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乳牙反颌是由单一因素或单一机制、多因素或多机制共同作用造成的儿童错颌畸形,不良人工喂养姿势和口腔不良习惯也是引起乳牙反颌的主要因素^[1-2]。乳牙反颌是一种功能性反颌,一般3.5~5岁时为矫治的最佳时期。笔者采用颌垫式活动矫治器矫治反颌畸形患儿364例,疗效满意,报道如下。  相似文献   

目的讨论前方牵引器和2×4矫治器对替牙期前牙反合的矫治前后头影测量分析的对比.方法 52例替牙期前牙反合病例,其中25例使用2×4固定矫治技术,27例采用前方牵引矫治器治疗;对这两组病例治疗前后X线头影测量指标进行对照分析.结果 2×4矫治器组可以通过牙的改变解除前牙反合;前方牵引矫治器组在前牙反合改变的同时,还有骨骼的改变.结论 2×4矫治器可有效矫治替牙期牙性和功能性反合,功能性矫治器适应骨性和混合性反合病例.  相似文献   

目的 总结16例成人前反牙合畸形正畸矫治的经验.方法 回顾性分析此类病例正畸矫正适应症、矫治设计、矫治方法.结果 16例成人正畸患者经5个月至1年半的治疗、牙列排齐,反颌解除,覆颌覆盖正常,面型改善,患者对治疗效果满意.结论 成人前牙反牙合的正畸矫治,只要掌握其适应症,设计合理,通过固定正畸技术矫治,即可达到治疗目的,获得满意效果.  相似文献   

目的:探讨固定矫治器治疗乳前牙(合)的疗效。方法对2011-01~2014-03在广西壮族自治区人民医院口腔正畸科自愿选择固定矫治器进行矫治的15例牙(合)畸形病例的治疗效果进行分析。结果15例患者最长反牙(合)解除时间2个月,最短3周,平均疗程(4±0.5)个月。矫治后前牙覆牙(合)覆盖关系正常,追踪2年,13例牙性及功能性反牙(合)疗效稳定,无复发。2例有骨性反牙(合)遗传史,反牙(合)复发。结论固定矫治器治疗乳前牙反牙(合)能够减少患儿的不配合及就诊次数,并顺利地解除乳前牙反牙(合),是一种治疗乳前牙反牙(合)的高效矫治器。  相似文献   

目的:总结早期Ⅲ类牵引矫治儿童前牙反殆的临床疗效.方法:32例乳牙期或替牙期前牙反殆的病例,固定矫治早期行Ⅲ类牵引,观察疗效及疗程.结果:32例均快速解除前牙反(牙合),平均9(2~21)d,平均疗程6周.结论:固定正畸早期Ⅲ类牵引矫治儿童前牙反(牙合),疗效快,效果好.  相似文献   

我院保健科自2001年~2005年里对本院管辖区内1个月~1岁半的婴幼儿进行计划免疫的同时进行健康普查,查得9个月~18个月的婴幼儿218名,其中出现反合婴幼儿4名,占2%以上。将简易矫治方法传授给家长并实施给反合婴幼儿20天~3个月后,除1名家长因工作忙没坚持实施矫治外,其他3名反合婴幼儿都矫治成功。  相似文献   

目的探寻一种治疗恒牙早期前牙反(牙合)伴牙列拥挤的良好途径.方法选择13例恒牙早期前牙反(牙合)伴牙列拥挤病例,进行分期非拔牙矫治:①上颌(牙合)垫矫治器解除前牙反(牙合);②远中移动上颌磨牙开辟间隙,解除拥挤;③固定矫治器排齐牙列、关闭牙隙.结果 13例患者经5~8个月后,解除前牙反(牙合),上颌第1磨牙平均远移约3.6 mm.结论分期非拔牙矫治恒牙早期前牙反(牙合)伴牙列拥挤,方法可行,且疗效稳定.  相似文献   

前牙反牙合是我国儿童常见的一种错牙合畸形,它对患者的口腔功能、颜面美观和心理健康均有较严重的影响[1].替牙期是治疗前牙反牙合的最重要的时期[2],2×4矫治技术是矫治替牙期前牙反牙合的简单有效的方法[3],我们应用此技术矫治15例替牙期前牙牙性及功能性反牙合病例,取得良好的临床效果.  相似文献   

