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目的:前瞻、序列、对比研究我科行冠状动脉旁路移植术(coronary artery bypass grafting,CABG)的患者术后1年抑郁、焦虑的状况以及心血管事件的发生率.方法:2005年10月至2006年8月,以我科连续行择期CABG术的69例患者为对象,分别在术前1周内、术后出院前1天、术后1年使用ZUNG氏抑郁自评量表和焦虑自评量表进行抑郁、焦虑状态评分,同时随访术后1年的心血管事件的发生率.结果:术前24例(34.8%)存在抑郁焦虑状态,出院前33例(47.8%)存在抑郁焦虑状态,术后1年随访时10例(14.5%)存在抑郁焦虑状态.术后1年随访时共有6例(8.7%)患者发生心血管病事件,其中5例再次入院.术前存在抑郁焦虑的患者与不存在抑郁焦虑的患者相比:术后住院时间延长[(19±8)d vs.(16±6)d, P=0.003],容易出现伤口并发症(3/24 vs. 0/45, P=0.039),出院前和术后12月随访时不良情绪的发生率较高(分别为75% vs. 33%, P=0.001; 29% vs. 7%, P=0.017);随访时存在抑郁焦虑的患者与不存在抑郁焦虑的患者相比:术前和术后发生心律失常更多见 (3/10 vs. 2/59, P=0.019;6/10 vs. 2/59,P=0.000),术中移植血管桥数量较多[(3.5±0.5) vs.(3.0±0.9),P=0.049],术后住院时间较长[(24±11)天 vs. (16±6)天,P=0.001],术前存在抑郁焦虑状态比例较高(7/10 vs.3/59,P=0.026),发生心血管事件较多 (3/10 vs. 3/59,P=0.036).结论:行冠状动脉旁路移植术术前不良情绪会导致术后恢复减慢,而术前不良情绪、病情重、术后随访发生心血管事件可能与术后1年的抑郁焦虑状态有关系,需要引起重视.  相似文献   

中学生焦虑、抑郁与生活事件和应对方式研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
中学生处于心理发育的重要时期 ,也是各种心理问题的高发阶段[1- 2 ] 。初三毕业生面临升学的压力 ,这部分同学的心理状况更应引起关注。在各种心理问题中 ,焦虑、抑郁是常见的症状 ,本文拟调查初三毕业生的焦虑、抑郁状况 ,并通过生活事件和应对方式调查 ,以便发现焦虑、抑郁的影响因素 ,这对初三毕业生心理问题的预防和干预将有重要意义。1 对象和方法1.1 对象选取一所普通中学 ,以所有初三毕业生为调查对象 ,发放 35 2份调查表 ,共收集 331名资料完整者 ,资料回收率 94 .0 3%。 331名学生中 ,男生 171名 ,女生 16 0名 ,平均年龄 15 .4 …  相似文献   

抑郁、焦虑、孤独情绪与书写特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探索抑郁、焦虑、孤独情绪与书写特征的关系。方法:使用自编的书写特征评分系统及BDI、STAI等量表对480个大学生被试进行评定,使用AMOS4软件建立结构方程模型。结果:在对高低抑郁、焦虑、孤独组被试的比较分析中,发现高分组多项书写特征得分与低分组相比具有显著统计学差异。使用结构方程模型技术建立四个相应的模型,均有较好的拟合,证实抑郁、焦虑和孤独对书写存在重要影响。应用书写特征变量对抑郁、焦虑以及孤独进行多元回归分析,发现在控制了性别因素后,有较好的效度。结论:表现一个人书写特征的笔迹与个体的抑郁、焦虑及孤独情绪有密切关系。  相似文献   

The Positive Valence Systems (PVS) have been introduced by the National Institute of Mental Health as a domain to help organize multiple constructs focusing on reward-seeking behaviors. However, the initial working model for this domain is strongly influenced by adult constructs and measures. Thus, the present review focuses on extending the PVS into a developmental context. Specifically, the review provides some hypotheses about the structure of the PVS, how PVS components may change throughout development, how family history of depression may influence PVS development, and potential means of intervening on PVS function to reduce onsets of depression. Future research needs in each of these areas are highlighted.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨焦虑症、抑郁症和焦虑抑郁障碍共病与功能失调性认知的关系。方法 :使用功能失调性态度量表 (DAS)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表 (HAMD)及汉密尔顿焦虑量表 (HAMA)对 3 5例抑郁症、 3 0例焦虑症及 3 0例焦虑抑郁障碍共病患者于治疗前后 ( 6~ 8周 )进行评定 ,并与 3 0名正常人进行对照。结果 :( 1)治疗前后三组DAS总分及各因子分均高于对照组 ;( 2 )焦虑抑郁障碍共病组治疗前后的DAS总分值及大多数因子分明显高于焦虑症组及抑郁症组 (P <0 0 5 ) ,而后两组间差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5 ) ;( 3 )三组DAS分值与各自相应的HAMD和 /或HAMA均无相关性。结论 :焦虑症、抑郁症及焦虑抑郁共病患者均存在明显的功能失调性认知 ,而非抑郁症所独具 ,且共病患者较前两者严重 (P <0 0 5 )。  相似文献   

