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彭迎春 《中华全科医学》2021,19(10):1760-1763,1788
疫情防控中公共信息公开是体现政府公信力的关键砝码,疫情监测信息的及时、准确、全面公开彰显政府的责任与担当,确诊病例个体活动轨迹的信息公布有利于实现疫情的精准防范.而疫情处置中个人隐私信息保护则属于个体基本权益要求,应秉持以人为本的伦理原则,既要保障个体的生命安全,也要维护个体的人格尊严.公共信息公开应建立在个人隐私...  相似文献   

Four physicians comment on an issue paper from the Department of Health and Social Security about provisions of the Data Protection Act that would permit patient access to computerized health records in 1987 unless the Secretary of State rules otherwise. S. Jenkins, a general practitioner, fears that patient access would refocus the record on the doctor's best interests rather than the patient's. C.J. Dickinson, a medical professor, welcomes access as fostering trust. M.A. Heasman, a health administrator, opposes unrestricted access but urges physicians to reveal more to patients. B.W. Ellis, a consultant surgeon, holds that patients have a right to see their records, subject to physician discretion in disclosing information to the patient's general practitioner or other third party. An interprofessional working group's "Statement on subject access to personal health information" rejects unrestricted access lest it inhibit health professionals from recording sensitive data.  相似文献   

目的:总结患者对PHR的共享意愿,分析阻碍其共享的因素,并提出针对性的解决对策,为国内PHR的广泛使用和共享提供参考。方法:结合信息生命周期理论,将PHR共享流程划分为创建、存储、传输、使用4个阶段,建立PHR生命周期共享模型。结果:在创建阶段,预期回报和利他主义积极影响患者共享意愿;存储阶段的影响因素有信息敏感性、信任和社会责任;在传输阶段,感知行为控制和技术阻碍影响患者的共享意愿;在使用阶段,影响因素则是自我效能与情感支持、个性化服务和隐私忧虑。结论:PHR不同阶段的共享意愿取决于患者对共享感知利益与风险的衡量,从利益维护、规范标准、隐私保护和提升信任4个角度提出促进共享的对策。  相似文献   

目的:细化人口健康科学领域个人敏感信息类型,以期推进人口健康科学数据的开放和共享及个人敏感信息的立法保护提供参考,为人口健康科学数据平台的数据管理工作提供借鉴。方法:基于文献调研法考察了国内外个人敏感信息的界定,基于内容分析法总结了人口健康领域中个人敏感信息的类型,并进行了多维特征分析。结果:将人口健康领域中个人敏感信息细化为身份标识信息、生物特征信息、健康医疗信息3个大类,下分9个小类。结论:个人敏感信息细化分类符合依据不同领域特点将敏感个人信息具体化的国际立法的趋势,可作为制定人口健康科学数据收集管理策略和共享策略的参考。  相似文献   

As an employee, a sports doctor has obligations to their employer, but also professional and widely accepted obligations of a doctor to the patient (in this case the individual team member). The conflict is evident when sports doctors are asked by an athlete to keep personal health information confidential from the coach and team management, and yet both doctor and athlete have employment contracts specifying that such information shall be shared. Recent research in New Zealand shows that despite the presence of an employment contract, there appears to be a wide range of behaviours among sports doctors when an athlete requests that information about them be kept from team management. Many seem willing to honour requests to keep health information about the athlete confidential, thereby being in breach of the employment contract, while others insist on informing team management against the wishes of the athlete. There are a number of potential solutions to this dilemma from forcing doctors to meet their contractual obligations, to limiting the expectations of the employment contract. This paper suggests that at times it may be appropriate to do both, making the position of the doctor clearer and supporting the ability of this group to resist pressure by coaches and management through having a robust code of ethics.  相似文献   

