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据世界卫生组织的数据显示[1].听力障碍在给国家、社会、个人带来负担的所有慢性病中居第三位.特别是听力障碍儿童带来的负担更加沉重。2006年第二次全国残疾人抽样调查显示,我国有听力残疾人2780万,较1987年第一次全国残疾人抽样调查听力语言残疾约1770万人有所增加[2]。听力残疾的致残原因很复杂。  相似文献   

耳聋一直是困扰人类的常见疾病,给社会和家庭带来了困扰,同时耳聋的康复治疗消耗了大量的人力和物力。据世界卫生组织估计,全世界有2亿多人患有中度以上听力损失。2006年第二次我国残疾人抽样调查推算,全国各类残疾人的总数为8296万人,其中听力残疾2004万人、言语残疾127万人,占各种残疾的首位,并以每年2-3万新生聋儿的速度增长。初步估算目前我国ON6岁听力障碍患儿约13.7万,重度聋以上听力障碍者占80%多。  相似文献   

据第2次全国残疾人抽样调查显示,我国有0~6岁听力残疾儿童13.7万人,每年新增2.3万人[1]。中国政府高度重视听力障碍儿童康复工作,20世纪80年代以来连续制订、实施了5个与全国残疾人事业5年发展规划相配套的听力语言康复工作方案,帮助30余万听力障碍儿童获得不同程度康复,极大的改变了听力障碍儿童的康复状况,推动我国听力障碍儿童康复事业实现了历史性跨越:  相似文献   

根据世界卫生组织(WHO)估计,2005年全球听力残疾人数为2.78亿,防聋治聋已成为全球关注的公共卫生项目。作为世界人口大国,我国因聋致哑的问题尤为突出,无数听力残疾人及其家庭承受着巨大的痛苦和沉重的经济负担。2006年全国第二次残疾人抽样调查结果显示,我国有听力障碍者2780万,占残疾人总数的33.52%,位居各类残疾之首。在听力障碍者中,0~6岁听障儿童约有13.7万,每年新增先天性听力障碍婴儿约3~4万人,另外据估算,我国每年增加药物性耳聋和迟发性耳聋导致儿童听力障碍3万人左右。耳聋已成为严重影响我国人口素质、增加国民医疗支出、制约经济快速发展的重大疾病。虽然听障儿童与健听儿童智力发展水平没有差别[1],但有证据表明,中度及中度以上的听力障碍对言语、语言和认知的发展都有严重的负面影响[2],成为听障人士融入主流社会的主要障碍。  相似文献   

听力障碍是一种很常见的言语交流障碍疾病。1991年Morton的调查显示:以言语频率平均听阈大于25 dB HL为标准,15%~20%的成年人患有听力障碍,而在大于80岁的人群中,该比例接近50%^[1]。我国第二次残疾人抽样调查公布患听力残疾者占残疾人总数的24.16%。引起听力障碍的环境因素包括噪声、药物、感染和外伤等;遗传因素则可以通过单基因突变,  相似文献   

全国第二次残疾人抽样调查结果表明,我国0~17岁听力残疾人有58.1万,其中0~6岁听力障碍儿童13.7万,每年由于各种致病因素新增听力障碍儿童约2.3万名[1].  相似文献   

老年性听力损失的基础研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
据世界卫生组织估计,全世界约有2.5亿人患有重度以上听力损失,其中2/3在发展中国家,我国是最大的发展中国家,听力障碍残疾人有2057万, 其中900多万是老年人,可以说老年性听力损失患者是我国最大的听力障碍群体.笔者就近年来利用老鼠模型研究老年性听力损失的组织病理和分子基因相关因素的研究作一综述.  相似文献   

听力障碍给社会和经济造成的负担   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1听力障碍的基本状况以及造成的负担 听觉功能是衡量生活质量的要素之一。根据世界卫生组织对听力障碍程度的分类,听力损失在26~40dB之间为轻度听力障碍;41~55dB为中度听力障碍;56~70dB为中重度听力障碍;71~90dB为重度听力障碍;91dB以上为极重度听力障碍。听力损失在41dB以上就为听力残疾。世界卫生组织2005年发布的数据显示,全球目前有5.6亿听力障碍人士,其中2.78亿为听力残疾,三分之二的听力残疾人生活在发展中国家。听力障碍是所有慢性病中给国家、社会和个人带来第三大负担的疾病,特别是对听力障碍儿童,其带来的负担更加沉重和长期。  相似文献   

<正>世界卫生组织估计,全世界有3.6亿人患有致残性听力损失,其中近一成是儿童[1]。第二次全国残疾人抽样调查数据显示,我国听力障碍总人数约2780万,先天性听力障碍发病率为1‰~3‰,每年新增听力障碍儿童超过30万[2]。受传统文化影响,许多听障儿童被贴上“不正常”的标签或被视为智力低下、能力较差,  相似文献   

据世界卫生组织估算.全世界有轻度听力损失者近6亿,中度以上的听力损失者2.5亿。我国有听力障碍残疾人2057万.居各类残疾之首.已严重影响到全民健康水平的提高。因此.必须深入城乡基层社区,大力宣传和普及防聋知识.切实提高广大群众的防聋意识.充分动员全社会的力量.预防和减少耳病与听力障碍对人类健康的侵害。200年3月3日全国爱耳日宣传教育活动的主题确定为:防聋走进社区。  相似文献   

