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As the number of cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) caused by the virus SARS‐CoV‐2 rises exponentially in Australia with consequences for the health system and society at large, we need to remember that during this pandemic that necessary social distancing measures, effective school closures and rising unemployment levels may lead to an increased risk for child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

A diverse panel of pediatric cancer advocates and experts, whose collective experience spans the continuum of international academic medicine, industry, government research, and cancer advocacy, recently discussed challenges for pediatric cancer research in the context of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19). Specifically, this special report addresses the following focus areas: (a) the critical role that translational research has played in transforming pediatric cancer outcomes; (b) the current and potential future impact of COVID‐19 on pediatric cancer research; (c) target areas of COVID‐19 research that may have application in immunity, oncogenesis, and therapeutic discovery; and (d) future considerations and directions in maintaining pediatric cancer research during and after COVID‐19.  相似文献   

Globally, the COVID‐19 pandemic has already led to major increases in unemployment and is expected to lead to unprecedented increases in poverty and food and nutrition insecurity, as well as poor health outcomes. Families where young children, youth, pregnant and lactating women live need to be protected against the ongoing protracted pandemic and the aftershocks that are very likely to follow for years to come. The future wellbeing of the vast majority of the world now depends on reconfiguring the current ineffective food, nutrition, health, and social protection systems to ensure food and nutrition security for all. Because food, nutrition, health, and socio‐economic outcomes are intimately inter‐linked, it is essential that we find out how to effectively address the need to reconfigure and to provide better intersecoral coordination among global and local food, health care, and social protection systems taking equity and sutainability principles into account. Implementation science research informed by complex adaptive sytems frameworks will be needed to fill in the major knowledge gaps. Not doing so will not only put the development of individuals at further risk, but also negatively impact on the development potential of entire nations and ultimately our planet.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization (WHO) has provided detailed guidance on the care of infants of women who are persons under investigation (PUI) or confirmed to have COVID‐19. The guidance supports immediate post‐partum mother–infant contact and breastfeeding with appropriate respiratory precautions. Although many countries have followed WHO guidance, others have implemented infection prevention and control (IPC) policies that impose varying levels of post‐partum separation and discourage or prohibit breastfeeding or provision of expressed breast milk. These policies aim to protect infants from the potential harm of infection from their mothers, yet they may fail to fully account for the impact of separation. Global COVID‐19 data are suggestive of potentially lower susceptibility and a typically milder course of disease among children, although the potential for severe disease in infancy remains. Separation causes cumulative harms, including disrupting breastfeeding and limiting its protection against infectious disease, which has disproportionate impacts on vulnerable infants. Separation also presumes the replaceability of breastfeeding—a risk that is magnified in emergencies. Moreover, separation does not ensure lower viral exposure during hospitalizations and post‐discharge, and contributes to the burden on overwhelmed health systems. Finally, separation magnifies maternal health consequences of insufficient breastfeeding and compounds trauma in communities who have experienced long‐standing inequities and violence, including family separation. Taken together, separating PUI/confirmed SARS‐CoV‐2‐positive mothers and their infants may lead to excess preventable illnesses and deaths among infants and women around the world. Health services must consider the short‐andlong‐term impacts of separating mothers and infants in their policies.  相似文献   

The COVID‐19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown and social distancing led to changes to breastfeeding support available to women in the United Kingdom. Face‐to‐face professional support was reduced, and face‐to‐face peer support was cancelled. Anecdotal media accounts highlighted practices separating some mothers and babies in hospitals, alongside inaccurate stories of the safety of breastfeeding circulating. Meanwhile, new families were confined to their homes, separated from families and support networks. Given that we know breastfeeding is best supported by practices that keep mother and baby together, high‐quality professional and peer‐to‐peer support, and positive maternal well‐being, it is important to understand the impact of the pandemic upon the ability to breastfeed. To explore this, we conducted an online survey with 1219 breastfeeding mothers in the United Kingdom with a baby 0–12 months old to understand the impact of the pandemic upon breastfeeding duration, experiences and support. The results highlighted two very different experiences: 41.8% of mothers felt that breastfeeding was protected due to lockdown, but 27.0% of mothers struggled to get support and had numerous barriers stemming from lockdown with some stopped breastfeeding before they were ready. Mothers with a lower education, with more challenging living circumstances and from Black and minority ethnic backgrounds were more likely to find the impact of lockdown challenging and stop breastfeeding. The findings are vital in understanding how we now support those women who may be grieving their loss of breastfeeding and are affected by their negative experiences and how we can learn from those with a positive experience to make sure all breastfeeding women are better supported if similar future events arise.  相似文献   

There are no proven safe and effective therapies for children who develop life‐threatening complications of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2). Convalescent plasma (CP) has demonstrated potential benefit in adults with SARS‐CoV‐2, but has theoretical risks.We present the first report of CP in children with life‐threatening coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), providing data on four pediatric patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. We measured donor antibody levels and recipient antibody response prior to and following CP infusion. Infusion of CP was not associated with antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE) and did not suppress endogenous antibody response. We found CP was safe and possibly efficacious. Randomized pediatric trials are needed.  相似文献   

