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Zusammenfassung Bei Nierenkranken, nicht renal Erkrankten, essentiellen Hypertonikern und gesunden Probanden wurde die Enzymaktivität der-Hexosaminidase und zum Vergleich der-Galaktosidase im 24 h-Urin bestimmt. Gegenüber allen anderen Gruppen wiesen Nierenkranke eine signifikant höhere Enzymaktivität der-Hexosaminidase bei jedem Patienten auf, während-Galaktosidase nur im Mittelwert erhöhte Werte zeigte. Die Ursache der Enzymerhöhung wird diskutiert.  相似文献   

Summary In organizing thrombi angiogenesis is not dependent on invasion of vasa vasora from the vascular wall. Mononuclear cells of the monohistiocytic system are always present within the clotted blood and are capable of differentiation into various types of mesenchymal cells, including endothelial cells. At first autolytic slits and clefts appear in the fibrinous superficial areas of the thrombus. They are gradually lined by spindle-shaped pre-endothelial cells that already possess immunohistological properties of endothelial cells but still resemble primitive mesenchymal cells ultrastructurally. Later these cells gain connection with each other by pseudopodia, overlapping and interdigitation until the channels in the fibrinous matrix are covered by an uninterrupted layer of cells. These cells are now characterized ultrastructurally by the appearance of specific endothelial organelles (Weibel-Palade bodies). Circulation within these channels begins from the blood stream. In addition, angiogenesis by sprouting of vasa vasora from the vascular wall occurs in those areas of the thrombus in contact with the vessel wall. In blood vessels with on unimpaired intimal layer, angiogenesis by invasion of capillaries occurs at an earlier date than capillary formation by mononuclear cells.  相似文献   

Summary There is increasing evidence that pineal synaptic ribbons are a heterogeneous population of organelles. In addition to synaptic ribbons (SR) sensu stricto, which consist of an electron-dense rod surrounded by electronlucent vesicles, synaptic spherules (SS) exist, the electrondense core of which is round and much wider than that of the SR. In the guinea-pig SR and SS numbers exhibit an inverse day/night rhythmicity. To gain more insight into the functional significance of SR and SS, guinea-pigs were exposed to continuous illumination for approximately 4 months (LL) and the respective structures in the pineal gland were quantitated under the electron microscope and compared with control animals kept under a lighting regiment of 12 h light and 12 h dark. It was found that SR numbers increase following LL whereas SS numbers decrease. The proximal, intermediate and distal parts of the dumbbell-shaped organ respond differently. The increase in SR numbers is significant in the distal and intermediate regions only, whereas the decrease in SS numbers is significant in the proximal and the intermediate regions only. Within each pineal region analyses of parenchymal subareas measuring 65 m by 65 m exhibit an inverse correlation of SR and SS numbers indicating that there are parenchymal domains in which either SR or SS predominate. Morphometric analyses of a number of pinealocytic parameters reveal minor differences between different pineal regions and that exposure to LL does not strikingly affect the pinealocyte perikarya. By contrast, the numbers of pinealocyte processes increase significantly after LL in the distal and intermediate, but not the proximal region of the pineal gland. These observations suggest structural and functional differences between different parts of the guinea-pig pineal gland.  相似文献   

An investigation of the cerebral circulation by the thermoelectric method showed that stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve leads to considerable changes in the blood supply to the brain. The changes in blood flow are biphasic in character: An initial small increase is followed by a decrease below the original level. Pharmacological analysis with and adrenoblockers showed that the constrictor response of the cerebral vessels is due to excitation of-adrenergic structures and the dilator response to excitation of-adrenergic structures. A possible mechanism of these changes is postulated.Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. M. Chernukh.Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 9–12, January, 1976.  相似文献   

Summary A nine year old girl died with a massive infarct of the right cerebral hemisphere causing transtentorial and foramen magnum herniation. The infarction was secondary to an idiopathic dissecting aneurysm. The case is unusual in that the supraclinoid segment of the right internal carotid artery, the anterior cerebral artery, and the middle cerebral artery and its three branches were embedded and sectioned longitudinally. The dissection commenced in the supraclinoid segment of the right internal carotid artery, extended into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries, and was accompanied by thrombosis of the false lumen. A literature review of 20 pediatric cases indicates the malignant natural course of the disease (76% mortality in the first two months), and emphasizes the characteristic angiographic string sign. The diagnosis of cerebral arterial dissection during life depends on angiography and a high index of suspicion.  相似文献   

