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When two brief sounds arrive at a listener's ears nearly simultaneously from different directions, localization of the sounds is described by "the precedence effect." At inter-stimulus delays (ISDs) <5 ms, listeners typically report hearing not two sounds but a single fused sound. The reported location of the fused image depends on the ISD. At ISDs of 1-4 ms, listeners point near the leading source (localization dominance). As the ISD is decreased from 0.8 to 0 ms, the fused image shifts toward a location midway between the two sources (summing localization). When an inter-stimulus level difference (ISLD) is imposed, judgements shift toward the more intense source. Spatial hearing, including the precedence effect, is thought to depend on the auditory cortex. Therefore we tested the hypothesis that the activity of cortical neurons signals the perceived location of fused pairs of sounds. We recorded the unit responses of cortical neurons in areas A1 and A2 of anesthetized cats. Single broadband clicks were presented from various frontal locations. Paired clicks were presented with various ISDs and ISLDs from two loudspeakers located 50 degrees to the left and right of midline. Units typically responded to single clicks or paired clicks with a single burst of spikes. Artificial neural networks were trained to recognize the spike patterns elicited by single clicks from various locations. The trained networks were then used to identify the locations signaled by unit responses to paired clicks. At ISDs of 1-4 ms, unit responses typically signaled locations near that of the leading source in agreement with localization dominance. Nonetheless the responses generally exhibited a substantial undershoot; this finding, too, accorded with psychophysical measurements. As the ISD was decreased from ~0.4 to 0 ms, network estimates typically shifted from the leading location toward the midline in agreement with summing localization. Furthermore a superposed ISLD shifted network estimates toward the more intense source, reaching an asymptote at an ISLD of 15-20 dB. To allow quantitative comparison of our physiological findings to psychophysical results, we performed human psychophysical experiments and made acoustical measurements from the ears of cats and humans. After accounting for the difference in head size between cats and humans, the responses of cortical units usually agreed with the responses of human listeners, although a sizable minority of units defied psychophysical expectations.  相似文献   

Several auditory spatial illusions, collectively called the precedence effect (PE), occur when transient sounds are presented from two different spatial locations but separated in time by an interstimulus delay (ISD). For ISDs in the range of localization dominance (<10 ms), a single fused sound is typically located near the leading source location only, as if the location of the lagging source were suppressed. For longer ISDs, both the leading and lagging sources can be heard and localized, and the shortest ISD where this occurs is called the echo threshold. Previous physiological studies of the extracellular responses of single neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) of anesthetized cats and unanesthetized rabbits with sounds known to elicit the PE have shown correlates of these phenomena though there were differences in the physiologically measured echo thresholds. Here we recorded in the IC of awake, behaving cats using stimuli that we have shown to evoke behavioral responses that are consistent with the precedence effect. For small ISDs, responses to the lag were reduced or eliminated consistent with psychophysical data showing that sound localization is based on the leading source. At longer ISDs, the responses to the lagging source recovered at ISDs comparable to psychophysically measured echo thresholds. Thus it appears that anesthesia, and not species differences, accounts for the discrepancies in the earlier studies.  相似文献   

The precedence effect (PE) describes several spatial perceptual phenomena that occur when similar sounds are presented from two different locations and separated by a delay. The mechanisms that produce the effect are thought to be responsible for the ability to localize sounds in reverberant environments. Although the physiological bases for the PE have been studied, little is known about how these sounds are localized by species other than humans. Here we used the search coil technique to measure the eye positions of cats trained to saccade to the apparent locations of sounds. To study the PE, brief broadband stimuli were presented from two locations, with a delay between their onsets; the delayed sound meant to simulate a single reflection. Although the cats accurately localized single sources, the apparent locations of the paired sources depended on the delay. First, the cats exhibited summing localization, the perception of a "phantom" sound located between the sources, for delays < +/-400 micros for sources positioned in azimuth along the horizontal plane, but not for sources positioned in elevation along the sagittal plane. Second, consistent with localization dominance, for delays from 400 micros to about 10 ms, the cats oriented toward the leading source location only, with little influence of the lagging source, both for horizontally and vertically placed sources. Finally, the echo threshold was reached for delays >10 ms, where the cats first began to orient to the lagging source on some trials. These data reveal that cats experience the PE phenomena similarly to humans.  相似文献   