抑郁症患者的述情障碍与焦虑、抑郁的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨抑郁症患者的述情障碍以及与焦虑、抑郁的关系.方法 采用多伦多述情障碍量表(Toronto Alexithymia Scale, TAS)、Hamilton焦虑量表(Hamilton Anxiety Scale,HAMA)及Hamilton抑郁量表(Hamilton Depression Scale,HAMD)对100例抑郁症患者和100例正常自愿者进行测评,并对述情障碍与焦虑、抑郁作相关分析.结果 抑郁症组TAS评分显著高于正常对照组0=6.86,P<0.01);其述情障碍的发生率为43%,亦显著高于对照组的11%(x2=25.98,P<0.01).抑郁症患者的TAS总分及因子Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ评分与HAMA及HAMD评分均呈显著性正相关.结论 抑郁症患者存在着明显的述情障碍,并与焦虑、抑郁有关.  相似文献   

大学新生的焦虑情绪与容纳、应付方式   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
大学生是心理障碍的高发人群,大学新生的心理健康问题可能更多,因为他们面临新环境、新的生活与学习方式的适应问题。本文以大学新生为对象,探讨容纳与应付方式对大学新生焦虑严重程度的影响。对象与方法1.1对象湖南省某重点大学2003年入学的全部新生,军训2周后以班为单位,采取团体测查的形式,每个被试完成所有问卷约需20分钟。发放问卷4165份,回收有效问卷3686份,其中男性2188人,女性1498人;平均年龄为20±1岁。1.2工具1.2.1状态-特质焦虑问卷(STAI)[1]。1.2.2容纳他人量表[2]用于测量自我容纳、容纳他人程度、自我感觉被别人接纳程度,得…  相似文献   


A modified version of the Life Experiences Survey (LES) was used to examine the relationship between positive and negative life change and subsequent athletic injury among 104 collegiate varsity football players drawn from two teams. The findings from Team One indicated that players who incurred a significant time-loss injury had experienced greater negative—but not positive—life changes in the previous twelve months than noninjured players. Further, injured players tended to have higher object loss scores than noninjured players. No between-group differences were found for Team Two. Trait anxiety, competitive trait anxiety, and locus of control were examined as possible moderator variables in the life change—injury relationship, and were found to have no significant effects. While partially supporting past research, the findings indicate that more work on the stress—injury relationship is needed before life change measures can contribute to the assessment of athletes' injury potential.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不育妇女焦虑、抑郁与个性特征的关系.方法:采用艾森克个性问卷(EPQ),抑郁自评量表(SDS)和特质焦虑问卷(STAI)对170名不育妇女进行问卷调查,同时选择正常育龄妇女88名作对照.结果:不育症妇女状态焦虑分与特质焦虑分明显高于对照组(P<0.01),不育症妇女SDS总分高于对照组(P<0.01),不育症妇女EPQ的N得分高于对照组(P<0.01).结论:不育症妇女存在焦虑、抑郁情绪及高神经质的人格特点.  相似文献   

目的:探讨妊娠对女性成人依恋、抑郁、焦虑水平的影响以及妊娠女性成人依恋和抑郁焦虑的关系。方法:采用亲密关系经历量表(ECR)中文版及焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)对240名妊娠女性和236名未孕女性进行问卷调查。结果:①妊娠与未孕女性依恋类型分布存在差异(i~2=13.379,P0.01),未孕组安全性依恋的比例高于妊娠组;妊娠组在依恋焦虑、抑郁和焦虑得分上高于未孕组,差异非常显著(t=2.606,3.628,3.788;P0.01);②焦虑、抑郁与依恋焦虑和依恋回避呈显著正相关(r=0.306,0.337,0.245,0.287;P0.01),抑郁、焦虑水平在依恋类型上有显著差异(F=25.312,17.693;P0.01)。结论:妊娠对女性成人依恋、抑郁、焦虑均有影响;妊娠女性的依恋和抑郁、焦虑水平有关。  相似文献   

初中生自我概念与抑郁、焦虑初探   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
目的:考察初中生自我概念与抑郁、焦虑的关系。方法:分别从四川省南充市三所普通中学随机抽承初一至初三的学生各一个班,共500人,采用自我描述问卷,流调中心用抑郁量表和儿童显在焦虑量表进行调查。结果:初生的自我概念总分与抑郁、焦虑各个侧面均有负相关,其中,一般自我、学校表现自我、亲子关系和同伴关系自我是预测初中生抑郁和焦虑的重要因素,结论:初中生的抑郁、焦虑与自我概念有关,为心理咨询提供了依据。  相似文献   


