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PURPOSE: The goal of this planning study was to compare step-and-shoot intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) plans with helical dynamic IMRT plans for oropharynx patients on the basis of dose distribution. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Five patients with oropharynx cancer had been previously treated by step-and-shoot IMRT at the University Medical Centre Utrecht, The Netherlands, applying five fields and approximately 60-90 segments. Inverse planning was carried out using Plato, version 2.6.2. For each patient, an inverse IMRT plan was also made using Tomotherapy Hi-Art System, version 2.0, and using the same targets and optimization goals. Statistical analysis was performed by a paired t test. RESULTS: All tomotherapy plans compared favorably with the step-and-shoot plans regarding sparing of the organs at risk and keeping an equivalent target dose homogeneity. Tomotherapy plans in particular realized sharper dose gradients compared with the step-and-shoot plans. The mean dose to all parotid glands (n = 10) decreased on average 6.5 Gy (range, -4 to 14; p = 0.002). The theoretical reduction in normal tissue complication probabilities in favor of the tomotherapy plans depended on the parotid normal tissue complication probability model used (range, -3% to 32%). CONCLUSION: Helical tomotherapy IMRT plans realized sharper dose gradients compared with the clinically applied step-and shoot plans. They are expected to be able to reduce the parotid normal tissue complication probability further, keeping a similar target dose homogeneity.  相似文献   


Background and purpose

To compare left-sided whole breast conventional and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) treatment planning techniques.

Materials and methods

Treatment plans were created for 10 consecutive patients. Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT), forward-planned IMRT (for-IMRT), and inverse-planned IMRT (inv-IMRT) used two tangent beams. For-IMRT utilized up to four segments per beam. For helical tomotherapy (HT) plans, beamlet entrance and/or exit to critical structures was blocked. Topotherapy plans, which used static gantry angles with simultaneous couch translation and inverse-planned intensity modulation, used two tangent beams. Plans were normalized to 50 Gy to 95% of the retracted PTV.


Target max doses were reduced with for-IMRT compared to 3DCRT, which were further reduced with HT, topotherapy, and inv-IMRT. HT resulted in lowest heart and ipsilateral lung max doses, but had higher mean doses. Inv-IMRT and topotherapy reduced ipsilateral lung mean and max doses compared to 3DCRT and for-IMRT.


All modalities evaluated provide adequate coverage of the intact breast. HT, topotherapy, and inv-IMRT can reduce high doses to the target and normal tissues, although HT results in increased low doses to large volume of normal tissue. For-IMRT improves target homogeneity compared with 3DCRT, but to a lesser degree than the inverse-planned modalities.  相似文献   

目的 比较乳腺癌保乳术后同步推量放疗中应用常规调强放疗(IMRT)及螺旋断层放疗(HT)剂量分布的差异,为HT在乳腺癌保乳术后的临床应用提供依据。方法 随机选择10例乳腺癌保乳术后患者,统一勾画计划靶区(PTV)与原发灶靶区(PGTV)并导入HT计划系统及瓦里安Eclipse计划系统,分别设计IMRT和HT计划,处方剂量均为PTV 50Gy/25f、PGTV 60Gy/25f,通过比较靶区剂量适形度、均匀性以及心肺受照剂量来评估IMRT与HT的优劣。结果 HT计划中靶区剂量的均匀性、适形度明显优于IMRT(P<0.05),患侧肺V5、V10、V20、V30及肺平均剂量均明显低于IMRT(P<0.05),但健侧肺V5增加;心脏剂量明显降低(P<0.05)。结论 对于乳腺癌保乳术后同步推量放疗,HT与IMRT计划都可以满足临床剂量的要求,但HT计划在剂量学方面相对于IMRT计划具有优势,可以显著降低对正常器官的毒副作用。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To date, most intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) delivery has occurred using linear accelerators (linacs), although helical tomotherapy has become commercially available. To quantify the dosimetric difference, we compared linac-based and helical tomotherapy-based treatment plans for IMRT of the oropharynx. METHODS AND MATERIALS: We compared the dosimetry findings of 10 patients who had oropharyngeal carcinoma. Five patients each had cancers in the base of the tongue and tonsil. Each plan was independently optimized using either the CORVUS planning system (Nomos Corporation, Sewickly, PA), commissioned for a Varian 2300 CD linear accelerator (Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto, CA) with 1-cm multileaf collimator leaves, or helical tomotherapy. The resulting treatment plans were evaluated by comparing the dose-volume histograms, equivalent uniform dose (EUD), dose uniformity, and normal tissue complication probabilities. RESULTS: Helical tomotherapy plans showed improvement of critical structure avoidance and target dose uniformity for all patients. The average equivalent uniform dose reduction for organs at risk (OARs) surrounding the base of tongue and the tonsil were 17.4% and 27.14% respectively. An 80% reduction in normal tissue complication probabilities for the parotid glands was observed in the tomotherapy plans relative to the linac-based plans. The standard deviation of the planning target volume dose was reduced by 71%. In our clinic, we use the combined dose-volume histograms for each class of plans as a reference goal for helical tomotherapy treatment planning optimization. CONCLUSIONS: Helical tomotherapy provides improved dose homogeneity and normal structure dose compared with linac-based IMRT in the treatment of oropharyngeal carcinoma resulting in a reduced risk for complications from focal hotspots within the planning target volume and for the adjacent parotid glands.  相似文献   