We examined the accuracy and precision with which the barn owl (Tyto alba) turns its head toward sound sources under conditions that evoke the precedence effect (PE) in humans. Stimuli consisted of 25-ms noise bursts emitted from two sources, separated horizontally by 40 degrees, and temporally by 3-50 ms. At delays from 3 to 10 ms, head turns were always directed at the leading source, and were nearly as accurate and precise as turns toward single sources, indicating that the leading source dominates perception. This lead dominance is particularly remarkable, first, because on some trials, the lagging source was significantly higher in amplitude than the lead, arising from the directionality of the owl's ears, and second, because the temporal overlap of the two sounds can degrade the binaural cues with which the owl localizes sounds. With increasing delays, the influence of the lagging source became apparent as the head saccades became increasingly biased toward the lagging source. Furthermore, on some of the trials at delays > or = 20 ms, the owl turned its head, first, in the direction of one source, and then the other, suggesting that it was able to resolve two separately localizable sources. At all delays <50 ms, response latencies were longer for paired sources than for single sources. With the possible exception of response latency, these findings demonstrate that the owl exhibits precedence phenomena in sound localization similar to those in humans and cats, and provide a basis for comparison with neurophysiological data.  相似文献   

Sound localization in echoic conditions depends on a precedence effect (PE), in which the first arriving sound dominates the perceived location of later reflections. Previous studies have demonstrated neurophysiological correlates of the PE in several species, but the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. The present study documents responses of space-specific neurons in the barn owl's inferior colliculus (IC) to stimuli simulating direct sounds and reflections that overlap in time at the listener's ears. Responses to 100-ms noises with lead-lag delays from 1 to 100 ms were recorded from neurons in the space-mapped subdivisions of IC in anesthetized owls (N2O/isofluorane). Responses to a target located at a unit's best location were usually suppressed by a masker located outside the excitatory portion of the spatial receptive field. The least spatially selective units exhibited temporally symmetric effects, in that the amount of suppression was the same whether the masker led or lagged. Such effects mirror the alteration of localization cues caused by acoustic superposition of leading and lagging sounds. In more spatially selective units, the suppression was often temporally asymmetric, being more pronounced when the masker led. The masker often evoked small changes in spatial tuning that were not related to the magnitude of suppressive effects. The association of temporally asymmetric suppression with spatial selectivity suggests that this property emerges within IC, and not at earlier stages of auditory processing. Asymmetric suppression reduces the ability of highly spatially selective neurons to encode the location of lagging sounds, providing a possible basis for the PE.  相似文献   

Primary auditory cortex (A1) neurons are believed not to carry much information about tonal offsets because A1 neurons in barbiturate-anesthetized animals are usually described as having only onset responses. We investigated tonal offset responses in comparison with onset responses in the caudal part of A1 of awake cats. Cells responding to both onsets and offsets were commonly found (59.2% of recorded cells). Offset responses usually co-occurred with phasic onset responses or phasic components of sustained responses. These ON-OFF cells had diverse combinations of offset- and onset-frequency-receptive field (FRF): offset-FRF was similar to onset-FRF, or narrower, wider, lower, or higher than onset-FRF. The distribution of FRF patterns was diffuse with no boundaries between the different FRF-pattern groups. The onset- versus offset-FRF pattern of each cell remained unchanged across multiple stimulus intensities. Mean offset response showed similar peak latency (19.5 vs. 21.5 ms), longer half-decay time (74.5 vs. 48.5 ms), and lower peak amplitude (20.4 vs. 35.9 spikes/s) compared with the mean onset response. Although offset responses were facilitated when preceded by the suppression of spike activity, they were still elicited without preceding spike suppression. It is concluded that neurons showing paired onset and offset responses are predominant in the caudal A1. Their frequency-filtering property is usually not static but dynamic, changing between sound onsets and offsets. Offset responses are similarly precise and salient as onset responses for effectively encoding sound offsets. They may be elicited as active spike responses to sound offset rather than simple rebound facilitation.  相似文献   

