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The content of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs) in human milk has been connected with infant growth and developmental indices. The LC-PUFA content of human milk usually reflects the dietary habits of mothers, so questions have been raised regarding the possibility of enriching maternal diet with LC-PUFAs during lactation (or even before) in order to improve infant outcome. Nevertheless, environmental and genetic factors have independent roles in affecting both maternal milk composition and infant development.

Conclusion: Diet-related differences in the LC-PUFA composition of human milk are under active investigation for their possible contribution to infant development, but environment- and gene-related differences in both human milk composition and maternal diet should be considered in evaluating the adaptive mechanisms of infants and the effects of specific LC-PUFA dietary supplementations.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare short-term effects and neurodevelopmental outcome of neonatal glucocorticoid therapy between two centres. METHODS: A retrospective study was performed in two centres using a tapering course of either 5 to 1 mg kg(-1) hydrocortisone (HC; 22 d) or 0.5 to 0.1 mg kg(-1) dexamethasone (DEX; 21 d). In both centres glucocorticoid-treated infants and control patients were matched for gestational age, birthweight, severity of infant respiratory distress syndrome and periventricular-intraventricular haemorrhage. The following short-term glucocorticoid-induced effects were investigated in 25 HC-treated and 25 control patients in centre A, and in 23 DEX-treated and 23 control patients in centre B: oxygen dependency (inspiratory oxygen fraction), arterial pressure, blood glucose and urea concentrations, weight gain and head circumference before, during and after therapy (in treated infants), or at an interval comparable to treated infants (in control infants). Neurological outcome, psychomotor development and school performance at 5-7 y of age was evaluated in all groups. RESULTS: HC and DEX were equally potent in reducing oxygen dependency. Mean arterial pressure as well as blood glucose and urea concentrations were significantly increased during DEX, but not during HC treatment. Weight gain stopped during DEX therapy, but not during HC. Head circumference in both treatment groups was decreased after therapy compared with controls. Neonatally DEX-treated children needed special school education significantly more often (p < 0.01) than controls at 5-7 y of age. No differences between neonatally HC-treated children and controls on neurodevelopmental outcome were found at 5-7 y of age. CONCLUSION: Neonatal HC therapy has fewer short- and long-term adverse effects than neonatal DEX therapy.  相似文献   



Primary carcinoma of the bowel is a rare malignancy in pediatric age group. The aim of the study was to assess the incidence of appendicular malignancies in children and the possibility of reducing the need for routine histopathological examination of appendix.

Materials and methods

In last 15?years, all the cases of appendectomies in children were analyzed. Retrospective analysis of the data was done to document the clinical presentation, diagnosis, outcome and histopathology reports of the specimen. The case files and operation notes were studied thoroughly in cases where HPR was positive for malignancy.


From July 1995 to June 2010, 595 appendectomies were done in children. Three cases of carcinoid tumor were detected. All were less than 1?cm and were on the tip of the appendix. There was no preoperative or intraoperative suspicion.


Routine histopathological analysis did not help in the management of any of the cases. Therefore, selective utilization of the already burdened histopathology section of the hospital would be more cost effective without affecting the patient outcome.  相似文献   

As the community of physicians and nurses dedicated to the care of critically ill children has gained ever more well-developed skill sets, the decision to either continue or forego life-sustaining measures has become less time-sensitive. As a result, there is greater opportunity for careful consideration and discussion. The core principle in making decisions about whether to continue or forego life-sustaining measures is the best interests of the child. However, there are many clinical situations wherein factors other than the child's best interests may influence treatment decisions. The present report seeks to examine the notion that in the arena of paediatric critical care medicine, the decision-making process regarding life-sustaining measures may place insufficient priority upon the child's best interests. We examine actual, de-identified clinical situations, encountered in the critical care arena in two categories: (i) cases that challenge the imperative to act in the child's best interests, and (ii) cases that compromise the ability of parents and caregivers to use child-centred, best-interests approaches to decision-making. Clarity surrounding the implications of a clinical decision for the patient is essential. Decisions that are not focused squarely on the child's best interests may compromise the delivery of optimally ethical end-of-life care. CONCLUSION: The cases and analysis may benefit parents and caregivers as they struggle with the difficult ethical issues that accompany decisions to continue or forego life-sustaining measures in children.  相似文献   

Community‐acquired pneumonia (CAP) still remains a significant cause for childhood morbidity worldwide. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most important causative agent at all ages. Respiratory syncytial virus is common in young children, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae in schoolchildren. Paediatric CAP is universally treated with antibiotics; amoxicillin is the drug of choice for presumably pneumococcal and a macrolide for presumably atypical bacterial cases. Because of globally increased resistances, macrolides are not safety for pneumococcal CAP. At present, available prospective research data on the epidemiology of paediatric CAP in western countries are from 1970s to 1980s; correspondingly, data on bacterial aetiology are mainly from 1980s to 1990s. Current concepts on pneumococcal aetiology are mostly based on poorly validated antibody assays. Most data on clinical characteristics in children’s CAP, as well as on antibiotic treatment come from developing countries, thus not being directly applicable in western communities. Recent viral studies have revealed the role of rhinoviruses, metapneumovirus and bocavirus in the aetiology of paediatric CAP. This review critically summarizes the available data on epidemiology, aetiology, clinical presentation, treatment and outcome of CAP in children, with special focus on the newest microbial findings, the age and applicability of the data and the need of new studies.  相似文献   

