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Jacobs R Mraiwa N Van Steenberghe D Sanderink G Quirynen M 《Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA》2004,26(4):329-333
Panoramic radiographs are routinely used in the dental office for various diagnostic purposes. This study aimed to evaluate the visibility of neurovascular structures in the mandibular interforaminal region on such radiographs. Panoramic radiographs were obtained with a Cranex Tome (Soredex) from 545 consecutive patients using a standard exposure and positioning protocol. For visibility scoring of neurovascular structures, a four-point rating scale was used. The mandibular canal and the mental foramen could be observed in the majority of the cases with good visibility. The lingual foramen was visualized in 71% of the cases, with good visibility in 12%. An incisive canal was identified in 15% of the images, with good visibility in only 1%. An anatomical variation to be considered is the anterior looping of the mental nerve (in 11% of images). Panoramic radiographs can be used for visualization of the mental foramen and a potential anterior looping but not for locating the mandibular incisive canal. To verify its existence for preoperative planning purposes, cross-sectional imaging modalities (HR-CT or spiral tomography) should be preferred. 相似文献
The aim of this study was to provide morphometric data, obtained from macerated mandibles, which might facilitate the topographic location of the mandibular foramen, considering aspects such as gender, age and ethnicity.Materials and methods
One hundred and eighty-five macerated mandibles of adult black and white individuals of both sexes were analyzed. Initially, 5 points were established: MF, the lowest point of the mandibular foramen; S, greatest concavity of the mandibular notch; A, anterior margin of the ramus of mandible; P, posterior margin of the ramus of mandible; and Go, gonion. Then the following measurements were performed bilaterally: MF-S, MF-A, MF-P and MF-Go.Results
The following mean values were found: MF-S: 21.02 mm for white females (WF) and 22.00 mm for black females (BF); 24.40 mm for white males (WM) and 24.35 mm for black males (BM); MF-A: 17.05 mm for WF and 18.09 mm for BF; 17.18 mm for WM and 18.11 mm for BM; MF-P: 11.11 mm for WF and 12.24 mm for BF; 13.10 mm for WM and 14.15 mm for BM; MF-Go: 19.00 mm for WF and 19.44 mm for BF; 23.13 mm for WM and 22.12 mm for BM.Conclusions
The values found in this study, considering gender, age and ethnic group, can be used as a parameter to carry out the sagittal split ramus osteotomy technique, making it more predictable and with less risk of complications. 相似文献3.
Olivier Oth Stéphane Louryan Serge Van Sint Jan Marcel Rooze Régine Glineur 《Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA》2013,35(3):241-247
Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) is the most common procedure used to treat mandibular deformities. BSSO procedures include the Epker technique and the Dal Pont technique which are the most frequently used. Because of the intramandibular pathway of the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN), neurosensory disturbance of the lower lip and chin is the most common complication of BSSO. This study performed quantitative measurements from computed tomographic (CT) data obtained on dry human mandibles. The main aim of the study was to evaluate if mandibular divergence can predict the position of the IAN and the mylohyoid nerve (MHN) to prevent nerve injury.Methods
After CT and 3D reconstruction of 65 dry mandibles, 30 measurements were made on 3 planes for each hemi-mandible. This allowed analysis of the IAN and MHN pathways. Three groups of hemi-mandibles were created depending on their divergence, and a statistical analysis was performed.Results
Eight out of the 30 measurements showed a significant difference among the 3 groups. There was no significant difference for the remaining 22 measurements.Conclusions
The IAN seems to have a more superior position in the groups of mandibular hypo- and hyper-divergence. Orthognathic surgeons should use a more superficial retromolar bone incision in these cases. Finally, the Epker technique would be safer for preserving the MHN in normo- and hypo-divergent patients. 相似文献4.