毋庸置疑,在当今的英国国家医疗卫生服务体系(NHS)中,医疗信息的管理方式正发生着巨大变化。不管政府做得怎么样,起码政府的说法是很明确的:政府会把信息技术所产生的能量完全投入到21世纪的医疗保健服务中去(参见www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk)。如果患者很容易就能获得高质量、及时更新的信息流,医疗专业人员也可直接使用这些信息,那么这样的信息技术带来的是良性循环:  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe integrated Translational Health Research Institute of Virginia (iTHRIV) aims to develop an information architecture to support data workflows throughout the research lifecycle for cross-state teams of translational researchers.Materials and MethodsThe iTHRIV Commons is a cross-state harmonized infrastructure supporting resource discovery, targeted consultations, and research data workflows. As the front end to the iTHRIV Commons, the iTHRIV Research Concierge Portal supports federated login, personalized views, and secure interactions with objects in the ITHRIV Commons federation. The canonical use-case for the iTHRIV Commons involves an authenticated user connected to their respective high-security institutional network, accessing the iTHRIV Research Concierge Portal web application on their browser, and interfacing with multi-component iTHRIV Commons Landing Services installed behind the firewall at each participating institution.ResultsThe iTHRIV Commons provides a technical framework, including both hardware and software resources located in the cloud and across partner institutions, that establishes standard representation of research objects, and applies local data governance rules to enable access to resources from a variety of stakeholders, both contributing and consuming.DiscussionThe launch of the Commons API service at partner sites and the addition of a public view of nonrestricted objects will remove barriers to data access for cross-state research teams while supporting compliance and the secure use of data.ConclusionsThe secure architecture, distributed APIs, and harmonized metadata of the iTHRIV Commons provide a methodology for compliant information and data sharing that can advance research productivity at Hub sites across the CTSA network.  相似文献   

Medical informatics: improving health care through information   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Hersh WR 《JAMA》2002,288(16):1955-1958

图书馆实现文献信息资源共享,是科技文献激增的需要,是解决书刊涨价与购书经费短缺矛盾的需要,是解决文献资源浪费与匮乏现象的需要,也是适应社会对情报需求变化的需要,并探讨了实现文献信息资源共享的几点对策.  相似文献   

随着医学模式的转变和整体护理的实施,个体健康指导已成为医务人员工作中的一个重要组成部分。新的《医疗事故处理条例》的颁布实施,也对医务人员的工作质量提出了更高的要求。为了进一步提高健康指导的水平,减少医疗纠纷的发生,结合多年的工作实践,现将个体健康指导应遵循的基本原则总结如下。1计划性个体健康指导,收集资料要全面准确计划性个体健康指导,经常应用于住院期间的患者。由于患者的病情轻重不一、发病诱因不同、预后不同,其指导方案也各有差异。只有全面地收集与病情有关的各种资料(包括生理的、生物的、心理的、社会的),才能正…  相似文献   

目的:探索在医院档案信息管理中应用云计算的可行性。方法介绍云计算的概念及特点。结果探索云计算在医院档案信息中应用的价值,提出了相应的应用方案。结论云计算将在医院档案信息管理中起重要作用。  相似文献   

基于活动理论和健康信念模式,从5个层面对突发公共卫生事件中社交媒体用户信息分享的影响因素进行分析,利用决策试验和评价试验法(DEMATEL)识别出电子健康素养、信息准确性、感知威胁等7个因素为关键影响因素,并针对政府机构与社交媒体平台如何有效引导用户行为及提供针对性信息服务提出相关建议.  相似文献   

信息披露制度是政府在应对突发公共卫生事件反应机制中重要的组成部分.自2002年以来我国突发公共卫生事件频发,对经济发展、社会稳定和人口福祉产生了严重影响.在移动互联网时代,卫生信息传播的速度更快,影响范围更广,披露主体与内容更加多元化,同时面临着政府公信力极易下降,及现有规定难以适应互联网时代等问题与挑战.本文以新型冠...  相似文献   

关于社区居民健康档案建立的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王佐卿  王树山  祝丽玲 《中国民康医学》2010,22(14):1894-1895,1886
目的:探讨提高社区卫生服务质量的途径和方法。方法:从社区卫生工作的实际出发,参照国内文献,分析建立健康档案的意义、内容、基本要求,寻求科学管理和有效利用的方法。结果:健康档案内容和格式应标准化,管理和利用应自动化。结论:建立和用活健康档案是提高社区卫生服务质量的基本途径。  相似文献   

分析了当前卫生系统共建共享服务网络建设所面临的困境,探讨了如何依托现有全国或区域医疗信息资源共享分中心建立系统内资源共享服务网络,提高地方文献资源保障能力和服务水平,并提出了有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

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