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文章就药用植物受保护的现状,详细论述了保护药用植物的重要性和必要性及保护的方式、方法及前景;指出立法是保护植物的最基本最有效的方法以及如何立法才能使植物受到最全面的保护。  相似文献   

新兴县位于广东省中部偏西,境内多山,药用植物资源十分丰富,其中不乏名贵品种。本文对桫椤、大叶黑桫椤、猪笼草、阳春砂、山银花、珍珠草等重要药用植物的分布及开发利用状况作了详细调查,并对资源保护与开发提出了建议。  相似文献   

目的:为黑龙江西部草原地区药用植物资源保护和开发利用提供参考。方法:通过对黑龙江西部草原药用植物资源的文献调查及实地考察,对该地区药用植物的种类、分布情况等进行归纳、总结,并对其中3种主要代表性药用植物(罗布麻、甘草、黄芪)的综合利用情况进行分析。结果与结论:黑龙江西部草原地区药用植物共计有61个科,包括204个属、410个种。罗布麻、甘草、黄芪在临床、药理以及轻工业、生态保护等方面具有较高的利用价值。其中,在临床与药理方面,罗布麻含有强心苷、酚类、黄酮类等化学成分,对治疗心血管系统、内分泌系统疾病及肿瘤具有显著作用;甘草的有效成分包括三萜皂苷类、黄酮类、多糖类、香豆素、生物碱等,具有抗氧化、免疫调节、抗菌、抗炎、抗病毒、抗变态反应等作用;黄芪的化学成分主要包括黄酮类、多糖、皂苷类等,具有抗肿瘤、增强心肌收缩力、保肝等药理作用。该地区药用植物资源开发前景广阔,应通过加强中药资源的法律保护措施、建立药用植物种质基因库、加强药用植物调查摸底工作、建立小型药材原生地保护区等措施来确保其长久持续性利用。  相似文献   

利用药用植物内生菌生产药用植物活性物质是目前保护药用植物资源的一种重要手段,因此对药用植物内生菌的分离、内生菌所产活性物质的药用概况及研究中存在的问题进行了综合论述,并对今后的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

目的了解花岩国家森林公园药用植物资源的种类和蕴藏量。方法用线路、样地和计算蕴藏量的方法进行调查。结果药用植物种类繁多,具有药学、经济及科研价值,但多数品种蕴藏量不大,有些品种甚至处于濒危状态。结论应对药用植物资源进行保护和开发。  相似文献   

乌岩岭自然保护区药用植物资源调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解乌岩岭自然保护区药用植物资源种类和蕴藏量。方法采用线路调查、样地调查和计算蕴藏量的方法进行调查。结果非核心保护区药用植物种类繁多,有药学、经济及科研价值,但蕴藏量不匀,有些甚至处于濒危状态。结论本调查报告可为该区域药用植物资源保护和开发提供参考依据。  相似文献   

药用植物内生真菌—生物活性物质的新来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药用植物内生真菌资源丰富,具有潜在的应用前景。利用内生真菌发酵实现生物活性物质的工业化生产,可以提高其产量,同时有利于珍稀、濒危药用植物资源的保护,对减少野生药用植物多样性的破坏具有重要意义。文章综述了近年来国内外药用植物内生真菌及其次生代谢产物的研究概况和最新进展,并对研究中存在的问题进行了讨论及展望。  相似文献   

1993年11月2日至11月4日将在上海召开“亚洲地区药用植物的探索、利用和保护讨论会”。此会由亚洲各国科学院和学会联合会发起,第三世界科学院资助,中国科学院上海药物研究所和上海市科委联合举办.药用植物是当前研究开发新药及保健品的重要来源,此会将对亚洲地区药用植物的探索、利用和保护的有关政策,研究开发天然药物的成果和趋势进行学术交流和讨论。参加会议的有来自中国、日本、印度、朝鲜、韩国等国代表,此外德国和巴西也将派代表参加会议.预计在大会上作报告的内容包括:1.药用植物资源的开发和利用.2.药用植物资源  相似文献   

目的甘肃生态环境复杂多样,但投入严重不足、科技力量薄弱、研发能力较低、开发保护和基地建设滞后,资源优势没有形成产业优势。笔者探究药用植物资源的保护利用对策。方法根据全省气候类型、地貌、地理特征,将全省划分为4个中草药材生态分布区域,分析探讨不同区域的分布特征。结果提出了甘肃药用植物资源的保护措施:通过加大管理和保护力度,稳定和丰富中药材资源;加大扶持、服务、技术公关和资金投入力度以推进规范化种植和基地建设,促进中草药规模化、产业化等。结论有关部门要提高药用植物资源保护利用意识,采取相应对策,实现甘肃药用植物资源的永续利用和可持续发展。  相似文献   

