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ObjectiveTraining in clinical hypnosis leads to important transformations in healthcare professionals, in their professional practices as well as in their personal lives. The objective of this study was to explore how health professionals experience the transformations that result from such a training.MethodSemi-structured interviews with health professionals from France and Europe were conducted. The qualitative method used was Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Purposive sampling required to include participants from different professions, experience and regions of origin. They had already completed training in clinical hypnosis at different teaching institutions.ResultsTen participants were included. The analysis showed four meta-themes of experience. First, it revealed participants’ motivations for training in clinical hypnosis as one's desire to improve one's practice, leading to extraordinary discoveries, at a particular timing in their life. Second, participants described that hypnosis sometimes set the ground for a relationship verging on the more “intimate”, therefore requiring greater caution so as not to disrupt the patient/healthcare professional relationship. Third, some participants experienced unforeseen personal fulfilment, better self-regulation of emotions and improved quality of life as well as greater comfort at the workplace. Finally, this study shed light on two limitations of training in clinical hypnosis as it can sometimes generate stress for the participants and/or result in bring about potential harmful effects: one of the risks being that the trainer might cross some ethical lines.DiscussionThe level of personal change experienced by the participants is similar to some changes induced by personal psychotherapy. For several participants, issues of power and vulnerability in the relationship using hypnosis were associated with a feeling of instability during the training. In hypnosis, the management of an asymmetrical relationship involves a two-way risk: vulnerability of the hypnotized person to the all-powerful relationship of their therapist as well as destabilization of therapists by the reduction of power asymmetry during hypnotic work with their patients.  相似文献   

BackgroundWomen constitute around 17% of criminal offenders. However, few studies have addressed criminality in females. The current study aims to determine the prevalence of violence inflicted upon a sample of 91 female criminals during their adult life and compare it to the general female population, in order to provide a better understanding of female crime.MaterialData was collected, between 2014 and 2019, from the criminal expertise files of an expert at the Rennes Court of Appeal for women aged over 15. History of violence experienced as defined by the WHO criteria, where included.ResultsNinety-one criminal expertise files were included. The prevalence of violence experienced during adulthood was 57.1%, a prevalence significantly higher than that of the general European and international female population. Furthermore, these women reported experiences of violence independently of their age in 76.1% of cases.ConclusionOur study highlights an important prevalence of experiences of violence in the life course of criminal women. This victimization appears to be closely related to criminality in women and seems to be a key point in understanding female criminality. In addition, psychiatric disorders are frequent in this population and are over-represented by substance use and personality disorders. The latter two disorders appear to be conditioned by a history of experienced violence, seem associated with crime and to increase the risk of committing a violent act. Therefore, experiences of violence seem to be a predisposing factor to the development of medico-legal issues.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlthough psychopathy and its predictive factors are well documented in clinical samples, studies in non-clinical populations are relatively rare. We proposed to assess psychopathy traits in a population of Tunisian university students and to analyze their predictive factors.MethodThis was a cross-sectional study of 516 university students enrolled at three major Tunisian universities (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tunis, National Engineering School of Tunis, Faculty of Medicine of Tunis). Participants responded to a survey sheet containing sociodemographic data and the Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale.ResultsThe students were female in 63.2 % of the cases, with a mean age of 22.7 years. The socio-economic level was middle class in 62.4% of the cases. More than one-quarter of students (26.7%) consumed tobacco. The majority of students (81.4%) spent their free time on the Internet, while 11.8% participated in associative work. Psychopathy scores were relatively high (mean LSRPS scores = 64.8) with no noticeable gender differences. Psychopathic traits were significantly associated with university (P = 0.017), maternal occupational status (P = 0.038), and tobacco use (P = 0.029). In addition, the total psychopathy score was significantly lower among students sharing activities with their families (P = 0.044) and among students participating in associational work (P = 0.025). The multivariate multiple regression has retained as predictive factors of psychopathic traits the fact of being the eldest of his siblings and the associative work.ConclusionPrevention strategies should be put in place to prevent psychopathy and its individual and social impacts in young adults in general, and in university students in particular, especially promoting associative activity in the university environment which is currently lacking in our context.  相似文献   

Pathways from alcoholism to recovery are documented; less often are those from drug addiction to alcoholism. Biographical approaches allow analyzing how people change their uses and talk about their trajectories of recovery.


