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Sensorimotor synchronization (SMS) is the rhythmic synchronization between a timed sensory stimulus and a motor response. This rather simple function requires complex cerebral processing whose basic mechanisms are far from clear. The importance of SMS is related to its hypothesized relevance in motor recovery following brain lesions. This is witnessed by the large number of studies in different disciplines addressing this issue. In the present review we will focus on the role of the cerebellum by referring to the general modeling of SMS functioning. Although at present no consensus exists on cerebellar timekeeping function it is generally accepted that cerebellar input and output flow process time information. Reviewed data are considered within the framework of the ‘sensory coordination’ hypothesis of cerebellar functioning. The idea that timing might be within the parameters that are under cerebellar control to optimize cerebral cortical functioning is advanced.  相似文献   

Implicit (unconscious/incidental) and explicit (conscious/intentional) learning are considered to have distinct neural substrates. It is proposed that implicit learning is mediated by the basal ganglia (BG), while explicit learning has been linked to the medial temporal lobes (MTL). To test such a dissociation we investigated implicit and explicit sequence learning in Parkinson's disease (PD), a disorder characterized by striatal dysfunction. We studied both implicit and explicit learning of a 12-item sequence of target locations in 13 PD patients and 15 age-matched controls. In the implicit sequence learning task all participants completed 10 blocks of a probabilistic serial reaction time (SRT) task in which they were exposed to the sequence without explicit knowledge of it. Participants also completed between 1 and 10 blocks of an explicit sequence learning task in which the sequence was learned deliberately by trial-and-error. Both implicit and explicit sequence learning were significantly impaired in PD patients compared to controls. The results indicate that, in addition to playing a role in implicit sequence learning, the BG and its frontal projections are also involved in explicit sequence learning.  相似文献   

The degeneration of neurons in the mammalian brain is commonly associated with the division of cells located in the damaged area. The aim of the present study has been to characterise the phenotype of newly born cells in the striatum of adult rats following 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the nigro-striatal pathway. Newborn cells were identified through labelling with either bromodeoxyuridine or retrovirus encoding green fluorescence protein. We report here that the overwhelming majority of these cells have glial characteristics. In order to promote the generation of new neurons we retrovirally introduced either the noggin or neurogenin2 genes into newborn cells following the 6-hydroxydopamine lesion. Transduction with neurogenin2 resulted in the production of cells resembling neuroblasts, however these cells did not appear to survive. Noggin transduction did not result in the generation of new neurons, but interestingly, greatly increased the number of oligodendrocytes generated from newborn cells.  相似文献   

A one-day meeting on the cerebellum and motor learning was held in St Louis (October 2004), to address issues arising from a previous larger meeting (Tuebingen, June 2004). The learning tasks considered were VOR adaptation, saccadic adaptation and eyeblink conditioning. A theoretical development was reported that indicated how the cerebellum could use sensory error signals for adaptive control, by decorrelating them from an efferent copy of motor commands. The main topics for discussion were the nature of the error signals actually used by the cerebellum, and the evidence for multiple sites of synaptic plasticity. Reports of studies on VOR adaptation confirmed the presence of error signals in addition to retinal slip, in particular the eye-movement related simple-spike firing of floccular PCs. This firing appears to drive synaptic plasticity in the vestibular nuclei. From a theoretical perspective, a second site of plasticity in the brainstem has two advantages: it improves the high-frequency performance of the VOR given a delayed slip signal, and it allows VOR adaptation when smooth pursuit effectively removes the retinal slip signal. In contrast, some of the physiological data reported on saccadic adaptation seemed incompatible with current theoretical ideas about error signals. However, since other reported data were broadly consistent with those ideas, an important area of experimental disagreement was identified. Furthermore, behavioural studies indicated the presence of multiple sites of plasticity, consistent with earlier lesion studies that suggested one such site within cerebellar cortex and another outside it. Data from eyeblink conditioning suggested that the predictability of the error signal was important. Related ideas have previously emerged from studies of skeletal movement, but their theoretical implications for the cerebellar algorithm have yet to be fully explored. Finally, the long-standing controversy concerning sites of plasticity in eyeblink conditioning illustrated the technical difficulties involved in tracking down such sites.  相似文献   

