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Myeloid sarcomas are uncommon proliferations of immature myeloid cells occurring in any extramedullary organ. We report here two cases of myeloid sarcomas in patients with, respectively, a polycythemia vera and a myelodysplastic syndrome.

Case reports

The first is an 81-year-old woman who presented with osteolytic lesions. Diagnosis has been highlighted using anatomopathological study after bone marrow biopsy, but it was delayed because of a very localized basin lesion and few positive myeloid markers. The second patient is an 86-year-old man who presented with pancytopenia and several lymph nodes. Lymph node cytology failed because of the rarity of blast cells. Diagnosis was done after anatomopathological study on lymph node biopsy which revealed a localized form of myeloid sarcoma.


The diagnosis of myeloid sarcoma must be considered when unusual tumors occur in patients with a chronic myeloid disease. In that case, therapeutic options are those of an acute myeloid leukemia.  相似文献   

Proton pump inhibitors are widely used in gastroesophageal reflux and various acid-peptic disorders. They are generally considered safe and have minimal side effects. However, they can cause acute pancreatitis which is a rare effect but can be serious and fatal in some cases.We report a case of acute pancreatitis associated with the first proton pump inhibitor, omeprazole, notified in pharmacovigilance center of Sfax. Elevated pancreatic enzymes and abdominal computed tomography (CT) imaging findings confirmed the diagnosis of pancreatitis. Common causes of pancreatitis were ruled out. A drug side effect was suspected, so the imputability score assessed as plausible. The exact mechanism of this adverse effect is discussed, it seems indirectly due to an increased rate of gastrin secondary to suppression of acid secretion.  相似文献   



Vasculitis usually have a systemic involvement. Rare cases of localized vasculitis have been described, but the exclusive involvement of the hepatic artery is exceptional. We report the case of a patient who developed a vasculitis of the right and left hepatic arteries.

Case report

A 63-year-old woman presented with unexplained abdominal pain. A computed tomography of the abdomen was suggestive of vasculitis of the hepatic arteries, showing a sequence of stenosis and aneurysmal dilatations of the hepatic arteries. There were no other arterial involvement, in particular of the abdomen and the brain. No other systemic disease or infection was found. The outcome was favorable, with corticosteroids alone.


The exclusive involvement of the hepatic artery is an exceptional form of localized vasculitis, with only one other case reported. This diagnosis could therefore be discussed, in the presence of unexplained hepatic hematoma or pain.  相似文献   



Capnocytophaga canimorsus is a Gram-negative bacterium present in normal dogs and cats mouths. It can be responsible for septic shocks after dog or cat bite, especially in asplenic patients.

Case report

We report here a case of C. canimorsus infection rapidly presenting as a multiple organ dysfonction syndrome in an immunocompetent 54 years old patient, who lives near a dog, without any sign of bite. The evolution was a rapidly fatal fulminant septic shock.


Among patients with a septic shock of unknown etiology, fatal evolution due to C. canimorsus should be avoided by systematic use of early antibiotherapy with amoxicilline and clavulanic acid, especially in patients who live near a pet, even if they are immunocompetent.  相似文献   

IntroductionDermatological manifestations of actinomycosis are classical, most often related to Actinomyces israelii. In most of the cases, they occur near to the primary focus, and in the cervicofacial area. Systemic dissemination with cutaneous distant metastasis is rare, most often related to A. israelii, too. We report an original case of upper limb actinomycosis associated with an oral localisation and due to an unusual bacteria.Case reportA 49-year-old man was referred to the Department of dermatology for a skin lesion of the left hand and wrist. Biopsies revealed actinomycosis related to A. meyeri. Dental primary focus was identified and treated. Although the patient was lost sight of, dental eradication and prolonged antibiotics therapy allowed cutaneous improvement.DiscussionWe report an atypical case of cutaneous actinomycosis due to an Actinomyces meyeri dental infection occurring in an immunocompetent, smoking adult, with poor oral hygiene. The literature review revealed only 4 well-documented cases of cutaneous A. meyeri infections distant to dental primary focus. All of patients were males, immunocompetent, with a history of poor oral hygiene. The prognosis is favourable with adequate treatment (antibiotic therapy and surgical treatment to eradicate dental infectious entry points).  相似文献   



Bisalbuminemias consist in rare qualitative modifications of several aspects in the albumin pattern. Bisalbuminemias, most of which are not pathological, can be observed using capillary electrophoresis.

Case reports

We report a case of hereditary bisalbuminemia diagnosed by chance while exploring chronic unexplained hypereosinophilia in a 42-year-old patient. The patient's normal lipid profile, the lack of an antibiotic treatment or pancreatic pathology, and the persistence of the bisalbuminemia after one month, suggested a diagnosis of genetic bisalbuminemia. In light of other such cases, we review the main causes of bisalbuminemia, both genetic and acquired.


The diagnosis of genetic bisalbuminemia is made by first eliminating the usual acquired etiologies: analytical or drug interference, acute pancreatitis and binding of immunoglobulins. Then, after having checked the lipemic index, reviewed the patient's medical history, comorbidities, and treatments, repeating the electrophoresis will help identify the cause of the bisalbuminemia.  相似文献   



To study clinical, epidemiological character, aetiology and treatment of portal thrombosis in Morocco.

