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目的从文献引证角度分析期刊的学术水平和价值,为评估军队医学优势学科、骨干作者群和评选优秀论文提供参考。方法依据中国知网的"中国学术期刊网络出版总库",对2000-2009年在《解放军医学杂志》刊载的论文中单篇被引次数达30次以上者,采用文献计量学方法分析作者所在单位、学科分布和研究类型,并纵向比较各年份篇均被引频次。结果被引30次以上的论文共50篇,篇均被引频次由2000年的0.05次逐年上升,至2009年达4.46次。作者单位分布为解放军总医院和解放军302医院各11篇,第二军医大学6篇,第一、三军医大学各5篇,解放军304医院4篇,以上单位刊文占高被引论文总数的84%。在50篇高被引论文中,传染病学12篇,野战外科学7篇,创伤与烧伤6篇,共占高被引论文总数的50%。论文类型包括实验研究20篇,临床研究11篇,文献综述9篇,专家论坛8篇,临床病理2篇。结论 2000年以来,《解放军医学杂志》刊文被引率明显提高;高被引论文作者主要分布在军医大学和总部医院;传染病、野战外科、创伤与烧伤等学科产文质量较高;实验研究、临床研究和文献综述是高被引论文的主要著述形式。  相似文献   

2000~2004年《解放军医学杂志》被引分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的从文献引证的角度了解《解放军医学杂志》的学术水平和期刊质量。方法依据中国生物医学期刊引文数据库(CMCI),采用文献计量学方法对《解放军医学杂志》载文被CMCI来源期刊引用的情况进行统计分析及评价。结果发文被引比例为36.54%,单篇论文平均被引次数为2.70次,被引作者群的地域分布24个省、市和自治区,北京、上海和广东在军事医学研究领域居于前列。有451种期刊引用该刊,自引率为0.20。结论该刊所载文献质量相对较高,是我国军队医学研究领域重要的信息源之一,也是我国医学领域的主要核心期刊。  相似文献   

目的:全面了解《空军医学杂志》创刊30年来的学术质量和学术贡献。方法通过《中国知网》期刊全文数据库的数据,对其发文数量、基金论文、论文分类、发文单位、作者分布和论文被引情况进行分析研究。结果共发表论文4020篇,基金论文41篇;分41类5108篇次,其中,临床医学、特种医学、军事医学与卫生和航空航天科学与工程等13个学科论文总篇次达80.11%;发文单位最多的40个单位发文占论文总数的78.38%,空军总医院占68.28%;发文最多的40名作者共发表论文1328篇,占论文总数的33.03%,论文被引用1132篇,被引频次最高为46次;下载100次以上的论文共有115篇,最高886次;共有高影响力论文16篇;3位专家的h指数>10。结论《空军医学杂志》办刊方针明确,体现了强烈的军事医学特色,为军队作者搭建了很好的学术交流平台,促进了科技论文质量的不断提高,培养了一批技术水平较高的医学专业人才。  相似文献   

目的 探讨近年来《中华航空航天医学杂志》发文作者、作者单位及作者地区分布情况,了解该杂志作者科研合作情况,确定其核心作者群、核心作者分布机构及核心作者所在地区. 方法 利用中国人民解放军医学图书馆所开发的中国生物医学期刊引文数据库(Chinese medical citation index,CMCI)及万方生物医学全文数据库,运用文献计量学相关方法,对《中华航空航天医学杂志》2004-2013年所有发文作者发表论文数量、合作论文情况、核心作者分布情况、作者地区分布、作者所在机构和论文多产单位分布等进行统计分析. 结果 《中华航空航天医学杂志》2004-2013年10年间发表论文1 451篇,第1作者人数852人,其中发表论文1篇的作者582人,占第1作者总人数的68.31%.作者合作论文1 317篇,合作率90.76%.医院发表论文489篇,科研院所发表论文421篇,高等院校发表论文213篇.核心作者共124人,发表论文575篇.论文多产单位15个.北京地区发表论文748篇居第1位. 结论 《中华航空航天医学杂志》拥有的作者数量较多,分布较广,合作率较高.其中医院、科研院所和高等院校发文量最多,成为航空航天医学研究的重要组成力量.核心作者撰写的论文数量超过总论文数的一半.表明期刊核心作者群已经完全形成.  相似文献   

