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目的:以早孕超声诊断为途径,讨论早期妊娠胚胎表面绒毛膜隆起征与胚胎发育、妊娠结局的相关性,以评估绒毛膜隆起征在早孕诊断中的临床价值。方法:以行阴道超声检测为标准,随机抽取2014年4月至2018年3月期间10000例早孕孕妇作为研究对象,以随访至14周后妊娠情况为依据,将患者分成胚胎存活组(8550例)和胚胎停育组(1450例),以两组中患绒毛膜隆起征孕妇的绒毛膜隆起大小、数量比较作为观察指标。结果:胚胎存活组中绒毛膜隆起孕妇隆起大小与胚胎停育组绒毛膜隆起孕妇隆起大小比较,差异P0.05,无统计学意义;胚胎存活组中绒毛膜隆起孕妇绒毛膜隆起数量明显少于胚胎停育组绒毛膜隆起孕妇,差异P0.05,具有统计学意义。结论:绒毛膜隆起大小与妊娠结局无明显关系,而与数量有相关性。  相似文献   

目的 探讨孕早期绒毛膜下血肿与下生殖道感染及胚胎停育的关系。方法 采用前瞻性随机试验方法,选择早孕5~9周合并绒毛膜下血肿的女性180例作研究对象,依据阴道分泌物培养结果,分为下生殖道感染组(54例)与下生殖道无感染组(126例),分析下生殖道感染及绒毛膜下血肿面积与妊娠结局的关系。结果 下生殖道感染组与下生殖道无感染组在孕妇平均年龄、孕天数、孕次及体质指数上,均差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05)。在阴道出血持续的天数、下腹痛持续天数等症状上也差异无统计学意义(P> 0.05)。经过病因分析,发现下生殖道感染、绒毛膜下血肿出现的孕周<6周,及血肿与孕囊面积占比≥50%及25%~50%之间,均为早孕胚胎停育的独立危险因素。结论 孕早期胚胎停育,与女性下生殖道感染、绒毛膜下血肿出现的孕周<6周,及血肿与孕囊面积占比≥50%及25%~50%,均相关。早孕期应该及时重视调整阴道菌群微生态平衡,早期B超检查发现并处理绒毛膜下血肿,以获得更好结局。  相似文献   

目的:探讨正常早孕及胚胎停育超声表现与孕妇血清内β-HCG(人绒毛膜促性腺激素)、AFP(甲胎蛋白)相关性。方法:选择本院2017年2月至2019年1月收治的45例胚胎停育患者(6~9周)作为研究组;同时间段选择45例正常早孕孕妇作为比照组;针对两组孕妇的妊娠囊、胚胎大小及绒毛膜血流检出率及血流阻力指数与血清内β-HCG水平、AFP水平展开检测,最终就两组孕妇检测结果展开对比。结果:组内比较,伴随孕周增加,研究组、比照组孕妇血清内β-HCG水平、AFP水平均显著增加(P<0.05);组间比较,研究组孕妇β-HCG水平、AFP水平均明显低于比照组(P<0.05)。组内比较,伴随孕周增加,比照组孕妇妊娠囊、胚胎随孕周增大而增大(P<0.05),研究组孕妇妊娠囊小于实际孕周,胚胎死亡且小于实际孕周;组间比较,研究组妊娠囊小于比照组,胚胎小于比照组。随孕周增加,比照组绒毛膜血流检出率增加,阻力指数降低,研究组绒毛膜血流检出率降低,阻力指数降低。结论:对于胚胎停育孕妇而言,其血清内β-HCG水平、AFP水平均呈现出对应异常现象,同时其超声表现呈现出对应异常,血清学检查表现及超声检查表现与胚胎停育均具有显著相关性。  相似文献   

