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Metallic implants, such as stents, have long been a concern in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In addition to safety issues, they are commonly associated with image artifacts. The mechanisms of radiofrequency- (RF) and susceptibility-induced artifacts have been thoroughly investigated. However, gradient-switching-induced artifacts have not been analyzed. In this study it was demonstrated that gradient switching may be a source of artifacts in metallic stent MR imaging. These artifacts differ from those caused by the RF pulse. A theoretical explanation is provided as well.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate different grades of in-stent stenosis in a nickel-titanium stent with MRI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Magnetic resonance phase velocity mapping (MR-PVM) was used to measure flow velocity through a 9-mm NiTi stent with three different degrees of stenosis in a phantom study. The tested stenotic geometries were 1) axisymmetric 75%, 2) axisymmetric 90%, and 3) asymmetric 50%. The MR-PVM data were subsequently compared with the velocities from computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations of identical conditions. RESULTS: Good quantitative agreement in velocity distribution for the 50% and 75% stenoses was observed. The agreement was poor for the 90% stenosis, most likely due to turbulence and the high-velocity gradients found in the small luminal area relative to the pixel resolution in our imaging settings. CONCLUSION: The accuracy of the MRI velocities inside the stented area renders MRI a modality that may be used to assess moderate to severe in-stent restenosis (ISR) in medium-sized vascular stents in peripheral vessels, such as the iliac, carotid, and femoral arteries. Advances in MR instrumentation may provide sufficient resolution to obtain adequate velocity information from smaller vessels, such as the coronary arteries, and allow MRI to substitute for invasive and expensive catheterization procedures currently in clinical use.  相似文献   

Objective evidence for coronary lesion significance can be obtained with ischemic stress testing. Since flow-limiting stenoses have already undergone compensatory vasodilatation to maintain flow, the response to vasoactive stimulation is dampened. The degree of response limitation is reflected by the coronary flow reserve (CFR). Absolute volume flow rates can be accurately and noninvasively measured with MRI techniques. The purpose was to assess the ability to measure coronary volume flow rate noninvasively, and characterize the effect of pharmacologic stress on coronary flow quantitatively by using ultrafast, breath-held segmented k-space phasecontrast-MR imaging (PC-MRI). Ten healthy volunteers were examined by using ultrafast breath-held PC-MRI. Coronary volume flow rates were measured in the anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) at rest and following intravenous administration of dipyridamole. CFR was determined based on these data. Mean LAD volume flow rates increased from 38 ± 11 ml/min before application of dipyridamole to 169 ± 42 ml/min. The mean CFR amounted to 5.0 ± 2.6 (median = 4.15). This study demonstrates the feasibility of breath-held PC-MRI to noninvasively quantify coronary volume flow rates over the cardiac cycle. Pharmacologically induced changes in volume flow rate and thus CFR can be quantitated.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of segmented k-space magnetic resonance phase velocity mapping (PVM) in quantifying aortic blood flow from through-plane velocity measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two segmented PVM schemes were evaluated, one with seven lines per segment (seg-7) and one with nine lines per segment (seg-9), in twenty patients with cardiovascular disease. A non-segmented (non-seg) PVM acquisition was also performed to provide the reference data. RESULTS: There was agreement between the aortic flow curves acquired with segmented and non-segmented PVM. The calculated systolic and total flow volume per cycle from the seg-7 and the seg-9 scans correlated and agreed with the flow volumes from the non-seg scans (differences < 5%). Sign tests showed that there were no statistically significant differences (P-values > 0.05) between the segmented and the non-segmented PVM measurements [corrected]. Seg-9, which was the fastest among the three sequences, provided adequate spatial and temporal resolution (> 10 phases per cycle). CONCLUSION: Segmented k-space PVM shows great clinical potential in blood flow quantification.  相似文献   

