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The effects of the murine lymphomagen, 1,3-butadiene (BD), on the proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells were examined in male B6C3F1 mice. Exposure to 1250 ppm BD for 6 weeks resulted in no demonstrable alteration in the frequency of spleen colony-forming units (CFU-S); however, colonies derived from treated animals were smaller than those from controls. The absence of any difference in the frequency of CFU-GM after 6 weeks exposure suggests that BD produces an alteration in the relative proportion of immature to mature pluripotent stem cells in BD-exposed animals. This was confirmed by the examination of the effects of BD on stem cell development in long-term bone marrow culture. After 14 days, the number of CFU-GM derived from cultures of animals exposed for 6 weeks was reduced compared to controls. However, at 28 days an increase relative to controls was observed. This shift in the course of differentiation of the granulocyte/macrophage precursor cell, as assessed by the CFU-GM, provides further evidence that there is an increase in the relative frequency of primitive or immature stem cells in BD-treated mice. After a 30-31 week exposure to BD, a decrease in the numbers of both CFU-S and CFU-GM was observed. These findings indicate that BD causes alterations in stem cell development and suggest that alterations in bone marrow stem cells may play an essential role in the pathogenesis of BD-induced thymic lymphoma.  相似文献   

The nervous system of the B6C3F1 mouse has rarely been a target for chemical carcinogenesis in the National Toxicology Program (NTP) bioassays. However, 6 malignant gliomas and 2 neuroblastomas were observed in B6C3F1 mice exposed to 625 ppm 1,3-butadiene (NTP technical reports 288 and 434). These mouse brain tumors were evaluated with regard to the profile of genetic alterations that are observed in human brain tumors. Alterations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene were common. Missense mutations were observed in 3/6 malignant gliomas and 2/2 neuroblastomas and were associated with loss of heterozygosity. Most of the mutations occurred in exons 5-8 of the p53 gene and were G-->A transitions, and did not involve CpG sites. Loss of heterozygosity at the Ink4a/Arf gene locus was observed in 5/5 malignant gliomas and 1/1 neuroblastoma, while the PTEN(phosphatase and tensin homologue) gene locus was unaffected by deletions. One of 2 neuroblastomas had a mutation in codon 61 of H-ras, while H-ras mutations were not observed in the malignant gliomas examined. Only 1 brain tumor has been reported from control mice of over 500 NTP studies. This malignant glioma showed no evidence of alterations in the p53 gene or K- and H-ras mutations. It is likely that the specific genetic alterations observed were induced or selected for by 1,3-butadiene treatment that contributed to the development of mouse brain tumors. The observed findings are similar in part to the genetic alterations reported in human brain tumors.  相似文献   

Proliferative vascular lesions of the heart were found in mice exposed chronically to 1,3-butadiene by inhalation with an overall incidence of 30% in males and 43% in females. Based on histological criteria, the lesions were subclassified as endothelial hyperplasia with an incidence of 7% in males and 13% in females and hemangiosarcoma with an incidence of 23% and 30%, respectively. A dose-relationship for both lesions was observed in females, but not in males. The absence of a dose response in males was most likely due to the lower survival rate for high-dose animals (14%) when compared to the lower-dose animals (22%). Endothelial hyperplasia was characterized by widened vascular spaces lined by a single layer of plump endothelial cells. When cellular pleomorphism and piling up of endothelial nuclei were observed, the lesion was diagnosed as hemangiosarcoma. Ultrastructural examination of hemangiosarcomas revealed lumen formation, intercellular junctions and cytoplasmic filaments. Pinocytotic vesicles which are 1 of the characteristics of endothelial cells could not be identified with certainty. Weibel-Palade bodies were not detected in the neoplastic endothelium. Metastatic lesions were observed in liver, lung and kidney. To date, 1,3-butadiene is the only carcinogen reported that induces proliferative vascular lesions in the heart of mice.  相似文献   

