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Background: The first option to be considered in the treatment of functional defecation disorder is to correct the dyssynergia. However, limited studies exist to show the effectiveness of biofeedback.Objective: We evaluated the effect of biofeedback on the severity of constipation, quality of life, and anorectal manometry in patients with dyssynergic defecation in which the biofeedback method was applied.Methods: Effectiveness of biofeedback method on the quality of life of 24 dyssynergic defecation patients according to Rome III criteria after clinical and balloon expulsion tests (BETs) and colonic transit time was measured. Data were collected with patient identification form, Bristol Stool Chart, Constipation Quality of Life Scale forms, Visual Analogue Scale, diaphragmatic breathing exercises form, constipation diary, and constipation biofeedback monitoring form. Dyssnergic defecation cases received 6-week biofeedback training. For the same timeframe, the control group had a catheter into the rectum without any intervention.Results: Constipation severity was reduced in both groups before biofeedback to post-biofeedback (P < .05). Anal canal pressure, BET, colonic transit time, and quality of life significantly improved in biofeedback patients compared with controls.Conclusions: Biofeedback has a favorable effect on therapy and quality of life in dyssynergic defecation cases.  相似文献   

In patients with cecostomies and in patients with urinary bladder substitutes obtained from either the sigmoid colon or the cecum, the motor activity in different parts of the large bowel was recorded with the aid of open tip tubes and a pressure-recording apparatus after administration of a contact laxative (Dulcolax®). Administration of Dulcolax® into the cecum of patients with cecostomy produced motor activity locally as well as in the transverse colon and in the sigmoid. When the drug was administered into the cecum of patients with isolated cecal bladder replacements, motor activity was recorded in the cecum but not in the sigmoid. Rectal application of Dulcolax® initiated motor activity in the intact sigmoid as well as in the isolated sigmoid bladder substitute but not in the cecum in patients with cecostomies nor in the cecal bladder replacements. The experiments indicate that only the left colon is engaged in the defecation mechanism elicited by rectal stimulation. The motor response in the left colon after rectal stimulation is mediated by a reflex with its afferent limb from the rectal ampulla. The motor response in the sigmoid after cecal stimulation is elicited by impulses mediated by intrinsic nervous pathways in the intestinal wall.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare the straining forces applied when sitting or squatting during defecation. Twenty-eight apparently healthy volunteers (ages 17–66 years) with normal bowel function were asked to use a digital timer to record the net time needed for sensation of satisfactory emptying while defecating in three alternative positions: sitting on a standard-sized toilet seat (41–42 cm high), sitting on a lower toilet seat (31–32 cm high), and squatting. They were also asked to note their subjective impression of the intensity of the defecation effort. Six consecutive bowel movements were recorded in each position. Both the time needed for sensation of satisfactory bowel emptying and the degree of subjectively assessed straining in the squatting position were reduced sharply in all volunteers compared with both sitting positions (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, the present study confirmed that sensation of satisfactory bowel emptying in sitting defecation posture necessitates excessive expulsive effort compared to the squatting posture.  相似文献   

Obstructive defecation, a significant contributor to constipation, is frequently reported in middle-aged women, yet few population-based studies have established prevalence in this group. We analyzed data from the Reproductive Risks for Incontinence Study at Kaiser, a population-based cohort of racially diverse women, 40-69 years old, to describe the prevalence of obstructive defecation and identify associated risk factors. The Reproductive Risks for Incontinence Study at Kaiser is a randomly selected cohort of 2,109 women in the Kaiser Medical System. Obstructive defecation, determined by self-report, was defined as difficulty in passing stool, hard stool, straining for more than 15 min, or incomplete evacuation, occurring at least weekly. Age, race, income, education, drinking, health status, parity, pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, number of medications, hysterectomy, surgery for pelvic organ prolapse, colectomy, irritable bowel syndrome, and body mass index were assessed for both their univariate and multivariate association with obstructive defecation. Multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the independent association between associated factors and the primary outcome of obstructive defecation. Obstructive defecation that occurred at least weekly was reported by 12.3% of women. Significant independent risk factors included irritable bowel syndrome [odds ratio 1.78, (95% confidence interval 1.21-2.60)], vaginal or laparoscopic hysterectomy [2.01 (1.15-3.54)], unemployment [2.33 (1.39-3.92)], using three or more medications [1.81 (1.36-2.42)], symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse [2.34 (1.47-3.71)], urinary incontinence surgery [2.52 (1.29-4.90)], and other pelvic surgery [1.35 (1.03-1.78)]. We concluded that obstructive defecation is common in middle-aged women, especially those with a history of treatment for pelvic floor conditions. Women who had undergone laparoscopic/vaginal hysterectomies or surgery for pelvic organ prolapse or urinary incontinence had a nearly two times greater risk of weekly obstructive defecation. Demographic factors, with the exception of employment status, were not significant, indicating that obstructive defecation, although widespread, does not affect any particular group of women.  相似文献   