Three hundred and forty-one people (34% women) in the Paris area were questioned on their trajectories with a biographical questionnaire. Some open questions were aimed to understand the connection they made between events in their lives, how recovered they felt and what they considered strengths or obstacles. All the participants had stopped at least one product. Their mean age was 43, and 26% were over 50.

Study objectives

How can the differences between one substance addicts and dual abusers be explained? Can we hypothesize a better result for the patients with a single dependence to alcohol in their lives for the following two reasons? (1) They could really be taken in charge for their alcoholism whereas the dual abusers mostly receive cared for their illicit drug problems with an under estimation of their problem with alcohol. In this case, they turn to alcohol after weaning themselves from their drug dependence so as to return to a social consumption, especially when they are given an opiate treatment. (2) Conversely could we suggest that the dual substance abusers had different trajectories from their childhood (more adverse events, more social difficulties, mental health problems), and that this accumulation explains their skipping from one substance or behaviour to another without any real recovery for decades?


All respondents were polydrug users. Eighty-two had been dependent mainly on alcohol. One hundred and twenty-one people had been drug addicts (mostly heroin), which they had stopped on average ten years before the survey. The last group included 138 persons who had been heroin or cocaine addicts and alcoholics in their lives, a third of whom had been dependent on alcohol before their drug addiction (35%), a tenth on both at the same time (10%) and more than half of the users (55%) had turned from drug addiction to alcoholism. The group concerning alcohol dependence includes the oldest participants, on average 49.7, and 55% of them were abstinent at the survey. Conversely, the group “with no alcohol dependence” had mainly turned to opiate treatments. Their histories in dependence and in various social statuses also showed a longer duration out of employment, in sickness or invalidity, or in prison, for the drug dependents as opposed to the “mainly” alcoholics. The population with dual substance abuse experienced twice as many adverse childhood events as the others (P < 0.005): it was the case for 19.5% in “mainly alcohol” dependence compared to 38.4% in dual abuse. The recovery capital gave a mean score of 7.56 ± 2.35 (median 7). A score below 6 was considered low. The score was significantly different according to the dependence groups: while 7.3% of “mainly alcohol” dependents had a score below 6, this was the case for 30.4% of the dual group (with alcohol and drugs), and 19% for the “mainly drug dependence” group. Controlling ages, sexes and groups of dependence in a logistic regression, the risk of having a recovery capital below six was more than four times higher for the dual dependents as opposed to the “mainly alcohol” dependents.


Some people stay for decades in drug addiction centers switching from one dependence to another. Their alcohol drinking should be addressed earlier to prevent them from turning to drinking excessively in order to wean themselves from their drug addiction.  相似文献   



Study concerned of job types of tasks analysis performed in firm by six adults with autism and in autonomy's degree with which they were these ones, while they were accompanied during all their professional activities by expert in autism coaches in the context of an Intervention-Development-Home-School-Firm-Supervision’ Program (IDHSFS). The objective is to research types of tasks in which adults were more or less autonomous in order to identify these ones needing specific interventions and guidance actions.


Six adult participants and their coaches were observed by three psychologists on work places and during a type-day working. Each work task and the different coach actions were identified and analyzed. A rating scale permits on the one hand to code these tasks in three types: daily activities, preparation of products activities, and categorization activities and on the other hand to assess autonomy degrees determined by either absent, occasional or systematic coach interventions.


In the daily tasks which were usual and repetitive, adults with autism were more autonomous than in other tasks, such as preparation of products and categorization in which there were more unknown and unpredictable actions and which implied some necessary verbal and non-verbal helps and interventions.


