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CONCLUSION: In patients with early glottic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) submitted to CO2 laser endoscopic resection, local disease recurrence was significantly correlated with the presence of positive additional surgical margins on permanent sections. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the rate of cancer recurrence in patients with early glottic SCC submitted to CO2 laser endoscopic resection according to margin status after resection, stage of disease and postoperative radiotherapy. The rate of larynx preservation and the length of hospital stay were also evaluated. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty consecutive patients with early glottic cancer were subjected to laser endoscopic resection surgery of glottic cancer followed by frozen-section control of margins, with intraoperative enlargement of margins when positive. Adjuvant radiation therapy or enlargement of previous margins was indicated in the case of positive additional surgical margins on permanent section. RESULTS: Local recurrence occurred in three patients (7.5%), all with positive additional surgical margins on permanent section. Positive additional surgical margins on permanent section were related to 37.5% of recurrences and negative additional surgical margins with 0% of recurrences (p=0.006). All patients spent at most 1 day at the hospital.  相似文献   



To analyze the oncological results of repeated transoral laser microresection (TLM) in case of failure after primary laser resection of early glottic cancer (pTis-pT2).


Fifty-six patients with local or loco-regional recurrence of early glottic cancer were treated between 1988 and 2005 by repeated TLM followed, if necessary, by neck dissection and/or adjuvant radio- or radiochemotherapy. Data on overall survival, disease-specific survival, and loco-regional control rates were analyzed retrospectively and calculated by the Kaplan–Meier method.


Forty-four patients (78.6%) presented with early local recurrence (rTis-rT2N0; Stage I/II) and 12 patients (21.4%) had advanced local or loco-regional recurrence (pT3 and pT4N0/N+; Stage III/IV). Three- and five-year overall survival rates for patients with early and advanced recurrence were 75.1% vs. 51.6% and 61.6% vs. 25.8%, respectively. The corresponding three- and five-year disease-specific survival rates were 87.2% vs. 85.7% and 81.0% vs. 85.7%, respectively. Three- and five-year loco-regional control was significantly higher for patients treated for early recurrence (67.6% vs. 27.5% and 63.6% vs. 27.5%, respectively; p = 0.02). Salvage laryngectomy rates for patients with early and advanced recurrence were 9.1 and 25.0%, respectively. In patients with early local recurrence, anterior commissure involvement (n = 11) did not affect the oncological results.


In case of early local recurrence after primary TLM of early glottic cancer, further TLM seems to be justified as an organ-preserving treatment option. In contrast, salvage laryngectomy should be considered early for patients with advanced local or loco-regional recurrence.  相似文献   

CO2激光声带切除术后复发相关因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨早期声门癌经CO2激光手术后,其复发相关因素对患者预后的影响。方法 回顾经CO2激光治疗声门癌患者76例病历资料,所有新鲜标本标记切缘,肉眼切缘2mm,甲醛液中固定。石蜡包埋,HE染色,光镜观察。Kaplan–Meier法计算生存率和无瘤生存率,单因素分析应用log rank test方法。结果 局部复发11例(14.5%),5年生存率92.0%,5年无瘤生存率81.9%,喉保存率96.1%。单因素分析显示,前联合受侵和甲杓肌受侵导致5年无瘤生存率降低(P=0.002,P=0.001),而病理切缘阳性并不影响5年无瘤生存率(P=0.065)。结论 前联合受侵和甲杓肌受侵将增加CO2激光治疗早期声门癌术后复发风险,切缘阳性并不影响5年无瘤生存率,对术后切缘阳性患者采取密切随访观察,避免过度治疗。  相似文献   



To analyze oncological results of transoral laser microsurgery (TLM) on recurrent early glottic cancer after primary radiotherapy.


The records of 53 patients treated by TLM for early (rTis–rT2) and advanced (rT3, rT4) recurrence after curative radiotherapy were retrospectively analyzed. Data on loco-regional control, overall survival, and disease specific survival were calculated by the Kaplan–Meier method. The larynx preservation rates were given absolutely.