The precedence effect (PE) is thought to be beneficial for proper localization and perception of sounds. The majority of recent physiological studies focus on the neural discharges correlated with PE in the inferior colliculus (IC). Pentobarbital anesthesia is widely used in physiological studies. However, little is known of the effect of pentobarbital on the discharge of neurons in PE. Neuronal responses in the IC from 23 male SD rats were recorded by standard extracellular recording techniques following presentation of 4 ms white noise bursts, presented from either or both of two loud speakers, at different interstimulus delays (ISDs). The neural responses were recorded for off-line analysis before or after intraperitoneal administration of pentobarbital at a loading or maintenance dose. Data were assessed by one-way repeated measures analysis of variance and pairwise comparisons. When the ipsilateral stimuli were leading, pentobarbital at a loading dose significantly increased normalized response to lagging stimuli during recovery from anesthesia. However, it was not the case when the contralateral stimuli were leading. At a maintenance dose, the normalized response to lagging stimuli were significantly reduced, independent of whether contralateral or ipsilateral stimuli were leading. These data show that pentobarbital have no effect on the normalized response of leading stimuli but can prolong the recovery time of lagging stimuli to paired sources produced PE illusions, which was gradually attenuated during recovery from anesthesia. Thus, extracellular recording immediately after administration of pentobarbital should be avoided in physiological studies of neural correlates of PE.  相似文献   

Two transient sounds, considered as a conditioner followed by a probe, were delivered successively from the same or different direction in virtual acoustic space (VAS) while recording from single neurons in primary auditory cortex (AI) of cats under general anesthesia. Typically, the response to the probe sound was progressively suppressed as the interval between the two sounds (ISI) was systematically reduced from 400 to 50 ms, and the sound-source directions were within the cell's virtual space receptive field (VSRF). Suppression of the cell's discharge could be accompanied by an increase in response latency. In some neurons, the joint response to two sounds delivered successively was summative or facilitative at ISIs below about 20 ms. These relationships held throughout the VSRF, including those directions on or near the cell's acoustic axis where sounds often elicit the strongest response. The strength of suppression varied systematically with the direction of the probe sound when the ISI was fixed and the conditioning sound arrived from the cell's acoustic axis. Consequently a VSRF defined by the response to the lagging probe sound was progressively reduced in size when ISIs were shortened from 400 to 50 ms. Although the presence of a previous sound reduced the size of the VSRF, for many of these VSRFs a systematic gradient of response latency was maintained. The maintenance of such a gradient may provide a mechanism by which directional acuity remains intact in an acoustic environment containing competing acoustic transients.  相似文献   

