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Reaching for an object while simultaneously rotating induces Coriolis and centrifugal inertial forces on the arm that require compensatory actions to maintain accuracy. We investigated whether the nervous system uses vestibular signals of head rotation to predict inertial forces. Human subjects reached in darkness to a remembered target 33 cm distant. Subjects were stationary, but experienced a strong vestibular rotation signal. We achieved this by rotating subjects at 360°/s in yaw for 2 min and then stopping, and subjects reached during the ‘post-rotary’ period when the deceleration is interpreted by the vestibular system as a rotation in the opposite direction. Arm trajectories were straight in control trials without a rotary stimulus. With vestibular stimulation, trajectory curvature increased an average of 3 cm in the direction of the vestibular stimulation (e.g., to the right for a rightward yaw stimulus). Vestibular-induced curvature returned rapidly to normal, with an average time constant of 6 s. Movements also became longer as the vestibular stimulus diminished, and returned towards normal length with an average time constant of 5.6 s. In a second experiment we compared reaching with preferred and non-preferred hands, and found that they were similarly affected by vestibular stimulation. The reach curvatures were in the expected direction if the nervous system anticipated and attempted to counteract the presence of Coriolis forces based on the vestibular signals. Similarly, the shorter reaches may have occurred because the nervous system was attempting to compensate for an expected centrifugal force. Since vestibular stimulation also alters the perceived location of targets, vestibular signals probably influence all stages of the sensorimotor pathway transforming the desired goal of a reach into specific motor-unit innervation.  相似文献   

Reaching out for objects with an unseen arm involves using both visual and kinesthetic information. Neither visual nor kinesthetic information is perfect. Each is subject to both constant and variable errors. To evaluate how such errors influence performance in natural goal-directed movements, we asked subjects to align a real 5-cm cube, which they held in their hand but could not see, with a three-dimensional visual simulation of such a cube. The simulated cube was presented at one of four target locations at the corners of an imaginary tetraeder. Subjects made successive, self-paced movements between these target locations. They could not see anything except the simulated cube throughout the experiment. Initial analysis of the spatial dispersion of movement endpoints demonstrated that the major source of errors under these conditions was visual. Further analysis of the relationship between variability of the starting positions and endpoints showed that the errors were primarily in judging the endpoint, rather than the direction or amplitude of the required movement vector. The findings support endpoint control of human goal-directed movements.  相似文献   

Previous studies addressing the problem of the control of multiple degrees of freedom have examined the influence of trunk movement on pointing movements within the arm's reach. Such movements may be controlled by two functionally independent units of coordination (synergies): one involving only arm joints and producing the hand trajectory to the target (the transport synergy), and the other coordinating trunk and arm movements leaving the hand trajectory unchanged (the compensatory synergy). The question of whether or not this functional subdivision depends on visual feedback was addressed in the present study. We also tested whether or not the motor effects of different synergies are summated as independent components, a control strategy called "superposition." Finally, we investigated whether or not the relationship between different degrees of freedom within each synergy could be considered linear resulting in proportional changes in different joint angles. Seated subjects produced fast, uncorrected arm movements to an ipsi- or a contralateral target in the direction of +/-45 degrees to the sagittal midline of the trunk. Targets could be reached using the arm alone (control trials) or by combining the arm motion with a forward or backward trunk motion produced by hip flexion or extension (test trials), with and without visual feedback. The shape of the hand trajectory, its direction and tangential velocity, movement precision, joint angles and the sequence of the trunk and hand recruitment and de-recruitment were measured. In both visual conditions, the direction of the hand trajectory observed in control trials was generally preserved in test trials. In terms of sequencing, even in the absence of vision, the trunk movement was initiated before the onset of and outlasted the hand shift, indicating that the potential influence of the trunk on the hand movement was compensated by rotations in the elbow and shoulder joint. The analysis of other variables also implied that the effects of trunk recruitment on the hand trajectory were minor compared to those which could be observed if these effects were not compensated by appropriate changes in the arm joint angles. It was concluded that an arm-trunk compensatory synergy is present in pointing movements regardless of visual feedback. Principal component analysis showed that the relationship between elbow, shoulder and hip joint angles in individual arm and combined arm-trunk movements cannot be considered linear, implying that this relationship is adjusted according to the changing arm geometry. The changes in each arm joint angle (elbow, shoulder) elicited by a forward trunk bending in one block of trials were compared with those elicited by a backward bending in another block, whereas the hand moved to the same target in both blocks. These changes were opposite but of similar magnitude. As a result, for each moment of movement, the mean joint angle obtained by averaging across two directions of trunk motion was practically identical to that in control trials in which the trunk was motionless. It is concluded that the transport and arm-trunk compensatory synergies are combined as independent units, according to the principle of superposition. This principle may simplify the control of the coordination of a redundant number of degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

