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1 临床资料患者女 ,3 8岁。 1999年 4月主因厌食 ,经血增多 ,全身出现散在出血点 ,当地检查示血小板减少 ,拟血小板减少性紫癜。强的松治疗半年后症状缓解。 2 0 0 1年 6月再次出现上述症状 ,来我院就诊。血常规 :血小板明显减少 ,最低达 2× 10 9/L ,血红蛋白 6.4g/L。血小板抗体 80 0 ,COOM’试验阳性 ,及骨髓穿刺明确诊断为血小板减少性紫癜、溶血性贫血 ,即EVANS综合征。继续服用强的松治疗。 2 0 0 1年 8月因双膝关节疼痛再次住院 ,X线检查示左股骨下端骨膜反应 ,骨质密度不均 ,皮质及髓内虫蚀状骨侵蚀 (图 1) ,同位素骨…  相似文献   

患者男31岁。因外伤急诊人院。体检:右侧骨盆及耻骨联合处明显压痛、局部青紫、红肿、不能端坐及站立、意识清醒、呼吸深快、面色苍白。血压:80mmHg/40mmHg:急拍骨盆正位X线片示:右侧耻骨梳及右耻骨下支见骨折透亮线、耻骨联合分离约2cm、上下移位约1.2cm,骨盆变形。X线诊断:右侧耻骨骨折伴耻骨联合分离。  相似文献   

1 临床资料 患者男性,27岁。飞行员。自述耻骨联合处不适,变换体位时发出“咔嚓”声。伴左髋关节轻微疼痛及阴囊下坠感1年余。 体检:体温、脉搏、呼吸、血压正常。全身淋巴结不肿大。左髋关节无压痛,耻骨联合处轻度压痛,软组织不肿胀。阴囊、睾丸无异常。实验室检查血像、血沉正常。 X线摄片双侧髋关节未见异常。耻骨联合间隙增宽,双侧耻骨纹理模糊,密度稍增高,下部出现“鼠咬”状骨质缺损,并呈弧形切迹。边缘锐利无硬化缘,无碎骨片。骨穿刺活检,  相似文献   

目的 探讨孕产妇急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)的病因和诊治方法.方法 报道2例孕产期妇女因突发胸痛就诊,依据心电图和心肌坏死标记物动态变化,心脏MRI和冠状动脉造影(CAG)明确诊断.结果 依据心电图和心肌酶动态变化,2例孕产妇均确诊为急性心肌梗死.其中第2例CAG显示前降支近段局限性线状透明影,提示自发性冠状动脉夹层(SCAD),心脏MRI证实前壁心肌梗死.结论 SCAD为孕产妇伴发ACS的主要原因,CAG是诊断金标准.应依据患者实际情况选择治疗方案.  相似文献   

何华亮  苗会娜  张页 《武警医学》2012,23(10):887-889
1病例报告 患者,男,64岁。因"双下肢无力1 h"入院。无明显诱因起病,病程中无胸痛、胸闷,无发热、头痛、恶心、呕吐,无呼吸困难,无言语不利、意识障碍,无外伤,无腰痛,无大小便失禁。平车送入我院急诊科就诊。  相似文献   

患者男,28岁,因车祸致高位截瘫,为家庭病房患者。肥胖体型,身高1.78m,体重约90kg,T38.7℃,P109次/分。面部及皮肤呈苍白色。全身有7处褥疮,臀部坐骨棘距肛门3.5cm处,二处巨大褥疮,分别为18cm×16cm,7cm×5cm,Ⅲ度。...  相似文献   

1 病历简介患者 ,男 ,41岁。左大腿肿胀近 10天 ,不觉疼痛无活动障碍 ,发病以来无明显发热、畏寒。既往无类似病史。体检 :左大腿较右侧增粗 ,患区皮肤无红肿 ,皮温正常 ,局部有轻压痛 ,未触及肿块 ,全身皮肤未见疖肿及瘘道 ;左下肢活动在正常范围。实验室检查 :血常规正常。临床拟诊左大腿软组织病变申请磁共振检查。图 1 T1 WI冠状位。骨髓腔异常低信号病灶 ,其中可见更低信号的液化坏死区 ,即脓腔 ,病灶与正常骨髓分界清 ,骨皮质不规则增厚 ,髓腔狭窄。 图 2 T2 WI冠状位。病灶呈高信号 ,其中液化区呈更高信号 ,骨皮质呈低信号…  相似文献   

患者女40岁。左顶部颅骨隆起疼痛5月余。摸之质硬欠光滑,触乏稍痛,局部皮温高,头皮毛发未见异常。病人有发热症状,体温38度,X线摄片:左顶骨混杂密度影,骨质密度增高,其中可见多个类圆形大小不一低密度区,边缘欠光整。CT扫描见左顶骨明显增厚,骨质密度增高硬化明显,并可见多个液性低密度区,CT值20Hu,皮肤软组织未见异常。病理检查:满视野脓细胞。  相似文献   

