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A clerkship programme in general surgery is described whereby students acquire factual knowledge about disease entities through independent learning rather than through formal teaching. The objectives of the programme are to promote problem-solving skills. It consists of clinical work (patient work-up, clinical rounds, participation in the activities in the operating room, out-patient clinic and emergency room) and of small-group tutorial sessions. The described programme has met with approval and satisfaction from both students and teachers. There were no significant differences in the average grades on the written and oral final examinations between the graduates of this clerkship programme and those of a traditional one. Independent learning and problem-solving instruction, which have been adopted by some medical schools in the preclinical phase of the curriculum, can be effectively implemented during the clinical phase as well.  相似文献   

In clinical clerkships, student learning is often unstructured and diverse. Even when curriculum objectives are explicit, they are seldom used by students to guide their learning. Student-determined learning objectives may help students to structure their learning. This study aimed to assess whether students can use this method to meet widely differing learning needs within the general practice clerkship and considered the relationship of student objectives to overall curriculum objectives. Students allocated a 5-week clerkship in general practice from April 2000 to April 2001 were required to set and meet personal learning objectives within a supportive learning environment. They recorded the strategies they used, how well objectives were met and which curriculum objectives they met. Objectives were categorised using a hierarchical system. A total of 143 (85%) students recorded 1549 objectives. Four categories accounted for 1092 (70%) of objectives: Consultation Skills; Study of Diseases; Practical Procedures, and Therapeutics. Otherwise the range of objectives set was wide, encompassing all curriculum objectives. A total of 1043 objectives were rated as satisfactorily or highly satisfactorily met and 185 (12%) were not met at all. Strategies that students used to meet objectives included clinical experience with doctors but also with practice-based nurses. Students were able to use student-determined learning objectives to meet a diverse range of learning needs within the general practice clerkship. The objectives set reflected the breadth of curriculum objectives. This method allows students to address gaps in their knowledge in a clerkship where teaching is largely based on opportunistic contact.  相似文献   

Fairness and equity in grading medical students is a subject of continuing interest and concern. It appeared that the students on one clerkship site, the emergency room, were scoring less well on the written final examination than those on the other clerkship sites. Correlating the scores confirmed this impression. A simple intervention was made, and follow-up examination of the scores revealed that it was effective; in fact, the students on the emergency clerkship are now scoring higher than those on the other sites.  相似文献   

Medical Education 2011: 45 : 166–175 Context Academic medical centres may adopt new learning technologies with little data on their effectiveness or on how they compare with traditional methodologies. We conducted a comparative study of student reflective writings produced using either an electronic (blog) format or a traditional written (essay) format to assess differences in content, depth of reflection and student preference. Methods Students in internal medicine clerkships at two US medical schools during the 2008–2009 academic year were quasi‐randomly assigned to one of two study arms according to which they were asked to either write a traditional reflective essay and subsequently join in faculty‐moderated, small‐group discussion (n = 45), or post two writings to a faculty‐moderated group blog and provide at least one comment on a peer’s posts (n = 50). Examples from a pilot block were used to refine coding methods and determine inter‐rater reliability. Writings were coded for theme and level of reflection by two blinded authors; these coding processes reached inter‐rater reliabilities of 91% and 80%, respectively. Anonymous pre‐ and post‐clerkship surveys assessed student perceptions and preferences. Results Student writing addressed seven main themes: (i) being humanistic; (ii) professional behaviour; (iii) understanding caregiving relationships; (iv) being a student; (v) clinical learning; (vi) dealing with death and dying, and (vii) the health care system, quality, safety and public health. The distribution of themes was similar across institutions and study arms. The level of reflection did not differ between study arms. Post‐clerkship surveys showed that student preferences for blogging or essay writing were predicted by experience, with the majority favouring the method they had used. Conclusions Our study suggests there is no significant difference in themes addressed or levels of reflection achieved when students complete a similar assignment via online blogging or traditional essay writing. Given this, faculty staff should feel comfortable in utilising the blog format for reflective exercises. Faculty members could consider the option of using either format to address different learning styles of students.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Various measures have been introduced to enhance learning experiences in clerkships, generally with limited success. This study evaluated the impact of a multifaceted approach on the effectiveness of learning in a surgical clerkship. In accordance with results obtained in continuing medical education, several interventions were introduced simultaneously. We compared students' evaluations of the traditional surgical clerkship with those of the restructured clerkship. METHODS: Two consecutive cohorts of students were asked to complete a questionnaire about the quality and quantity of their learning experiences. Cohort 1 (n = 28) undertook the traditional clerkship and cohort 2 (n = 72) the restructured clerkship. A Mann-Whitney test was used to compare outcomes between the 2 cohorts. RESULTS: There were few statistically significant differences between cohorts 1 and 2. Overall, quality indicators did not differ between the 2 cohorts. DISCUSSION: A short-term multifaceted intervention led to a slight increase in the performance of clinical skills and a slight decrease in time spent on activities of limited educational value. The intervention may have been too brief to produce substantial effects. Future interventions should also target teachers, including trainees, in order to assess their opinions and address their educational needs.  相似文献   