目的探讨绒毛膜隆起超声声像图特征及误诊原因、防范措施。方法回顾性分析2012年6月—2020年12月收治的超声检查误诊经术后病理检查确诊绒毛膜隆起25例的临床资料。结果本组有生育史9例,其中2次及以上2例;有流产史9例,其中2次及以上4例;有清宫史7例,其中内膜息肉4例、内膜增厚2例、黏膜下肌瘤1例。25例首诊超声检查均误诊,误诊率100%,误诊为绒毛膜下血肿16例,部分性葡萄胎5例,胚胎停育4例。误诊时间3~7 d。本组均经术后病理检查确诊绒毛膜隆起。术后3个月随访,13例恢复良好,余失访;继续随访3年,再次妊娠4例,超声检查未发现异常,余均失访。结论绒毛膜隆起超声声像图具有一定特征性,特别是孕早期孕妇无明确阴道出血,而孕囊内出现附着于囊壁的结节样病灶时,应想到该病可能并加以鉴别,但其明确诊断依赖病理检查。  相似文献   

超声对先兆流产合并绒毛膜下血肿妊娠结局的预测价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨超声对先兆流产合并绒毛膜下血肿妊娠结局的预测价值.方法 416例有先兆流产症状的早孕期孕妇,经超声检查发现绒毛膜下血肿,且胚胎存活;按面积比例法分为轻、中、重三种程度,依据初次阴道流血时间将孕妇分为≤8周和>8周.分析不同程度的绒毛膜下血肿和不同的阴道流血时间条件下,患者20孕周前发生自然流产的情况.结果 总的自然流产率是12.3%(51/416),轻度、中度和重度绒毛膜下血肿的自然流产率分别是8.6%、11%和41%(21/242、15/136和15/38);轻、中度血肿患者的自然流产率差异无显著性意义(P>0.05),而重度血肿患者的流产发生率与轻度和中度血肿比较,差异均有显著性意义(χ2分别为27.8,16.8,均P<0.05);初次阴道出血时孕周≤8周和>8周的患者自然流产率差异无显著性意义(P>0.05).结论 对于超声发现有绒毛膜下血肿的早孕期孕妇,评估血肿大小程度,对预测妊娠结局有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

经阴道超声成像是对于早期妊娠孕妇最好的检查方法,随着超声技术的不断发展提高,早期提示胚胎发育是否异常越来越重要。早孕期子宫的变化比较复杂,在临床工作中可以发现许多早孕期妇女有宫腔内出血的声像图表现,其发生机制尚未明确,病理学上是指绒毛膜板与底蜕膜分离出血,使血液积聚在绒毛膜板与底蜕膜之间。在上述出现宫腔内出血的孕妇中,其妊娠结局却并不相同。本研究应用经阴道超声技术观察胚胎停止发育患者与正常妊娠孕妇早孕期宫腔内出血的情况及发展变  相似文献   

目的探讨超声监测下剖宫产瘢痕部位妊娠声像图特点及其预后。方法对2013年1月至2015年8月经广东省妇幼保健院产前超声诊断为剖宫产瘢痕妊娠的8例孕妇均从早孕期至分娩前定期超声检查,并经孕期磁共振成像(6例)或剖宫产后检查证实为胎盘植入。追溯8例孕妇早孕期经阴道超声图像特征,观察其早孕期妊娠囊和丛密绒毛膜位置、记录超声随访结果、剖宫产次数、最终诊断结果及妊娠转归并进行分析。结果 8例孕妇妊娠早期超声均诊断为瘢痕妊娠,超声诊断胎盘植入的孕周为11~24周。早孕期二维超声均显示丛密绒毛膜位置位于妊娠囊下缘,覆盖在剖宫产瘢痕上增殖的丛密绒毛回声高于平滑绒毛膜和包蜕膜,且增殖的丛密绒毛膜厚于周边平滑绒毛膜和包蜕膜。孕期超声随访中8例孕妇中原丛密绒毛膜所覆盖的位置与后期胎盘的位置大致相同,不随孕周增加而上移,呈现不同程度的前置胎盘状态,胎盘均覆盖于剖宫产瘢痕上。超声诊断剖宫产瘢痕部位妊娠伴胎盘植入后3例经双侧髂内动脉球囊封堵术后引产终止妊娠;5例有生育意愿的孕妇选择继续妊娠,经双侧髂内动脉球囊封堵术后4例剖宫产分娩活婴,l例分娩一活婴并子宫切除。结论早孕期剖宫产瘢痕部位妊娠在中晚孕期可发展为胎盘植入,如在早孕期观察到丛密绒毛膜覆盖在子宫瘢痕上,可诊断瘢痕妊娠,对有强烈生育意愿选择继续妊娠的孕妇,应高度警惕妊娠中晚期前置胎盘伴胎盘植入,密切随诊观察。  相似文献   

