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目的研究采用足底内侧皮瓣和腓肠神经逆行筋膜皮瓣修复足跟部黑色素瘤切除后皮肤缺损的治疗效果。方法回顾性分析2008年9月至2018年12月间北京大学肿瘤医院收治的足跟恶性黑色素瘤的临床资料,在原发灶局部广泛切除后分别采用足底内侧皮瓣(A组)或腓肠神经逆行筋膜皮瓣(B组)进行修复。统计分析患者的生存情况,同时比较两种皮瓣在修复范围、坏死率、感觉恢复及溃疡率等方面的差异。结果共87例。A组25例,平均缺损长径为(6.1±1.4)cm,其中1例(4.0%)发生皮瓣坏死;B组62例,平均缺损长径为(7.5±2.4)cm,其中5例(8.1%)发生皮瓣坏死。A组的皮瓣感觉恢复要明显优于B组(P0.001);A组无皮瓣发生溃疡,B组16例(25.8%)发生溃疡,两组间差异有统计学意义(P=0.004)。总体中位无病生存时间为66.5个月(55.1~78.0个月);中位总生存时间为80.9个月(69.3~92.5个月)。AJCC分期是影响无病生存时间(P0.001)和总生存时间(P=0.006)的唯一因素。结论早中期足跟部恶性黑素瘤的预后较好,应尽量采用局部带蒂皮瓣进行修复。足底内侧皮瓣术后的外形美观,感觉恢复更好,发生远期溃疡的风险低,是首选的修复方法;腓肠神经逆行筋膜皮瓣则更适合于缺损范围较大或偏足跟外侧的病灶。  相似文献   

足底内侧皮瓣在足底恶性黑色素瘤治疗中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1991~ 1998年 ,我院共收治足底恶性黑色素瘤患者 2 0例 ,其中 12例应用带血管神经束的岛状足底内侧皮瓣 ,顺行或逆行转移修复足底负重区软组织缺损 ,取得了满意的临床效果 ,较好地恢复了足的功能。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组共 12例 ,男 8例 ,女 4例 ;年龄最大 6 5岁 ,最小 36岁 ,平均年龄 5 2岁。肿瘤发生的部位 :足跟部 9例 ,足底前区内侧2例 ,足底前区外侧 1例。肿瘤最大直径 4 8cm ,最小 2cm ,平均直径 3 2cm。肿瘤切除后足底软组织缺损最大为 9cm× 8cm ,最小为 4cm× 4cm。1.2 手术方法其中 9例行足底内侧皮瓣顺行…  相似文献   

[目的]分析足跟部皮肤恶性黑色素瘤切除术后应用足底内侧皮瓣修复的临床疗效及优势。[方法]足跟部恶性黑色素瘤均明确诊断,根据肿瘤厚度扩大切除切缘1~1.3cm,治疗组23例应用带神经血管蒂足底内侧皮瓣移位修复足跟部缺损,随机抽取同期45例采用游离皮片移植修复者作对照组,对比分析临床效果。[结果]全组术后随访6~72个月,平均随访48.6个月,两组局部复发率、生存率相仿,治疗组足底内侧皮瓣除1例坏死外,其余22例全部成活,且皮瓣均感觉灵敏,能正常穿鞋、行走,足跟外形满意,足及足趾活动良好,无溃疡发生,与对照组相比足跟部形态、功能修复具有显著优势。[结论]在足跟部皮肤恶性黑色素瘤治疗中应用足底内侧皮瓣修复足跟部创面是可行的、有效的、理想的方法。临床效果良好。  相似文献   