刘彦杰 《武警医学》1996,7(1):47-47
下颌骨溶骨性骨髓炎1例武警新疆总队医院口腔科刘彦杰(乌鲁木齐830000)关键词下颌骨,骨髓炎,溶骨破坏患者,女,46岁。因左下后牙肿痛1月伴同侧面部肿胀3周入院。发病以来,曾在外院应用抗生素静脉滴注、左龈颊沟切开引流等治疗无效。查体:一般状况良好,...  相似文献   

An athletic 23 year old man presented with suprapubic tenderness, fever, and raised inflammatory blood variables. A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, with a presumed diagnosis of retrocaecal appendicitis, but no abnormalities were found, apart from free fluid in the pouch of Douglas. Imaging of the pubic area suggested bony infection and inflammation. Biopsy and culture confirmed the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, a very common pathogen. The final diagnosis was osteomyelitis pubis, an infectious disease, and osteitis pubis, an inflammatory disease.  相似文献   

A case of localized Histoplasma capsulatum flexor tenosynovitis causing a carpal tunnel syndrome is presented. Carpal tunnel release, with tenosynovectomy, was performed followed by antifungal therapy. The symptoms did not recur. Tenosynovectomy followed by antifungal treatment is recommended.  相似文献   

Lhermitte-Duclos disease (LDD) is a rare entity that may occur in the setting of Cowden's syndrome (CS). Accurate preoperative diagnosis can be made on the characteristic CT and MR appearances, thereby obviating the need for biopsy. It is important to be aware of the link between LDD and CS so that appropriate genetic counselling and tumour surveillance can be undertaken.  相似文献   

目的探讨肠系膜血管瘤的MRI表现,提高对肠系膜血管瘤的认识。方法回顾性分析1例经手术证实的肠系膜血管瘤病人MRI资料并行文献复习。结果 MRI检查显示下腹部及盆腔巨大、呈扇形分布的囊实性肿块,于T_1WI、T_2WI及精准频率反转恢复序列信号混杂,其内可见多发线样分隔,呈蜂窝样改变;病变边缘于T_2WI还可见多发细小血管流空影,邻近肠管受压移位,局部肠壁与病变分界不清。结论肠系膜血管瘤的影像表现较具特异性,熟悉肠系膜解剖结构及血管瘤的特征性影像表现有助于本病的诊断,确诊需依赖病理组织学检查。  相似文献   

Cherubism is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by a mutation of the gene encoding the binding protein SH3BP2. However, non-hereditary forms are observed, probably related to a de novo mutation. It is clinically manifested by an enlargement or a deformation of the jaw associated with a malposition of the teeth. In severe forms, these deformations can have a psychological impact, associated with ocular complications, as well as a reduction of the pharynx lumen and phonation disorders. The appearance of the lesions on imaging is not very specific, however it remains essential for the mapping of the lesions. We report a case of cherubism in a 12-year-old boy with no family history. This case report''s objective is to identify the radiological aspect of this pathology and establish an early diagnosis to oriented therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

患者男,61岁。无明显诱因上腹部钝痛2 d。查体:腹壁松弛,无压痛与反跳痛,腹部未触及明显肿块。内分泌检查未见明显异常。  相似文献   

A varix occurring with a cerebral venous angioma is a rare combination of cerebral vascular malformations. The most common vascular anomaly associated with a venous angioma is a cavernous angioma. We report a case of bilateral supratentorial venous angioma with 2 varices involving the angioma situated on the right frontotemporal region. Multiple subependymal veins were seen in the right supratentorial region, which joined to form multiple collector veins, which, in turn, unified into a tortuous channel in the region of the sylvian fissure and continued into venous varices.  相似文献   

Mesenteric panniculitis is a rare disease characterized by chronic non-specific inflammation of the mesenteric adipose tissue. The specific aetiology of the disease is previously unknown. A case diagnosed as mesenteric panniculitis is presented. The cause was biopsy-proved abdominal tuberculous lymphadenitis. To our knowledge, mesenteric panniculitis associated with tuberculosis infection has not been reported previously in the literature. Thus, we would like to present the first case and describe CT features of the disease.  相似文献   

Swallow or deglutition syncope is a very unusual but treatable disorder. A 44-year-old male presented with multiple, recurrent episodes of complete atrioventricular block associated with swallowing. Over a 24-hour period, 92 episodes of complete atrioventricular block occurring with meals were recorded by Holter monitoring. Evaluation did not demonstrate any underlying esophageal or cardiac disease. A trial of anticholinergic medications was unsuccessful. The patient's symptoms resolved following placement of a demand cardiac pacemaker. This is a rare but potentially lethal disorder that can be successfully treated if recognized. Physicians should be alerted to symptoms of lightheadedness or syncope during meals.  相似文献   

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