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Resistance training is beneficial for rehabilitation in many clinical conditions, though this has not been systematically reviewed in burns. The objective was to determine the effectiveness of resistance training on muscle strength, lean mass, function, quality of life and pain, in children and adults after burn injury.


Medline & EMBASE, PubMed, CINAHL and CENTRAL were searched from inception to October 2016. Studies were identified that implemented resistance training in rehabilitation. Data were combined and included in meta-analyses for muscle strength and lean mass. Otherwise, narrative analysis was completed. The quality of evidence for each outcome was summarised and rated using the GRADE framework.


Eleven studies matched our inclusion criteria. Primary analysis did not demonstrate significant improvements for increasing muscle strength (SMD 0.74, 95% CI ?0.02 to 1.50, p = 0.06). Sensitivity analysis to correct an apparent anomaly in published data suggested a positive effect (SMD 0.37, 95% CI 0.08–0.65, p = 0.01). Psychological quality of life demonstrated benefit from training (MD = 25.3, 95% CI 3.94–49.7). All studies were rated as having high risk of bias. The quality of the evidence was rated as low or very low.


Further research with robust methodology is recommended to assess the potential benefit suggested in this review.  相似文献   

系统康复治疗手烧伤的效果及成本评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解手烧伤后系统康复治疗的效果,并从经济学角度评价康复治疗的成本.方法 将62例烧伤患者98只患手分为康复组(32例,48只患手)和对照组(30例,50只患手),康复组在烧伤后早期进行系统康复冶疗,对照组给予指导性教育.于治疗前及治疗5个月后采用Carroll 上肢功能评定标准,对2组患者上肢及手的整体功能包括从粗大到精细的抓、握、捏、夹,前臂旋前、旋后,取物、放物及写字等进行定量评定,比较系统康复治疗前后功能恢复情况.统计2组患者5个月内的相关医疗费用,进行成本效果分析. 结果 康复组:37只手的对指、对掌、握、捏功能恢复良好,患者能够独立完成进食、穿衣、如厕、整理个人卫生等日常活动;7只手的对指、对掌、握、捏功能恢复过半,掌指关节恢复较好,而指间关节相对较差,患者可完成手的抓握等粗大动作.精细动作相对较差.灵活、协调性动作较差;4只手困残余肉芽创面,未严格按处方要求坚持治疗,手各关节活动度差,功能受限.对照组:23只手进行了修复手术,14只手功能恢复较好,多数精细动作相对较差.灵活、协调性动作较差,13只手出现严重的爪形手.康复组患者总成本平均值与甲均功能增量值的比值为181±11,明显低于对照组(298±30,P<0.01). 结论 系统康复治疗对手烧伤后畸形有良好的预防和治疗作用,可促进手功能的恢复,改善手部外观.从经济学角度分析,手烧伤后早期进行规范的系统康复治疗是经济、有效的.  相似文献   



In China, there is a very long history of burn wound treatment, but the specialised burn care units were set up only from 1958. With more than 50 years of practice, great achievements have been made in burn wound care and operations in the country. However, in terms of burn rehabilitation, the development appears to be slow. In order to determine the current status of burn rehabilitation services in China, a survey was conducted to various burn centres in China.


A comprehensive survey was conducted as well as to collect data related to (1) the admissions and staffing of the burn centres; (2) availability of rehabilitation services, number and educational background of specialised personnel dedicated in burn rehabilitation therapy; and (3) the difficulties leading to the lag of the burn rehabilitation services. The survey was sent to the chiefs of 87 burn centres via e-mail and they were requested to fill out the survey questionnaire and to send it back. For those who did not respond within 1 month, a reminder was sent.


There are totally 39 (44.8%) burn centres responding to our survey. These centres were geographically distributed in nearly 70% of the administrative provinces in China; hence, the results could well represent the current burn care system. Most centres have recognised the importance of rehabilitation therapy and remarkable improvements of outcome in burn patients have been achieved. There are a very huge number of burn patients that need rehabilitation therapy, but most centres face the problems of shortage of rehabilitation therapists, which apparently could lead to the difficulties in delivering a quality rehabilitation programme for patients. Although the time of rehabilitation therapy is instituted far earlier than before, it is still not widely accepted in the acute burn care stage. There are more specialists joining the burn centre and becoming members of the professional burn team. However, professional education and training in the burn specialty appear to be sparse. There is room for improvement. Problems that impede the progress of rehabilitation therapy are: lack of rehabilitation knowledge in medical staff as well as the public, the shortage of specialised personnel and relatively low educational background of this team, lack of standard guidelines for rehabilitation treatment instructions and lack of funding from the government.