Mean post-therapeutic follow-up time after TLM for patients alive was 87.9 months. Twenty-two patients (42%) were cured by the first TLM procedure, but one of them underwent total laryngectomy after TLM due to chondronecrosis without evidence of residual tumor. Thirty-one patients (58%) developed another recurrence after TLM. Ten of them were cured by further laser procedures alone. Therefore, in 31 patients (58%), local recurrences were successfully treated by TLM alone. In 20 patients, recurrences could not be controlled by TLM: 14 patients underwent salvage laryngectomy and six palliative treatment. Three- and five-year loco-regional control rates for all patients were 46.1 and 38.8%. Three- and five-year overall survival rates were 67.5 and 53.3%. The corresponding 3- and 5-year disease specific survival rates were 68.6%, each. There was no statistically significant difference in loco-regional control or survival between patients presenting initially with early and advanced recurrence. Further recurrence after the first TLM procedure was associated with a statistically significant decrease in 3- and 5-year overall (56.6% vs. 81.8% and 40.2% vs. 70.5%; p = 0.03) and disease specific (48.9% vs. 100%, each; p = 0.001) survival. Ultimate local control rate including repeated TLM and salvage laryngectomy was 77.4%.


Many patients with recurrent glottic carcinoma after primary radiotherapy can be cured by single or repeated TLM as an organ-preserving procedure. However, in case of failure after TLM for the first recurrence, salvage laryngectomy should be considered early as local control by further laser surgery is unfavorable.  相似文献   

目的探讨应用半导体激光微创治疗前连合受侵声门癌的适应证及临床疗效。方法对1998~2003年期间我科选择性的应用半导体激光治疗的32例前连合受侵声门癌病例进行临床分析。结果本组声门型喉癌的5年生存率为97%,复发率为16%,喉功能保留率为100%。5例复发,复发时间均在1年内,4例侵犯前连合声门下的T2病变复发率为100%,行喉次全切除环舌会厌固定术保留喉全部功能。结论有选择的应用半导体激光微创治疗前连合受侵声门癌具有创伤小、治疗时间短、费用低、嗓音恢复好等特点,虽然局部控制率有所降低,但只要随访到位,及时进行挽救手术,仍能获得满意的疗效。而对于侵犯前连合声门下的T2以上病例,目前仍应作为禁忌证。  相似文献   

ObjectivesTransoral laser microsurgery (TLM) has gradually gained approval in the treatment of early glottic cancer. However, the oncological outcomes of TLM for glottic cancer with anterior commissure (AC) involvement are still a controversial topic. We aimed to systematically review the literature on glottic cancer (Tis-T2) with patients who received TLM as first choice therapy and to evaluate several prognostic outcomes in patients with or without AC involvement.MethodsA systematic literature retrieval was conducted in PubMed, Medline (Ovid) and Web of Science. Risk ratio (RR) between AC involvement (AC+) or without AC involvement (AC?) was assessed and 95% confidence interval(95%CI) was calculated, which was performed on RevMan 5.3.ResultsA total of 20 literatures were included when comparing the local recurrence (LR) rate of patients with or without AC involvement, and the results suggested LR matters in group AC+ over group AC? (RR = 2.39, 95%CI = 1.99–2.86, p < 0.00001). The 5-year overall survival(5yOS) rate included 10 studies, and there was no significant difference between AC+ and AC? (RR = 0.98, 95%CI = 0.93–1.02, p = 0.35). The laryngeal preservation rate (LPR) of AC+ was lower than that of AC? (RR = 0.97, 95%CI = 0.94–1.00, p = 0.04).ConclusionThe results indicate that the prognosis of early glottic cancer with AC involvement is more likely to have higher local recurrence and lower LPR but no statistical difference in 5yOS rate.  相似文献   