Persistence of chronic constipation in children after biofeedback treatment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We investigated the efficacy of biofeedback treatment and evaluated anorectal factors that might be responsible for persistence of chronic constipation with or without encopresis in a group of 38 children with abnormal contraction of the pelvic floor during straining and persistence of chronic constipation with encopresis after conventional treatment. Nine children were unsuccessful in learning to relax the pelvic floor during straining with biofeedback treatment, and one patient had contraction of the pelvic floor on follow-up despite successful biofeedback treatment; none recovered. Twenty-eight children were able to relax the pelvic floor on follow-up; 14 recovered and 14 did not recover from chronic constipation. Nonrecovered patients who learned to relax the pelvic floor had significantly decreased rectal and anal responsiveness to rectal distension as compared to recovered patients during the initial and follow-up anorectal manometric study. Psychological factors such as social competence and behavior problems did not appear to be responsible for recovery or nonrecovery from chronic constipation and encopresis.This work was supported by grant M01-RR-00069 from the General Clinical Research Center Program, Division of Research Resources, National Institutes of Health.Results of this study were published in part as an abstract inJournal of Gastrointestinal Motility 1:69, 1989; and presented at the 12th International Symposium on Gastrointestinal Motility, Gmunden, Austria, September 13, 1989.  相似文献   

Abstract: This case report describes a patient with a rectal ulcer who had an unusual defecation habit. Complete healing was recognized colonoscopically after the patient was instructed to break this habit. A polyp of the ascending colon was detected by a barium enema in a 37-year-old man complaining of anal bleeding. He was admitted to our division to undergo a polypectomy. At the time of the polypectomy, a round ulcer, measuring 1 cm in diameter, was detected on the right wall of the rectum 3 cm from the anal verge. A diagnosis of mucosal prolapse syndrome of the rectum could not be made because the patient did not exhibit the characteristic habit of excessive “straining” mentioned by patients with this syndrome, and no characteristic finding of fibromuscular obliteration was found on histological examination of biopsied specimens taken endoscopically from the lesion. Repeated history taking, however, revealed that the patient had the unusual habit of inserting his finger into his rectum after defecation. He broke this habit following instruction to do so. As a result, on colonoscopic examination 15 month later, the ulcer was found to have become a scar:  相似文献   

Administration of antegrade enemas through a cecostomy is a therapeutic option for children with severe defecation disorders. The purpose of this study is to report our 4-year experience with the cecostomy procedure in 31 children with functional constipation (n = 9), Hirschsprung's disease (n = 2), imperforate anus (n = 5), spinal abnormalities (n = 8), and imperforate anus in combination with tethered spinal cord (n = 7). Data regarding complications, antegrade enemas used, symptoms, and quality of life were retrospectively obtained. Placement of cecostomy tubes was successful in 30 of 31 patients. Soiling episodes decreased significantly in children with functional constipation (P = 0.01), imperforate anus (P < 0.01), and spinal abnormalities (P = 0.04). Quality of life improved in patients with functional constipation and imperforate anus. No difference in complications was found between percutaneous and surgical placement. Use of antegrade enemas via cecostomy improved symptoms and quality of life in children with a variety of defecation disorders. This study was supported in part by the Ter Meulen Fund, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that patients complaining of severe chronic idiopathic constipation may have motor abnormalities not limited to the colon. We studied by manometric means gastric and small bowel motility in a homogeneous group of patients with chronic idiopathic constipation ie, the slow transit type. Twenty-one patients were recruited for the study and compared to 33 healthy subjects. Manometric examination was carried out for about 5 hr fasting and 1 hr after a standard meal. Analysis of the manometric tracings revealed during fasting no abnormalities in number and configuration of migrating motor complex with respect to controls. However, in 70% of patients motor abnormalities were detected, represented by bursts of nonpropagated contractions and discrete clustered contractions. After feeding, the patient group displayed a significantly shorter antral motor response to the meal with respect to controls; moreover, intestinal bursts of nonpropagated contractions were found in 19% of patients, and 14% of them had an early return of the activity fronts. We conclude that patients with slow transit constipation frequently display motor abnormalities of the upper gut. These findings further strengthen the concept that this condition may represent a panenteric disorder.  相似文献   

