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Emergency management of epistaxis may include the use of local pressure and vasoconstrictors, chemical or electric cautery, hemostatic agents, nasal packing, embolization, and surgical arterial ligation. There is no definitive protocol for the management of epistaxis, although various protocols have been proposed in the literature. As approaches to surgical ligation of the arterial supply of the nasal cavity have evolved from external carotid ligation to minimally invasive approaches, surgical management of epistaxis has become more effective than embolization and may be less risky. In the surgical management of epistaxis, arterial ligation immediately proximal to the bleeding site is preferred. We propose a simple variation of the endoscopic sphenopalatine artery ligation that may be used to manage epistaxis arising from the nasal septum and floor.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE/HYPOTHESIS: To evaluate the efficacy of surgical sphenopalatine artery occlusion (SAO) for treating intractable epistaxis, and identify factors associated with long-term success or failure of this procedure. METHODS: A retrospective chart review of patients undergoing SAO surgery between January 1995 and 2005 was undertaken. Clinical and hematologic information, preoperative and surgical care, short-term complications, and long-term outcome were recorded. Binary logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for early re-bleeding, and log-rank statistics with Cox regression were used to identify risk factors for long-term operative failure. RESULTS: Sixty-seven patients underwent 71 SAO operations. The average age at surgery was 56 +/- 18 years. Thirty percent of patients were being treated for hypertension, 19% were taking aspirin, and 11% were anticoagulated with warfarin. Many patients (46%) had >72 hours of epistaxis before admission, and 25% required preoperative transfusion. There were 13 (19%) bilateral procedures, six patients underwent concomitant anterior ethmoid artery occlusion, and 12 patients had concomitant septoplasty. Eight patients had significant early re-bleeding. Platelet levels on admission and not using diathermy to occlude the sphenopalatine artery were independent risk factors for this (P values .03, and .02, respectively). Not using diathermy was also an independent risk factor for late operative failure on Cox regression, reducing the mean re-intervention-free interval from 94 +/- 7 to 32 +/- 7 months (P < .007; hazard ratio 6.4; 95% confidence interval 1.7-24.9). CONCLUSIONS: SAO is an effective operation and, in trained hands, an appropriate first-line procedure for treating intractable epistaxis. Use of diathermy significantly improves the short- and long-term outcome of this surgery.  相似文献   

目的 探讨鼻内镜下鼻后神经丛(PNNP)的构成及分布特点,为后续行鼻内镜下高选择性PNNP切断术提供解剖学参考。方法 利用5具(10侧)冰鲜尸头灌注标本,经内镜下中鼻道入路,解剖蝶腭孔周围区域内结构;利用5具人体标本解剖前接受的鼻窦CT扫描结果,经影像学工具测量相应结构间距离。利用内镜系统采集解剖图像,影像测量软件获取影像学数据,并由资深放射科医师盲法测量。在解剖过程中,寻找蝶腭孔周围区域重要解剖标志及各结构间的毗邻关系。去除腭骨蝶突及蝶骨鞘突骨质,开放骨性腭鞘管,暴露PNNP咽支,在腭鞘管前口外侧探查定位翼管神经。结果 PNNP出蝶腭孔后均存在3个主要分支与蝶腭动脉分支血管伴行,前下方有与蝶腭鼻后外侧支伴行的鼻腔外侧壁支,后上方有与上鼻甲动脉伴行的上鼻甲支,后内侧有与鼻后中隔动脉伴行的鼻中隔支,蝶腭神经节在翼腭窝内即发出咽支,未穿出蝶腭孔,通过腭鞘管进入鼻咽部,且翼管前口均位于腭鞘管前口的外侧。腭鞘管前口外侧壁至翼管前口内侧壁间距,内镜下测量值(5.90±1.12)mm,影像学测量值(6.30±1.06)mm。结论 通过解剖定位腭鞘管,开放骨性腭鞘管,暴露其中的PNNP咽支,探讨腭鞘管前口与翼管前口之间的位置关系及术中规避翼管神经及蝶腭神经节的安全操作范围,为变应性鼻炎精准手术治疗提供解剖依据。  相似文献   