Roh JL  Kim DH  Park CI 《The Laryngoscope》2008,118(8):1400-1404
Objectives/Hypothesis: Transoral laser microsurgery for the treatment of glottic carcinoma with anterior commissure (A‐com) involvement is associated with a high rate of recurrence. We prospectively evaluated the outcomes of laser microsurgery and the efficacy of second‐look operation in these patients. Study Design: Prospective evaluation. Methods: Twenty‐seven patients with glottic carcinomas involving the A‐com underwent transoral laser microresection. Twenty‐five patients underwent second‐look operations 3 months after laser surgery. Results: After transoral laser microresection, all patients achieved microscopic clear resection margins. Local recurrence was found in 7 of 27 patients (25.9%). Regional recurrence was found in two patients. Patients with recurrences underwent laser re‐resection or neck dissection; four received radiotherapy, two lost their larynxes, and three died of disease. At second‐look operation, early local recurrence was found in two patients, and anterior glottic webs and granulomas causing dysphonia were treated in 8 and 11 patients, respectively. Conclusions: Laser microsurgery is an effective treatment modality in early glottic cancer with A‐com involvement but is still associated with a high rate of recurrence. Second‐look operation may help detect early local recurrence and treat postoperative airway or voice problems.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To analyze the impact of anterior commissure involvement on local control, survival, and laryngeal preservation in patients with early glottic cancer (pT1a-pT2a) treated with unimodality laser microsurgical resection. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review of 263 patients with early glottic cancer treated between 1986 and 1996. METHODS: Data on local control and overall survival rates were analyzed and calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method; the larynx preservation rates were given absolutely. RESULTS: Among 158 patients presenting with T1a glottic cancer, the anterior commissure was involved in 28 cases; the 5-year local control rate was 84%, and the larynx preservation rate was 93%. In the 130 cases without anterior commissure involvement, the 5-year local control rate was 90.0% and the corresponding larynx preservation rate 99%. In the T1b category consisting of 30 patients, anterior commissure involvement was observed in 16 patients; the 5-year local control rate was 73%, and the larynx preservation rate was 88%. In the 14 cases without anterior commissure involvement, the 5-year local control rate was 92% and the corresponding larynx preservation rate 100%. Seventy-five patients had T2a glottic carcinomas, with normal vocal cord movement. The anterior commissure was involved in 45 cases; the 5-year local control rate was 79%, and the larynx preservation rate was 93%. In the 30 cases without anterior commissure involvement, the 5-year local control rate was 74.0% and the corresponding larynx preservation rate 97%. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows the effectiveness of laser microsurgery for early glottic carcinoma regardless of anterior commissure involvement at presentation. This method can be performed as an outpatient procedure, even when conducting reresections.  相似文献   

The laryngeal anterior commissure is a specific anatomic area of the glottis which is often involved by cancer. Of 586 patients with glottic cancer, five (1 percent) had pure anterior commissure lesions and 175 (25 percent) had vocal cord tumors secondarily involving the anterior commissure. One of three of these anterior commissure tumors also had subglottic extension. Despite the presence of blood vessels and lymphatics in the anterior commissure, metastasis to regional lymph nodes in rare (8 percent). Patients with Stage 1 and 2 lesions were treated by hemilaryngectomy with satisfactory results (45/61 -- 74 percent). Only three patients had local recurrence after hemilaryngectomy. Patients with bilateral cord-anterior commissure lesions had the poorest survival and highest recurrence rate, even after total laryngectomy. Subglottic extension of these anterior commissure tumors did not correlate with survival. Survival and recurrence rates were conversely proportional to the stage of the tumor at presentation. Although the anterior commissure is a theoretical site for cancer breakthrough and lymphatic spread, its apparent significance lies in the fact that its involvement by glottic primaries represents only increasing tumor size and thus an advanced stage of disease.  相似文献   

Local recurrence after CO2 laser cordectomy for early glottic carcinoma   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
OBJECTIVES: To point out prognosis factors of local recurrence after endoscopic cordectomies for Tis, T1a, T1b, and T2 glottic squamous cell carcinomas. STUDY DESIGN: A cohort of 110 patients treated from January 1990 to December 2000 at a single institution was retrospectively analyzed: 21 had Tis, 76 T1a, 7 T1b, and 6 T2 (mean follow-up 42 mo; range 1-160 mo). METHODS: The depth and extension of the excision were graded according to the European Laryngological Society Classification. Univariate analysis was used to review the impact on disease-free survival of factors related to the host, the tumor, and the treatment. RESULTS: According to the Kaplan-Meier method, the 5 year overall survival and the disease-free survival were 87% and 75%, respectively. The rates of cause-specific survival, ultimate local control with laser alone, and laryngeal preservation were 97%, 84%, and 90%, respectively. Univariate analysis by the log rank test revealed that vocal muscle infiltration (P = .001) and subglottic involvement (P = .02) have a significant impact on disease-free survival. Of the 22 patients with local recurrence (17 T1a, 1 T1b, and 4 T2), 9 were managed with total laryngectomy, 5 with partial laryngectomy, 4 with further laser cordectomy, 2 with radiotherapy, and 2 had no curative treatment. CONCLUSION: Transoral laser surgery for early glottic carcinoma is a valid alternative to radiotherapy and partial laryngectomy in terms of oncologic results. It offers low morbidity and excellent retreatment options in case of local failure. Careful patient selection for laser surgery is essential to secure good results.  相似文献   