野生药用植物资源可持续发展调查是药用植物资源动态调查与更新调查,从人类合理开发、利用和保护资源的社会学角度分析就是可持续发展调查;包括野生药用植物资源动态调查、野生药用植物资源监测性调查、预警预报体系建立和执行.阐述了野生药用植物资源可持续发展的3种方法,重点阐述野生药用植物资源动态调查中自然更新调查和人工更新调查方法,对野生药用植物资源监测性调查、预警预报体系建立和执行,提出可行性建议,最后提出野生药用植物资源野外调查技术规程的制订和样例.  相似文献   

高通量代谢组学近年来发展十分迅速,并在药用植物的研究中得到了广泛的应用。目前,它主要被用于通过指纹图谱对药用植物进行质量控制,比较基因改造后药用植物的代谢差异,监测不同环境对药用植物的代谢变化以及研究药用植物基因的功能。高通量代谢组学具有良好的前景,但也存在对仪器要求较高及数据整合烦琐等问题,限制其更好的推广和应用。随着科学技术的发展及仪器设备联用的普及,高通量代谢组学必将在药用植物的研究中发挥不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

药用植物次生代谢成分,因具有特殊的药理活性或功效对人类的健康极为重要,是药品、保健品、化妆品的主要来源。随着人类对于健康和长寿的不断追求,医药市场的需求规模持续增长,提高药用植物次生代谢成分的产量和质量变得特别重要。植物次生代谢成分是植物对环境的一种适应,是在长期进化过程中植物与生物和非生物因素相互作用的结果。药用植物次生代谢成分的产生和积累主要受植物遗传因素和环境因素的影响,其中光环境对其合成影响尤为重要,因而,长期以来光调控一直是国内外众多学者研究的热点。本文综述近年来有关光调控对药用植物次生代谢成分影响的研究进展,主要从光质、光强、光周期的影响分别阐述,以期为高效生产具有重要药理活性的次生代谢成分提供理论依据和实践指导。  相似文献   

蜡梅属植物有很高的观赏和药用价值,具有抗氧化、抗菌、抗病毒、镇痛等药理活性。然而,现今研究多关注其种质资源、品种分类、化学成分和临床应用等方面,缺乏分子生物学方向的系统总结。本文通过整理近年来基因组学、分子标记、分子鉴定、转录组学和功能基因克隆等方向的研究结果对蜡梅属药用植物的系统进化、遗传多样性、分类鉴定、次生代谢、抗逆机制及生长发育过程等多个方面的研究进展进行系统梳理,并就当前亟需解决的问题和研究前景进行展望,以期为加快蜡梅属药用植物的深度开发应用提供理论参考和研究思路。  相似文献   

发根农杆菌可转化药用植物而获得毛状根,毛状根在离体培养条件下表现出快速、大量合成代谢产物的能力。近年来许多珍贵药材面临着资源受限的状况,甚至濒临灭绝的危险,因此Ri质粒及其发根培养系统因其在有价值的次生代谢产物生产方面的优越性而被广泛重视,并成为药用资源植物可持续发展的有效途径之一。该文介绍了发根农杆菌转化药用植物的机制、感染植物的方法、影响遗传转化的因素、毛状根的培养以及获得药用植物次生代谢产物等方面的研究。  相似文献   

Chizzola R  Langer T  Franz C 《Planta medica》2006,72(13):1254-1256
Sesquiterpene esters are the active principle in the medicinal plant Petasites hybridus. Two chemotypes, the petasin chemotype and the furanopetasin chemotype, are known, but only the first one is suitable for pharmaceutical purposes. Experimental crossings were performed within and between plants of both chemotypes to study the genetic basis of the occurrence of these sesquiterpenes. The chemotype was determined by TLC in extracts of a small piece of rhizome in the parent plants and the progenies. A model including the combined action of two genes is proposed to explain the inheritance of the chemotypes where the furanopetasin chemotype is under recessive genetic control.  相似文献   