我科自2005年2月以来,应用小腿内侧皮瓣修复足跟部恶性肿瘤切除后创面共10例,效果满意,现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的观察足底内侧岛状皮瓣的血管、神经分布情况,探讨足底内侧岛状皮瓣顺行转移、逆行转移的设计方法,并指导临床治疗足底恶性肿瘤。方法观察16例甲醛固定成人尸体足及2例新鲜足的足底内侧血管、神经的分支、分布情况;观察足底内侧岛状皮瓣的血管、神经分支、分布情况。临床应用皮瓣修复16例足跟区和10例前足区恶性肿瘤切除后软组织缺损。结果足底内侧动脉的走行,分布有明显变异。足底内侧动脉浅支有2—3条皮支人足底内侧岛状皮瓣;深支有3~4个皮穿支人该皮瓣。以近侧端1、2支为主。静脉为与动脉同名的伴行静脉,口径均粗于动脉,均有2条足底内侧神经的皮支分布到该皮瓣。临床应用26例皮瓣成活良好,随访3个月~5年,皮瓣感觉及耐磨功能良好。结论足底内侧岛状皮瓣主要由足底内侧动脉浅支入该皮瓣的皮支营养。顺行转移时可在足底内、外侧动脉分叉点至第1跖骨头后方1cm的点之间设计皮瓣,必要时需切断结扎足底内侧动脉深支以获得足够长度的蒂。逆行转移时,皮瓣尽可能的设计在近段,蒂部尽可能保留2~3个分支,以保障皮瓣的血供。  相似文献   

目的:探讨足底内侧皮瓣、局部逆行岛状皮辫、外踝上穿支皮瓣、内踝上穿支皮瓣和游离股前外侧皮瓣修复足底负重区恶性黑色素瘤广泛切除术后缺损的优缺点。方法:浙江省肿瘤医院骨和软组织肿瘤外科2010-01-13-2013-12~25收治的23例足底负重区皮肤恶性黑色素瘤患者,进行原发灶广泛切除后分别采用足底内侧皮瓣、局部逆行岛状皮瓣、外踝上穿支皮瓣、内踝上穿支皮瓣及游离股前外侧皮瓣进行修复,对其临床资料和随访结果进行分析。结果:术后缺损面积为4cm×4cm~11cm×9cm,切取皮瓣面积5cmX5cm~12cm×10cm。14倒足底内侧皮瓣全部成活,其中皮瓣最大切取面积为7cm×7cm。1例局部逆行岛状皮瓣出现小部分坏死,二期愈合,4例外踝上及内踝上穿支皮瓣全部成活,其中皮瓣最大切取面积为12cm×10cm。4例游离股前外侧皮瓣中,3例成活,1例皮瓣出现远端部分浅表性坏死,经换药后愈合。所有患者无继发性渍疡出现,患足均可无痛行走。2例行足底内侧皮瓣修复术后出现局部复发。结论:各种皮瓣修复足底黑色素瘤术后缺损均可获得较好疗效,对较小足根部的缺损(直径〈8cm)首选足底内侧皮瓣,较大的缺损可采用内外踝上穿支皮瓣,有显微外科条件的可考虑游离股前外侧皮瓣修复局部皮瓣不能覆盖的缺损。  相似文献   