替牙期反的治疗复杂而多变 ,是前牙反矫治的关键期。替牙期功能性反可以通过多种方法来达到矫治目的 ,肌激动器 型就是常用矫治器之一。作者在临床工作中将之稍加改进 ,取得了简便快捷经济实用的效果 ,现介绍如下。1 资料和方法1 .1 一般资料 :我院 1 990~ 2 0 0 2年应用变异肌激动器 型矫治的替牙期功能性反 2 3例。其中男 9例 ,女 1 4例 ,年龄在 7.5~ 1 0 .5岁。其临床特征为 :替牙期 ,反覆深 ,反覆盖小 ,下颌可以后退至上下切牙对刃位 ,上前牙长轴平直或稍舌倾。上前牙代偿性唇倾者禁用。1 .2 方法 :选择合适病例后…  相似文献   

目的:应用开展型多用途唇弓矫治替牙期的牙性前牙反(牙合).方法:常规磨牙带环,粘着标准方丝弓托槽.然后用0.40~0.45 mm不锈钢丝或澳丝弯制开展型多用唇弓.结果:18例前牙反(牙合)均得以解除,疗程最短者4周,最长20周,平均12周.结论:利用开展型多用途唇弓矫治替牙期前牙反(牙合),取得良好矫治效果.  相似文献   

The guidelines for young child feeding have been developed and prepared as a supportive-tool primarily for health personnel involved in the care of infants and children in Caribbean countries. The recommendations address some practical aspects of nutrition before, during and after pregnancy. These are: The benefits of breastfeeding and strategies for its promotion, protection and support; review of infant feeding options for mothers with HIV and other infections; nutrition of the newborn; feeding of low birth weight infants and those with special requirements; replacement feeding for infants who are not breastfed; complementary feeding with emphasis on the continuation of breastfeeding for two years and beyond; guidelines on vitamin and mineral supplementation; management of feeding-related problems in early childhood; policy issues and nutrition education in relation to the promotion of adequate nutrition in early childhood.  相似文献   

The Central Division Health Office in Suva (Fiji) has been keeping records of the method of infant feeding used by mothers attending Maternal and Child Health Clinics since 1977. An analysis of these and other records was conducted in order to determine the extent of artificial feeding in Suva and trends in infant feeding over the past 3-1/2 years. A declining trend in the extent of breast feeding over the 1977-1980 period was found. The declining trend was most marked in "other" infants, i.e., Chinese, other Pacific islanders, European, and part Europeans. During the first 6 months of 1980, there were some indication of a leveling off of the number of artificially fed infants. If the results for all these are combined, then the percentage of wholly breast fed infants falls from 44.6 in 1977 to 30.9% for the first 6 months of 1980. Data collected at Labasa Maternal-Child Health clinic during January 1980 revealed that the majority of both Indians and Fijian infants were wholly breast fed up to 6 months of age. In order to investigate the effect of artificial feeding on the nutritional status of infants, an analysis of the records at the pediatric ward of the Colonial War Memorial Hospital in Suva were conducted. In 1979, 100 children were admitted suffering from clinical malnutrition. 20 (80%) of the children had been bottlefed only, 2 were both breastfed and bottlefed, and only 3 were wholly breastfed. It is recommended that the Ministry of Health renew its efforts to encourage the universal adoption of breast feeding.  相似文献   

