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A six-month, double blind, clinical study was conducted to determine the effect on supragingival calculus formation of a dentifrice containing 1.30% soluble pyrophosphate (from 2.0% tetrasodium pyrophosphate) and 1.50% of a copolymer of methoxyethylene and maleic acid, as compared to a dentifrice containing the same amount of soluble pyrophosphate but without the copolymer. This pyrophosphate/copolymer dentifrice contained the optimal ratio of pyrophosphate anion to copolymer required for obtaining a comparable anticalculus effect to a clinically proven anticalculus dentifrice containing 3.3% soluble pyrophosphate and 1.0% of a copolymer. The optimal pyrophosphate/copolymer ratio was determined by a series of in vitro laboratory and in vivo animal studies. Male and female adult subjects were stratified into three balanced groups according to baseline calculus scores. They received an oral prophylaxis and were assigned to the use of either the dentifrice containing soluble pyrophosphate and the copolymer, or to the dentifrice containing soluble pyrophosphate but without the copolymer, or to a placebo dentifrice that did not contain an anticalculus ingredient. The results of the three-month calculus examination indicated that the dentifrice containing soluble pyrophosphate and the copolymer provided a 33.66% reduction in supragingival calculus formation after an oral prophylaxis as compared to the placebo dentifrice. This reduction was statistically significant at the 99 percent level of confidence. The results of the six-month calculus examination indicated that the dentifrice containing the soluble pyrophosphate and the copolymer provided a 36.10% reduction in supragingival calculus formation after an oral prophylaxis, as compared to the placebo dentifrice. This reduction was also statistically significant at the 99% level of confidence.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A two phase, six month, double blind clinical study was conducted to compare the effect on supragingival calculus deposits of a dentifrice containing 1.30% soluble pyrophosphate (from 2.0% tetrasodium pyrophosphate) with and without the presence of 1.50% of a copolymer of methoxyethylene and maleic acid. In Phase I of the study, male and female adult subjects were stratified into two balanced groups according to baseline calculus scores. They received an oral prophylaxis and were assigned to the use of either a dentifrice containing 1.30% soluble pyrophosphate and 1.50% copolymer or to a placebo dentifrice that did not contain the anticalculus ingredients. After three months use of the products, the subjects received a calculus examination. The subjects were then entered into Phase II of the study where they were restratified into two balanced groups. They again received an oral prophylaxis and were assigned to the use of either a dentifrice containing 1.30% soluble pyrophosphate with no copolymer or to a placebo dentifrice. The results from the three month calculus examination indicated that the dentifrice containing soluble pyrophosphate and a copolymer reduced supragingival calculus deposits by 29.54%, as compared to the placebo dentifrice (less than 99% level of confidence). The results from the six month calculus examinations indicated that the dentifrice containing soluble pyrophosphate without the copolymer did not provide a statistically significant reduction in supragingival calculus after an oral prophylaxis. Thus, it is concluded that the presence of the copolymer in the soluble pyrophosphate dentifrice was essential for obtaining a statistically significant anticalculus effect.  相似文献   

In a three month double-blind clinical trial, a tartar control dentifrice formulation containing soluble pyrophosphates was compared to a placebo formula. Both formulations contained sodium fluoride. Subjects on the active dentifrice showed a 38% reduction in calculus severity and a 25% increase in calculus-free sites compared to the placebo group. Despite obvious differences in inactive excipients, these values are similar to reported results from other commercially available tartar control dentifrices. No untoward side effects occurred throughout the test period.  相似文献   

Fluoride uptake from anticalculus dentifrices containing combinations of sodium fluoride and variable doses of soluble pyrophosphate has been evaluated in an in vitro fluoride uptake model. Artificial carious lesions were treated for 30 minutes in 25% w/w saliva slurries of dentifrices. Fluoride uptake into the partially demineralized enamel was assessed by microdrill biopsy. Results show equivalent fluoride uptake for dentifrices containing 0.243% sodium fluoride in combination with 0, 4.0 and 5.0% soluble pyrophosphate. These results, coupled with analytical measures of available fluoride, suggest no negative effects of pyrophosphate on fluoride availability or access to artificial carious lesions for soluble pyrophosphate concentrations up to 5.0% in a conventional (1,100 ppm fluoride) sodium fluoride dentifrice system.  相似文献   

Most animal models for the study of calculus accumulation and control currently use rodents or dogs. In an effort to overcome limitations inherent in the use of these species, we investigated calculus formation in domestic ferrets, a species used by King et al. in the 1940's and 1950's. Ferrets are much smaller than dogs, and, unlike rodents, can be scored while alive. In this study, we examined the kinetics of calculus formation in female ferrets fed with moist canned cat food--either plain or supplemented with sucrose--and two combinations of mineral salts. An additional group given supplemented cat food was treated twice daily with regular Crest toothpaste. Animals were sedated with a 1:1 mixture of ketamine and xylazine solutions and given a mechanical prophylaxis prior to the trial period, then scored for area and extent of calculus accumulation at two, four, six, and eight weeks thereafter. The data showed that the mineral-supplemented groups accumulated calculus at a significantly faster rate than the unsupplemented or dentifrice-treated groups, but the differences were no longer significant at eight weeks. This demonstrated that the ferret is a suitable model for the study of calculus, that dietary mineral content influenced calculogenesis, and that the application of regular dentifrice initially slowed, but did not prevent, calculus accumulation.  相似文献   