After 20 years of clinical practice, rehabilitation concepts are well accepted and many forms of rehabilitation techniques are carried out in most burn centres that responded to the survey. Yet, the results also indicate that there is a short history of rehabilitation practice among the burn centres. There is a burning need to enhance the development of rehabilitation services so as to meet the demands of management of severely burned patients in China. Some suggestions are made to improve the current burn rehabilitation services which would include: (1) provide rehabilitation education programmes for burn surgeons, therapists, nurses, as well as patients, families and the public; (2) set up standard guidelines for clinical instruction of rehabilitation therapy; (3) build an interdisciplinary burn team; (4) more investigation and research on the physical and psychological outcomes of burn patients; and (5) implement administrative measures in terms of staffing, funding and offering insurance to burn survivors.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe issues and concerns that emerge in the families of burn patients have received minimal attention.ObjectiveTo map out what is known about the challenges facing the family members of burn patients.MethodsThe review followed the PRISMA Extension guidelines for scoping reviews and the review approach by Arksey and O’Malley to synthesize the available evidence. Twenty-six (26) papers from various database searches were identified and included in the review. The citation retrieval and retention methods are reported in a PRISMA statement.ResultsAlthough most of the studies included parents (n = 21), the evidence suggests that the shared concerns of family members include taking on new roles, and psychosocial and financial issues. Uniquely, parents had to endure blame, shame and guilt; partners/spouses were faced with difficulties in re-establishing an emotional connection with the patient; siblings simultaneously expressed jealousy and feelings of being outsiders; and children with a burn parent had to deal with feelings of exclusion from the care delivery process. Aside from these individuals, friends, neighbours and in-laws may also assume a caregiving role, with grandparents playing a supporting role. Family members are unprepared for their roles, as they are forced into them suddenly. Although distress may occur among family members, its determinants, severity, pattern and recovery process remain unclear.ConclusionA burn is a family injury that creates the need for family-centred care. Future studies need to explore the nature of psychological distress, family members’ recovery pathways, and how family members can prepare for their roles in the period after discharge.  相似文献   

深度烧伤修复重建与康复治疗相关问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With the advances in resuscitation,infection control,and metabolic management,the treatment strategies for burn patients have improved remarkably in the last half century.As a result,more patients with deep burn wound survived,and how to optimize the burn wound care aiming at recovery of the normal appearance and physiologic function of patients has been investigated and discussed widely through both the whole treat-ment strategy making and the new techniques performing.In the present discussion,early tissue reconstruction as well as early wound covering and repair are emphasized by summarizing the improved aesthetic and functional effects obtained by applying the principles of plastic surgery in early burn wound repair,the use of composite skin grafting,the grafting with split-thickness autografts on the preserved denatured dermis or on the preserved healthy fat tissue.etc.Besides these,more attention should be given to the repair and reconstruction in specialized functional parts of the body,such as head and face,neck,hand,female breast.perineum,and joint areas,after a deep burn.The role of rehabilitation during and after the burn wound treatment process is elucidated by demonstrating its potential biophysical mechanism and preventing scar deformity.Adequate treatment of deep burn wound demands a number of important measures in-eluding the timing of surgery,adoption of essential techniques,suitable types of wound covering materials,motivated rehabilita-tion,and necessary psychological therapy.The optimal recovery of damaged part of body after burn should depend on the similar-ity of rebuild tissue structure to simulate the nature of the origi-nal tissue in the cellular,histological,anatomic characteristics,which is the aim of all burn wound care and the basis of the ap-pearance and function repair or reconstruction.  相似文献   

影响烧伤患者康复因素的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解影响烧伤患者康复期综合健康状况的因素. 方法 采用一般资料问卷、艾森克人格问卷、医学应对方式问卷、社会支持评定量表、简明烧伤健康量表.对2008年2-10月在福建医科大学附属协和医院烧伤科住院的101例烧伤患者康复情况进行调查及评分.将调查数据行多元线性回归分析,找出影响烧伤患者康复的因素. 结果 本组患者躯体健康领域(57±16)分,得分指标71.1%;心理健康领域(97±19)分,得分指标80.6%;社会活动领域(53±8)分,得分指标88.4%;一般健康状况领域(45±11)分,得分指标74.5%;综合健康得分(251±44)分[标准分为(314±55)分],得分指标78.5%,处于中等偏上水平.各维度得分指标最高为社会活动领域,最低为躯体健康领域.进入综合健康同归方程(F=11.602,P<0.001)的影响因素有:月收入、烧伤面积、手术次数、性格内外向性及掩饰性、支持利用度、社会支持及屈服应对.对综合健康变异的解释量为46.6%. 结论 月收入、烧伤面积、性格内外向性及掩饰性、社会支持、屈服应对是影响烧伤患者康复水平的主要因素.  相似文献   

