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 目的 探讨层次分析法在武警部队医院卫勤应急药材保障评价指标体系中的应用。方法 运用层次分析法,在建立递阶层次关系的基础上,通过构建判断矩阵、聘请专家对评价指标的重要性进行打分评判、计算各评价指标的权重并进行判断矩阵的一致性检验,确定武警部队医院卫勤应急药材保障评价指标体系的各级指标权重。结果 根据统计学公式得到武警部队医院卫勤应急药材保障评价指标体系4个一级指标和14个二级指标的最终权重。结论 层次分析法用于武警部队医院卫勤应急药材保障评价指标体系可确定权重系数,且操作实施方便易行,简单实用。  相似文献   

武警医院应急卫勤保障分队规范化建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘庆  郑静晨  侯世科 《武警医学》2009,20(9):805-807
 目的 研究武警部队医院应急卫勤保障分队的规范化建设.方法 综合采用文献综述法、德尔菲专家咨询法、卫勤演练、桌面推演和实践检验等研究方法,对应急卫勤分队的人员抽组、物资配备、组织指挥、集成运行、训练实战和评价验收等要素进行研究,建立规范化标准.结果 以任务需求为牵引,建立了以组织指挥体系、物资保障体系、训练实践体系、评价验收体系为标准的应急卫勤分队标准化指标.结论 应急卫勤保障分队的规范化建设要立足于快速机动能力、战伤救治能力、组织指挥效能、医疗后送能力的提高.  相似文献   

潘建委 《武警医学》2008,19(7):I0003-I0003
武警浙江总队医院认真贯彻落实《武警部队卫勤应急保障力量构成实施意见》,科学抽调卫勤应急保障分队人员,完善卫勤战备制度和“处突”保障预案,购置了运兵车、救护车、呼吸机、野战麻醉机、除颤仪、发电机等一批战备物资,严格落实了“三分四定”。  相似文献   

武警医院卫勤应急保障分队训练工作的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
适应新军事变革,履行武警部队职能,在紧急、突然、复杂情况下实施遂行卫勤保障任务是当前武警部队医院的一项重大任务,是卫勤应急保障分队建设的根本出发点。卫勤训练是应急卫勤力量形成的重要支撑点,是增强卫勤保障整体能力的重要途径,决定着整个卫勤应急力量建设的成败。为此,笔者分析了目前武警医院卫勤应急保障分队训练中存在的问题,提出了武警医院抓好卫勤应急保障分队训练工作应采取的主要措施。  相似文献   

关于武警医院卫勤机动力量中应急救护所建设的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
卫勤机动应急力量是指能在各种紧急和意外情况下,可以随时机动担负卫勤保障和卫生支援任务的卫勤部(分)队,是部队卫勤力量体系中的重要组成部分。武警部队医院由于具有组织、人员、技术、设备等方面的优势,承担着武警部队应急机动卫勤保障中的“拳头”任务。  相似文献   

武警部队卫勤应急保障研讨会在广州召开本刊讯7月24日~26日,武警部队卫勤应急保障研讨会在广州召开。这次研讨会是深入贯彻第四次后勤部长集训精神的实际举措,研讨的主题是“科学构建卫勤应急力量体系,全面提升卫勤应急保障能力”。总部后勤部副部长周锁海出席会议并讲话。  相似文献   

 近年来,武警部队担负的职能使命逐渐发生变化,卫勤保障任务也不断增加。如何适应形势变化,加强应急卫勤保障力量建设,高效完成紧急、突然、复杂情况下的应急卫勤保障任务,是当前医院面临的重点问题。  相似文献   

本文运用文献调研法、实地调研法、专家咨询法(Delphi法)、系统分析法和多指标综合评价法等方法,对军队卫勤应对突发公共卫生事件的反应能力要素构成进行了研究。研究提出了突发公共卫生事件军队卫勤应急反应能力要素构成指标体系;并在对各指标赋予权重系数的基础上进行指标优化排序。  相似文献   

陈玉琦  李同现 《武警医学》2005,16(10):F0002-F0002
为打造过硬的参随时担负部队“处突”、“反恐”、防卫作战时的卫勤随行保障任务力量、武警8640部队医院根据总部《武警部队卫勤应急保障力量构建实施意见》的要求,抽出精兵强将,成立了一支卫勤应急保障分队,他们科学编组,严格意见,强化训练,部队适应紧急、突然,复杂情况下的卫勤应急保障能力得到了提高。  相似文献   

吴志华  朱东升  周云  邓丽娜 《武警医学》2020,31(12):1021-1024
 目的 构建科学、系统、实用的机动卫勤分队特诊模块岗位胜任力评价指标体系,为训练和考评提供参考。方法 结合胜任力特征理论,通过文献分析法和小组访谈法初步拟定机动卫勤分队特诊模块岗位胜任力指标体系框架,采用德尔菲专家咨询法对21名专家进行2轮咨询,确定各级指标及权重分值,构建机动卫勤分队特诊模块岗位胜任力评价指标体系。结果 两轮咨询的有效回收率分别为95.2%、100%,两轮咨询的专家的权威程度为0.87、0.90,一、二级指标的重要性赋值均大于4.0,变异系数0.0382~0.1280,咨询专家积极性、权威程度及可信度高。构建的机动卫勤分队特诊模块岗位胜任力评价指标体系涵盖一级指标6项,二级指标49项。结论 本研究构建的机动卫勤分队特诊模块岗位胜任力评价指标体系具有较好的科学性、系统性和实用性。  相似文献   

