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退行性疾病为人体的单个或多个组织或器官由于自身老化或受损出现功能异常的疾病。退行性疾病可累及多个组织或器官,诸如中枢神经、胰岛、骨关节、心血管等,严重的甚至危及患者生命。以往治疗退行性疾病的主要研究方向为药物治疗,但只能延缓疾病的发展。干细胞是指具有多种分化潜能和自我更新能力的一类细胞的总称,正是由于这一特质,使通过干细胞替代丢失的细胞从而根本上治疗神经退行性疾病成为可能~([1])。然而,单一干细胞移植替代治  相似文献   

骨髓干细胞动员治疗缺血性心脏病研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
骨髓干细胞动员治疗缺血性心脏病的原理是应用干细胞动员剂将干细胞"驱赶"到外周血中,利用干细胞自发地向损伤组织归巢,并在特定的组织微环境作用下分化为受损细胞的特性,达到修复缺血损伤的作用.目前动物实验和小样本临床实验已初步证实此疗法的有效性,其治疗机制可能包括动员、归巢和分化三个核心环节,但具体途径尚不清楚.骨髓干细胞动员治疗以其方便、无创、易开展的特点可望为缺血损伤的组织再生治疗开辟新的前景.  相似文献   

崔瑷  代华平  王辰 《国际呼吸杂志》2007,27(23):1829-1832
间质性肺疾病(ILD)是由各种不同原因引起的一组疾病,其以肺间质纤维化为共同病理改变,是导致肺功能进行性丧失和呼吸衰竭的主要原因。特发性肺纤维化(IPF)是最常见的一种ILD,其对目前采用的药物治疗几乎无反应,预后差。目前对这类疾病发病机制的研究认为,无论是否有炎症反应,肺纤维化形成都是肺损伤与修复反复失衡的结果。间充质干细胞(MSC)是广泛存在于人体各组织中的一种成体干细胞,具有多向分化潜能。在受损肺,骨髓来源的MSC(BMd-MSC)可以分化为上皮细胞、血管内皮细胞和成纤维细胞。采用MSC疗法有可能是治疗肺纤维化最理想的方法之一。  相似文献   

马凤梅  李盛芳 《中华腹部疾病杂志》2004,4(3):234-234,F003,F004
细胞疗法近年来已成为治疗多种疾病的新策略,其目的是将自体、同种或异种的细胞,经过加工、处理或基因操作后,替代、修复或加强受损的组织或器官的生物学功能。适用于细胞疗法的理想细胞应具有以下特点:易于获得、培养、增殖或建立细胞系;在适当条件下能定向分化为所需的组织细胞:移植入体内能长期存活,并表达所需功能;不诱发免疫反应,  相似文献   

干细胞在心肌梗死治疗中的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
细胞移植治疗的出现为众多心衰患者带来了新的希望,干细胞是主要的细胞来源。胚胎干细胞能分化为真正的心肌细胞,是心肌修复治疗中一种理想的细胞来源,但其受免疫和伦理学方面的限制;成体干细胞作为自体细胞移植治疗对研究者来说则具有很大的吸引力,但其分化潜能则不如胚胎干细胞。目前,用于基础研究和临床试验的成体干细胞主要来源于骨髓,且认为只有骨髓间充质干细胞能分化为心肌细胞。本文主要讨论了不同于细胞移植在受损心肌修复治疗中的作用。  相似文献   