This study investigated differences in adaptation to a novel dynamic environment between the dominant and nondominant arms in 16 naive, right-handed, neurologically intact subjects. Subjects held onto the handle of a robotic manipulandum and executed reaching movements within a horizontal plane following a pseudo-random sequence of targets. Curl field perturbations were imposed by the robot motors, and we compared the rate and quality of adaptation between dominant and nondominant arms. During the early phase of the adaptation time course, the rate of motor adaptation between both arms was similar, but the mean peak and figural error of the nondominant arm were significantly smaller than those of the dominant arm. Also, the nondominant limb’s aftereffects were significantly smaller than in the dominant arm. Thus, the controller of the nondominant limb appears to have relied on impedance control to a greater degree than the dominant limb when adapting to a novel dynamic environment. The results of this study imply that there are differences in dynamic adaptation between an individual’s two arms.  相似文献   

Multijoint movements such as reaching are impaired after brain lesions involving sensorimotor areas and pathways. However, the mechanisms by which such lesions affect motor control are not fully understood. Direct effects of the lesion may be partly compensated by both the system's redundancy and its plasticity. Indeed stroke patients with limited arm movement can reach objects placed within the reach of the arm by using a compensatory strategy involving trunk recruitment. A similar strategy is observed in healthy individuals reaching for objects placed beyond the reach of the arm. Determining the control mechanism(s) governing this compensatory strategy in stroke patients was the goal of this study. Kinematics of reaching movements in hemiparetic and healthy participants to targets placed within and beyond the length of the arm were analysed. Targets were placed sagittally in front of the midline of the body. Two targets (targets 1 and 2) were within reaching distance defined as the length of the stretched arm from axilla to wrist crease. Two others were beyond arm's reach so that one required a forward trunk inclination (target 3) and the other required body raising to a semi-standing position (target 4). Healthy participants used minimal trunk displacement for reaches to targets 1 and 2. For reaches to targets 3 and 4, trunk displacement increased with target distance. Whenever the trunk was involved, there was a stereotyped sequential recruitment of the arm and trunk in that the trunk began moving simultaneously with or before the hand and stopped moving after the end of hand movement. This suggested that the control system predicts that the trunk movement will be needed to extend the reach and includes the trunk, in an anticipatory way, into the reach. In contrast, most hemiparetic participants recruited their trunk for reaches to all four targets, even those placed close to the body. Similar to healthy individuals, the sequence of hand and trunk recruitment was stereotyped, suggesting that temporal planning aspects of the motor program underlying movement coordination were relatively unaffected. In contrast to healthy participants, the contribution of the trunk movement to the endpoint displacement was substantially higher in the hemiparetic group and occurred earlier in the reach. It is suggested that the target distance at which the trunk is integrated into the movement to extend the reach of the arm is attained around the limit of arm extension and that this limit is reduced in hemiparetic individuals.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that, although responses to long-duration, constant-current surface galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) show substantial interindividual variability, individual subjects show a reliable, repeatable, idiosyncratic oculomotor response pattern to GVS. It follows that GVS may be a more reliable stimulus than may have been anticipated from the literature. The aim of the present study was to examine the metrics of 3D eye-movement responses to maintained (120 s), unilateral and bilateral surface GVS. Eye movements were measured using computerised video-oculography. Two experiments were conducted: Experiment 1 examined whether the normal response is linear over increasing levels of current; and Experiment 2 examined (1) whether the normal response to surface GVS is