Burn trauma ranges from the minor burn to the devastating injury, which can impact on all aspects of a person's life including aesthetic appearance, relationships with others and psychological, social and physical functioning. Measurement of outcome in burns patients is therefore complex and multi-faceted. The increasing numbers of major burn survivors implies that understanding health outcomes in these patients has assumed high priority. This paper sets out a conceptual framework for unifying outcome measurement, which may be useful to all members of the multidisciplinary team who are contemplating outcome assessment in their burn patients. It outlines seven core domains of assessment which are (i) skin; (ii) neuromuscular function; (iii) sensory and pain; (iv) psychological function; (v) physical role function; (vi) community participation; and (vii) perceived quality of life. Within each domain, we present a brief clinical review of the most commonly administered measurement tools that have been, or potentially could be, used to assess aspects of these core domains. Where possible, the psychometric properties and clinical utility of these tools are presented. A concise discussion of key methodological issues which should be addressed in this assessment process is then provided, together with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Burn patients often have severe disfigurement, dysfunction, and psychological disorder after discharge,which may last for a long time, even for a whole life. These problems may prevent patients from returning to normal life and re-entering society. Because of demographic and socioeconomic reasons, the number of burn patients in China is huge. The rising cure rate further increases the number of patients that need rehabilitation treatment. However, the level of burn rehabilitation in China is relatively low as compared with that in the developed countries. Along with the social and economical development, it is no longer satisfied to just save the life of patient. Improving the quality of wound healing, avoiding or decreasing disfigurement, dysfunction, and psychological disorder, and finally helping patients re-enter society is the ultimate goal of burntreatment.Modern concept of rehabilitation is to restore health or normal life for patients by medical, psychosocial, educational and occupational methods. Although increasing attention has been paid to burn rehabilitation in China recently, so far it is mainly focused on the fields of improving patients' appearance and body function, whereas the importance of psychosocial, educational,occupational, and social rehabilitation has still not been realized. Some fields of burn rehabilitation have not been well established and many are not carried out by professionals. The model of multidisciplinary team in burn centers of developed countries including surgeons and nurses, as well as allied professionals such as psychologists, physical and occupational therapists, dietitians, anesthesiologists and social workers has seldom been introduced into China. In most burn centers in China, psychological support is mainly given by nurses in their spare time of nursing. Burn treatment used to be divided into the early stage of life saving and wound repair, and the late stage of rehabilitation. It has not been realized until recent years that rehabilitation measurements should be carried out through the whole process of burn treatment. Organizations of burn survivors and summer camps for burnt children proved to be helpful for the patients' self-confidence and community integration have hardly been established in China. Lack of funding is one of the main reasons for the lagging behind in burn rehabilitation in China. According the experiences of other countries, raising money from donation through burn foundation may be a useful way to support burn rehabilitation. Solving the above problems and improving the burn rehabilitation will be a new challenge to burn surgery in China.  相似文献   



To systematically review the delivery and effectiveness of rehabilitation for burn survivors in low and middle income countries (LMIC).


We systematically searched the literature through 11 electronic databases and the reference lists of relevant studies. Studies were suitable for inclusion if they were primary research with a focus on burns rehabilitation in LMIC settings describing either service delivery or treatment effectiveness. No time, design or other limitations were applied, except English language.


Of 226 studies identified, 17 were included in the final review, including 7 from India. The results were summarised in a narrative synthesis as the studies had substantial heterogeneity and small sample sizes, with many relying on retrospective data from non-representative samples with no control groups. Most studies (12) described service delivery and 5 examined the effectiveness of different types of rehabilitation. Multiple studies stressed the need for rehabilitation and multidisciplinary teams for burns management.