To evaluate the outcome of Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal Carcinomas (UCNT) treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy with Simultaneous Integrated Boost (SIB), following induction chemotherapy. Between January 2006 and June 2009, 52 patients with stage II B-IVA/B UCNT were treated either with linac-IMRT or Tomotherapy. All patients were scheduled to receive three cycles of cisplatin based neoadjuvant chemotherapy. With a median follow-up of 38.5 months (range 12.3–64.1), 3 year overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and DFS by T2a–2b and T3–T4-stage were 95.0%, 84.6%, 89.0%, and 78.0%, respectively. At multivariate analysis, none of the examined prognostic factors reported statistical significance. N-classification was not a significant predictive factor for either OS or development of distant metastases. T-stage alone had a borderline effect on DFS and development of metastases. No difference between Tomotherapy and linac-IMRT emerged in terms of loco-regional control and development of severe, acute, and late toxicities. The most significant severe, acute toxicities were grade 3 (32.7%) and grade 4 (7.7%) mucositis. No grades 3 and 4 late toxicities were observed. The most commonly observed late effect was xerostomia, 11.5% patients complained grade 2 xerostomia. The severity of grade 2 xerostomia diminished over time with only four patients not improving salivation. IMRT-SIB following neoadjuvant chemotherapy was very satisfactory in terms of local control, regional control, DFS and OS rates in patients with stage IIB to IVB UCNT. In our experience, adding concurrent chemotherapy to IMRT after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in loco-regional widespread disease resulted to be the indicated approach.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In helical tomotherapy the nature of the optimizing and planning systems allows the delivery of dose on the skin using a build-up compensating technique (skin flash). However, positioning errors or changes in the patient's contour can influence the correct dosage in these regions. This work studies the behavior of skin-flash regions using phantom and in-vivo dosimetry. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The dosimetric accuracy of the tomotherapy planning system in skin-flash regions is checked using film and TLD on phantom. Positioning errors are induced and the effect on the skin dose is investigated. Further a volume decrease is simulated using bolus material and the results are compared. RESULTS: Results show that the tomotherapy planning system calculates dose on skin regions within 2 SD using TLD measurements. Film measurements show drops of dose of 2.8% and 26% for, respectively, a 5mm and 10mm mispositioning of the phantom towards air and a dose increase of 9% for a 5mm shift towards tissue. These measurements are confirmed by TLD measurements. A simulated volume reduction shows a similar behavior with a 2.6% and 19.4% drop in dose, measured with TLDs. CONCLUSION: The tomotherapy system allows adequate planning and delivery of dose using skin flashes. However, exact positioning is crucial to deliver the dose at the exact location.  相似文献   

