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Liver transplantation (LT) is the best treatment for end-stage hepatic failure, with an excellent survival rates over the last decade. Biliary complications after LT pose a major challenge especially with the increasing number of procured organs after circulatory death. Ischaemic cholangiopathy (IC) is a set of disorders characterized by multiple diffuse strictures affecting the graft biliary system in the absence of hepatic artery thrombosis or stenosis. It commonly presents with cholestasis and cholangitis resulting in higher readmission rates, longer length of stay, repeated therapeutic interventions, and eventually re-transplantation with consequent effects on the patient’s quality of life and increased health care costs. The pathogenesis of IC is unclear and exhibits a higher prevalence with prolonged ischaemia time, donation after circulatory death (DCD), rejection, and cytomegalovirus infection. The majority of IC occurs within 12 mo after LT. Prolonged warm ischaemic times predispose to a profound injury with a subsequently higher prevalence of IC. Biliary complications and IC rates are between 16% and 29% in DCD grafts compared to between 3% and 17% in donation after brain death (DBD) grafts. The majority of ischaemic biliary lesions occur within 30 d in DCD compared to 90 d in DBD grafts following transplantation. However, there are many other risk factors for IC that should be considered. The benefits of DCD in expanding the donor pool are hindered by the higher incidence of IC with increased rates of re-transplantation. Careful donor selection and procurement might help to optimize the utilization of DCD grafts.  相似文献   



Liver transplantation (LT) using organs donated after cardiac death (DCD) is increasing due, in large part, to a shortage of organs. The outcome of using DCD organs in recipients with hepatits C virus (HCV) infection remains unclear due to the limited experience and number of publications addressing this issue.


To evaluate the clinical outcomes of DCD versus donation after brain death (DBD) in HCV-positive patients undergoing LT.


Studies comparing DCD versus DBD LT in HCV-positive patients were identified based on systematic searches of seven electronic databases and multiple sources of gray literature.


The search identified 58 citations, including three studies, with 324 patients meeting eligibility criteria. The use of DCD livers was associated with a significantly higher risk of primary nonfunction (RR 5.49 [95% CI 1.53 to 19.64]; P=0.009; I2=0%), while not associated with a significantly different patient survival (RR 0.89 [95% CI 0.37 to 2.11]; P=0.79; I2=51%), graft survival (RR 0.40 [95% CI 0.14 to 1.11]; P=0.08; I2=34%), rate of recurrence of severe HCV infection (RR 2.74 [95% CI 0.36 to 20.92]; P=0.33; I2=84%), retransplantation or liver disease-related death (RR 1.79 [95% CI 0.66 to 4.84]; P=0.25; I2=44%), and biliary complications.


While the literature and quality of studies assessing DCD versus DBD grafts are limited, there was significantly more primary nonfunction and a trend toward decreased graft survival, but no significant difference in biliary complications or recipient mortality rates between DCD and DBD LT in patients with HCV infection. There is insufficient literature on the topic to draw any definitive conclusions.  相似文献   



Donation after circulatory death is a novel method of increasing the number of donor lungs available for transplantation. Using organs from donors after circulatory death has the potential to increase the number of transplants performed.


Three bilateral lung transplants from donors after circulatory death were performed over a six-month period. Following organ retrieval, all sets of lungs were placed on a portable ex vivo lung perfusion device for evaluation and preservation.


Lung function remained stable during portable ex vivo perfusion, with improvement in partial pressure of oxygen/fraction of inspired oxygen ratios. Mechanical ventilation was discontinued within 48 h for each recipient and no patient stayed in the intensive care unit longer than eight days. There was no postgraft dysfunction at 72 h in two of the three recipients. Ninety-day mortality for all recipients was 0% and all maintain excellent forced expiratory volume in 1 s and forced vital capacity values post-transplantation.


The authors report excellent results with their initial experience using donors after circulatory death after portable ex vivo lung perfusion. It is hoped this will allow for the most efficient use of available donor lungs, leading to more transplants and fewer deaths for potential recipients on wait lists.  相似文献   