Kositbowornchai S Siritapetawee M Damrongrungruang T Khongkankong W Chatrchaiwiwatana S Khamanarong K Chanthaooplee T 《Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA》2007,29(8):689-694
BACKGROUND: To evaluate the incidence of lingula shapes in Thai adult mandibles and to compare the accuracy of panoramic radiograph measurement with the dry mandible measurements for localizing the position of the lingula. METHODS: Seventy-two dry adult mandibles (144 sides) from 52 males and 20 females of Thai origin were classified as triangular, truncated, nodular or assimilated. Twenty-three mandibles, composed of both first molar and canine on the same side (33 sides), were selected for distance measurement. The ten distances from the lingula to the anterior, posterior ramus, to the coronoid notch and lower border of the mandible were measured on the dry mandibles and compared with the same distances on panoramic radiographs. The distribution of the lingula shape is described. Paired t test and correlation were used to evaluate the accuracy of panoramic radiographs in localizing the position of the lingula. RESULTS: Truncated lingula were most commonly found (68 sides or 47%). Nodular, triangular and assimilated shapes were found in 33 (23%), 24 (17%) and 19 subjects (13%), respectively. The distance differences between the panoramic radiograph measurement and the dry mandible measurement were statistically significant (P < 0.01). The positive correlations between the panoramic and dry skull measurements were high (0.59-0.91). CONCLUSIONS: The lingula has different shapes in different populations. In adult Thai mandibles, the truncated lingula shape is most common. Panoramic radiographs present not only the position but also the shape and number of lingula and mandibular foramen. There is a high concordance between the measured distances in panoramic radiography and dry mandibles. 相似文献
Akira Takahashi Hiroshi Watanabe Yosuke Kamiyama Eiichi Honda Yasunori Sumi Tohru Kurabayashi 《Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA》2013,35(9):803-809
The aim of this study was to compare panoramic and paraxial views of dental CT reformatted images to detect the mandibular canal, and to evaluate the usefulness of the dental CT software function of “Outlining the Mandibular Canal in the Panoramic View”.Methods
One hundred and fifty-five patients (310 sides), who underwent multi-slice computed tomography examination for pretreatment planning of dental implant were analyzed. After scanning, two types of dental CT reformatted image, panoramic and paraxial views were obtained. Two oral radiologists evaluated both views for the visibility of the mandibular canal using a 5-point rating scale: score 5, 100–80 % visible, to score 1, 20–0 % visible. The visibility scores of the two views were evaluated and compared by Wilcoxon’s signed rank test.Results
The mean ± standard deviations of panoramic and paraxial views were 4.2 ± 1.1 and 3.5 ± 1.2, respectively, and the former was significantly higher than the latter (p < 0.001). On the basis of these results, we attempted to apply the function of “Outlining the Mandibular Canal in the Panoramic View” to cases with poor visibility of the canal (score 1, 2 or 3) on paraxial views. Consequently, we could reduce the number of such cases from 128 (41 %) to 56 (18 %).Conclusions
The detectability of the mandibular canal was significantly higher in panoramic views than in paraxial views. Using the function of “Outlining the Mandibular Canal in the Panoramic View”, the precision for identifying the canal on paraxial views was considered to be improved. 相似文献6.
目的 通过螺旋CT及曲面断层片探讨下颌神经管与下颌骨的实际位置关系。 方法 利用螺旋CT扫描机对正常年青人进行下颌骨的横断面连续薄层扫描及多平面重建后,测量并计算下颌神经管在下颌骨中的实际位置及其走行方向。对上述人群拍摄曲面断层片,在曲面断层片上测量并计算下颌神经管在下颌骨中的位置并将两种测量结果进行比较。 结果 在颊舌方向,下颌神经管总体走行是由舌侧逐渐向颊侧倾斜达颏孔,在走行高度上,在第三磨牙区由上向下走行,自第二磨牙开始下颌神经管逐渐由下向上走行达颏孔。下颌神经管在下颌骨中位置的测量并计算的比值,在两种检测方法中无显著性差异(P<0.05)。 结论 本研究螺旋CT测量并计算出的比值校正曲面断层片测量并计算的结果,可以在临床工作中指导牙槽外科手术。 相似文献
下颌角整形术对下颌骨应力以及颞下颌关节功能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的分析基于东方经典美丽分析面罩的下颌角整形术对人体下颌骨及颞颌关节功能的影响。方法获取病人术前和术后头部CT图像数据,通过Simpleware有限元建模软件生成计算模型,利用Abaqus软件观察手术前后模型上的应力分布及数值大小。结果获得了具有良好形态的下颌骨三维有限元模型,根据在不同部位施加不同负荷模拟模型各部分的力学改变,发现手术前后下颌骨部及关节附近的应力分布有差异。结论基于东方经典美丽分析面罩的下颌角整形术,手术前后对病人的下颌骨及颞颌关节附近的应力减小。 相似文献
Yakushin SB Raphan T Büttner-Ennever JA Suzuki J Cohen B 《Journal of neurophysiology》2005,94(6):3860-3871