symmetrical when comparing stimulated sides, (2) whether the normal response to surface GVS is symmetrical when the polarity of the stimulating current was reversed, and (3) whether there is additivity in the normal response to combinations of unilateral/bilateral surface GVS. Five subjects participated in Experiment 1 and eight subjects participated in Experiment 2. In both experiments, the onset of stimulation produced characteristic eye-movement responses: changes in torsional position with the upper pole of both eyes rolling towards the anode and away from the cathode; together with horizontal and torsional nystagmus with slow phases towards the anode and away from the cathode; and negligible vertical nystagmus. These responses reversed direction at stimulus offset. In the fixation condition of Experiment 1, the magnitude of ocular torsional position (OTP) and torsional nystagmus responses showed a linear relationship over conditions of increasing current strength, as did OTP, torsional and horizontal nystagmus responses in darkness. The results of Experiment 2 showed that responses to unilateral stimulation are symmetrical between stimulated sides, symmetrical between stimulating polarities, and additive (with respect to responses to bilateral stimulation). The principles derived from these findings, as well as those of recent studies, provide a foundation for future work investigating eye-movement responses to surface GVS in patients with known types of vestibular dysfunction. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This research investigated the effect of head to trunk relation in a sensorimotor drawing task. In the first experiment, seated participants were asked to reproduce with eyes closed geometric shapes (square or diamond) with the tip of their right index finger in the frontoparallel plane. Their head was either aligned with the trunk or tilted 25° towards the left or right shoulder. Results showed that drawings were subjected to an overall rotation of a few degrees in the opposite direction to the tilt. In two subsequent experiments, the respective contribution of both otoliths and neck receptors to this head tilt effect was investigated. In Experiment 2, seated participants kept their head straight but were subjected to 2.5 mA vestibular galvanic stimulation (GVS). Results indicated that GVS induced a small but significant deviation of the drawings towards the anode. Finally, in Experiment 3, subjects performed the drawing task either seated upright (seated condition) or lying on their back (supine condition). Unlike in the seated condition, tilting the head towards the shoulders in a supine posture does not modulate afferents from the otolith stimulation and therefore mainly stimulates neck receptors. Head tilt induced rotations of hand-drawn reproductions in both seated and supine conditions, suggesting a significant contribution of neck afferents in the control of hand motion in space in the absence of vision. Overall the data provided evidence for a strong head-hand linkage during kinaesthetically guided drawing movements. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The existence of a temporal gap between the offset of a fixation target and the onset of a peripheral target generally reduces the saccadic and manual reaction time in response to the peripheral target. Using a double-step paradigm, the present experiment investigated whether a temporal gap between the extinction of the first target and the presentation of the second target can help in reducing the time to trigger the corrective eye movements and to correct the arm trajectory towards the final target position. A gap was introduced between the presentation of the initial target and a new unexpected goal-target during the movement. The results replicated the gap effect for the corrective saccade to the second target, but revealed an opposite effect for the correction of the reaching movements as the arm correction occurred later in the Gap than in the No-Gap conditions. These results suggest that the information available for the arm motor system to correct the trajectory in relation to the second target was different in the Gap and No-Gap conditions. In the No-Gap condition, the correction of reaching movements would be based on retinal errors between the first and the second targets whereas, in the Gap condition, the correction would be based on information derived from the corrective saccade-related signals to the second target.  相似文献   

