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Aim: The aim of this study was to study the effect on early bone formation resulting from the placement of a xenograft in the fresh extraction socket in dogs.
Material and methods: Five beagle dogs were used. The distal roots of the third and fourth mandibular premolars were removed. In one quadrant, a graft consisting of Bio-Oss® Collagen was placed in the fresh extraction wound, while the corresponding premolar sites in the contra-lateral jaw quadrant were left non-grafted. After 2 weeks of healing, the dogs were perfused with a fixative, the mandibles removed, the experimental sites dissected, demineralized, sectioned in the mesio-distal plane and stained in hematoxyline–eosine.
Results: The central portion of the non-grafted sockets was occupied by a provisional matrix comprised of densely packed connective tissue fibers and mesenchymal cells. Apical and lateral to the provisional matrix, newly formed woven bone was found to occupy most of the sockets. In the apical part of the grafted sockets , no particles of the xenograft could be observed but newly formed bone was present in this portion of the experimental site. In addition, limited numbers of woven bone trabeculae occurred along the lateral socket walls. The central and marginal segments of the grafted sockets, however, were occupied by a non-mineralized connective tissue that enclosed Bio-Oss® particles that frequently were coated by multinucleated cells.
Conclusions: The placement of Bio-Oss® Collagen in the fresh extraction wound obviously delayed socket healing. Thus, after 2 weeks of tissue repair, only minute amounts of newly formed bone occurred in the apical and lateral borders of the grafted sockets, while large amounts of woven bone had formed in most parts of the non-grafted sites.  相似文献   

Aim: The objective of this experiment was to analyze processes involved in the incorporation of Bio‐Oss® Collagen in host tissue during healing following tooth extraction and grafting. Methods: Five beagle dogs were used. Four premolars in the mandible (3P3, 4P4) were hemi‐sected, the distal roots were removed and the fresh extraction socket filled with Bio‐Oss® Collagen. The mucosa was mobilized and the extraction site was closed with interrupted sutures. The tooth extraction and grafting procedures were scheduled in such a way that biopsies representing 1 and 3 days, as well as 1, 2 and 4 weeks of healing could be obtained. The dogs were euthanized and perfused with a fixative. Each experimental site, including the distal socket area, was dissected. The sites were decalcified in EDTA, and serial sections representing the central part of the socket were prepared in the mesio‐distal plane and parallel with the long axis of the extraction socket. Sections were stained in hematoxylin and eosin and were used for the overall characteristics of the tissues in the extraction socket. In specimens representing 1, 2 and 4 weeks of healing the various tissue elements were assessed using a morphometric point counting procedure. Tissue elements such as cells, fibers, vessels, leukocytes and mineralized bone were determined. In deparaffinized sections structures and cells positive for tartrate‐resistant acid phosphatase activity (TRAP), alkaline phosphatase and osteopontin were identified. Results: The biomaterial was first trapped in the fibrin network of the coagulum. Neutrophilic leukocytes [polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells] migrated to the surface of the foreign particles. In a second phase the PMN cells were replaced by multinuclear TRAP‐positive cells (osteoclasts). The osteoclasts apparently removed material from the surface of the xenogeneic graft. When after 1–2 weeks the osteoclasts disappeared from the Bio‐Oss® granules they were followed by osteoblasts that laid down bone mineral in the collagen bundles of the provisional matrix. In this third phase the Bio‐Oss® particles became osseointegrated. Conclusions: It was demonstrated that the incorporation of Bio‐Oss® in the tissue that formed in an extraction wound involved a series of different processes. To cite this article:
Araújo MG, Liljenberg B, Lindhe J. Dynamics of Bio‐Oss® Collagen incorporation in fresh extraction wounds: an experimental study in the dog.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21 , 2010; 55–64.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The current experiments had three aims (i) to determine whether the absence of the periodontal ligament (PDL) may alter features of the healing of an extraction socket, (ii) to examine if there were differences in the proportion of different tissues in resolved extraction sockets and surgically produced defects after 3 months of healing, (iii) to study the influence of different biomaterials on the healing of surgically produced bone defects. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Extraction sites: In five dogs, the 4th mandibular pre-molars were hemi-sected and the distal roots were removed. The extraction socket of one of the pre-molars was instrumented to eliminate all remnants of the PDL tissue. The socket of the contra-lateral pre-molar was left without instrumentation. The dogs were sacrificed after 3 months of healing. Defect sites: In five dogs, the pre-molars and 1st molars on both sides of the mandible were first removed and 3 months of healing allowed. After this interval three standardized cylindrical defects were prepared in each side of the mandible. The defects were 3.5 mm in diameter and 8 mm deep. In each quadrant one defect was grafted with Bio-Oss Collagen, one with Collagen Sponge and one defect was left non-grafted. The dogs were sacrificed 3 months after the grafting procedure. RESULTS: Extraction sites: The two categories of extraction sockets did not differ with respect to gross morphological features. The tissue of the extraction sites, apical of a newly formed bone bridge, was dominated by bone marrow. Few trabeculae of lamellar bone were also present. Defect sites: The non-augmented defect was sealed by a hard-tissue bridge. In the central and apical portions of the defect bone marrow made up about 61%, and mineralized bone 39% of the tissues. The invagination of the surface of this crestal bone was 0.8+/-0.3 mm. The defect augmented with Collagen Sponge was covered by a hard-tissue bridge 38% of the tissue within the defect was made up of bone marrow while the remaining 62% was occupied by mineralized bone. The invagination of the hard-tissue bridge was on the average 0.6+/-0.1 mm. In defects augmented with Bio-Oss Collagen the biomaterial occupied a substantial portion of the tissue volume. Eighty-five percent of the periphery of the Bio-Oss particles were found to be in direct contact with newly formed mineralized bone. Woven bone and bone marrow made up 47% and 26% of the newly formed tissue. The invagination of the most coronal part of the bone defect was 0.1+/-0.1 mm. CONCLUSION: Sockets that following tooth removal had their PDL tissue removed exhibited similar features of healing after 3 months as sockets which had the PDL retained. The tissues present in an extraction site appeared to be more mature than those present in a surgically produced defect of similar dimension. The Bio-Oss Collagen augmented defect exhibited less wound shrinkage than the non-augmented defect.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of the following experimental study was to assess bone changes in the horizontal and vertical dimension when using different socket preservation procedures. Material and methods: In five beagle dogs the distal roots of the 3rd and 4th premolar were extracted without elevation of a mucoperiosteal flap and the following treatments were assigned: Tx 1: The extraction socket was filled with BioOss Collagen® (Geistlich Biomaterials, Wolhusen, Switzerland) and interrupted sutures were applied.: Tx 2: The extraction socket was filled with BioOss Collagen® (Geistlich Biomaterials, Wolhusen, Switzerland) and a free gingival graft was sutured to cover the socket.: Tx 3: The extraction socket was left with its blood clot and interrupted sututes were applied.: Four month after surgery the dogs were sacrificed and from each extraction site two histological sections were selected for histometric analysis. The following parameters were evaluated: (1) the vertical dimension was determined by placing a horizontal line on the lingual bone wall. Then, the distance from this line to the buccal bone wall was measured. (2) The horizontal dimension was assessed at three different areas measured from the top of the lingual crest: 1 mm (Value 1), 3 mm (Value 3) and 5 mm (Value 5). Results: The mean vertical loss of the buccal bone plate for the Tx 1 group was 2.8±0.2 mm. The Tx 2 group showed vertical loss of 3.3±0.2 mm. The Tx 3 group demonstrated 3.2±0.2 mm of mean vertical loss. The horizontal dimension of the alveolar process was 4.4±0.3/6.1±0.2/7.2±0.1 mm at the three different levels for the Tx 1 group. The Tx 2 group depicted bone dimensions of 4.8±0.2/6.0±0.2/7.1±0.1 mm. The horizontal dimension of the Tx 3 group was 3.7±0.3/6.2±0.2/7.0±0.1 mm. When the results from the horizontal measurements were tested with the analysis of variance (anova ), a clear significance could be found in particular for Value 1 mm between the test groups Tx 1 and Tx 2 and the control group (Tx 3) (P<0.001). Furthermore the mean of treatment 1 (Tx 1) was slightly significantly lower than of treatment 2 (Tx 2) (P<0.05). Conclusion: The findings from the present study disclose that incorporation of BioOss Collagen® into the extraction socket has only limited impact on the subsequent biologic process with particular respect to the buccal bone plate. The horizontal measurement of the alveolar ridge depicted that the loss of the buccal bone plate was replaced to a certain amount by newly generated bone guided by the BioOss Collagen® scaffold. It seems that the mechanical stability provided by BioOss Collagen® and furthermore by a free gingival graft could act as a placeholder preventing the soft tissue from collapsing.  相似文献   

Background: In previous short-term studies, it was observed that while the placement of biomaterial in alveolar sockets may promote bone formation and ridge preservation, the graft may in fact also delay healing.