Chitotriosidase (ChT) is an enzyme secreted by activated macrophages and involved in defense against, and in degradation of chitin-containing pathogens, such as fungi, nematodes, and insects. In addition, it plays an important role in the development of atherosclerosis related with systemic low-grade inflammation. To this effect of activity of ChT, we aimed to investigate serum ChT activity in obese subjects and to determine to relation with insulin resistance and high-sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP). A total of 73 obese subjects (10.9 +/- 2.6 years of age, 44 male patients) and 41 age and gender-matched healthy lean subjects (11.6 +/- 2.9 years of age, 18 male patients) were included in this study, between 2007 and 2008. The criterion for diagnosing obesity was defined as the body mass index (BMI) being over 97th percentile of the same gender and age. Fasting serum glucose, insulin, hsCRP and ChT levels were measured. We compared the differences in variables between obese and lean subjects with Student's t-test compared after ascertaining that the data were normally distributed. All data were expressed as mean +/- standard deviation. There was statistically significant increase in serum ChT activity of obese subjects, while there was statistically significant difference in serum hsCRP levels when compared to healthy lean subjects (30.0 +/- 17.9 and 23.0 +/- 17.8, p=0.045; 2.3 +/- 3.1 and 0.7 +/- 1.2, p=0.001). Obese subjects had significantly higher BMI-SDS, TG and HOMA-IR and lower HDL-C levels when compared with the healthy lean subjects (p<0.05). Correlation analysis showed no significant correlation between serum ChT activity and hsCRP, HOMA-IR and BMI-SDS (p>0.05). Although the data need to be validated by further investigation, the observations made in this study seem to indicate that serum ChT activity may not be a useful marker for monitoring systemic low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance in obese subjects.  相似文献   

The role of laparoscopy following liver transplant in children is debated. Herein, we report the first two cases of SIPES post‐liver transplant. In both patients, SIPES access was carried out using Olympus TriPort. Patient 1 was an 11 yr old born with biliary atresia, who had four previous major laparotomies: Kasai portoenterostomy, followed by liver transplant and two laparotomies for lymph node biopsies for PTLD. The child was referred for suspected PTLD relapse due to enlarged nodes on CT scan. At SIPES, following adequate adhesiolysis, the lymph node biopsy was achieved successfully. Patient 2 was a five yr old with bilateral intra‐abdominal testes who had undergone liver transplant aged two yr. He underwent a left one‐stage orchidopexy and right first‐stage Fowler–Stephen procedure at five yr of life, followed by a second stage Fowler–Stephen surgery on the right side, nine months later. All procedures were successfully performed by SIPES, and both patients were discharged home on first post‐operative day. We conclude that SIPES could be safely carried out in patients who have had liver transplant. In case of diffuse intraperitoneal adhesions, SIPES is beneficial to create space by blunt and sharp dissection and decreases post‐operative stay.  相似文献   

Although non-compliance in pediatric liver transplants is known to be a major cause of late graft loss and patient mortality, follow-up seems inconsistent. As liver transplant becomes a luxury because of the shortage of organs, the need to maximize graft and patient survival by intense monitoring becomes a necessity. When evaluating children with elevated liver enzymes post-transplant, early or late non-compliance should always be suspected. The risk of non-compliance in children with chronic illness varies from 10 to 89%. In a study by Sudan et al. non-compliance was one of the leading causes of late mortality in children age 10-17 yr. Although it is well documented that teenagers have a high rate of non-compliance, the rate in the younger children has not been documented. In our series, we found that parental non-compliance comprises the majority of our problems with liver dysfunction, hospitalization, and graft loss. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the incidence of non-compliance in children post-liver transplant. A retrospective chart review of patient records from admissions and outpatient records was performed for documentation of elevated enzymes and low immunosuppressive levels. From July 1987 to December 2002, our program performed 266 liver transplants in 234 children, with 1-yr graft survival of 84% and 1-yr patient survival of 90%. Our overall patient survival was 85% with 77% graft survival. There were 40 children with documented non-compliance with mild to severe liver dysfunction in this study. Twenty-eight of these children were younger than 10 yr [28 of 40 (46%) <5 yr], and 12 (30%) were older than 10 yr at the time of rejection. In 10 of 40 children, there was one documented incident of non-compliance, while 26 of 40 had two to four incidents, and four had five or more documented events. Our children (50%) came from two-parent households. The remaining 50% were from single households. In 27 of 40 (68%) children, rejection was confirmed by liver biopsy. In children on cyclosporine (Neoral; Novartis, East Hanover, NJ, USA) with a known history of non-compliance and low immunosuppressive levels, C2 monitoring was performed to verify absorption. Admission for drug monitoring and verification of non-compliance was accomplished in 32 of 40 (80%). Four of the 40 children (10%) were retransplanted, and one child had died. In conclusion, non-adherence to medications remains a major source of graft loss and morbidity post-transplant. We found that non-compliance crosses all socio-economic and cultural groups and that flexibility of clinic hours, shortened time between visits, and decreased numbers and times of medication will increase adherence.  相似文献   

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