一批81家单位与第二批90家单位展开问卷调查,结合实地考察,对上海市宝山区现今监管条件下住宿行业的卫生状况进行调查与分析。结果:在协作组实践的两年中,监管对象对相关法条认知得到了加强;监管对象实际操作过程得到了进步与改善;监管单位与被监管对象之间的和谐共赢关系得到了促进。初步达成了开题初的研究目标。结论:住宿行业协作组有助于卫生监管水平的提高,是新型监管模式的手段之一,可以向其它行业推广。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether blurred vision caused by exposure to triethylamine (TEA) can be detected by the measurement of contrast sensitivity. METHODS: 41 cold box core makers of three foundries and 82 control workers were examined. A detailed ocular and medical history was obtained from the subjects. The contrast sensitivity of the core makers was measured on Monday and Friday of the same week both before and immediately after work and also on a third day, when air samples of TEA were collected. Contrast sensitivity and visual acuity were measured by optotype figures at full contrast, 2.5% contrast, and 0.6% contrast. The changes in contrast sensitivity were used for the analysis. The results of binocular vision and the results of the dominant eye were analysed. Urine specimens for the analysis of TEA were collected on every occasion when contrast sensitivity was measured. RESULTS: 78% of the core makers had had symptoms of blurred vision, and 31% had had trouble driving or working. The breathing zone eight hour time weighted average TEA concentrations were 0.3-60 mg/m3. The mean urinary TEA concentration after the shift was 35 mmol/mol creatinine. Continuous monitoring showed high peaks of TEA leakage at a core making machine. Changes in binocular visual acuity did not differ between the exposed and unexposed workers. The contrast sensitivity decreased in 49% of the core makers and 21% of the controls (P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: The blurred vision caused by exposure to TEA can be documented by measuring contrast sensitivity. The mechanism by which TEA produces symptoms remains an issue of further study.  相似文献   

Effects of the difference in input device on work load of VDT task were studied. The subjects of the experiment were eight healthy male college students (age: 21-22 yr) having a binocular vision of not less than 0.7 and no astigmatism or hyperopia. The test consisted of an experimental word processing task in which the subjects visually searched e's in given sequences of alphabetical letters displayed on the CRT and converted them to 5's through input device operation. As for experimental conditions, two kinds of input devices, namely, keyboard and lightpen were adopted and 1 h was provided as each operation time. Critical flicker fusion (CFF), near point distance, accommodation time, subjective fatigue symptoms, blinking counts, pupillary reflex, electromyogram in upper limb, neck and shoulder and performance score were measured. The results were as follows. Decrease in C.F.F. was observed in two experimental conditions during the process of operating time. Increments in complaints of subjective fatigue related to visual function were seen in the two experimental conditions after 1 h VDT task. A higher error rate in performance was observed in the subjects using the lightpen compared to the one using the keyboard. The frequency of both blinking and pupil-size changes were lower in the subjects using the lightpen compared to those using the keyboard. This suggests that the gaze time of the VDT screen with lightpen-condition is longer than that in keyboard-condition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的用计算机控制检测研究年龄对视力时间阈值的影响。方法用pascal语言程序设计视标。视标的大小、显示程序和持续时间由计算机控制。受试者从距离显示器5m处看视标。采用阶梯法测试不同年龄受试者的视力时问阈值。结果检测到约为毫秒级的视力时间阈值。正常儿童组的视力时间阈值平均约为88.70msec,正常青年组的视力时间阈值平均约为27.90msec,正常中年组的视力时间阈值平均约为72.40msec。结论采用计算机控制,可以比较灵敏的检测出年龄对视力时间阈值的影响。对实验结果采用统计分析发现:儿童组的视力时间阈值最大,中年组居中,青年组最小。  相似文献   

本文基于Scheiner屈光检测原理,利用线形偏振片作检测光源,研制出主要用于测定眼调节静息态的偏振微差屈光计,临床应用表明,该屈光计测定眼调节静息态的结果较为可能。对142例青少年进行了调节静息态的分布检测,发现其平均调节量为1.48D,呈正态性分布。  相似文献   

When looking at a far object with two eyes, relaxation of convergence and accommodation occurred and accompanied by binocular fusion. Using this phenomenon a method of binocular fusion of targets was designed, that is the distance between two targets are just the same as the distance between two visual lines, while looking at a far object. During the images of the targets are fused, the accommodation and convergence are relaxed concomitantly; thus a result of correction of pseudomyopia and prevention of myopia is achieved. By means of binocular fusion, the eye muscle exercises were conducted and resulted in not only the far point further but also the near point closer. The skiascopic examination carried out at the same time of binocular fusion showed that the degrees of relaxed accommodation was 97.9% that of looking at an object in far distance. The above results indicated that the binocular fusion method had excellent effect on the prevention of myopia. This method is simple and feasible, conforms to the visual physiology, and thus can be widely adopted.  相似文献   

目的:了解集散控制系统(DCS:distributed control system)操作人员视觉疲劳情况。方法:以某石化公司从事DCS操作的人员79名作为观察组;而以同一车间同一班次的非DCS操作人员(主要是对DCS操作的人员发生的指令进行户外操作的人)95名作为对照组,分别测定其在早、中、前夜,后夜4班次的班前和班后的明视持久度,运动反应时,闪光融合频率,远、近点调节4项指标,分析测试结果的变化率。结果:观察组与对照组在前3项指标和右眼远,近点调节差异有显著性(P<0.01),左眼远,近点调节和集合近点调节在观察组和对照组之间差异也有显著性(P<0.05);比较不同班次的观察组和对照组的结果显示,明视持久度,视觉运动反应时,闪光融合频率,近点调节在观察组与对照组之间差异有显著性。结论:DCS对操作人员的视觉疲劳有一定的影响。  相似文献   