目的:从文献引证的角度透视《中国运动医学杂志》的学术水平和期刊质量。方法:依据《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》(Chinese Medical Citation Index,CMCI),采用文献计量方法对《中国运动医学杂志》载文被CMCI来源期刊引用的情况进行统计分析及评价。结果:2000~2009年平均发文被引比例为56.00%,单篇论文平均被引3.25次,单篇论文最高被引33次。单篇被引5次以上论文234篇,占总被引篇数的22.57%,共被引1873次,占被引总频次的54.37%。1037篇被引论文中,共有国内外作者662人,作者最高被引篇数为10篇,被引1篇的作者462人,占作者总数的69.79%。被引作者群地域分布28个省(自治区)、直辖市和香港、美国等。北京、上海和广东在运动医学研究领域居于国内前列。有557种期刊引用《中国运动医学杂志》论文。结论:《中国运动医学杂志》作者群分布较广,单篇被引频次较高,代表了国内该学科研究现状,核心作者、核心研究机构较为明显,其研究成果受到了广泛关注。  相似文献   

目的 通过对<中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志>基金论文进行统计分析,探讨提升杂志学术水平的有效途径.方法 运用文献计量学的方法,统计分析<中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志>2006-2010年基金论文的发文量、基金论文率、基金资助等级、基金论文内容分布、基金论文作者单位及地域、作者发文及合作情况.结果 <中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志)2006-2010年刊载基金论文194篇,占载文量的21.4%.其中省部级基金论文量最多,占86.1%.基金论文来自51个单位,其中院校47篇、研究所34篇、医院113篇;篇平均作者数为5.9人,作者数多为4-9人,占82.0%;第一作者出现频次≥3次的核心作者群有7人.核心发文单位9个,占总发文单位的17.6%;但发文量为134篇,占总基金论文的69.1%,排在前4位的依次是海军医学研究所、海军总医院、第二军医大学、北京朝阳医院.结论 <中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志>是航海医学与高气压医学领域的核心期刊,所刊载的基金论文基本反映了该专业的学术水平.要进一步搞好选题策划,建立核心作者群和核心发文单位专家库,提升杂志学术水平,促进学科发展.  相似文献   

目的:揭示《中国运动医学杂志》近十年刊文的核心群体、研究热点及杂志的稿源信息。方法:以中国知网学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)为基础,搜索2009~2018年《中国运动医学杂志》刊载论文,进行科学计量和可视化分析,观察杂志论文的时间分布、学科分布、基金赞助分布和机构、作者分布情况。进一步利用CiteSpace软件生成关键词共词TimeZone知识图谱,观察研究热点分布;使用VOSviewer软件绘制网络图谱,观察研究群体的合作程度及合作情况。研究共纳入1984篇符合要求的论文。结果与结论:(1)杂志学科交叉渗透现象明显,以体育学、特种医学类别的论文居多。有基金资助的文章占总发文量的38.76%,国家自然科学基金资助了最多数量的文章。(2)发文机构及合作情况呈现显著的地域特征,北京、上海两地的发文数处于国内领先地位,以国家体育总局运动医学研究所、体育科学研究所,北京体育大学、上海体育学院等为中心,各机构间的合作频繁紧密。(3)杂志的科研合作程度较高,论文合著率为94.45%,每篇文章平均有作者4.04人,普赖斯指数为67.8%。敖英芳、陈世益、傅力等是杂志的高产作者,是我国运动医学领域中最活跃的研究团队。(4)杂志发文演进热点有:骨骼肌细胞、信号通路、运动疲劳、高原训练、细胞凋亡、自噬、交叉韧带重建、脑卒中、凋亡、抗阻运动、meta分析、复发性髌骨脱位、棕色脂肪组织等。而肩关节的运动损伤防治、脂联素的相关研究成为了新的热点问题。  相似文献   

1983~1987年《解放军医学杂志》引文分析(摘要)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文统计分析了1983~1987年《解放军医学杂志》(下称该刊)各期论著栏所有论文的引文,以评价该刊的质量和使用价值。 一、引文量 引文即论文末尾所列参考文献。它是论文作者引证他人或自己已发表文献的一种普遍现象。通过引文统计分析以评价期刊、选择核心期刊等应用较为广泛。本组5年30期,论著栏共载文360篇,平均每期发表论文12篇,其中无引文32篇,占8.9%。共列引文2164条,平均引文6.6条。作者通过与1980年中文自然科学期刊,与1980年的《中华医学杂志》、《日本最新医学》、《美国医学杂志》、《苏联医学》,与1983~1984年的《中华外科杂志》作比较,表明该刊的引文  相似文献   