In this experiment, we report a novel drug-free behavioural test of lateralised neglect which is sensitive to unilateral dopamine-denervating lesions and subsequent graft-derived striatal dopamine replacement. For the task, white plastic lids containing sugar pellets were placed along the left and right sides of the floor of a long narrow corridor at regular intervals. Hungry female Sprague-Dawley rats were placed individually into the corridor where they were allowed to make up to 20 pellet retrievals. The number of retrievals each rat made from its left and right sides was counted. Complete mesencephalic or partial nigrostriatal lesions were induced by injection of 6-hydroxydopamine into the medial forebrain bundle or striatum, respectively. Both lesions induced a pronounced ipsilateral retrieval bias in the task. Five weeks after lesion surgery, half of the rats from each lesion group were given E14 ventral mesencephalic cell suspension transplants into the denervated striatum, and were then re-tested in the Corridor Task 5 and 10 weeks later. There was no amelioration of the side bias in rats with medial forebrain bundle lesions. In contrast, in nigrostriatal-lesioned rats, the graft significantly reduced the lesion-induced ipsilateral bias. We conclude that the Corridor Task is a sensitive test of lateralised sensorimotor response selection, and is suitable for assessing deficits and recovery associated with lesions and grafts within the nigrostriatal system.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop an animal model that evaluates striatal-specific behavior after partial, unilateral destruction of nigrostriatal neurons. 6-OHDA (1 microg) was injected intranigrally (day 0) to reduce dopaminergic innervation of the dorsal striatum (DS); 6-OHDA (5 microg) was injected to reduce innervation of DS and nucleus accumbens (ACC). We analyzed changes in (a) behavior regulated by dopamine (DA) release in the DS (hindpaw preference from day 5 to day 19, every other day) and the ACC (novelty-induced locomotion on day 16) and (b) apomorphine-induced rotation (on day 21). We used two types of rat that show differences in structure and function of the dopaminergic neurons, namely high (HR) and low (LR) responders to novelty. 6-OHDA (1 microg) significantly decreased TH immunoreactivity (TH-ir) in the DS and increased preference for the hindpaw controlled by the nonlesioned side in HRs and LRs in time. Only in LRs was the significant increase of novelty-induced locomotion accompanied by a significant increase in TH-ir density in the ACC: this suggests a lesion-induced shift in nigrostriatal/mesolimbic balance toward a dominance of the mesolimbic system. The higher 6-OHDA dose significantly decreased TH-ir in the DS and the ACC and increased preference for the hindpaw controlled by the nonlesioned side in HRs and LRs in time. However, this increase occurred significantly earlier in LRs than in HRs. Apomorphine elicited contralateral rotations solely in LRs, and not in HRs, indicating development of supersensitive dopamine receptors in the DS of LRs, but not HRs. The data show that LRs are more susceptible to 6-OHDA than HRs. The relevance of the present data for Parkinson's disease is discussed.  相似文献   

The dopaminergic neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) has been shown to affect nigrostriatal projection neurons to a greater extent than substantia nigra neurons that project to the nucleus accumbens. To investigate this preferential vulnerability, the intracerebral pharmacokinetics of locally-applied MPTP was investigated using in vivo voltammetry. First, we examined whether MPTP and MPP+ were measurable in vitro. At the most efficient oxidation potential for MPTP (850 mV), its metabolite MPP+ was also partly oxidized, whereas at that for MPP+ (650 mV), MPTP was not oxidized. Then, in vivo measurements were taken less than 1 mm from the site of infusion of MPTP. MPTP and endogenously produced MPP+ peaked later and took longer to return to baseline in the nucleus accumbens than in the striatum. Systemic monoamine oxidase-B inhibitor pargyline delayed the peak and return to baseline of endogenously produced MPP+ in the nucleus accumbens. Exogenously applied MPP+ also took longer to peak and return to baseline in the nucleus accumbens. These results indicate that the difference in the pharmacokinetics of exogenously applied MPTP in the striatum and nucleus accumbens may be due to a difference in uptake in these regions, and that the difference in pharmacokinetics of endogenously produced MPP+ may be due to differences in both uptake and monoamine oxidase-B activity.  相似文献   