Summary. One hundred and twelve medical students participating in a required 6-week primary-care rotation completed a pretest of environmental medicine knowledge and attitudes at the start of the rotation and a similar posttest on the last day of the rotation. Control group students were to participate in the usual weekly didactic sessions of the clerkship. Intervention students were given a booklet describing environmental considerations in clinical medicine and introducing them to the concept of risk assessment, three computer-assisted instruction cases, and a problem-based learning (PBL) exercise involving role-play. Because voluntary compliance with evaluation forms was poor during year one, during the second year students in the intervention group were required to return evaluation forms in order to sit for the course final examination. Knowledge and attitudes of both intervention and control groups were compared at baseline and at the end of the rotation. Students in the intervention group also completed process evaluations of the intervention materials. Students in both intervention and control groups increased knowledge gains significantly during the second year of the intervention, while neither group improved during year 1. This may have been due to a ‘spill-over’ effect among primary-care teachers implementing the intervention. Students ranked both environmental and occupational medicine of least importance in their training compared with eight other aspects of medicine, and this ranking did not improve with intervention. The PBL exercise was well received by the students. Of 28 evaluations, 27 ranked the session in the highest 3 of a 5-part Likert scale for worthwhile content, and 24 would recommend the session to a friend. When asked to list the most important things learned, 23 mentioned learning to look for additional information, and 12 mentioned realizing that the doctor does not know everything (and should admit that).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A written test of clinical decision-making, the Key Features Examination, was developed for use in clerkship. METHODS: Following the guidelines provided by the Medical Council of Canada, a Key Features Examination was developed and implemented in an internal medicine clinical clerkship, during the 1998/99 clerkship year. The reliability and concurrent validity of the exam were assessed. RESULTS: A 2 hour examination, containing 15 key feature problems, was administered to 101 students during 6 consecutive internal medicine clerkship rotations. The reliability of the exam, calculated from Cronbach's alpha, was 0.49. The exam had modest correlation with other measures of knowledge and clinical performance. CONCLUSION: The Key Feature Examination is a feasible and reliable evaluation tool that may be implemented as a component of student assessment during a clinical clerkship.  相似文献   

