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INTRODUCTION: Computerised decision support systems are increasingly important in primary care for the practice of evidence-based medicine and the development of shared GP-patient decision making. However, despite their emergence, such systems have not been entirely embraced by GPs. There is little qualitative research exploring practical barriers to the adoption of decision support systems in this setting. METHOD: Qualitative interviews with 15 GPs in the West Midlands. RESULTS: Several practical barriers were identified to the use of computerised support systems in primary care consultations. These included limitations of practitioners' IT skills, problems for GPs in understanding the risk output of systems and GP concerns about communicating risk sufficiently well to patients. Concerns over the time implications of using a system in a consultation was also identified as a barrier. CONCLUSION: Designers of decision support systems for use in primary care consultations must account for the practical needs of users when developing computerised support systems. Systems must be acceptable to the format of a consultation, include definitions of what output means, and help facilitate dialogue between the GP and the patient.  相似文献   



Young people's (age range 14–19 years) participation in consultations with health professionals can be limited. There has been little research into pre-consultation support for young people. This study evaluated a pre-consultation guide developed to promote young people's participation in asthma review consultations.


A pre-consultation guide was evaluated in qualitative exit interviews with 24 young people and 9 primary care nurses in the United Kingdom.


Young people found the guide to be reassuring and supportive; peer written content, particularly example questions, helped to develop confidence and an intention to participate. Nurses suggested the guide could be a useful tool to aid young people's communication of asthma-related experiences.


Quotations from young people were highlighted as of particular value. Self-efficacy can be increased through observing how peers perform. Confidence and intention to change behavior are linked with actual behavior change. Future research should explore the impact of the pre-consultation guide on increased self-efficacy, developing an intention to change behavior and whether this is acted upon.

Practice implications

Used as a tool in a consultation may support change in practice nurses’ consulting style and enable young people's participation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to assess patients' beliefs and attitudes towards physicians taking their sexual history during routine medical visits in Korea, where Confucianism is the core societal value. METHODS: A survey questionnaire was administered to determine the patients' perspectives to sexual history taking, their actual experience of being asked about sexual issues by physicians, their belief in the importance of sexual history taking, their attitudes and cooperativeness towards each component of sexual history, and the effect of the physicians' age and gender on their comfort level during interview. RESULTS: 74.6% of respondents had never been asked about their sexual issues by physicians. Most patients showed a positive attitude and cooperativeness in general, although more than 25% had a negative attitude and were uncooperative with regards to certain components of sexual issues. Their comfort level to sexual history taking was not influenced by the physicians' age. However, female patients felt more comfortable discussing sexual issues with female physicians. CONCLUSION: Sexual history taking was often overlooked during routine medical visits in Korea, although patients showed a relatively positive and cooperative attitude. Women showed a greater preference for female physicians. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Sexual history taking should be more facilitated in clinical practice and requires a deliberate approach and skill.  相似文献   



To explore women's experiences of health visitor delivered listening visits as a treatment for postnatal depression.


In-depth interviews with 22 women who had received listening visits as a treatment for postnatal depression.


All the women reported the visits as beneficial, although many of them had required additional intervention to manage their symptoms. Women who had a previous history of depression and women whose depression was not attributed to events in the postnatal period perceived the listening visits to be less beneficial. Receiving visits from a research health visitor, rather than their practice health visitor, was felt to be advantageous.


Women with postnatal depression may report listening visits as helpful but insufficient to manage their depression. The extent to which women report listening visits as beneficial appears to be linked to the causes of their depression, the way in which the visits are delivered and by whom.

Practice implications

Practitioners managing women with postnatal depression should discuss possible causes and previous episodes of depression before suggesting listening visits as a treatment. They need to explain what the visits will entail, ensure that additional types of treatment remain available and encourage women to utilise other forms of support.  相似文献   



Clinical guidance recommends physical activity to manage patients with persistent subthreshold depressive symptoms or mild-to-moderate depression. However, little is known regarding the acceptability of physical activity as a treatment for depression from patients'' perspective.


To explore patients'' views of physical activity for the treatment of depression in the context of primary care.

Design of study

In-depth interviews were held with 33 participants taking part in a randomised controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of physical activity for the management of depression.


Primary care.


