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目的:研究儿童脑性偏瘫的CT形态学改变。材料和方法:对72例临床诊断为脑性偏瘫的患儿进行CT检查,并对其CT表现进行回顾性分析。结果:72例中,CT异常63例,CT阳性率为87.5%。CT表现可分成五种不同的类型:(1)脑发育畸形(11.1%),反映出生前大脑的发育障碍;(2)脑室周萎缩(38.9%),与早产儿缺血缺氧性脑损害有关;(3)皮质或皮质下软化(22.2%);(4)混合型(15.3%);(5)正常(12.5%)。结论:CT表现及分类反映了不同脑发育阶段脑损害的病理特点,CT形态学研究对脑性偏瘫的病因学诊断及预后判断有重要价值。  相似文献   

小肝细胞癌的CT诊断   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对118例经手术病理证实的小肝细胞癌(SHCC)进行了前瞻性CT研究。男109例,女9例,年龄18~76岁,平均49.5岁。118例均作了增强前和增强后扫描。其中20例还加进床/同层动态团注增强CT(DLB一CT、DSB一CT),5例作了4h延迟CT(D一CT),12例作了动脉造影CT(CTA),其中5例又加作了经动脉门脉造影CT(CTAP)。增强前SHCC主要表现为低密度(93.2%)。增强后动脉期呈明显早期增强,但密度很快下降,在门脉期呈低密度表现。在D一CT和CTAP图像上呈低密度,而CTA为显著高密度。不同CT方法检出SHCC敏感的排列顺序为:增强前CT<增强后CT<DIB一CT或D-CT<CTA或CTAP。  相似文献   

肾母细胞瘤的 CT 表现及其病理基础(附21例分析)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨肾母细胞瘤的CT表现及其病理基础。方法:分析21例病理证实的肾母细胞瘤的CT表现及病理联系。结果:20例(95.2%)单侧发病,12例(57.1%)瘤体呈圆形或类圆形,直经平均约10cm,平扫CT值18~45HU,内可见斑状更低密度区,病理基础为出血、坏死及瘤性脂肪;12例(57.1%)边缘较清,为肿瘤压迫周围正常肾组织所致,增强尤著:16例(76.1%)瘤体占据肾实质大部;5例(23.8%)可见斑点状或孤形钙化。结论:幼儿单侧或双侧肾实质较大低密度肿块内含更低密度区或钙化应首先考虑肾母细胞瘤。  相似文献   

婴儿晚发性维生素K缺乏致颅内出血的CT诊断   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:分析婴儿晚发性维生素K缺乏致颅内出血的CT表现和诊断价值。材料和方法:对经临床确诊的25例婴儿晚发性维生素K缺乏致颅内出血的CT资料进行回顾性分析,着重观察出血部位特征。全部病例均为平扫。结果:颅内出血的CT表现为:1多部位混合性出血:蛛网膜下腔出血(23/25),硬膜下出血(17/25),脑实质出血(12/25)。2伴发脑水肿(19/25),脑疝(12/25)和对侧侧脑室扩大(4/25)。结论:婴儿晚发性维生素K缺乏致颅内出血的CT表现有一定特征性,CT能起到定位定性的作用。  相似文献   

电子束CT急性胰腺炎的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:研究急性胰腺炎不同胰腺病变区CT“时间-密度曲线”(T—D曲线)特征对各病变区作定性和定量诊断的作用。材料和方法:采用电子束CT(EBCT)Flow扫描程序扫描5条急性胰腺炎模型犬的胰腺正常区、水肿区和坏死区各12个、13个和12个,对照病理分析所获得的T—D曲线和相应的CT值。结果:实验犬胰腺正常区、水肿区和坏死区T—D曲线的特征分别表现为“尖峰型”、“斜坡型”和“平坦型”。结论:通过辨认不同病变区T—D曲线特征可对急性胰腺炎作精确的定性和定量诊断  相似文献   

螺旋CT门静脉造影的临床应用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
目的 探讨螺旋CT门静脉造影(CTP)对门静脉系统的显示能力,评价其在该系统的临床应用价值。方法 160例 颖有肝脏疾病的患者进行了CTP检查,其中经手术治疗者47例,常规血管造影者12例,以此为对照,对肝脏肿瘤定位及门静脉癌栓、门脉高压侧支循环的显示情况和不同疾病的CTP表现做一分析。结果 CTP能清晰成像门静脉系统,精确定位肝内病灶(100%)。CTP原始图像的CTP表现做一分析。结果 CTP  相似文献   