目的探讨双胎之一完全性葡萄胎产前超声声像图特征及超声诊断的临床意义。 方法对北京大学第三医院2010年1月至2015年1月产前超声诊断或可疑为双胎之一完全性葡萄胎11例孕妇的临床、超声图像检查资料进行分析,并与胎儿临床结局及病理诊断结果对照。 结果11例孕妇中产前超声提示孕11~13周双胎之一完全性葡萄胎9例,可疑双胎之一完全性葡萄胎2例(1例分娩后证实为双胎之一胚胎停育后胎盘梗死灶,1例产后证实为部分性葡萄胎),其中6例为体外受精-胚胎移植后妊娠,均移植新鲜或冻胚胎2枚,1例为服用促排卵药物后妊娠。双胎之一完全性葡萄胎声像图均表现为宫腔内正常发育的胎儿、胎盘,另可见胎盘旁葡萄胎声像图。9例双胎之一完全性葡萄胎中8例早孕期超声检查(孕6~10周),其中5例均存在异常声像图,其声像图均表现为宫腔内正常胎囊、胎芽及胎心搏动,另可见胎囊旁不均质不规则团块状中等或低回声,类似宫内早孕合并宫腔积血或胚胎停育的声像图表现。全部病例均经病理和染色体分析证实。 结论孕11~13周双胎之一完全性葡萄胎具有典型的声像图特征,早孕期超声检查具有异常声像,需与宫内早孕合并宫腔积血或双胎之一胚胎停育鉴别;需根据β-hCG水平与增长情况、葡萄胎大小与增长情况、孕周及有无并发症决定继续妊娠或终止妊娠等临床处理方式。因此,超声在双胎之一完全性葡萄胎诊断及后续治疗中均有重要临床价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨超声检查习惯性流产(RSA)患者早孕期胎心率变化在妊娠结局预测中的作用。方法收集行超声检查的妊娠42~69 d的孕妇,其中,有RSA病史孕妇255例,无RSA病史孕妇201例。根据妊娠42~196 d(即6~28周)期间妊娠结局分为3组:RSA异常妊娠组(有RSA病史孕妇本次妊娠期间发生自然流产);RSA正常妊娠组(有RSA病史孕妇本次妊娠至28周以上);非RSA正常妊娠组(无RSA病史孕妇本次妊娠至28周以上)。孕妇经腹或经阴道超声测量孕囊大小及胚芽、胎儿头臀长,启用M取样并放大模式测量胎心率,连续测量3次,取均值,记录孕囊大小、头臀长及胎心率,追踪随访至妊娠28周,比较各组间资料。结果255例RSA孕妇中,83.0%的胚胎停育发生在55 d前,胎心率越低,胚胎停育发生率越高。超声检查与胚胎停育时间相隔越短,胎心率缓慢发生率越高。RSA正常妊娠组与非RSA正常妊娠组各孕龄平均胎心率的差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。RSA异常妊娠组与非RSA正常妊娠组孕49~62 d平均胎心率差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),孕42~48 d和孕63~69 d平均胎心率之间差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。用胎心率为检验变量,妊娠结局为金标准,预测胎心率诊断的价值,曲线面积为0.831,结果具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。结论超声检查发现RSA患者早孕期胎心率缓慢对不良妊娠结局有一定的预测价值。   相似文献   