Long-latency electromyographic (EMG) responses can be evoked in the first dorsal interosseous muscle (FDI) by unexpected slips of an object (skin stretch) held between the index and thumb, or by forcible adduction of the metacarpophalangeal joint (muscle stretch). The former type of response is due to stimulation of tactile afferents in the skin of the digits, whereas the latter also activates muscle receptors. Previous studies have provided good evidence that long-latency reflex responses to stretch of distal muscles involve activity in a transcortical reflex pathway. The present experiments examined whether cutaneous reflexes also utilise a transcortical route. Transcranial magnetic or electrical stimuli were given over the motor cortex to evoke EMG activity during the period of the long-latency reflex response. When evoked by muscle stretch the responses to magnetic stimulation were facilitated more than those to electric stimulation. In contrast, facilitation was equal during the long-latency reflex elicited by cutaneous stimulation. Because of the different ways in which electrical and magnetic stimuli are believed to activate the motor cortex, we interpret these results to mean that the long-latency response to skin stretch is not mediated by a transcortical mechanism in the majority of subjects, whereas that following muscle stretch is. However, these are average data. In a few individual subjects, the opposite results were obtained. We suggest that there may be differences between subjects in the transcortical contribution to long-latency reflex responses. The implication is that, under normal circumstances, several pathways may contribute to these responses. If so, the relative roles of the pathways may change during different tasks, and in pathological states lesions in one system may well be accompanied by compensatory changes in other systems.  相似文献   

We examined the relative roles of visual and proprioceptive information about initial hand position on movement accuracy. A virtual reality environment was employed to dissociate visual information about hand position from the actual hand position. Previous studies examining the effects of such dissociations on perception of hand location have indicated a bias toward the visually displayed position. However, an earlier study, which employed optical prisms to dissociate visual and proprioceptive information prior to targeted movements, suggested a bias in movement direction toward that defined by the actual hand position. This implies that visual and proprioceptive information about hand position may be differentially employed for perceptual judgments and movement planning, respectively. We now employ a virtual reality environment to systematically manipulate the visual display of the hand start position from the actual hand position during movements made to a variety of directions. We asked whether subjects would adjust their movements in accord with the virtual or the actual hand location. Subjects performed a series of baseline movements toward one of three targets in each of three blocks of trials. Interspersed among these trials were "probe" trials in which the cursor location, but not the hand location, was displaced relative to the baseline start position. In all cases, cursor feedback was blanked at movement onset. Our findings indicated that subjects systematically adjusted the direction of movement in accord with the virtual, not the actual, start location of the hand. These findings support the hypothesis that visual information about hand position predominates in specifying movement direction.  相似文献   

During pointing movements involving trunk displacement, healthy subjects perform stereotypically, selecting a strategy in which the movement is initiated with either the hand or trunk, and where the trunk continues after the end of the hand movement. In a previous study, such temporal co-ordination was not found in patients with left-hemispheric brain lesions reaching with either their dominant paretic or with their non-dominant non-paretic arm. This co-ordination deficit may be associated in part with the presence of a lesion in the dominant left hemisphere. If so, then no deficit should be observed in patients with stroke-related damage in their non-dominant right hemisphere moving with their ipsilesional arm. To verify this, 21 right-hand dominant adults (7 who had had a stroke in the right hemisphere, 7 who had had a stroke in the left hemisphere and 7 healthy subjects) pointed to two targets located on a table in front of them in the ipsilateral and contralateral workspace. Pointing was done under three movement conditions: while not moving the trunk, while bending the trunk forward and while bending the trunk backwards. The experiment was repeated with the non-paretic arm of patients with stroke and for the right and left arms of healthy subjects. Kinematic data were recorded (Optotrak). Results showed that, compared to healthy subjects, arm-trunk timing was disrupted in patients with stroke for some conditions. As in patients with lesions in the dominant hemisphere, arm-trunk timing in those with lesions in the non-dominant hemisphere was equally more variable than movements in healthy subjects. However, patients with dominant hemisphere lesions used significantly less trunk displacement than those with non-dominant hemisphere lesions to accomplish the task. The deficit in trunk displacement was not due to problems of trunk control or sitting balance since, in control experiments, all subjects were able to move the trunk the required distance, with and without the added weight of the limb. Results support the hypothesis that the temporal co-ordination of trunk and arm recruitment during pointing movements is mediated bilaterally by each hemisphere. However, the difference in the range of trunk displacement between patients with left and right brain lesions suggests that the left (dominant) hemisphere plays a greater role than the right in the control of movements involving complex co-ordination between the arm and trunk. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary Two-second cathodal current pulses were applied at one-minute intervals at a point external to the round window in the ear of each albino rat subject. Responses were recorded in the vestibular nerve ganglion, the vestibular nuclei (single units), or in the eye movements (search coil recording method) of anaesthetized, decerebrated, or alert rats. The unit responses to the galvanic stimuli were characterized and compared with responses to galvanic and rotational stimuli reported in the literature. The main focus of the study, however, was effects of stimulus repetition. In both the vestibular nerve and vestibular nuclei recordings, the responses of many units were substantially larger or smaller at the end of a 13-pulse stimulus train than at the beginning. In the vestibular nuclei, but not in the nerve, there was a slight bias towards a decrease in response magnitude, with 10/88 units showing decreases great enough to be considered as reflecting an habituation process. In contrast, the eye movement responses showed more consistent response decrements, especially in the alert condition, but also in the other conditions (none of the unit recordings were done in alert rats). It is concluded that some of the modifications underlying habituation of the vestibuloocular reflex probably occur in portions of the neuronal reflex pathways that are downstream from the vestibular nuclei.Prof. Precht died on March 12, 1985  相似文献   