Bilateral electrolytic pallidal lesion ameliorated the deleterious effects of bilateral quinolinic acid (QA) lesion to the striatum on post-surgery weight, activity level, and performance in a water maze task, and reduced the extent of striatal damage. Given that the neurodegenerative and behavioral effects of QA striatal lesion are thought to mimic those seen in Huntington's disease, these results may point to a potential novel treatment for this disease.  相似文献   

External cues, including familiar music, can release Parkinson's disease patients from catalepsy but the neural basis of the effect is not well understood. In the present study, posturography, the study of posture and its allied reflexes, was used to develop an animal model that could be used to investigate the underlying neural mechanisms of this sound-induced behavioral activation. In the rat, akinetic catalepsy induced by a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist (haloperidol 5 mg/kg) can model human catalepsy. Using this model, two experiments examined whether novel versus familiar sound stimuli could interrupt haloperidol-induced catalepsy in the rat. Rats were placed on a variably inclined grid and novel or familiar auditory cues (single key jingle or multiple key jingles) were presented. The dependent variable was movement by the rats to regain equilibrium as assessed with a movement notation score. The sound cues enhanced movements used to regain postural stability and familiar sound stimuli were more effective than unfamiliar sound stimuli. The results are discussed in relation to the idea that nonlemniscal and lemniscal auditory pathways differentially contribute to behavioral activation versus tonotopic processing of sound.  相似文献   

The long-duration response (LDR) is a sustained improvement in parkinsonism due to chronic levodopa therapy and lasts after discontinuation of treatment. We have investigated the molecular changes that underlie the LDR in rats with a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion. Animals were treated for 22 days with levodopa or saline. Forelimb akinesia was evaluated prior and following a test dose of levodopa. Rotational behaviour was weekly evaluated. Levodopa induced an improvement in the parkinsonian limb akinesia that lasted for 48 h after withdrawal. A shortening in the duration of rotational behaviour was observed. After 3 days of washout, levodopa treatment maintained elevated striatal preproenkephalin mRNA expression, also inducing an increase in preprodynorphin (PDyn) and dopamine D-3 receptor mRNAs, but without any modification of the adenosine A(2A) mRNA expression induced by 6-OHDA. Levodopa reversed the lesion-induced increase in the expression of cytochrome oxidase mRNA in the subthalamic nucleus and glutamate decarboxylase mRNA in the pars reticulata of the substantia nigra. After 7 days of levodopa washout, the molecular markers show a decline in the basal ganglia evolving towards the parkinsonian state, being statistically significant for the striatal PDyn mRNA. This study characterizes the concomitant presence of the short-duration response and LDR to levodopa in the 6-OHDA model of parkinsonism and shows that the molecular changes induced by levodopa in the basal ganglia are not permanent and that this reversal after levodopa washout may be responsible for the gradual motor deterioration that characterize the LDR.  相似文献   