目的探讨Survivin及Bcl-2在早期胚胎停育中的临床意义。方法前瞻性研究,采用免疫组化法检测济南市第五人民医院妇科30例正常早期妊娠、27例早期胚胎停育绒毛中Survivin及Bcl-2的表达情况。结果 Survivin在胚胎停育组绒毛中的表达阳性率(51. 85%)低于正常早期妊娠组(93. 33%),差异具有统计学意义(P <0. 01);正常早期妊娠组中,Survivin++表达率、+++表达率均高于胚胎停育组,差异具有统计学意义(P <0. 05)。Bcl-2在胚胎停育组绒毛中的表达阳性率(62. 96%)低于正常早期妊娠组(96. 67%),差异具有统计学意义(P <0. 01)。胚胎停育组绒毛中Bcl-2++表达率低于正常早期妊娠组(P <0. 01)、+++表达率低于正常早期妊娠组(P <0. 05),差异均具有统计学意义。结论 Survivin、Bcl-2在胚胎早期发育过程中起重要作用,两者低表达或缺失可能导致胚胎停育。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We describe a series of patients with a previously unreported sonographic finding, the chorionic "bump," which is an irregular, convex bulge from the choriodecidual surface into the first-trimester gestational sac. The pregnancy outcome is investigated in this series of patients and compared with the general population and infertility first-trimester control groups. METHODS: We prospectively noted a cohort of 15 cases with the chorionic bump on first-trimester sonograms (in a total of 2178 patients) performed over 3 years at our institution (prevalence, 0.7%). We then compared pregnancy outcomes against 2 pregnant control groups (15 general, noninfertility patients and 15 infertility patients) who were maternal age and gestational age matched to our patient group. RESULTS: The difference in outcomes between the patients with bumps and the healthy control subjects was statistically significant (7 live births versus 13 live births; P < .03), but the difference in outcomes between the patients with bumps and infertility control subjects was not statistically significant (7 live births versus 11 live births; P = .1). Bump size was not correlated with pregnancy outcome. In most patients with serial sonograms, the bump showed evolutionary changes typical for hematoma. CONCLUSIONS: The finding of a chorionic bump on the first-trimester sonogram is associated with a guarded prognosis for the early pregnancy (live birth rate <50%); it probably represents a small hematoma that bulges into the gestational sac, and, in our series, most patients had a history of infertility treatments.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the influence of vaginal bleeding with or without a persisting subchorionic hematoma on uteroplacental, umbilicoplacental and yolk-sac hemodynamics in early pregnancy. DESIGN: Twenty-six consecutive patients with vaginal bleeding entered this longitudinal study 1-3 days after the beginning of vaginal bleeding and were re-examined every 1-2 weeks. In three cases vaginal bleeding occurred at the 5th completed gestational week, in 13 at the 7th week, in nine at the 8th week and in one case at the 10th week. A subchorionic hematoma was identified in one case at the 5th week, in nine cases at the 7th week, in nine cases at the 8th week, and in seven cases at the 10th week. Four pregnancies ended in miscarriage. Blood velocity waveforms of uterine, arcuate, radial, spiral, umbilical, chorionic and yolk-sac arteries were obtained by transvaginal pulsed Doppler ultrasound and peak systolic velocities, time-averaged maximum velocities and pulsatility indices were calculated. The results were compared with our earlier observations in normal pregnancy obtained with a similar study protocol. RESULTS: At the 7th week, radial artery pulsatility-index values (mean (SD)) were higher in pregnancies with vaginal bleeding (1.84 (0.59); P = 0.04) and in pregnancies with a subchorionic hematoma (1.96 (0.63); P = 0.03) than in normal pregnancies (1.40 (0.46)). The pulsatility-index values of uterine, arcuate, spiral, umbilical and chorionic arteries did not differ between the groups. Vaginal bleeding with or without a subchorionic hematoma at the 8th week did not affect any of the measured parameters. Persistence of the subchorionic hematoma until the 10th week did not affect uterine, arcuate, radial, spiral, umbilical or chorionic artery hemodynamics. Yolk-sac hemodynamic parameters did not differ between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Vaginal bleeding with or without a subchorionic hematoma is associated with increased radial artery impedance at the 7th week of pregnancy. Persistence of the subchorionic hematoma does not affect utero- and umbilicoplacental circulation.  相似文献   