目的 从文献引证的角度透视《中华航空航天医学杂志》的学术水平和期刊质量. 方法 依据《中国科技期刊引证报告》和中国生物医学期刊引文数据库(Chinese Medical Citation Index,CMCI),采用文献计量学方法,对该刊2004-2013年总被引频次、影响因子、刊载论文的被引率、单篇论文平均被引次数、单篇论文被引情况、作者发表论文被引情况、主要引用期刊和自引率等进行统计分析及评价. 结果 《中华航空航天医学杂志》2004-2013年的总被引频次呈逐年增加的趋势.2012年总被引频次在军事医学与特种医学类期刊中排名第2,影响因子在军事医学与特种医学类期刊中排名第1.2004-2013年《中华航空航天医学杂志》共发表论文1451篇,被CMCI来源期刊引用了520篇,平均被引率为35.8%;总被引次数为1 563次,单篇论文平均被引次数为3.0次;单篇被引最高次数为80次,被引超过15次以上有11篇论文;同一第1作者发表的论文被引最多为14篇,被引最高次数为173次.CMCI来源期刊中有201种期刊引用了《中华航空航天医学杂志》发表的论文,主要引用期刊是《中华航空航天医学杂志》、《解放军医学院学报》、《空军医学杂志》、《中国疗养医学》、《航天医学与医学工程》和《人民军医》.《中华航空航天医学杂志》自引率为26.6%. 结论 《中华航空航天医学杂志》刊载论文质量较高,有独特的学术风格和一定的社会影响力,是传播我国航空航天医学信息的重要载体.  相似文献   

认真学习贯彻军委、总后首长题词为提高军队医学科学技术水平服务总后勤部卫生部部长陆增祺在《解放军医学杂志》创刊30周年之际,军委首长和,总后首长分别题词,赋以重托,寄以希望,这充分体现了军委、总后首长对《解放军医学杂志》的高度重视,对军队卫生科技人员的...  相似文献   

目的 通过对<中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志>基金论文进行统计分析,探讨提升杂志学术水平的有效途径.方法 运用文献计量学的方法,统计分析<中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志>2006-2010年基金论文的发文量、基金论文率、基金资助等级、基金论文内容分布、基金论文作者单位及地域、作者发文及合作情况.结果 <中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志)2006-2010年刊载基金论文194篇,占载文量的21.4%.其中省部级基金论文量最多,占86.1%.基金论文来自51个单位,其中院校47篇、研究所34篇、医院113篇;篇平均作者数为5.9人,作者数多为4-9人,占82.0%;第一作者出现频次≥3次的核心作者群有7人.核心发文单位9个,占总发文单位的17.6%;但发文量为134篇,占总基金论文的69.1%,排在前4位的依次是海军医学研究所、海军总医院、第二军医大学、北京朝阳医院.结论 <中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志>是航海医学与高气压医学领域的核心期刊,所刊载的基金论文基本反映了该专业的学术水平.要进一步搞好选题策划,建立核心作者群和核心发文单位专家库,提升杂志学术水平,促进学科发展.
Objective To explore effective approaches to the improvement of the academic level of the Journal through analysis of the fund papers published in the Chinese Journal of Nautical Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine. Methods Bibliometrics was used to analyze the amount of fund papers published, the percentage of fund papers, the rate of financial support, subject distributions, the authors institutions and regions,and co-authors of the sponsored articles in the journal from 2006 to 2010. Results Published from 2006 to 2010 were 194 fund papers which accounted for 21.4% of the total number of articles published in the Journal. Of all the fund papers, most were sponsored or supported by provincial or ministerial foundations, accounting for 86. 1%. The fund papers come from 51 institutions, and 47 papers were contributed by authors from colleges and universities, 34 articles were from research institutes, 113 articles were from hospitals. Most articles had several co-authors, the average number of authors per paper was 5.9, and the papers having 4-9 authors accounted for 82.0% of the total fund papers. Identified as the first author were 7 core authors who published no less than 3 articles. There were 9 core institutions which accounted for 17. 6% of the total outgoing institutions, and published a total of 134 papers, which accounted for 69. 1% of the total fund papers. The first 4 core institutions placed in order of importance were the Naval Medicine Research Institute, the Second Military Medical University, the Navy General Hospital and the Beijing Chaoyang Hospital. Conclusions The Chinese Journal of Nautical Medicine and Hyperbaric Medicine is the core journal in the discipline of nautical medicine and hyperbaric medicine. The fund papers published in the Journal could reflect the academic level in this field. In order to improve the academic level of the Journal and promote further development of the discipline, efforts should be made on subject selection and planning. In addition, a database of core authors and experts of core outgoing institutions should be established.  相似文献   



To evaluate scientific papers published by Korean radiologists in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) radiology journals, between 1986 and 2010.

