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OBJECTIVE: Executive function deficits are evident in primary school-age children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined type (ADHD-CT) and are possibly improved by longer-term psychostimulant medication. In contrast, a substantial subgroup of children with ADHD-CT become symptomatic despite longer-term psychostimulant medication use. We investigated the hypothesis that better executive function performance is associated with the use of longer-term psychostimulant medication in primary school-age children with ADHD-CT who are again symptomatic of ADHD-CT, despite its use. METHOD: A cross-sectional study of 40 primary school-age psychostimulant medication-na?ve children with ADHD-CT, 26 with symptomatic ADHD-CT and treated with psychostimulant medication, and 26 control children without ADHD-CT was conducted. Nonverbal tasks of executive function were compared across the three groups. RESULTS: The longer-term psychostimulant medication-treated group had a better executive function performance, despite being symptomatic for ADHD-CT, than the psychostimulant medication-na?ve group. CONCLUSION: Improved executive function may be a marker of psychostimulant medication effect in children with ADHD-CT treated in the longer term. This improvement may not correlate with that of the ADHD-CT symptoms. Longitudinal studies are required.  相似文献   

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is more frequent in children with epilepsy than in general pediatric population. Several factors may contribute to this comorbidity, including the underlying brain pathology, the chronic effects of seizures and of the epileptiform EEG discharges, and the effects of antiepileptic drugs. Symptoms of ADHD are more common in some specific types of epilepsies, such as frontal lobe epilepsy, childhood absence epilepsy and Rolandic epilepsy, and may antedate seizure onset in a significant proportion of cases. In epileptic children with symptoms of ADHD, treatment might become a challenge for child neurologists, who are forced to prescribe drugs combinations, to improve the long-term cognitive and behavioral prognosis. Treatment with psychotropic drugs can be initiated safely in most children with epilepsy and ADHD symptoms.  相似文献   

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder with a childhood onset of symptoms and impairment. Although it is most frequently identified during elementary school years, epidemiologic data suggest that the onset of ADHD frequently occurs earlier, with presentation as young as 3 years of age. Early identification, however, allows consideration of appropriate interventions. Many data are available on safe and efficacious treatment options for school-aged children who have ADHD; however, little is known about the use of these modalities in preschoolers and, ultimately, the long-term effects of early treatment. Recognition of the preschool presentation of ADHD, appropriate differential diagnosis, and identification of comorbid conditions, and a developmental perspective on the course and potential outcomes of the disorder may guide treatment planning. Newly available data on the safety and efficacy of pharmacotherapy and psychosocial intervention for preschoolers who have ADHD may help clinicians make treatment decisions for these young children and their families.  相似文献   


Objective. To examine available literature regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults. Methods. An electronic literature search of peer-reviewed English language articles using MEDLINE (without time limits) was undertaken. Results. Symptoms of ADHD in adults exert a substantial negative impact on daily life, including work, social life and relationships. Co-morbidities are common, further impairing quality of life. Diagnosis of adult ADHD can be difficult, as current criteria require evidence of symptom onset before the age of 7 years and impact on activities typically undertaken by children. Drug therapy is the first-line treatment for adult ADHD, particularly stimulant medication. However, methylphenidate (MPH) immediate-release tablets require three or more times daily dosing, which can impact on compliance, while demonstrating a loss of symptomatic benefit later in the day. Extended-release preparations of MPH, mixed amphetamine salts and dexamphetamine can provide symptom control for 6–12 h and the non-stimulant atomoxetine has demonstrated benefit in reducing ADHD symptoms. These therapies are generally well tolerated, but may be associated with adverse effects on the cardiovascular system, which need to be further assessed in controlled clinical trials. Psychological therapy may be beneficial in adults who continue to experience clinically significant symptoms while receiving pharmacotherapy. Conclusion. Further research in all areas of adult ADHD is urgently needed.  相似文献   

The comorbidity between attention deficit disorder (ADD) and anxiety and/or depressive disorders was examined in the children of parents with panic disorder, major depressive disorder, or with no diagnosis. A child received a diagnosis by a self-report, parent report, and by consensus, using a best estimate procedure. The prevalence rates of ADD were significantly greater in offspring of parents with depressive and panic disorder by the parents' report and in children of depressed parents by consensus. A significant relationship between ADD and anxiety and/or depression was found for parent, child, and consensus diagnoses. Higher rates of ADD were reported by children (1% versus 13%), parents (8% versus 31%), and in the consensus diagnoses (13% versus 29%) when anxiety and/or depression was present. These results suggest that in children referred for evaluation of ADD, the possibility of a primary anxiety or depressive disorder should be considered.  相似文献   