Transplantation of any organ into a recipient requires a donor. Lung transplant has a long history of an inadequate number of suitable donors to meet demand, leading to deaths on the waiting list annually since national data was collected, and strict listing criteria. Before the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA), passed in 1980, legally defined brain death in the U.S., all donors for lung transplant came from sudden death victims [uncontrolled Donation after Circulatory Death donors (uDCDs)] in the recipient’s hospital emergency department. After passage of the UDDA, uDCDs were abandoned to Donation after Brain Death donors (DBDs)—perhaps prematurely. Compared to livers and kidneys, many DBDs have lungs that are unsuitable for transplant, due to aspiration pneumonia, neurogenic pulmonary edema, trauma, and the effects of brain death on lung function. Another group of donors has become available—patients with a devastating irrecoverable brain injury that do not meet criteria for brain death. If a decision is made by next-of-kin (NOK) to withdraw life support and allow death to occur by asphyxiation, with NOK consent, these individuals can have organs recovered if death occurs relatively quickly after cessation of mechanical ventilation and maintenance of their airway. These are known as controlled Donation after Circulatory Death donors (cDCDs). For a variety of reasons, in the U.S., lungs are recovered from cDCDs at a much lower rate than kidneys and livers. Ex-vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) in the last decade has had a modest impact on increasing the number of lungs for transplant from DBDs, but may have had a larger impact on lungs from cDCDs, and may be indispensable for safe transplantation of lungs from uDCDs. In the next decade, DCDs may have a substantial impact on the number of lung transplants performed in the U.S. and around the world.  相似文献   

肝移植是治疗终末期肝病的重要手段,但是供体短缺的问题日益显现,因此适合我国国情,同时符合国际标准的心脏死亡器官捐献(DCD)应该是现阶段缓解器官短缺的一种重要手段。本文回顾了国际上DCD肝移植的曲折发展历程,通过对DCD肝移植的定义与分类、伦理原则、适应证、获取方案、捐献情况和临床效果进行综述,认为DCD供肝是目前我国肝移植供体极度短缺大环境下的一支"生力军"。随着其工作的深入开展,必将成为我国肝移植的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

Islet transplantation is a highly effective treatment for stabilizing glycemic control for select patients with type-1 diabetes. Despite improvements to clinical transplantation, single-donor transplant success has been hard to achieve routinely, necessitating increasing demands on viable organ availability. Donation after circulatory death (DCD) may be an alternative option to increase organ availability however, these organs tend to be more compromised. The use of metalloporphyrin anti-inflammatory and antioxidant (MnP) compounds previously demonstrated improved in vivo islet function in preclinical islet transplantation. However, the administration of MnP (BMX-001) in a DCD islet isolation and transplantation model has yet to be established. In this study, murine donors were subjected to a 15-min warm ischemic (WI) period prior to isolation and culture with or without MnP. Subsequent to one-hour culture, islets were assessed for in vitro viability and in vivo function. A 15-minute WI period significantly reduced islet yield, regardless of MnP-treatment relative to yields from standard isolation. MnP-treated islets did not improve islet viability compared to DCD islets alone. MnP-treatment did significantly reduce the presence of extracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) (p < 0 .05). Marginal, syngeneic islets (200 islets) transplanted under the renal capsule exhibited similar in vivo outcomes regardless of WI or MnP-treatment. DCD islet grafts harvested 7 d post-transplant exhibited sustained TNF-α and IL-10, while MnP-treated islet-bearing grafts demonstrated reduced IL-10 levels. Taken together, 15-minute WI in murine islet isolation significantly impairs islet yield. DCD islets do indeed demonstrate in vivo function, though MnP therapy was unable to improve viability and engraftment outcomes.  相似文献   

AIM To describe the prevalence of posttransplant metabolic syndrome(PTMS) after donation after cardiac death(DCD) liver transplantation(LT) and the pre-and postoperative risk factors.METHODS One hundred and forty-seven subjects who underwent DCD LT from January 2012 to February 2016 were enrolled in this study. The demographics and the clinical characteristics of pre-and post-transplantation were collected for both recipients and donors. PTMS was defined according to the 2004 Adult Treatment Panel-Ⅲ criteria. All subjects were followed monthly for the initial 6 mo after discharge, and then, every 3 mo for 2 years. The subjects were followed every 6 mo or as required after 2 years post-LT.RESULTS The prevalence of PTMS after DCD donor orthotopic LT was 20/147(13.6%). Recipient's body mass index(P = 0.024), warm ischemia time(WIT)(P = 0.045), and posttransplant hyperuricemia(P = 0.001) were significantly associated with PTMS. The change in serum uric acid levels in PTMS patients was significantly higher than that in non-PTMS patients(P 0.001). After the 1 s t mo, the level of serum uric acid of PTMS patients rose continually over a period, while it was unaltered in non-PTMS patients. After transplantation, the level of serum uric acid in PTMS patients was not associated with renal function.CONCLUSION PTMS could occur at early stage after DCD LT with growing morbidity with the passage of time. WIT and post-LT hyperuricemia are associated with the prevalence of PTMS. An increased serum uric acid level is highly associated with PTMS and could act as a serum marker in this disease.  相似文献   