The responses of primary auditory cortex (A1) neurons to pure tones in anesthetized animals are usually described as having mostly narrow, unimodal frequency tuning and phasic responses. Thus A1 neurons are believed not to carry much information about pure tones beyond sound onset. In awake cats, however, tuning may be wider and responses may have substantially longer duration. Here we analyze frequency-response areas (FRAs) and temporal-response patterns of 1,828 units in A1 of halothane-anesthetized cats. Tuning was generally wide: the total bandwidth at 40 dB above threshold was 4 octaves on average. FRA shapes were highly variable and many were diffuse, not fitting into standard classification schemes. Analyzing the temporal patterns of the largest responses of each unit revealed that only 9% of the units had pure onset responses. About 40% of the units had sustained responses throughout stimulus duration (115 ms) and 13% of the units had significant and informative responses lasting 300 ms and more after stimulus offset. We conclude that under halothane anesthesia, neural responses show many of the characteristics of awake responses. Furthermore, A1 units maintain sensory information in their activity not only throughout sound presentation but also for hundreds of milliseconds after stimulus offset, thus possibly playing a role in sensory memory.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that the spike patterns of cortical neurons vary systematically as a function of sound-source location such that the response of a single neuron can signal the location of a sound source throughout 360 degrees of azimuth. The present study examined specific features of spike patterns that might transmit information related to sound-source location. Analysis was based on responses of well-isolated single units recorded from cortical area A2 in alpha-chloralose-anesthetized cats. Stimuli were 80-ms noise bursts presented from loudspeakers in the horizontal plane; source azimuths ranged through 360 degrees in 20 degrees steps. Spike patterns were averaged across samples of eight trials. A competitive artificial neural network (ANN) identified sound-source locations by recognizing spike patterns; the ANN was trained using the learning vector quantization learning rule. The information about stimulus location that was transmitted by spike patterns was computed from joint stimulus-response probability matrices. Spike patterns were manipulated in various ways to isolate particular features. Full-spike patterns, which contained all spike-count information and spike timing with 100-micros precision, transmitted the most stimulus-related information. Transmitted information was sensitive to disruption of spike timing on a scale of more than approximately 4 ms and was reduced by an average of approximately 35% when spike-timing information was obliterated entirely. In a condition in which all but the first spike in each pattern were eliminated, transmitted information decreased by an average of only approximately 11%. In many cases, that condition showed essentially no loss of transmitted information. Three unidimensional features were extracted from spike patterns. Of those features, spike latency transmitted approximately 60% more information than that transmitted either by spike count or by a measure of latency dispersion. Information transmission by spike patterns recorded on single trials was substantially reduced compared with the information transmitted by averages of eight trials. In a comparison of averaged and nonaveraged responses, however, the information transmitted by latencies was reduced by only approximately 29%, whereas information transmitted by spike counts was reduced by 79%. Spike counts clearly are sensitive to sound-source location and could transmit information about sound-source locations. Nevertheless, the present results demonstrate that the timing of the first poststimulus spike carries a substantial amount, probably the majority, of the location-related information present in spike patterns. The results indicate that any complete model of the cortical representation of auditory space must incorporate the temporal characteristics of neuronal response patterns.  相似文献   

The present study examined cortical parallels to psychophysical signal detection and sound localization in the presence of background noise. The activity of single units or of small clusters of units was recorded in cortical area A2 of chloralose-anesthetized cats. Signals were 80-ms click trains that varied in location in the horizontal plane around the animal. Maskers were continuous broadband noises. In the focal masker condition, a single masker source was tested at various azimuths. In the diffuse masker condition, uncorrelated noise was presented from two speakers at +/-90 degrees lateral to the animal. For about 2/3 of units ("type A"), the presence of the masker generally reduced neural sensitivity to signals, and the effects of the masker depended on the relative locations of signal and masker sources. For the remaining 1/3 of units ("type B"), the masker reduced spike rates at low signal levels but often augmented spike rates at higher signal levels. Increases in spike rates of type B units were most common for signal sources in front of the ear contralateral to the recording site but tended to be independent of masker source location. For type A units, masker effects could be modeled as a shift toward higher levels of spike-rate- and spike-latency-versus-level functions. For a focal masker, the shift size decreased with increasing separation of signal and masker. That result resembled psychophysical spatial unmasking, i.e., improved signal detection by spatial separation of the signal from the noise source. For the diffuse masker condition, the shift size generally was constant across signal locations. For type A units, we examined the effects of maskers on cortical signaling of sound-source location, using an artificial-neural-network (ANN) algorithm. First, an ANN was trained to estimate the signal location in the quiet condition by recognizing the spike patterns of single units. Then we tested ANN responses for spike patterns recorded under various masker conditions. Addition of a masker generally altered spike patterns and disrupted ANN identification of signal location. That disruption was smaller, however, for signal and masker configurations in which the masker did not severely reduce units' spike rates. That result compared well with the psychophysical observation that listeners maintain good localization performance as long as signals are clearly audible.  相似文献   