Clinical rotations play an important role in the medical curriculum and are considered crucial for student learning. However, competencies that should be learned can differ from those that are assessed. In order to explore which competencies are considered important for daily performance of student on the wards and to what extent clinical teachers consider the same competencies important for clerkship grading, a survey that consisted of 21 different student characteristics was administered to clinical teachers. Two independent factor analyses using structural equation modeling were conducted to abstract underlying latent relationships among the different student characteristics and to define a clinical competence profile for daily performance of students on the wards and clerkship grading. Differences between the degree of importance for student daily ward performance and clerkship grading are considered and discussed. The results of the survey indicate that the degree of importance of competencies are rated different for daily performance of students on the wards and clerkship grades. Competencies related to the diagnostic process are more important for clerkship grading, whereas interpersonal skills, professional qualities, and motivation are more important for daily ward performance. It is concluded that the components of clinical competence considered important for adequate performance are not necessarily in alignment with what is required for grading. Future research should focus on an explanation why clinical educators think differently about the importance of competencies for student examination in contrast to what is required for adequate daily performance on the wards.  相似文献   

Faced with poor student performance on the health care financing questions of a final examination in a community health clerkship, the faculty designed and utilized an innovative simulation game, Coverage, to assist students in learning the complexities of various health insurance plans. This article describes the development, design, and use of this game. Medical students have enjoyed playing the game and have improved their performance in the final examination.  相似文献   

Medical Education 2010: 44 : 298–305 Context Doctors have used the subjective–objective–assessment–plan (SOAP) note format to organise data about patient problems and create plans to address each of them. We retooled this into the ‘Programme Evaluation SOAP Note’, which serves to broaden the clinician faculty member’s perspective on programme evaluation to include the curriculum and the system, as well as students. Methods The SOAP Note was chosen as the method for data recording because of its familiarity to clinician‐educators and its strengths as a representation of a clinical problem‐solving process with elements analogous to educational programme evaluation. We pilot‐tested the Programme Evaluation SOAP Note to organise faculty members' interpretations of integrated student performances during the Year 3 patient care skills objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Results Eight community clerkship directors and lead clerkship faculty members participated as observers in the 2007 gateway examination and completed the Programme Evaluation SOAP Note. Problems with the curriculum and system far outnumbered problems identified with students. Conclusions Using the Programme Evaluation SOAP Note, clerkship leaders developed expanded lists of ‘differential diagnoses’ that could explain possible learner performance inadequacies in terms of system, curriculum and learner problems. This has informed programme improvement efforts currently underway. We plan to continue using the Programme Evaluation SOAP Note for ongoing programme improvement.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To facilitate students' transition from basic, science-oriented, problem-based learning (PBL) to clinical reasoning-oriented PBL, the University of Geneva School of Medicine introduced a 12-week unit of Introduction to Clinical Reasoning (ICR) at the beginning of its fourth or clerkship year. PURPOSE: The aims of the present study were to determine, after 12 weeks in the ICR unit, to what extent students had: (1) identified the learning content set by the faculty while adapting to the hypothetico-deductive reasoning approach; (2) familiarised themselves with the clinical reasoning-oriented learning process, and (3) transferred and further developed this process during the clinical years. METHOD: Students' derived objectives from the problems were compared to the objectives preset by the faculty to determine acquisition of intended learning content. To assess their adaptation to the clinical reasoning-oriented PBL approach, students (n = 124) were asked to list and freely comment on aspects of the unit they felt most at ease with or had difficulty with, and to complete a questionnaire on the clinical reasoning process (CRP). The same questionnaire was administered 6 and 12 months later to assess the evolution of the students' self-perception during clerkships. RESULTS: On average, student objectives matched 62% of faculty objectives. Half of the missed (38%) objectives were in basic sciences. Students generated 16% additional objectives, also predominantly in the basic sciences category (41%). Free comments indicated that the difficulties perceived by students were very similar to those previously reported in studies on reasoning and errors, such as difficulty in gathering, interpreting and weighting relevant data, synthesising information, and organising it hierarchically. These results were confirmed with the CRP questionnaire administered at the end of the unit. For most of the competencies assessed on the CRP questionnaire, a gradual improvement was seen to have occurred by 6 and 12 months after the unit. CONCLUSIONS: To ease students' transition from the preclinical to clinical years, a learning unit should give them the opportunity to train their clinical reasoning processes on standardised and prototypical problems, before encountering real patients with more ill-structured problems during clerkships. Such a transitional structure should particularly emphasise a developed repertoire of problem representations, recognition of key findings and a hierarchical classification of working hypotheses. It should foster the creation of links between the acquired basic clinical knowledge and the diagnostic, management and therapy steps of problem solving.  相似文献   