This study investigates the dose from the 1 mm collimator width megavoltage fan-beam CT (fine, normal and coarse pitch) available on tomotherapy as well as for whole-breast tomotherapy treatments. The BEIR VII lifetime attributable risk model was utilised to assess the significance of the imaging dose relative to the treatment dose.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare intensity-modulated proton therapy (IMPT) and helical tomotherapy (HT) treatment plans for nasopharynx cancer using a simultaneous integrated boost approach. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The data from 6 patients who had previously been treated with HT were used. A three-beam IMPT technique was optimized in the Hyperion treatment planning system, simulating a "beam scanning" technique. HT was planned using the tomotherapy treatment planning system. Both techniques were optimized to simultaneously deliver 66 Gy in 30 fractions to planning target volume (PTV1; GTV and enlarged nodes) and 54 Gy to PTV2 subclinical, electively treated nodes. Normal tissue complication probability calculation was performed for the parotids and larynx. RESULTS: Very similar PTVs coverage and homogeneity of the target dose distribution for IMPT and HT were found. The conformity index was significantly lower for protons than for photons (1.19 vs. 1.42, respectively). The mean dose to the ipsilateral and contralateral parotid glands decreased by 6.4 Gy and 5.6 Gy, respectively, with IMPT. The volume of mucosa and esophagus receiving >/=20 Gy and >/=30 Gy with IMPT was significantly lower than with HT. The average volume of larynx receiving >/=50 Gy was significantly lower with HT, while for thyroid, it was comparable. The volume receiving >/=30, >/=20, and >/=10 Gy in total body volume decreased with IMPT by 14.5%, 19.4%, and 23.1%, respectively. The normal tissue complication probability for the parotid glands was significantly lower with IMPT for all sets of parameters; however, we also estimated an almost full recovery of the contralateral parotid with HT. The normal tissue complication probability for the larynx was not significantly different between the two irradiation techniques. CONCLUSION: Excellent target coverage, homogeneity within the PTVs, and sparing of the organs at risk were reached with both modalities. IMPT allows for better sparing of most organs at risk at medium-to-low doses.  相似文献   

目的:探讨螺旋断层放疗的优势及不足,为临床治疗提供有价值的循证医学依据.方法:计算机检索PubMed、EMBASE、Science、中国知网和万方等数据库,筛选头颈部肿瘤螺旋断层放疗与动态调强放疗剂量学比较的文章,应用StataSE 12.0软件对满足条件的数据进行Meta分析.结果:纳入10篇文章.螺旋断层放疗较动态调强放疗靶区的均匀性明显提高(SMD=-1.529,95% CI:-2.265 ~-0.793,P<0.001),脊髓Dmax 及脑干Dmean等比较,差异均有统计学意义.而脑干Dmax视交叉Dmax及喉Dean等比较,差异无统计学意义.结论:头颈部肿瘤螺旋断层放疗比动态调强放疗靶区分布更均匀,可明显降低高剂量区的照射靶体积,对危及器官如脊髓、脑干的保护更优.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate dose conformity, dose homogeneity, and dose gradient in helical tomotherapy treatment plans for stereotactic radiosurgery, and compare results with step-and-shoot intensity-modulated radiosurgery (IMRS) treatment plans. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Sixteen patients were selected with a mean tumor size of 14.65 +/- 11.2 cm3. Original step-and-shoot IMRS treatment plans used coplanar fields because of the constraint of the beam stopper. Retrospective step-and-shoot IMRS plans were generated using noncoplanar fields. Helical tomotherapy treatment plans were generated using the tomotherapy planning station. Dose conformity index, dose gradient score index, and homogeneity index were used in plan intercomparisons. RESULTS: Noncoplanar IMRS plans increased dose conformity and dose gradient, but not dose homogeneity, compared with coplanar IMRS plans. Tomotherapy plans increased dose conformity and dose gradient, yet increased dose heterogeneity compared with noncoplanar IMRS plans. The average dose conformity index values were 1.53 +/- 0.38, 1.35 +/- 0.15, and 1.26 +/- 0.10 in coplanar IMRS, noncoplanar IMRS, and tomotherapy plans, respectively. The average dose homogeneity index values were 1.15 +/- 0.05, 1.13 +/- 0.04, and 1.18 +/- 0.09 in coplanar IMRS, noncoplanar IMRS, and tomotherapy plans, respectively. The mean dose gradient score index values were 1.37 +/- 19.08, 22.32 +/- 19.20, and 43.28 +/- 13.78 in coplanar IMRS, noncoplanar IMRS, and tomotherapy plans, respectively. The mean treatment time in tomotherapy was 42 +/- 16 min. CONCLUSIONS: We were able to achieve better dose conformity and dose gradient in tomotherapy plans compared with step-and-shoot IMRS plans for intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery. However, tomotherapy treatment time was significantly larger than that in step-and-shoot IMRS.  相似文献   


Background and purpose

This large trial was designed to investigate whether correction of dose inhomogeneities using intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) reduces late toxicity and improves quality of life in patients with early breast cancer. This paper reports baseline characteristics of trial participants and dosimetry results.