A randomized, controlled clinical trial was conducted to assess the relative acute oral tolerance of a novel, dual-phase, tartar control dentifrice containing 7.0% sodium hexametaphosphate (5% hexametaphosphate anion). In this 4-day study, 159 healthy adult volunteers were randomly assigned to the experimental sodium hexametaphosphate dentifrice or a marketed, single-phase, antitartar dentifrice control containing 5.0% ionic pyrophosphate. A detailed oral soft tissue examination and interview were conducted each day by blinded evaluators to elicit clinical signs and symptoms associated with ad libitum use of the assigned dentifrice. A total of 24 subjects (15% of the study population) had new symptoms/signs after baseline. By treatment, 9% of subjects in the sodium hexametaphosphate group had new findings, compared to 21% of subjects in the pyrophosphate group, and these groups differed statistically (p < 0.03, two-sided) with respect to occurrence. In addition, onset, severity, duration and clinical presentation were generally milder in the sodium hexametaphosphate group compared to the pyrophosphate control. Only one subject (in the pyrophosphate group) discontinued treatment early due to oral intolerance. In this study, the 7.0% sodium hexametaphosphate dentifrice was well-tolerated, with significantly fewer symptoms and superior overall tolerance compared to the marketed antitartar dentifrice control.  相似文献   

Abstract: Objective: To assess the effectiveness of self‐performed mechanical plaque control with triclosan (5‐chloro‐2‐(2,4 dichlorophenoxy)phenol) containing dentifrice. Search strategy: An electronic search of the National Library of Medicine, Washington DC (Medline‐PubMed; up to and including March 2005) was performed using specific search terms to identify clinical trials of ≥6 months in duration, which assessed the effect of various forms of plaque control in gingivitis subjects. In those trials the manual toothbrush group (frequently the control group) served to provide data for the assessment of the effectiveness of self‐performed mechanical plaque control with a triclosan‐containing dentifrice. The data were analysed depending on the (baseline) intervention, being either a professional oral hygiene instructions, a prophylaxis, or both. Data collection and analysis: Two reviewers extracted information (KPKJH and GAW). Where appropriate plaque and gingivitis data for baseline and end‐trial were used to calculate weighted mean differences (WMD) with the appropriate 95% confidence intervals (CI) using a random effect models. Main results: Of 105 titles and abstracts, 18 trials were found suitable for clinical data were extracted. Meta‐analysis were conducted. In studies (n = 9) evaluating a triclosan/copolymer dentifrice, plaque control [Quigley and Hein (1962) Journal of American Dental Association, Vol. 65: pp. 26–29] was significantly improved compared with a control fluoride dentifrice, with a WMD of ?0.48 (95% CI: ?0.73 to ?0.24). For gingival inflammation as assessed with the gingival index [Löe and Silness (1963) Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, Vol. 21: pp. 533–551] a significant WMD of ?0.24 (95% CI: ?0.35 to ?0.13) was found. From studies (n = 6) evaluating the Triclosan zinc/citrate dentifrices a small but significant WMD for plaque control [Silness and Löe (1964) Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, Vol. 22: pp. 121–135] was observed in favour of the test group as compared with the standard fluoride dentifrice formulations (WMD ?0.07, 95% CI: ?0.10 to 0.05). While at baseline the proportion of bleeding was comparable, at the end of the studies a significant ?10.81% WMD (95% CI: ?12.69 to ?8.93) in favour of the triclosan/zinc citrate dentifrice was observed. Conclusion: This systematic review indicates, based on studies ≥6 months of duration in adults with gingivitis, that the effectiveness of self‐performed mechanical plaque control with a triclosan‐containing dentifrice, had a significant albeit small positive effect on the reduction of plaque and gingivitis.  相似文献   

The present study showed that the plaque inhibiting effect of aqueous solutions of stannous fluoride can be maintained in toothpastes. A commercial toothpaste containing 0.4 per cent of water soluble tin was effective whereas one containing 0.03 per cent showed no effect. The plaque inhibiting effect was shown in one study where the toothpastes were applied in cap splints and the plaque was scored after four days by the Plaque Index of L?e, and in another where the effect of locally applied pastes was monitored 24 hours later by the Gingival margin Plaque Index of Harrap. The present investigation supports the view that the stannous ion is essential in the plaque inhibition caused by stannous fluoride preparation. The exact mechanism is unknown but it is speculated that a change in the surface potential of oral bacteria through interaction with the stannous ion may be important.  相似文献   

