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This cross-sectional study compared weight-related cognitions, behaviors, and home environments of 568 mothers of young children (ages 2 to <9 years) by racial/ethnic group. Maternal health status was good and did not differ by race/ethnicity. Mothers were somewhat confident in their ability to promote healthy physical activity and eating behaviors in their children, with White and Asian mothers having greater confidence than Hispanic mothers. Mothers had low physical activity, with Hispanic mothers getting more sedentary screentime than White and Asian mothers. Mothers’ dietary intake did not differ. Modeling of healthful behaviors was more frequent in White than Hispanic mothers. Asian mothers tended to use non-recommended feeding patterns more than White, Hispanic, and Black mothers. Children’s physical activity and screentime did not differ by race/ethnicity. Asian children tended to drink less sugar-sweetened beverages and more milk than counterparts. All reported frequent family meals, with Hispanic mothers reporting more family meals eaten in less healthful locations. Household food environments did not differ. However, White mothers reported greater access to physical activity space and supports than Hispanic mothers. Race/ethnicity may link with maternal weight-related cognitions, behaviors, and home environments and thus can help inform the development of interventions tailored by race/ethnicity.  相似文献   

To investigate the association between maternal pre-pregnancy obesity, race/ethnicity and prematurity. Retrospective cohort study of maternal deliveries at a single regional center from 2009 to 2010 time period (n = 11,711). Generalized linear models were used for the analysis to estimate an adjusted odds ratio with 95 % confidence interval of the association between maternal pre-pregnancy obesity, race/ethnicity and prematurity. Analysis controlled for diabetes, chronic hypertension, previous preterm birth, smoking and insurance status. The demographics of the study population were as follows, race/ethnicity had predominance in the White/Non-Hispanic population with 60.1 %, followed by the Black/Non-Hispanic population 24.2 %, the Hispanic population with 10.3 % and the Asian population with 5.4 %. Maternal pre-pregnancy weight showed that the population with a normal body mass index (BMI) was 49.4 %, followed by the population being overweight with 26.2 %, and last, the population which was obese with 24.4 %. Maternal obesity increased the odds of prematurity in the White/Non-Hispanic, Hispanic and Asian population (aOR 1.40, CI 1.12–1.75; aOR 2.20, CI 1.23–3.95; aOR 3.07, CI 1.16–8.13, respectively). Although the Black/Non-Hispanic population prematurity rate remains higher than the other race/ethnicity populations, the Black/Non-Hispanic population did not have an increased odds of prematurity in obese mothers (OR 0.87; CI 0.68–1.19). Unlike White/Non-Hispanic, Asian and Hispanic mothers, normal pre-pregnancy BMI in Black/Non-Hispanic mothers was not associated with lower odds for prematurity. The odds for mothers of the White/Non-Hispanic, Hispanic and Asian populations, for delivering a premature infant, were significantly increased when obese. Analysis controlled for chronic hypertension, diabetes, insurance status, prior preterm birth and smoking. Obesity is a risk factor for prematurity in the White/Non-Hispanic, Asian and Hispanic population, but not for the Black/Non-Hispanic population. The design and evaluation of weight-based maternal health programs that aggregate race/ethnicity may not be sufficient. The optimal method to address maternal pre-pregnancy and intra-pregnancy weight-related health disorders may need to be stratified along race/ethnicity adjusted strategies and goals. However, a more global preventative strategy that encompasses the social determinants of health may be needed to reduce the higher rates of prematurity among the Black/Non-Hispanic population.  相似文献   