Materials and Methods

The Institute for Scientific Information Web of Knowledge-Web of Science (SCIE) database was searched for all articles published by Korean radiologists, in SCIE radiology journals, between 1986 and 2010. We performed the analysis by typing "Korea" and "radiol" in the address section and selecting the subject area of "Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Medical Imaging" with the use of the general search function of the software. Analyzed parameters included the total number of publications, document types, journals, and institutions. In addition, we analyzed where Korea ranks, compared to other countries, in terms of the number of published articles. All these data were analyzed according to five time periods: 1986-1990, 1991-1995, 1996-2000, 2001-2005, and 2006-2010.


Overall, 4974 papers were published by Korean radiologists, in 99 different SCIE journals, between 1986 and 2010, of which 4237 (85.2%) were article-type papers. Of the total 115395 articles, worldwide, published in radiology journals, Korea''s share was 3.7%, with an upward trend over time (p < 0.005). The journal with the highest number of articles was the American Journal of Roentgenology (n = 565, 13.3%). The institution which produced the highest number of publications was Seoul National University (n = 932, 22.0%).


The number of scientific articles published by Korean radiologists in the SCIE radiology journals has increased significantly between 1986 and 2010. Korea was ranked 4th among countries contributing to radiology research during the last 5 years.  相似文献   

吴奋  吴捷 《武警医学》2011,22(9):791-793
 目的 探讨《武警医学》载文著者的特点.方法 用文献计量学的方法 对2000-2010年《武警医学》的载文著者情况进行统计分析.结果 《武警医学》11年内共载文5316篇,每期平均载文量40.3篇,篇密度为0.56;著者单位以武警部队为主,合著率91.4%,合作度3.7.结论 《武警医学》是高质量的医学期刊,但社会影响力还有待进一步提高.  相似文献   



To evaluate scientific papers published by radiologists in high impact general medical journals between 1996 and 2010.


A MEDLINE search was performed in five high impact general medical journals (AIM, BMJ, JAMA, Lancet, and NEJM) for all articles of which a radiologist was the first author between 1996 and 2010. The following information was abstracted from the original articles: radiological subspecialty, imaging technique used, type of research, sample size, study design, statistical analysis, study outcome, declared funding, number of authors, collaboration, and country of the first author.


Of 216 (0.19%) articles were published by radiologists in five general medical journals between 1996 and 2010, 83 were original articles. Fifteen (18.1%) original articles were concerned with the field of vascular/interventional radiology, 24 (28.9%) used combined imaging techniques, 76 (91.6%) were clinical research, 63 (75.9%) had a sample size of >50, 65 (78.3%) were prospective, 78 (94.0%) performed statistical analysis, 83 (100%) showed positive study outcomes, 57 (68.7%) were funded, 49 (59.0%) had from four to seven authors, and 79 (95.2%) were collaborative studies.


A very small number (0.19%) in five high impact general medical journals was published by radiologists between 1996 and 2010.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the number and characteristics of papers on MR imaging written by radiologists in Spain and published in 2001-2007 Medline-indexed journals, including a comparison with the MR research output from German radiological departments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Specific search profiles were devised to retrieve items from the Medline database. Relationship with the topic and major thematic areas of the articles, publication year, journal, language of publication, and mean impact factors were analyzed. Spanish and the German institutions with the highest MR productivity were identified. Also, the number of articles from Spain and Germany published in their respective official journals (Radiología and ROFO) was recorded. RESULTS: There were 332 Spanish articles published in 101 different journals. The higher number of papers was published in Spanish radiology and non-radiology journals (n=105, 32%, mean IF: 0.191). The journal with the higher number of articles was Radiología (n=51, 15%). "Neuroradiology" was the most frequent topic (n=139, 42%). The Spanish productivity on MR imaging was yearly stable (p=0.67), with the higher percentage of papers (17%) published in 2006. The topic with the higher IF was "neuroradiology" (IF: 2.317). There were no yearly variations for the three major thematic areas ("Neuro imaging": p=0.64; "Body imaging": p=0.91; and "Non-clinical miscellanea": p=0.46). The highest number of MR publications was found in two Spanish institutions (Dr. Peset University Hospital and Vall d'Hebron Hospital) (both, n=28, 8%). In comparison, there were 1681 articles on MR imaging from Germany, having the two most productive institutions more than 150 papers in this period (University Hospital Essen and Eberhard-Karls University of Tübingen). The adjusted number of articles per million populations was 20.4 for Germany and 8.1 for Spain. A total of 395 (23%) articles originating from Germany were published in the official German radiological journal ROFO. The percentage of articles originating from Spain and Germany published in their respective official journals was statistically different. DISCUSSION: Spanish radiologists published approximately two-third of their MR articles in several non-Spanish journals, while the official Spanish radiological journal Radiología leads the ranking of Spanish journals. Spanish radiologists are mainly active in the "neuroradiology" topic. The Spanish healthcare sector is the most active. German institutions published more in their official journal ROFO.  相似文献   