Between 1958 and 1990 67 patients with an early glottic carcinoma involving the anterior commissure were treated by radiotherapy. Excluding three with carcinoma in situ, 64 had a T1N0M0 squamous cell carcinoma; in eight of these (12.5%) the tumour was only located in the anterior commissure, in 45 (70.3%) it also involved one vocal cord and in 11 (17.2%) both vocal cords. The overall 5-year survival rate was 85%. For those with only anterior commissure involvement it was 60%, with involvement of one vocal cord and the anterior commissure it was 89% and with involvement of both vocal cords 82%. The 3-year recurrence rate was 58% for patients with involvement of only the anterior commissure, 24% with involvement also of one vocal cord, and 45% for those with involvement of both vocal cords. It was found that in cases of early glottic carcinoma, involving the anterior commissure and treated by radiotherapy, the prognosis for recurrence and survival was poorest when the carcinoma was only located in the anterior commissure, and it was concluded that this group of patients deserves special consideration.  相似文献   

Early glottic cancer can be effectively treated with radiation or surgery, but recurrence is a possibility when using any of the treatment modalities.AimTo assess the outcome of radiotherapy as initial treatment in the control of squamous cell carcinoma of vocal cord (T1) and the effectiveness of salvage surgery (endoscopic or open) after treatment failure.Materials and MethodsA retrospective study was based on the analysis of medical records from 43 patients with T1 squamous cell carcinoma of the glottis, radiotherapy as initial treatment and follow-up period of five years.ResultsThe rate of recurrence after radiotherapy was 30.2% of the cases, mean diagnosis interval was 29.5 months. As an option for salvage treatment, patients underwent open partial laryngectomy or endoscopic surgery with control rates of 77.7% and 25% respectively.ConclusionOur cases showed high rates of recurrence after radiotherapy and open partial laryngectomy was more effective for the salvage surgery.  相似文献   

Roh JL  Yoon YH 《The Laryngoscope》2005,115(6):1055-1059
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of topical mitomycin C (MMC) in preventing anterior glottic stenosis (AGS) after transoral microresection of glottic lesions involving the anterior commissure (AC). STUDY DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. METHODS: Sixteen patients with benign or malignant glottic lesions involving the AC were studied. The lesions were removed by transoral microsurgery using a CO2 laser or cold microinstruments. In all patients, the anterior glottis was treated topically with 0.4 mg/mL MMC for 5 minutes at the end of surgery. The postoperative vocal folds and voice quality of patients were evaluated using video strobolaryngoscopy and voice recordings. RESULTS: Four patients had local recurrences after surgery and were treated with repeat microsurgery. Postoperatively, five patients (31%) developed acceptable small webs in the anterior glottis; one resolved with web lysis and a second with topical MMC. Postoperative vocal quality was affected mainly by the extent of vocal fold resection and the subsequent wide glottal gaps and extensive scarring, rather than by MMC use per se. Significant local side effects or atrophy of the vocal folds owing to MMC were not found. CONCLUSION: Topical MMC may be useful for preventing AGS and subsequent dysphonia after transoral microresection of glottic lesions involving the AC.  相似文献   

For better understanding of the causation and behavior of T1-T2 commissural glottic laryngeal tumors, we retrospectively analyzed risk factors and outcome related to T class and type of therapy for tumors involving the anterior (184 cases) or the posterior (60 cases) commissure. The patients' smoking habits and alcohol consumption were similar, regardless of involved subsite. The disease-free interval was longer after surgery than after radiotherapy. The survival rates after recovery upon relapse were similar among subsites, T classes, and types of therapy. In anterior commissure tumors, the larynx remained preserved more frequently after partial laryngeal resection than after radiotherapy, and was more frequently preserved the lower the T class. In posterior commissure tumors, larynx preservation was less frequent and apparently independent of type of therapy or T class. In conclusion, smoking and alcohol consumption play similar pathogenetic roles in either subsite; partial laryngeal resection gave a higher rate of laryngeal preservation than did radiotherapy; and anatomic peculiarities of the subsites influence tumor behavior.  相似文献   

目的 探讨侵及前连合的声门型喉癌有效的手术方法.方法 回顾性分析侵及前连合的声门型喉癌T1~T3病变,行喉前淋巴结清扫、喉裂开声门上、下联合进路处理的37例完整临床资料.其中T1病变20例,T2病变7例,T3病变10例.采用Kaplan-Meier法计算术后生存率.结果 本组治疗后3个月全部拔除气管套管并恢复了吞咽和发...  相似文献   