Cerebral uptake and utilization of levodopa was measured in eight patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) by [beta-11C]-L-DOPA and positron emission tomography (PET). By adding pharmacological doses of unlabelled levodopa to the radioactive solution it was possible to evaluate the clinical effect simultaneously with the cerebral kinetics of the drug. Additionally, in two of the patients with advanced PD, investigations with the dopamine re-uptake blocker [11C]-(+)-nomifensine and PET were carried out to get a measure of the density of striatal dopaminergic nerve-terminals. The brain uptake of [beta-11C]-L-DOPA was inversely correlated to the sum of large neutral amino acids in plasma. In the eight PD patients studied with [beta-11C]-L-DOPA striatal k3, which reflects the ability for striatal tissue to decarboxylate the tracer by the action of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), was decreased 35% compared to healthy subjects. It was demonstrated that, in the patients with advanced PD and motor fluctuations on oral L-DOPA medication, reversal of parkinsonian symptoms occurred at very low striatal tissue dopamine concentrations. In the two very advanced patients studied with [11C]-(+)-nomifensine the striatal binding of the tracer was 50% reduced.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen a substantial increase in research focused on the identification of blood-based biomarkers that have utility in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Blood-based biomarkers have significant advantages of being time- and cost-efficient as well as reduced invasiveness and increased patient acceptance. Despite these advantages and increased research efforts, the field has been hampered by lack of reproducibility and an unclear path for moving basic discovery toward clinical utilization. Here we reviewed the recent literature on blood-based biomarkers in AD to provide a current state of the art. In addition, a collaborative model is proposed that leverages academic and industry strengths to facilitate the field in moving past discovery only work and toward clinical use. Key resources are provided. This new public-private partnership model is intended to circumvent the traditional handoff model and provide a clear and useful paradigm for the advancement of biomarker science in AD and other neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

The efficacy ofl-dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-DOPA) in ameliorating the symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD) is attributed to its conversion to dopamine (DA) by the enzyme aromaticl-amino-acid decarboxylase (AADC) in the striatum. Although the site of this conversion in the DA-denervated striatum has yet to be identified, it has been proposed thatl-DOPA could be converted to DA at non-dopaminergic sites containing AADC. In the present study, we used immunocytochemical techniques to examine the localization of AADC and DA in the striatum of rats with a unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic projection. In the DA-denervated striatum, we observed AADC-immunoreactive (-IR) cells with morphological characteristics similar to a class of small aspiny interneuron. Although usually obscured by a dense plexus of AADC-IR fibers, these cells could also occasionally be detected in the intact striatum. Acute administration of L-DOPA to DA-denervated animals elicited contralateral rotational behavior as well as a pronounced c-fos protein immunoreactivity in the striatum ipsilateral to the lesion. Following acute administration ofl-DOPA, but not after acute saline, DA-IR cells were detected in the denervated striatum. These DA-IR cells are similar in morphology and were found in the same location as the AADC-IR cells. These results strongly suggest the existence of a class of AADC-containing striatal cells that can form DA from exogenousl-DOPA in the rat. In the DA deafferented striatum, DA produced by these cells from exogenousl-DOPA could be released to exert physiological effects on DA receptive tissue. It is possible that similar cells could contribute to the efficacy ofl-DOPA in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Thirty-four patients with Parkinson's disease were followed for a mean period of 8 years from the time of initiation of levodopa medication. Levodopa response was charted from the starting point of pharmacological treatment to give a longitudinal point of view of the changes that evolve as the disease progresses. Objective measurements of the motor response to levodopa test-doses were made at approximately three yearly intervals. Motor fluctuations developed in 58% of the patient group after a mean treatment period of 35 months. Dyskinesia developed in parallel with fluctuations but appeared on average 7 months before symptomatic wearing-off effects of levodopa doses. The patients with motor fluctuations had significantly better responses to levodopa. By contrast, nonfluctuators were more prone to develop increasing midline motor disability affecting speech, gait and balance. Comparison of test-dose and pretreatment scores suggested that a substantial long-duration response to levodopa remains after many years of treatment, and that lateralized motor deficits show a stronger long duration response than midline ones. Motor fluctuations are a consequence of disease progression but their early development is, on balance, associated with better long-term functional ability because these patients have the greater capacity to respond to pharmacological treatment.  相似文献   