Background Conventional esophageal manometry evaluating liquid swallows in the recumbent position measures pressure changes at a limited number of sites and does not assess motility during solid swallows in the physiologic upright position. Aim To evaluate esophageal motility abnormalities during water and bread swallows in the upright and recumbent positions using high-resolution manometry (HRM). Methods Thirty-two-channel HRM testing was performed using water (10 ml each) and bread swallows in the upright and recumbent positions. The swallows were considered normal if the distal peristaltic segment >30 mmHg was >5 cm, ineffective if the 30-mmHg pressure band was <5 cm, and simultaneous if the onset velocity of the 30 mmHg pressure band was >8 cm/s. Abnormal esophageal manometry was defined as the presence of ≥30% ineffective and/or ≥20% simultaneous contractions. Results The data from 96 patients (48 F; mean age 51 years, range 17–79) evaluated for dysphagia (56%), chest pain (22%), and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms (22%) were reviewed. During recumbent water swallows, patients with dysphagia, chest pain, and GERD had a similar prevalence of motility abnormalities. During upright bread swallows, motility abnormalities were more frequent (p = 0.01) in patients with chest pain (71%) and GERD (67%) compared to patients with dysphagia (37%). Conclusions Evaluating bread swallows in the upright position reveals differences in motility abnormalities overlooked by liquid swallows alone. This work was presented as an abstract at Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2006, Los Angeles, CA, 20–25 May 2006.  相似文献   

目的研究功能性便秘患者直肠肛门运动功能,探讨该疾病发生的可能机制。方法测定了35例慢性功能性便秘患者和11例正常对照者的直肠肛门压力及排便功能。结果①直肠静息压、肛门括约肌静息压及其最大缩窄压等在功能性便秘患者和正常人之间无显著差异(P>0.05);②肛管高压带长度在功能性便秘患者显著高于正常人(P<0.0005);③功能性便秘患者直肠壶腹部的感觉阈值和最大耐受量显著高于正常对照组(P<0.05),直肠最大顺应性显著低于正常对照组(P<0.0005),引起直肠肛门抑制反射的直肠扩张容量在便秘组显著高于正常对照组(P<0.05),肛门松弛率在便秘组显著低于正常对照组(P<0.05);④功能性便秘患者排便时肛门内外括约肌松弛反射均障碍,尤以外括约肌明显。结论功能性便秘患者存在直肠肛门运动功能障碍,这在其发病机制中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Constipation is a subjective symptom of various pathological conditions. Incidence of constipation fluctuates from 2 to 30% in the general population. Approximately 50% of constipated patients referred to tertiary care centers have obstructed defecation constipation. Constipation of obstructed defecation may be due to mechanical causes or functional disorders of the anorectal region. Mechanical causes are related to morphological abnormalities of the anorectum (megarectum, rectal prolapse, rectocele, enterocele, neoplasms, stenosis). Functional disorders are associated with neurological disorders and dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles or anorectal muscles (anismus, descending perineum syndrome, Hirschsprung's disease). However, this type of constipation should be differentiated by colonic slow transit constipation which, if coexists, should be managed to a second time. Assessment of patients with severe constipation includes a good history, physical examination and specialized investigations (colonic transit time, anorectal manometry, rectal balloon expulsion test, defecography, electromyography), which contribute to the diagnosis and the differential diagnosis of the cause of the obstructed defecation. Thereby, constipated patients can be given appropriate treatment for their problem, which may be conservative (bulk agents, high-fiber diet or laxatives), biofeedback training or surgery.  相似文献   

In the present study, the gastrocolonic response after ingestion of a standardized liquid meal and the response to a local chemical stimulus were investigated in 10 healthy volunteers and 10 patients with slow-transit constipation (as determined by marker studies). Colonic pressures were recorded while fasting, after ingestion of a standardized meal and after intracolonic bisacodyl infusion, using a 12-channel water-perfused catheter. Pressure waves propagating over at least 20 cm (HAPPW) were identified visually and automated analysis was carried out on remaining segmental motility. Increases of motility after a meal and bisacodyl were seen in healthy subjects, whereas patients did not show these responses. The time until occurrence of the first HAPPW after bisacodyl infusion tended to be prolonged (4.3 ± 1.4 vs 36.1 ± 15.3; P = 0.053) and the number of HAPPWs in the first 30 min. after infusion was lower compared to healthy subjects (2.1 ± 0.2 vs 5.4 ± 0.3; P < 0.01). The percentage of HAPPWs that were experienced as urge or cramp was significantly lower in constipated patients (53 ± 3% vs 95 ± 1%; P < 0.005). In conclusion, this study shows that in patients with slow-transit constipation, the colonic motor response to a meal and to bisacodyl, as well as the perception of bisacodyl-induced propagated pressure waves is decreased.  相似文献   