Material and method

A retrospective study of 28 cases of portal thrombosis at Gastroenterology Department of University Hospital Mohamed-VI Marrakech for a period of four years between January 2004 and December 2008.


Twenty women and eight men of the average age of 40 were studied. The clinical symptoms included acute abdominal pain in 11 cases, a mesenteric infarct in one case, an assessment of portal hypertension in 14 patients and ascitis in two cases. The abdominal ultrasound combined with Doppler in patients showed portal thrombosis in 15 cases and portal cavernoma in 13 cases. Local cause was found in 21 patients. The assessment to find a prothrombotic disorder was required in 15 patients, but it was carried out in only five patients due to lack of means. The assessment results were deficiency in C and S proteins in three cases, a protein S deficiency in one case and an AC antiphospholipide syndrome in one case. Twelve patients in whom thrombosis was considered as acute according to clinical and radiological evidences were given anticoagulant treatment for six months, while eight patients received anticoagulant treatment for life. The prognosis was good for all medicated patients except one patient who died due to a mesenteric infarct.


Portal thrombosis is the main cause of portal vein occlusion outside malignancy obstructive tumor. It’s a rare pathology with prevalence between 0.05 and 0.5% according to series; in our study, it represents 1% of hospitalised patients. Because of the low specificity of clinical presentation dominated by abdominal pain, it is usually discovered in late stage after the occurrence of portal cavernome. Abdominal ultrasounds accompanied by Doppler is an effective exam, which confirms the diagnosis in 85% of patients. Angiotomography gives more precisions. Many factors are often responsive of portal thrombosis. Etiological investigation is required to make treatment.


Portal thrombosis is a frequent pathology in our context. Its therapeutic care is difficult because of the high cost of its etiological analysis and its occurrence in particular patients.  相似文献   



Lymphogranuloma venereum (LG) is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by Chlamydia trachomatis L serovar.


These five consecutive cases aim to highlight the risk of LG misdiagnosis, in case of initial presentation with isolated inguinal adenitis.


Five men (mean age: 30 ± 7 years) were seen in an internal medicine department, for inguinal adenopathy. One patient had clinical signs of urethritis. None presented an associated rectitis. Three patients had a history of STI, and two had a discovery of related HIV disease. Urinary polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was positive for the symptomatic patient and negative for the others. Lymph node PCR was positive in all patients within a L2b serotype (searched in 4 out of 5 cases).


LG should be evoked in any patient with inguinal adenomegaly, particularly in case of STI history or risk factors. Negativity of urinary PCR should lead to further investigations, essentially a lymph node cytopuncture to evidence Ctrachomatis.  相似文献   

Rosaceae allergy is the fourth most frequent food allergy in Spanish children whereas it is rare in French children. The aim of the present study was to analyse the natural history of Rosaceae allergy in French children living in the Mediterranean area and to underline its specificities. We reviewed the case records of 22 children. The diagnosis of Rosaceae allergy was based on the clinical history and confirmed by skin prick tests with fresh foods and with commercial extracts and the Pharmacia CAP-RAST. Sensitivity to birch was also assessed by prick tests. The patients were divided into two groups: 12 children who were sensitised to Rosaceae and to birch pollen and eight who were sensitised to Roseacea only. The diagnostic value of prick tests with commercial extracts for Roseacea allergy was poor in both of these groups. The birch-negative group had become allergic to peaches first, and all of these children were sensitive to extracts of the cooked native fruits that were responsible for their clinical reactivity. Severe allergic reactions had occurred more frequently in this group. Prick tests with commercial extracts were positive only in this group. In contrast, the birch-positive group was more frequently allergic to apples, and the oral allergy syndrome was common among them. The median level of sensitisation to fresh fruits was also higher in this group. French children living in the Mediterranean appear to have a specific Rosaceae sensitisation profile: 60% of them have a Northern Europe profile (birch–apple allergy) and 40% of them have a Spanish–Italian profile (lipid-transfer protein allergy).  相似文献   

Megaduodenum is a rare condition. It may be idiopathic or secondary to visceral myopathy or neuropathy. The clinical manifestations vary from total latency to severe pseudo-obstruction. Recurrent urinary infections are common. The diagnosis is easily made by radiology and manometry revealing a motor disorder of the esophagus, small intestine, and anorectum. Surgical treatment poses specific technical problems related to the presence of biliarypancreatic confluence and head of the pancreas. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical manifestations; radiological and manometric abnormalities observed during megaduodenum and discuss therapeutic modalities. We report two patients: the first a 27-year-old man, operated for upper gastrointestinal stricture in another center where a large gastric dilatation was observed with a permeable pylorus. A lateral side anastomosis was performed between the duodenum and the second jejunal loop. The patient was readmitted to our department 4 years later for recurrence of the same symptoms. The former intraoperative duodenojejunal anastomosis was permeable. A total duodenal diversion was performed. The second patient a 22-year-old man, had a brother who is dead in the first year.. This case is associated with ophthalmologic disorders, facial dysmorphism, and a Barrett’s esophagus. The patient received a total duodenal diversion with satisfactory results, the blood karyotype showed no chromosomal abnormalities.  相似文献   

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