This study shows evidence that professional inclusion of adults with autism and mental retardation in an ordinary environment is possible when expert coaching may be essentially centered on work non-repetitive activities while daily functional usual and repetitive activities were performed by these adults in an autonomous way.  相似文献   



The search for objective clinical signs is a constant practitioners’ and researchers’ concern in psychiatry. New technologies (embedded sensors, artificial intelligence) give an easier access to untapped information such as passive data (i.e. that do not require patient intervention). The concept of “digital phenotype” is emerging in psychiatry: a psychomotor alteration translated by accelerometer's modifications contrasting with the usual functioning of the subject, or the graphorrhea of patients presenting a manic episode which is replaced by an increase of SMS sent. Our main objective is to highlight the digital phenotype of mood disorders by means of a selective review of the literature.


We conducted a selective review of the literature by querying the PubMed database until February 2017 with the terms [Computer] [Computerized] [Machine] [Automatic] [Automated] [Heart rate variability] [HRV] [actigraphy] [actimetry] [digital] [motion] [temperature] [Mood] [Bipolar] [Depression] [Depressive]. Eight hundred and forty-nine articles were submitted for evaluation, 37 articles were included.


For unipolar disorders, smartphones can diagnose depression with excellent accuracy by combining GPS and call log data. Actigraphic measurements showing daytime alteration in basal function while ECG sensors assessing variation in heart rate variability (HRV) and body temperature appear to be useful tools to diagnose a depressive episode. For bipolar disorders, systems which combine several sensors are described: MONARCA, PRIORI, SIMBA and PSYCHE. All these systems combine passive and active data on smartphones. From a synthesis of these data, a digital phenotype of the disorders is proposed based on the accelerometer and the GPS, the ECG, the body temperature, the use of the smartphone and the voice. This digital phenotype thus brings into question certain clinical paradigms in which psychiatrists evolve.


All these systems can be used to computerize the clinical characteristics of the various mental states studied, sometimes with greater precision than a clinician could do. Most authors recommend the use of passive data rather than active data in the context of bipolar disorders because automatically generated data reduce biases and limit the feeling of intrusion that self-questionnaires may cause. The impact of these technologies questions the psychiatrist's professional culture, defined as a specific language and a set of common values. We address issues related to these changes. Impact on psychiatrists could be important because their unity seems to be questioned due to technologies that profoundly modify the collect and process of clinical data.  相似文献   