新生儿颅内出血的CT特征   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
研究新生儿颅内出血的CT特征性表现。对48例新生儿颅内出血的CT表现进行了回顾性分析,并对17例进行了追踪观察。蛛网膜下腔出血29例,脑实质出血2例,脑室管膜下出血1例,脑室出血4例,混合型脑出血12例。(1)SAH为新生颅内出血最常见的类型约占60%,仅表现为直窦高密度者,确定超过5mm为诊断标准,并根据其形态特征分为前窄后宽,前宽后窄和全长增宽3种类型;(2)SEH见于早产儿,CT诊断较困难。  相似文献   

涎腺区肿块的CT诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨涎腺区病变的CT诊断价值。方法:回顾性总结经手术病理证实的34例涎腺区肿块的临床与CT资料,对其CT表现进行了分析。结果:34例中有26例术前CT准确诊断,诊断符合率73.5%,腮腺区24例,颌下腺区10例。良性肿块的CT表现:结节状(13例),分叶状(5例),不规则形(3例)。大多数肿块边缘光滑,边界清晰,密度均匀。病理对照:有完整包膜18例,无完整包膜3例。恶性肿块CT表现呈不规则形(13例),边缘毛糙,与周围正常组织分界不清。病理对照:肿块多数无包膜(11例)。结论:涎腺CT扫描的最大优势在于定位准确,能明确病变的范围及其与周围组织的关系,同时可根据肿块的形态及密度较好地鉴别其性质。  相似文献   

目的:本文目的是对后颅窝囊肿的CT-MR影像学的诊断作用进行评价。材料与方法:12例后颅窝囊肿的CT和MR影像表现进行了分析,探讨了其与临床表现和类型的相关性。结果:本组病例包含Dandy-Walker囊肿(5例)、蛛网膜囊肿(3例)和巨枕大池(4例),CT和MR都可提供无创性检测手段。结论:CT和MR二者对后颅窝囊肿的诊断均有效,但在显示病变的性状、大小和轮廓方面,MR比CT稍胜一筹  相似文献   

后颅窝囊肿的CT—MR影像学   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
目的:本文目的是对后颅窝囊肿的CT-MR影像学的诊断作用进行评价。材料与方法:12例后颅窝囊肿的CT和MR影像表现进行了分析,探讨了其与临床表现和类型的相关性。结果:本组病例包含Dandy-Walker囊肿(5例)、蛛网膜囊肿(3例)和巨枕大池(4例),CT和MR都可提供无创性检测手段。结论:CT和MR二者对后颅窝囊肿的诊断均有效,但在显示病变的性状、大小和轮廓方面,MR比CT稍胜一筹。  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性酒精性肝炎的CT影像特征。方法:回顾性分析经临床、化验、CT综合诊断的70例急性酒精性肝炎病例的CT影像资料;本组病例肝功能化验均无甲、乙肝炎表现。结果:急性酒精性肝炎CT影像表现为:点状、片状低密度急性肝损害征象以及胆汁淤积、肝内胆管扩张,重者可出现肝组织坏死液化、肝肿大。急性酒精性肝炎的并发症有:肝硬化、脾大、脂肪肝、腹水。根据急性肝损害的严重程度,分为轻度39例,中度23例,重度8例。治疗后复查CT,除2例死亡外,其他所有病例的急性肝损害征象可恢复。其并发症酒精性肝硬化为不可逆病变。结论:CT能够显示急性酒精性肝炎的影像学特征。  相似文献   

急性胰腺炎合并肝脏低密度改变的CT诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:通过对急性胰腺炎合并的肝脏低密度改变的CT表现进行分析,探讨其变化规律及可能的发生机理。方法:回顾分析资料完整的62例急性胰腺炎患者的肝脏CT表现,采用16层螺旋CT机,重建层厚为5mm。结果:62例患者中,42例CT显示肝脏低密度改变,占67.74%(42/62);在2~20天复查CT,有61.90%(26/42)病例随病情的好转而减轻,其中45.24%(19/42)病例完全恢复为正常肝实质密度,CT值高于脾脏。最早恢复时间为发病后第5天即恢复正常。38.09%(16/42)病例无恢复。结论:多层螺旋CT特别是16层螺旋CT在清楚显示急性胰腺炎胰腺本身及其周围变化的同时亦可对继发性的肝脏低密度改变及其转归做出确切的评判,为急性胰腺炎的早期诊断增添了新的依据;结合文献认为急性胰腺炎的肝脏低密度改变主要是急性脂肪肝的形成造成的。  相似文献   