Most participants perceived physical activity to be an acceptable treatment for depression. The mechanisms by which physical activity could enhance mood were attributed to a number of subjective benefits including biochemical pathways, providing a source of distraction from negative thoughts, and a sense of purpose. Participants who expressed a belief that their depression was caused by biochemical mechanisms reported activity that ‘raised the heartbeat’ as most beneficial, while those who believed depression was situational in origin tended to state the benefits of less-aerobic activities, such as walking. Many participants reported low motivation and a lack of confidence as barriers to undertaking physical activity. These patients suggested that medication could be helpful for initiating and maintaining activity.


Patients view physical activity as an effective treatment for depression. However, they vary in their views about how physical activity might impact on depression, what intensity and form of activity is necessary to enhance mood, and the barriers to undertaking activity. This variation suggests the need for GPs to elicit patients'' views on physical activity as a treatment, and offer interventions that are tailored to the needs and expectations of individual patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Foot ulceration is a major health problem for people with diabetes. To minimise the risk of ulceration, patients are advised to perform preventive foot self-care. AIM: To explore beliefs about diabetic foot complications and everyday foot self-care practices among people with type 2 diabetes. DESIGN OF STUDY: Qualitative study using one-to-one interviews. SETTING: A suburban primary care health centre. METHOD: Semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of adults with type 2 diabetes but with no experience of foot ulceration. RESULTS: Most participants were unsure of what a foot ulcer is and unaware of the difficulties associated with ulcer healing. Prevention of accidental damage to the skin was not considered a priority, as few participants knew that this is a common cause of foot ulceration. Although it was recognised that lower-limb amputation is more common in people with diabetes, this was perceived to be predominantly caused by poor blood supply to the feet and unrelated to foot ulceration. Therefore, preventive foot care focused on stimulating blood circulation, for example by walking barefoot. Consequently, some of the behaviours participants considered beneficial for foot health could potentially increase the risk of ulceration. In some cases the uptake of advice regarding preventive foot care was hampered because participants found it difficult to communicate with health professionals. CONCLUSION: Patients with type 2 diabetes may have beliefs about foot complications that differ from medical evidence. Such illness beliefs may play a role in foot-related behaviours that have previously been unrecognised. Health professionals need to explore and address the beliefs underlying patients' foot self-care practices.  相似文献   



The UK has substantial minority populations of short-term and long-term migrants from countries with various types of healthcare systems.


This study explored how migrants'' previous knowledge and experience of health care influences their current expectations of health care in a system relying on clinical generalists performing a gatekeeping role.

Design of study

Two qualitative methods.


Glasgow, UK.


Focus groups or semi-structured interviews were conducted with 52 asylum seekers. Analyses identified several areas where previous experience affected current expectations. An overview of health systems in each country of origin was established by combining responders'' accounts with World Health Organization statistics.


Asylum seekers had previous experience of a diverse range of healthcare systems, most of which were characterised by a lack of GPs and direct access to hospital-based specialists. For some responders, war or internal conflict resulted in a complete breakdown of healthcare systems. Responders'' accounts also highlighted the difficulties that marginalised groups had in accessing health care. Although asylum seekers were generally pleased with the care they received from the NHS, there were areas where they experienced difficulties: confidence in their GP and access to hospital-based specialists and medication. These difficulties encountered might be explained by previous experience.


GPs and other healthcare professionals need to be aware that experience of different systems of care can have an impact on individuals'' expectations in a GPled system. If these are not acknowledged and addressed, a lack of confidence and trust in the GP may undermine the effectiveness of the clinical consultation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo explore patient and professional views on self-management in the context of telemonitoring in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).MethodsSemi-structured interviews with patients with COPD and healthcare professionals participating in a randomized controlled trial of telemonitoring in Lothian, Scotland, explored experiences of using telemonitoring, and dynamics in patient–practitioner relationships. Transcribed data were analyzed using the Framework approach.Results38 patients (mean age 67.5 years) and 32 professionals provided 70 interviews. Patients considered that telemonitoring empowered self-management by enhancing their understanding of COPD and providing additional justification for their decisions to adjust treatment or seek professional advice. Professionals discussed telemonitoring as promoting compliance with medical advice and encouraged patients to exercise personal responsibility within clinical parameters, but expressed concerns about promoting the sick role and creating dependence on telemonitoring.ConclusionTelemonitoring assisted many patients to embrace greater responsibility for their health but the model of service provision remained clinician-centered. A medical model of ‘compliant self-management’ may paradoxically have promoted dependence on professionals.Practice implicationsPatients and professionals shared responsibility for meeting the central objective of prompt management of exacerbations of COPD. Care is needed, however, to minimize the risk in some patients, of telemonitoring increasing dependence on practitioner support.  相似文献   