Symptoms in the early stages of Huntington's disease (HD) are assumed to reflect basal ganglia circuit dysfunction secondary to degeneration of striatal projections to the external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe). The hypothesis that GPe lesion would ameliorate HD symptoms by "normalizing" the circuit's functioning was tested in a rat model of this disease. The performance of rats sustaining quinolinic acid lesion to the striatum (a rat model of HD) in a position discrimination and reversal task was compared with the performance of rats sustaining in addition a bilateral excitotoxic lesion to the globus pallidus (GP) carried out simultaneously with the striatal lesion (Experiment 1) or 1 month after the striatal lesion (Experiment 2), as well as a unilateral temporary lesion of the GP (Experiment 3). The striatal lesion-induced deficit in the task was effectively reversed by a bilateral excitotoxic GP lesion carried out simultaneously or 1 month after the striatal lesion, as well as by a temporary unilateral GP inactivation. Given that a similar dysfunction of basal ganglia circuitry is thought to subserve the behavioral alterations seen in quinolinic acid lesioned rats and some of the symptoms in HD, these results raise the possibility that lesion or inactivation of the GPe may alleviate some of HD symptoms.  相似文献   

The novel naphtoxazine derivative and preferential D(3) vs D(2) receptor agonist, S32504, restores perturbed motor function in rodent and primate models of antiparkinsonian activity with a potency superior to those of two further, preferential D(3) receptor agonists, pramipexole and ropinirole. However, potential neuroprotective properties of S32054 have not, to date, been evaluated. Herein, employing several measures of cellular integrity, we demonstrate that S32504 robustly, concentration-dependently and completely protects terminally differentiated SH-SY5Y cells against 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)-induced cell death in vitro. Further, S32504 was substantially more potent than pramipexole and ropinirole, the latter of which was neurotoxic at high concentrations. In vivo, subchronic treatment with low (0.25 mg/kg) and high (2.5 mg/kg) doses of S32504 prior to and during treatment of mice with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine, MPTP, provided complete protection against MPTP-induced tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive (TH-IR) neuronal death in the substantia nigra pars compacta and ventral tegmental area. A high dose of ropinirole (2.5 mg/kg) provided some protection but statistical significance was not attained, and a low dose (0.25 mg/kg) was ineffective. Neither drug afforded protection against the MPTP-induced loss of DA fibers in the striatum, as measured by TH-IR and dopamine transporter immunoreactive fiber counts. In conclusion, the novel naphotoxazine and dopaminergic agonist, S32504, robustly protects dopaminergic neurones against the neurotoxic effects of MPP(+) and MPTP in in vitro and in vivo models, respectively. The underlying mechanisms and therapeutic pertinence of these actions will be of interest to further evaluate in view of its potent actions in behavioral models of antiparkinson activity.  相似文献   