In spite of the complexity of human motor behavior, difficulties in mathematical modeling have restricted to rather simple movements attempts to identify the motor planning criterion used by the central nervous system. This paper presents a novel-simulation technique able to predict the "desired trajectory" corresponding to a wide range of kinematic and kinetic optimality criteria for tasks involving many degrees of freedom and the coordination between goal achievement and balance maintenance. Employment of proper time discretization, inverse dynamic methods and constrained optimization technique are combined. The application of this simulator to a planar whole body pointing movement shows its effectiveness in managing system nonlinearities and instability as well as in ensuring the anatomo-physiological feasibility of predicted motor plans. In addition, the simulator’s capability to simultaneously optimize competing movement aspects represents an interesting opportunity for the motor control community, in which the coexistence of several controlled variables has been hypothesized. Supported by Italian Space Agency DCMC contract and by Italian Institute of Technology.  相似文献   

The responses of vestibular nuclei (Vn) neurons and floccular Purkinje (P) cells to natural stimulation of the horizontal canals were recorded in paralyzed Weaver mutant mice. The Weaver mice suffer from an almost complete postnatal degeneration of granule cells and a portion of the P cells (Sidman et al. 1965). Parallel fibers are never elaborated (Bradley and Berry 1978). Recording sites were localized by means of small, ionto-phoretically applied HRP markings. Phase and sensitivity were analyzed by a Fourier analysis and a best sine fitting program. As in the normal control mice (Grusser-Cornehls et al. 1995), the simple spike discharges of Vn and P cells in Weaver mutant mice are modulated sinusoidally upon sinusoidal stimulation. The neuronal response amplitude at fundamental frequency determined from peristimulus time histograms, PSTHs increased with frequency (0.05–0.5 Hz) for both Vn and floccular neurons. The stimulus frequency/response amplitude and sensitivity (re velocity) curves for floccular neurons are distinctly lower in magnitude than those of Vn neurons (P<0.01). In our sample of neurons, the Vn neuron curves of the mutants display a remarkable behavior: the mean value curve of type I neurons is shifted upward, indicating a loss of inhibition but that of type II, downward, demonstrating a downregulation in comparison with the control values. The difference between the two curves is statistically significant (P<0.001). The mean value curve of all mutant Vn neurons depends on the different fractions of type I and type II neurons in the sample investigated. In our investigations, the mean value curves of both type I and type II neurons also exceed those of the normal controls. The phase shift relative to head angular velocity in the midfrequency range in Vn neurons was very similar to that in normal controls, but the phase advance in the range of 0.3–0.5 Hz was somewhat larger and the SD larger over the whole range tested. Concerning the phase relationship for floccular neurons, a major difference occurred in contrast to the normal controls: the phase lead and phase lag varied from neuron to neuron, in individual neurons from frequency to frequency, and in some neurons distinctly from trial to trial. It is hypothesized that an intact mossy fiber-granule cell-parallel fiber system plays an important role in an orderly information flow, transmitted through the P-cell axons, and that the morphological disruption has implications for target cell activity. There is a strong suggestion that the diverse behavior of type I and type II neurons in the Vn may have implications for the poor motor performance in Weaver mutant mice.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that responses to surface galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) show substantial interindividual variation. Between-subject variability may be due to individual differences between subjects, or to the poor reliability of the test, or to differences in test details, or to host factors. The aim of the present study was to compare variability between and within subjects in binocular 3-D eye-movement responses to long-duration, maintained, large-amplitude, bilateral, bipolar, surface GVS. Subjects were seated and restrained, and in one condition fixated a small, centrally located visual target; in the other condition, testing was carried out in complete darkness. Surface GVS of 5 mA, with a rectangular waveform was delivered bilaterally for 5 min while eye movements were measured using computerised video-oculography (VTM). In the first experiment, ten subjects participated in both conditions in one session, and in the second experiment, two subjects participated in both conditions for a total of five repeated sessions. The stimulation was well tolerated by all subjects and produced a change in torsional position with the upper pole of both eyes rolling towards the anode and away from the cathode in all subjects in both conditions. Although little vertical nystagmus was evident in either condition, most subjects showed relatively strong horizontal nystagmus (slow phases towards the anode) in darkness. This study confirms previous observations that the torsional response to GVS is highly variable between subjects, whilst also showing for the first time that eye-movement responses to GVS show good within-subject repeatability. This study also demonstrates considerable between-subject variability in the relative ratios of response components (torsional and horizontal nystagmus, torsional position), whereas the relatively small within-subject variability can be characterised more by changes in the overall amplitude of the eye-movement response. Subjects show idiosyncratic oculomotor response patterns to GVS, varying slightly in absolute magnitude between sessions. Thus, GVS may be a more reliable stimulus than may have been anticipated from the literature.  相似文献   