The experiment presented is the result of a partnership between the Paris-Nanterre University (CLIPSYD laboratory, EA 4430) and the CSAPA Imagine (Simone Veil Hospital, GH Eaubonne-Montmorency). Virtual reality immersion exposure for pathological gamblers is beneficial in the context of cognitive and behavioral interventions. It can be used to evoke the desire to play and to have access to automatic thoughts and mistaken beliefs of the players when they find themselves in a gambling context. Exposure is used until the urge to play diminishes and disappears which is the process of desensitization or extinction.ObjectiveThe objective of the study was to investigate the possibilities implemented by virtual reality in the case of an exhibition for pathological gamers to create a desire to play and work with the patient in an environment identical to the ecological one. Two hypotheses were proposed. On the one hand, the virtual reality exhibition will help to change the desire to play in relation to the game. On the other hand, virtual exhibition sessions associated with cognitive restructuring will have a greater impact on the perception of reality.MethodAfter a diagnosis was made, participation in the study was offered to patients (n = 10) in routine care and able to participate (exclusion criteria). It consisted of four virtual reality exposure sessions integrated with traditional care. Exposure did not exceed 20 minutes. To carry out this study we used the virtual reality headset “Oculus Rift CV1” and the headphones measuring EEG waves, “Emotiv Epoc”. A battery of questionnaires were proposed to evaluate gambling-related behaviors (ICJP, GRCS, UPPS), to analyze the interest of the virtual reality exhibition (SIS, CGI, TEI, EVA), and to glimpse the immersion abilities (QEP and QPI).ResultsTen participants aged 25 to 60 agreed to participate in the study. The results of this study demonstrated the viability of RV gamers’ exposure as a tool that can help reduce pathological gambling symptoms and the severity perceived by therapists (CPI: t = 1.6, P = 0.001; CGI: t = 4.87, P = 0.001) between the beginning of the care and the end of the care and at D+1. We were also able to observe significant results (P < 0.05) concerning a decrease in cognitive distortions (GRCS tot, Illusion of control, Power of prediction, Favorable interpretation).ConclusionThe feasibility study shows that the desire to play is very present during the virtual reality exhibition in accordance with literature studies. The results also demonstrate the utility of virtual reality to allow the patient to elaborate on the cognitive distortions associated with the practice of pathological gambling. From a therapeutic point of view, the results suggest that virtual reality can increase the effectiveness of cognitive restructuring and increase understanding of the urge to play related to stimuli in the environment of play.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to measure the impact of a 4-year-psycho-educative intervention on the skills and behaviors of 26 children with autism located a Day Center Hospital of High Normandy. Communication, autonomy and social abilities are the main area stimulated in order to develop the skills of the children. Autistic behaviors are referring to the behavioral patterns associated to autism which could limit social integration as well as the availability of the child for the proposed acquisitions. To estimate the children's progress during the period of intervention, tests and scales adapted for autism, recommended and validated are used (PEP, Vineland and ECA). The evolution rates are calculated from the scores obtained every year in these evaluations. They allow to quantify in percentage the evolution between two dates. These analysis show evidence of 89% of increasing in psycho-educative abilities (PEP), 79% in socio-adaptive competencies (Vineland) and 73% of decreasing in autistic behavior (ECA). The children's acquisitions testify of progress in favor of new skills development from one year to the next: faster progress are observed at the beginning of the program, a threshold effect is noticed after several years of intervention. The regulation of the autistic behavior is globally more and more effective during the intervention, although punctual periods of outbreaks of this behavior are observed. The length of the intervention also has a favourable impact on the progress in all the domains.  相似文献   

In France, the lens with which clinical psychology gazes through institutional matters seems limited to what happens between patients and professionals. It pays little interest to the interactions between the administration of the institution, i.e. organizational matters, and the daily clinical setting of mental health care. Unconscious institutional dynamics seem to receive much more attention from management sciences, which sometimes use psychoanalytical concepts to shed light on managerial and organizational problems. This article, based on an action-research study in a French university hospital, aims to shed light on one of the unconscious mental constructs which could be at the root of what several authors in psychiatry have identified as “institutional paranoia”: the fantasy of a malicious institution. We hypothesize that this fantasy, which attributes harmful intentions towards its agents to the institution, is a recurrent avatar of the typical problem institutional psychology deals with. It is therefore even more specific to hospitals, due to the abundantly documented tensions which they have been faced during the last two decades. We were initially appointed to conduct a “cooperative action research” project in a French University Hospital Centre between October 2018 and September 2019, in order to write a preliminary research report on the quality of working life as experienced by its personnel. Four ethnographic qualitative research techniques were used to assess the needs of healthcare professionals: individual and group interviews with teams from all departments (health care, administrative, logistical and technical), on formal or informal times, participant observations in services which were later recorded in a written logbook, interprofessional working groups called “thematic commissions” that met for five sessions of 3 hours each and the creation of a digital “suggestion box” accessible on the hospital's intranet. Our results show the fantasy of the malicious institution deserves to be isolated due to its three constitutive elements: 1) a blurry institutional governance and incarnation of the hospital's leadership; 2) the recognition of the symbolic power of the institution, including its coercive power; and 3) the attribution of negative intentions to the institution by aggressive projections, which in turn transform it into a persecuting object. We discuss the link between the feeling of belonging to the institution and the feeling of abandonment as experienced by staff in regards to the religious past of French hospitals, and indicate the necessity but also the caution with which research can and must investigate the weight of the personal history and vulnerability of each individual in his or her sensitivity to the representation of the malicious institution.  相似文献   

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