《Sleep medicine》2014,15(1):132-137
Objective and backgroundIndividuals with restless legs syndrome (RLS) (Willis-Ekbom disease [WED]) usually have periodic leg movements (PLMs). The suggested immobilization test (SIT) measures sensory and motor features of WED during wakefulness. Surface electromyogram (EMG) recordings of the anterior tibialis (AT) are used as the standard for counting PLMs. However, due to several limitations, leg activity meters such as the PAM-RL were advanced as a potential substitute. In our study, we assessed the validity of the measurements of PLM during wakefulness (PLMW) in the SIT for PAM-RL using both default and custom detection threshold parameters compared to AT EMG.MethodsData were obtained from 39 participants who were diagnosed with primary WED and who were on stable medication as part of another study using the SIT to repeatedly evaluate WED symptoms over 6–12 months. EMG recordings and PAM-RL, when available, were used to detect PLMW for each SIT. Complete PAM-RL and polysomnography (PSG) EMG data were available for 253 SITs from that study. The default PAM-RL (dPAM-RL) detected leg movements based on manufacturer’s noise (resting) and signal (movement) amplitude criteria developed to accurately detect PLM during sleep (PLMS). The custom PAM-RL (cPAM-RL) similarly detected leg movements except the noise and movement detection parameters were adjusted to match the PAM-RL data for each SIT.ResultsThe distributions of the differences between either dPAM-RL or cPAM-RL and EMG PLMW were strongly leptokurtic (Kurtosis >2) with many small differences and a few unusually large differences. These distributions are better described by median and quartile ranges than mean and standard deviation. Despite an adequate correlation (r = 0.66) between the dPAM-RL and EMG recordings, the dPAM-RL on average significantly underscored the number of PLMW (median: quartiles = −13: −51.2, 0.0) and on Bland–Altman plots had a significant magnitude bias with greater underscoring for larger average PLMW/h. There also was an adequate correlation (r = 0.70) between cPAM-RL and EMG but with minimal underscoring of PLMW (median quartiles = 0.0; −20, 10) and no significant magnitude bias. Two scorers independently scoring 13% of the SITs showed an adequate interscorer reliability of 0.96–0.98.ConclusionsOur study confirms our expectation that measuring PLMW in a SIT using dPAM-RL is not valid and that adjustments to the detection threshold criteria are required. The PAM-RL, using parameters customized for each SIT provided a valid and reliable measure of PLMW with minimal magnitude bias compared to the AT EMG recordings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The vulnerability to alcohol dependence appears to be genetically influenced through a variety of mechanisms. One potentially genetically mediated channel may be a low level of response (LR) to alcohol, which has been seen in children of alcoholics and noted to predict future alcohol abuse and dependence. This pilot study uses a case and control genetic association approach to evaluate the possible role of five genotypes in both LR and alcoholism in informative subgroups of men with high and low LR scores documented 15 years earlier. METHODS: As part of a larger study, 41 men, about 39 years old, were selected from among the first 113, completed 15-year follow-ups in a prospective study. The 17 subjects whose LRs at age 20 were in the lower third were compared on five polymorphisms of four genes with 24 men whose reactions to alcohol had been above the median. RESULTS: The 14 men with the LL genotype of the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) polymorphism and the seven with the Pro/Ser genotype of the GABAA alpha 6 polymorphism had demonstrated lower LR scores at about age 20, and had significantly higher proportions of alcoholics than the other genotypes for those loci. All four subjects with combined LL and Pro/Ser genotypes had developed alcoholism and demonstrated the lowest LR scores overall. There was no evidence that two polymorphisms of the 5-HT2A receptor gene and one of the 5-HT2C receptor gene were related to LR or alcoholism in this sample. CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with animal and human studies suggesting a possible role for genetic variation in the GABAA alpha 6 and the serotonin transporter in the reaction to alcohol and the alcoholism risk.  相似文献   

B. A. Faucheux, E. Morain, V. Diouron, J.‐P. Brandel, D. Salomon, V. Sazdovitch, N. Privat, J.‐L. Laplanche, J.‐J. Hauw and S. Haïk (2011) Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology 37, 500–512 Quantification of surviving cerebellar granule neurones and abnormal prion protein (PrPSc) deposition in sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease supports a pathogenic role for small PrPSc deposits common to the various molecular subtypes Aims: Neuronal death is a major neuropathological hallmark in prion diseases. The association between the accumulation of the disease‐related prion protein (PrPSc) and neuronal loss varies within the wide spectrum of prion diseases and their experimental models. In this study, we investigated the relationships between neuronal loss and PrPSc deposition in the cerebellum from cases of the six subtypes of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (sCJD; n = 100) that can be determined according to the M129V polymorphism of the human prion protein gene (PRNP) and PrPSc molecular types. Methods: The numerical density of neurones was estimated with a computer‐assisted image analysis system and the accumulation of PrPSc deposits was scored. Results: The scores of PrPSc immunoreactive deposits of the punctate type (synaptic type) were correlated with neurone counts – the higher the score the higher the neuronal loss – in all sCJD subtypes. Large 5‐ to 50‐µm‐wide deposits (focal type) were found in sCJD‐MV2 and sCJD‐VV2 subtypes, and occasionally in a few cases of the other studied groups. By contrast, the highest scores for 5‐ to 50‐µm‐wide deposits observed in sCJD‐MV2 subtype were not associated with higher neuronal loss. In addition, these scores were inversely correlated with neuronal counts in the sCJD‐VV2 subtype. Conclusions: These results support a putative pathogenic role for small PrPSc deposits common to the various sCJD subtypes. Furthermore, the observation of a lower loss of neurones associated with PrPSc type‐2 large deposits is consistent with a possible ‘protective’ role of aggregated deposits in both sCJD‐MV2 and sCJD‐VV2 subtypes.  相似文献   

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