 It is now well established that the accuracy of pointing movements to visual targets is worse in the full open loop condition (FOL; the hand is never visible) than in the static closed loop condition (SCL; the hand is only visible in static position prior to movement onset). In order to account for this result, it is generally admitted that viewing the hand in static position (SCL) improves the movement planning process by allowing a better encoding of the initial state of the motor apparatus. Interestingly, this wide-spread interpretation has recently been challenged by several studies suggesting that the effect of viewing the upper limb at rest might be explained in terms of the simultaneous vision of the hand and target. This result is supported by recent studies showing that goal-directed movements involve different types of planning (egocentric versus allocentric) depending on whether the hand and target are seen simultaneously or not before movement onset. The main aim of the present study was to test whether or not the accuracy improvement observed when the hand is visible before movement onset is related, at least partially, to a better encoding of the initial state of the upper limb. To address this question, we studied experimental conditions in which subjects were instructed to point with their right index finger toward their unseen left index finger. In that situation (proprioceptive pointing), the hand and target are never visible simultaneously and an improvement of movement accuracy in SCL, with respect to FOL, may only be explained by a better encoding of the initial state of the moving limb when vision is present. The results of this experiment showed that both the systematic and the variable errors were significantly lower in the SCL than in the FOL condition. This suggests: (1) that the effect of viewing the static hand prior to motion does not only depend on the simultaneous vision of the goal and the effector during movement planning; (2) that knowledge of the initial upper limb configuration or position is necessary to accurately plan goal-directed movements; (3) that static proprioceptive receptors are partially ineffective in providing an accurate estimate of the limb posture, and/or hand location relative to the body; and (4) that static visual information significantly improves the representation provided by the static proprioceptive channel. Received: 23 July 1996 / Accepted: 13 December 1996  相似文献   