To explore patient and professional views on self-management in the context of telemonitoring in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


Semi-structured interviews with patients with COPD and healthcare professionals participating in a randomized controlled trial of telemonitoring in Lothian, Scotland, explored experiences of using telemonitoring, and dynamics in patient–practitioner relationships. Transcribed data were analyzed using the Framework approach.


38 patients (mean age 67.5 years) and 32 professionals provided 70 interviews. Patients considered that telemonitoring empowered self-management by enhancing their understanding of COPD and providing additional justification for their decisions to adjust treatment or seek professional advice. Professionals discussed telemonitoring as promoting compliance with medical advice and encouraged patients to exercise personal responsibility within clinical parameters, but expressed concerns about promoting the sick role and creating dependence on telemonitoring.


Telemonitoring assisted many patients to embrace greater responsibility for their health but the model of service provision remained clinician-centered. A medical model of ‘compliant self-management’ may paradoxically have promoted dependence on professionals.

Practice implications

Patients and professionals shared responsibility for meeting the central objective of prompt management of exacerbations of COPD. Care is needed, however, to minimize the risk in some patients, of telemonitoring increasing dependence on practitioner support.  相似文献   



Camera phones have become ubiquitous in the digital age. Patients are beginning to bring images recorded on their mobile phones to share with their GP during medical consultations.


To explore GP perceptions about the effect of patient-initiated camera phone images on the consultation.

Design and setting

An interview study of GPs based in rural and urban locations in Australia.


Semi-structured telephone interviews with nine GPs about their experiences with patient-initiated camera phone images.


GPs described how patient-initiated camera phone photos and videos contributed to the diagnostic process, management and continuity of care. These images gave GPs in the study additional insight into the patient’s world. Potential harm resulting from inappropriate use of camera phones by patients was also identified.


Patient-initiated camera phone images can empower patients by illustrating their narratives, thus contributing to improved communication in general practice. Potential harm could result from inappropriate use of these images. GPs shown images on patients’ camera phones should make the most of this opportunity for improved understanding of the patient’s world. There are however, potential medicolegal implications such as informed consent, protection of patient and doctor privacy, and the risk of misdiagnosis.  相似文献   

The management of patients with rare diseases (RD) presents many challenges including diagnosis, coordination of care, and orientation in the health system. For these patients, the general practitioner (GP) is not always the referring physician. The aim of this study was to determine the place of the GP in management of patients with RD. We used a qualitative study by case-study. From March to October 2020, semi-structured interviews were conducted by telephone with the families of adult patients with RD and intellectual disability, and with the health professionals involved in their management. Patients were recruited through RD reference centres, patient associations or GPs. The interviews were transcribed and analysed by two independent investigators. A grounded theory-based analysis was performed. Eight case studies were conducted with 20 participants. Our results highlighted the trajectory of the patients through the development of the career of the primary informal caregiver. The caregivers developed skills required for the management of the care recipient. Within this trajectory, the GP found his place depended on the skills he could provide, their interest in the disease, the skills developed by the caregiver, and the caregiver/care recipient needs. The GP was mostly consulted for routine care and administrative procedures, but when a trusting relationship was established, they also accompanied the patient and their family by providing appropriate medical, social or psychological support. The GP will be all the more a privileged actor in the care process that he will be involved in the coordination of all other actors, professional as non-professionals.  相似文献   



Depression is a leading cause of disease and disability internationally, and is responsible for many primary care consultations. Little is known about the quality of primary care for depression in the UK.


To determine the prevalence of good-quality primary care for depression, and to analyse variations in quality by patient and practice characteristics.

Design of study

Retrospective observational study.


Eighteen general practices in England.


Medical records were examined for 279 patients. The percentage of eligible participants diagnosed with depression who received the care specified by each of six quality indicators in 2002 and 2004 was assessed. Associations between quality achievement and age, sex, patient deprivation score, timepoint, and practice size were estimated using logistic regression.