Aim: The objective of the present experiment was to evaluate the more long-term effect on hard tissue formation and the amount of ridge augmentation that can occur by the placement of a xenogeneic graft in extraction sockets of dogs.
Material and methods: Five beagle dogs were used. The third mandibular premolars were hemi-sected. The distal roots were carefully removed. A graft consisting of Bio-Oss® collagen was placed in one socket while the contra-lateral site was left without grafting. After 6 months of healing, the dogs were euthanized and biopsies were sampled. From each experimental site, four ground sections – two from the mesial root and two from the healed socket – were prepared, stained and examined under a microscope.
Results: The placement of Bio-Oss® collagen in the fresh extraction socket served as a scaffold for tissue modeling but did not enhance new bone formation. In comparison with the non-grafted sites, the dimension of the alveolar process as well as the profile of the ridge was better preserved in Bio-Oss®-grafted sites.
Conclusion: The placement of a biomaterial in an extraction socket may modify modeling and counteract marginal ridge contraction that occurs following tooth removal.  相似文献   

Background: Following tooth extraction and immediate implant installation, the edentulous site of the alveolar process undergoes substantial bone modeling and the ridge dimensions are reduced. Objective: The objective of the present experiment was to determine whether the process of bone modeling following tooth extraction and immediate implant placement was influenced by the placement of a xenogenic graft in the void that occurred between the implant and the walls of the fresh extraction socket. Material and methods: Five beagle dogs about 1 year old were used. The 4th premolar in both quadrants of the mandible (4P4) were selected and used as experimental sites. The premolars were hemi‐sected and the distal roots removed and, subsequently, implants were inserted in the distal sockets. In one side of the jaw, the marginal buccal‐approximal void that consistently occurred between the implant and the socket walls was grafted with Bio‐Oss® Collagen while no grafting was performed in the contra‐lateral sites. After 6 months of healing, biopsies from each experimental site were obtained and prepared for histological analyses. Results: The outline of the marginal hard tissue of the control sites was markedly different from that of the grafted sites. Thus, while the buccal bone crest in the grafted sites was comparatively thick and located at or close to the SLA border, the corresponding crest at the control sites was thinner and located a varying distance below SLA border. Conclusions: It was demonstrated that the placement of Bio‐Oss® Collagen in the void between the implant and the buccal‐approximal bone walls of fresh extraction sockets modified the process of hard tissue healing, provided additional amounts of hard tissue at the entrance of the previous socket and improved the level of marginal bone‐to‐implant contact. To cite this article:
Araújo MG, Linder E, Lindhe J. Bio‐Oss® Collagen in the buccal gap at immediate implants: a 6‐month study in the dog.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 22 , 2011; 1–8.
doi: 10.1111/j.1600‐0501.2010.01920.x  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of this study was to histometrically assess alterations of the ridge following socket preservation alone and socket preservation with additional buccal overbuilding.
Material and Methods: In five beagle dogs four extraction sites were randomly subjected to one of the following treatments:
Tx 1: The socket was filled with BioOss Collagen® and covered with a free gingival graft from the palate.
Tx 2: The buccal bone plate was augmented using the GBR-technique, the socket was filled with BioOss Collagen® and covered with a free gingival graft.
Tx 3: The buccal bone plate was forced into a buccal direction using a manual bone spreader. The socket was filled with BioOss Collagen® and covered with a free gingival graft from the palate.
Tx 4: The socket was filled with BioOss Collagen® and a combined free gingival/connective tissue graft was used to cover the socket and for buccal tissue augmentation.
For each experimental site, two histological sections were subjected to histometric analysis and evaluated for (i) vertical bone dimensions and (ii) horizontal bone dimensions.
Results: All treatment groups showed horizontal and vertical bone loss. The mean vertical bone loss of the buccal bone plate was significantly lower in Tx 4 than in the other groups, while no statistical significant differences could be detected among the groups in the horizontal dimension.
Conclusion: Overbuilding the buccal aspect in combination with socket preservation does not seem to be a suitable technique to compensate for the alterations after tooth extraction.  相似文献   

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