Visceral hypersensitivity, intestinal dysmotility, and stress play major roles in irritable bowel syndrome. However, the significance of visceral hypersensitivity in stress-induced changes of colorectal motor function is not conclusive. A rat model of chronic visceral hypersensitivity was induced by mechanical colorectal irritation during postnatal development. Defecation and colonic transit time were not different between the visceral hypersensitivity and the control groups at baseline. Stress and a 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) agonist both resulted in a significant increase in defecation in the visceral hypersensitivity group compared with the controls. Prior administration of granisetron, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, inhibited stress-induced changes in defecation in the visceral hypersensitivity group as well as the controls. Stress-induced acceleration of colonic transit was not significantly different between the two groups. Our results indicate that chronic visceral hypersensitivity can modulate the effect of stress on defecation via a serotonergic pathway and suggest that visceral hypersensitivity may be related to the susceptibility of the defecative response to stressful events in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.  相似文献   

Chronic constipation is a common and extremely troublesome disorder that significantly reduces the quality of life, and this fact is consistent with the high rate at which health care is sought for this condition. The aim of this project was to develop a consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic constipation and obstructed defecation. The commission presents its results in a "Question-Answer" format, including a set of graded recommendations based on a systematic review of the literature and evidence-based medicine. This section represents the consensus for the diagnosis. The history includes information relating to the onset and duration of symptoms and may reveal secondary causes of constipation. The presence of alarm symptoms and risk factors requires investigation. The physical examination should assess the presence of lesions in the anal and perianal region. The evidence does not support the routine use of blood testing and colonoscopy or barium enema for constipation. Various scoring systems are available to quantify the severity of constipation; the Constipation Severity Instrument for constipation and the obstructed defecation syndrome score for obstructed defecation are the most reliable. The Constipation-Related Quality of Life is an excellent tool for evaluating the patient's quality of life. No single test provides a pathophysiological basis for constipation. Colonic transit and anorectal manometry define the pathophysiologic subtypes. Balloon expulsion is a simple screening test for defecatory disorders, but it does not define the mechanisms. Defecography detects structural abnormalities and assesses functional parameters. Magnetic resonance imaging and/or pelvic floor sonography can further complement defecography by providing information on the movement of the pelvic floor and the organs that it supports. All these investigations are indicated to differentiate between slow transit constipation and obstructed defecation because the treatments differ between these conditions.  相似文献   

Purpose  The clinical and morphologic outcome of patients with obstructed defecation syndrome after stapled transanal rectal resection was prospectively evaluated. Methods  Twenty-four consecutive patients (22 women; median age, 61 (range, 36–74) years) who suffered from obstructed defecation syndrome and with rectal redundancy on magnetic resonance defecography were enrolled in the study. Constipation was assessed by using the Cleveland Constipation Score. Morphologic changes were determined by using closed-configuration magnetic resonance defecography before and after stapled transanal rectal resection. Results  After a median follow-up of 18 (range, 6–36) months, Cleveland Constipation Score significantly decreased from 11 (range, 1–23) preoperatively to 5 (range, 1–15) postoperatively (P = 0.02). In 15 of 20 patients, preexisting intussusception was no longer visible in the magnetic resonance defecography. Anterior rectoceles were significantly reduced in depth, from 30 mm to 23 mm (P = 0.01), whereas the number of detectable rectoceles did not significantly change. Complications occurred in 6 of the 24 patients; however, only two were severe (1 bleeding and 1 persisting pain requiring reintervention). Conclusions  Clinical improvement of obstructed defecation syndrome after stapled transanal rectal resection correlates well with morphologic correction of the rectal redundancy, whereas correction of intussusception seems to be of particular importance in patients with obstructed defecation syndrome. Presented at  Presented at the Congress of the Swiss Surgical Society, Basel, Switzerland, May 28 to 30, 2008.  相似文献   