The neural mechanisms involved in the detection of natural complex sounds were studied by recording single-neuron responses from 132 cells in the primary auditory cortex of the cat. The cats were paralyzed and under neuroleptanalgesia (NLA). The cells were first stimulated with pure tones; the responses were then compared with those evoked by many different types of complex sounds, most of which were animal vocalizations. Per-stimulus-time (PST) histograms constructed from the responses to repetitive stimuli were compared with the corresponding sound spectrograms formed from the sounds used as stimuli. Of 100 cells 68 per cent gave predictable responses to complex sounds on the basis of their responses to different pure tone frequencies. In 32 per cent of the cells the responses were unpredictable. Half of these cells did not react to pure tones at all but responded to one or more animal vocalizations or generator sounds with different patterns. Some cells reacted to pure tones in quite a different way than to certain complex sounds, e.g. with inhibition instead of excitation. These results indicate that cells in the primary auditory cortex of the cat reacting in an unpredictable way to sounds with a complex structure have a more or less specialized function, in detecting and analyzing natural and other complex sound patterns. Cells reacting phasically to pure tones seem to be involved in the detection of transient sound elements.  相似文献   

Neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC), one of the major integrative centers of the auditory system, process acoustic information converging from almost all nuclei of the auditory brain stem. During this integration, excitatory and inhibitory inputs arrive to auditory neurons at different time delays. Result of this integration determines timing of IC neuron firing. In the mammalian IC, the range of the first spike latencies is very large (5-50 ms). At present, a contribution of excitatory and inhibitory inputs in controlling neurons' firing in the IC is still under debate. In the present study we assess the role of excitation and inhibition in determining first spike response latency in the IC. Postsynaptic responses were recorded to pure tones presented at neuron's characteristic frequency or to downward frequency modulated sweeps in awake bats. There are three main results emerging from the present study: (1) the most common response pattern in the IC is hyperpolarization followed by depolarization followed by hyperpolarization, (2) latencies of depolarizing or hyperpolarizing responses to tonal stimuli are short (3-7 ms) whereas the first spike latencies may vary to a great extent (4-26 ms) from one neuron to another, and (3) high threshold hyperpolarization preceded long latency spikes in IC neurons exhibiting paradoxical latency shift. Our data also show that the onset hyperpolarizing potentials in the IC have very small jitter (<100 mus) across repeated stimulus presentations. The results of this study suggest that inhibition, arriving earlier than excitation, may play a role as a mechanism for delaying the first spike latency in IC neurons.  相似文献   

Spontaneous activity is a well-known neural phenomenon that occurs throughout the brain and is essential for normal development of auditory circuits and for processing of sounds. Spontaneous activity could interfere with sound processing by reducing the signal-to-noise ratio. Multiple studies have reported that spontaneous activity in auditory neurons can be suppressed by sound stimuli. The goal of this study was to determine the stimulus conditions that cause this suppression and to identify possible underlying mechanisms. Experiments were conducted in the inferior colliculus (IC) of awake little brown bats using extracellular and intracellular recording techniques. The majority of IC neurons (82%) fired spontaneously, with a median spontaneous firing rate of 6 spikes/s. After offset of a 4 ms sound, more than half of these neurons exhibited suppression of spontaneous firing that lasted hundreds of milliseconds. The duration of suppression increased with sound level. Intracellular recordings showed that a short (<50 ms) membrane hyperpolarization was often present during the beginning of suppression, but it was never observed during the remainder of the suppression. Beyond the initial 50 ms period, the absence of significant changes in input resistance during suppression suggests that suppression is presynaptic in origin. Namely, it may occur on presynaptic terminals and/or elsewhere on presynaptic neurons. Suppression of spontaneous firing may serve as a mechanism for enhancing signal-to-noise ratios during signal processing.  相似文献   