The present research investigated the proposal that global perceived stress level moderates the degree of relationship between negative life events and depression. Accordingly, subjects in this study completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Life Experiences Survey (LES), and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). The PSS provides a measure of global perceived stress level, or the general tendency to view one's life as being unpredictable, out of control, and overwhelming. Consistent with past research, the findings revealed an increase in depression level as negative life change scores increased. Of special importance, however, was the finding that global level of stress significantly moderated the relationship between depression and negative life events. For those low on perceived stress, negative life changes had only a minimal impact on depression level. In contrast, for those high on perceived stress, the relationship was more pronounced. These findings were then discussed with regard to the possible role of cognitive appraisals in enhancing the symptoms of psychopathology experienced by individuals high on global level of perceived stress.  相似文献   

目的:了解军队医务人员群体的应激现状和主要来源及其与工作满意度的关系。方法:对驻某地区的3家军队中心医院的300名医务人员(现役军人)进行调查,采用生活事件量表、军人心理应激自评问卷等为测量工具。结果:军队医务人员应激的主要来源为工作学习事件,焦虑水平和生活事件对工作满意度有显著的预测力。结论:减少军队医务人员生活事件,降低其焦虑水平,能有效提高其工作满意度。  相似文献   

The convergent and discriminant validity of multiple measures of conduct disorder, depression, and anxiety were examined. Data used in this analysis were collected on 95 students between 11 and 18 years of age who were receiving services in one of three alternative schools for behavior-disordered students. Two measures of each variable were completed by each participant and by each participant's teacher. Measures included the Children's Depression Inventory, Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, and the Conduct Problem and Anxiety/Withdrawal factors of the Behavior Problem Checklist and the Walker Problem Behavior Identification Checklist. In addition, a global rating of depression was obtained from the teachers by interview. The results indicated that convergent and discriminant validity were adequate for the measures of depression and conduct disorder with this population. Anxiety measures did not meet criteria for convergent validity. The implications of a significant rater effect were discussed.  相似文献   

产后抑郁症与生活事件及社会支持的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
产后抑郁症最初由patt(196 8)提出 ,是指产褥期发生的抑郁[1] 。虽然从DSM—Ⅲ及ICD— 9开始 ,产后抑郁已不再作为一个独立疾病诊断单元 ,但由于产后抑郁症起病于女性的“特殊时期”及预后良好等特点 ,多年来备受人们的关注。有调查表明[2 ] ,产后抑郁症的患病率达 16 .7% ,产后抑郁症的病因复杂 ,其发生与生活事件及社会支持有关。国内报道较少 ,作者对此进行初步的比较分析 ,现报告如下。1 对象与方法1 1 对象产后抑郁症组 :30例为 1996年 2月至 1999年 3月在我院门诊及住院病人 ,为产后 6周内发病 ,均符合CCMD -Ⅱ -R抑…  相似文献   

This research examined the role of negative and positive illness schemas as predictors of depression in 109 ESRD patients who were recruited from dialysis clinics throughout the San Diego area. Specifically, the model evaluated whether negative and positive illness schemas would mediate the relationship between disease severity and depression, and social support and depression, in a cross-sectional design. The model was tested with the Cognitive Depression Inventory (CDI), derived from the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the full Beck as criterion variables. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis employing path-analytic procedures revealed that while disease severity was unrelated to depression, negative illness schema contributed to higher BDI and CDI scores, and positive illness schema contributed to lower BDI and CDI scores. Furthermore, positive illness schema mediated the relationship between social support and depression in both the BDI and CDI models. The results illustrate the important contribution of illness schemas to depression in this life-threatening disease.  相似文献   

孕妇的焦虑抑郁情绪对照研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
怀孕是自然的生理过程,但也会出现心理和情绪变化。有作者报道焦虑和抑郁是孕妇在妊娠期间常见的症状或寻求心理咨询的主要原因[1-3]。Affonso等人报道孕妇在妊娠期间最常见的情绪有发怒、紧张担心、病理性焦虑。大约50%的孕妇有抑郁症状[4]。国内报道11%孕妇产前有焦虑或抑郁症状[5]。本文通过对照研究,了解孕妇在妊娠期的焦虑和抑郁情绪状态,报道如下。1 资料和方法1.1 对象  随机选择1999年7月~8月间到中山医科大学附属第三院妇产科门诊就诊的孕妇,均为初孕妇。共52人。年龄20~37岁,平均27.96±3.04岁;大专以上教育程度26人…  相似文献   

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