The chorionic bump, an irregular, convex bulge of the choriodecidual surface into the gestational sac (GS), is a recently described, uncommon abnormality of the 1st‐trimester GS and is associated with a guarded prognosis for early pregnancy. The case of this 42‐year‐old female demonstrates a previously unreported relationship: a transvaginal sonographic finding of a chorionic bump associated with a spontaneous tubal ectopic pregnancy. This might support the hypothesis that the chorionic bump represents a small hematoma that bulges into the GS. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound, 2009  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This was a prospective observational cohort study to evaluate the outcome and prognostic criteria of pregnancies with first-trimester bleeding and a gestational sac 相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical outcome and histologic findings of pregnancies in which placental surface cysts were detected on prenatal sonography. METHODS: A computerized search of our obstetric sonographic database from 1988 through 2000 identified 34 cases. Results of pathologic examinations, when performed, were obtained. Sonographic features were correlated with histologic findings and clinical parameters. RESULTS: On review of available microscopic slides, in all cases in which the cyst was seen at pathologic examination, there was subchorionic fibrin with central cyst formation. All pregnancies resulted in live births, although intrauterine growth restriction occurred in 4 (12%) of 34. Three (11%) of 28 cases with placental pathologic findings had maternal floor infarction. Only 2 significant associations between sonographic features and postnatal findings were found. In all cases of intrauterine growth restriction, average cyst size was larger than 4.5 cm. Of 12 cysts larger than 4.5 cm, 4 (33%) had intrauterine growth restriction. Of 22 cysts smaller than 4.5 cm, there were no instances of intrauterine growth restriction (P = .01). Of 32 cases with 3 or fewer cysts, only 2 had intrauterine growth restriction, whereas in 2 cases with more than 3 cysts, both had intrauterine growth restriction (P = .01). CONDUSIONS: Most placental surface cysts are associated with a normal pregnancy outcome. Most such cysts are related to cystic change in an area of subchorionic fibrin. Cysts larger than 4.5 cm or more than 3 in number are more frequently associated with intrauterine growth restriction.  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同妊娠结局者妊娠早期相关激素水平的变化规律.方法 选择早期单胎妊娠妇女314例,随访至孕3个月.采用化学发光分析法检测血清人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-HCG)、孕酮、雌二醇及睾酮.根据妊娠结局及临床症状进行分组,比较不同妊娠结局者早期妊娠相关激素水平的变化规律.结果 正常妊娠组167例(53.18%);异常妊娠组147例(46.82%),其中先兆流产继续妊娠组102例(69.39%),难免流产组29例(19.73%),胚胎停育组16例(10.88%);正常妊娠组血清雌二醇水平高于先兆流产继续妊娠组、难免流产组及胚胎停育组[(3 104.6±1 507.1)、(2 361.0±1 057.9)、(1 250.0±624.5)、(1465.7±724.4) pmol/L],差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05);正常妊娠组血清β-HCG、雌二醇及睾酮水平与孕周均呈正相关(r值分别为0.57、0.62、0.24,P均<0.05),孕酮水平与孕周无相关性(r=0.15,P=0.06).结论 动态检测孕早期血清β-HCG、孕酮、雌二醇及睾酮可以指导临床医师保胎治疗.  相似文献   