Projections indicate that the older American population will become more racially diverse in the future. Therefore, eliminating health disparities among older adults should be a public health priority. Using data from the 1999–2002 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, we examined the relationship between obesity, measured by BMI and waist circumference, and gait speed, a performance-based measure of physical function, in 2,285 older adults (≥60 y) in order to determine whether this relationship varies by race/ethnicity. Overweight and obesity, indicated by a BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 and a waist circumference in quartiles 3 (male: 102.4–109.9 cm; female: 97.3–106.3 cm) and 4 (male: 110.2–156.6 cm; female: 106.4–147.5 cm), were associated with slower gait speed in non-Hispanic Whites. Among non-Hispanic Blacks, only extreme obesity, indicated by a BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2 and a waist circumference in quartile 4 (male: 110.2–149.6 cm; female: 106.4–137.7 cm), was associated with a slower gait speed. Among Mexican Americans, only extreme obesity, indicated by a BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2, was associated with a slower gait speed. Thus we found the relationship between obesity and gait speed differed by race/ethnicity. The goal of eliminating health disparities in access to and quality of health care is only possible when differences in the associations between possible risk factors and physical function are identified.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Because overweight and obesity are associated with comorbidities, increasing levels of overweight and obesity may impact on hospital use. METHODS: Body mass index (BMI) in middle age was related to acute hospital use in 7036 men and 8327 women from the Renfrew/Paisley prospective cohort study in Scotland. Participants in this general population study were examined between 1972 and 1976 when aged 45-64 years. Acute hospital admissions and bed days per 1000 person-years were calculated by the World Health Organization BMI categories in the follow-up period to 31 March 2004. RESULTS: Underweight and normal weight men had lower-than-expected admission rates, and overweight and obese men had higher-than-expected admission rates. Obese men had higher-than-expected bed day rates. For women, there was a U-shaped relationship with admission rate, with normal weight women having the lowest admission rate and underweight and obese women having similar high rates. Underweight and obese women had higher-than-expected bed day rates. CONCLUSIONS: Participants who were obese in midlife had more-than-expected acute hospital admissions and in particular more bed days. With levels of obesity increasing since this study was started in the 1970s, if these patterns persist, there may be increasing demand on health service resources.  相似文献   

The Nemours system of children's clinics in Delaware was designed to offer comprehensive primary care (medical homes), to children regardless of families' abilities to pay for services. Racial and insurance status differences in perceptions of access to the provisions of medical home and differences by the Short Medical Home Index are assessed. A probabilities proportionate to size sampling method was used to randomly select families in nine clinics. A total of 323 caregivers of children ages 6 to 48 months were surveyed. Results suggest that there are minimal differences in perceptions of access to provisions of the medical home concept by insurance status and race in the clinics studied. However, when using a composite measure of medical home, differences in perceptions were found. The results suggest that insurance status and racial differences in perceptions of access remain even when the system is specifically designed to provide medical homes without regard to demographic factors. Future studies should focus on improving patient interactions with clinic personnel to ensure that access to provisions of care are understood by all consumers.  相似文献   

Objectives. To provide an overview of why health care organizations (HCOs) should collect race, ethnicity, and language data, review current practices, discuss the rationale for collecting this information directly from patients, and describe barriers and solutions.
Principal Findings. Hospitals and HCOs with data from their own institutions may be more likely to look at disparities in care, design targeted programs to improve quality of care, and provide patient-centered care. Yet data collection is fragmented and incomplete within and across organizations. A major factor affecting the quality of data is the lack of understanding about how best to collect this information from patients.
Conclusions. If HCOs make a commitment to systematically collect race/ethnicity and language data from patients, it would be a major step in enhancing the ability of HCOs to monitor health care processes and outcomes for different population groups, target quality initiatives more efficiently and effectively, and provide patient-centered care.  相似文献   