目的:比较足底部皮肤恶性黑色素瘤切除术后两种修复方法的疗效。方法:回顾性分析2006年7月~2014年2月我院收治31例足底部皮肤恶性黑色素瘤患者临床病理资料,其中男14例,女17例。临床分期:I期2例,Ⅱ期9例,Ⅲ期20例。手术均行距肿瘤边缘2cm的广泛切除+腹股沟淋巴结清扫术;足底肿瘤切除术后缺损以两种方式修复,A组(11例):直接从同侧腹股沟切口取全厚皮片修复或皮瓣修复+取同侧腹股沟全厚皮片修复供皮瓣区。 B组(20例):直接取同侧大腿中厚皮片植皮修复或皮瓣修复+取同侧大腿中厚皮片修复供皮瓣区;比较两组患者的手术时间、术中出血量、术中淋巴结清扫数目、住院时间、住院费用、腹股沟伤口并发症及足底局部复发情况等方面的差异。结果:术后足底缺损区植皮或皮瓣完全成活,肿瘤均无局部复发。两种方法在住院时间、住院费用及腹股沟伤口术后并发症方面差异有统计学意义(p0.05)。结论:与从同侧大腿取中厚皮片修复相比,从腹股沟切口直接取全厚皮片修复减少手术伤口,并发症少,住院时间短,住院费用低,是一种较理想的修复方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨足部软组织肿瘤扩大切除术后出现缺损的修复方法.方法自1989年10月~2001年10月,应用胫后血管逆行岛状皮瓣修复15例足部软组织肿瘤扩大切除术后的缺损.结果15例患者随访12~84个月,平均38个月.胫后血管逆性岛状皮瓣完全成活,并且无局部复发.结论小腿内侧胫后血管逆行岛状皮瓣修复足部肿瘤性软组织缺损是理想的选择.具有就近取材、皮肤色泽结构相似,操作简单的特点.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨手术治疗足跟与足跖部部皮肤恶性黑色素瘤的适宜方式。方法 对 1 994年以来收治的 1 2例足跟与足跖部皮肤恶性黑色素瘤患者在病灶彻底切除后 ,7例患者采用岛状皮瓣转移修复创面 ,5例患者采用全厚皮片移植修复创面。对其临床资料与随访结果进行回顾性总结和分析。结果 皮瓣修复组获得随访的 6例患者均存活 ,术区外形和功能恢复良好 ,局部无复发 ;皮片修复组 4例患者获得随访 ,其中 2例死亡 ,1例局部复发 ,1例发生全身转移 ,另外 2例存活 ,术区外形和功能尚满意。结论 在一定的广度和深度彻底切除足跟与足跖部皮肤恶性黑色素瘤是取得良好疗效的关键 ,其中切除深度更重要。  相似文献   

Tumor resection causes damage in the head and neck which creates problems in swallowing,chewing,articulation,and vision,all of which seriously affect patients' quality of life.In this work,we evaluated the application of a free medial tibial flap in reconstruction of head and neck defects after tumor resection.We discussed the anatomy,surgical technique,and the advantages and disadvantages of the flap.We found several benefits for the flap,such as,it is especially effective for the defects that require thin-layer epithelium to cover or the separated soft tissue defect;a two-team approach can be used because the donor site is far away from the head and neck;and the flap is easy to integrate because of the subcutaneous fat layer of the free medial tibial flap is thin and the flap is soft.Thus,the medial tibial flap could replace the forearm flap for certain applications.  相似文献   

A patient with a huge melanoma metastasis to the left adrenal gland was treated by multivisceral surgical resection. Progression of disease could be controlled by systemic immunotherapy resulting in long-term survival. In selected cases, above all with late manifestation of distant melanoma metastases, even major surgical resection of such lesions can be worthwhile.  相似文献   

Breast reconstruction following the resection of breast cancer with inadequate residual chest-wall tissue may be performed with an implant or a myocutaneous flap, such as the latissimus dorsi or a rectus abdominis. Among a variety of operative procedures, each method has advantages and disadvantages. The insertion of a silicone-bag prosthesis is the easiest method, but the prosthetic implant sometimes has complications, such as unfavorable capsular contracture formation around the implant, rupture, infection, or exposure. We therefore use an extended latissimus dorsi myocutaneous (ELD-MC) flap with some amount of surrounding subcutaneous fat from the lumbar area, and avoid the use of any implant with an MC flap. Also, for the reconstruction and correction of infraclavicular and axillary depression, we use the extended vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous (EVRAM) flap. This method uses the skin and fat on both sides of the umbilicus as a lenticular flap vascularized by only one of the rectus abdominis muscles. The patients are satisfied with the outcome because symmetry and good breast volume can be obtained. There have been no functional or anatomical defects of the donor area. No abdominal hernia after an EVRAM flap has resulted to date. Both the ELD-MC and EVRAM flaps can be successfully used for cosmetic breast reconstruction after the resection of breast cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The overall prognosis for patients with metastatic malignant melanoma remains poor. However, careful staging and identification of patients with limited metastatic disease offers the opportunity for surgical salvage and improved survival for selected patients. METHODS: We reviewed the experience over the last 17 years at our institute with isolated pulmonary metastasectomy in 86 patients with advanced malignant melanoma. RESULTS: Our data demonstrate an overall median time to relapse of approximately 8.4 months and a median survival of 35 months. The 5-year survival rate is estimated at 33%, and 16% remain continuously free of disease after a median follow-up of 35 months. Resection of properly staged and evaluated patients with limited pulmonary metastases appears to convey a significant survival benefit. Patients with a single metastasis fare best. CONCLUSIONS: These encouraging results offer a rationale for the careful follow-up of resected patients. One third of all relapses will be limited and additional surgery contributes to their overall survival.  相似文献   