本文分别调查了城乡哮喘患儿100例的出生月份和婴儿期的喂养史等,并与正常儿童对照比较,作者认为婴儿出生在秋季或初生6个月内缺乏母乳喂养对形成外源性哮喘有关。反复呼吸道感染或长期的呼吸道刺激致气道高反应性等是内源性哮喘的主要原因。不同的生活、环境条件和喂养习惯,可能是造成城乡哮喘类型不同的原因之一。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同喂养方式对婴儿疾病的影响,了解影响母乳喂养的相关因素,旨在进一步促进母乳喂养。方法采用回顾性方法,对1144例4个月内婴儿喂养方式与疾病的关系进行临床分析,并了解婴儿喂养方式与城乡及性别的关系。结果4个月内婴儿的纯母乳喂养率是77.6%,健康婴儿母乳喂养率高于患病婴儿的母乳喂养率(86.8%vs69.61%),二者差异有统计学意义(X22=48.66,P〈0.01)。母乳喂养较非母乳喂养儿的病程短,母乳喂养患儿病程≤7d占75.6%,〉7d占24.4%;非母乳喂养病程≤7d占47.3%,〉7d占52.7%,二者差异有统计学意义(X2=46.81,P〈0.01)。农村婴儿母乳喂养率显著高于城市婴儿母乳喂养率(80.72%vs72.9%,X2=9.6,P〈0.01),差异有统计学意义。男婴母乳喂养率与女婴母乳喂养率相比差异无统计学意义(78.6%vs76.4%,72=0.75,P〉0.05)。结论婴儿喂养方式与患病风险及病程密切相关,提高母乳喂养率能减少疾病的发生,缩短病程。因此应加强母乳喂养知识宣教,提高母乳喂养率。  相似文献   

目的调查宁波市象山县婴儿肥胖检出率及喂养状况。方法对本地区478名12月龄婴儿进行体格检查和问卷调查,分析肥胖情况和喂养方式。结果肥胖率为9.83%。出生后至12月龄单纯母乳喂养构成比逐渐下降,混合喂养和单纯人工喂养的构成比逐渐上升,9个月后混合喂养构成比下降,人工喂养构成比最高。母乳喂养时间越长婴儿肥胖率越低,而在4~6个月添加辅食的婴儿肥胖率较低。单纯母乳喂养组超重及肥胖检出率均最低。不同母乳喂养持续时间、添加辅食时间的婴儿肥胖率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),母乳喂养及母乳喂养时间长对婴儿肥胖有保护作用。结论早期添加配方奶粉及辅食喂养导致婴儿早期肥胖可能性增加,母乳喂养及母乳喂养时间长可降低婴儿的肥胖率。  相似文献   

目的 了解乌鲁木齐市2岁以下婴幼儿喂养状况及其影响因素。方法 于2013年5—6月,采用自行编制问卷对新疆医科大学第一附属医院儿保科235位2岁以下体检儿童的家长进行调查。结果 4个月以内婴儿纯母乳喂养率为46.9%,4~6个月婴儿纯母乳喂养率为42.6%。在已断奶的婴幼儿中,60%的婴幼儿断奶时间是6个月之内,断奶时间中位数为6个月。婴儿母亲的文化程度、职业、家庭平均月收入以及婴幼儿是否早产对4个月以内婴幼儿喂养方式无明显影响。53.1%的婴幼儿在4个月内就添加了辅食,85.1%的婴幼儿已经添加了营养素。结论 乌鲁木齐市6个月以内婴幼儿纯母乳喂养率较低,断奶时间过早。存在辅食添加过早及滥用营养素现象。  相似文献   

WHO alarms HIV infection among tuberculosis patients   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Background Growth and development of infants has been an important topic in pediatrics for a long time. Infants must be provided with food containing all necessary nutrients. Breast milk is believed to be the most desirable natural and cheapest food for well-balanced nutrition. But with the progress in the development of substitute food in developed countries, it is thought that formula milk can meet the requirement for infant growth. During early infancy, growth, as the most sensitive index of health, is therefore a critical component in evaluating the adequacy of breast-feeding, mixed-feeding and formula feeding. Iron status is another important index of infant health. Iron deficiency anemia remains the most prevalent nutritional deficiency index in infants worldwide. This study is to compare infants in Beijing at 4 months who are on three different feeding modes (breast feeding, mixed feeding and formula feeding) in physical changes and iron status. The results may provide new mothers with support in feeding mode selection, which will also be helpful to the China Nutrition Association in feeding mode education. Methods This is a cohort study. One thousand and one normal Beijing infants were followed regularly for 12 months. Body weight and horizontal length were measured. Hemoglobin, red blood cell counts, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and serum iron were analyzed at 4 months. Results The breast feeding percentage in the first 4 months was 47.9%. The feeding mode was not significantly related to maternal delivery age, education, labor pathway nor infant sex (P 〉0.05). Infant boys and girls exclusively breast-fed from 0 to 4 months had the highest weight at 0-6 months. The anemia rate of breast-fed infant boys at 4 months was the highest. Conclusions Breast feeding should be given more emphasis. It is compulsory for new mothers to breast-feed their infants if possible. Social environment should also guarantee the requirement for breast feeding. Furthermore the normal values of h  相似文献   

The Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding is being developed by the WHO and is likely to be adopted as World Health Assembly Resolution in the month of May, 2002. The global strategy is built on Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes and the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding. It emphasises the need for comprehensive national policies on infant and child health feeding including guidelines on ensuring appropriate feeding of infants and young children in exceptionally difficult circumstances and to ensure that all health services protect, promote and support breastfeeding exclusively for first 6 months and then timely and adequate complementary feeding with continued breastfeeding for two years or beyond. Thus the strategy is to improve nutritional status, growth and development, health and survival of infants and young children. It recognises that mothers should have adequate information and support within their families and communities should be free and should be free from commercial influence. The strategy mentions an effective feeding policy with some critical interventions as elaborated in this article.  相似文献   

目的:了解贫困农村地区6~23月龄婴幼儿发热和腹泻2周患病现状及其影响因素。方法:2015年8月在 湖南省辖区内武陵山区和罗霄山区30个贫困县采用乡级概率规模抽样方法,随机抽取8 735名农村6~23月龄婴幼儿 作为研究对象,采用问卷调查婴幼儿过去2周发热和腹泻患病情况、个人及出生基本情况、家庭及喂养情况,计 算婴幼儿发热和腹泻2周患病率,采用多因素非条件logistic回归模型分析婴幼儿发热和腹泻2周患病的影响因素。 结果:6~23月龄婴幼儿的发热和腹泻2周患病率分别为20.8%和12.2%。多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示:18~23 月龄(OR=0.66,95% CI:0.58~0.75)、侗族(OR=1.42,95% CI:1.17~1.74)和低体重(OR=1.31,95% CI:1.11~1.54)是贫 困农村地区6~23月龄婴幼儿发热2周患病的影响因素;性别为女(OR=0.86,95% CI:0.76~0.98)、12~17月龄(OR=0.80, 95% CI:0.69~0.93)、18~23月龄(OR=0.51,95% CI:0.43~0.60)、其他少数民族(OR=1.70,95% CI:1.13~2.56)、未添加 辅食(OR=1.65,95% CI:1.05~2.59)和低体重(OR=1.39,95% CI:1.14~1.70)是贫困农村地区6~23月龄婴幼儿腹泻2周患 病的影响因素。结论:贫困农村地区6~23月龄婴幼儿发热和腹泻2周患病率仍处于较高水平,低月龄、侗族、低体重 是贫困农村地区婴幼儿发热2周患病的危险因素,男性、低月龄、未添加辅食、低体重是贫困农村地区婴幼儿腹泻2 周患病的危险因素。  相似文献   

Background: Child health in developing countries including Nepal is a matter of serious concern as the prevalence of malnutrition among children continues to be high with 48.6% of children under five in Nepal being underweight. Since infant feeding practices adopted by mothers play a major role in influencing health of these children, there is a need to study the infant feeding practices prevalent in different areas in order to have pragmatic approaches to solve this problem. Materials and methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among mothers who attended the immunization clinics of 18 wards of Pokhara municipality area. They were interviewed with a semi-structured questionnaire on various aspects of infant feeding. Result: A total of 168 mothers were interviewed and prevalence of breastfeeding was 99.4% (167). Only 43.5% of the mothers initiated breastfeeding within one hour of birth and 60.5% were practicing exclusive breastfeeding at 5 months. Almost 40% of the mothers started complementary feeding before the recommended age of 6 months and 22.5 % delayed introduction of complementary feeding beyond the recommended age. Conclusion: Breast feeding practices adopted by mothers of Pokhara urban area are still lacking in terms of late initiation of and early starting of complementary feeding. There is a need to educate the mothers regarding proper infant feeding practices. Key words: infant feeding, breastfeeding, weaning.  相似文献   

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