Materials and methods

Standard tangential plans of 1145 trials were analysed. Patients with inhomogeneous plans, defined by ICRU recommendations, were randomised to forward-planned IMRT or standard radiotherapy.


Twenty-nine percentage of patients had adequate dosimetry with standard 2D radiotherapy. In the randomised patients, the decreases in mean volumes receiving greater than 107% (Vol > 107) and less than 95% (Vol < 95) of the prescribed dose in the IMRT compared with the control group were 34.0 cm3 (95% CI 26.4-41.6; P < 0.0001) and 48.1 cm3 (95% CI 34.4-61.9; P < 0.0001), respectively. In this study, 90% of patients who had a breast separation greater ?21 cm had Vol > 107 > 2 cm3 on standard radiotherapy plans.


This large trial, in which patients with all breast sizes were eligible, confirmed that breast dosimetry can be significantly improved with a simple method of forward-planned IMRT and has little impact on radiotherapy resources. It is shown that patients with larger breasts are more likely to have dose inhomogeneities and breast separation gives some indication of this likelihood. Photographic assessment of patients at 2 years after radiotherapy, as the next part of this randomised controlled trial, will show whether these results for IMRT translate into improved cosmetic outcome in patients with early breast cancer. This would provide impetus for the widespread adoption of 3D planning and IMRT.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has been shown to be an effective, well-tolerated treatment for local control of tumors metastatic to the liver. Multi-institutional Phase II trials are examining 60 Gy in 3 fractions delivered by linac-based, 3D-conformal IMRT. HiArt Helical TomoTherapy is a treatment unit that delivers co-planar helical IMRT that is capable of image-guided SBRT. We hypothesized that the maximum tolerable dose (MTD) delivered to a lesion by Helical TomoTherapy-based SBRT could be predicted based on the planning target volume (PTV) and liver volume. METHODS AND MATERIALS: To test this, we performed inverse treatment planning and analyzed the dosimetry for multiple hypothetical liver gross tumor volumes (GTV) with conventional PTV expansions. Inverse planning was carried out to find the maximum tolerated SBRT dose up to 60 Gy to be delivered in 3 fractions based on the dose constraint that 700 cc of normal liver would receive less than 15 Gy. RESULTS: Regression analysis indicated a linear relationship between the MTD, the PTV and the liver volume, supporting our hypothesis. A predictive equation was generated, which was found to have an accuracy of +/-3 Gy. In addition, dose constraints based on proximity to other normal tissues were tested. Inverse planning for PTVs located at varying distances from the heart, small bowel, and spinal cord revealed a predictable decrease in the MTD as the PTV increased in size or approached normal organs. CONCLUSIONS: These data provide a framework for predicting the likely MTD for patients considered for Helical TomoTherapy liver SBRT.  相似文献   

Optimisation of imaging modes for kilovoltage CT (kVCT) used for treatment planning and megavoltage CT (MVCT) image guidance used in ungated helical tomotherapy was investigated for laterally moving targets. Computed tomography images of the QUASAR™ Respiratory Motion Phantom were acquired without target motion and for lateral motion of the target, with 2-cm peak-to-peak amplitude and a period of 4 s. Reference kVCT images were obtained using a 16-slice CT scanner in standard fast helical CT mode, untagged average CT mode and various post-processed 4D-CT modes (0% phase, average and maximum intensity projection). Three sets of MVCT images with different inter-slice spacings of were obtained on a Hi-Art tomotherapy system with the phantom displaced by a known offset position. Eight radiation therapists performed co-registration of MVCT obtained with 2-, 4- and 6-mm slice spacing and kVCT studies independently for all 15 CT imaging combinations. In the investigated case, the untagged average kVCT and 4-mm slice spacing for the MVCT yielded more accurate registration in the transverse plane. The average residual uncertainty of this combination of imaging procedures was 0.61 ± 0.16 mm in the longitudinal direction, 0.45 ± 0.14 mm in the anterior–posterior direction and insignificant in the lateral direction. Manual registration of MVCT–kVCT study pairs is necessary to account for a target in significant lateral motion with respect to bony structures.  相似文献   