 目的 建设具有武警特色的现代化院前急救系统,适应处置突发事件卫勤保障的需要.方法 对武警总医院院前急救系统进行改造:建立三级指挥机构,完善组织;增加三个要素的经费投入,改进装备;实行三个环节循环培训人才,改进技术;制定三级质量监控体系,完善制度.做到"组织、装备、技术、制度"四落实.结果 建成了具有快速反应能力、大量人才储备、能将院内急救直接延伸到院前急救的医疗服务体系,提出了应进一步加强呼救系统建设、急救知识普及方面的工作.结论 通过加强院前急救系统的医院管理,提高了武警总医院处理突发事件卫勤保障能力.  相似文献   

The now-day period of development of the medical service of the Armed Forces of the RF and it's system of control is characterized by a growing up need by functionaries of control departments in an actual, authentic, well-timed and all-round information. This information is necessary for qualitative solving of concrete missions. Growing of volume and importance of information stipulates research of new methods and ways of rise of control effectiveness. One of the ways of resolving this problem is elaboration of the unique informational space of the medical service of the Armed Forces of RF. Realization of perspectives of improvement of information acquisition and processing for the control of the medical service permits create the unique informational space of the medical service of the Armed Forces of RF, realize a centralized control, solving missions of building and reforming of system of control and medical supply of Forces.  相似文献   

目的探讨美军卫勤模拟仿真的发展现状及对我军的启示。方法采用情报调研、文献计量、知识图谱等方法,分析美军卫勤模拟仿真的基本概念、体系框架、科研分布和重点领域。结果美军卫勤模拟仿真发展较为成熟,其全球影响力正逐渐扩大;美国空军和海军是从事卫勤模拟仿真研究最为重要的机构,与英国和加拿大军队也有一定的合作;美军卫勤模拟仿真研究的重点领域包括卫勤指挥模拟仿真和医疗救治模拟训练。结论我军应借鉴美军卫勤模拟仿真的成功经验,构建标准化平台,加强与地方高水平科研机构合作,围绕目前亟需解决的卫勤保障问题开展研究。  相似文献   

The article presents the conception of medical maintenance of Armed Forces of RF on the period up to 2012 year, which defines organizational, financial, socially-juridical bases of building of medical service of Armed Forces of RF and of medical maintenance during war and peace. The mission of creating double-level system of medical maintenance for Armed Forces of RF presupposes resubjection of military-medical institution of central control of types, branches of forces, of principal and central governances to the Chief of Main Military Medical Governance of Defense Establishment of RF, and the others--to chiefs of different medical services of military command and navy, on the area they are dislocated. The change-over to the double-level system permits optimize the infrastructure of the medical service of Armed Forces of RF with reduction of backup institutions, diagnostically-therapeutic units.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis morbidity rate analysis proves that in the RF Armed Forces it has a tendency to rise. The main reason is that it "proliferates" into the Armed Forces together with the young recruits "overlooked" by the draft boards. The Ministry of Defense issued a special program of urgent prophylactic measures for the Army and Navy to be taken in 1999-2004. The program envisages the annual tuberculosis morbidity decline by 10%, a new 200-bed tuberculosis hospital construction, regular and timely fluorography screening for personnel with the focus on the risk groups and young recruits. The troops medical service will be helped by garrison medical set-ups and the hospital stuff will be assisted by radiodiagnostic units, vaccination and X-ray specialists.  相似文献   

The Conception proposed by the authors is an ideology of development of medical service regular support that determines the main contents of regular policy. The problems discussed in the article are the following: the primary directions and main principles of regular policy in RF Armed Forces medical service; bringing the medical service up to strength; the state and main directions for improving the system of military medical education; the postgraduate and additional professional education of military medical cadres; the improvement of work with medical service managerial staff; as well as the development of system for managing the medical service regular resources in the RF Armed Forces. The main directions to develop the system for managing the regular resources are the following: the improvement of information support, the use of modern automated control systems; the introduction of new analytical, educational and informative technologies in practice; the further modernization, improvement of quality and effectiveness of military medical educational system; the improvement of organizational-and-staff structure in military health service institutions; the improvement of regular staff activities--the development of regular management; the improvement of medical staff certification in the Armed Forces; the improvement of medical service Headquarters' activities and development of modern functional model for managing the military medical cadres. The Conception proposed is directed to the further development o regular potential--the main resource of military health service.  相似文献   

The authors prove the necessity of transformation of medical service of Air Force of all levels within the framework of the realization of program "Development of medical supply of Armed Forces of Russian Federation 2008-2012". Goals, functions of different elements of medical service, responsibilities of performers are developed. These goals have fundamental differences from previous one. New organizational structure of medical service of Air Forces and criteria of the estimation of its effectiveness are suggested. Offers of further optimization of organizational medical structure and improvement of medical supply of Air Forces are developed.  相似文献   

A discussion of actual problems in the medical maintenance of the Armed Forces of Russia--combat and deployment readiness of the medical service, its personnel training programmes, sanitary-epidemiological control, medical treatment and prophylactics, medical materiel research and development for troops health care. The article deals with the military medical service' tasks of 1999 and of the imminent future focusing on the medical specialists' education with a due regard for their stationing and a possibility of substitution of military medical officers by civilians and the formation of an overall Armed Forces medical maintenance system on a territorial basis.  相似文献   

The reform of medical service of the RF Armed Forces has objectively required the conduction of quite definite changes and military and medical statistics as an applied science, the teaching subject and field of practical activity of medical service. The results obtained during analysis of experience of the Armed Forces personnel medical support for the last years have shown that it is necessary to widen the scope of military and medical statistics applications by military physicians, medical specialists of medical service head-quarters in the form of their informative and statistic activity which is one of the integrated part of medical service in military men. The article presents the main results of military and medical statistics reformation, as well as principal trends of its further improvement.  相似文献   

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