Groups of male B6C3F1 mice (N = 12) were exposed to ambient air or to gaseous 1,3-butadiene (BD) at 6.25, 62.5, and 625 ppm for 10 exposure days (6 hr + T90/day). Exposure to BD induced in bone marrow: 1) a significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations (CA); 2) a significant elevation in the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCE); 3) a significant lengthening of the average generation time (AGT); 4) a significant depression in the mitotic index (MI); and, as measured in the peripheral blood, 5) a significant increase in the proportion of circulating polychromatic erythrocytes (%PCE), and 6) a significant increase in the level of micronucleated PCE (MN-PCE) and micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes (MN-NCE). The most sensitive indicator of genotoxic damage was the frequency of SCE (significant at 6.25 ppm), followed by MN-PCE levels (significant at 62.5 ppm), and then by CA and MN-NCE frequencies (significant at 625 ppm). The most sensitive measure of cytotoxic damage was AGT (significant at 62.5 ppm), followed by %PCE (significant at 625 ppm), and then by MI (significant by trend test only). Because each cytogenetic endpoint was evaluated in every animal, a correlation analysis was conducted to evaluate the degree of concordance among the various indicators of genotoxic and cytotoxic damage. The extent of concordance ranged from a very good correlation between the induction of MN-PCE and the induction of SCE (correlation coefficient r = 0.9562) to the lack of a significant correlation between the depression in the MI and any other endpoint (r less than 0.37).  相似文献   

R D Irons  W S Stillman  M W Cloyd 《Virology》1987,161(2):457-462
1,3-Butadiene (BD), a comonomer used in the production of synthetic rubber, is a rodent carcinogen. We have observed a marked increase in the incidence of thymic lymphoma in male B6C3F1 relative to NIH Swiss mice chronically exposed to BD in the absence of demonstrable differences in bone marrow (target organ) toxicity. Increased expression of murine leukemia virus (MuLV) antigens was also observed on lymphomas from BD-exposed B6C3F1 mice. Because NIH Swiss mice do not usually express endogenous retroviruses and their ecotropic proviral sequences are not intact, these findings provide presumptive evidence of a role for endogenous retrovirus sequences in BD-induced lymphoma in the B6C3F1 mouse. The present study was conducted to examine the expression and behavior of endogenous retroviruses in these strains during the preleukemic phase of BD exposure. Chronic exposure to BD (1250 ppm) 6 hr/day, 5 days/wk for 3 to 21 weeks increased markedly the quantity of ecotropic retrovirus recoverable from bone marrow, thymus, and spleen of B6C3F1 mice. However, expression of other endogenous retroviruses (xenotropic, MCF-ERV) was not enhanced. No viruses of any type were found in similarly treated NIH Swiss mice. The mechanism of this increase in ecotropic retrovirus in B6C3F1 mice is believed to be de novo activation in greater numbers of cells because changes in the Fv-1 tropism of the replicating viruses or changes in Fv-1 host restriction were not found. Endogenous retroviruses are thus implicated in BD-induced leukemogenesis in B6C3F1 mice. Further studies will examine the role of retrovirus in BD-induced leukemogenesis and the mechanisms of activation of ecotropic proviral sequences in murine cells.  相似文献   

Two-week repeated-dose and 13-week subchronic studies of HCBD were conducted in B6C3F1 mice. Groups of five mice/sex received 0, 30, 100, 300, 1,000, or 3,000 ppm HCBD in feed for 15 days. Toxic responses, primarily in the higher dose groups, included abnormal clinical signs (lethargy, hunched posture, rough coat, sensitivity to light, and/or incoordination), mortality (all mice in the top two dose groups died by day 7), body and organ weight depression, and gross and histopathological changes. The most prevalent microscopic lesion, seen in all HCBD-treated mice of both sexes, was renal tubular cell necrosis and/or regeneration. Regeneration was seen only in the lower dose groups. Thirteen-week studies were conducted in which groups of 10 mice/sex received 0, 1, 3, 10, 30, or 100 ppm HCBD in feed. No treatment-related clinical signs or mortality were observed. Body weight gain was reduced in the 30- and 100-ppm males (-49 and -56, respectively), and the 100-ppm females (-47). Significant reduction in kidney weights was seen in the 30- and 100-ppm males and 100-ppm females. A treatment-related increase in tubular cell regeneration in the renal cortex occurred in both male and female mice. This lesion was characterized by an increase both in number and basophilic staining intensity of the tubular epithelial cells. Regeneration was seen in the outer stripe of the outer medulla and extended into the medullary rays (pars recta); severity increased with dose. Female mice were more susceptible to the toxicity of HCBD than male mice. Although no adverse effects were observed at the 10-ppm level for male mice in the subchronic study, the regenerative lesion was present in female mice at 1 ppm, the lowest dose administered.  相似文献   