目的 研究在弥漫型脂肪肝背景下肝局灶性病变的CT特征,以提高对其诊断的准确率.资料与方法 回顾性分析40例弥漫型脂肪肝合并局灶性病变(35例)或残存肝岛(5例)患者的CT资料,观察脂肪肝对肝局灶性病变CT表现的影响.结果 40例弥漫型脂肪肝中,26例合并多发局灶性肝病变,9例合并单发病变,5例残存肝岛. 35例肝局灶性病变中,转移瘤18例 ,肝细胞癌(HCC)术后复发2例,血管瘤8例,多发囊肿5例,多发腺瘤及单发局灶性结节增生(FNH)各1例.CT平扫肝局灶性病变相对密度随脂肪肝程度而异,边界多不清,增强后强化方式则与无脂肪肝背景的肝内病变相似.结论 弥漫型脂肪肝内局灶性病变,其CT表现与正常背景下有所差异,增强检查尤其是动态增强对病变的诊断与鉴别具有重要意义;对不典型病例,随访对比有助于正确诊断.  相似文献   

Four cases of postnecrotic liver scar were examined by dynamic CT or MR imaging or both. Postnecrotic scars appeared as low-density areas on plain CT, showed marked and prolonged enhancement on single level dynamic CT, and became isodense on postcontrast scan. On T2-weighted images, postnecrotic scar were as hyperintense as the spleen. Postnecrotic liver scar is an example of localized attenuation or intensity difference not corresponding to mass lesion. It should be distinguished from mass lesions associated with lobar or segmental attenuation (or intensity) difference of the liver as well as nonmass lesions such as irregular fatty infiltration, radiation hepatitis, and hepatic infarction.  相似文献   

Hamer OW  Aguirre DA  Casola G  Sirlin CB 《Radiology》2005,237(1):159-169
PURPOSE: To retrospectively identify and describe the imaging features that represent perivascular fatty infiltration of the liver. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The institutional review board approved the study and waived informed consent. The study complied with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Ten patients (seven women, three men; mean age, 78 years; range, 31-78 years) with fatty infiltration surrounding hepatic veins and/or portal tracts were retrospectively identified by searching the abdominal imaging teaching file of an academic hospital. The patients' medical records were reviewed by one author. Computed tomographic (CT), magnetic resonance (MR), and ultrasonographic (US) imaging studies were reviewed by three radiologists in consensus. Fatty infiltration of the liver on CT images was defined as absolute attenuation less than 40 HU without mass effect and, if unenhanced images were available, as relative attenuation at least 10 HU less than that of the spleen; on gradient-echo MR images, it was defined as signal loss on opposed-phase images compared with in-phase images; and on US images, it was defined as hyperechogenicity of liver relative to kidney, ultrasound beam attenuation, and poor visualization of intrahepatic structures. Perivascular fatty infiltration of the liver was defined as a clear predisposition to fat accumulation around hepatic veins and/or portal tracts. For multiphase CT images, the contrast-to-noise ratio was calculated for comparison of spared liver with fatty liver in each imaging phase. RESULTS: Fatty infiltration surrounded hepatic veins in three, portal tracts in five, and both hepatic veins and portal tracts in two patients. Six of the 10 patients had alcoholic cirrhosis, two reported regular alcohol consumption (one of whom had acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and hepatitis B), one was positive for human immunodeficiency virus, and one had no risk factors for fatty infiltration of the liver. In three of the 10 patients, fatty infiltration was misdiagnosed as vascular or neoplastic disease on initial CT images but was correctly diagnosed on MR images. CONCLUSION: Perivascular fatty infiltration of the liver has imaging features that allow its recognition.  相似文献   