More than 400 species of medicinal plants grow in the Northern Areas of Pakistan, including Ephedra plants. To investigate the wild Ephedra plant resources in the area, we surveyed the medicinal plants and collected 71 specimens from 18 collecting sites to analyze their genetic variation. The DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS 1 and 2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and a noncoding sequence of chloroplast DNA (trn L/F) were analyzed. This DNA data analysis and external morphological features were used to confirm the species of the specimens, and it was found that E. intermedia was the major species in the area and that E. gerardiana and E. przewalskii were present sporadically. Although it inhabits a relatively small area in comparison with the northwestern Chinese provinces, the DNA sequence of E. intermedia in the Northern Areas of Pakistan was significantly more heterogeneous than the same species grown in those neighboring regions. Most of the E. intermedia specimens contained more than 0.7% ephedrine alkaloids, fulfilling the requirement of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia; thus, the Ephedra plants in the area are a genetic and medicinal resource of great importance.  相似文献   

A molecular biological approach was applied to the study of diversity and regulation of secondary metabolism in medicinal plants at various levels. For the inter-species diversity, RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) and RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) analyses of genomic DNA were performed on the plants, belonging to the same genus or family and containing related compounds. Phylogenetic trees of lupin alkaloid containing plants and other medicinal plants, based on RFLP and/or RAPD profiles, showed the relationship between the diversities in genomes and secondary metabolisms. The chemotypes regarding anthocyanin production in Perilla frutescens var. crispa, were subjected to the study on intra-species diversity. The structural genes and the regulatory genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis were isolated and their expression in red and green forms was determined by Northern blot analysis. The expression of all structural genes examined was co-ordinately regulated in form-specific manner and by light illumination. The anthocyanin production was enhanced in transgenic plants over-expressing Myc homologue genes from perilla. These results suggested that a protein complex including bHLH factors might regulate the expression of a series of structural genes. Additionally, cDNAs coding anthocyanin 5-O-glucosyltransferase and anthocyanidin synthase were isolated and characterized using recombinant proteins for the time. In conclusion, it was indicated that the molecular biological techniques are powerful tools for the investigation of diversity and regulation of and for the genetic engineering of secondary metabolism in medicinal plants.  相似文献   

目的:探明岑王老山自然保护区的抗菌药用植物资源。方法:文献综合法。结果:保护区共有抗菌药用植物39种,其中43.59%的药用植物可以抗菌5种以上,如金银花(Lonicerajaponica)、铁仔(Mysm Pafricana)、紫花地丁(Voila yedoensis)等;48.72%的药用植物能抗菌2~4种,如大青(Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum)、鱼腥草(Houttuynia cordata)、夏枯草(Prunellanella vulgaris)等;79.49%的药用植物的入药部位为全草(株)、根或块根,如肿节风(Sarcandra glabra)、了哥王(Wikstroemia indica)、紫萁(Osmunda japonica)。结论:保护区抗菌药用植物的抗菌谱广,具有良好的开发前景,但是要注意适度开采,做到可持续利用。  相似文献   

目的:为了配合我校药学专业学生药用植物分类学实习及理论知识的拓展,培养大学生科技创新精神,有必要对我校丰富的药用植物资源进行调查以及校园常见药用植物名录的编制。方法:通过实地调查,标本收集、数码拍照,查阅资料,访谈及向专家请教等方法对大学校园内的植物尤其是药用植物进行摸底调查。结果:现已调查校园内药用植物33科74种,并已拍摄照片。  相似文献   

Sucher NJ  Carles MC 《Planta medica》2008,74(6):603-623
Medicinal plants are the source of a large number of essential drugs in Western medicine and are the basis of herbal medicine, which is not only the primary source of health care for most of the world's population living in developing countries but also enjoys growing popularity in developed countries. The increased demand for botanical products is met by an expanding industry and accompanied by calls for assurance of quality, efficacy and safety. Plants used as drugs, dietary supplements and herbal medicines are identified at the species level. Unequivocal identification is a critical step at the beginning of an extensive process of quality assurance and is of importance for the characterization of the genetic diversity, phylogeny and phylogeography as well as the protection of endangered species. DNA-based methods have been developed for the identification of medicinal plants. Nuclear and chloroplast DNA is amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and the reaction products are analyzed by gel electrophoresis, sequencing, or hybridization with species-specific probes. Genomic fingerprinting can differentiate between individuals, species and populations and is useful for the detection of the homogeneity of the samples and presence of adulterants. Although sequences from single chloroplast or nuclear genes have been useful for differentiation of species, phylogenetic studies often require consideration of DNA sequence data from more than one gene or genomic region. Phytochemical and genetic data are correlated but only the latter normally allow for differentiation at the species level. The generation of molecular "barcodes" of medicinal plants will be worth the concerted effort of the medicinal plant research community and contribute to the ongoing effort of defining barcodes for every species on earth.  相似文献   

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