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陈惠 《解剖与临床》2014,(6):528-528
笔者在局部解剖学实验教学中观察到1具国人成年男性尸体血管存在多处变异。变异的血管有双侧睾丸动脉的起点变异、右肾有3支动脉供应、左肾上腺下动脉由左睾丸动脉发出、左椎动脉由主动脉弓发出。为国人体质调查增补资料,报道如下。  相似文献   

<正>在解剖1具成年男尸时,发现其左睾丸动脉起点及走行,左睾丸静脉数目,右睾丸动脉走行,右肾上腺下动脉起点均同时存在变异(图1,2),此类多变异共存现象较为罕见~([1]),现报道如下。左肾动脉发自腹主动脉左侧壁,向左水平走行2.2 cm发出上、下2干。左睾丸动脉发自左肾动脉上干,其起点距左肾动脉起始处1.8 cm,起始外径1.4 mm,向左走行8.4 cm至左肾外侧缘下行,经腹股沟管腹环进入精索。左睾丸静脉有内、外2支,内支外径为3.6 mm,出腹股沟管腹环沿腰大肌外侧上行垂直注入左肾静脉。外支外径为  相似文献   

笔者在解剖一老年男性尸体时发现从腹主动脉发出3支右肾动脉并伴右睾丸动脉变异(图A),此种变异少见,报道如下:⑴上支肾动脉最大,起点直径5.52mm,由腹主动  相似文献   

在解剖1具老年男尸时,发现供应左肾上腺上、中、下部的动脉均有多支,且右肾上腺下动脉起于右睾丸动脉,左睾丸动脉较正常起点偏低等多处变异,现报道如下. 供应左肾上腺上部的动脉共4支,2支起于左膈下动脉胃底支,上支在距胃底支起点19.20 mm处发出,起点外径0.50 mm,向左下外方走行9.70 mm后,分为2支从肾上腺前面入肾上腺;下支在距胃底支起点11.90 mm处发出,起点外径0.94 mm,向左下外走行7.26 mm后,分为2支从肾上腺内侧缘入肾上腺,1支起自膈下动脉远端,外径为1.42 mm,从肾上腺上端入肾上腺.另1支起于肾动脉,起点外径1.20 mm,终端分2支从肾上腺外侧缘人肾上腺.  相似文献   

陶伟  周望  张珀  张家玉 《解剖学杂志》2019,42(3):334-334
<正>笔者在解剖1老年男性尸体时发现右肾2支肾动脉和2支肾静脉,其中上支肾动脉自腹主动脉发出后经右膈脚肌腱之间穿过,而下支肾动脉发出右睾丸动脉,此种变异罕见,现报道如下:右肾上支动脉为腹主动脉在发出肠系膜上动脉水平自腹主动脉右侧壁发出,其起始处外径5.2 mm,,穿右膈脚肌腱  相似文献   

笔者在局解实训操作当中,解剖一具身高约175 cm的老年男性,发现其右侧睾丸动脉及右肾静脉存在变异:右侧睾丸动脉未经腹主动脉直接发出,而是经右肾副动脉发出;右肾动脉及右肾副动脉后方出现两支变异的右肾静脉。为中国人体质调查提供资料,同时为临床泌尿外科手术及介入提供参考,现对右侧睾丸动脉起点.  相似文献   

据资料显示,肾上腺下动脉通常来自肾动脉或其分支,偶尔可发自输尿管下动脉、睾丸动脉或卵巢动脉。本文在局部解剖过程中发现1例起源于睾丸动脉的变异肾上腺下动脉,现报告如下。1材料与方法在一中年男尸的腹膜后隙解剖中发现(图1):在左、右肾动脉起点下方2.6 cm处,腹主动脉发出左、右睾丸动脉。左侧睾丸动脉前面向下外走行一段距离后与同名静脉伴行,自第4腰椎下缘平面斜越输尿管前方,再向下经腹股沟腹环进入精索,在腹膜后隙的全程未见任何分支;右侧睾丸动脉在相同平面发出,起点处动脉外径为2.0 mm,斜向下外,越过下腔静脉的前方,走行约42.1 mm…  相似文献   