呼吸系统疾病是人类最常见的疾病之一, 在当今世界中其疾病负担居第三位, 已成为我国最突出的公共卫生问题与医疗问题之一。呼吸系统疾病是由许多化学、物理及生物等原因导致的肺部损伤, 主要表现为炎症细胞浸润、细胞因子释放、上皮细胞受损以及气道重塑和肺组织纤维化, 最终导致肺组织结构破坏。目前对于这些慢性肺部疾病可行和有效的临床治疗策略是有限的, 主要以改善患者临床症状和提高生活质量为主。研究发现干细胞可以分化成多种细胞类型, 它具有免疫调节、改善微环境作用, 还可以产生大量有益的细胞因子和生长因子, 分泌的外泌体有利于组织修复。在肺部分布着不同类型的干细胞, 大部分肺部的干细胞类型均可重新进入细胞周期并表现出一定程度的增殖活性以促进损伤修复及屏障重建, 能再生肺实质和气道结构、修复损伤肺组织和恢复正常肺功能。因此干细胞疗法可作为一种新的重要辅助手段, 为呼吸系统疾病的治疗提供新思路。本文对肺干细胞的分类、功能、作用机制以及干细胞在治疗呼吸系统疾病中的应用作一综述, 希望为呼吸系统疾病的治疗带来新的思考与靶点。  相似文献   

这是一个激动人心的领域,在修复受损心脏中具有巨大前景。十几年来,科学家们一直试图用干细胞修复受损心脏。这些细胞具有生成多种类型细胞的独特能力,就像是机体万能的魔法石,可构建不同组织。因此,干细胞在修复由疾病如心脏病发作和心力衰竭引起的损伤方面具有广阔的发展前景。譬如说,干细胞甚至可能从头开始生长成完整的人类心脏。虽然干细胞疗法目前还不是常规治疗选  相似文献   

目的间充质干细胞(MSCs)属于中胚层的多功能干细胞,具有多向分化的潜能。在特定条件下,MSCs可分化为肝细胞、胰岛样细胞、骨细胞、软骨细胞、心肌细胞、平滑肌细胞、肌腱细胞、成纤维细胞、骨髓基质细胞、神经元、神经胶质细胞及造血系统等。因此,MSCs已成为细胞替代治疗中的主要选择细胞,广泛用于多种疾病的细胞治疗。本文就MSCs在肝脏疾病中的应用作一概述。  相似文献   

<正>缺血性心肌病有较高的病死率,主要原因是缺血心肌细胞没有足够的再生和修复能力,再生机制现在也还不完全明确。目前,已有很多治疗手段可以用来改善心肌缺血症状,但均有其局限性,现在尚不能广泛开展。干细胞是一类具有自我复制能力及多向分化潜能的未分化或低分化的细胞。在一定条件下,它可以分化成多种功能细胞。因此,干细胞可望成为修复缺血受损心肌的合理选择。一、干细胞治疗缺血性心肌病的历史在过去20年中,干细胞作为再生治疗取得了很大的进  相似文献   

脂肪间充质干细胞( adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells ,ADSCS)是成体间充质干细胞的一种,来源丰富,全身各组织器官均可,取材方便,对人体创伤小,并且具有同其他干细胞(如骨髓间充质干细胞、脐血干细胞等)类似的多向分化潜能。心肌梗死是目前人类疾病中发病率及病死率高的病种,细胞治疗在这一领域中有很高价值,脂肪间充质干细胞因取材方便及多向分化潜能具有很大的应用前景,脂肪间充质干细胞在心肌梗死治疗中的对心肌保护机制成为一个研究热点。  相似文献   

Stem cells in cardiovascular disease: from cell biology to clinical therapy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Human life begins as a single fertilized cell. As adult human beings we are profoundly complex. This journey from single cell to complex being is attributable to the role of stem cells (i.e. cells that produce all the different types of cells and tissues that make up the human body). Recent interest has focused on the development of stem cells as a therapeutic option in the treatment of disease. Due to their ability both to replace and/or repair damaged tissue, stem cell therapy provides an ideal means to improve therapy for cardiac disorders associated with heart muscle injury. In particular, pre-clinical studies in animal models of acute myocardial infarction have shown great promise for both repairing damaged cardiac muscle and generating new blood vessel formation in the infarcted area. Stem-cell research therefore holds great therapeutic potential and is relevant, not only to basic science researchers, but also to clinicians (who may need to consider such cell-based therapy in the future) and to their patients.  相似文献   