Older adults with mental disorders are less likely to use specialty care than any other population group. In this study, we created a multisource secondary data file and examined the use of public mental health services by older adults across California’s county-based community mental health systems. We specifically considered complementary service system effects relative to compositional effects representing individual service users and more general contextual effects. Service use was defined in terms of treated prevalence rates, repeat service use, and intensity of service use. Differences across 49 county-based systems were evaluated by regressing the 3 service use measures onto compositional characteristics including client age, diagnosis, and insurance status; variables reflecting complementary service systems including mental health, health, long-term care, and aging services; and other contextual effects such as the size of the county population and average education level. The analyses were adjusted statistically for regional, yearly, and seasonal differences, and for longitudinal clustering within the 49 counties over 12 quarters of observation. Results suggested that older adults’ service use varied significantly from one county to the next, and differences were associated with both compositional and contextual effects. As the aging population continues to grow and place an increasing demand on public mental health service systems, this research may help policy makers and program administrators understand some of the critical elements that affect service use patterns among older adults.  相似文献   

Despite recent declines, racial segregation remains a detriment to minority neighborhoods. However, existing research is inconclusive as to the effects racial segregation has on health. Some argue that racial segregation is related to poor health outcomes, whereas others suspect that racial segregation may actually lead to improved health for some minority communities. Even less is known about whether minority access to white neighborhoods improves health. We address these gaps with individual data from the 2010 Public Health Management Corporation’s Southeastern Pennsylvania Household Health Survey and census tract data from the 2010 Decennial Census and the 2006–2010 American Community Survey. We implement logistic multilevel models to determine whether and how a resident’s self-rated health is affected by the racial/ethnic segregation of their neighborhoods. Our key finding suggests that the effects of segregation on self-rated health depend on an individual’s race/ethnicity, with blacks and Latino residents most likely to experience adverse effects. Particularly, minorities living in predominantly white communities have a significantly higher likelihood to report poor/fair health than they would in segregated minority neighborhoods. These findings make clear that access to white neighborhoods is not sufficient to improve minority health; fuller neighborhood integration is necessary to ensure all have health equity.  相似文献   

Menstrual cycle patterns and concerns and oral contraceptive use in the combat environment were examined in Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic, and African American women to guide the development of educational resources for women soldiers. An anonymous, questionnaire was completed by 455 U.S. Army women—Caucasian (CA: n = 141); Asian (AS: n = 67); Hispanic (HIS: n = 67); and African American (AA: n = 184) to compare menstrual patterns and concerns, dysmenorrhea, and oral contraceptive patterns. Total menstrual concerns were significantly lower among African Americans relative to Caucasians, Asians, or Hispanics; Asians and Hispanics reported the greatest concern. Overall, secondary amenorrhea was noted by 14.9% of women. Severe dysmenorrhea rates were significantly lower in African American (6.1%) compared to Caucasian (11.6%), Asian (20.9%) and Hispanic (19.7%) women. Asian women reported missing less work—only 9.3% with moderate to severe dysmenorrhea missed work compared to 25.1% of all other women. Only 9.2% of women with mild, compared to 25.8% with moderate to severe (OR = 3.44; p ≤ 0.0001) dysmenorrhea sought health care. Less than 50% of women took oral contraceptive, and less than half of those women took oral contraceptive continuously. African Americans seemed to experience menstruation as less bothersome than others, despite no difference in the proportion with menstrual irregularities, mean duration of menses, and/or mean time between cycles.  相似文献   

对农民工公共卫生服务的认识和提供意愿研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解基层卫生工作人员对农民工公共卫生服务的认识和提供服务的意愿,用填写意愿调查表和深度访谈的方法对成都市部分卫生工作人员进行了调查。结果表明,基层卫生工作人员对农民工公共卫生服务有比较客观的认识,但总体上服务提供意愿不强,服务主动性有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess the utility of imputing race/ethnicity using U.S. Census race/ethnicity, residential address, and surname information compared to standard missing data methods in a pediatric cohort.ConclusionsThe new method reduces bias when race/ethnicity is partially, nonrandomly missing.  相似文献   