目的探讨体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)技术在公民逝世器官捐献供肝保护中的应用,总结ECMO技术保护供肝的初步体会及经验。方法收集江西省人民医院2015年1月-2018年12月运用ECMO技术完成脑心双死亡器官捐献(DBCD)肝移植供者/受者及常规DBCD肝移植供者/受者的临床资料,对供肝的保护及移植效果进行对比分析。计量资料两组间比较采用t检验;计数资料两组间比较采用χ2检验。结果共纳入一般情况及肝功能接近的供者32例,根据采用的方法将其分为对照组(常规DBCD肝移植)和研究组(运用ECMO技术完成DBCD肝移植),每组各16例;32例肝移植受者分为对应的对照组(n=16)和研究组(n=16)。器官获取前供者对照组与供者研究组比较,心率、收缩压、舒张压、血氧分压、乳酸水平、中心静脉压、TBil、ALT、AST差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为14.121、-17.817、-19.187、-8.927、4.559、-3.495、3.357、4.111、3.553,P值均<0.05)。与受者对照组术后第7天肝功能相比,受者研究组肝移植术后肝功能恢复速度更快,两组TBil、DBil、ALT、AST、ALP、GGT比较,差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为9.309、4.783、5.067、2.203、4.774、5.257,P值均<0.05);受者研究组患者住院时间明显缩短[(12.65±2.86)d vs(20.87±4.98)d,t=5.756,P<0.001]。结论运用ECMO技术获取并实施肝移植临床效果较好,科学合理运用ECMO技术可以有效改善供肝质量,对我国公民逝世器官捐献工作有着积极的作用。  相似文献   

In the past decades liver transplantation(LT) has become the treatment of choice for patients with end stage liver disease(ESLD). The chronic shortage of cadaveric organs for transplantation led to the utilization of a greater number of marginal donors such as older donors or donors after circulatory death(DCD). The improved survival of transplanted patients has increased the frequency of long-term complications, in particular chronic kidney disease(CKD). Acute kidney injury(AKI) post-LT has been recently recognized as an important risk factor for the occurrence of denovo CKD in the long-term outcome. The onset of AKI post-LT is multifactorial, with pre-LT risk factors involved, including higher Model for End-stage Liver Disease score, more sever ESLD and pre-existing renal dysfunction, either with intra-operative conditions, in particular ischaemia reperfusion injury responsible for post-reperfusion syndrome(PRS) that can influence recipient's morbidity and mortality. Post-reperfusion syndrome-induced AKI is an important complication post-LT that characterizes kidney involvement caused by PRS with mechanisms not clearly understood and implication on graft and patient survival. Since preLT risk factors may influence intra-operative events responsible for PRS-induced AKI, we aim to consider all the relevant aspects involved in PRS-induced AKI in the setting of LT and to identify all studies that better clarified the specific mechanisms linking PRS and AKI. A Pub Med search was conducted using the terms liver transplantation AND acute kidney injury; liver transplantation AND post-reperfusion syndrome; acute kidney injury AND post-reperfusion syndrome; acute kidney injury AND DCD AND liver transplantation. Five hundred seventy four articles were retrieved on Pub Med search. Results were limited to title/abstract of English-language articles published between 2000 and 2015. Twenty-three studies were identified that specifically evaluated incidence, risk factors and outcome for patients developing PRS-induced AKI in liver transplantation. In order to identify intra-operative risk factors/mechanisms specifically involved in PRSinduced AKI, avoiding confounding factors, we have limited our study to "acute kidney injury AND DCD AND liver transplantation". Accordingly, three out of five studies were selected for our purpose.  相似文献   

接受心脏死亡器官捐献(DCD)供肾受者移植肾功能延迟恢复(DGF)发生率明显高于传统尸体供肾,其根本原因是DCD供肾缺血再灌注损伤(IRI).最近研究发现DCD供者体内补体C3a和C5a活化与供肾IRI密切相关,该研究将完善对C3a和C5a活化在DCD供肾IRI中作用机制的认识,并为DCD供肾IRI的防治寻找新的靶点.  相似文献   

Two novel approaches have been developed to potentially increase the availability of donor lungs for lung transplantation. In the first approach, lungs from donation after cardiac death (DCD) donors are used to increase the quantity of organ donors. In the second approach, a newly developed normothermic ex vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) technique is used as a means of reassessing the adequacy of lung function from DCD and from high-risk brain death donors prior to transplantation. This EVLP technique can also act as a platform for the delivery of novel therapies to repair injured organs ex vivo.  相似文献   

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