The neural response to amplitude-modulated sinus sounds (AM sound) was investigated in the auditory cortex and insula of the awake squirrel monkey. It was found that 78.1% of all acoustically driven neurons encoded the envelope of the AM sound; the remaining 21.9% displayed simple On, On/Off or Off responses at the beginning or the end of the stimulus sound. Those neurons with AM coding were able to encode the AM sound frequency in two different ways: (1) the spikes followed the amplitude modulation envelopes in a phaselocked manner; (2) the spike rate changed significantly with changing modulation frequencies. As reported in other species, the modulation transfer functions for rate showed higher modulation frequencies than the phaselocked response. Both AM codings exhibited a filter characteristic for AM sound. Whereas 46.6% of all neurons had the same filter characteristic for both the spike discharge and the phase-locked response, the remaining neurons displayed combinations of different filter types. The discharge pattern of a neuron to simple tone or noise bursts suggests the behaviour of this neuron when AM sound is used as the stimulus. Neurons with strong onset responses to tone/noise bursts tended to have higher phase-locked AM responses than neurons with weak onset responses. The spike rate maxima for AM sound showed no relation to the tone/noise burst discharge patterns. Varying modulation depth was encoded by the neuron's ability to follow the envelope cycles and not by the non-phase-locked spike rate frequency. The organization of the squirrel monkey's auditory cortex has previously been established by an anatomical study. We have added two new fields using physiological parameters. All fields investigated showed a clear functional separation for time-critical information processing. The best temporal resolution was shown by the primary auditory field (AI), the first-temporal field (T1) and the parainsular au ditory field (Pi). The neural data in these fields and the amplitude modulation frequency range of squirrel monkey calls suggest a similar correlation between vocalization and perception as in human psychophysical data for speech and hearing sensation. The anterior fields in particular failed to follow the AM envelopes. For the first time in a primate, the insula was tested with different sound parameters ranging from simple tone bursts to AM sound. It is suggested that this cortical region plays a role in time-critical aspects of acoustic information processing. The observed best frequencies covered the same spectrum as AI. As in the auditory fields, most neurons in the insula encoded AM sound with different filter types. The high proportion of neurons unable to encode AM sound (40.6%) and the low mean best modulation frequency (9.9 Hz) do not support a prominent role of the insula in temporal information processing.  相似文献   

Adding brief flashes of light to a train of auditory clicks [R. Hari, Illusory directional hearing in humans, Neurosci. Lett. 189 (1995) 29-30] can alter the sounds perceived location within the head. In an experimental procedure adopted from Hari [R. Hari, Illusory directional hearing in humans, Neurosci. Lett. 189 (1995) 29-30], 16 observers listened over headphones to 8 binaural clicks (i.e., 4 left-ear leading followed by 4 right-ear leading) separated by one of three ISIs (8, 64 and 120 ms), then reported the perceived location of each click-pair within the head. Flashing a light rightward across a CRT screen during temporally coincident click-pairs made observers report the location of the sounds in roughly equally spaced steps from left-to-right through the head. In contrast, light flashes originating on the right of the CRT and moving leftward reversed the perceived location of the clicks, so that the sound appeared to originate on the right side of the head and shift leftward. These effects were diminished when the first four lights were all presented on one side of the CRT and the last four lights were all presented on the other side of the CRT. This multimodal phenomenon occurs although the light was perceived external to the head while the sounds presented over headphones were perceived within the head.  相似文献   

The representation of rapid acoustic transients by the auditory cortex is a fundamental issue that is still unresolved. Auditory cortical neurons have been shown to be limited in their stimulus-synchronized responses, yet the perceptual performances of humans and animals in discriminating temporal variations in complex sounds are better than what existing neurophysiological data would predict. This study investigated the neural representation of temporally asymmetric stimuli in the primary auditory cortex of awake marmoset monkeys. The stimuli, ramped and damped sinusoids, were systematically manipulated (by means of half-life of the exponential envelope) within a cortical neuron's presumed temporal integration window. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1) temporal asymmetry in ramped and damped sinusoids with a short period (25 ms) was clearly reflected by average discharge rate but not necessarily by temporal discharge patterns of auditory cortical neurons. There was considerable response specificity to these stimuli such that some neurons were strongly responsive to a ramped sinusoid but almost completely unresponsive to its damped counterpart or vice versa. Of 181 neurons studied, 140 (77%) showed significant response asymmetry in at least one of the tested half-life values of the exponential envelope. Forty-six neurons showed significant response asymmetry over all half-lives tested. Sustained firing, commonly observed under awake conditions, contributed to greater response asymmetry than that of onset responses in many neurons. 2) A greater proportion of the neurons (32/46) that exhibited significant overall response asymmetry showed stronger responses to the ramped sinusoids than to the damped sinusoids, possibly contributing to the difference in the perceived loudness between these two classes of sounds. 3) The asymmetry preference of a neuron to ramped or damped sinusoids did not appear to be correlated with its characteristic frequency or minimum response latency, suggesting that this is a general phenomenon that exists across populations of cortical neurons. Moreover, the intensity of the stimuli did not have significant effects on the measure of the asymmetry preference based on discharge rate. 4) A population measure of response preference, based on discharge rate, of cortical neurons to the temporally asymmetric stimuli was qualitatively similar to the performance of human listeners in discriminating ramped versus damped sinusoids at different half-life values. These findings suggest that rapid acoustic transients embedded in complex sounds can be represented by discharge rates of cortical neurons instead of or in the absence of stimulus-synchronized discharges.  相似文献   