目的:通过对人工耳蜗植入术相关的面神经隐窝及后鼓室解剖结构进行观察测量,为人工耳蜗植入术中避免面神经、鼓索神经等损伤及准确定位鼓阶开窗口提供理论参考。方法:对20侧成人颞骨标本进行解剖,模拟经面神经隐窝入路人工耳蜗植入术,在手术显微镜下观察、测量与人工耳蜗植入手术相关的解剖数据。结果:外耳道后上棘至砧骨短脚之间的距离为(12.44±0.51)mm;鼓索神经发出点至茎乳孔之间的距离为(2.67±0.51)mm;砧骨短脚至鼓索神经发出点之间的距离为(15.22±0.83)mm;面神经隐窝最宽处至砧骨短脚之间距离为(6.28±0.41)mm;面神经隐窝最宽处至鼓索神经发出点之间距离为(9.81±0.71)mm;面神经隐窝最大宽度为(2.73±0.20)mm;镫骨头水平面神经隐窝宽度为(2.48±0.20)mm;圆窗水平的面神经隐窝宽度为(2.24±0.18)mm;锥隆起至圆窗膜前缘之间的距离为(2.22±0.21)mm;镫骨头至圆窗膜下缘之间的距离为(2.16±0.14)mm。结论:利用面神经垂直段并非一条直线垂直下行,而是向后有一拱形的弧度,因此面神经垂直段弧度最大位置是打开并充分开放面神经隐窝起始位置;术中切开耳蜗底回的位置位于锥隆起前下方约2.22mm。  相似文献   

Lee HY  Kim HU  Kim SS  Son EJ  Kim JW  Cho NH  Kim KS  Lee JG  Chung IH  Yoon JH 《The Laryngoscope》2002,112(10):1813-1818
OBJECTIVE: We investigated the surgical anatomy of the sphenopalatine artery. First, the location of the sphenopalatine foramen on the lateral nasal wall and the pattern of the main branches of the sphenopalatine artery from the sphenopalatine artery were studied. Second, the course of the posterior lateral nasal artery with respect to the posterior wall of the maxillary sinus, the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone, and the pattern of distribution of its branches on the fontanelle was determined. Third, the distribution pattern on the inferior turbinate was analyzed. STUDY DESIGN: Fifty midsagittal sections of randomly selected Korean adult cadaver heads with intact sphenoid sinus and surrounding structures were used in the study. METHODS: The mucosa on the sphenopalatine foramen and its surrounding mucosa were removed with a microscissors, a fine forceps, and a pick to expose the sphenopalatine artery under an operating microscope (original magnification x6). RESULTS: The feeding vessels of the superior turbinate were from the septal artery in 36 cases (72%). The feeding vessels to the middle turbinate branch originated from the proximal portion of the posterior lateral nasal artery just after exiting the sphenopalatine foramen in 44 cases (88%). Some portion of the posterior lateral nasal artery ran anterior to the posterior wall of the maxillary sinus in 38%. The major feeding arteries to the fontanelle were from the inferior turbinate branch in 25 cases (50%). In most cases, the inferior turbinate branch was the end artery of the posterior lateral nasal artery (98%). CONCLUSIONS: The study provides detailed information concerning the sphenopalatine artery, which we hope will help explain the arterial bleeding that may occur during ethmoidectomy, middle meatal antrostomy, conchotomy, and endoscopic ligation of the sphenopalatine artery.  相似文献   

目的探讨鼻内镜下蝶腭动脉区的解剖学特点。方法采用鼻内镜对10例(20侧鼻腔)经10%福尔马林溶液固定的正常成人尸头标本的蝶腭动脉及其与相关结构的关系进行解剖,观察蝶腭孔定位,筛骨嵴的形态、大小及其与蝶腭孔的关系;测量筛骨嵴与前鼻棘的间距以及筛骨嵴与中鼻甲尾端的间距,观察蝶腭动脉分支及其走行。结果筛骨嵴略呈三角棘状骨性结构,表面粗糙,位于蝶腭孔的前上方。去除筛骨嵴后可见蝶腭动脉血管束从蝶腭孔中穿出,蝶腭动脉常有2~3支不等分支。筛骨嵴与前鼻棘间距为(50.1±2.6)mm,筛骨嵴与中鼻甲尾端的间距为(9.1±1.1)mm。结论蝶腭动脉在出蝶腭孔之前可能有分支;筛骨嵴位置固定,是经鼻内镜下定位蝶腭动脉及蝶腭孔的重要解剖标志。  相似文献   

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