PurposeThe present study investigates superficial in vivo dosimetry (IVD) by means of a previously proposed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dosimetry system aiming at measuring and verifying total doses delivered by complex radiotherapy treatments. In view of novel regulatory requirements in Germany, differences between measured and planned total doses to the EPR dosimeters are analyzed and compared to reporting thresholds for significant occurrences.MethodsEPR dosimeters, each consisting of one lithium formate monohydrate (LFM) and one polycrystalline l-alanine (ALA) pellet, were attached to the surface of an anthropomorphic head phantom. Three head and neck treatments with total target doses ranging from 30 to 64 Gy were fully delivered to the phantom by helical tomotherapy. During each treatment, eight EPR dosimeters were placed at distinct spots: (i) within or next to the planning target volume (PTV), (ii) near to organs at risk including the parotids and the lenses, (iii) at the thyroid lying out-of-field. EPR read out was always performed after all fractions were delivered. EPR results were compared to thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) measurements and to the planned total doses derived from the treatment planning system (TPS). Planned total doses to the EPR dosimeters ranged from about 2 to 64 Gy.ResultsBy taking uncertainties into account, the measured and planned doses were in good agreement. Exceptions occurred mainly at the thyroid (out-of-field) and lenses (extreme sparing). The maximum total dose difference between EPR results and corresponding planned doses was 1.3 Gy occurring at the lenses. Remarkably, each LFM and ALA pellet placed within or next to the PTV provided dose values that were within ±4% of the planned dose. Dose deviations from planned dose values were comparable for EPR and TLD measurements.ConclusionThe results of this proof of principle study suggests that superficial EPR-IVD is applicable in a wide dose range and in various irradiation conditions – being a valuable tool for monitoring cumulative total doses delivered by complex IMRT treatments. EPR-IVD in combination with helical tomotherapy is suitable to reliably detect local dose deviations at superficial dosimeter spots in the order of current national reporting thresholds for significant occurrences (i.e. 10%/4 Gy).  相似文献   



To compare helical tomotherapy (HT) and intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) on early stage prostate cancer treatments delivered with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) in moderate hypofractionation.


Eight patients treated with HT were replanned with two-field IMPT (2fIMPT) and five-field IMPT (5fIMPT), using a small pencil beam size (3 mm sigma). The prescribed dose was 74.3 Gy in 28 fractions on PTV1 (prostate) and PTV2 (proximal seminal vesicles), 65.5 Gy on PTV3 (distal seminal vesicles) and on the overlap between rectum and PTVs.


IMPT and HT achieved similar target coverage and dose homogeneity, with 5fIMPT providing the best results. The conformity indexes of IMPT were significantly lower for PTV1+2 and PTV3. Above 65 Gy, HT and IMPT were equivalent in the rectum, while IMPT spared the bladder and the penile bulb from 0 to 70 Gy. From 0 up to 60 Gy, IMPT dosimetric values were (much) lower for all OARs except the femur heads, where HT was better than 2fIMPT in the 25-35 Gy dose range. OARs mean doses were typically reduced by 30-50% by IMPT. NTCPs for the rectum were within 1% between the two techniques, except when the endpoint was stool frequency, where IMPT showed a small (though statistically significant) benefit.


HT and IMPT produce similar dose distributions in the target volume. The current knowledge on dose-effect relations does not allow to quantify the clinical impact of the large sparing of IMPT at medium-to-low doses.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the potential of helical tomotherapy in the adjuvant treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma and compare target homogeneity, conformity and normal tissue dose with step-and-shoot intensity-modulated radiotherapy. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Ten patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma who had undergone neoadjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin and permetrexed followed by extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) were treated in our department with 54 Gy to the hemithorax delivered by step-and-shoot IMRT. A planning comparison was performed by creating radiation plans for helical tomotherapy. The different plans were compared by analysing target homogeneity using the homogeneity indices HI(max) and HI(min) and target conformity by using the conformity index CI(95). To assess target coverage and normal tissue sparing TV(90), TV(95) and mean and maximum doses were compared. RESULTS: Both modalities achieved excellent dose distributions while sparing organs at risk. Target coverage and homogeneity could be increased significantly with helical tomotherapy compared with step-and-shoot IMRT. Mean dose to the contralateral lung could be lowered beyond 5 Gy. CONCLUSIONS: Our planning study showed that helical tomotherapy is an excellent option for the adjuvant intensity-modulated radiotherapy of MPM. It is capable of improving target coverage and homogeneity.  相似文献   

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