Free radical oxidation of arachidonic acid with soybean lipoxygenase was accompanied by inhibition of retinal synthesis from -carotene catalyzed by enzyme preparation from rabbit intestinal mucosa. Lipoxygenase inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid and antioxidants suppressing free radical reactions (ethyl gallate, -tocopherol, astaxanthine, and quercetin) promoted conversion of -carotene into retinal catalyzed by -carotene-15,15'-dioxygenase. These results indicate that lipoperoxides and/or products of their homolysis attenuate enzymatic conversion of -carotene and confirm the important role of natural antioxidants in the maintenance of stable vitamin A content in mammals.  相似文献   

Transplantation of allogenic bone marrow from HLA-identical sibs to patients with acute and chronic leukemia receiving immunosuppressive therapy is associated with the appearance of erythrocytes simultaneously carrying donor and recipient antigenic markers: AB0 system, rhesus factor and its subtypes, M and N antigens. Integration of genes responsible for each antigen is realized independently presumably at the level of stem cell, which ensures long-term (>3 years) repopulation of these erythrocytes. Experiments on inbred mice showed that transplantation of allogenic bone marrow is associated with an increase of chromosome number in 39% bone marrow cells 4 days after transplantation, which indicate the possibility of integration of whole chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary A case of juvenile-onset insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in a 30-year-old male patient is reported. He was admitted to the hospital because of severe diabetic neuropathy, predominantly in the lower extremities. Signs of autonomic neuropathy were not evident but the patient had severe orthostatic hypotension. Circulating catecholamine concentrations were normal; however, the blood pressure response to infused norepinephrine was reduced ten-fold compared to a group of normals. An improvement of the blood pressure response to sympathomimetic drugs was accomplished during the simultaneous administration of propranolol, a -receptor blocking agent. The present data suggest a possible defect of the adrenergic receptor system in response to sympathomimetic drugs while the release of catecholamines and the function of the parasympathetic nervous system appears to be intact. Treatment with -blocking agents such as propranolol as an adjunct to sympathomimetics seems to be a promising approach which might deserve further consideration in similar cases.  相似文献   

Summary The histology and immunohistology of twenty-seven malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphomas of the intestinal tract were studied. Nine of these cases were in the small intestine, ten in the ileocaecal region, two in the appendix and four in the large intestine. In one case, several locations in the gastrointestinal tract were involved. The so-called Kiel-Classification was applied. We have found thirteen lymphomas with low grade (lymphocytic, lymphoplasmacytic, centrocytic, centroblastic/centrocytic) and fourteen with high grade of malignancy (centroblastic, lymphoblastic, immunoblastic). For most of the lymphoplasmacytic and immunoblastic lymphomata a monoclonal pattern of intracellular immunoglobulin (IgM/kappa) was identified by the immunoperoxidase method. Tumour cells of lymphocytic, centrocytic, centroblastic/centrocytic, centroblastic and lymphoblastic lymphomas were always Ig-negative. The immunoperoxidase technique helped considerably in distinguishing between (monoclonal) malignant lymphomas and (polyclonal) lympho- or immunoproliferative processes.Six out of twenty-seven malignant lymphomas had developed from immuno-inflammatory diseases of the gut. Four of these were complications of coeliac disease. One had developed from a malabsorptive dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring, and one from a complication of a long-standing ulcerative colitis. In two patients with coeliac sprue and malabsorptive dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring respectively the ulcerating small intestinal lymphomas were initially misinterpreted as benigne ulcerative non-granulomatous jejunitis. The evidence from the literature summarized suggests strongly that the benign non-granulomatous jejunoileitis, lymphomatous ulcer, intestinal pseudolymphoma and malignant lymphoma, when associated with villous atrophy of adjacent mucosa and malabsorption symptoms, are all one condition, namely, malignant lymphoma.This study was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ot 53/4-6)  相似文献   

Summary For the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the mitotic cell cycle is coordinated with cell mass at the regulatory step start. The threshold amount of cell mass (reflected as a critical size) necessary for start is proportional to nutrient quality. This relationship leads to a transient accumulation of cells at start, termed nutrient modulation, upon enrichment of nutrient conditions. Nutrient enrichment abruptly increases the critical size needed for start, causing the smaller cells, produced in the previous cell cycle, to be delayed at start while growing larger. Here we show that, in S. cerevisiae, a second cell-cycle step, at mitosis, also exhibits nutrient modulation, and is, therefore, another point of cell-cycle regulation. At both mitosis and start, nutrient modulation was found through mutation to be regulated by the activity of the cyclin-related WHI1 (CLN3) gene product.  相似文献   