A new method for flow velocity mapping is presented here. Instead of the conventional approach of employing two images (velocity sensitive and control) to generate velocity information, in the new method one determines the velocity directly from a single-shot acquisition by solving an inverse problem. This technique is a variant of single-shot parameter assessment by retrieval from signal encoding (SS-PARSE). The results of simulation and phantom studies show strong agreement with the actual velocities. The prototype method can measure velocities in the range of -50 to 50 cm/s, which is roughly appropriate for future applications in dynamic blood flow measurement in carotid arteries.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare longitudinal myocardial velocity and time to peak longitudinal velocity obtained with magnetic resonance phase velocity mapping (MR-PVM) and tissue Doppler imaging (TDI), and to assess the reproducibility of each method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Longitudinal myocardial velocity was measured by TDI and MR-PVM in 10 normal volunteers and 10 patients with dyssynchrony. The reproducibility of MR-PVM and TDI was assessed on repeated measurements in the 10 normal volunteers. RESULTS: MR and TDI measurements of longitudinal myocardial velocity correlated well (r = 0.86) in both normal subjects and patients with dyssynchrony. However, myocardial velocities measured with MR consistently exceeded velocities measured with TDI. MR and TDI agreed strongly in measuring the time to peak velocity (r = 0.97). The reproducibility of TDI and MR-PVM appeared similar in measuring peak velocities (13.1% vs. 11.0%, respectively; P = NS) and time to peak velocity (9.1% vs. 5.7%, respectively; P = NS). CONCLUSION: Excellent correlation and reproducibility were observed between MR-PVM and TDI in measuring longitudinal myocardial velocity and time to peak velocity in both normal subjects and patients with dyssynchrony.  相似文献   



4D phase contrast flow imaging is increasingly used to study the hemodynamics in various vascular territories and pathologies. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and validity of MRI based 4D phase contrast flow imaging for the evaluation of in-stent blood flow in 17 commonly used peripheral stents.

Materials and methods

17 different peripheral stents were implanted into a MR compatible flow phantom. In-stent visibility, maximal velocity and flow visualization were assessed and estimates of in-stent patency obtained from 4D phase contrast flow data sets were compared to a conventional 3D contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) as well as 2D PC flow measurements.


In all but 3 of the tested stents time-resolved 3D particle traces could be visualized inside the stent lumen. Quality of 4D flow visualization and CE-MRA images depended on stent type and stent orientation relative to the magnetic field. Compared to the visible lumen area determined by 3D CE-MRA, estimates of lumen patency derived from 4D flow measurements were significantly higher and less dependent on stent type. A higher number of stents could be assessed for in-stent patency by 4D phase contrast flow imaging (n = 14) than by 2D phase contrast flow imaging (n = 10).


4D phase contrast flow imaging in peripheral vascular stents is feasible and appears advantageous over conventional 3D contrast-enhanced MR angiography and 2D phase contrast flow imaging. It allows for in-stent flow visualization and flow quantification with varying quality depending on stent type.  相似文献   

目的使用时间分辨的3D MR速度图检测脑积水病人脑室系统脑脊液流量的改变。方法采用三维相位对比(PC)序列对21例连续的脑积水病人和21名年龄匹配的志愿者做MR速度图。计算速度矢量和粒子路径线以观察流体  相似文献   



To investigate the detectability of CSF flow alterations in the ventricular system of patients with hydrocephalus using time-resolved 3D MR velocity mapping.  相似文献   

Time-resolved velocity imaging using the magnetic resonance phase contrast technique can provide clinically important quantitative flow measurements in vivo but suffers from long scan times when based on conventional spin-warp sequences. This can be particularly problematic when imaging regions of the abdomen and thorax because of respiratory motion. We present a rapid phase contrast sequence based on an interleaved spiral k-space data acquisition that permits time-resolved, three-direction velocity imaging within a breath-hold. Results of steady and pulsatile flow phantom experiments are presented, which indicate excellent agreement between our technique and through plane flow measurements made with an in-line ultrasound probe. Also shown are results of normal volunteer studies of the carotids, renal arteries, and heart.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of acquisition parameters on the accuracy of 2D velocity encoded cine magnetic resonance imaging (VEC MRI) flow measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using a pulsatile flow phantom, through-plane flow measurements were performed on a flexible vessel made of polyvinyl alcohol cryogel (PVA), a material that mimics the MR signal and biomechanical properties of aortic tissue. RESULTS: Repeated VEC MRI flow measurements (N = 20) under baseline conditions yielded an error of 0.8 +/- 1.5%. Slice thickness, angle between flow and velocity encoding directions, spatial resolution, velocity encoding range, and radio frequency (RF) flip angles were varied over a clinically relevant range. Spatial resolution had the greatest impact on accuracy, with a 9% overestimation of flow at 16 pixels per vessel cross-section. CONCLUSION: VEC MRI proved to be an accurate and reproducible technique for pulsatile flow measurements over the range of acquisition parameters examined as long as sufficient spatial resolution was prescribed.  相似文献   

Dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging during bolus injection of gadolinium contrast agent is commonly used to investigate cerebral hemodynamics. The large majority of clinical applications of dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging to date have reported relative cerebral blood flow values because of dependence of the result on the accuracy of determining the arterial input function, the robustness of the singular value decomposition algorithm, and others. We propose a calibration approach that directly measures the total (i.e., whole brain) cerebral blood flow in individual subjects using phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography. The method was applied to data from 11 patients with intracranial pathology. The sum of squares variance about the mean (uncorrected: white matter = 105.6, gray matter = 472.2; corrected: white matter = 34.1, gray matter = 99.8) after correction was significantly lower for white matter (P = 0.045) and for gray matter (P = 0.011). However, the mean gray and white matter cerebral blood flow in the contralateral hemisphere were not significantly altered by the correction. The proposed phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography calibration technique appears to be one of the most direct correction schemes available for dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging cerebral blood flow values and can be performed rapidly, requiring only a few minutes of additional scan time. Magn Reson Med, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

MR phase contrast (PC) velocity imaging is a promising tool for quantifying blood flow velocity in vivo. PC velocity imaging is, however, susceptible to artifacts that result from the displacement of spins during the finite duration pulse sequences. Such displacement artifacts can lead to errors in velocity measurements, especially in the presence of oblique and accelerating flows, which are common throughout the cardiovascular system. By tracking particles (representing spins) through a computed velocity field, and assuming that spatial and velocity encodings occur at discrete times during the pulse sequence, we simulate the separate and combined effects of oblique and acceleration artifacts on PC velocity images. We demonstrate, both by simulation and MR measurement, the errors associated with such artifacts in PC velocity measurements in a representative flow geometry. Using example particle trajectories, we provide a fluid dynamic basis for characteristic phase-velocity image distortions that can arise when imaging complex, physiologically relevant flows.  相似文献   



To develop technical advances for real‐time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that allow for improved image quality and high frame rates.

Materials and Methods

The approach is based on a combination of fast low‐angle shot (FLASH) MRI sequences with radial data sampling and view sharing of successive acquisitions. Gridding reconstructions provide images free from streaking or motion artifacts and with a flexible trade‐off between spatial and temporal resolution. Immediate image reconstruction and online display is accomplished with the use of an unmodified 3 T MRI system. For receive coils with a large number of elements this process is supported by a user‐selectable channel compression that is based on a principal component analysis and performed during initial preparation scans.


In preliminary applications to healthy volunteers, real‐time radial FLASH MRI visualized continuous movements of the temporomandibular joint during voluntary opening and closing of the mouth at high spatial resolution (0.75 mm in‐plane) and monitored cardiac functions at high temporal resolution (20 images per second) during free breathing and without synchronization to the electrocardiogram.


Real‐time radial FLASH MRI emerges as a simple and versatile tool for a large range of clinical applications. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc  相似文献   



To employ magnetic resonance tissue phase mapping (TPM) for the assessment of age‐related left ventricular (LV) synchrony of radial and long‐axis motion in healthy volunteers and in hypertensive heart disease, dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), and left bundle branch block (LBBB).

Materials and Methods:

TPM (spatial/temporal resolution = 1.3 × 2.6 mm2/13.8 msec) was employed to measure radial and long‐axis myocardial velocities in 58 healthy volunteers of three age groups and 37 patients (hypertensive, n = 18; DCM, n = 12; DCM and LBBB n = 7). Regional times‐to‐peak velocities (TTP) in systole and diastole were derived for all LV segments. Four measures of dyssynchrony were defined as the standard deviation of systolic and diastolic TTP for radial and long‐axis motion.


Systolic radial and diastolic long‐axis dyssynchrony was increased (P < 0.01) in all patient groups compared to controls. Multiple regressions revealed a significant relationship of dyssynchrony with LV ejection fraction and mass for systolic radial (P < 0.001 resp. P = 0.02), diastolic radial (P < 0.001 resp. P < 0.05), and long‐axis (P < 0.001 resp. P = 0.001) motion. Diastolic dyssynchrony correlated with the LV remodeling index (P < 0.05) and increased with age (P < 0.03). Systolic long‐axis dyssynchrony was not influenced by disease or LV function.