肺损伤的修复一直困扰着人类,人们一直试图寻找更新、更有效的治疗手段.细胞替代及基因治疗可能是理想的治疗策略,用干细胞分化成肺上皮细胞,作为基因治疗的靶点或器官再生与修复供源,替代病损的肺组织,减少肺纤维组织增生,进而逐渐修复病变肺组织,改善肺功能.目前,与肺损伤修复相关的干细胞主要有肺源性干细胞和骨髓源性干细胞.本文主要对肺损伤与干细胞修复作一简要综述.  相似文献   

COPD是一种持续性不可逆气道受限的常见呼吸系统的疾病,肺气肿是 COPD晚期的病理改变,目前为止,尚没有有效的治疗方法。干细胞有分化为各种组织细胞的潜能,大量动物实验已经证实了干细胞移植治疗肺气肿起到了一定效果,所以干细胞疗法在肺气肿的治疗中的前景令人憧憬。本文将对近年来干细胞在肺气肿治疗中的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

缺血性疾病是严重危害人类健康的疾病之一,主要包括缺血性脑血管疾病、缺血性心血管疾病、下肢缺血性疾病等。祖细胞和干细胞都是具有自我复制能力的多潜能细胞,在一定条件下,它们可以分化成多种功能细胞。根据干细胞所处的发育阶段分为胚胎干细胞和成体干细胞,虽然胚胎干细胞具有万能分化型功能,但伦理学方面的争议使其研究困难重重,而成体干细胞相较胚胎干细胞,不仅避免了伦理学方面的争议问题,而且无移植后免疫排斥反应。本文主要讨论成体干细胞和祖细胞在缺血性疾病中的应用。近年来,关于祖细胞和干细胞在缺血性疾病中应用的研究日益增多,受到了广泛的关注,为我们提供了一条治疗缺血性疾病的新思路。  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease (CAD) remains the leading cause of death in the Western world. The high impact of its main sequelae, acute myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure (CHF), on the quality of life of patients and the cost of health care drives the search for new therapies. The recent finding that stem cells contribute to neovascularization and possibly improve cardiac function after myocardial infarction makes stem cell therapy the most highly active research area in cardiology. Although the concept of stem cell therapy may revolutionize heart failure treatment, several obstacles need to be addressed. To name a few: 1) Which patient population should be considered for stem cell therapy? 2) What type of stem cell should be used? 3) What is the best route for cell delivery? 4) What is the optimum number of cells that should be used to achieve functional effects? 5) Is stem cell therapy safer and more effective than conventional therapies? The published studies vary significantly in design, making it difficult to draw conclusions on the efficacy of this treatment. For example, different models of ischemia, species of donors and recipients, techniques of cell delivery, cell types, cell numbers and timing of the experiments have been used. However, these studies highlight the landmark concept that stem cell therapy may play a major role in treating cardiovascular diseases in the near future. It should be noted that stem cell therapy is not limited to the treatment of ischemic cardiac disease. Non‐ischemic cardiomyopathy, peripheral vascular disease, and aging may be treated by stem cells. Stem cells could be used as vehicle for gene therapy and eliminate the use of viral vectors. Finally, stem cell therapy may be combined with pharmacological, surgical, and interventional therapy to improve outcome. Here we attempt a systematic overview of the science of stem cells and their effects when transplanted into ischemic myocardium.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Most cardiovascular diseases, such as ischemic heart disease and cardiomyopathy, are associated with loss of functional cardiomyocytes. Unfortunately, the heart has a limited regenerative capacity and is not able to replace these cardiomyocytes once lost. In recent years, stem cells have been put forward as a poten-tial source for cardiac regeneration. Pre-clinical studies that use stem cell-derived cardiac cells show promising results. The mechanisms, though, are not well understood, results have been variable, sometimes transient in the long term, and often without a mechanistic explana-tion. There are still several major hurdles to be taken. Stem cell-derived cardiac cells should resemble original cardiac cell types and be able to integrate in the damaged heart. Integration requires administration of stem cell-derived cardiac cells at the right time using the right mode of delivery. Once delivered, transplanted cells need vascularization, electrophysiological coupling with the injured heart, and prevention of immunological rejection. Finally, stem cell therapy needs to be safe, reproducible, and affordable. In this review, we will give an introduction to the principles of stem cell based cardiac repair.  相似文献   

