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A central nervous system infection due to Morganella morganii is uncommon. We report a case diagnosed at the neurological department of Fann teaching hospital in Dakar, Senegal. A 12-year-old boy was hospitalized for acute meningoencephalitis. The CT scan was normal and the study of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) revealed cytological and biochemical abnormalities and M. morganii. HIV and syphilitic serologies were negative and blood CD4 lymphocyte count showed 354 per mm3. The treatment with cefotaxime associated with gentamicin for 6 weeks was successful. The outcome of infection depends on many factors such as the onset and quality of treatment, the virulence of the germ and the status of immune system.  相似文献   

Bacterial infections are uncommon complications of the blood products transfusion but they are potentially serious. Many advances have been done over the past few years to guarantee the microbiological security of blood products as the donors selection with a medical talk, the derivation of the first 30 millilitres blood during the donation, the deleucocytation of blood products… But in spite of these advances, cases of bacterial infection always remain. The purpose of this study was to point out the platelet concentrate's transfusion-transmitted bacterial infection with Streptococcus gallolyticus and the unusual consequence for the donor by uncovering an asymptomatic rectal neoplastic tumor. This study as raised as to whether the usefulness of systematic bacterial inactivation in the platelets concentrates.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at assessing envenomations caused by snakebite in Niamey National Hospital, between July 2005 and September 2006. We included 53 victims of snakebites. The wounded distribution indicated more wounded males than females (sex ratio = 1.78:1). The mean age was 29 ± 17 years. September to November seemed a period of higher risk. The snake was not identified in 60% of the cases. The bite occurred during March in 43% of the cases. Clinically, 6% of the patients showed no signs of envenomation and 7% presented bleeding disorders; 88% of the patients did not receive anti-venom. The lethality rate was 15%.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenesis a Gram positive facultative intracellular bacterium that can be responsible for severe infections, affecting essentially pregnant women, immunocompromised patients at the early and later stages of life. In Tunisia, invasive L. monocytogenes infections are thought to be exceptional and limited data are available about listeriosis. We reported seven cases (five newborn children and two infants) of human listeriosis that occurred in Tunis from 2000 to 2008. The newborn children were hospitalized for suspicion of maternofoetal infections. The two infants were hospitalized for fever associated with digestive signs in one case and neurological signs in the other. L. monocytogenes-was isolated from culture of cerebrospinal fluid in four cases, peripheral samples in two cases and from blood culture in one case. Isolates identification was based on conventional methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility was realized according to the recommendation of the “Comité de l’antibiogramme de la Société française de microbiologie”. All L. monocytogenes isolates were sensitive to amoxicillin and aminoside but resistant to 3rd generation cephalosporins. Investigations of the immune system were realized for the two infants including phenotypic analysis of peripheral blood cells by flow cytometry, lymphocyte proliferation assays, phagocytic cell functions and measurement of immunoglobulins as well as complement. All these explorations were normal for both infants. The outcome was fatal in only one case (a newborn child), and all the other patients recovered after adapted antibiotic treatment. In conclusion, our study shows that listeriosis is not exceptional in Tunis. Thus, it is necessary to know how to evoke this diagnosis, at any age, in order to establish an early and adapted antibiotic treatment and to avoid fatal outcome.  相似文献   

In the French island of Mayotte in the Indian Ocean, the health and food situation remains contrasted. For a very long time dry beriberi women in postpartum had been suspected and treated. But in 2004 the first infantile epidemic of beriberi was scientifically authenticated and a program of thiaminic supplementation for the pregnant women and infants was set up. In this context, we describe an epidemic of 11 cases of shoshin beriberi among adults between January 2008 and Februar 2009. Over 11 cases of shoshin beriberi, 5 cases were confirmed biologically and 6 were probable. The sex ratio M/W was 0.37. The median age was 34 years. The clinic picture was typical: severe acute dyspnea, an agitation/drowsiness, right cardiac failure: polynevritis of the lower limbs was noted in 9 cases over 11. Biologically it was characterized by a lactic acidosis (average pH: 7.08, lactates: 12.08 mmol/l). The evolution was favorable in the 8 cases which could benefit from early thiaminic refill. The outbreak of an epidemic of shoshin beriberi among adults mainly in groups not having benefited from supplementation shows the effectiveness of the program but also its limits. We compare our series with others: the period from April to June when the food is less diversified, is confirmed as a higher risk period. The programs of nutritional education must be increased and a B1 vitamin supplementation for broader people during the rain season might be discussed.  相似文献   

According to WHO estimates, between 1 and 20% of tuberculosis cases in the world are multiresistant. In Gabon, this prevalence is estimated at 1.9%. In this forward-looking study from March 2006 to August 2010, we report 16 cases of multi-resistant tuberculosis out of 24 suspected resistant samples (persistence of the clinical and radiological signs after three months of well conducted treatment with first-line anti-tuberculous drugs). This study is realized in association with the laboratory of mycobacterium of the Percy military teaching hospital, Clamart, France.  相似文献   



Our objectives were to assess the management of patients with major thalassemia and identify the various complications and monitoring means.

Patients and methods

A retrospective study was conducted on 26 β-thalassemic patients in the department of paediatrics, Hédi Chaker hospital, Sfax, Tunisia during a period of 25 years (from 1 January 1990 to 31 December 2014).


The mean age of the beginning of transfusion was 11.5 months. That was with phenotyped red blood cells but not leukodepleted blood. Twenty-three patients received chelation. Before 2001, all patients received deferoxamine, poor adherence to this treatment was observed in 66% of cases. It was replaced by deferiprone since 2006 and deferasirox since 2009. A combination of 2 or 3 chelators was indicated for four patients. A total splenectomy was performed in 10 cases patients; it was due to hypersplenism. The bone marrow transplant was performed for one patient at the age of 9 year but it was rejected. Many complications were detected: endocrine complications (19 cases), immune complications (9 cases), gallbladder stones (5 cases), cardiac complications (4 cases), osteoporosis (3 cases), infectious complications (3 cases) and thromboembolic complications (2 cases). We noted some side effects related to chelation therapy in twelve cases. Four patients were dead.


Improving the medical care of homozygous β-thalassemic children requires adherence to transfusion regimen and chelation therapy. Bone marrow transplantation remains the only possible curative therapy, which must be promoted in our country.  相似文献   

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