Male B6C3F1 mice and Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed for 2 days, 6 h/day to 1,3-butadiene (BD) by inhalation (nose only) and their bone marrow cells were evaluated for the induction of micronuclei (MN) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs). A significant dose-dependent increase in MN induction was observed in mice. At 100 p.p.m., the frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes was 6-fold above control with a maximal induction of 38-fold at 10,000 p.p.m. A significant increase in SCEs was also observed in mouse bone marrow cells starting at 100 p.p.m. with a 4-fold increase over the control evident at 10,000 p.p.m. The highest tested no observed effect level for both endpoints was 50 p.p.m. In contrast, rat bone marrow cells did not exhibit significant increases in micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes or SCEs. These results indicate that BD is genotoxic in the bone marrow of the mouse but not the rat. This paralleled the chronic bioassays which showed mice to be more susceptible than rats to BD carcinogenicity.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine whether pentachlorophenol (PCP) alters benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P)-induced DNA adduct formation in infant and adult B6C3F1 male mice. Mice were exposed intraperitoneally to 55 microg B[a]P/g body weight (BW) alone and in combination with several doses of PCP in DMSO. The 32P-postlabeling assay was used to analyze for (+/-) anti-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide-B[a]P-N(2)deoxyguanosine (BPDE-N(2)G) adducts formed in liver and lung DNA. Hepatic DNA also was analyzed for 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) base damage in mice exposed to PCP. 8-OHdG was not detected at any dose of PCP in infant or adult mice. PCP exhibited an antagonistic effect on BPDE-N(2)G accumulation in infant mice exposed to B[a]P in combination with 50 microg PCP/g BW at both 12 and 24 hr. Comparatively, BPDE-N(2)G adducts were increased in adult mice exposed to binary mixtures at 24 hr in both hepatic and lung DNA (P < 0.05). Multiple comparison analysis between infant and adult mice revealed that adduct levels in infants exposed to B[a]P alone or in combination with PCP were not different from those observed in adult mice exposed to B[a]P. However, a significant increase in adducts was observed in adult mice exposed to a combination of B[a]P and PCP compared to that in all other treatment groups (P < 0.05). These results suggest that PCP alters the metabolism of B[a]P in both infant and adult mice through different mechanisms, and that infants are not susceptible to the potentiating effects of PCP observed in adult mice.  相似文献   

1,3-Butadiene is a multisite carcinogen in rodents. Incidences of cardiac hemangiosarcomas were significantly increased in male and female B6C3F1 mice that inhaled 1,3-butadiene (BD) for 2 years. Eleven BD-induced cardiac hemangiosarcomas were examined for genetic alterations in ras protooncogenes and in the p53 tumor suppressor gene. Nine of 11 (82%) BD-induced hemangiosarcomas had K-ras mutations and 5 of 11 (46%) had H-ras mutations. All of the K-ras mutations were G-->C transversions (GGC-->CGC) at codon 13; this pattern is consistent with reported results in BD-induced lung neoplasms and lymphomas. Both K-ras codon 13 CGC mutations and H-ras codon 61 CGA mutations were detected in 5 of 9 (56%) hemangiosarcomas. The 11 hemangiosarcomas stained positive for p53 protein by immunohistochemistry and were analyzed for p53 mutations using cycle sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplified DNA isolated from paraffin-embedded sections. Mutations in exons 5 to 8 of the p53 gene were identified in 5 of 11 (46%) hemangiosarcomas, and all of these were from the 200- or 625-ppm exposure groups that also had K-ras codon 13 CGC mutations. Our data indicate that K-ras, H-ras, and p53 mutations in these hemangiosarcomas most likely occurred as a result of the genotoxic effects of BD and that these mutations may play a role in the pathogenesis of BD-induced cardiac hemangiosarcomas in the B6C3F1 mouse.  相似文献   

Multiple intrapulpal denticles were observed in maxillary incisors of control and treated B6C3F1 mice used in a chronic inhalation study. Histologically, the denticles originated from multiple small budlike projections emanating from the epithelial sheath, immediately adjacent to the pulp chamber. The denticles were round to ovoid in shape with a central cavity surrounded by tubular dentin. Immature denticles contained epithelial cells within the central cavity, whereas mature denticles were either devoid of cells or contained cell fragments. A layer of columnar odontoblasts surrounded the outer surface of each denticle. Denticles advanced in a coronal direction as the incisors grew. With continued incisor growth, some denticles impacted the tooth wall and were associated with defects in dentinogenesis, altered tooth shape, and microfractures. Some denticles became partly or entirely incorporated into the dentin of the tooth. Intrapulpal denticle formation may represent a previously unidentified alteration that could contribute to the development of dental dysplasia in mice by interfering with normal tooth development and predisposing affected teeth to malformation and biomechanical failure with fracture.  相似文献   