目的 研究无创血流动力学监测仪在重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)合并肺水肿患者鉴别诊断中的意义.方法 回顾性分析29例SAP早期液体复苏过程中出现肺水肿患者的临床资料.根据患者出院诊断等分为观察组(非心源性肺水肿)18例和对照组(心源性肺水肿)11例.将两组无创血流动力学监测数据进行比较.结果 对照组心排出量[(3.34±1.09)L/min]、心脏指数[(2.06±0.46)L/(min·m2)]、心脏搏出量[(41.89±13.72)ml]、心搏指数[(25.59±7.32)ml/m2]、加速指数[(59.24±28.41)L/100 s2]、左心室工作指数[(2.09±0.67)(kg·m)/m2]、左心室射血时间[(254.32±27.34)ms]、射血分数(0.37±0.03)和速度指数[(27.11±11.32)L/100 s]较观察组[分别为(4.12±1.06)L/min、(2.64±0.48)L/(min·m2)、(46.21±11.81)ml、(28.87±5.32)ml/m2、(79.43±29.01)L/100 s2、(3.21±0.84)(kg·m)/m2、(281.29±29.11)ms、0.54±0.04、(39.34±12.11)L/100 s]显著降低(P<0.01);射血前期[(116.54±22.37)ms]和收缩时间比(0.48±0.04)较观察组[分别为(95.24±21.41)ms、0.36±0.02]显著增高(P<0.01或<0.05).结论 无创血流动力学监测仪为SAP合并肺水肿患者鉴别诊断提供了较好的依据.
Objective To study the significance of the non-invasive hemodynamic monitor system in the differential diagnosis of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) combined with pulmonary edema. Methods Twenty-nine cases of SAP during fluid resuscitation treatment combined with pulmonary edema were reviewed and the data of the non-invasive hemodynamic monitor system was analysed and summarized.According to the diagnosis on discharge, 18 patients were enrolled in test group (noncardiogenic pulmonary edema group) and 11 patients were enrolled in control group (cardiogenic pulmonary edema group). The data of two groups were determined and compared. Results In control group, cardiac output [(3.34±1.09) L/min], cardiac index [(2.06 ± 0.46) L/ (min·m2)], stroke volume [(41.89 ± 13.72) ml], stroke index[(25.59 ± 7.32) ml/m2], accelerate cardiac index [(59.24 ± 28.41) L/100 s2], left cardiac work index [(2.09 ± 0.67) (kg·m)/m2], left ventricular ejection time[(254.32 ± 27.34) ms], ejection fraction (0.37 ±0.03) and velocity index [(27.11 ± 11.32) L/100 s] were all significantly lower than those in test group [(4.12 ± 1.06) L/min, (2.64 ± 0.48) L/ (min·m2), (46.21 ± 11.81) ml, (28.87 ± 5.32) ml/m2, (79.43 ±29.01) L/100 s2, (3.21 ± 0.84)(kg·m)/m2, (281.29 ± 29.11) ms,0.54 ±0.04, (39.34 ± 12.11) L/100 s,respectively] (P < 0.01); pre-ejectionphase [(116.54 ± 22.37) ms] and systolic time ratio (0.48 ± 0.04) were significantly higher than those in test group[(95.24 ± 21.41) ms,0.36 ± 0.02,respectively] (P < 0.01 or <0.05). Conclusion Non-invasive hemodynamic monitor system is helpful in the early differential diagnosis of SAP combined with pulmonary edema.  相似文献   

Certain functions of the nervous system were examined in 31 printing workers (mean age 44) exposed to trichloroethene (mean duration 16 years) and 28 controls (mean age 45). In the sural nerve the conduction velocity (SNCV), response amplitude, and refractory period (SRP) were measured. The latencies of the masseter and the blink reflex were determined to test the trigeminal nerve. In the peroneal nerve the conduction velocity of fast and slow nerve fibres, the response amplitude, and the refractory period were determined. As a measure of autonomic nerve function the response of the heart rate was determined to isometric muscle contraction and deep breathing. Individual cumulative exposure was calculated on the basis of exposure levels in the past. The mean cumulative exposure of the exposed workers was 704 ppm x years. For the assessment of the exposure effect relation a multiple linear regression model was used. A slight reduction (-1.1 m/s) in the SNCV was found and a prolongation (0.4 ms) of the SRP (mean of the controls 1.95 ms). The latency of the masseter reflex (mean 10.4 ms) had increased (0.4 ms). With respect to the blink reflex no prolongation was found. No impairment was found in the functions of motor and autonomic nerves. This study shows that the refractory period may be a sensitive indicator of preclinical toxic neuropathies. Long term exposure to trichloroethene at threshold limit values (about 35 ppm) may slightly affect the trigeminal and sural nerves.  相似文献   

目的:研制新型微计算机控制的视力检测仪。方法:硬件采用AT89C51型单片机,软件采用C语言编程,显示部分采用液晶(LCD)显示,以国际标准视力表“E”字为视标,视标共14行,每屏显示1行,随机显示字符,视力检查距离为3m,全部程序在单片机控制下完成。结果:防止了人为记忆视力表的现象,检测操作简单,被检测者只需选择键盘上的按键就能完成视力检测。结论:淘汰了用于提升检查距离的平面镜,可存储和打印检测结果;仪器体积小,制作精密,使用方便,成本低,可由交、直流两用电源供电。  相似文献   

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