There was very wide variation in achievement of different indicators (range 1–97%). Achievement was higher for indicators referring to treatment and follow-up than for indicators referring to history taking. Achievement of quality indicators was low overall (37%). Quality did not vary significantly by patient or practice characteristics.


There is substantial scope for improvement in the quality of primary care for depression, if the highest achievement rates could be matched for all indicators. Given the lack of variation by practice characteristics, system-level and educational interventions may be the best ways to improve quality. The equitable distribution of quality by patient deprivation score is an important achievement that may be challenging to maintain as quality improves.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to explore the views of people aged over 70 years on involvement in their primary health care in 11 different European countries. METHODS: Older patients were asked about their views on patient involvement in a face-to-face interview. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed in accordance with the principles of 'qualitative content analysis'. An international code list was used. RESULTS: Four hundred and six primary care patients aged between 70 and 96 years were interviewed. Their views could be categorized into four major groups: doctor-patient interaction, GP related topics, patient related issues and contextual factors. CONCLUSION: People over 70 do want to be involved in their care but their definition of involvement is more focussed on the 'caring relationship', 'person-centred approach' and 'receiving information' than on 'active participation in decision making'. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The desire for involvement in decision making is highly heterogeneous so an individual approach for each patient in the ageing population is needed. Future research and medical education should focus on methods and training to elicit older patients' preferences. The similar views in 11 countries suggest that methods for enhancing patient involvement in older people could be internationally developed and exchanged.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Patient-centred depression care approaches should better address barriers of insufficient patient information and involvement in the treatment decision process. Additional research is needed to test the effect of increased patient participation on outcomes. The aim of this study was to assess, if patient participation in decision-making via a shared decision-making intervention leads to improved treatment adherence, satisfaction, and clinical outcome without increasing consultation time. METHODS: Cluster-randomized controlled intervention study based on physician training and patient-centered decision aid compared to usual care in primary care settings in Südbaden region of Germany. Twenty-three primary care physicians treating 405 patients with newly diagnosed depression were enrolled. Patient involvement was measured with the patient perceived involvement in care scale (PICS) and a patient participation scale (MSH-scale). Patient satisfaction was measured by the CSQ-8 questionnaire. Treatment adherence was evaluated by patient and provider self-report. Depression severity and remission outcomes were assessed with the Brief PHQ-D. RESULTS: Physician facilitation of patient participation improved significantly and to a greater extent in the intervention compared to the control group. There was no intervention effect for depression severity reduction. Doctor facilitation of patient participation, patient-rated involvement, and physician assessment of adherence improved only in the intervention group. Patient satisfaction at post-intervention was higher in the intervention group compared to the control group. The consultation time did not differ between groups. CONCLUSION: A shared decision-making intervention was better than usual care for improving patient participation in treatment decision-making, and patient satisfaction without increasing consultation time. Additional research is needed to model causal linkages in the decision-making process in regard to outcomes. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: The study results encourage the implementation of patient participation in primary care of depression.  相似文献   



Although the number of blood tests ordered in primary care continues to increase, efficient systems for the communication of blood test results to patients are lacking. This is a concern in terms of both patient safety and patient satisfaction.


To gain an understanding of patient perspectives on organisational and technological aspects of current and prospective systems for communicating laboratory test results in primary care, and the influences that impact patients’ preferred methods for receiving results.

Design and setting

Qualitative study using patient focus groups in four primary care practices in Birmingham, UK.


The primary care practices were purposively selected to ensure they varied in size, socioeconomic environment, and the default pathways they used to communicate test results. A total of 26 patients from the four practices who had had a recent blood test were recruited. Over a 6 month period in 2011, six, 1-hour focus groups were conducted at the four practices involved in the study.


Patients expressed a preference for receiving results from the ordering GP or a clinically qualified member of staff. Suggestions for refining current systems included improved access to phlebotomy appointments, better management of patient telephone calls, and a clear, accessible protocol for the communication of results.


Despite the testing and result communication process being a core activity in primary care, it was found that practices could improve their service in a number of areas. Patients described frequent delays and inconsistency in both the level of information and the method of communication, as well as dissatisfaction with non-clinical staff relaying results. Patient preferences for result communication based on their experience of current systems have produced practical suggestions to improve processes.  相似文献   

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