Adult stem cells are multipotent and self-renewing cells that contain several functions; i) migration and homing potential: stem cells can migrate to injured and inflamed tissues. ii) differentiation potential: stem cells which migrated to injured tissues can be differentiated into multiple cell types for repairing and regenerating the tissues. iii) immunomodulatory properties: stem cells, especially mesenchymal stem cells can suppress immune system such as inflammation. All those characteristics might be useful for the treatment of the digestive tract diseases which are complex and encompass a broad spectrum of different pathogenesis. Preclinical stem cell therapy showed some promising results, especially in liver failure, pancreatitis, sepsis, and inflammatory bowel disease. If we can understand more about the mechanism of stem cell action, stem cell therapy can become a promising alternative treatment for refractory digestive disease in the near future. In this review, we summarized current preclinical experiences in diseases of the digestive tract using stem cells. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2011;58:133-138).  相似文献   

Heart insufficiency remains the leading cause of death despite pharmacological and interventional therapy as well as primary and secondary prevention. Laboratory research on cardiac repair implementing stem cells and progenitor cells has raised great expectations as well as controversies. The potential of diverse progenitor cells to repair damaged heart tissue includes replacement (tissue transplant), restoration (activation of resident cardiac progenitor cells, paracrine effects), and regeneration (stem cell engraftment forming new myocytes). Based on promising experimental results clinical trials including several hundreds of patients with ischemic heart disease have been initiated using mostly bone marrow-derived cells. Probably, due to a lack of standardization of cell isolation and delivery methods these trials showed controverse results regarding effectiveness. However, significant therapeutic regeneration of human myocardium could not be proven until now. Several issues are at debate concerning the translation of the experimental data into the clinic discussing the adequate cell type, dosing, timing, and delivery mode of myocardial stem cell therapy. This review focuses on the potential and clinical translation of cell based therapies in cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Systemic autoimmune diseases that are resistant to conventional treatment cause considerable morbidity and mortality. Although aggressive new approaches to treating autoimmune diseases have been developed over the past decade, there are still patients with a severe, progressive, and life-threatening course. Based on animal studies and experience in the treatment of hematological disorders with preexisting autoimmune disease, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has been proposed for the treatment of severe autoimmune diseases. Immunoablation and subsequent autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation using CD34+ hematopoietic cells with T cell depletion have been used for selected severe autoimmune diseases at many institutes in Australia, Europe, and the United States. However, it is necessary to assess the efficacy and safety of this therapy compared with conventional and other newly emerging therapies.  相似文献   

 The myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are well-documented complications secondary to chemotherapy and radiation therapy for Hodgkin's disease (HD). The coexistence of primary MDS with HD prior to therapy is an extremely rare event which has been reported only once in the English literature. This is the second case of such combination. Both patients with MDS developed AML only 7 months after diagnosis and both died shortly after the initiation of treatment. Since these cases raise the possibility of a stem cell association with HD, we reviewed the literature for other stem cell disorders with similar association with HD prior to aggressive therapy. Four cases of stem cell disorders other than MDS were reported. These included two cases of aplastic anemia, one case of myeloid metaplasia with myelofibrosis, and one of polycythemia vera. Two of the four patients died, one of AML and the other of thrombocytopenia-related cerebral hemorrhage. The association between HD and stem cell disorders, although rare, may need to be investigated further. Received: 4 August 1997 / Accepted: 22 September 1997  相似文献   

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