Thirty-seven neurons were recorded in the superior vestibular nucleus (SVN) of two cynomolgus monkeys 1-2 yr after bilateral lateral canal nerve section to test whether the central neurons had spatially adapted for the loss of lateral canal input. The absence of lateral canal function was verified with eye movement recordings. The relation of unit activity to the vertical canals was determined by oscillating the animals about a horizontal axis with the head in various orientations relative to the axis of rotation. Animals were also oscillated about a vertical axis while upright or tilted in pitch. In the second test, the vertical canals are maximally activated when the animals are tilted back about -50 degrees from the spatial upright and the lateral canals when the animals are tilted forward about 30 degrees . We reasoned that if central compensation occurred, the head orientation at which the response of the vertical canal-related neurons was maximal should be shifted toward the plane of the lateral canals. No lateral canal-related units were found after nerve section, and vertical canal-related units were found only in SVN not in the rostral medial vestibular nucleus. SVN canal-related units were maximally activated when the head was tilted back at -47 +/- 17 and -50 +/- 12 degrees (means +/- SD) in the two animals, close to the predicted orientation of the vertical canals. This indicated that spatial adaptation of vertical canal-related vestibular neurons had not occurred. There were substantial neck and/or otolith-related inputs activating the vertical canal-related neurons in the nerve-sectioned animals, which could have contributed to oculomotor compensation after nerve section. 相似文献
Yakushin SB Dai M Raphan T Suzuki J Arai Y Cohen B 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2011,210(3-4):583-594
We investigated spatial responses of the aVOR to small and large accelerations in six canal-plugged and lateral canal nerve-sectioned monkeys. The aim was to determine whether there was spatial adaptation after partial and complete loss of all inputs in a canal plane. Impulses of torques generated head thrusts of ≈ 3,000°/s2. Smaller accelerations of ≈ 300°/s2 initiated the steps of velocity (60°/s). Animals were rotated about a spatial vertical axis while upright (0°) or statically tilted fore-aft up to ± 90°. Temporal aVOR yaw and roll gains were computed at every head orientation and were fit with a sinusoid to obtain the spatial gains and phases. Spatial gains peaked at ≈ 0° for yaw and ≈ 90° for roll in normal animals. After bilateral lateral canal nerve section, the spatial yaw and roll gains peaked when animals were tilted back ≈ 50°, to bring the intact vertical canals in the plane of rotation. Yaw and roll gains were identical in the lateral canal nerve-sectioned monkeys tested with both low- and high-acceleration stimuli. The responses were close to normal for high-acceleration thrusts in canal-plugged animals, but were significantly reduced when these animals were given step stimuli. Thus, high accelerations adequately activated the plugged canals, whereas yaw and roll spatial aVOR gains were produced only by the intact vertical canals after total loss of lateral canal input. We conclude that there is no spatial adaptation of the aVOR even after complete loss of specific semicircular canal input. 相似文献
Espina-Fereira A Ortega AI Barrios FA Maldonado YJ Fereira JL 《Investigación clínica》2007,48(4):403-418
This paper had as goals to identify the presence of age indicators in the mandibular ramus and to study their applicability in estimating the chronological age of children between the ages of 6 and 12 years. For this, a sample of 128 individuals (70 males and 58 females) was selected, all without chronic or acute sicknesses. An evaluation was made of the metric and angular variables of the mandibular ramus on panoramic radiographs of the oral cavity. The Greulich-Pyle method was applied to estimate the skeletal age, and the Demirjian et al. method was applied to estimate the dental age. A positive correlation, statistically significant, could be observed between the metric variables studied and the chronological age; nevertheless, the angular variables did not show correlation with the chronological