颞下窝咽侧区肿瘤的诊断与手术治疗   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 寻求颞下窝咽侧区肿瘤的早期诊断及有效的手术途径。方法1978~2002年我院手术治疗颞下窝咽侧区肿瘤75例。手术采用4种进路:①颌下进路。②截断下颌骨颌下联合进路。③耳前颌下进路。④经上颌窦前外进路。绝大多数采用第1种手术入路。恶性肿瘤术后行放疗或化疗;继发性肿瘤在切除原发性肿瘤的同时予以切除。结果手术效果良好,无并发症。良性肿瘤38例术后6个月~18年(其中26例超过5年以上),1例复发。恶性肿瘤37例中,12例死亡,5例失访,余20例观察3~5年无复发及转移。结论①颞下窝咽侧区肿瘤CT扫描及针吸细胞病理检查是有效的诊断手段。②颌下进路是该区肿瘤较好的手术途径。③术中彻底止血、尽可能消灭死腔及负压引流对预防切口感染和预防呼吸道阻塞都相当重要。  相似文献   

The condyle is not responsible for the growth of the body of the mandible, as the latter does not extend in length caudally at the expense of the ascending rami (through the classical relocation phenomenon), but does so deep to these, at the level of the lower insertions of the sphenomandibular ligaments (i.e., from the inlet inner border of the inferior dental canals). Philogenetically and ontogenetically, its appearance reflects the adaptation of the mandible of mammals to the morphologic and functional changes that took place in their cephalic skeleton (more erect posture, more vigorous mastication). Its chief role in man is to stabilize the mandibular body and to allow it to be properly mobilized, although contributing also to its forward and downward movements (namely in its posterior aspect). As such, it plays an active role in mandibular growth, and this role varies according to the primary "potential" of the condylar cartilage. Such primary-type potential for condylar growth may be adequately assessed by studying the shape of the mandible, as well as through an analysis of craniofacial architecture. Most of the conventional diagrams depicting mandibular growth are defective. Another figurative system has to be innovated, that will differentiate each skeletal unit--body, condyle, coronoid process, angle, alveolodental arch--, the sum of which confers the shape, the size, and the multiple variations to the mandible as a whole.  相似文献   

The restoration of a functional transmission system of the middle ear is extremely difficult after a radical operation which leaves a large surgical cavity or in the absence of the tympanic membrane and ossicles, when the window and the tympanic ostium of the tube are covered with thick granulation and fibrous tissue. This article describes my experience in restoring the transmission system of the middle ear combining autograft and homograft with TORPs and PORPs.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the effects of anoxia and ethacrynic acid on the endolymphatic potential and cation activity in the superior ampulla of the guinea pig, using double-barrelled ion-exchanger microelectrodes. In normal guinea pigs the ampullar endolymphatic potential was +3.9±1.2 mV (n=32), the Cl activity 130±4.6 mM (n=9), and the Na+ activity 18.4±4.4 mM (n=20). After anoxia, the ampullar DC potential decreased rapidly and reversed its polarity within 5 min. It then decreased gradually for 60 min and increased afterwards to approximately zero. K+ activity decreased gradually after a latency of 10 min, whereas Na+ activity increased. During the gradual decrease of a negative ampullar endolymphatic potential, an increase in Na+ activity was observed. Thirty minutes after the intravenous injection of ethacrynic acid (100 mg/kg), the potential began to decrease, changed to a negative polarity, and approached a maximum negative level 100 min after the injection. The decrease in K+ activity corresponded to the reduction of potential whereas Na+ activity remained unchanged. The DC potential of the endolymphatic sac in normal guinea pigs was + 14.7±5.1 mV (n=17). The Na+ concentration was 103.3±14.7 mM (n=14) and the K+ concentration was 11.6 ±0.8 mM (n=4). After anoxia, the DC potential decreased rapidly and approached 0 mV within 8 min. No negative potential could be observed. The Na+ concentration began to increase 2 min after anoxia and reached the extracellular Na+ concentration about 30 min later. No significant effect of intravenous administration of ethacrynic acid (100 mg/kg) on DC potential and Na + concentration could be observed. The results suggest the presence of a different ion transport system in the endolymphatic sac from that of the cochlea and the ampullae of the semicircular canals.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of anoxia and ethacrynic acid on the endolymphatic potential and cation activity in the superior ampulla of the guinea pig, using double-barrelled ion-exchanger microelectrodes. In normal guinea pigs the ampullar endolymphatic potential was + 3.9 +/- 1.2 mV (n = 32), the Cl- activity 130 +/- 4.6 mM (n = 9), and the Na+ activity 18.4 +/- 4.4 mM (n = 20). After anoxia, the ampullar DC potential decreased rapidly and reversed its polarity within 5 min. It then decreased gradually for 60 min and increased afterwards to approximately zero. K+ activity decreased gradually after a latency of 10 min, whereas Na+ activity increased. During the gradual decrease of a negative ampullar endolymphatic potential, an increase in Na+ activity was observed. Thirty minutes after the intravenous injection of ethacrynic acid (100 mg/kg), the potential began to decrease, changed to a negative polarity, and approached a maximum negative level 100 min after the injection. The decrease in K+ activity corresponded to the reduction of potential whereas Na+ activity remained unchanged. The DC potential of the endolymphatic sac in normal guinea pigs was + 14.7 +/- 5.1 mV (n = 17). The Na+ concentration was 103.3 +/- 14.7 mM (n = 14) and the K+ concentration was 11.6 +/- 0.8 mM (n = 4). After anoxia, the DC potential decreased rapidly and approached 0 mV within 8 min. No negative potential could be observed. The Na+ concentration began to increase 2 min after anoxia and reached the extracellular Na+ concentration about 30 min later.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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