Radial systolic and long‐axis diastolic dyssynchrony were the most sensitive markers for altered dyssynchrony in hypertensive heart disease or DCM. Future studies are needed to evaluate the diagnostic value of TPM‐derived dyssynchrony parameters. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2011;. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



To apply cross‐correlation delay (XCD) analysis to myocardial phase contrast magnetic resonance (PCMR) tissue velocity data and to compare XCD to three established “time‐to‐peak” dyssynchrony parameters.

Materials and Methods

Myocardial tissue velocity was acquired using PCMR in 10 healthy volunteers (negative controls) and 10 heart failure patients who met criteria for cardiac resynchronization therapy (positive controls). All dyssynchrony parameters were computed from PCMR velocity curves. Sensitivity, specificity, and receiver operator curve (ROC) analysis for separating positive and negative controls were computed for each dyssynchrony parameter.


XCD had higher sensitivity (90%) and specificity (100%) for discriminating between normal and patient groups than any of the time‐to‐peak dyssynchrony parameters. ROC analysis showed that XCD was the best parameter for separating the positive and negative control groups.


XCD is superior to time‐to‐peak dyssynchrony parameters for discriminating between subjects with and without dyssynchrony and may aid in the selection of patients for cardiac resynchronization therapy. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2008;28:1086–1091. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The fluid dynamic performance of mechanical heart valves differs from normal valves and thus is considered related to late clinical complications in patients. Since flow patterns evolving around heart valves are complex in space and time, flow visualization based on time-resolved 3D velocity data might add important information regarding the performance of specific valve designs in vivo. However, previous cine 3D techniques for three-directional phase-contrast velocity mapping suffer from long scan duration and therefore might hamper assessment in patients. A hybrid 3D phase-contrast sequence combining segmented k-space acquisition with short EPI readout trains is presented with its validation in vitro. The technique was applied to study flow patterns downstream from a bileaflet aortic prosthesis in six patients. Navigator echoes were incorporated for respiratory motion compensation. Before flow visualization, spurious phase errors due to concomitant gradient fields and eddy currents were corrected. Flow visualization was based on particle paths and animated velocity vector plots. Dedicated algorithms for particle path integration were implemented to account for the considerable motion of the ascending aorta during the cardiac cycle. A distinct flow pattern reflecting the valve design was observed closest to the valve during early flow acceleration. Reverse flow occurred adjacent to high velocity jets and above the hinge housings. Later in systole, flow became confined to the central vessel area and reverse flow along the inner aortic curvature developed. Further downstream from the valve, flow patterns varied considerably among patients, indicating the impact of varying aortic anatomy in vivo. It is concluded that MR velocity mapping is a potential tool for studying 3D flow patterns evolving around heart valve prostheses in humans. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2001;13:690-698.  相似文献   

This work presents a basic framework for constructing a 3D analytical MRI phantom in the Fourier domain. In the image domain the phantom is modeled after the work of Kak and Roberts on a 3D version of the famous Shepp-Logan head phantom. This phantom consists of several ellipsoids of different sizes, orientations, locations, and signal intensities (or gray levels). It will be shown that the k-space signal derived from the phantom can be analytically expressed. As a consequence, it enables one to bypass the need for interpolation in the Fourier domain when testing image-reconstruction algorithms. More importantly, the proposed framework can serve as a benchmark for contrasting and comparing different image-reconstruction techniques in 3D MRI with a non-Cartesian k-space trajectory. The proposed framework can also be adapted for 3D MRI simulation studies in which the MRI parameters of interest may be introduced to the signal intensity from the ellipsoid.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy of conventional, segmented, and echo-shared MR velocity mapping sequences to measure pulsatile flow in small moving vessels using a phantom with simulated cardiac motion. The phantom moved either cyclically in-plane, through-plane, in- and through-plane, or was stationary. The mean error in average flow was -2% +/- 3% (mean +/- SD) for all sequences under all conditions, with or without background correction, as long as the region of interest (ROI) size was equal to the vessel cross-sectional size. Overestimation of flow as a result of an oversized ROI was less than 20%, and independent of field of view (FOV) and matrix, as long as the offset in angle between the imaging plane and flow direction was less than 10 degrees. Segmented velocity mapping sequences are surprisingly accurate in measuring average flow and render flow profiles in small moving vessels despite the blurring in the images due to vessel motion. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2001;13:722-728.  相似文献   

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