Sobanski E  Alm B 《Der Nervenarzt》2004,75(7):697-715; quiz 716
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is characterized by the inability to appropriately modulate attention and/or impulse control and hyperactivity, resulting in social, academic and occupational underachievement, is presently the topic of intensive discussion in German psychiatry. With a prevalence of 3-5%, ADHD is one of the most frequently seen disorders in child and adolescent psychiatry. With nearly 50% of childhood patients also affected during adulthood, this disorder is of much higher clinical significance for psychiatry than presumed thus far. The present review discusses current results of epidemiology, etiology, clinical symptoms and comorbidity, diagnostic assessment, pharmacotherapy, and psychological interventions for adults with ADHD.  相似文献   

Multistage identification, an epidemiological screening method of diagnostic assessment, was used to identify attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in 1,490 elementary-school students. Children diagnosed with ADHD exhibited more impairment on adjustment measures and were more likely to have coexisting disruptive behavior disorders than were children diagnosed as subclinical non-ADHD.  相似文献   

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders with lifelong impact of the affected individuals. It is usually co-morbid with other psychiatric disorders. This paper aims to review current knowledge about ADHD in imprisoned individuals. The rate of ADHD in prisoners ranges from 10% to 70% and it has been suggested that ADHD, even without co-morbidity with conduct disorder, is a risk factor for imprisonment. Based on these findings, it may be wise to include the assessment of ADHD symptoms in all adult and adolescent prisoners. This is while available psychiatric resources for the adequate management of ADHD in prisoners are limited. Most of current knowledge on the topic comes from western countries. There is an urgent need for studies that will explore the effect of other cultures on the interactions between ADHD and imprisonment, especially in developing countries worldwide. At this point, ADHD seems to be an ignored research area in developing countries.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common chronic and disabling condition in children. This paper reviews the taxonomic issues and the major comorbid conditions, neurobiological correlates, treatment and public health issues associated with ADHD. METHOD: Pertinent recent papers are reviewed from the psychological and psychiatric literature. RESULTS: The two major taxonomies now define a similar group of children with ADHD of a combined type/hyperkinetic disorder. Advances in the understanding and treatment of ADHD demonstrate the complex multidimensional links between neurobiology, psychology and behaviour. Careful assessment of individual factors in treatment planning and ongoing monitoring of psychostimulant medication treatment in the longer term are recommended. CONCLUSIONS: There is much still to learn about ADHD, and increased levels of clinical research and treatment resources are required.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder show impaired habituation to peripheral stimuli. METHOD: We compared the Troxler effect (the ability to habituate to a peripheral visual stimulus when presented with a competing central visual stimulus) in groups of 23 children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and 15 controls matched for age, gender, and IQ. RESULTS: Regression analyses revealed a statistically significant effect of diagnosis on fading (P = 0.03), with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder subjects taking longer to fade to a peripheral stimulus than controls. Additional analyses revealed a significant interaction between diagnosis and visual field; control subjects showed similar fading times to stimuli presented in the right and left visual fields (13.25 vs. 12.96 seconds), while the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder group showed much slower fading in the right than in the left visual field (18.64 vs. 15.00 seconds). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have impaired visual habituation. The findings provide evidence of frontal dysfunction in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and suggest that impaired habituation contributes to off-task behavior in children with the disorder.  相似文献   

The emergence of tics in children treated with stimulant medication for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was investigated. A retrospective chart review of the medical records of 555 subjects was performed to examine the emergence of tics in relation to treatment with a stimulant medication, dosage, duration of treatment, and age of subjects. A total of 7.8% of the subjects treated with stimulants developed tics: 8.3% of subjects treated with methylphenidate, 6.3% with dextroamphetamine, and 7.7% with pemoline. The subjects who developed tics were significantly younger than those who did not. Subjects treated with higher doses of stimulant medication were not more likely to develop tics. While the emergence of tics was common, these subjects may have developed tics irrespective of stimulant medication. Controversy remains as to the long-term risk of tics in relation to stimulant medication and to appropriate practice should tics emerge during the course of stimulant medication treatment.  相似文献   

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