Shen Q, Xu H, Cao Q, Zhou L‐J, Xu J, Fang X‐Y, Ge J. Long‐term remission of recurrent severe anemia as a result of parvovirus B19 infection in a pediatric renal transplant recipient.
Pediatr Transplantation 2011: 15: E76–E79. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract: We studied a case of recurrent PV‐B19‐associated anemia in a renal transplant child with long‐term remission induced by baseline immunosuppression adjusted and intensive IVIG therapy. This was a 15‐yr‐old boy. Seven wk after transplantation, he experienced acute rejection, which was treated with high‐dose steroids, ATG, and plasmapheresis. Ten wk after transplantation (three wk after rejection), his hemoglobin dropped to 54 g/L and serum PV‐B19 PCR was positive. After therapy with IVIG and conversion from mycophenolate mofetil to rapamycin, anemia resolved. But the patient had fever on the fourth day of IVIG with mild pulmonary edema and rise in serum creatinine. Two months after the first course of IVIG, anemia recurred and a second course of IVIG (preadministration methylprednisolone) was given, which was followed by the resolution of anemia without side effect and recurrence two months later again. Baseline immunosuppression was adjusted with dual immunosuppression and low doses including prednisolone and tacrolimus. At the same time, monthly course of IVIG was repeated four times. Within the next 23 months, anemia did not recur and renal function remained stable. In conclusion, PV‐B19‐associated anemia can be recurrent in immunocompromised children and baseline immunosuppression should be carefully adjusted to control PV‐B19 infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PROCEDURE: We retrospectively studied the type, severity, frequency, and outcome of febrile infectious complications in 217 cancer patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy (603 episodes) over a 10-year period in a single pediatric institution. RESULTS: A total of 48.8% of the episodes occurred in severely leukopenic patients (WBC < 1.0 x 10(9)/l, absolute neutrophil count < 500 x 10(6)/l). In the second half of the study period febrile episodes occurred at increased frequency. The number of patients with gram-positive isolates in blood cultures increased over the years, most frequently coagulase-negative staphylococci were found. Remarkably, gram-negative bacteria increasingly resistant to the administered first-line antibiotic regimen emerged, necessitating modifications of the antimicrobial strategy every 3 years. Furthermore, Clostridium difficile-associated enterocolitis posed a clinical problem at increasing frequency since 1993. As expected, the speed of leukocyte recovery within 5 days from the onset of a febrile complication had an influence on the outcome of these episodes. CONCLUSIONS: Rapid recovery of the WBC was associated with an excellent prognosis whereas persisting neutropenia was found to be a negative factor associated with fatal outcomes. The fatality rate of all febrile episodes (2.3%) remained the same throughout the study period despite the availability and wider use of recombinant hematopoietic growth factors since 1991.  相似文献   

Of 1059 children, 35 children with various hemato-oncologic diseases were diagnosed with parvovirus B19 infection. The clinical spectrum included 11 immunocompromised patients presenting with prolonged pancytopenia, 7 patients with delayed hematologic recovery after stem cell transplantation, 5 patients with parvovirus B19 as possible cause of severe aplastic anemia or myelodysplastic syndrome, and 12 children with hemolytic anemia and transient aplastic crisis.  相似文献   

The COVID‐19 pandemic is one of the most serious global challenges to delivering affordable and equitable treatment to children with cancer we have witnessed in the last few decades. This Special Report aims to summarize general principles for continuing multidisciplinary care during the SARS‐CoV‐2 (COVID‐19) pandemic. With contributions from the leadership of the International Society for Pediatric Oncology (SIOP), Children's Oncology Group (COG), St Jude Global program, and Childhood Cancer International, we have sought to provide a framework for healthcare teams caring for children with cancer during the pandemic. We anticipate the burden will fall particularly heavily on children, their families, and cancer services in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Therefore, we have brought together the relevant clinical leads from SIOP Europe, COG, and SIOP‐PODC (Pediatric Oncology in Developing Countries) to focus on the six most curable cancers that are part of the WHO Global Initiative in Childhood Cancer. We provide some practical advice for adapting diagnostic and treatment protocols for children with cancer during the pandemic, the measures taken to contain it (e.g., extreme social distancing), and how to prepare for the anticipated recovery period.  相似文献   

During a four-year period, 57 children with malignant disease had a central intravenous catheter inserted to facilitate administration of cytotoxic drugs and parenteral nutrition. Despite the fact that all children were immunosuppressed and frequently profoundly neu-tropenic, only three episodes of septicaemia occurred as a direct result of catheter infection. Local damage to the silastic catheter tubing was the most common problem encountered. Education of the parents and child in the techniques of catheter care is probably the main factor in avoiding complications. The availability of a central intravenous catheter reduces psychological and physical trauma to the child and results in a considerable improvement in the child's general care. We now recommend insertion of a central catheter in all children with malignant disease who require intensive therapy.  相似文献   

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