The published research on burns rehabilitation is very limited and little is known about current practices in LMIC settings. In order to inform policy and service delivery, the effectiveness, feasibility and sustainability of current services needs to be investigated.  相似文献   

吴军  陈建 《中华烧伤杂志》2013,29(2):119-121
After 50 years' development,a rather comprehensive burn care system has been built up in China,and it has played key roles in wound healing and salvaging victims of burn trauma.Since survival is no lon...  相似文献   

严重烧伤患者康复期生活质量调查及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查严重烧伤患者康复期的生活质量及相关影响因素.方法 采用社会支持评定量表、生活质量综合评定问卷和回顾性调查方法,对96例(病例组)16岁以上严重烧伤患者康复期的生活质量进行评估.分析生活质量与伤者一般情况及烧伤原因、烧伤面积、烧伤深度、住院时间、医疗费用支付情况和重返岗位之间的关系,与96名健康人(对照组)进行比较.结果 病例组患者生活质量总分为(53±12)分,与对照组(63±10)分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).性别、年龄、文化程度、烧伤原因、住院时间及医疗费用支付情况各异者的生活质量比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).有配偶者社会功能维度和物质功能维度评分比无配偶者高;社会支持总分、重返岗位、伤后时间、职业与生活质量呈正相关;深度烧伤面积与生活质量呈负相关.结论 严重烧伤患者康复期的生活质量处于低水平,社会支持力度、重返岗位情况、伤后时间、职业、深度烧伤面积等因素与生活质量相关.  相似文献   

Hydrofluoric acid (HF) causes a unique chemical burn. Much of the current treatment knowledge of HF burns is derived from case reports, small case series, animal studies and anecdotal evidence. The management can be challenging because clinical presentation and severity of these burns vary widely. Plastic surgeons managing burn patients must have a basic understanding of the pathophysiology, the range of severity in presentation and the current treatment options available for HF burns.The present article reviews the current understanding of the pathophysiology and systemic effects associated with severe HF burns. Furthermore, it distinguishes between minor and life-threatening HF burns and describes several of the basic techniques that are available to treat patients with HF burns.  相似文献   



Hydrotherapy is widely used in burns management however there are risks associated with its use, in particular cross-infection. Data regarding indications and techniques in common use is deficient. This study aimed to investigate hydrotherapy practices in the UK and Ireland.


A survey of the hydrotherapy practice of major burn care providers was performed by e mail and where necessary, follow up telephone contact.


The survey included 28 burn care providers. 27 reported using hydrotherapy. Only 11 (41%) had defined indication criteria with 4 (15%) implementing a specific protocol. Variations in hydrotherapy practice were seen.


Hydrotherapy is used nationwide, however considerable variation in practice exists. One area worthy of further consideration is the need for appropriate standards of infection control.  相似文献   



Dysphagia following severe burns can be significant and protracted, yet there is little evidence describing the rehabilitation principles, process or outcomes.


Outline current evidence and detail the clinical outcomes of two cases who underwent a multifaceted intensive treatment programme aimed at rehabilitating dysphagia by strengthening swallow function and minimising orofacial contractures after severe head and neck burns.


Two men (54 and 18 years) with full-thickness head and neck burns and inhalation injury underwent intensive orofacial scar management and dysphagia rehabilitation. Therapy was prescribed, consisting of scar stretching, splinting and pharyngeal swallow tasks. Horizontal and vertical range of movement (HROM; VROM), physiological swallow features, functional swallowing outcomes and related distress, were collected at baseline and routinely until dysphagia resolution and scar stabilisation.


At presentation, both cases demonstrated severely reduced HROM and VROM, profound dysphagia and moderate dysphagia related distress. Therapy adherence was high. Resolution of dysphagia to full oral diet, nil physiological swallowing impairment, and nil dysphagia related distress was achieved by 222 and 77 days post injury respectively. VROM and HROM achieved normal range by 237 and 204 days.


Active rehabilitation achieved full functional outcomes for swallowing and orofacial range of movement. A protracted duration of therapy can be anticipated in this complex population.  相似文献   

AIM: To review trends in incidence and treatment of thermal injuries among the elderly. METHOD: A 3-year retrospective review of medical records of people aged 65 years and older admitted to our burn centre over July 2003-June 2006. RESULTS: Elderly people with burns continued to have significant comorbidities. They were often burned because they were inappropriately trying to live alone. Thus discharge was often complicated. CONCLUSIONS: At our burn centre, survival among elderly people with burns has increased, probably as a result of more sophisticated medical, surgical and nursing care, as well as more extensive rehabilitation.  相似文献   

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