目的探讨血清甲胎蛋白(AFP)及β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-HCG)检测在早期先兆流产预测中的应用。方法选择菏泽市妇幼保健院妇产科于2018年12月-2019年12月收治的70例出现早期先兆流产症状的孕妇作为研究对象,根据不同妊娠结局分为先兆流产继续妊娠组和先兆流产妊娠失败组,每组各35例;另外选择35例健康孕妇作为健康对照组。检测所有孕妇血清AFP及β-HCG水平,并对各组血清AFP及β-HCG水平进行比较。结果先兆流产妊娠失败组的血清AFP、β-HCG水平均明显低于继续妊娠组和健康对照组〔AFP(μg/L):3.11±0.52比8.98±1.34、9.05±1.61,β-HCG(U/L):4 531.86±917.05比14230.82±4 188.88、15 240.89±4 202.91〕,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);先兆流产继续妊娠组的血清AFP、β-HCG水平与健康对照组比较差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。先兆流产继续妊娠组中血清AFP值≥4.79 μg/L的患者比例明显高于妊娠失败组〔85.71%(30/35)比40.00%(14/35)〕,血清β-HCG值≥5 000 U/L的患者比例也明显高于妊娠失败组〔97.14%(34/35)比48.57%(17/35)〕,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论血清AFP和β-HCG水平检测可有效预测孕妇早期先兆流产结局,有助于诊断早期先兆流产,值得在临床上推广应用。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of color Doppler imaging in the diagnosis and management of placental chorioangioma. METHODS: The medical records, sonographic reports, and sonograms of all pregnant women who had placental masses diagnosed in our sonography unit during the years 1992 through 2000 and had been evaluated using both gray-scale and color Doppler sonography were included in this study. Subjective evaluation of the amount and distribution of intralesional vascularity by color Doppler imaging was made in all cases. Cases of chorioangioma of the placenta were compared with cases of placental hemorrhage or subchorionic hematoma. The outcomes of the pregnancies were also recorded. RESULTS: Fifteen cases of placental masses were evaluated; 8 of them were identified as placental hemorrhage or subchorionic hematoma on the basis of the sonographic findings. The other 7 cases were identified prenatally as placental chorioangioma, at a mean menstrual age of 23 weeks and a mean maternal age of 29 years. The mean size of the tumor was 6.5 cm (range, 4-13 cm). All cases of chorioangioma showed either substantial internal vascularity or a large feeding vessel within the tumor. Three infants were delivered at term with favorable outcome; 2 of them demonstrated reduction of the intratumoral blood flow during follow-up. The other 4 cases were delivered at or before 32 weeks' menstrual age (1 intrauterine fetal death, 2 terminated pregnancies, and 1 normal infant). No case of placental hematoma demonstrated blood flow within the lesion or was associated with complications of the pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: Color Doppler imaging helps differentiate placental chorioangioma from other placental lesions and may be useful in the prenatal follow-up of chorioangioma.  相似文献   

目的:探讨联合检测血清孕酮和β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-human chorionic gonadotropin,β-HCG)对早期妊娠结局的预测意义.方法:2011年1月-2012年10月在上海市普陀区人民医院就诊的停经35~45 d的确诊妊娠且B超检查显示子宫内外均无妊娠迹象的孕妇280例,检测血清孕酮和β-HCG水平,随访并根据妊娠结局分为正常妊娠组、先兆流产组、难免流产组和异位妊娠组.结果:正常妊娠组、先兆流产组血清孕酮及β-HCG水平明显高于难免流产组和异位妊娠组(P<0.05).血清孕酮>20 ng/mL组无患者发生难免流产或异位妊娠.妊娠早期血清孕酮水平越低,妊娠结局不良的风险越高;孕酮<10ng/mL组无正常妊娠患者,难免流产及异位妊娠患者比例高,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<00.005).48 h β-HCG上升理想的孕妇较上升不理想的孕妇宫内妊娠结局良好的比例高,难免流产及异位妊娠比例低,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:妊娠早期联合检测血清孕酮和48 h β-HCG上升水平对妊娠结局的预测及指导治疗有重要价值.  相似文献   

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