Focal (irregular, partial) fatty infiltration of the liver may simulate neoplastic or other hypodense masses on CT. On the basis of previous observations of the phenomenon that differences in X-ray attenuation diminish with increasing energy of X-rays used, we performed a preliminary study to determine if dual-energy CT could be used to discriminate between fatty infiltration and hypodense liver masses. Dual-energy CT at 140 and 80 kVp was performed in 14 patients undergoing liver biopsy and in seven control subjects with presumedly normal liver. Attenuation measurements were taken, and the changes in attenuation between 140 and 80 kVp were calculated. The mean changes in attenuation were 3.5 H for normal liver (n = 7), 2.5 H for hypodense liver masses (n = 6), 13 H for fatty liver (n = 5), 0.3 H for fatty liver combined with hemochromatosis or hemosiderosis (n = 3), and 2 H for the spleen (n = 18). The change in attenuation increased as the fat content in the liver increased. Analysis of variance showed a statistically significant difference (p less than .001) between fatty liver and the other groups. A difference greater than 10 H was unique to fatty infiltration. These results suggest that dual-energy CT may help to differentiate focal fatty infiltration of the liver from low-density neoplastic or other lesions, but only if the iron content of the liver is not increased.  相似文献   

Summary In a 42-year-old man, admitted a few hours after an acute cerebrovascular event, CT demonstrated a hyperdense hemorrhage surrounded by a hypodense rim similar to perifocal edema or liquefying blood, thus raising doubts about the acuteness of the event. Laboratory findings revealed Zieve-syndrome (alcoholic hyperlipemia, hemolytic anemia, and alcoholic fatty liver) and negative Hounsfield Unit measurement of the hypodense rim finally identified it as a layer of fat around the clot.  相似文献   

The authors report their experience with the combined use of US and CT in the study of diffuse and subtotal fatty infiltration of the liver. An apparent disagreement was initially found between the two examinations in the study of fatty infiltration. Fifty-five patients were studied with US and CT of the upper abdomen, as suggested by clinics. US showed normal liver echogenicity in 30 patients and diffuse increased echogenicity (bright liver) in 25 cases. In 5 patients with bright liver, US demonstrated a solitary hypoechoic area, appearing as a "skip area", in the quadrate lobe. In 2 patients with bright liver, the hypoechoic area was seen in the right lobe and exhibited no typical US features of "skip area". Bright liver was quantified by measuring CT density of both liver and spleen. The relative attenuation values of spleen and liver were compared on plain and enhanced CT scans. In 5 cases with a hypoechoic area in the right lobe, CT findings were suggestive of hemangioma. A good correlation was found between bright liver and CT attenuation values, which decrease with increasing fat content of the liver. Moreover, CT attenuation values confirmed US findings in the study of typical "skip areas", by demonstrating normal density--which suggests that CT can characterize normal tissue in atypical "skip areas".  相似文献   

胰腺脂肪浸润的CT诊断及临床相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨胰腺脂肪浸润的CT诊断价值以及与高血糖、2型糖尿病、高血脂、脂肪肝以及高血压的相关性分析。方法:总结50例胰腺脂肪浸润患者的血糖、血脂值及脂肪肝、高血压的发生情况,设立对照组并与之对比分析。结果:50例胰腺脂肪浸润患者,患者的血糖升高37例、确诊2型糖尿病(T2DM)32例,血脂升高48例,高血压42例、脂肪肝50例。与对照组差别显著(P0.001)。结论:CT能够准确诊断胰腺和肝脏脂肪浸润;胰腺脂肪浸润与高血糖、2型糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、脂肪肝存在高度相关;研究结果能为该类患者临床诊断与治疗提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

目的对比分析重度酒精性肝病CT征象在禁酒及支持治疗前后不同时期的动态变化,以期提高对本病诊断准确性。方法对比分析我院临床及随访证实的6例重度酒精性肝病患者治疗前后CT征象的动态变化,总结其CT特点。结果 CT平扫在普遍密度降低的肝实质内见接近液体密度的更低密度区,部分病灶呈局限性膨隆,有轻度占位效应,酷似占位性病变,增强扫描肝实质呈斑片状不均匀强化,更低密度区周边部分血管及脏器有轻度受压移位现象。禁酒、支持治疗6~9个月等不同时期后复查,病变明显好转,更低密度区及其轻度占位效应减轻或消失,增强扫描趋于均匀强化,血管形态及走行正常。结论酒精性肝病除脂肪肝及肝硬化的表现外,尚有某些酷似占位性病变的CT征象,熟悉这些征象,结合病史及临床随访,对其正确诊断与及时治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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