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This article presents the three-ring conception of giftedness. A detailed process is presented illustrating how students can be effectively screened for gifted and talented programs through the three-ring conception approach.  相似文献   

Recent literature on the nature of intelligence, young children's learning, affective characteristics of the gifted, and the needs of diverse learners has implications for identifications and instruction of young gifted children. A Developmental Model is proposed that integrates this knowledge with the Developmental Curriculum approach supported by The National Report on Identification #opRichert, Alvino, & McDonnel, 1982#cp. The model serves as both an approach to identification and appropriate practice for preschool and primary-age gifted children. Suggestions are offered for implementation.  相似文献   

This paper overviews the negative and positive effects on children being labeled gifted. The research suggests that most children view being labeled gifted in positive fashion. Future areas for research on the effects of labeling children gifted are presented.  相似文献   

Providing affective education for young gifted children is an issue that has been much debated in the literature. Controversy centers around the nature of affective education, the effectiveness of the approach used and characteristics and needs of the gifted child that may make affective education uniquely beneficial to this group. The purpose of this article is to provide a selected review of the literature related to these issues and to suggest an organizational structure for designing affective education programs in the schools.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a comparative study of children's collections and reflects on the role of collections in nurturing talents and interests of children. In 1900, eminent psychologist, G. Stanley Hall and his colleagues surveyed childrens' collections in selected schools in California. Recently, the author and her graduate students embarked on a similar investigation of present-day childrens' collections. Results indicate that nine and ten continue to be the ages when children make the largest number of collections. Also, fewer items are collected today that relate to nature. Results are discussed in relation to curriculum for the gifted.  相似文献   

Whether an emphasis on process or product learning or a combination of both is important to the development of young children continues to be a concern to early childhood educators. A product orientation focuses on outcomes, knowledge, and skills while process learning centers on problem solving, self-selection, and discoveries. Because young children lack certain skills and knowledge, developmentally appropriate practice suggests that it is more important to emphasize process learning in order to enhance these skills. Several ways that process learning can be incorporated into all aspects of the curriculum to support young children's growth are discussed.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate how grandparents influence their young grandchildren's eating behaviors in Chinese three-generation families. METHODS: This qualitative study used semi-structured in-depth interviews with 12 parents (3 male and 9 female) and 11 grandparents (4 male and 7 female) in Beijing, China. RESULTS: Three domains emerged in this study: (1) grandparents were the primary caretakers of children in the three-generation families. They played an important role in planning and cooking family meals; (2) grandparents' attitudes influenced young children's nutrition and eating habits. They held the belief that children being heavy at a young age would assure that they had a good nutrition status and would become tall in the future. They showed a tendency towards urging the children to eat more meals and larger portions at served meals; (3) grandparents used food as an educational and emotional tool. They shaped the behavior of their grandchildren and expressed love and caring through food. CONCLUSIONS: Grandparents were dominant in shaping children's eating behavior in some three-generation families in Chinese urban areas. Nutrition education involving grandparents is a potential framework for developing a healthy dietary behavior in young children.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of screening tests specifically designed to identify young gifted children. Due to this lack, a new screening test was developed and piloted in Rockford, Illinois and New York City. It considers two levels of thinking production #opconvergent and divergent#cp and four pathways of input and output #opvisual-motor; auditory-motor; visual-verbal; auditory-verbal#cp. There are explicit directions for administration and specific two and three dimensional materials which make the tasks gamelike. Given on an individual basis, the test takes approximately one half hour. Findings from the study in Rockford are presented and implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:了解目前幼儿生长、营养与健康发育状况,探讨不同经济发展区域幼儿生长变化中的异同。方法:对上海市区及城乡结合区域4所幼儿园的集居幼儿及其家长进行问卷调查,就其生长发育趋势、早期营养及喂养方式、饮食习惯和早餐主要饮食结构、目前存在主要健康问题等方面予以分析总结。结果:幼儿中超重及肥胖发生率为9.76%;营养不良发生率为12.20%。平均幼儿出生身高0.51±0.04m;出生体重3.17±0.53kg。出生半年中母乳喂养率(36/123)29.27%,人工喂养率(41/123)33.33%。经济发展快速区域幼儿早餐中奶类和蛋类摄入率较高,但不良饮食习惯较多。其前3位健康问题依次为易感染呼吸道疾病、食欲不佳、过敏症;经济发展相对缓慢区域幼儿早餐以米面类为主,奶蛋类摄入率较低,饮食不良习惯发生率较低,其前3位健康问题依次为注意力不集中、睡眠问题、易感染呼吸道疾病。结论:在经济转型变化速度不同的背景下,不同经济发展区域的幼儿中,饮食结构和习惯以及存在的健康问题有些差异,分析这些差异有助于指导对幼儿的健康干预。  相似文献   