Hyaline glomerulopathy is a spontaneous disease of undetermined etiology that occurs sporadically in various strains of aging mice. In our laboratory, this disease was observed with unusual ultrastructural features as an incidental finding in 2 female B6C3F1 mice from 2 carcinogenicity bioassays. Microscopically, renal lesions were characterized by marked diffuse enlargement and prominent hyalinization of the glomeruli, equally affecting both kidneys. Affected glomeruli were PAS positive, but were negative for amyloid by the Congo red method. Immunocytochemical staining revealed weakly positive glomerular deposits with polyclonal anti-mouse IgG-IgM-IgA cocktail. Ultrastructurally, there were characteristic subendothelial osmiophilic deposits composed of loosely-packed linear structures in the glomeruli. Lamellae, which appeared as fibrils in perpendicular sections, were relatively uniform, measured 6.1-17.01 nm in diameter, and formed single or double-layered structures. The ultrastructural and immunocytochemical characteristics are suggestive of a spontaneous immune-mediated mechanism in a strain of mouse commonly used in toxicology studies.  相似文献   

Occupational exposure to wood dust is associated with the occurrence of nasal cancer. In this study, we investigated micronuclei and nuclear changes (NCs: binucleates, karyorrhexis, karyolysis, and the "broken egg" effect) in exfoliated buccal cells of 20 workers exposed to wood dust and 20 age- and sex-matched controls. Micronucleus frequency and the frequency of each of the NCs were significantly higher for wood workers than controls (P < 0.01). Cigarette smoking was associated with increased frequencies of micronuclei and NCs in the buccal mucosa epithelium cells of both the control and exposed groups. Our findings indicate that buccal cells of wood workers display increased levels of genotoxicity and toxicity, and that these biomarker responses may be related to the increased cancer risk among wood workers.  相似文献   

A multiplex PCR procedure for analysis of genomic DNA mutations in the mouse hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hprt) gene was developed and then used with other established methods for the coincident identification of large- and small-scale genetic alterations in the Hprt gene of mutant T-cell isolates propagated from sham- and 1,3-butadiene (BD)-exposed mice and rats. The spectra data for RT-PCR/cDNA analysis and multiplex PCR of genomic DNA from Hprt mutants were combined, and statistical analyses of the mutant fractions for the classes of mutations identified in control versus exposed animals were conducted. Under the assumption that the mutant fractions are distributed as Poisson variates, BD exposure of mice significantly increased the frequencies of (1) nearly all types of base substitutions; (2) single-base deletions and insertions; and (3) all subcategories of deletions. Significantly elevated fractions of G:C-->C:G and A:T-->T:A transversions in the Hprt gene of BD-exposed mice were consistent with the occurrence of these substitutions as the predominant ras gene mutations in multiple tumor types increased in incidence in carcinogenicity studies of BD in mice. BD exposure of rats produced significant increases in (1) base substitutions only at A:T base pairs; (2) single-base insertions; (3) complex mutations; and (4) deletions (mainly 5' partial and complete gene deletions). Future coincident analyses of large- and small-scale mutations in rodents exposed to specific BD metabolites should help identify species differences in the sources of deletion mutations and other types of mutations induced by BD exposures in mice versus rats.  相似文献   

B6C3F1 mice were exposed to two congeners of benzopyrene, either the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) or the non-carcinogen benzo(e)pyrene (B(e)P. Exposure of mice to B(a)P resulted in a reduced number of IgM and IgG antibody plaque forming cells (PFC) to the T-dependent (TD) antigen SRBC and IgM PFC's to the T-independent (TI) antigen LPS. The IgM response to hapten conjugated TI antigens was examined using TNP-LPS for reactivity of less mature B cells (B1) and TNP-Ficoll for more mature B cells (B2). Exposure to B(a)P severely depressed the TNP-Ficoll PFC response by up to 77% without altering the TNP-LPS response. These data indicated that exposure to B(a)P alters differentiation and antibody production in mature B cells to both TD and B2 TI antigens. No change in PFC was observed following exposure to B(e)P. Mishell-Dutton co-cultures confirmed that B cells were affected and that T helper cells or suppressor Mphi were not involved. Parameters of cell-mediated immunocompetence including delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity to KLH, allograft or tumour cell rejection and susceptibility to Listeria monocytogens were unaltered in B(a)P treated mice.  相似文献   