Context: With limited resources and increased public health challenges facing the US, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others have identified partnerships between local health departments (LHDs) and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) as critical to the public health system. LHDs utilize financial, human, and informational resources and develop partnerships with local NGOs to provide public health services. Purpose: Our study had 2 primary goals: (1) compare resources and partnerships characterizing rural, suburban, and urban LHDs, and (2) determine whether partnerships play a mediating role between LHD resources and the services LHDs provide. Methods: We conducted secondary data analysis using the National Association of County and City Health Officials 2005 Profile Study. We used chi-squared and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to examine differences between rural, suburban, and urban LHDs. We used regression-based mediation methods to test whether partnerships mediated the relationship between resources and service provision. Findings: We found significant differences between LHDs. Urban LHDs serve larger jurisdictions, have larger budgets and more staff, cultivate more partnerships with local NGOs, and provide more health services than suburban or rural LHDs. We found that partnerships were a partial mediator between resources and service provision. In playing a mediating role, partnerships reduce differences in service provision between rural, suburban, and urban LHDs. Conclusions: Partnerships mediate the relationship between resources and service provision in LHDs. LHDs could place more emphasis on cultivating relationships with local NGOs in order to increase service provision. This strategy may be especially useful for rural LHDs facing limited resources and numerous health disparities.  相似文献   

This study determined and compared the mean daily intake of energy and nutrients from processed foods by level of processing (minimally processed; processed for preservation, nutrient enhancement, and freshness; mixtures of combined ingredients; ready-to-eat processed foods; and prepared foods/meals) among non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Mexican American US children. Data from participants 2–18 years old (n = 10,298) of the nationally representative cross-sectional National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003–2008 with a complete one day, 24-h dietary recall were used to determine mean intake of energy and nutrients recommended for increase and decrease, as per the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, among child race/ethnic groups by category of food processing. Regression analysis was used to estimate and compare covariate-adjusted (gender, age, and poverty-income-level) least square means (p < 0.05/3 race/ethnic groups). All children, regardless of race or ethnicity consumed processed foods. Approximately 66% to 84% of total daily energy, saturated fat, cholesterol, fiber, total sugar, added sugars, calcium, vitamin D, potassium, and sodium intake are contributed by one of the five categories of processed foods. Clinicians and policy should primarily advise consideration of the energy and nutrient composition of foods, rather than the processing level, when selecting a healthy diet for children.  相似文献   

本文阐述商业健康保险作用于医疗卫生服务的理论基础,分析商业健康保险对医疗卫生服务的作用及其不足的原因,对商业健康保险发挥在其医疗卫生服务中的作用提出对策建议,为发展商业健康保险促进医疗卫生服务提供了理论借鉴。  相似文献   

目的探讨微观社会资本对农转非居民自评健康与客观健康认知一致性的影响。方法两层logistic回归模型分析微观社会资本和人口学因素对健康认知一致性的影响。结果自评健康和客观健康的一致率为63.89%,个体社会资本和年龄对主客观健康一致性产生影响。结论使用自评健康作为健康指标时,应考虑个体社会资本的影响,提高自评健康的预测准确性。  相似文献   

Purpose: Preferences are known to vary by individuals’ personal experience with a health state, but variation among respondents’ scoring of the same hypothetical state is unproven but relevant to the use of community-perspective preference scores. This research explored the systematic contribution of respondents’ age, race and gender to variability in community perspective preferences for hypothetical health states. Methods: Data from four community samples were pooled for the analysis. Linear regression modeling was used to test for the effect of respondent age, race and gender on preference scores while controlling for health state severity. Results: In this sample of 956 preference scores from 390 individuals across 4 studies, older respondents provided lower preference scores for the same hypothetical health state compared with younger respondents (regression coefficient for 1 year of age = −0.002, p < 0.001), and white individuals provided higher preference scores for the same states compared with non-white individuals (regression coefficient = 0.056, p = 0.014). Conclusion: Preferences for hypothetical health states may vary by the age and race of the respondent providing the score. Community-perspective preferences should thus be elicited from large, random samples of the relevant population to ensure variation on these as well as other yet-unidentified characteristics that may affect scores.  相似文献   

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