This paper discusses challenging features of interviewing young children for a range of purposes. Research with young children is discussed as well as other forms of interviewing by practitioners in a range of fields. Processes in establishing the interview purpose include defining some ground rules for the young client, managing the physical setting for the interview and examining the complex nature of confidentiality and consent in interviewing young children. In terms of interviewing style, the emphasis is on encouraging the young child's free narrative within an ethical context using a range of empathic response cues to promote this. Age‐appropriate projective techniques, including art work and the use of dolls and puppets, are examined for their value in managing interviews and research with young children although cautions are expressed about interpreting findings from these.  相似文献   

This paper discusses challenging features of interviewing young children for a range of purposes. Research with young children is discussed as well as other forms of interviewing by practitioners in a range of fields. Processes in establishing the interview purpose include defining some ground rules for the young client, managing the physical setting for the interview and examining the complex nature of confidentiality and consent in interviewing young children. In terms of interviewing style, the emphasis is on encouraging the young child's free narrative within an ethical context using a range of empathic response cues to promote this. Age-appropriate projective techniques, including art work and the use of dolls and puppets, are examined for their value in managing interviews and research with young children although cautions are expressed about interpreting findings from these.  相似文献   

目的 总结完全植入式静脉输液港在婴幼儿恶性肿瘤化疗过程中的应用经验。方法 回顾性分析2011年12月至2015年5月安徽省儿童医院接受完全植入式静脉输液港(TIVAP)手术的50例恶性肿瘤患儿的临床资料,观察手术成功率、临床效果及并发症。结果 全部病例TIVAP均植入成功,无穿刺相关损伤等术中并发症。术后1例导管头端过深,行再次手术调整;1例使用1年后出现感染,予以拔除;15例化疗结束后拔除;5例肿瘤复发、转移后死亡;29例仍在继续安全使用中。结论 完全植入式静脉输液港可安全应用于婴幼儿,有效保障化疗的进行,提高婴幼儿的生活质量。  相似文献   

The following paper outlines the elements to be considered in the process of integration in preschool, day care, and early school programs. This review of research focuses, in particular, on the attitudes and behaviours of teachers and the opinions and concerns of parents involved in the process. The authors contend that the roles of the teacher and the parents of all children must be considered for a successful integration experience.  相似文献   

This systematic review collates, and presents as a narrative synthesis, evidence from interventions which included changes to the urban environment and reported at least one health behaviour or outcome for children and young people. Following a comprehensive search of six databases, 33 primary studies relating to 27 urban environment interventions were included. The majority of interventions related to active travel. Others included park and playground renovations, road traffic safety, and multi-component community-based initiatives. Public health evidence for effectiveness of such interventions is often weak because study designs tend to be opportunistic, non-randomised, use subjective outcome measures, and do not incorporate follow-up of study participants. However, there is some evidence of potential health benefits to children and young people from urban environment interventions relating to road safety and active travel, with evidence of promise for a multi-component obesity prevention initiative. Future research requires more robust study designs incorporating objective outcome measures.  相似文献   

Playgrounds and play times offer valuable contexts for children to explore and learn about themselves and their social lives. This study sought to gather evidence of children’s perceptions of their playgrounds and play times, specifically whether the playgrounds were seen positively or negatively and the types of activities in which they engaged. Child-oriented methods were adopted inspired by the Mosaic approach. The main themes from the focus group interviews were social play (friendship, loneliness/solitude and fair play); physical activity play (activities and rationale); risk (injuries and bullying); and gender (action/stillness and gendered roles). Research suggests that segregation declines when adult supervision supports shared play, and our experiences suggest that such intervention is the most likely solution to the ‘problem’ of gender play in this setting.  相似文献   