The central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (IC) is a major integrative center in the central auditory system. It receives information from both the ascending and descending auditory pathways. To determine how single IC neurons integrate information over a wide range of sound frequencies and sound levels, we examined their intracellular responses to frequency-modulated (FM) sounds in awake little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus). Postsynaptic potentials were recorded in response to downward FM sweeps of the range typical for little brown bats (80-20 kHz) and to three FM subcomponents (80-60, 60-40, and 40-20 kHz). The majority of recorded neurons responded to the 80- to 20-kHz downward FM sweep with a complex response. In this response an initial hyperpolarization was followed by depolarization with or without spike followed by hyperpolarization. Intracellular recordings in response to three FM subcomponents revealed that these neurons receive excitatory and inhibitory inputs from a wide range of sound frequencies. One third of IC neurons performed nearly linear temporal summation across a wide range of sound frequencies, whereas two thirds of IC neurons exhibited nonlinear summation with different degrees of nonlinearity. Some IC neurons showed different latencies of postsynaptic potentials in response to different FM subcomponents. Often responses to the later FM subcomponent occurred before responses to the earlier ones. This phenomenon may be responsible for response selectivity of IC neurons to FM sweeps.  相似文献   

Summary The temporo-parietal association cortex around the caudal end of the Sylvian fissure was studied with the single cell recording technique in three awake behaving Macaca speciosa-monkeys. Of the 197 cells isolated, 5% were active only during the monkey's own movements, mostly during head rotation, and 95% were responsive to sensory stimulation: 54% to auditory stimuli, 24% to somatosensory stimuli, 13% to both of these and 4% to visual stimuli. Some cells, classified as responsive to somatosensory stimuli, were activated only by passive rotation of the head on the cervical axis; it is possible that they were driven by vestibular stimuli. Half of the cells were activated by stimuli on both sides of the monkey, and almost all the rest, only by stimuli on the side contralateral to the hemisphere recorded.Of the acoustically drivable cells, 95% responded to natural sounds, such as, rubbing hands together, rustle of clothes, clicks or jingles (sounds with noise spectrum and rapid intensity transitions). Most of these neurons were also examined with pure tones of 0.2–20 kHz: various inhibitory or excitatory responses were elicited in half of them, usually over a wide range of frequencies. The responses of most acoustically drivable cells (62%) depended on the location of the sound source with reference to the monkey's head so that the maximal response was elicited by sounds with a certain angle of incidence, usually on the contralateral side.The present results suggest that the area studied participates in the analysis of the temporal pattern of a sound, the location of the sound source and in spatial control of head movements.  相似文献   

The effects of auditory spatial attention on event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were examined in situations that promoted stream segregation. Short and long noise bursts were presented at three azimuth locations and listeners were asked to respond to the longer sounds occurring at either the right- or left-most location. In the baseline condition, the three sound sources were evenly spaced apart. In the distractor clustering conditions, middle and far sounds were clustered. In the attended clustering conditions, middle and attended sounds were clustered. ERP indices of attention, isolated as negative difference (Nd) waves, were greater over the hemisphere contralateral to the attended location. Nd waves were also larger when the middle sounds were moved toward the far distractors, consistent with an object-based gradient of auditory attention in which higher order information provided by the perceptual context influences selective processing.  相似文献   

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