In this study, the differences in lesion remineralization and fluoride uptake after brushing with a 300 ppm F or a 1000 ppm F dentifrice (as NaF) were investigated. Twenty volunteers with partial dentures in their lower jaws were divided into two groups. Bovine enamel slabs with artificial lesions were mounted in the dentures. After a test period of six weeks, the slabs were taken out and analyzed. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups, in F-uptake and susceptibility of the enamel to demineralization, although the findings favored the 1000 ppm F toothpaste. The microradiograms in the 300 ppm F group showed lesions more pronounced than those in the 1000 ppm group. The present study cannot support the presumption that the fluoride content of regular NaF dentifrices can be lowered to 300 ppm F without undesirable effects on lesion arrest and remineralization.  相似文献   

Previous work showed that plaque fluoride increased with increasing NaF content of mouthwashes following daily use. The main aim of this study was to test whether a similar relationship was detectable after regular use of dentifrices containing amounts of sodium monofluorophosphate equivalent to 1000, 1500, and 2500 micrograms F/g. Plaque was collected from three groups, each consisting of approximately 80 children, who had each used one of the dentrifrices for one year. Plaque fluoride increased significantly with increasing Na2FPO3 content of the dentifrices. For the 1000-micrograms-F/g group, plaque fluoride also increased significantly with increasing frequency of dentifrice use, but did not correlate with amount of dentifrice applied per brushing. The inverse correlation observed between mean plaque fluoride concentrations and mean three-year caries increments suggests that oral fluoride measurements may prove valuable in estimating the likely anti-caries efficacy of fluoride-containing dental products.  相似文献   

A six-month, double blind, cross over clinical study was conducted to compare the effect of a commercially available anticalculus dentifrice and a placebo dentifrice on supragingival calculus deposits. Fifty adult subjects who entered the study were given an oral prophylaxis and were assigned to use either pyrophosphate/copolymer toothpaste or a placebo toothpaste for a period of three months. They were then scored for calculus deposits using the Volpe-Manhold method, received a second oral prophylaxis and used the alternate dentifrice for a second three month period of time. The subjects were again scored for calculus deposits and the study was completed. The results indicated that pyrophosphate/copolymer toothpaste reduced supragingival calculus formation by 37.07%, as compared to the placebo dentifrice. This reduction was significant at the 99% level of confidence.  相似文献   

目的 :比较市售三氯羟苯醚 /共聚体牙膏与非共聚体牙膏对减少成年人牙菌斑、牙龈炎的效果。方法 :采用双盲、分层、平行的临床研究 ,对 183名健康成年人 (试验组 89人、对照组 94人 )进行了为期 6个月的临床效果评价。按同一标准 (Quigley HeinPlI ,Loe SilnessGI)于试验前、试验后 3月、6月分 3次对受试对象的菌斑与牙龈炎状况进行了检查。试验对象每日使用分配的牙膏和软毛牙刷早晚刷牙各 1次。结果 :三氯羟苯醚共聚体与非共聚体牙膏均能有效地抑制菌斑与牙龈炎。试验 3月、6月 ,菌斑指数试验组与对照组比较差异无显著。牙龈炎指数三氯羟苯醚 /共聚体牙膏与非共聚体牙膏比较分别降低 13 .46% (P >0 .0 5 ) ,2 5 .86% (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :每天两次使用三氯羟苯醚 /共聚体牙膏与不含共聚体的牙膏都能显著减少牙菌斑、改善牙龈健康。而含三氯羟苯醚 /共聚体牙膏在改善牙龈健康方面更优于不含共聚体的牙膏。  相似文献   

An 8-week randomized, double-blind, parallel group clinical study was conducted to assess the extrinsic stain prevention efficacy of three commercially available dentifrices: 1) a dentifrice containing 0.243% sodium fluoride with copolymer, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, and sodium tripolyphosphate in a silica base (Product 1); 2) a dentifrice containing 0.243% sodium fluoride, baking soda and peroxide, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, and sodium tripolyphosphate in a silica base (Product 2); and 3) a dentifrice containing 0.243% sodium fluoride in a silica base (Product 3). After the collection of baseline stain scores by a trained examiner and a subsequent oral prophylaxis, 126 volunteers were randomized to one of the three treatment groups (balanced for composite extrinsic stain scores). Throughout the 8-week treatment period, subjects brushed their teeth twice daily with their assigned dentifrice. At baseline, 4-, and 8-week evaluations, extrinsic dental stain was measured on the facial surfaces of the six maxillary anterior teeth and on the facial and lingual surfaces of the six mandibular anterior teeth using the Lobene Index. A total of 120 subjects completed the study. No adverse events were reported, and subjects who discontinued the study did so for reasons unrelated to the dentifrices. At the 4-week evaluation, composite stain scores were statistically significantly lower (P < .05) for both Product 1 (44.9%) and for Product 2 (34.6%) relative to Product 3. At the 8-week evaluation, composite stain scores were statistically significantly lower (P < .05) for both Product 1 (28.4%) and for Product 2 (29.6%) relative to Product 3. The results of this clinical study demonstrate that both dentifrices, one containing 0.234% sodium fluoride with copolymer, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, and sodium tripolyphosphate in a silica base; and one with 0.243% sodium fluoride with copolymer, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, and sodium tripolyphosphate in a silica base are more effective in preventing natural extrinsic stain formation on teeth as compared with a marketed control dentifrice.  相似文献   

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