A population-based sample of 834 men (ages 40–69 years) and 1058 women (25–29 years) was investigated with respect to straining to defecate, stool form, bowel habit, and use of laxatives, by means of a questionnaire and a three-stool record form. Straining was common but, contrary to standard teaching, far from universal. It was unrelated to age but was commoner in women than men. Many people underestimated how often they strained. Overall, 32% of defecations in women and 22% of defecations in men were associated with straining to start and 15% and 9%, respectively, with straining to finish. Straining was to some extent related to stool type: the lumpier a stool, the more often it elicited straining. However, it seems likely that straining in some people is just a habit. Use of laxatives was found to be less prevalent than in the past, and most people with evidence of constipation did not use them. Use of laxatives increased with age, and some older people used them inappropriately. The most popular laxatives were based on phenolphthalein, senna, or magnesium.Supported by grants from the South West Regional Health Authority and the Kellogg Company of Great Britain.  相似文献   

Purpose  This study was designed to evaluate the effects of caffeine on anorectal function by anorectal manometry. Methods  Ten healthy subjects were studied. They drank 200 ml of water and later 200 ml of a solution that contained caffeine 3.5 mg/kg body weight. The anorectal manometric study was divided into three periods: basal, water, and caffeine; each period lasted 45 minutes. Results  After the ingestion of water, the basal anal sphincter pressure showed no change during the 45-minute recording, whereas after caffeine consumption the basal anal sphincter pressure increased at 10 minutes (P = 0.047) and 15 minutes (P = 0.037). The average basal anal sphincter pressure throughout the 45 minutes was significantly higher after caffeine ingestion than after water (P = 0.013). After caffeine intake, the maximum squeeze pressure increased significantly (P = 0.017) compared with the basal period. Both water and caffeine consumption caused a decrease in the rectal sensory threshold for the desire to defecate. Conclusions  Caffeine 3.5 mg/kg body weight in 200 ml of water resulted in stronger anal sphincter contractions both at basal period and during voluntary squeeze. The sensory threshold was also decreased, leading to an earlier desire to defecate. Caffeine consumption may result in an earlier desire to defecate, leading to defecation if the anal sphincter can relax voluntarily.  相似文献   

 目的观察帕金森病(PD)伴便秘患者与功能性便秘(FC)患者的直肠肛门动力和感觉功能及其异同。方法顺序纳入男性PD伴便秘患者15例及男性FC患者45例,均经全结肠镜或结肠钡灌肠除外肠道器质性疾病。经直肠肛门测压,分析患者直肠肛门动力参数及感觉参数,将排便障碍患者进一步分为排便协同障碍(F3a)及排便推进力不足(F3b)两种亚型。结果PD伴便秘组年龄(70±11)岁,FC组年龄为(68±11)岁,差异无统计学意义。PD伴便秘组直肠静息压较FC组偏高[9.0(4.0,15.0)mmHg比6.0(3.0,9.5)mmHg,1mmHg=0.133kPa],但差异无统计学意义(P=0.082);两组肛管静息压的差异无统计学意义[(51.2±17.2)mmHg比(59.7±20.4)mmHg,P=0.152]。缩紧肛门时,PD伴便秘组的肛管最大缩榨压及持续缩榨曲线下面积均显著低于FC组[(136.9±43.8)mmHg比(183.0±62.1)mmHg,P=0.010;(823.5±635.7)mmHg·s比(1392.4±939.9)mmHg·s,P=0.033]。模拟排便时,PD伴便秘组的直肠力排压及肛管力排剩余压也明显低于FC组[22.0(15.0,30.0)mmHg比42.0(31.0,55.0)mmHg,P=0.000;(46.3±23.3)mmHg比(77.9±35.1)mmHg,P=0.002];两组力排时的直肠肛管压差均为负值,异于正常排便压差,但两组间差异无统计学意义。PD伴便秘患者排便障碍以F3b型为主(10/15);FC组中以F3a型多见[46.7%(21/45)];但两组的排便障碍类型构成比的差异无统计学意义(P=0.120)。PD伴便秘患者及FC患者的直肠扩张初始感觉阈值分别为(91.3±56.9)ml与(67.2±38.9)ml,均高于正常参考值,但两组间差异尚无统计学意义(P=0.074)。结论PD伴便秘患者及FC患者均存在直肠肛门动力和感觉异常。与FC患者相比,PD伴便秘患者的缩肛及力排的重要参数值明显降低,且测压分型以F3b型为主,感觉阈值有升高趋势。上述指标可作为PD伴便秘患者直肠肛门测压的特征参数,对PD发病机制的理解及其与相关疾病的鉴别可起重要作用。  相似文献   

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