Conclusions Sampling surgical margins in trans-oral laser microsurgery for early glottic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) may allow for increased local control rate, although with no difference in local control by endoscopic treatment alone. Objective To further delineate the role of routinely sampling separate surgical margins, in patients with early glottic SCC undergoing endoscopic laser resection. Methods A retrospective case control study. One hundres and two early glottic cancer patients staged Tis-T2 underwent endoscopic laser surgery with curative intent as the primary treatment. Separate margins from the surgical bed were sampled following complete tumor resection in 64 patients; in 38 patients no margins were sampled. Results Margin sampling showed a tendency towards reduced risk for local recurrence, adjusted HR?=?0.439 (p-value?=?0.096). However, there was no difference in local control by endoscopic treatment alone. The patients with sampled margins were further divided based on margins’ status: 39 (61%) had negative margins, and 25 (39%) had positive margins. Compared with negative margins, patients with positive margins showed increased risk for recurrence, adjusted HR?=?8.492 (p?=?0.008). When margins were not sampled the risk for local recurrence was increased compared to negative margins (adjusted HR?=?7.875, p-value?=?0.008), and relatively comparable to what was observed when sampled margins were positive (adjusted HR?=?0.927, p-value?=?0.88).  相似文献   

Objectives: To assess whether proposed voice and quality of life (QoL) outcome measures were likely to be acceptable to patients previously treated for early glottic cancer by either radiotherapy or endoscopic resection, as well as looking for differences in QoL and voice between treatments. Design: Questionnaire‐based cohort study. Setting: Secondary care, three centres. Participants: All patients treated for T1a or in situ glottic carcinoma between 1997 and 2003. Fifty‐three patients were identified; those who had undergone salvage surgery or radiotherapy were excluded. A proportion refused to participate or could not be contacted and two patients had died of unrelated causes. Thirty‐six patients completed the trial with 18 from each treatment arm. Main outcome measures: Quality of voice as assessed by three questionnaires, Voice Handicap Index (VHI), Vocal Performance Questionnaire (VPQ), Voice Symptom Score (VoiSS) and perceptual analysis of voice by Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia and Strained (GRBAS) assessment of vocal recordings. Quality of life as assessed by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), University of Washington Quality of Life Questionnaire (UW‐QoL), and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) questionnaire. Results: All patients included in the trial were able to complete the questionnaires; however, 19% required assistance of some kind. GRBAS assessment showed no difference between groups for any criteria. All QoL questionnaires gave equivalent good scores. All of the voice questionnaires showed no statistical difference between groups except for the emotional subscale of the VoiSS which showed a significantly better score for the radiotherapy arm (P = 0.04). Conclusion: All outcome measures were applicable and acceptable to the patient group. Overall QoL and voice appears similar despite treatment arm, apart from the emotional subscale of the VoiSS. A randomized controlled trial is required to further assess this question.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the vocal outcomes of patients with early-stage glottic carcinoma undergoing laser resection with adjuvant cryoablative therapy. DESIGN: Retrospective review. SETTING: Tertiary care center. Patients Twenty patients with early-stage glottic carcinoma. Intervention Treatment of early-stage glottic carcinoma with endoscopic carbon dioxide laser resection in conjunction with cryoablation. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Disease-free survival and subjective and objective measures of posttreatment voice quality, based on serial videolaryngostroboscopy. RESULTS: There was 1 local treatment failure, with an overall mean disease-free follow-up of 32.6 months (range, 3-93 months). Carbon dioxide laser resection and cryoablative therapy were associated with a significant improvement in subjective voice quality (P<.001). Long-term dysphonia was uniformly improved vis-à-vis the pretreatment condition, even among patients with the most advanced disease undergoing the widest resections. Posttreatment web formation was not noted among 4 patients with anterior commissure involvement. CONCLUSIONS: Endoscopic laser laryngeal surgery performed in conjunction with cryotherapy for early-stage glottic carcinoma yielded excellent primary site control, while improving subjective and objective measures of voice quality. Combined laser surgery and cryotherapy is a possible alternative to radiotherapy for selected patients with early-stage glottic carcinoma who desire curative therapy, while optimizing vocal outcomes.  相似文献   

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