目的通过比较皮瓣修复术和游离皮片移植术在足跟皮肤恶性肿瘤切除后皮肤缺损修复的近远期疗效,探讨足跟皮肤恶性肿瘤切除术后皮肤缺损的外科修复方法。方法选取2013年7月至2018年11月间辽宁省肿瘤医院骨与软组织肿瘤外科收治的符合入选标准的30例足跟部皮肤恶性肿瘤的病例,均行手术切除治疗,术后皮肤缺损较大,不能直接缝合,根据手术切除后皮肤缺损修复的方式分成A组(皮瓣修复组)和B组(游离皮片移植组)。分别对A、B两组病例的一般资料以及术后短期植皮或皮瓣的成活情况,术后长期皮瓣或植皮皮肤的外观满意度、皮肤麻木感觉、分离不适感、生存转归、辅助治疗、肿瘤复发转移、关节功能活动度等治疗数据进行统计分析。结果A组和B组病例在不稳定感(关节活动障碍或组织分离感)、肿瘤复发转移、生存转归、辅助治疗(包括放疗、化疗、免疫治疗、生物治疗)等方面差异无统计学意义;在近期皮瓣或植皮成活率、患者外观满意度、皮肤麻木感觉及关节功能活动度这四方面差异有统计学意义(均P<005)。患者的主观评价在外观满意和皮肤麻木感方面以及客观关节功能活动方面,A组优于B组。结论皮瓣修复和游离皮片移植都可作为修复足跟皮肤恶性肿瘤切除术后皮肤缺损的修复方式,足跟部负重区皮肤缺损的修复应优先选择转移皮瓣。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The curative effect of surgery in certain patients with metastatic melanoma suggests the presence of endogenous antitumor responses. Because melanoma is immunogenic, we investigated whether a therapeutic cancer vaccine called Canvaxin (CancerVax Corporation, Carlsbad, CA) could enhance antitumor immune responses and thereby prolong survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Of 263 patients who underwent complete resection of American Joint Committee on Cancer stage IV melanoma, 150 received postoperative adjuvant vaccine therapy and 113 did not. The overall survival (OS) for the two groups was compared by Cox regression. Further survival analysis was performed by matched-pair analysis according to three prognostic variables: sex, metastatic site, and number of tumor-involved organ sites. RESULTS: Five-year OS rates were 39% for vaccine and 19% for nonvaccine patients. On multivariate analysis, vaccine therapy was the most significant prognostic variable in this cohort (P =.0001). Analysis of 107 matched pairs of vaccine and nonvaccine patients revealed a significant OS advantage for vaccine therapy (P =.0009): 5-year OS was 39% for vaccine patients versus 20% for nonvaccine patients. There was a significant delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to adjuvant vaccine therapy (P =.0001), and OS was significantly correlated with DTH to vaccine (P =.0001) but not with DTH to purified protein derivative (PPD), a control antigen. CONCLUSION: Prolonged survival was observed in patients who received postoperative active immunotherapy with Canvaxin therapeutic cancer vaccine. The correlation of survival with vaccine-DTH responses but not PPD-DTH indicates a treatment-specific effect. These findings suggest that adjuvant active specific immunotherapy should be considered after cytoreductive surgery for advanced melanoma.  相似文献   

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