正睾丸动脉变异虽不常见,但是其起点变异的种类却很多,且多伴有肾上腺动脉的变异,而仅仅只有睾丸动脉发生变异的较为少见。作者在局部解剖学实验课上解剖1具国人成年男性标本时,见其右侧睾丸动脉发自于右侧肾动脉。为国人体质调查增补资料,并为泌尿系统临床影像诊断和肾移植手术治疗提供参考,现报告如下。  相似文献   

<正>笔者在解剖1例成年男尸标本时,发现肾动脉、肾上腺动脉及睾丸动脉均存在变异,此类复杂变异较为罕见,现报道如下。左肾动脉变异:由肠系膜上动脉下方、腹主动脉外侧壁发出肾动脉,外径为7.20 mm。该动脉在距腹主动脉9.32 mm处分为上、下2支,上支外径为5.40 mm,该支在距肾门前18.64  相似文献   

作者上局部解剖学解剖一具成年男性尸体标本时,见其左侧睾丸动脉与肾上腺下动脉共干起始(如图1),现报道如下: 左侧睾丸动脉与肾上腺下动脉于距肾动脉起端平面下方1.5cm处共干起始于腹主动脉左外侧壁,起点外径约0.3cm.  相似文献   

The suprarenal glands are normally located at the superomedial aspect of the kidneys. Accessory cortical masses are seen in approximately half of the newborn but usually disappear later. Several cases with accessory cortical tissues located near the main suprarenal glands have been reported but their usual locations have been rarely described. Here we report a case with accessory cortical tissue located on the right in the retrocrural space with compression symptoms. Such a lesion may be confused with lymphadenopathy radiologically.  相似文献   

A malposition of the left suprarenal gland with varied relations and vasculature was observed in a 50-year-old male cadaver during the routine dissection of the abdominal region. The gland was partly situated over the hilum of the left kidney. Its posterior surface was related to the left crus of the diaphragm and to the hilum of the left kidney extending some distance above on the medial margin of the kidney. Its anterior surface was totally covered by the body of the pancreas and the splenic artery and vein. There were only two suprarenal arteries. A left lateral branch of the aorta divided into three branches of which the middle and inferior branches entered the gland as seperate suprarenal arteries. There were the two suprarenal veins of the gland which were draining into the left renal vein. Such a malposition with varied relations and vasculature is of utmost importance from the surgical point of view because it can affect the orientation of the surgeon in laparoscopic adrenalectomy.  相似文献   

肝右动脉变异1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肝动脉的变异已有报道。作者在解剖一标本(男性,身长180cm)结肠上区时发现其肝右动脉变异,为增加临床医生了解更多的肝动脉变异类型,报道如下:变异的肝右支(附图)。起于腹主动脉右前壁,距腹腔干起点的距离为3.2cm;斜向右上走行于肝门静脉、肝管下段的右后方,经胆囊三角内上升,在右肝管的右前方入肝,起始处外径3.7cm,入肝处外径3.0cm,长6.1cm。  相似文献   

在解剖一具成年男性尸体标本时发现其有右双肾动静脉、左双睾丸静脉、右睾丸动脉起于右下肾动脉、右睾丸静脉汇入右下肾静脉、左副肾动脉及下腔静脉受压扩张等多种变异(图1),此多变异共存现象少见,现报道如下:  相似文献   

Dissection of a male cadaver revealed several vascular abnormalities in the abdominal cavity, notably of the renal circulation. In particular, three renal arteries were observed on the right side and two on the left. On the right side, one accessory renal artery originated as a common trunk with the inferior mesenteric artery. Additional variations included a left inferior phrenic artery originating from the celiac trunk, bilateral testicular veins emptying into renal veins, and the left testicular artery arising from the left renal artery. The possible embryonic development of these branching patterns and their clinical significance are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

在解剖一具成年男尸时发现其两侧均有双睾丸动脉、肾上腺中、下动脉和膈下动脉等起点异常(图1)。此种多变异共存现象罕见文献报道,现报道如下:  相似文献   

在制作一具儿童男性标本时,见其肾动脉及睾丸动脉有变异(图1),报道如下。1.左右肾动脉均有两支。右肾,从腹主动脉右侧壁和前壁分别发出右肾动脉上支、右肾动脉下支。上支距肠系膜上动脉2 mm处发出,外径为3.8 mm,下支距上  相似文献   

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