目的 了解珠海市香洲区学龄前儿童听力状况,为儿童听力保健工作的顺利开展提供依据。方法 采取整群随机抽样的方法,抽取珠海市香洲区13家幼儿园1 686例4~7岁儿童作为调查对象,用便携式测听仪进行初筛,对初筛未通过者于珠海市妇幼保健院耳鼻咽喉科进行专科检查和定向条件发射检查进行复筛,两次筛查未通过者进入听力中心进行诊断性检查。结果 1 686例儿童中,最终诊断听力损失24例,检出率1.42%(24/1 686);其中双耳听力损失8例,现患率0.47%(8/1 686),其中轻度听力损失2例,中度听力损失5例,重度听力损失1例;单耳听力损失16例(左耳9例,右耳7例),现患率0.95%(16/1 686);24例听力损失的可能原因:中耳炎13例(13/24,54.17%);外耳道闭锁1例(1/24,4.17%);耳毒性药物史1例(1/24,4.17%);头部外伤史1例(1/24,4.17%);大前庭导水管扩大1例(1/24,4.17%);无明确原因7例(7/24,29.17%)。结论 珠海香洲区学龄前儿童听力下降主要是由分泌性中耳炎引起,定期进行听力保健及积极预防和治疗中耳炎是减少听力损失的有效措施。  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study preliminarily examined the relationship between physical activity, sedentary time, and social emotional functioning in children aged 4–6 years.MethodsEighty children attending kindergarden classes in Ottawa, Canada wore Actical accelerometers for 1-week to directly assess their physical activity and sedentary time. Physical activity was quantified as minutes per day in light intensity or moderate intensity, and steps per day, while sedentary time was quantified as minutes per day. Social emotional functioning attributes were assessed by teachers using the Devereux Students Strengths Assessment.ResultsAfter controlling for age, sex, household-income and school clustering using multilevel regression models, steps per day were positively associated with social awareness β = 1.537, CI = 0.115–2.959) self-awareness (β = 1.285, CI = 0.014–2.555), relationship skills (β = 1.729, CI = 0.238–3.219), personal responsibilities (β = 1.689, CI = 0.101–3.276), and optimistic thinking (β = 1.091, CI = 0.251–2.157). Moderate physical activity was positively associated with relationship skills (β = 1.598, CI = 0.065–3.131) and optimistic thinking (β = 1.515, CI = 0.069–2.234). Time spent in light physical activity and sedentary time were not associated with social emotional functioning indicators.ConclusionsPhysical activity as measured by steps per day and time spent in moderate physical activity was associated with better social emotional functioning. Future research is needed to verify these preliminary findings and determine the directionality of relationships observed, and experimental studies are needed to determine whether promoting either increased steps per day or intensity of physical activity can improve social emotional functioning in the early years.  相似文献   

目的 评价添加辅食对发展中国家婴幼儿健康水平的影响。方法 收集Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials 、MEDLINE、Web of Science、PubMed、中国知网、万方数据库自建库到2017年 12月底发表的关于婴幼儿辅食添加干预随机对照实验研究,按照纳入、排除标准筛选文献,使用RevMan5.3软件对文献进行Meta分析。结果 共纳入13篇文献,6 496例样本,来自11个国家。分析结果显示:辅食添加干预可提高婴幼儿血红蛋白水平(MD = 3.29,95% CI 2.26~4.32,P<0.001),降低其贫血患病率(RR = 0.73,95%CI 0.69~0.77,P<0.01),Z评分合并效应无差异HAZ(MD = 0.07,95%CI -0.05~0.20,P = 0.25)、WAZ(MD = -0.02,95%CI -0.15~0.12,P = 0.79)、WHZ(MD = -0.02,95%CI -0.27~0.24,P = 0.90)。结论 辅食添加对发展中国家婴幼儿血红蛋白水平的提高和降低贫血患病率有效果。  相似文献   

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