Medical Education 2010: 44 : 379–386 Objectives Evaluations in the clinical arena are fraught with problems. Current assessments of clinical teaching typically measure attributes of clinical teachers in overly broad terms, are often subjective and often succumb to the halo effect. This is in contradistinction to measurements of lectures, workshops or online educational content, which can more readily be assessed using objective criteria. As a result, clinical evaluations are often insufficient to provide focused feedback, guide faculty development or identify specific areas for clinical teachers to implement change and improvement. The aim of our study was to offset these limitations. Methods We developed a structured, 15‐item objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)‐type checklist of discrete teaching behaviours intended to be: (i) observable; (ii) applicable to multiple disciplines, and (iii) reliably identifiable. Our goal was to test and utilise this checklist as an objective assessment of clinical teaching across a range of in‐patient teaching rounds experiences. During 2007–2008, pairs of external raters on two separate occasions observed nine attending physicians during actual in‐patient paediatrics and internal medicine ward rounds at a large, academic medical centre. Observers documented the extent to which specific teaching behaviours did or did not occur. Results The internal consistency of the 15‐item checklist was good (α = 0.85). A two‐facet, partially nested G study found the generalisability of ratings to be generally acceptable, but inter‐rater reliability varied greatly between occasions and across individual checklist items. Conclusions Despite attempts to identify discrete and observable target behaviours, placing observers on rounds to detect these behaviours may not be as straightforward as it would seem. Clinical teaching may be a more inherently subjective process, based on different teaching styles of faculty staff. However, a set of objective checklist items to be completed by trained observers on teaching rounds holds promise as a potentially viable means of identifying strengths and weaknesses of clinical instruction. Further research is needed to define what constitutes quality clinical teaching, as well as the most reliable method for assessing it.  相似文献   

Purpose: To assess the acquisition of clinical knowledge and skills by faculty teaching in Doctoring.Method: Thirty-six faculty teaching in Doctoring II were given surveys at the start and end of six educational modules. These surveys assessed faculty perceptions of their own knowledge and skills related to key learning objectives for each module. Pre-test and post-test means were compared using paired t-tests and 95% confidence limits were calculated.Results: The average response rate was 72% for each module. Faculty reported increases in knowledge and skills for each of the six modules. Post-test mean ratings were significantly higher than pre-test mean ratings for 48 out of the 56 learning objectives. The greatest increases were seen in the domestic violence and smoking cessation modules. Faculty rated tutorial sessions with students highest in terms of contribution to their own learning.Conclusion: The results suggest that faculty acquire new knowledge and skills as a result of teaching in Doctoring. Problem-based courses such as Doctoring that deal in an integrated fashion with subjects such as ethics, law, prevention, evidence-based medicine and domestic violence can serve as important and effective vehicles for faculty development.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The Multiple Mini-Interview (MMI) has previously been shown to have a positive correlation with early medical school performance. Data have matured to allow comparison with clerkship evaluations and national licensing examinations. METHODS: Of 117 applicants to the Michael G DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University who had scores on the MMI, traditional non-cognitive measures, and undergraduate grade point average (uGPA), 45 were admitted and followed through clerkship evaluations and Part I of the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination (MCCQE). Clerkship evaluations consisted of clerkship summary ratings, a clerkship objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), and progress test score (a 180-item, multiple-choice test). The MCCQE includes subsections relevant to medical specialties and relevant to broader legal and ethical issues (Population Health and the Considerations of the Legal, Ethical and Organisational Aspects of Medicine[CLEO/PHELO]). RESULTS: In-programme, MMI was the best predictor of OSCE performance, clerkship encounter cards, and clerkship performance ratings. On the MCCQE Part I, MMI significantly predicted CLEO/PHELO scores and clinical decision-making (CDM) scores. None of these assessments were predicted by other non-cognitive admissions measures or uGPA. Only uGPA predicted progress test scores and the MCQ-based specialty-specific subsections of the MCCQE Part I. DISCUSSION: The MMI complements pre-admission cognitive measures to predict performance outcomes during clerkship and on the Canadian national licensing examination.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: In order to optimize student learning during clinical rotations, the learning situation could be better structured. A student log was developed in order to improve the structure of clinical education. In this log, students systematically register essential learning activities. Students record daily the patient problems with which they had been confronted and in which fashion (passive, active, without or with feedback). OBJECTIVES/RESEARCH QUESTIONS: Two questions were addressed. Firstly, did the log provide insight into the content and nature of students' learning experiences and did these learning experiences differ between hospitals? Secondly, was the log used by students, supervisors and the faculty to improve the structure of student learning during clinical education? METHOD: Three student logs, used in an ear, nose and throat, an ophthalmology and a paediatrics clerkship at the Medical School of the University of Maastricht, were developed and implemented. In order to answer the first question, a number of completed student logs were analysed. In order to answer the second question, students were asked to rate the log on five evaluative statements. In addition, the clerkship coordinators were interviewed. RESULTS: The results showed that the logs provided the clerkship coordinators with a useful overview of the content and nature of students' learning experiences in the hospitals. The differences between hospitals were small. However, the logs were not used by students, supervisors and faculty to improve the structure of student learning. CONCLUSIONS: In order to be effective, i.e. to better structure clinical education, a student log should be integrated into the supervision activities.  相似文献   

Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) is becoming an integral component of graduate medical education competency and a requirement for grad medical education practice-based learning core competency. This study tries to compare the efficacy of conferences utilizing small-group discussions with the traditional conference method in enhancing EBM competency. The participants in this randomized controlled trial (RCT) were 170 members of the medical faculty who were divided into two groups of 86 (intervention) and 84 (control). Following the intervention, EBM competency was assessed by a written examination. statistical analysis made use of chi-square test, independent sample t-test and relative risks for univariate analysis. Mantel-Hanszel was used for bivariate analysis. Cox proportional hazard models were used to evaluate multivariate-adjusted associations between EBM educational intervention and EBM knowledge, attitude and skills. A new indicator of number needed to intervention (NNI) was defined and computed. Results: The results proved conference along with small-group discussion to be a more effective teaching method with P=0.001 on knowledge, P<0.001 for attitude and skills P<0.001 in an EBM exam when compared with medical faculty members who did not participate in EBM educational intervention (n=84). Moreover, they had also increased confidence with critical appraisal skills, and searching EBM resources. Conclusions: Conferences followed by small-group discussions significantly enhance EBM knowledge, attitude, critical appraisal skills and literature review skills.  相似文献   

Background  Sexual history and HIV counseling (SHHIVC) are essential clinical skills. Our project’s purpose was to evaluate a standardized patient educational intervention teaching third-year medical students SHHIVC. Methods  A four-hour standardized patient workshop was delivered to one-half of the class each of three consecutive years at one medical school. Approximately 3.5 weeks later, all students engaged in a standardized patient examination including one station assessing SHHIVC, answered an open-ended written exercise following the standardized patient encounter, and completed a written examination including sexual history and HIV-related questions. Results  Workshop participants scored higher than non-participants on SHHIVC items on the standardized patient station (P < .0001), written exam (P < .0001), and open-ended written exercise after the standardized patient encounter (P = .024). Conclusions  Our SHHIVC curriculum was associated with students demonstrating better clinical skills on a SHHIVC standardized patient examination station and more SHHIVC knowledge on two measures of medical knowledge than students not participating in the SHHIVC educational intervention.  相似文献   

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