age. Regression models were built using metric variables of the mandibular ramus in order to estimate the age, which made a significant contribution to the calculation of the age. A consistent subestimation of the skeletal age and an overestimation of the dental age were found in both sexes. It was evident that a combination of the dental age, the skeletal age and the metric variables obtained in the mandibular ramus, increases the precision for calculating the chronological age, when compared to separate-made estimations of the dental and skeletal age. The proposed regression models can be used for estimating the age of cadavers in advanced states of decomposition and in living individuals without valid identification documents. 相似文献
Yakushin SB Kolesnikova OV Cohen B Ogorodnikov DA Suzuki J Della Santina CC Minor LB Raphan T 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2011,210(3-4):549-560
To determine whether the COR compensates for the loss of aVOR gain, independent of species, we studied cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys in which all six semicircular canals were plugged. Gains and phases of the aVOR and COR were determined at frequencies ranging from 0.02 to 6?Hz and fit with model-based transfer functions. Following canal plugging in a rhesus monkey, the acute stage aVOR gain was small and there were absent responses to thrusts of yaw rotation. In the chronic state, aVOR behavior was characterized by a cupula/endolymph time constant of ??0.07?s, responding only to high frequencies of head rotation. COR gains were ??0 before surgery but increased to ??0.15 at low frequencies just after surgery; the COR gains increased to ??0.4 over the next 12?weeks. Nine weeks after surgery, the summated aVOR?+?COR responses compensated for head velocity in space in the 0.5?C3?Hz frequency range. The gains and phases continued to improve until the 35th week, where the combined aVOR?+?COR stabilized with gains of ??0.5?C0.6 and the phases were compensatory over all frequencies. Two cynomolgus monkeys operated 3?C12 years earlier had similar frequency characteristics of the aVOR and COR. The combined aVOR?+?COR gains were ??0.4?C0.8 with compensatory phases. To achieve gains close to 1.0, other mechanisms may contribute to gaze compensation, especially with the head free. Thus, while there are individual variations in the time of adaptation of the gain and phase parameters, the essential functional organization of the adaption to vestibular lesions is uniform across these species. 相似文献
Ye Cheng Haijun Gao Ge Song Yunqian Li Gang Zhao 《Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA》2016,38(5):541-549
The primary purpose of our work was to make anatomical measurements of pterygoid canal (PC) and palatovaginal canal (PVC). The secondary goal was to locate the two structures based on the landmarks in the trans-sphenoidal surgery and draw a safe corridor of fenestration in the bottom of sphenoid sinus during surgical procedure to sphenopalatine region.Materials and methods
Computed tomographic angiography (CTA) images of PC, PVC and sphenoid sinus in 200 adults were reviewed. Multiplanar reconstruction of the CT images was performed, and the anatomical features of the PC and PVC were studied in the coronal, sagittal, and axial planes. The length, diameter and direction of PC and PVC were measured in the plane through or perpendicular to them. The anterior and posterior opening of PC and PVC were identified by the surgical landmarks such as the middle lowest point of sellar floor, the sagittal midline and the bottom of the sphenoid sinus.Result
Both PC and PVC can be found and identified easily on CTA image, the shape and size of the PC and PVC were in agreement with those retrieved from previous literatures, the position of them can be located by the anatomical landmarks in sphenoid sinus.Conclusion
Knowing the anatomical features of PC and PVC and their location based on the anatomical landmarks are helpful to the endoscopic trans-sphenoidal surgery. These data in our study will provide surgeons a better understanding of PC and PVC and their relationship to sphenoid sinus. Notably, it will not help the surgeons to avoid injuring neurovascular structures as well as provided supportive information for the choice of the appropriate endoscopic equipment.14.