Human T, T, and T lymphocyte subpopulations have the capacity to respond to phytohemagglutinin (PHA)in vitro with proliferation and the production of a pH 2 and heat-labile interferon. This occurs both when the subsets are isolated by direct rosetting techniques or by negative selection. Macrophages enhance the production of the interferon by each lymphocyte subset and do not themselves produce interferon in response to products of PHA-activated lymphocyte subsets. Thus our studies indicate that subpopulations of T lymphocytes known to differ with regard to morphology, surface receptors, RNA content, response to corticosteroids and X-irradiation, and other functional capabilities do not differ with regard to their capacity to produce interferon.  相似文献   

The rate of hydroxylation of androgens was shown to be significantly reduced by -ray irradiation in doses of over 600 R. The rate of hydroxylation of estrogens showed little change. During irradiation under these conditions the content of cytochrome P-450 in the rat liver microsomes fell. The decrease in the rate of hydroxylation of steroid hormones by rat liver microsomes under the influence of whole-body -ray irradiation evidently depends on quantitative changes in cytochrome P-450.Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology, Medico-Biological Faculty, N. I. Pirogov Second Moscow Medical Institute.(Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. A. Pokrovskii.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 81, No. 6, pp. 668–670, June, 1976.  相似文献   

In adult, lesion-impaired rat brain receiving embryonic day 15 (E15) fetal transplants, the level of expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) correlates positively with choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) levels and also with measurements of successful behavioural recovery. These results suggest that glial cells may play a pivotal role in the cognitive success of socalled cholinergic-rich transplants.The objective of this study was to investigate the association between GFAP-and ChAT-staining antigens in or around cholinergicrich fetal grafts transplanted in adult cortex. An immunohistochemical fluorescent double-labelling technique was used to simultaneously identify GFAP- and ChAT-staining cells to assess whether there was a different type or distribution of cells present in these successful transplants. On brain sections of transplant area, GFAP-staining glial cells did not co-label with ChAT-staining cells. The transplant area, therefore, did not reveal a different type of cell from those seen in comparable normal cortical brain but rather a greater concentration of both GFAP- and ChAT-positive staining cells.  相似文献   

Summary The time course of the insulin effect on 1,2-bis-phosphoenolpyruvate (bis-PEP), a glucose metabolite, has been investigated. Within 30 sec insulin causes an increase of 60% in the amount of bis-PEP accumulated in incubation media of rat diaphragms.  相似文献   

Summary Receptive field sizes to stimulation of the ipsilateral temporal retina were studied in area 18 of adult cats at different times after complete midsagittal section of the optic chiasm. A specific postoperative evolution could thus be noticed: immediately after section, the average area of the receptive fields was reduced, as compared to control preparations, owing to the disappearance of large fields located at more than 20 of eccentricity. A progressive reappearance of these large fields occurred between 8 and 45 days after chiasmotomy, provided that the animal was placed in normal visual conditions during its postoperative period. No such recovery could be assessed after as long as 55 days, in animals kept in complete darkness after operation. Chiasmotomized cats also displayed a reduction of their percentage of light reactive cells with respect to controls, as expected from the suppression of the contralateral input. This percentage was at first very low and progressively increased, during postoperative recovery but again not when the animal had been kept in the dark. Finally, an increase of cells with diffuse responses was observed in the late postoperative recovery stage. This latter evolution also appeared to depend upon postoperative visual experience. On the other hand, no clear indication of an interhemispheric transfer could be obtained in these experiments, even at the 17–18 boundary.Supported by grants from C.N.R.S. (E.R.A. 411) and from the Foundation pour la Recherche Médicale  相似文献   

An investigation of the cerebral circulation by the thermoelectric method showed that stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve leads to considerable changes in the blood supply to the brain. The changes in blood flow are biphasic in character: An initial small increase is followed by a decrease below the original level. Pharmacological analysis with and adrenoblockers showed that the constrictor response of the cerebral vessels is due to excitation of -adrenergic structures and the dilator response to excitation of -adrenergic structures. A possible mechanism of these changes is postulated.Laboratory of Pathophysiology of Respiration, Institute of General Pathology and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. M. Chernukh). Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 81, No. 1, pp. 9–12, January, 1976.  相似文献   

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