Because sampling of the paired lobes (ventral, dorsal, lateral, and anterior) of the mouse prostate has often been inconsistent, comparisons among different investigations have lacked validity. The absence of site identification for prostatic lesions has made reported incidences relatively nonspecific. We present here the lobe-specific incidences and degree of severity of spontaneous lesions in prostate, coagulating gland (anterior prostatic lobe), seminal vesicles, and ampullary glands in 612 control B6C3F1 mice from 12 recent National Toxicology Program 2-year carcinogenicity and toxicity studies conducted in 1 of 4 different laboratories. Lymphocytic infiltration, inflammation, epithelial hyperplasia, mucinous cyst, and mucinous metaplasia were observed in the dorsolateral lobes. Lymphocytic infiltration, inflammation, epithelial hyperplasia, and edema were present in the ventral lobes. Lymphocytic infiltration, acinar dilatation, inflammation, epithelial hyperplasia, and atrophy occurred in the coagulating glands. No neoplastic lesions were observed in the prostate or coagulating gland. Lymphocytic infiltration, acinar dilatation, inflammation, atrophy, adenoma, adenocarcinoma, and a granular cell tumor were observed in the seminal vesicles. Lymphocytic infiltration was also present in the ampullary glands. The results of our survey indicate that the amounts of glandular tissues were not present consistently in slides from the different laboratories. Landmarks for uniform tissue trimming are needed. We therefore suggest an optimal trimming and embedding method for mouse prostate and seminal vesicles to ensure adequate, consistent sampling.  相似文献   

1,3-Butadiene (BD) causes genetic damage, including adduct formation, sister chomatid exchange, and point mutations. Previous studies have focused on the types of genetic damage and tumors found after long-term exposure of rodents to butadiene. This study examined the effect of the most active BD metabolite, butadiene diepoxide (BDO2), on cell cycle entry and progression in human lung fibroblasts (LU cells) with a normal diploid karyotype. Serum-arrested (G0) LU cells were exposed to BDO2 for 1 hr and stimulated to divide with medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum. The BDO2-treated LU cells were evaluated for cell cycle progression, nuclear localization of arrest mediators, mitotic index, and cellular proliferation. The BDO2-treated cells demonstrated a substantial inhibition of cell proliferation when treated with 100 microM BDO2 for 1 hr. No appreciable levels of apoptosis or mitotic figures were observed in the BDO2-treated cells through 96 hr posttreatment. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that the lack of proliferation in BDO2-treated LU cells was related to G1 arrest in about half of the cells and a delayed progression through S and G2 arrest in nearly all of the remaining cells. Both G1 and G2 arrest were prolonged and only a very small percentage of BDO2-treated cells were eventually able to replicate. Increased nuclear localization of both p53 and p21(cip1) was observed in BDO2-treated cells, suggesting that the cell cycle arrest was p21(cip1)-mediated. These results demonstrate that BDO2 induces cell cycle perturbation and arrest even with short-term exposure that does not produce other pathologic cellular effects.  相似文献   

The reduction of masculine sexual behavior following castration varies widely among genotypes. In contrast to the loss of sexual behavior by castrated males of other strains, males of the B6D2F1 genotype retain the ejaculatory reflex for many weeks after castration. The present study examined this retention phenomenon. Masculine sexual behaviors were measured before and after castration or sham operation in male C57BL/6J, DBA/2J, and B6D2F1 mice. Castrated C57BL/6J and DBA/2J males showed a rapid decline in copulatory behavior. In contrast, 30% of the B6D2F1 males continued to ejaculate 25 weeks after castration. Regardless of whether or not sexual behaviors were retained, levels of plasma testosterone and hypothalamic nuclear estrogen receptors were reduced by castration. These results suggest that the intra- and inter-strain differences in the retention of sexual behavior following castration are not due to differences in levels of steroid hormones. Further, some B6D2F1 males retain the ability to copulate in the absence of gonadal hormone levels required for the maintenance of sexual behavior in other genotypes.  相似文献   

1,3-Butadiene (BD) is a carcinogen that is bioactivated to at least two genotoxic metabolites. In the present article, we review briefly our previous studies on the in vivo, mutagenicity and mutational spectra of BD in bone morrow and extend these studies to examine the effect of exposure time (5-day vs. 4-week exposure to 625 ppm BD used in previous studies) on the lacl mutant frequency in the bone marrow. Inhalation exposure to BD at 625 ppm and 1,250 ppm was mutagenic in vivo inducing an increase in the transgene mutant and mutation frequency in the bone marrow. Analysis of the mutational spectrum in BD-exposed and air control mice demonstrated that BD exposure induced an increased frequency of mutations at A:T base pairs. There was no difference in the lacl mutant frequency determined in the bone marrow between a short-term exposure to BD (5 days) and a longer-term exposure (4 weeks). These data taken together demonstrate that inhalation exposure to BD induces in vivo somatic cell mutation. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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