Mark J. M. Nijland Duncan Mitchell Graham Mitchell 《Pflügers Archiv : European journal of physiology》1990,417(4):375-381
We have investigated the role of the sympathetic innervation of the vasculature of the head in the control of selective brain cooling of sheep, during exposure to high and low ambient temperatures and during endotoxin-induced fever. Bilateral removal of the superior cervical ganglia resulted in a significant reduciton of hypothalamic temperture during all procedures. Respiratory rate was also depressed by the sympathectomy, apparently mainly as a result of a decrease in nasal airway patency. Rectal temperature changes after sympathectomy were dependent on the experimental conditions, and the rectal — hypothalamic temperature difference was enhanced during heat exposure and fever. Our results support the contention that sympathetically mediated changes in nasal blood flow and in venous return from the nasal cavity, via the angularis oculi and facial veins, may be involved in the control of selective brain cooling in sheep. 相似文献
W. Waespe M. Wolfensberger 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1985,60(2):263-269
Summary The superior branch of the vestibular nerve containing peripheral axons of primary afférents originating in the lateral and anterior semicircular canals was cut bilaterally in three monkeys (vestibular neurectomy). Vertical and horizontal components of eye position were monitored by electro-oculography (EOG) during different stimulus and behavioral paradigms. Postoperatively, monkeys were unable to hold their eyes in eccentric lateral positions in complete darkness. The eyes drifted slowly back to the primary position where eye drift was minimal (null-zone). After vestibular neurectomy the time constant of the eye position integrator in darkness was 4–8 s. Constant velocity optokinetic stimuli produced peak velocities of horizontal OKN that were similar to those before operation. Consistent optokinetic after-responses could not be observed after neurectomy for stimulus durations of less than 60 s. However, with stimulus periods greater than 60–120 s a drift near the primary position of the eyes appeared in darkness which had the same direction as the slow phases of the preceding OKN. Drift velocity was too high to be explained by drift due to the imperfect eye position integrator alone. We assume that drift after prolonged optokinetic stimulation is a combination of an after-response similar as it can be observed after smooth pursuit and of drift due to an imperfect eye position integrator. Secondary optokinetic after-nystagmus was not observed after neurectomy.Supported by Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research (Nr. 3.718-0.80 and 3.593-0.84) 相似文献
Galiana HL Smith HL Katsarkas A 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2001,137(3-4):369-386
We recorded the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in 18 normal subjects, 50 patients with unilateral loss of vestibular function
and 18 patients with bilateral loss of vestibular function. The unilateral cases had either partial loss (i.e. vestibular
neuronitis or Meniere's disease) or total loss (i.e. vestibular nerve section), whereas bilateral cases had only partial loss
(i.e. due to ototoxicity or to suspected microangiopathy, secondary to severe kidney disease). Tests were performed at 1/6-Hz
passive head rotation in the dark, with peak head velocities ranging from 125 to 190°/s. We report on the distinct VOR non-linearities
observed in unilateral versus bilateral patients: whereas unilateral patients all exhibit an asymmetric hypofunction with decreasing VOR gain at higher head velocities, bilateral patients have a more severe but symmetric hypofunction associated with increasing VOR gain at higher head velocities. We present a model study that can duplicate the nature of these characteristics, based
mainly on peripheral non-linear semicircular canal characteristics and secondary central compensation. Theoretical analyses
point to the importance of clinical test parameters (rotation speed and frequency) in the determination of a functional VOR
and the detection of reflex non-linearities, so that test protocols can seriously bias the evaluation of adequate functional
Electronic Publication 相似文献
目的:应用数字技术分析腰椎椎弓根离断的位置对延长后的椎管容积的影响.方法:选取50例正常腰椎CT数据集,应用Mimics 14.0软件,以双侧椎弓根上缘所在平面为参考面对数据集进行重新定义分割,三维重建第4、5腰椎椎体及椎管数字解剖模型.分别在椎弓根与椎体连接的部位、椎弓根与椎板连接的部位垂直于椎弓根轴线模拟分别离断双侧椎弓根,并对离断后的椎弓根向后延长,置入椎弓根螺钉等仿真手术操作.测量截断平面的椎管面积和前后离断截面间的距离.对获取的数据进行统计分析.结果:在第4腰椎节段,椎弓根前部离断椎管截面面积较后部小36.703 mm2,前后截面间距离为4.003 mm±0.723 mm;在第5腰椎节段,椎弓根前部离断椎管截面面积较后部大11.718 mm2,前后截面间距离为3.278 mm±0.576mm.结论:在第4腰椎节段,椎弓根后端离断对椎管容积增大的有效性要优于前端离断,在第5腰椎节段,则反之.但根据脊柱“三栓理论”,在后部截骨理论上可以给脊柱前柱提供更好的力学稳定性,并且后部截骨在离断过程中对椎管及其周围的组织、尤其是对神经的损伤风险较小,所以总体评价椎弓根后端离断要优于前端离断. 相似文献
Bruno Marino Antonino Reale Aldo Giannotti Maria Cristina Digilio Bruno Dallapiccola 《American journal of medical genetics. Part A》1992,42(4):424-427
We describe a patient with partial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 8 with an atrio-ventricular canal. This type of congenital heart defect was found in 4 of the 7 previously reported del (8p) children with e congenital heart defect in which the cardiac assessment was complete. The prevalence of an atrioven-tricular canal in this aneuploidy is high and suggests a nonrandom association of the 2 anomalies. 相似文献