To investigate how the sensorimotor systems of eye and hand use position, velocity, and timing information of moving targets, we conducted a series of three experiments. Subjects performed combined eye-hand catch-up movements toward visual targets that moved with step-ramp-like velocity profiles. Visual feedback of the hand was prevented by blanking the target at the onset of the hand movement. A multiple regression was used to determine the effects of position, velocity, and timing accessed before each movement on the movement amplitudes of eye and hand. The following results were obtained: 1.The predictive strategy of eye movements could be modeled by a linear regression on the basis of the position error and the target velocity. This was not the case for hand movements, for which there was a significant partial correlation between the movement amplitude and the product of target velocity and movement duration. This correlation was not observed for eye movements suggesting that the predictive strategy of hand movements takes movement duration into account, in contrast to the strategy used in eye movements. 2.To determine whether the movement amplitudes of eye and hand depend on a categorical classification between a discrete number of movement types, we compared an experiment in which target position and velocity were distributed continuously with an experiment using only four different combinations of target position and velocity. No systematic differences between these experiments were observed. This shows that the system output is a function of continuous, interval-scaled variables rather than a function of discrete categorical variables. 3.We also analyzed the component of the movement amplitudes not explained by the regression, i.e., the residual error. The residual errors between subsequent trials were correlated more strongly for eye than for hand movements, suggesting that short-term temporal fluctuations of the predictive strategy were stronger for the eye than for the hand.  相似文献   

We sought to understand differences in joint coordination between the dominant and nondominant arms when performing repetitive tasks. The uncontrolled manifold approach was used to decompose the variability of joint motions into components that reflect the use of motor redundancy or movement error. First, we hypothesized that coordination of the dominant arm would demonstrate greater use of motor redundancy to compensate for interaction forces than would coordination of the nondominant arm. Secondly, we hypothesized that when interjoint dynamics were more complex, control of the interlimb relationship would remain stable despite differences in control of individual hand paths. Healthy adults performed bimanual tracing of two orientations of ellipses that resulted in different magnitudes of elbow interaction forces. For the dominant arm, joint variance leading to hand path error was the same for both ellipsis orientations, whereas joint variance reflecting the use of motor redundancy increased when interaction moment was highest. For the nondominant arm, more joint error variance was found when interaction moment was highest, whereas motor redundancy did not differ across orientations. There was no apparent difference in interjoint dynamics between the two arms. Thus, greater skill exhibited by the dominant arm may be related to its ability to utilize motor redundancy to compensate for the effect of interaction forces. However, despite the greater error associated with control of the nondominant hand, control of the interlimb relationship remained stable when the interaction moment increased. This suggests separate levels of control for inter- versus intra-limb coordination in this bimanual task.  相似文献   

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a well known clinical rehabilitation procedure, however the neural mechanisms that underlie this treatment at Central Nervous System (CNS) level are still not completely understood. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a suitable tool to investigate effects of rehabilitative treatments on brain plasticity. Moreover, monitoring the effective executed movement is needed to correctly interpret activation maps, most of all in neurological patients where required motor tasks could be only partially accomplished. The proposed experimental set-up includes a 1.5 T fMRI scanner, a motion capture system to acquire kinematic data, and an electro-stimulation device. The introduction of metallic devices and of stimulation current in the MRI room could affect fMRI acquisitions so as to prevent a reliable activation maps analysis. What we are interested in is that the Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) signal, marker of neural activity, could be detected within a given experimental condition and set-up. In this paper we assess temporal Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) as image quality index. BOLD signal change is about 1–2% as revealed by a 1.5 T scanner. This work demonstrates that, with this innovative set-up, in the main cortical sensorimotor regions 1% BOLD signal change can be detected at least in the 93% of the sub-volumes, and almost 100% of the sub-volumes are suitable for 2% signal change detection. The integrated experimental set-up will therefore allows to detect FES induced movements fMRI maps simultaneously with kinematic acquisitions so as to investigate FES-based rehabilitation treatments contribution at CNS level.  相似文献   

Summary We applied vibration at various rates to the biceps tendon of a passive, restrained arm in normal human subjects and measured its effect on the perception of forearm position and the perception of forearm velocity. The disturbances of limb position perception and limb velocity perception depended on the vibration rate in distinctly different ways. We thereupon applied vibration at various rates to the biceps tendon during the performances of non-visually-guided slow and fast forearm movements. The vibration-rate-dependence of the disturbance of slow movements matched the vibration-ratedependence of the disturbance of limb position perception. The vibration-rate-dependence of the disturbance of fast limb movements matched the vibration-rate-dependence of the disturbance of limb velocity perception. It is concluded that afferent position information is dominant in the control of slow movements, whereas mainly afferent velocity information is used in the control of fast movements.  相似文献   

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