Background and aimsBibliometrics makes it possible to measure the relative importance of a scientific journal in its field. The current study analyzed the scientific publications in Radiología and the bibliometric parameters of the journal in the period comprising 2010 through 2019.Materials and methodsWe reviewed the bibliometrics for Radiología through information obtained from three sources: Scopus, the online version of the journal, and the publisher (Elsevier). We retrospectively analyzed aspects related to the editorial process (final decision and speed), the articles published (type, subspecialty of radiology, and imaging technique), the trends in citation and various indices(CiteScore, SNIP, and SJR), visibility, downloads, author characteristics (geographical origin and institutional collaboration), and the most cited articles.ResultsThe number of articles published in Radiología gradually decreased during the decade, and the time to publication increased. Original research articles account for the largest share of the articles published. The most common subject areas were radiology of the digestive tract and neuroradiology. Nevertheless, the bibliometric indicators and the number of downloads of articles increased every year. Regarding the authorship of the articles published, although authors from Spain predominate, the participation of authors from other countries became increasingly common. Collaboration among different institutions also became increasingly common in the period analyzed.ConclusionsThis review shows the progression of the journal's scientific work and some aspects that must be addressed to favor the growth of Radiología.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Tight budgets and increasing competition for research funding pose challenges for highly specialized medical disciplines such as radiation oncology. Therefore, a systematic review was performed of successfully completed research that had a high impact on clinical practice. These data might be helpful when preparing new projects. METHODS: Different measures of impact, visibility, and quality of published research are available, each with its own pros and cons. For this study, the article citation rate was chosen (minimum 15 citations per year on average). Highly cited German contributions to the fields of radiation oncology, biology, and physics (published between 1990 and 2010) were identified from the Scopus database. RESULTS: Between 1990 and 2010, 106 articles published in 44 scientific journals met the citation requirement. The median average of yearly citations was 21 (maximum 167, minimum 15). All articles with ≥?40 citations per year were published between 2003 and 2009, consistent with the assumption that the citation rate gradually increases for up to 2 years after publication. Most citations per year were recorded for meta-analyses and randomized phase III trials, which typically were performed by collaborative groups. CONCLUSION: A large variety of clinical radiotherapy, biology, and physics topics achieved high numbers of citations. However, areas such as quality of life and side effects, palliative radiotherapy, and radiotherapy for nonmalignant disorders were underrepresented. Efforts to increase their visibility might be warranted.  相似文献   

The current study aims to investigate the research publication trends in the field of forensic genetics using Bibliometric analysis. An extensive search of the Scopus database was conducted to identify scholarly articles on forensic genetics published between 1977 and 2022, and a data set comprising 2945 articles was obtained. The analysis was carried out using VOSviewer, RStudio, MS Excel and MS Access to investigate the annual publication trend, most productive journals, organizations/authors/countries, authorship and citation patterns, most cited documents/articles and co-occurrence of keywords. The results revealed the first article in the field of forensic genetics was published in 1977. By the end of 1999, only 15 articles were published. Since then, there has been a considerable increase in the yearly number of publications and post-2006, there were more than 100 yearly published articles. USA, China, Spain, Germany and United Kingdom were found to be the most productive countries. Among various organizations, the Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck Medical University, Austria was found to be the most productive organization. In terms of the number of publications and citations, Morling N. was found to be the most prolific author. The highest number of articles were published in Forensic Science International: Genetics, contributing about 34% of the total articles published in different sources/journals. The document with the highest number of citations was “HOMER N, 2008, PLOS GENET”, with a total of 750 citations. The most frequent keywords were forensic genetics and forensic science, followed by STR, population genetics, DNA, mt-DNA and DNA-typing. The results also revealed that there had been collaborative research among countries, organizations and authors, which helps in the exchange of ideas across disciplines, developing new skills, getting access to financial resources and generating quality results.  相似文献   

Advances in clinical magnetic resonance (MR) are discussed in this review in the context of publications from Investigative Radiology during 2006 and 2007. The articles relevant to this topic, published during this 2 year time period, are considered as organized by anatomic region. An additional final focus of discussion is in regards to those studies involving MR contrast media.  相似文献   

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